▼ llvm-project | |
▼ clang-tools-extra | |
► clang-apply-replacements | |
► include | |
► clang-apply-replacements | |
► Tooling | |
ApplyReplacements.h | This file provides the interface for deduplicating, detecting conflicts in, and applying collections of Replacements |
► lib | |
► Tooling | |
ApplyReplacements.cpp | This file provides the implementation for deduplicating, detecting conflicts in, and applying collections of Replacements |
► tool | |
ClangApplyReplacementsMain.cpp | This file provides the main function for the clang-apply-replacements tool |
► clang-doc | |
► tool | |
ClangDocMain.cpp | |
BitcodeReader.cpp | |
BitcodeReader.h | |
BitcodeWriter.cpp | |
BitcodeWriter.h | |
ClangDoc.cpp | |
ClangDoc.h | |
Generators.cpp | |
Generators.h | |
HTMLGenerator.cpp | |
Mapper.cpp | |
Mapper.h | |
MDGenerator.cpp | |
Representation.cpp | |
Representation.h | |
Serialize.cpp | |
Serialize.h | |
YAMLGenerator.cpp | |
► clang-include-fixer | |
► find-all-symbols | |
► tool | |
FindAllSymbolsMain.cpp | |
run-find-all-symbols.py | |
FindAllMacros.cpp | |
FindAllMacros.h | |
FindAllSymbols.cpp | |
FindAllSymbols.h | |
FindAllSymbolsAction.cpp | |
FindAllSymbolsAction.h | |
HeaderMapCollector.cpp | |
HeaderMapCollector.h | |
PathConfig.cpp | |
PathConfig.h | |
PragmaCommentHandler.cpp | |
PragmaCommentHandler.h | |
STLPostfixHeaderMap.cpp | |
STLPostfixHeaderMap.h | |
SymbolInfo.cpp | |
SymbolInfo.h | |
SymbolReporter.h | |
► plugin | |
IncludeFixerPlugin.cpp | |
► tool | |
clang-include-fixer.py | |
ClangIncludeFixer.cpp | |
FuzzySymbolIndex.cpp | |
FuzzySymbolIndex.h | |
clang-include-fixer/IncludeFixer.cpp | |
clang-include-fixer/IncludeFixer.h | |
IncludeFixerContext.cpp | |
IncludeFixerContext.h | |
InMemorySymbolIndex.cpp | |
InMemorySymbolIndex.h | |
SymbolIndex.h | |
SymbolIndexManager.cpp | |
SymbolIndexManager.h | |
YamlSymbolIndex.cpp | |
YamlSymbolIndex.h | |
► clang-move | |
► tool | |
ClangMove.cpp | |
HelperDeclRefGraph.cpp | |
HelperDeclRefGraph.h | |
Move.cpp | |
Move.h | |
► clang-query | |
► tool | |
ClangQuery.cpp | |
Query.cpp | |
Query.h | |
QueryParser.cpp | |
QueryParser.h | |
QuerySession.h | |
► clang-reorder-fields | |
► tool | |
ClangReorderFields.cpp | This file contains the implementation of clang-reorder-fields tool |
ReorderFieldsAction.cpp | This file contains the definition of the ReorderFieldsAction::newASTConsumer method |
ReorderFieldsAction.h | This file contains the declarations of the ReorderFieldsAction class and the FieldPosition struct |
► clang-tidy | |
► abseil | |
AbseilMatcher.h | |
AbseilTidyModule.cpp | |
CleanupCtadCheck.cpp | |
CleanupCtadCheck.h | |
DurationAdditionCheck.cpp | |
DurationAdditionCheck.h | |
DurationComparisonCheck.cpp | |
DurationComparisonCheck.h | |
DurationConversionCastCheck.cpp | |
DurationConversionCastCheck.h | |
DurationDivisionCheck.cpp | |
DurationDivisionCheck.h | |
DurationFactoryFloatCheck.cpp | |
DurationFactoryFloatCheck.h | |
DurationFactoryScaleCheck.cpp | |
DurationFactoryScaleCheck.h | |
DurationRewriter.cpp | |
DurationRewriter.h | |
DurationSubtractionCheck.cpp | |
DurationSubtractionCheck.h | |
DurationUnnecessaryConversionCheck.cpp | |
DurationUnnecessaryConversionCheck.h | |
FasterStrsplitDelimiterCheck.cpp | |
FasterStrsplitDelimiterCheck.h | |
NoInternalDependenciesCheck.cpp | |
NoInternalDependenciesCheck.h | |
NoNamespaceCheck.cpp | |
NoNamespaceCheck.h | |
RedundantStrcatCallsCheck.cpp | |
RedundantStrcatCallsCheck.h | |
StrCatAppendCheck.cpp | |
StrCatAppendCheck.h | |
StringFindStartswithCheck.cpp | |
StringFindStartswithCheck.h | |
StringFindStrContainsCheck.cpp | |
StringFindStrContainsCheck.h | |
TimeComparisonCheck.cpp | |
TimeComparisonCheck.h | |
TimeSubtractionCheck.cpp | |
TimeSubtractionCheck.h | |
UpgradeDurationConversionsCheck.cpp | |
UpgradeDurationConversionsCheck.h | |
► altera | |
AlteraTidyModule.cpp | |
IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck.cpp | |
IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck.h | |
KernelNameRestrictionCheck.cpp | |
KernelNameRestrictionCheck.h | |
SingleWorkItemBarrierCheck.cpp | |
SingleWorkItemBarrierCheck.h | |
StructPackAlignCheck.cpp | |
StructPackAlignCheck.h | |
UnrollLoopsCheck.cpp | |
UnrollLoopsCheck.h | |
► android | |
AndroidTidyModule.cpp | |
CloexecAccept4Check.cpp | |
CloexecAccept4Check.h | |
CloexecAcceptCheck.cpp | |
CloexecAcceptCheck.h | |
CloexecCheck.cpp | |
CloexecCheck.h | This file contains the declaration of the CloexecCheck class, which is the base class for all of the close-on-exec checks in Android module |
CloexecCreatCheck.cpp | |
CloexecCreatCheck.h | |
CloexecDupCheck.cpp | |
CloexecDupCheck.h | |
CloexecEpollCreate1Check.cpp | |
CloexecEpollCreate1Check.h | |
CloexecEpollCreateCheck.cpp | |
CloexecEpollCreateCheck.h | |
CloexecFopenCheck.cpp | |
CloexecFopenCheck.h | |
CloexecInotifyInit1Check.cpp | |
CloexecInotifyInit1Check.h | |
CloexecInotifyInitCheck.cpp | |
CloexecInotifyInitCheck.h | |
CloexecMemfdCreateCheck.cpp | |
CloexecMemfdCreateCheck.h | |
CloexecOpenCheck.cpp | |
CloexecOpenCheck.h | |
CloexecPipe2Check.cpp | |
CloexecPipe2Check.h | |
CloexecPipeCheck.cpp | |
CloexecPipeCheck.h | |
CloexecSocketCheck.cpp | |
CloexecSocketCheck.h | |
ComparisonInTempFailureRetryCheck.cpp | |
ComparisonInTempFailureRetryCheck.h | |
► boost | |
BoostTidyModule.cpp | |
boost/UseRangesCheck.cpp | |
boost/UseRangesCheck.h | |
UseToStringCheck.cpp | |
UseToStringCheck.h | |
► bugprone | |
ArgumentCommentCheck.cpp | |
ArgumentCommentCheck.h | |
AssertSideEffectCheck.cpp | |
AssertSideEffectCheck.h | |
AssignmentInIfConditionCheck.cpp | |
AssignmentInIfConditionCheck.h | |
BadSignalToKillThreadCheck.cpp | |
BadSignalToKillThreadCheck.h | |
BitwisePointerCastCheck.cpp | |
BitwisePointerCastCheck.h | |
BoolPointerImplicitConversionCheck.cpp | |
BoolPointerImplicitConversionCheck.h | |
BranchCloneCheck.cpp | |
BranchCloneCheck.h | |
BugproneTidyModule.cpp | |
CastingThroughVoidCheck.cpp | |
CastingThroughVoidCheck.h | |
ChainedComparisonCheck.cpp | |
ChainedComparisonCheck.h | |
ComparePointerToMemberVirtualFunctionCheck.cpp | |
ComparePointerToMemberVirtualFunctionCheck.h | |
CopyConstructorInitCheck.cpp | |
CopyConstructorInitCheck.h | |
CrtpConstructorAccessibilityCheck.cpp | |
CrtpConstructorAccessibilityCheck.h | |
DanglingHandleCheck.cpp | |
DanglingHandleCheck.h | |
DynamicStaticInitializersCheck.cpp | |
DynamicStaticInitializersCheck.h | |
EasilySwappableParametersCheck.cpp | |
EasilySwappableParametersCheck.h | |
EmptyCatchCheck.cpp | |
EmptyCatchCheck.h | |
bugprone/ExceptionEscapeCheck.cpp | |
bugprone/ExceptionEscapeCheck.h | |
FoldInitTypeCheck.cpp | |
FoldInitTypeCheck.h | |
ForwardDeclarationNamespaceCheck.cpp | |
ForwardDeclarationNamespaceCheck.h | |
ForwardingReferenceOverloadCheck.cpp | |
ForwardingReferenceOverloadCheck.h | |
ImplicitWideningOfMultiplicationResultCheck.cpp | |
ImplicitWideningOfMultiplicationResultCheck.h | |
InaccurateEraseCheck.cpp | |
InaccurateEraseCheck.h | |
IncDecInConditionsCheck.cpp | |
IncDecInConditionsCheck.h | |
IncorrectEnableIfCheck.cpp | |
IncorrectEnableIfCheck.h | |
IncorrectRoundingsCheck.cpp | |
IncorrectRoundingsCheck.h | |
InfiniteLoopCheck.cpp | |
InfiniteLoopCheck.h | |
IntegerDivisionCheck.cpp | |
IntegerDivisionCheck.h | |
LambdaFunctionNameCheck.cpp | |
LambdaFunctionNameCheck.h | |
MacroParenthesesCheck.cpp | |
MacroParenthesesCheck.h | |
MacroRepeatedSideEffectsCheck.cpp | |
MacroRepeatedSideEffectsCheck.h | |
MisplacedOperatorInStrlenInAllocCheck.cpp | |
MisplacedOperatorInStrlenInAllocCheck.h | |
MisplacedPointerArithmeticInAllocCheck.cpp | |
MisplacedPointerArithmeticInAllocCheck.h | |
MisplacedWideningCastCheck.cpp | |
MisplacedWideningCastCheck.h | |
MoveForwardingReferenceCheck.cpp | |
MoveForwardingReferenceCheck.h | |
MultiLevelImplicitPointerConversionCheck.cpp | |
MultiLevelImplicitPointerConversionCheck.h | |
MultipleNewInOneExpressionCheck.cpp | |
MultipleNewInOneExpressionCheck.h | |
MultipleStatementMacroCheck.cpp | |
MultipleStatementMacroCheck.h | |
NarrowingConversionsCheck.cpp | |
NarrowingConversionsCheck.h | |
NoEscapeCheck.cpp | |
NoEscapeCheck.h | |
NondeterministicPointerIterationOrderCheck.cpp | |
NondeterministicPointerIterationOrderCheck.h | |
NonZeroEnumToBoolConversionCheck.cpp | |
NonZeroEnumToBoolConversionCheck.h | |
NotNullTerminatedResultCheck.cpp | |
NotNullTerminatedResultCheck.h | |
OptionalValueConversionCheck.cpp | |
OptionalValueConversionCheck.h | |
ParentVirtualCallCheck.cpp | |
ParentVirtualCallCheck.h | |
PointerArithmeticOnPolymorphicObjectCheck.cpp | |
PointerArithmeticOnPolymorphicObjectCheck.h | |
PosixReturnCheck.cpp | |
PosixReturnCheck.h | |
RedundantBranchConditionCheck.cpp | |
RedundantBranchConditionCheck.h | |
ReservedIdentifierCheck.cpp | |
ReservedIdentifierCheck.h | |
ReturnConstRefFromParameterCheck.cpp | |
ReturnConstRefFromParameterCheck.h | |
SharedPtrArrayMismatchCheck.cpp | |
SharedPtrArrayMismatchCheck.h | |
SignalHandlerCheck.cpp | |
SignalHandlerCheck.h | |
SignedCharMisuseCheck.cpp | |
SignedCharMisuseCheck.h | |
SizeofContainerCheck.cpp | |
SizeofContainerCheck.h | |
SizeofExpressionCheck.cpp | |
SizeofExpressionCheck.h | |
SmartPtrArrayMismatchCheck.cpp | |
SmartPtrArrayMismatchCheck.h | |
SpuriouslyWakeUpFunctionsCheck.cpp | |
SpuriouslyWakeUpFunctionsCheck.h | |
StandaloneEmptyCheck.cpp | |
StandaloneEmptyCheck.h | |
StringConstructorCheck.cpp | |
StringConstructorCheck.h | |
StringIntegerAssignmentCheck.cpp | |
StringIntegerAssignmentCheck.h | |
StringLiteralWithEmbeddedNulCheck.cpp | |
StringLiteralWithEmbeddedNulCheck.h | |
StringviewNullptrCheck.cpp | |
StringviewNullptrCheck.h | |
SuspiciousEnumUsageCheck.cpp | |
SuspiciousEnumUsageCheck.h | |
SuspiciousIncludeCheck.cpp | |
SuspiciousIncludeCheck.h | |
SuspiciousMemoryComparisonCheck.cpp | |
SuspiciousMemoryComparisonCheck.h | |
SuspiciousMemsetUsageCheck.cpp | |
SuspiciousMemsetUsageCheck.h | |
SuspiciousMissingCommaCheck.cpp | |
SuspiciousMissingCommaCheck.h | |
SuspiciousReallocUsageCheck.cpp | |
SuspiciousReallocUsageCheck.h | |
SuspiciousSemicolonCheck.cpp | |
SuspiciousSemicolonCheck.h | |
SuspiciousStringCompareCheck.cpp | |
SuspiciousStringCompareCheck.h | |
SuspiciousStringviewDataUsageCheck.cpp | |
SuspiciousStringviewDataUsageCheck.h | |
SwappedArgumentsCheck.cpp | |
SwappedArgumentsCheck.h | |
SwitchMissingDefaultCaseCheck.cpp | |
SwitchMissingDefaultCaseCheck.h | |
TaggedUnionMemberCountCheck.cpp | |
TaggedUnionMemberCountCheck.h | |
TerminatingContinueCheck.cpp | |
TerminatingContinueCheck.h | |
ThrowKeywordMissingCheck.cpp | |
ThrowKeywordMissingCheck.h | |
TooSmallLoopVariableCheck.cpp | |
TooSmallLoopVariableCheck.h | |
UncheckedOptionalAccessCheck.cpp | |
UncheckedOptionalAccessCheck.h | |
UndefinedMemoryManipulationCheck.cpp | |
UndefinedMemoryManipulationCheck.h | |
UndelegatedConstructorCheck.cpp | |
UndelegatedConstructorCheck.h | |
UnhandledExceptionAtNewCheck.cpp | |
UnhandledExceptionAtNewCheck.h | |
UnhandledSelfAssignmentCheck.cpp | |
UnhandledSelfAssignmentCheck.h | |
UniquePtrArrayMismatchCheck.cpp | |
UniquePtrArrayMismatchCheck.h | |
UnsafeFunctionsCheck.cpp | |
UnsafeFunctionsCheck.h | |
UnusedLocalNonTrivialVariableCheck.cpp | |
UnusedLocalNonTrivialVariableCheck.h | |
UnusedRaiiCheck.cpp | |
UnusedRaiiCheck.h | |
UnusedReturnValueCheck.cpp | |
UnusedReturnValueCheck.h | |
UseAfterMoveCheck.cpp | |
UseAfterMoveCheck.h | |
VirtualNearMissCheck.cpp | |
VirtualNearMissCheck.h | |
► cert | |
CERTTidyModule.cpp | |
CommandProcessorCheck.cpp | |
CommandProcessorCheck.h | |
DefaultOperatorNewAlignmentCheck.cpp | |
DefaultOperatorNewAlignmentCheck.h | |
DontModifyStdNamespaceCheck.cpp | |
DontModifyStdNamespaceCheck.h | |
FloatLoopCounter.cpp | |
FloatLoopCounter.h | |
LimitedRandomnessCheck.cpp | |
LimitedRandomnessCheck.h | |
MutatingCopyCheck.cpp | |
MutatingCopyCheck.h | |
NonTrivialTypesLibcMemoryCallsCheck.cpp | |
NonTrivialTypesLibcMemoryCallsCheck.h | |
ProperlySeededRandomGeneratorCheck.cpp | |
ProperlySeededRandomGeneratorCheck.h | |
SetLongJmpCheck.cpp | |
SetLongJmpCheck.h | |
StaticObjectExceptionCheck.cpp | |
StaticObjectExceptionCheck.h | |
StrToNumCheck.cpp | |
StrToNumCheck.h | |
ThrownExceptionTypeCheck.cpp | |
ThrownExceptionTypeCheck.h | |
VariadicFunctionDefCheck.cpp | |
VariadicFunctionDefCheck.h | |
► concurrency | |
ConcurrencyTidyModule.cpp | |
MtUnsafeCheck.cpp | |
MtUnsafeCheck.h | |
ThreadCanceltypeAsynchronousCheck.cpp | |
ThreadCanceltypeAsynchronousCheck.h | |
► cppcoreguidelines | |
AvoidCapturingLambdaCoroutinesCheck.cpp | |
AvoidCapturingLambdaCoroutinesCheck.h | |
AvoidConstOrRefDataMembersCheck.cpp | |
AvoidConstOrRefDataMembersCheck.h | |
AvoidDoWhileCheck.cpp | |
AvoidDoWhileCheck.h | |
AvoidGotoCheck.cpp | |
AvoidGotoCheck.h | |
AvoidNonConstGlobalVariablesCheck.cpp | |
AvoidNonConstGlobalVariablesCheck.h | |
AvoidReferenceCoroutineParametersCheck.cpp | |
AvoidReferenceCoroutineParametersCheck.h | |
CppCoreGuidelinesTidyModule.cpp | |
InitVariablesCheck.cpp | |
InitVariablesCheck.h | |
InterfacesGlobalInitCheck.cpp | |
InterfacesGlobalInitCheck.h | |
MacroUsageCheck.cpp | |
MacroUsageCheck.h | |
MisleadingCaptureDefaultByValueCheck.cpp | |
MisleadingCaptureDefaultByValueCheck.h | |
MissingStdForwardCheck.cpp | |
MissingStdForwardCheck.h | |
NoMallocCheck.cpp | |
NoMallocCheck.h | |
NoSuspendWithLockCheck.cpp | |
NoSuspendWithLockCheck.h | |
OwningMemoryCheck.cpp | |
OwningMemoryCheck.h | |
PreferMemberInitializerCheck.cpp | |
PreferMemberInitializerCheck.h | |
ProBoundsArrayToPointerDecayCheck.cpp | |
ProBoundsArrayToPointerDecayCheck.h | |
ProBoundsConstantArrayIndexCheck.cpp | |
ProBoundsConstantArrayIndexCheck.h | |
ProBoundsPointerArithmeticCheck.cpp | |
ProBoundsPointerArithmeticCheck.h | |
ProTypeConstCastCheck.cpp | |
ProTypeConstCastCheck.h | |
ProTypeCstyleCastCheck.cpp | |
ProTypeCstyleCastCheck.h | |
ProTypeMemberInitCheck.cpp | |
ProTypeMemberInitCheck.h | |
ProTypeReinterpretCastCheck.cpp | |
ProTypeReinterpretCastCheck.h | |
ProTypeStaticCastDowncastCheck.cpp | |
ProTypeStaticCastDowncastCheck.h | |
ProTypeUnionAccessCheck.cpp | |
ProTypeUnionAccessCheck.h | |
ProTypeVarargCheck.cpp | |
ProTypeVarargCheck.h | |
RvalueReferenceParamNotMovedCheck.cpp | |
RvalueReferenceParamNotMovedCheck.h | |
SlicingCheck.cpp | |
SlicingCheck.h | |
SpecialMemberFunctionsCheck.cpp | |
SpecialMemberFunctionsCheck.h | |
VirtualClassDestructorCheck.cpp | |
VirtualClassDestructorCheck.h | |
► darwin | |
AvoidSpinlockCheck.cpp | |
AvoidSpinlockCheck.h | |
DarwinTidyModule.cpp | |
DispatchOnceNonstaticCheck.cpp | |
DispatchOnceNonstaticCheck.h | |
► fuchsia | |
DefaultArgumentsCallsCheck.cpp | |
DefaultArgumentsCallsCheck.h | |
DefaultArgumentsDeclarationsCheck.cpp | |
DefaultArgumentsDeclarationsCheck.h | |
FuchsiaTidyModule.cpp | |
MultipleInheritanceCheck.cpp | |
MultipleInheritanceCheck.h | |
OverloadedOperatorCheck.cpp | |
OverloadedOperatorCheck.h | |
StaticallyConstructedObjectsCheck.cpp | |
StaticallyConstructedObjectsCheck.h | |
TrailingReturnCheck.cpp | |
TrailingReturnCheck.h | |
VirtualInheritanceCheck.cpp | |
VirtualInheritanceCheck.h | |
► google | |
AvoidCStyleCastsCheck.cpp | |
AvoidCStyleCastsCheck.h | |
AvoidNSObjectNewCheck.cpp | |
AvoidNSObjectNewCheck.h | |
AvoidThrowingObjCExceptionCheck.cpp | |
AvoidThrowingObjCExceptionCheck.h | |
AvoidUnderscoreInGoogletestNameCheck.cpp | |
AvoidUnderscoreInGoogletestNameCheck.h | |
DefaultArgumentsCheck.cpp | |
DefaultArgumentsCheck.h | |
ExplicitConstructorCheck.cpp | |
ExplicitConstructorCheck.h | |
ExplicitMakePairCheck.cpp | |
ExplicitMakePairCheck.h | |
FunctionNamingCheck.cpp | |
FunctionNamingCheck.h | |
GlobalNamesInHeadersCheck.cpp | |
GlobalNamesInHeadersCheck.h | |
GlobalVariableDeclarationCheck.cpp | |
GlobalVariableDeclarationCheck.h | |
GoogleTidyModule.cpp | |
IntegerTypesCheck.cpp | |
IntegerTypesCheck.h | |
OverloadedUnaryAndCheck.cpp | |
OverloadedUnaryAndCheck.h | |
TodoCommentCheck.cpp | |
TodoCommentCheck.h | |
UnnamedNamespaceInHeaderCheck.cpp | |
UnnamedNamespaceInHeaderCheck.h | |
UpgradeGoogletestCaseCheck.cpp | |
UpgradeGoogletestCaseCheck.h | |
UsingNamespaceDirectiveCheck.cpp | |
UsingNamespaceDirectiveCheck.h | |
► hicpp | |
ExceptionBaseclassCheck.cpp | |
ExceptionBaseclassCheck.h | |
HICPPTidyModule.cpp | |
IgnoredRemoveResultCheck.cpp | |
IgnoredRemoveResultCheck.h | |
MultiwayPathsCoveredCheck.cpp | |
MultiwayPathsCoveredCheck.h | |
NoAssemblerCheck.cpp | |
NoAssemblerCheck.h | |
SignedBitwiseCheck.cpp | |
SignedBitwiseCheck.h | |
► linuxkernel | |
LinuxKernelTidyModule.cpp | |
MustCheckErrsCheck.cpp | |
MustCheckErrsCheck.h | |
► llvm | |
HeaderGuardCheck.cpp | |
HeaderGuardCheck.h | |
IncludeOrderCheck.cpp | |
IncludeOrderCheck.h | |
LLVMTidyModule.cpp | |
PreferIsaOrDynCastInConditionalsCheck.cpp | |
PreferIsaOrDynCastInConditionalsCheck.h | |
PreferRegisterOverUnsignedCheck.cpp | |
PreferRegisterOverUnsignedCheck.h | |
TwineLocalCheck.cpp | |
TwineLocalCheck.h | |
► llvmlibc | |
CalleeNamespaceCheck.cpp | |
CalleeNamespaceCheck.h | |
ImplementationInNamespaceCheck.cpp | |
ImplementationInNamespaceCheck.h | |
InlineFunctionDeclCheck.cpp | |
InlineFunctionDeclCheck.h | |
LLVMLibcTidyModule.cpp | |
NamespaceConstants.h | |
RestrictSystemLibcHeadersCheck.cpp | |
RestrictSystemLibcHeadersCheck.h | |
► misc | |
► ConfusableTable | |
BuildConfusableTable.cpp | |
ConfusableIdentifierCheck.cpp | |
ConfusableIdentifierCheck.h | |
ConstCorrectnessCheck.cpp | |
ConstCorrectnessCheck.h | |
CoroutineHostileRAIICheck.cpp | |
CoroutineHostileRAIICheck.h | |
DefinitionsInHeadersCheck.cpp | |
DefinitionsInHeadersCheck.h | |
HeaderIncludeCycleCheck.cpp | |
HeaderIncludeCycleCheck.h | |
IncludeCleanerCheck.cpp | |
IncludeCleanerCheck.h | |
MiscTidyModule.cpp | |
MisleadingBidirectional.cpp | |
MisleadingBidirectional.h | |
MisleadingIdentifier.cpp | |
MisleadingIdentifier.h | |
MisplacedConstCheck.cpp | |
MisplacedConstCheck.h | |
NewDeleteOverloadsCheck.cpp | |
NewDeleteOverloadsCheck.h | |
NonCopyableObjects.cpp | |
NonCopyableObjects.h | |
NonPrivateMemberVariablesInClassesCheck.cpp | |
NonPrivateMemberVariablesInClassesCheck.h | |
NoRecursionCheck.cpp | |
NoRecursionCheck.h | |
RedundantExpressionCheck.cpp | |
RedundantExpressionCheck.h | |
StaticAssertCheck.cpp | |
StaticAssertCheck.h | |
ThrowByValueCatchByReferenceCheck.cpp | |
ThrowByValueCatchByReferenceCheck.h | |
UnconventionalAssignOperatorCheck.cpp | |
UnconventionalAssignOperatorCheck.h | |
UniqueptrResetReleaseCheck.cpp | |
UniqueptrResetReleaseCheck.h | |
UnusedAliasDeclsCheck.cpp | |
UnusedAliasDeclsCheck.h | |
UnusedParametersCheck.cpp | |
UnusedParametersCheck.h | |
UnusedUsingDeclsCheck.cpp | |
UnusedUsingDeclsCheck.h | |
UseAnonymousNamespaceCheck.cpp | |
UseAnonymousNamespaceCheck.h | |
UseInternalLinkageCheck.cpp | |
UseInternalLinkageCheck.h | |
► modernize | |
AvoidBindCheck.cpp | |
AvoidBindCheck.h | |
AvoidCArraysCheck.cpp | |
AvoidCArraysCheck.h | |
ConcatNestedNamespacesCheck.cpp | |
ConcatNestedNamespacesCheck.h | |
DeprecatedHeadersCheck.cpp | |
DeprecatedHeadersCheck.h | |
DeprecatedIosBaseAliasesCheck.cpp | |
DeprecatedIosBaseAliasesCheck.h | |
IntegralLiteralExpressionMatcher.cpp | |
IntegralLiteralExpressionMatcher.h | |
LoopConvertCheck.cpp | |
LoopConvertCheck.h | |
LoopConvertUtils.cpp | |
LoopConvertUtils.h | |
MacroToEnumCheck.cpp | |
MacroToEnumCheck.h | |
MakeSharedCheck.cpp | |
MakeSharedCheck.h | |
MakeSmartPtrCheck.cpp | |
MakeSmartPtrCheck.h | |
MakeUniqueCheck.cpp | |
MakeUniqueCheck.h | |
MinMaxUseInitializerListCheck.cpp | |
MinMaxUseInitializerListCheck.h | |
ModernizeTidyModule.cpp | |
PassByValueCheck.cpp | |
PassByValueCheck.h | |
RawStringLiteralCheck.cpp | |
RawStringLiteralCheck.h | |
RedundantVoidArgCheck.cpp | |
RedundantVoidArgCheck.h | |
ReplaceAutoPtrCheck.cpp | |
ReplaceAutoPtrCheck.h | |
ReplaceDisallowCopyAndAssignMacroCheck.cpp | |
ReplaceDisallowCopyAndAssignMacroCheck.h | |
ReplaceRandomShuffleCheck.cpp | |
ReplaceRandomShuffleCheck.h | |
ReturnBracedInitListCheck.cpp | |
ReturnBracedInitListCheck.h | |
ShrinkToFitCheck.cpp | |
ShrinkToFitCheck.h | |
TypeTraitsCheck.cpp | |
TypeTraitsCheck.h | |
UnaryStaticAssertCheck.cpp | |
UnaryStaticAssertCheck.h | |
UseAutoCheck.cpp | |
UseAutoCheck.h | |
UseBoolLiteralsCheck.cpp | |
UseBoolLiteralsCheck.h | |
UseConstraintsCheck.cpp | |
UseConstraintsCheck.h | |
UseDefaultMemberInitCheck.cpp | |
UseDefaultMemberInitCheck.h | |
UseDesignatedInitializersCheck.cpp | |
UseDesignatedInitializersCheck.h | |
UseEmplaceCheck.cpp | |
UseEmplaceCheck.h | |
UseEqualsDefaultCheck.cpp | |
UseEqualsDefaultCheck.h | |
UseEqualsDeleteCheck.cpp | |
UseEqualsDeleteCheck.h | |
UseIntegerSignComparisonCheck.cpp | |
UseIntegerSignComparisonCheck.h | |
UseNodiscardCheck.cpp | |
UseNodiscardCheck.h | |
UseNoexceptCheck.cpp | |
UseNoexceptCheck.h | |
UseNullptrCheck.cpp | |
UseNullptrCheck.h | |
UseOverrideCheck.cpp | |
UseOverrideCheck.h | |
modernize/UseRangesCheck.cpp | |
modernize/UseRangesCheck.h | |
UseStartsEndsWithCheck.cpp | |
UseStartsEndsWithCheck.h | |
UseStdFormatCheck.cpp | |
UseStdFormatCheck.h | |
UseStdNumbersCheck.cpp | |
UseStdNumbersCheck.h | |
UseStdPrintCheck.cpp | |
UseStdPrintCheck.h | |
UseTrailingReturnTypeCheck.cpp | |
UseTrailingReturnTypeCheck.h | |
UseTransparentFunctorsCheck.cpp | |
UseTransparentFunctorsCheck.h | |
UseUncaughtExceptionsCheck.cpp | |
UseUncaughtExceptionsCheck.h | |
UseUsingCheck.cpp | |
UseUsingCheck.h | |
► mpi | |
BufferDerefCheck.cpp | |
BufferDerefCheck.h | |
MPITidyModule.cpp | |
TypeMismatchCheck.cpp | |
TypeMismatchCheck.h | |
► objc | |
AssertEquals.cpp | |
AssertEquals.h | |
AvoidNSErrorInitCheck.cpp | |
AvoidNSErrorInitCheck.h | |
DeallocInCategoryCheck.cpp | |
DeallocInCategoryCheck.h | |
ForbiddenSubclassingCheck.cpp | |
ForbiddenSubclassingCheck.h | |
MissingHashCheck.cpp | |
MissingHashCheck.h | |
NSDateFormatterCheck.cpp | |
NSDateFormatterCheck.h | |
NSInvocationArgumentLifetimeCheck.cpp | |
NSInvocationArgumentLifetimeCheck.h | |
ObjCTidyModule.cpp | |
PropertyDeclarationCheck.cpp | |
PropertyDeclarationCheck.h | |
SuperSelfCheck.cpp | |
SuperSelfCheck.h | |
► openmp | |
openmp/ExceptionEscapeCheck.cpp | |
openmp/ExceptionEscapeCheck.h | |
OpenMPTidyModule.cpp | |
UseDefaultNoneCheck.cpp | |
UseDefaultNoneCheck.h | |
► performance | |
AvoidEndlCheck.cpp | |
AvoidEndlCheck.h | |
EnumSizeCheck.cpp | |
EnumSizeCheck.h | |
FasterStringFindCheck.cpp | |
FasterStringFindCheck.h | |
ForRangeCopyCheck.cpp | |
ForRangeCopyCheck.h | |
ImplicitConversionInLoopCheck.cpp | |
ImplicitConversionInLoopCheck.h | |
InefficientAlgorithmCheck.cpp | |
InefficientAlgorithmCheck.h | |
InefficientStringConcatenationCheck.cpp | |
InefficientStringConcatenationCheck.h | |
InefficientVectorOperationCheck.cpp | |
InefficientVectorOperationCheck.h | |
MoveConstArgCheck.cpp | |
MoveConstArgCheck.h | |
MoveConstructorInitCheck.cpp | |
MoveConstructorInitCheck.h | |
NoAutomaticMoveCheck.cpp | |
NoAutomaticMoveCheck.h | |
NoexceptDestructorCheck.cpp | |
NoexceptDestructorCheck.h | |
NoexceptFunctionBaseCheck.cpp | |
NoexceptFunctionBaseCheck.h | |
NoexceptMoveConstructorCheck.cpp | |
NoexceptMoveConstructorCheck.h | |
NoexceptSwapCheck.cpp | |
NoexceptSwapCheck.h | |
NoIntToPtrCheck.cpp | |
NoIntToPtrCheck.h | |
PerformanceTidyModule.cpp | |
TriviallyDestructibleCheck.cpp | |
TriviallyDestructibleCheck.h | |
TypePromotionInMathFnCheck.cpp | |
TypePromotionInMathFnCheck.h | |
UnnecessaryCopyInitialization.cpp | |
UnnecessaryCopyInitialization.h | |
UnnecessaryValueParamCheck.cpp | |
UnnecessaryValueParamCheck.h | |
► plugin | |
ClangTidyPlugin.cpp | |
► portability | |
PortabilityTidyModule.cpp | |
RestrictSystemIncludesCheck.cpp | |
RestrictSystemIncludesCheck.h | |
SIMDIntrinsicsCheck.cpp | |
SIMDIntrinsicsCheck.h | |
StdAllocatorConstCheck.cpp | |
StdAllocatorConstCheck.h | |
TemplateVirtualMemberFunctionCheck.cpp | |
TemplateVirtualMemberFunctionCheck.h | |
► readability | |
AvoidConstParamsInDecls.cpp | |
AvoidConstParamsInDecls.h | |
AvoidNestedConditionalOperatorCheck.cpp | |
AvoidNestedConditionalOperatorCheck.h | |
AvoidReturnWithVoidValueCheck.cpp | |
AvoidReturnWithVoidValueCheck.h | |
AvoidUnconditionalPreprocessorIfCheck.cpp | |
AvoidUnconditionalPreprocessorIfCheck.h | |
BracesAroundStatementsCheck.cpp | |
BracesAroundStatementsCheck.h | |
ConstReturnTypeCheck.cpp | |
ConstReturnTypeCheck.h | |
ContainerContainsCheck.cpp | |
ContainerContainsCheck.h | |
ContainerDataPointerCheck.cpp | |
ContainerDataPointerCheck.h | |
ContainerSizeEmptyCheck.cpp | |
ContainerSizeEmptyCheck.h | |
ConvertMemberFunctionsToStatic.cpp | |
ConvertMemberFunctionsToStatic.h | |
DeleteNullPointerCheck.cpp | |
DeleteNullPointerCheck.h | |
DuplicateIncludeCheck.cpp | |
DuplicateIncludeCheck.h | |
ElseAfterReturnCheck.cpp | |
ElseAfterReturnCheck.h | |
EnumInitialValueCheck.cpp | |
EnumInitialValueCheck.h | |
FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck.cpp | |
FunctionCognitiveComplexityCheck.h | |
FunctionSizeCheck.cpp | |
FunctionSizeCheck.h | |
IdentifierLengthCheck.cpp | |
IdentifierLengthCheck.h | |
IdentifierNamingCheck.cpp | |
IdentifierNamingCheck.h | |
ImplicitBoolConversionCheck.cpp | |
ImplicitBoolConversionCheck.h | |
InconsistentDeclarationParameterNameCheck.cpp | |
InconsistentDeclarationParameterNameCheck.h | |
IsolateDeclarationCheck.cpp | |
IsolateDeclarationCheck.h | |
MagicNumbersCheck.cpp | |
MagicNumbersCheck.h | |
MakeMemberFunctionConstCheck.cpp | |
MakeMemberFunctionConstCheck.h | |
MathMissingParenthesesCheck.cpp | |
MathMissingParenthesesCheck.h | |
MisleadingIndentationCheck.cpp | |
MisleadingIndentationCheck.h | |
MisplacedArrayIndexCheck.cpp | |
MisplacedArrayIndexCheck.h | |
NamedParameterCheck.cpp | |
NamedParameterCheck.h | |
NamespaceCommentCheck.cpp | |
NamespaceCommentCheck.h | |
NonConstParameterCheck.cpp | |
NonConstParameterCheck.h | |
OperatorsRepresentationCheck.cpp | |
OperatorsRepresentationCheck.h | |
QualifiedAutoCheck.cpp | |
QualifiedAutoCheck.h | |
ReadabilityTidyModule.cpp | |
RedundantAccessSpecifiersCheck.cpp | |
RedundantAccessSpecifiersCheck.h | |
RedundantCastingCheck.cpp | |
RedundantCastingCheck.h | |
RedundantControlFlowCheck.cpp | |
RedundantControlFlowCheck.h | |
RedundantDeclarationCheck.cpp | |
RedundantDeclarationCheck.h | |
RedundantFunctionPtrDereferenceCheck.cpp | |
RedundantFunctionPtrDereferenceCheck.h | |
RedundantInlineSpecifierCheck.cpp | |
RedundantInlineSpecifierCheck.h | |
RedundantMemberInitCheck.cpp | |
RedundantMemberInitCheck.h | |
RedundantPreprocessorCheck.cpp | |
RedundantPreprocessorCheck.h | |
RedundantSmartptrGetCheck.cpp | |
RedundantSmartptrGetCheck.h | |
RedundantStringCStrCheck.cpp | |
RedundantStringCStrCheck.h | |
RedundantStringInitCheck.cpp | |
RedundantStringInitCheck.h | |
ReferenceToConstructedTemporaryCheck.cpp | |
ReferenceToConstructedTemporaryCheck.h | |
SimplifyBooleanExprCheck.cpp | |
SimplifyBooleanExprCheck.h | |
SimplifySubscriptExprCheck.cpp | |
SimplifySubscriptExprCheck.h | |
StaticAccessedThroughInstanceCheck.cpp | |
StaticAccessedThroughInstanceCheck.h | |
StaticDefinitionInAnonymousNamespaceCheck.cpp | |
StaticDefinitionInAnonymousNamespaceCheck.h | |
StringCompareCheck.cpp | |
StringCompareCheck.h | |
SuspiciousCallArgumentCheck.cpp | |
SuspiciousCallArgumentCheck.h | |
UniqueptrDeleteReleaseCheck.cpp | |
UniqueptrDeleteReleaseCheck.h | |
UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp | |
UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.h | |
UseAnyOfAllOfCheck.cpp | |
UseAnyOfAllOfCheck.h | |
UseStdMinMaxCheck.cpp | |
UseStdMinMaxCheck.h | |
► tool | |
clang-tidy-diff.py | |
ClangTidyMain.cpp | |
ClangTidyMain.h | |
ClangTidyToolMain.cpp | |
run-clang-tidy.py | |
► utils | |
Aliasing.cpp | |
Aliasing.h | |
ASTUtils.cpp | |
ASTUtils.h | |
BracesAroundStatement.cpp | This file provides utilities to put braces around a statement |
BracesAroundStatement.h | This file provides utilities to put braces around a statement |
DeclRefExprUtils.cpp | |
DeclRefExprUtils.h | |
DesignatedInitializers.cpp | This file provides utilities for designated initializers |
DesignatedInitializers.h | This file provides utilities for designated initializers |
ExceptionAnalyzer.cpp | |
ExceptionAnalyzer.h | |
ExceptionSpecAnalyzer.cpp | |
ExceptionSpecAnalyzer.h | |
ExprSequence.cpp | |
ExprSequence.h | |
FileExtensionsUtils.cpp | |
FileExtensionsUtils.h | |
FixItHintUtils.cpp | |
FixItHintUtils.h | |
FormatStringConverter.cpp | Implementation of the FormatStringConverter class which is used to convert printf format strings to C++ std::formatter format strings |
FormatStringConverter.h | Declaration of the FormatStringConverter class which is used to convert printf format strings to C++ std::formatter format strings |
HeaderGuard.cpp | |
HeaderGuard.h | |
IncludeInserter.cpp | |
IncludeInserter.h | |
IncludeSorter.cpp | |
IncludeSorter.h | |
LexerUtils.cpp | |
LexerUtils.h | |
Matchers.cpp | |
clang-tidy/utils/Matchers.h | |
NamespaceAliaser.cpp | |
NamespaceAliaser.h | |
OptionsUtils.cpp | |
OptionsUtils.h | |
RenamerClangTidyCheck.cpp | |
RenamerClangTidyCheck.h | |
TransformerClangTidyCheck.cpp | |
TransformerClangTidyCheck.h | |
TypeTraits.cpp | |
TypeTraits.h | |
utils/UseRangesCheck.cpp | |
utils/UseRangesCheck.h | |
UsingInserter.cpp | |
UsingInserter.h | |
► zircon | |
TemporaryObjectsCheck.cpp | |
TemporaryObjectsCheck.h | |
ZirconTidyModule.cpp | |
add_new_check.py | |
ClangTidy.cpp | |
ClangTidy.h | |
ClangTidyCheck.cpp | |
ClangTidyCheck.h | |
ClangTidyDiagnosticConsumer.cpp | |
ClangTidyDiagnosticConsumer.h | |
ClangTidyForceLinker.h | |
ClangTidyModule.cpp | |
ClangTidyModule.h | |
ClangTidyModuleRegistry.h | |
ClangTidyOptions.cpp | |
ClangTidyOptions.h | |
ClangTidyProfiling.cpp | |
ClangTidyProfiling.h | |
ExpandModularHeadersPPCallbacks.cpp | |
ExpandModularHeadersPPCallbacks.h | |
FileExtensionsSet.h | |
GlobList.cpp | |
GlobList.h | |
NoLintDirectiveHandler.cpp | |
NoLintDirectiveHandler.h | |
rename_check.py | |
► clangd | |
► benchmarks | |
► CompletionModel | |
DecisionForestBenchmark.cpp | |
IndexBenchmark.cpp | |
► fuzzer | |
clangd-fuzzer.cpp | This file implements a function that runs clangd on a single input |
FuzzerClangdMain.cpp | |
► index | |
► dex | |
► dexp | |
Dexp.cpp | |
Dex.cpp | |
Dex.h | This defines Dex - a symbol index implementation based on query iterators over symbol tokens, such as fuzzy matching trigrams, scopes, types, etc |
Iterator.cpp | |
Iterator.h | Symbol index queries consist of specific requirements for the requested symbol, such as high fuzzy matching score, scope, type etc |
PostingList.cpp | |
PostingList.h | This defines posting list interface: a storage for identifiers of symbols which can be characterized by a specific feature (such as fuzzy-find trigram, scope, type or any other Search Token) |
index/dex/Token.h | Token objects represent a characteristic of a symbol, which can be used to perform efficient search |
Trigram.cpp | |
Trigram.h | Trigrams are attributes of the symbol unqualified name used to effectively extract symbols which can be fuzzy-matched given user query from the inverted index |
► remote | |
► marshalling | |
Marshalling.cpp | |
Marshalling.h | |
► monitor | |
Monitor.cpp | |
► server | |
Server.cpp | |
► unimplemented | |
UnimplementedClient.cpp | |
Client.cpp | |
Client.h | |
Background.cpp | |
Background.h | |
BackgroundIndexLoader.cpp | |
BackgroundIndexLoader.h | |
BackgroundIndexStorage.cpp | |
BackgroundQueue.cpp | |
BackgroundRebuild.cpp | |
BackgroundRebuild.h | |
CanonicalIncludes.cpp | |
CanonicalIncludes.h | |
FileIndex.cpp | |
FileIndex.h | |
Index.cpp | |
Index.h | |
IndexAction.cpp | |
IndexAction.h | |
MemIndex.cpp | |
MemIndex.h | |
Merge.cpp | |
Merge.h | |
ProjectAware.cpp | |
ProjectAware.h | |
Ref.cpp | |
Ref.h | |
Relation.cpp | |
Relation.h | |
Serialization.cpp | |
Serialization.h | |
StdLib.cpp | |
StdLib.h | |
Symbol.cpp | |
Symbol.h | |
SymbolCollector.cpp | |
SymbolCollector.h | |
SymbolID.cpp | |
SymbolID.h | |
SymbolLocation.cpp | |
SymbolLocation.h | |
SymbolOrigin.cpp | |
SymbolOrigin.h | |
YAMLSerialization.cpp | |
► indexer | |
IndexerMain.cpp | |
► quality | |
CompletionModelCodegen.py | |
► refactor | |
► tweaks | |
AddUsing.cpp | |
AnnotateHighlightings.cpp | |
DefineInline.cpp | |
DefineOutline.cpp | |
refactor/tweaks/DumpAST.cpp | |
ExpandDeducedType.cpp | |
ExpandMacro.cpp | |
ExtractFunction.cpp | |
ExtractVariable.cpp | |
MemberwiseConstructor.cpp | |
ObjCLocalizeStringLiteral.cpp | |
ObjCMemberwiseInitializer.cpp | |
PopulateSwitch.cpp | |
RawStringLiteral.cpp | |
RemoveUsingNamespace.cpp | |
ScopifyEnum.cpp | |
SpecialMembers.cpp | |
SwapBinaryOperands.cpp | |
SwapIfBranches.cpp | |
InsertionPoint.cpp | |
InsertionPoint.h | |
Rename.cpp | |
Rename.h | |
Tweak.cpp | |
Tweak.h | |
► support | |
Bracket.cpp | |
Bracket.h | |
Cancellation.cpp | |
Cancellation.h | |
Context.cpp | |
Context.h | |
DirectiveTree.cpp | |
DirectiveTree.h | |
FileCache.cpp | |
FileCache.h | |
Function.h | |
Lex.cpp | |
Logger.cpp | |
Logger.h | |
Markup.cpp | |
Markup.h | |
MemoryTree.cpp | |
MemoryTree.h | |
Path.cpp | |
Path.h | |
Shutdown.cpp | |
Shutdown.h | |
ThreadCrashReporter.cpp | |
ThreadCrashReporter.h | |
Threading.cpp | |
Threading.h | |
ThreadsafeFS.cpp | |
ThreadsafeFS.h | |
Token.cpp | |
support/Token.h | |
Trace.cpp | |
Trace.h | |
► test | |
► index-serialization | |
► Inputs | |
sample.cpp | |
sample.h | |
► Inputs | |
► background-index | |
► sub_dir | |
background-index/sub_dir/foo.h | |
foo.cpp | |
► include-cleaner | |
all1.h | |
all2.h | |
bar.h | |
include-cleaner/foo.h | |
► path-mappings | |
► server | |
path-mappings/server/foo.h | |
BenchmarkHeader.h | |
BenchmarkSource.cpp | |
► remote-index | |
► Inputs | |
Header.h | |
Source.cpp | |
pipeline_helper.py | |
test/lit.cfg.py | |
► tool | |
Check.cpp | |
ClangdMain.cpp | |
ClangdMain.h | |
ClangdToolMain.cpp | |
► unittests | |
► decision_forest_model | |
CategoricalFeature.h | |
► remote | |
MarshallingTests.cpp | |
► support | |
CancellationTests.cpp | |
ContextTests.cpp | |
FileCacheTests.cpp | |
FunctionTests.cpp | |
MarkupTests.cpp | |
MemoryTreeTests.cpp | |
PathTests.cpp | |
TestTracer.cpp | |
TestTracer.h | |
ThreadingTests.cpp | |
TraceTests.cpp | |
► tweaks | |
AddUsingTests.cpp | |
AnnotateHighlightingsTests.cpp | |
DefineInlineTests.cpp | |
DefineOutlineTests.cpp | |
tweaks/DumpASTTests.cpp | |
DumpRecordLayoutTests.cpp | |
DumpSymbolTests.cpp | |
ExpandDeducedTypeTests.cpp | |
ExpandMacroTests.cpp | |
ExtractFunctionTests.cpp | |
ExtractVariableTests.cpp | |
MemberwiseConstructorTests.cpp | |
ObjCLocalizeStringLiteralTests.cpp | |
ObjCMemberwiseInitializerTests.cpp | |
PopulateSwitchTests.cpp | |
RawStringLiteralTests.cpp | |
RemoveUsingNamespaceTests.cpp | |
ScopifyEnumTests.cpp | |
ShowSelectionTreeTests.cpp | |
SpecialMembersTests.cpp | |
SwapBinaryOperandsTests.cpp | |
SwapIfBranchesTests.cpp | |
TweakTesting.cpp | |
TweakTesting.h | |
TweakTests.cpp | |
► xpc | |
ConversionTests.cpp | |
Annotations.cpp | |
Annotations.h | |
ASTSignalsTests.cpp | |
ASTTests.cpp | |
BackgroundIndexTests.cpp | |
CallHierarchyTests.cpp | |
CanonicalIncludesTests.cpp | |
ClangdLSPServerTests.cpp | |
ClangdTests.cpp | |
CodeCompleteTests.cpp | |
CodeCompletionStringsTests.cpp | |
CollectMacrosTests.cpp | |
CompileCommandsTests.cpp | |
CompilerTests.cpp | |
ConfigCompileTests.cpp | |
ConfigProviderTests.cpp | |
ConfigTesting.h | |
ConfigYAMLTests.cpp | |
DecisionForestTests.cpp | |
DexTests.cpp | |
DiagnosticsTests.cpp | |
DraftStoreTests.cpp | |
DumpASTTests.cpp | |
ExpectedTypeTest.cpp | |
FeatureModulesTests.cpp | |
FileDistanceTests.cpp | |
FileIndexTests.cpp | |
FindSymbolsTests.cpp | |
FindTargetTests.cpp | |
FormatTests.cpp | |
FSTests.cpp | |
FuzzyMatchTests.cpp | |
GlobalCompilationDatabaseTests.cpp | |
HeaderSourceSwitchTests.cpp | |
HeadersTests.cpp | |
HoverTests.cpp | |
IncludeCleanerTests.cpp | |
IndexActionTests.cpp | |
IndexTests.cpp | |
InlayHintTests.cpp | |
InsertionPointTests.cpp | |
JSONTransportTests.cpp | |
unittests/lit.cfg.py | |
LoggerTests.cpp | |
LSPBinderTests.cpp | |
LSPClient.cpp | |
LSPClient.h | |
clangd/unittests/Matchers.h | |
ModulesTests.cpp | |
ParsedASTTests.cpp | |
PathMappingTests.cpp | |
PreambleTests.cpp | |
PrerequisiteModulesTest.cpp | |
PrintASTTests.cpp | |
ProjectAwareIndexTests.cpp | |
QualityTests.cpp | |
RenameTests.cpp | |
ReplayPeambleTests.cpp | |
RIFFTests.cpp | |
SelectionTests.cpp | |
SemanticHighlightingTests.cpp | |
SemanticSelectionTests.cpp | |
SerializationTests.cpp | |
SourceCodeTests.cpp | |
StdLibTests.cpp | |
SymbolCollectorTests.cpp | |
SymbolInfoTests.cpp | |
SyncAPI.cpp | |
SyncAPI.h | |
TestFS.cpp | |
TestFS.h | |
TestIndex.cpp | |
TestIndex.h | |
TestTU.cpp | |
TestTU.h | |
TestWorkspace.cpp | |
TestWorkspace.h | |
ThreadCrashReporterTests.cpp | |
TidyProviderTests.cpp | |
TUSchedulerTests.cpp | |
TypeHierarchyTests.cpp | |
URITests.cpp | |
XRefsTests.cpp | |
► xpc | |
► framework | |
ClangdXPC.cpp | |
► test-client | |
ClangdXPCTestClient.cpp | |
Conversion.cpp | |
Conversion.h | |
XPCTransport.cpp | |
AST.cpp | |
AST.h | |
ASTSignals.cpp | |
ASTSignals.h | |
ClangdLSPServer.cpp | |
ClangdLSPServer.h | |
ClangdServer.cpp | |
ClangdServer.h | |
CodeComplete.cpp | |
CodeComplete.h | |
CodeCompletionStrings.cpp | |
CodeCompletionStrings.h | |
CollectMacros.cpp | |
CollectMacros.h | |
CompileCommands.cpp | |
CompileCommands.h | |
Compiler.cpp | |
Compiler.h | |
Config.cpp | |
Config.h | |
ConfigCompile.cpp | |
ConfigFragment.h | |
ConfigProvider.cpp | |
ConfigProvider.h | |
ConfigYAML.cpp | |
DecisionForest.cpp | |
Diagnostics.cpp | |
Diagnostics.h | |
DraftStore.cpp | |
DraftStore.h | |
DumpAST.cpp | |
DumpAST.h | |
ExpectedTypes.cpp | |
ExpectedTypes.h | |
Feature.cpp | |
Feature.h | |
FeatureModule.cpp | |
FeatureModule.h | |
FileDistance.cpp | |
FileDistance.h | |
FindSymbols.cpp | |
FindSymbols.h | |
FindTarget.cpp | |
FindTarget.h | |
Format.cpp | |
Format.h | |
FS.cpp | |
FS.h | |
FuzzyMatch.cpp | |
FuzzyMatch.h | |
GlobalCompilationDatabase.cpp | |
GlobalCompilationDatabase.h | |
Headers.cpp | |
Headers.h | |
HeaderSourceSwitch.cpp | |
HeaderSourceSwitch.h | |
HeuristicResolver.cpp | |
HeuristicResolver.h | |
Hover.cpp | |
Hover.h | |
IncludeCleaner.cpp | |
IncludeCleaner.h | Include Cleaner is clangd functionality for providing diagnostics for misuse of transitive headers and unused includes |
clangd/IncludeFixer.cpp | |
clangd/IncludeFixer.h | |
InlayHints.cpp | |
InlayHints.h | |
JSONTransport.cpp | |
LSPBinder.h | |
ModulesBuilder.cpp | |
ModulesBuilder.h | |
ParsedAST.cpp | |
ParsedAST.h | |
PathMapping.cpp | |
PathMapping.h | |
Preamble.cpp | |
Preamble.h | |
ProjectModules.h | |
Protocol.cpp | |
Protocol.h | |
Quality.cpp | |
Quality.h | |
RIFF.cpp | |
RIFF.h | |
ScanningProjectModules.cpp | |
ScanningProjectModules.h | |
Selection.cpp | |
Selection.h | |
SemanticHighlighting.cpp | |
SemanticHighlighting.h | |
SemanticSelection.cpp | |
SemanticSelection.h | |
SourceCode.cpp | |
SourceCode.h | |
SystemIncludeExtractor.cpp | |
TidyFastChecks.inc | |
TidyFastChecks.py | |
TidyProvider.cpp | |
TidyProvider.h | |
Transport.h | |
TUScheduler.cpp | |
TUScheduler.h | |
URI.cpp | |
URI.h | |
XRefs.cpp | |
XRefs.h | |
docs | |
► modularize | |
CoverageChecker.cpp | |
CoverageChecker.h | Definitions for CoverageChecker |
Modularize.cpp | |
Modularize.h | Common definitions for Modularize |
ModularizeUtilities.cpp | |
ModularizeUtilities.h | ModularizeUtilities class definition |
ModuleAssistant.cpp | |
PreprocessorTracker.cpp | |
PreprocessorTracker.h | Macro expansions and preprocessor conditional consistency checker |
► pp-trace | |
PPCallbacksTracker.cpp | Implementations for preprocessor tracking |
PPCallbacksTracker.h | Classes and definitions for preprocessor tracking |
PPTrace.cpp | |
► tool-template | |
ToolTemplate.cpp | |