clang-tools 20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1//===--- Marshalling.cpp -----------------------------------------*- C++-*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "Marshalling.h"
10#include "Headers.h"
11#include "Index.pb.h"
12#include "Protocol.h"
13#include "index/Index.h"
14#include "index/Ref.h"
15#include "index/Serialization.h"
16#include "index/Symbol.h"
17#include "index/SymbolID.h"
19#include "index/SymbolOrigin.h"
20#include "support/Logger.h"
21#include "clang/Index/IndexSymbol.h"
22#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
23#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
24#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
25#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
26#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
27#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
28#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
29#include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h"
31namespace clang {
32namespace clangd {
33namespace remote {
35using llvm::sys::path::append;
36using llvm::sys::path::convert_to_slash;
37using llvm::sys::path::is_absolute;
38using llvm::sys::path::replace_path_prefix;
39using llvm::sys::path::Style;
41namespace {
43template <typename IDRange>
44llvm::Expected<llvm::DenseSet<SymbolID>> getIDs(IDRange IDs) {
45 llvm::DenseSet<SymbolID> Result;
46 for (const auto &ID : IDs) {
47 auto SID = SymbolID::fromStr(StringRef(ID));
48 if (!SID)
49 return SID.takeError();
50 Result.insert(*SID);
51 }
52 return Result;
55} // namespace
57Marshaller::Marshaller(llvm::StringRef RemoteIndexRoot,
58 llvm::StringRef LocalIndexRoot)
59 : Strings(Arena) {
60 llvm::StringRef PosixSeparator = get_separator(Style::posix);
61 if (!RemoteIndexRoot.empty()) {
62 assert(is_absolute(RemoteIndexRoot));
63 this->RemoteIndexRoot = convert_to_slash(RemoteIndexRoot, Style::windows);
64 llvm::StringRef Path(this->RemoteIndexRoot);
65 if (!is_separator(this->RemoteIndexRoot.back(), Style::posix))
66 this->RemoteIndexRoot += PosixSeparator;
67 }
68 if (!LocalIndexRoot.empty()) {
69 assert(is_absolute(LocalIndexRoot));
70 this->LocalIndexRoot = convert_to_slash(LocalIndexRoot, Style::windows);
71 llvm::StringRef Path(this->LocalIndexRoot);
72 if (!is_separator(this->LocalIndexRoot.back(), Style::posix))
73 this->LocalIndexRoot += PosixSeparator;
74 }
75 assert(!RemoteIndexRoot.empty() || !LocalIndexRoot.empty());
81 auto IDs = getIDs(Message->ids());
82 if (!IDs)
83 return IDs.takeError();
84 Req.IDs = std::move(*IDs);
85 return Req;
90 assert(!RemoteIndexRoot.empty());
92 Result.Query = Message->query();
93 for (const auto &Scope : Message->scopes())
94 Result.Scopes.push_back(Scope);
95 Result.AnyScope = Message->any_scope();
96 if (Message->limit())
97 Result.Limit = Message->limit();
98 Result.RestrictForCodeCompletion = Message->restricted_for_code_completion();
99 for (const auto &Path : Message->proximity_paths()) {
100 llvm::SmallString<256> LocalPath = llvm::StringRef(RemoteIndexRoot);
101 append(LocalPath, Path);
102 // FuzzyFindRequest requires proximity paths to have platform-native format
103 // in order for SymbolIndex to process the query correctly.
104 llvm::sys::path::native(LocalPath);
105 Result.ProximityPaths.push_back(std::string(LocalPath));
106 }
107 for (const auto &Type : Message->preferred_types())
108 Result.ProximityPaths.push_back(Type);
109 return Result;
115 auto IDs = getIDs(Message->ids());
116 if (!IDs)
117 return IDs.takeError();
118 Req.IDs = std::move(*IDs);
119 if (Message->has_filter())
120 Req.Filter = static_cast<clangd::RefKind>(Message->filter());
121 else
123 if (Message->limit())
124 Req.Limit = Message->limit();
125 Req.WantContainer = Message->want_container();
126 return Req;
132 auto IDs = getIDs(Message->subjects());
133 if (!IDs)
134 return IDs.takeError();
135 Req.Subjects = std::move(*IDs);
136 if (!Message->has_predicate())
137 return error("RelationsRequest requires RelationKind predicate.");
138 Req.Predicate = static_cast<RelationKind>(Message->predicate());
139 if (Message->limit())
140 Req.Limit = Message->limit();
141 return Req;
144llvm::Expected<clangd::Symbol> Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const Symbol &Message) {
145 if (!Message.has_info() || !Message.has_canonical_declaration())
146 return error("Missing info or declaration.");
147 clangd::Symbol Result;
148 auto ID = SymbolID::fromStr(;
149 if (!ID)
150 return ID.takeError();
151 Result.ID = *ID;
152 Result.SymInfo = fromProtobuf(;
153 Result.Name =;
154 Result.Scope = Message.scope();
155 if (Message.has_definition()) {
156 auto Definition = fromProtobuf(Message.definition());
157 if (Definition)
158 Result.Definition = *Definition;
159 }
160 auto Declaration = fromProtobuf(Message.canonical_declaration());
161 if (!Declaration)
162 return Declaration.takeError();
163 Result.CanonicalDeclaration = *Declaration;
164 Result.References = Message.references();
165 // Overwrite symbol origin: it's coming from remote index.
166 Result.Origin = clangd::SymbolOrigin::Remote;
167 Result.Signature = Message.signature();
168 Result.TemplateSpecializationArgs = Message.template_specialization_args();
169 Result.CompletionSnippetSuffix = Message.completion_snippet_suffix();
170 Result.Documentation = Message.documentation();
171 Result.ReturnType = Message.return_type();
172 Result.Type = Message.type();
173 for (const auto &Header : Message.headers()) {
174 auto SerializedHeader = fromProtobuf(Header);
175 if (!SerializedHeader)
176 return SerializedHeader.takeError();
177 Result.IncludeHeaders.push_back(*SerializedHeader);
178 }
179 Result.Flags = static_cast<clangd::Symbol::SymbolFlag>(Message.flags());
180 return Result;
183llvm::Expected<clangd::Ref> Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const Ref &Message) {
184 if (!Message.has_location())
185 return error("Missing location.");
186 clangd::Ref Result;
187 auto Location = fromProtobuf(Message.location());
188 if (!Location)
189 return Location.takeError();
190 Result.Location = *Location;
191 Result.Kind = static_cast<RefKind>(Message.kind());
192 return Result;
195llvm::Expected<std::pair<clangd::SymbolID, clangd::Symbol>>
197 auto SubjectID = SymbolID::fromStr(Message.subject_id());
198 if (!SubjectID)
199 return SubjectID.takeError();
200 if (!Message.has_object())
201 return error("Missing Object.");
202 auto Object = fromProtobuf(Message.object());
203 if (!Object)
204 return Object.takeError();
205 return std::make_pair(*SubjectID, *Object);
209 LookupRequest RPCRequest;
210 for (const auto &SymbolID : From.IDs)
211 RPCRequest.add_ids(SymbolID.str());
212 return RPCRequest;
216 assert(!LocalIndexRoot.empty());
217 FuzzyFindRequest RPCRequest;
218 RPCRequest.set_query(From.Query);
219 for (const auto &Scope : From.Scopes)
220 RPCRequest.add_scopes(Scope);
221 RPCRequest.set_any_scope(From.AnyScope);
222 if (From.Limit)
223 RPCRequest.set_limit(*From.Limit);
224 RPCRequest.set_restricted_for_code_completion(From.RestrictForCodeCompletion);
225 for (const auto &Path : From.ProximityPaths) {
226 llvm::SmallString<256> RelativePath = llvm::StringRef(Path);
227 if (replace_path_prefix(RelativePath, LocalIndexRoot, ""))
228 RPCRequest.add_proximity_paths(
229 convert_to_slash(RelativePath, Style::windows));
230 }
231 for (const auto &Type : From.PreferredTypes)
232 RPCRequest.add_preferred_types(Type);
233 return RPCRequest;
237 RefsRequest RPCRequest;
238 for (const auto &ID : From.IDs)
239 RPCRequest.add_ids(ID.str());
240 RPCRequest.set_filter(static_cast<uint32_t>(From.Filter));
241 if (From.Limit)
242 RPCRequest.set_limit(*From.Limit);
243 RPCRequest.set_want_container(From.WantContainer);
244 return RPCRequest;
248 RelationsRequest RPCRequest;
249 for (const auto &ID : From.Subjects)
250 RPCRequest.add_subjects(ID.str());
251 RPCRequest.set_predicate(static_cast<uint32_t>(From.Predicate));
252 if (From.Limit)
253 RPCRequest.set_limit(*From.Limit);
254 return RPCRequest;
257llvm::Expected<Symbol> Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clangd::Symbol &From) {
258 Symbol Result;
259 Result.set_id(From.ID.str());
260 *Result.mutable_info() = toProtobuf(From.SymInfo);
261 Result.set_name(From.Name.str());
262 if (*From.Definition.FileURI) {
263 auto Definition = toProtobuf(From.Definition);
264 if (!Definition)
265 return Definition.takeError();
266 *Result.mutable_definition() = *Definition;
267 }
268 Result.set_scope(From.Scope.str());
270 if (!Declaration)
271 return Declaration.takeError();
272 *Result.mutable_canonical_declaration() = *Declaration;
273 Result.set_references(From.References);
274 Result.set_signature(From.Signature.str());
275 Result.set_template_specialization_args(
276 From.TemplateSpecializationArgs.str());
277 Result.set_completion_snippet_suffix(From.CompletionSnippetSuffix.str());
278 Result.set_documentation(From.Documentation.str());
279 Result.set_return_type(From.ReturnType.str());
280 Result.set_type(From.Type.str());
281 for (const auto &Header : From.IncludeHeaders) {
282 auto Serialized = toProtobuf(Header);
283 if (!Serialized)
284 return Serialized.takeError();
285 auto *NextHeader = Result.add_headers();
286 *NextHeader = *Serialized;
287 }
288 Result.set_flags(static_cast<uint32_t>(From.Flags));
289 return Result;
292llvm::Expected<Ref> Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clangd::Ref &From) {
293 Ref Result;
294 Result.set_kind(static_cast<uint32_t>(From.Kind));
295 auto Location = toProtobuf(From.Location);
296 if (!Location)
297 return Location.takeError();
298 *Result.mutable_location() = *Location;
299 return Result;
302llvm::Expected<Relation> Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clangd::SymbolID &Subject,
303 const clangd::Symbol &Object) {
304 Relation Result;
305 *Result.mutable_subject_id() = Subject.str();
306 auto SerializedObject = toProtobuf(Object);
307 if (!SerializedObject)
308 return SerializedObject.takeError();
309 *Result.mutable_object() = *SerializedObject;
310 return Result;
314Marshaller::relativePathToURI(llvm::StringRef RelativePath) {
315 assert(!LocalIndexRoot.empty());
316 assert(RelativePath == convert_to_slash(RelativePath));
317 if (RelativePath.empty())
318 return error("Empty relative path.");
319 if (is_absolute(RelativePath, Style::posix))
320 return error("RelativePath '{0}' is absolute.", RelativePath);
321 llvm::SmallString<256> FullPath = llvm::StringRef(LocalIndexRoot);
322 append(FullPath, RelativePath);
323 auto Result = URI::createFile(FullPath);
324 return Result.toString();
327llvm::Expected<std::string> Marshaller::uriToRelativePath(llvm::StringRef URI) {
328 assert(!RemoteIndexRoot.empty());
329 auto ParsedURI = URI::parse(URI);
330 if (!ParsedURI)
331 return ParsedURI.takeError();
332 if (ParsedURI->scheme() != "file")
333 return error("Can not use URI schemes other than file, given: '{0}'.", URI);
334 llvm::SmallString<256> Result = ParsedURI->body();
335 llvm::StringRef Path(Result);
336 // Check for Windows paths (URI=file:///X:/path => Body=/X:/path)
337 if (is_absolute(Path.substr(1), Style::windows))
338 Result = Path.drop_front();
339 if (!replace_path_prefix(Result, RemoteIndexRoot, ""))
340 return error("File path '{0}' doesn't start with '{1}'.", Result.str(),
341 RemoteIndexRoot);
342 assert(Result == convert_to_slash(Result, Style::windows));
343 return std::string(Result);
347Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const Position &Message) {
349 Result.setColumn(static_cast<uint32_t>(Message.column()));
350 Result.setLine(static_cast<uint32_t>(Message.line()));
351 return Result;
356 remote::Position Result;
357 Result.set_column(Position.column());
358 Result.set_line(Position.line());
359 return Result;
362clang::index::SymbolInfo Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const SymbolInfo &Message) {
363 clang::index::SymbolInfo Result;
364 Result.Kind = static_cast<clang::index::SymbolKind>(Message.kind());
365 Result.SubKind = static_cast<clang::index::SymbolSubKind>(Message.subkind());
366 Result.Lang = static_cast<clang::index::SymbolLanguage>(Message.language());
367 Result.Properties =
368 static_cast<clang::index::SymbolPropertySet>(;
369 return Result;
372SymbolInfo Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clang::index::SymbolInfo &Info) {
373 SymbolInfo Result;
374 Result.set_kind(static_cast<uint32_t>(Info.Kind));
375 Result.set_subkind(static_cast<uint32_t>(Info.SubKind));
376 Result.set_language(static_cast<uint32_t>(Info.Lang));
377 Result.set_properties(static_cast<uint32_t>(Info.Properties));
378 return Result;
382Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const SymbolLocation &Message) {
383 clangd::SymbolLocation Location;
384 auto URIString = relativePathToURI(Message.file_path());
385 if (!URIString)
386 return URIString.takeError();
387 Location.FileURI =*URIString).begin();
388 Location.Start = fromProtobuf(Message.start());
389 Location.End = fromProtobuf(Message.end());
390 return Location;
394Marshaller::toProtobuf(const clangd::SymbolLocation &Location) {
395 remote::SymbolLocation Result;
396 auto RelativePath = uriToRelativePath(Location.FileURI);
397 if (!RelativePath)
398 return RelativePath.takeError();
399 *Result.mutable_file_path() = *RelativePath;
400 *Result.mutable_start() = toProtobuf(Location.Start);
401 *Result.mutable_end() = toProtobuf(Location.End);
402 return Result;
405llvm::Expected<HeaderWithReferences> Marshaller::toProtobuf(
406 const clangd::Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences &IncludeHeader) {
407 HeaderWithReferences Result;
408 Result.set_references(IncludeHeader.References);
409 Result.set_supported_directives(IncludeHeader.SupportedDirectives);
410 const std::string Header = IncludeHeader.IncludeHeader.str();
411 if (isLiteralInclude(Header)) {
412 Result.set_header(Header);
413 return Result;
414 }
415 auto RelativePath = uriToRelativePath(Header);
416 if (!RelativePath)
417 return RelativePath.takeError();
418 Result.set_header(*RelativePath);
419 return Result;
423Marshaller::fromProtobuf(const HeaderWithReferences &Message) {
424 std::string Header = Message.header();
425 if (!isLiteralInclude(Header)) {
426 auto URIString = relativePathToURI(Header);
427 if (!URIString)
428 return URIString.takeError();
429 Header = *URIString;
430 }
432 if (Message.has_supported_directives())
433 Directives = static_cast<clangd::Symbol::IncludeDirective>(
434 Message.supported_directives());
435 return clangd::Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences{
436, Message.references(), Directives};
439} // namespace remote
440} // namespace clangd
441} // namespace clang
std::vector< llvm::StringRef > Strings
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Arena
static llvm::Expected< SymbolID > fromStr(llvm::StringRef)
Definition: SymbolID.cpp:37
std::string str() const
Definition: SymbolID.cpp:35
A URI describes the location of a source file.
Definition: URI.h:28
static URI createFile(llvm::StringRef AbsolutePath)
This creates a file:// URI for AbsolutePath. The path must be absolute.
Definition: URI.cpp:237
static llvm::Expected< URI > parse(llvm::StringRef Uri)
Parse a URI string "<scheme>:[//<authority>/]<path>".
Definition: URI.cpp:176
LookupRequest toProtobuf(const clangd::LookupRequest &From)
toProtobuf() functions serialize native clangd types and strip IndexRoot from the file paths specific...
llvm::Expected< std::string > uriToRelativePath(llvm::StringRef URI)
Translates a URI from the server's backing index to a relative path suitable to send over the wire to...
llvm::Expected< clangd::Symbol > fromProtobuf(const Symbol &Message)
llvm::Expected< std::string > relativePathToURI(llvm::StringRef RelativePath)
Translates RelativePath into the absolute path and builds URI for the user machine.
Describes a named symbol from a header.
Definition: SymbolInfo.h:26
bool isLiteralInclude(llvm::StringRef Include)
Returns true if Include is literal include like "path" or <path>.
Definition: Headers.cpp:134
@ Info
An information message.
std::string Path
A typedef to represent a file path.
Definition: Path.h:26
llvm::Error error(std::error_code EC, const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
Definition: Logger.h:79
Describes the kind of a cross-reference.
Definition: Ref.h:28
@ Type
An inlay hint that for a type annotation.
constexpr llvm::StringLiteral Message
===– Representation.cpp - ClangDoc Representation --------—*- C++ -*-===//
std::vector< std::string > Scopes
If this is non-empty, symbols must be in at least one of the scopes (e.g.
Definition: Index.h:36
bool RestrictForCodeCompletion
If set to true, only symbols for completion support will be considered.
Definition: Index.h:44
std::string Query
A query string for the fuzzy find.
Definition: Index.h:29
std::vector< std::string > ProximityPaths
Contextually relevant files (e.g.
Definition: Index.h:47
bool AnyScope
If set to true, allow symbols from any scope.
Definition: Index.h:39
std::optional< uint32_t > Limit
The number of top candidates to return.
Definition: Index.h:42
std::vector< std::string > PreferredTypes
Preferred types of symbols. These are raw representation of OpaqueType.
Definition: Index.h:49
llvm::DenseSet< SymbolID > IDs
Definition: Index.h:65
int line
Line position in a document (zero-based).
Definition: Protocol.h:158
Represents a symbol occurrence in the source file.
Definition: Ref.h:85
RefKind Kind
Definition: Ref.h:88
SymbolLocation Location
The source location where the symbol is named.
Definition: Ref.h:87
bool WantContainer
If set, populates the container of the reference.
Definition: Index.h:77
llvm::DenseSet< SymbolID > IDs
Definition: Index.h:69
std::optional< uint32_t > Limit
If set, limit the number of refers returned from the index.
Definition: Index.h:74
Represents a relation between two symbols.
Definition: Relation.h:32
std::optional< uint32_t > Limit
If set, limit the number of relations returned from the index.
Definition: Index.h:84
llvm::DenseSet< SymbolID > Subjects
Definition: Index.h:81
The class presents a C++ symbol, e.g.
Definition: Symbol.h:39
SymbolFlag Flags
Definition: Symbol.h:150
@ Include
#include "header.h"
Definition: Symbol.h:93
SymbolLocation Definition
The location of the symbol's definition, if one was found.
Definition: Symbol.h:50
llvm::StringRef Type
Raw representation of the OpaqueType of the symbol, used for scoring purposes.
Definition: Symbol.h:88
llvm::StringRef Documentation
Documentation including comment for the symbol declaration.
Definition: Symbol.h:79
index::SymbolInfo SymInfo
The symbol information, like symbol kind.
Definition: Symbol.h:43
llvm::SmallVector< IncludeHeaderWithReferences, 1 > IncludeHeaders
One Symbol can potentially be included via different headers.
Definition: Symbol.h:133
llvm::StringRef Name
The unqualified name of the symbol, e.g. "bar" (for ns::bar).
Definition: Symbol.h:45
llvm::StringRef Scope
The containing namespace. e.g. "" (global), "ns::" (top-level namespace).
Definition: Symbol.h:47
llvm::StringRef Signature
A brief description of the symbol that can be appended in the completion candidate list.
Definition: Symbol.h:68
unsigned References
The number of translation units that reference this symbol from their main file.
Definition: Symbol.h:62
llvm::StringRef ReturnType
Type when this symbol is used in an expression.
Definition: Symbol.h:83
llvm::StringRef TemplateSpecializationArgs
Argument list in human-readable format, will be displayed to help disambiguate between different spec...
Definition: Symbol.h:72
SymbolLocation CanonicalDeclaration
The location of the preferred declaration of the symbol.
Definition: Symbol.h:59
llvm::StringRef CompletionSnippetSuffix
What to insert when completing this symbol, after the symbol name.
Definition: Symbol.h:77
SymbolID ID
The ID of the symbol.
Definition: Symbol.h:41