clang-tools 20.0.0git
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
clang::clangd Namespace Reference

FIXME: Skip testing on windows temporarily due to the different escaping code mode. More...


namespace  config
namespace  detail
namespace  dex
namespace  markup
namespace  remote
namespace  riff
namespace  trace


struct  Anchor
class  Annotations
 Same as llvm::Annotations, but adjusts functions to LSP-specific types for positions and ranges. More...
struct  ApplyWorkspaceEditParams
struct  ApplyWorkspaceEditResponse
class  ArgStripper
struct  ASTAction
struct  ASTNode
 Simplified description of a clang AST node. More...
struct  ASTParams
 Payload for textDocument/ast request. More...
struct  ASTRetentionPolicy
 Configuration of the AST retention policy. More...
struct  ASTSignals
 Signals derived from a valid AST of a file. More...
class  AsyncTaskRunner
 Runs tasks on separate (detached) threads and wait for all tasks to finish. More...
class  BackgroundIndex
class  BackgroundIndexRebuilder
class  BackgroundIndexRebuilderTest
class  BackgroundIndexStorage
class  BackgroundIndexTest
class  BackgroundQueue
struct  CallHierarchyIncomingCall
 Represents an incoming call, e.g. a caller of a method or constructor. More...
struct  CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams
 The parameter of a callHierarchy/incomingCalls request. More...
struct  CallHierarchyItem
 Represents programming constructs like functions or constructors in the context of call hierarchy. More...
struct  CallHierarchyOutgoingCall
 Represents an outgoing call, e.g. More...
struct  CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams
 The parameter of a callHierarchy/outgoingCalls request. More...
struct  CallHierarchyPrepareParams
 The parameter of a textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy request. More...
class  CancelledError
 Conventional error when no result is returned due to cancellation. More...
struct  CancelState
class  CanonicalIncludes
 Maps a definition location onto an #include file, based on a set of filename rules. More...
struct  CapturedASTCtx
 The captured AST context. More...
struct  ChangeAnnotation
struct  CheapUnresolvedName
struct  ClangdCompileCommand
 Clangd extension that's used in the 'compilationDatabaseChanges' in workspace/didChangeConfiguration to record updates to the in-memory compilation database. More...
struct  ClangdDiagnosticOptions
class  ClangdLSPServer
 This class exposes ClangdServer's capabilities via Language Server Protocol. More...
class  ClangdServer
 Manages a collection of source files and derived data (ASTs, indexes), and provides language-aware features such as code completion. More...
struct  ClientCapabilities
struct  CodeAction
 A code action represents a change that can be performed in code, e.g. More...
struct  CodeActionContext
struct  CodeActionParams
struct  CodeCompleteOptions
struct  CodeCompleteResult
struct  CodeCompletion
struct  CodeDescription
 Structure to capture a description for an error code. More...
class  CollectMainFileMacros
 Collects macro references (e.g. More...
class  CollectPragmaMarks
struct  Command
struct  CommandMangler
struct  CompletionContext
struct  CompletionItem
struct  CompletionItemLabelDetails
 Additional details for a completion item label. More...
struct  CompletionList
 Represents a collection of completion items to be presented in the editor. More...
struct  CompletionParams
struct  CompletionPrefix
struct  Config
 Settings that express user/project preferences and control clangd behavior. More...
struct  ConfigurationSettings
 Clangd extension: parameters configurable at any time, via the workspace/didChangeConfiguration notification. More...
class  Context
 A context is an immutable container for per-request data that must be propagated through layers that don't care about it. More...
class  Deadline
 A point in time we can wait for. More...
struct  DebouncePolicy
 Clangd may wait after an update to see if another one comes along. More...
struct  DecisionForestScores
 Same semantics as CodeComplete::Score. More...
class  DeclRelationSet
struct  DefinedMacro
class  DelegatingCDB
struct  Diag
 A top-level diagnostic that may have Notes and Fixes. More...
struct  DiagBase
 Contains basic information about a diagnostic. More...
struct  Diagnostic
struct  DiagnosticRelatedInformation
 Represents a related message and source code location for a diagnostic. More...
struct  DidChangeConfigurationParams
struct  DidChangeTextDocumentParams
struct  DidChangeWatchedFilesParams
struct  DidCloseTextDocumentParams
struct  DidOpenTextDocumentParams
struct  DidSaveTextDocumentParams
class  DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabase
 Gets compile args from tooling::CompilationDatabases built for parent directories. More...
class  DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabaseCacheTest
struct  DocumentFormattingParams
struct  DocumentHighlight
 A document highlight is a range inside a text document which deserves special attention. More...
struct  DocumentLink
 A range in a text document that links to an internal or external resource, like another text document or a web site. More...
struct  DocumentLinkParams
 Parameters for the document link request. More...
struct  DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams
struct  DocumentRangeFormattingParams
struct  DocumentSymbol
 Represents programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc. More...
struct  DocumentSymbolParams
class  DraftStore
 A thread-safe container for files opened in a workspace, addressed by filenames. More...
struct  Edit
 A set of edits generated for a single file. More...
struct  EligibleRegion
 Represents locations that can accept a definition. More...
class  Event
 An Event<T> allows events of type T to be broadcast to listeners. More...
struct  ExecuteCommandParams
class  FeatureModule
 A FeatureModule contributes a vertical feature to clangd. More...
class  FeatureModuleSet
 A FeatureModuleSet is a collection of feature modules installed in clangd. More...
class  FileCache
 Base class for threadsafe cache of data read from a file on disk. More...
class  FileDistance
struct  FileDistanceOptions
struct  FileEvent
class  FileIndex
 This manages symbols from files and an in-memory index on all symbols. More...
struct  FileShardedIndex
 Takes slabs coming from a TU (multiple files) and shards them per declaration location. More...
struct  FileStatus
 Clangd extension: indicates the current state of the file in clangd, sent from server via the textDocument/clangd.fileStatus notification. More...
class  FileSymbols
 A container of slabs associated with a key. More...
struct  Fix
 Represents a single fix-it that editor can apply to fix the error. More...
struct  FoldingRange
 Stores information about a region of code that can be folded. More...
struct  FoldingRangeParams
struct  FuzzyFindRequest
class  FuzzyMatcher
class  GlobalCompilationDatabase
 Provides compilation arguments used for parsing C and C++ files. More...
struct  HeaderFile
 Represents a header file to be #include'd. More...
class  HeuristicResolver
struct  HighlightingToken
struct  Hover
struct  HoverInfo
 Contains detailed information about a Symbol. More...
class  IgnoreDiagnostics
struct  InactiveRegionsParams
 Parameters for the inactive regions (server-side) push notification. More...
struct  IncludeCleanerFindings
class  IncludeFixer
 Attempts to recover from error diagnostics by suggesting include insertion fixes. More...
struct  IncludeGraphNode
class  IncludeInserter
class  IncludeStructure
struct  Inclusion
struct  IndexFileIn
struct  IndexFileOut
struct  InitializationOptions
 Clangd extension: parameters configurable at initialize time. More...
struct  InitializeParams
struct  InlayHint
 Inlay hint information. More...
struct  InlayHintLabelPart
 An inlay hint label part allows for interactive and composite labels of inlay hints. More...
struct  InlayHintsParams
 A parameter literal used in inlay hint requests. More...
struct  InputsAndAST
struct  InputsAndPreamble
class  Key
 Values in a Context are indexed by typed keys. More...
struct  LoadedShard
 Represents a shard loaded from storage, stores contents in Shard and metadata about the source file that generated this shard. More...
struct  LocatedSymbol
struct  Location
class  Logger
 Interface to allow custom logging in clangd. More...
class  LoggingSession
 Only one LoggingSession can be active at a time. More...
struct  LookupRequest
class  LSPBinder
 LSPBinder collects a table of functions that handle LSP calls. More...
class  LSPClient
class  LSPError
struct  MacroOccurrence
struct  MainFileMacros
struct  MarkupContent
class  MemIndex
 MemIndex is a naive in-memory index suitable for a small set of symbols. More...
class  Memoize
 Memoize is a cache to store and reuse computation results based on a key. More...
class  MemoryShardStorage
struct  MemoryTree
 A tree that can be used to represent memory usage of nested components while preserving the hierarchy. More...
class  MergedIndex
struct  MissingIncludeDiagInfo
class  MockCompilationDatabase
class  MockFS
class  ModulesBuilder
 This class handles building module files for a given source file. More...
struct  NoParams
struct  Note
 Represents a note for the diagnostic. More...
class  Notification
 A threadsafe flag that is initially clear. More...
class  OpaqueType
 A representation of a type that can be computed based on clang AST and compared for equality. More...
class  OptionalMatcher
class  OverlayCDB
 Wraps another compilation database, and supports overriding the commands using an in-memory mapping. More...
struct  ParameterInformation
 A single parameter of a particular signature. More...
class  ParsedAST
 Stores and provides access to parsed AST. More...
struct  ParseInputs
 Information required to run clang, e.g. to parse AST or do code completion. More...
struct  ParseOptions
class  ParsingCallbacks
struct  PathMapping
 PathMappings are a collection of paired client and server paths. More...
class  PeriodicThrottler
 Used to guard an operation that should run at most every N seconds. More...
class  PolySubsequenceMatcher
struct  Position
struct  PragmaMark
 Represents a #pragma mark in the main file. More...
struct  PreambleBuildStats
 Timings and statistics from the premble build. More...
struct  PreambleData
 The parsed preamble and associated data. More...
class  PreambleFileStatusCache
 Records status information for files open()ed or stat()ed during preamble build (except for the main file), so we can avoid stat()s on the underlying FS when reusing the preamble. More...
class  PreamblePatch
 Stores information required to parse a TU using a (possibly stale) Baseline preamble. More...
class  PreambleThrottler
 PreambleThrottler controls which preambles can build at any given time. More...
struct  PrepareRenameResult
class  PrerequisiteModules
 Store all the needed module files information to parse a single source file. More...
struct  ProgressParams
struct  ProjectInfo
class  ProjectModules
 An interface to query the modules information in the project. More...
struct  PublishDiagnosticsParams
struct  Range
class  RealThreadsafeFS
struct  Ref
 Represents a symbol occurrence in the source file. More...
struct  ReferenceContext
struct  ReferenceLoc
 Information about a reference written in the source code, independent of the actual AST node that this reference lives in. More...
struct  ReferenceLocation
 Extends Locations returned by textDocument/references with extra info. More...
struct  ReferenceParams
struct  ReferencesResult
class  RefSlab
 An efficient structure of storing large set of symbol references in memory. More...
struct  RefsRequest
struct  Relation
 Represents a relation between two symbols. More...
class  RelationSlab
struct  RelationsRequest
struct  RenameInputs
struct  RenameOptions
struct  RenameParams
struct  RenameResult
struct  ResolveTypeHierarchyItemParams
 Parameters for the typeHierarchy/resolve request. More...
class  ScanningAllProjectModules
 TODO: The existing ScanningAllProjectModules is not efficient. More...
class  ScopeDistance
 Support lookups like FileDistance, but the lookup keys are symbol scopes. More...
struct  SelectionRange
struct  SelectionRangeParams
class  SelectionTree
struct  SemanticToken
 Specifies a single semantic token in the document. More...
struct  SemanticTokens
 A versioned set of tokens. More...
struct  SemanticTokensDeltaParams
 Body of textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta request. More...
struct  SemanticTokensEdit
 Describes a replacement of a contiguous range of semanticTokens. More...
struct  SemanticTokensOrDelta
 This models LSP SemanticTokensDelta | SemanticTokens, which is the result of textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta. More...
struct  SemanticTokensParams
 Body of textDocument/semanticTokens/full request. More...
class  Semaphore
 Limits the number of threads that can acquire the lock at the same time. More...
struct  ShowMessageParams
 The show message notification is sent from a server to a client to ask the client to display a particular message in the user interface. More...
struct  SignatureHelp
 Represents the signature of a callable. More...
struct  SignatureInformation
 Represents the signature of something callable. More...
struct  SignatureQualitySignals
struct  SourceParams
struct  SpeculativeFuzzyFind
 A speculative and asynchronous fuzzy find index request (based on cached request) that can be sent before parsing sema. More...
struct  SpelledWord
struct  StdLibLocation
class  StdLibSet
class  StoreDiags
 StoreDiags collects the diagnostics that can later be reported by clangd. More...
class  StreamLogger
class  SubsequenceMatcher
class  SwapIndex
struct  Symbol
 The class presents a C++ symbol, e.g. More...
class  SymbolCollector
 Collect declarations (symbols) from an AST. More...
struct  SymbolDetails
 Represents information about identifier. More...
class  SymbolID
struct  SymbolInclude
 A header and directives as stored in a Symbol. More...
class  SymbolIndex
 Interface for symbol indexes that can be used for searching or matching symbols among a set of symbols based on names or unique IDs. More...
struct  SymbolInformation
 Represents information about programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc. More...
struct  SymbolLocation
struct  SymbolQualitySignals
 Attributes of a symbol that affect how much we like it. More...
struct  SymbolRange
 Represents a symbol range where the symbol can potentially have multiple tokens. More...
struct  SymbolRelevanceSignals
 Attributes of a symbol-query pair that affect how much we like it. More...
class  SymbolSlab
 An immutable symbol container that stores a set of symbols. More...
class  TestScheme
 unittest: is a scheme that refers to files relative to testRoot(). More...
struct  TestTU
class  TestWorkspace
struct  TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
struct  TextDocumentEdit
struct  TextDocumentIdentifier
struct  TextDocumentItem
struct  TextDocumentPositionParams
struct  TextEdit
class  ThreadCrashReporter
 Allows setting per-thread abort/kill signal callbacks, to print additional information about the crash depending on which thread got signalled. More...
class  ThreadingTest
class  ThreadsafeFS
 Wrapper for vfs::FileSystem for use in multithreaded programs like clangd. More...
class  TopN
 TopN<T> is a lossy container that preserves only the "best" N elements. More...
class  Transport
class  TraverseHeadersToo
class  TUScheduler
 Handles running tasks for ClangdServer and managing the resources (e.g., preambles and ASTs) for opened files. More...
struct  TUStatus
class  Tweak
 An interface base for small context-sensitive refactoring actions. More...
struct  TweakArgs
 Arguments for the 'applyTweak' command. More...
class  TweakTest
struct  TypeHierarchyItem
struct  TypeHierarchyPrepareParams
 The type hierarchy params is an extension of the TextDocumentPositionsParams with optional properties which can be used to eagerly resolve the item when requesting from the server. More...
class  URI
 A URI describes the location of a source file. More...
class  URIDistance
struct  URIForFile
class  URIScheme
 URIScheme is an extension point for teaching clangd to recognize a custom URI scheme. More...
struct  VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
class  WithContext
 WithContext replaces Context::current() with a provided scope. More...
class  WithContextValue
 WithContextValue extends Context::current() with a single value. More...
struct  WorkDoneProgressBegin
 To start progress reporting a $/progress notification with the following payload must be sent. More...
struct  WorkDoneProgressCreateParams
struct  WorkDoneProgressEnd
 Signals the end of progress reporting. More...
struct  WorkDoneProgressReport
 Reporting progress is done using the following payload. More...
struct  WorkspaceEdit
 The edit should either provide changes or documentChanges. More...
struct  WorkspaceSymbolParams
 The parameters of a Workspace Symbol Request. More...


using CharTypeSet = unsigned char
using SystemIncludeExtractorFn = llvm::unique_function< void(tooling::CompileCommand &, llvm::StringRef) const >
 Extracts system include search path from drivers matching QueryDriverGlobs and adds them to the compile flags.
using IncludeGraph = llvm::StringMap< IncludeGraphNode >
using HeaderFilter = llvm::ArrayRef< std::function< bool(llvm::StringRef)> >
using SlabTuple = std::tuple< SymbolSlab, RefSlab, RelationSlab >
using IndexFactory = std::function< std::unique_ptr< SymbolIndex >(const Config::ExternalIndexSpec &, AsyncTaskRunner *)>
 A functor to create an index for an external index specification.
using PathMappings = std::vector< PathMapping >
using PreambleParsedCallback = std::function< void(CapturedASTCtx ASTCtx, std::shared_ptr< const include_cleaner::PragmaIncludes >)>
using ChangeAnnotationIdentifier = std::string
using InitializedParams = NoParams
using CompletionItemKindBitset = std::bitset< CompletionItemKindMax+1 >
using SymbolKindBitset = std::bitset< SymbolKindMax+1 >
typedef llvm::Registry< TweakTweakRegistry
 A handy typedef to save some typing.
using FileDigest = std::array< uint8_t, 8 >
using FileEdits = llvm::StringMap< Edit >
 A mapping from absolute file path (the one used for accessing the underlying VFS) to edits.
using Canceler = std::function< void()>
 A canceller requests cancellation of a task, when called.
template<typename T >
using Callback = llvm::unique_function< void(llvm::Expected< T >)>
 A Callback<T> is a void function that accepts Expected<T>.
using Path = std::string
 A typedef to represent a file path.
using PathRef = llvm::StringRef
 A typedef to represent a ref to file path.
using TidyProvider = llvm::unique_function< void(tidy::ClangTidyOptions &, llvm::StringRef) const >
 A factory to modify a tidy::ClangTidyOptions.
using TidyProviderRef = llvm::function_ref< void(tidy::ClangTidyOptions &, llvm::StringRef)>
 A factory to modify a tidy::ClangTidyOptions that doesn't hold any state.
using Obj = llvm::json::Object
typedef llvm::Registry< URISchemeURISchemeRegistry
 By default, a "file" scheme is supported where URI paths are always absolute in the file system.
using RecursionProtectionSet = llvm::SmallSet< const CXXRecordDecl *, 4 >


enum class  DeclRelation : unsigned { TemplateInstantiation , TemplatePattern , Alias , Underlying }
enum  CharType : unsigned char { Empty = 0 , Lower = 1 , Upper = 2 , Punctuation = 3 }
enum  CharRole : unsigned char { Unknown = 0 , Tail = 1 , Head = 2 , Separator = 3 }
enum class  IndexType { Light , Heavy }
 Select between in-memory index implementations, which have tradeoffs. More...
enum class  DuplicateHandling { PickOne , Merge }
 How to handle duplicated symbols across multiple files. More...
enum class  IndexContents : uint8_t {
  None = 0 , Symbols = 1 << 1 , References = 1 << 2 , Relations = 1 << 3 ,
  All = Symbols | References | Relations
 Describes what data is covered by an index. More...
enum class  RefKind : uint8_t {
  Unknown = 0 , Declaration = 1 << 0 , Definition = 1 << 1 , Reference = 1 << 2 ,
  Spelled = 1 << 3 , All = Declaration | Definition | Reference | Spelled
 Describes the kind of a cross-reference. More...
enum class  RelationKind : uint8_t { BaseOf , OverriddenBy }
enum class  IndexFileFormat { RIFF , YAML }
enum class  SymbolOrigin : uint16_t {
  Unknown = 0 , AST = 1 << 0 , Open = 1 << 1 , Static = 1 << 2 ,
  Merge = 1 << 3 , Identifier = 1 << 4 , Remote = 1 << 5 , Preamble = 1 << 6 ,
  Background = 1 << 8 , StdLib = 1 << 9
enum class  ErrorCode {
  ParseError = -32700 , InvalidRequest = -32600 , MethodNotFound = -32601 , InvalidParams = -32602 ,
  InternalError = -32603 , ServerNotInitialized = -32002 , UnknownErrorCode = -32001 , RequestCancelled = -32800 ,
  ContentModified = -32801
enum class  TraceLevel { Off = 0 , Messages = 1 , Verbose = 2 }
enum class  TextDocumentSyncKind { None = 0 , Full = 1 , Incremental = 2 }
 Defines how the host (editor) should sync document changes to the language server. More...
enum class  CompletionItemKind {
  Missing = 0 , Text = 1 , Method = 2 , Function = 3 ,
  Constructor = 4 , Field = 5 , Variable = 6 , Class = 7 ,
  Interface = 8 , Module = 9 , Property = 10 , Unit = 11 ,
  Value = 12 , Enum = 13 , Keyword = 14 , Snippet = 15 ,
  Color = 16 , File = 17 , Reference = 18 , Folder = 19 ,
  EnumMember = 20 , Constant = 21 , Struct = 22 , Event = 23 ,
  Operator = 24 , TypeParameter = 25
 The kind of a completion entry. More...
enum class  SymbolKind {
  File = 1 , Module = 2 , Namespace = 3 , Package = 4 ,
  Class = 5 , Method = 6 , Property = 7 , Field = 8 ,
  Constructor = 9 , Enum = 10 , Interface = 11 , Function = 12 ,
  Variable = 13 , Constant = 14 , String = 15 , Number = 16 ,
  Boolean = 17 , Array = 18 , Object = 19 , Key = 20 ,
  Null = 21 , EnumMember = 22 , Struct = 23 , Event = 24 ,
  Operator = 25 , TypeParameter = 26
 A symbol kind. More...
enum class  OffsetEncoding { UnsupportedEncoding , UTF16 , UTF8 , UTF32 }
enum class  MarkupKind { PlainText , Markdown }
enum class  MessageType { Error = 1 , Warning = 2 , Info = 3 , Log = 4 }
enum class  FileChangeType { Created = 1 , Changed = 2 , Deleted = 3 }
enum  DiagnosticTag { Unnecessary = 1 , Deprecated = 2 }
enum class  CompletionTriggerKind { Invoked = 1 , TriggerCharacter = 2 , TriggerTriggerForIncompleteCompletions = 3 }
enum class  InsertTextFormat { Missing = 0 , PlainText = 1 , Snippet = 2 }
 Defines whether the insert text in a completion item should be interpreted as plain text or a snippet. More...
enum class  DocumentHighlightKind { Text = 1 , Read = 2 , Write = 3 }
enum class  TypeHierarchyDirection { Children = 0 , Parents = 1 , Both = 2 }
enum class  SymbolTag { Deprecated = 1 }
enum class  InlayHintKind { Type = 1 , Parameter = 2 , Designator = 3 , BlockEnd = 4 }
 Inlay hint kinds. More...
enum class  HighlightingKind {
  Variable = 0 , LocalVariable , Parameter , Function ,
  Method , StaticMethod , Field , StaticField ,
  Class , Interface , Enum , EnumConstant ,
  Typedef , Type , Unknown , Namespace ,
  TemplateParameter , Concept , Primitive , Macro ,
  Modifier , Operator , Bracket , Label ,
  InactiveCode , LastKind = InactiveCode
enum class  HighlightingModifier {
  Declaration , Definition , Deprecated , Deduced ,
  Readonly , Static , Abstract , Virtual ,
  DependentName , DefaultLibrary , UsedAsMutableReference , UsedAsMutablePointer ,
  ConstructorOrDestructor , UserDefined , FunctionScope , ClassScope ,
  FileScope , GlobalScope , LastModifier = GlobalScope
enum class  ErrorResultCode : int { NoShutdownRequest = 1 , CantRunAsXPCService = 2 , CheckFailed = 3 }
enum  JSONStreamStyle { Standard , Delimited }
enum class  WantDiagnostics { Yes , No , Auto }
 Determines whether diagnostics should be generated for a file snapshot. More...
enum class  PreambleAction { Queued , Building , Idle }


bool isImplicitTemplateInstantiation (const NamedDecl *D)
 Indicates if D is a template instantiation implicitly generated by the compiler, e.g.
bool isExplicitTemplateSpecialization (const NamedDecl *D)
 Indicates if D is an explicit template specialization, e.g.
bool isImplementationDetail (const Decl *D)
 Returns true if the declaration is considered implementation detail based on heuristics.
SourceLocation nameLocation (const clang::Decl &D, const SourceManager &SM)
 Find the source location of the identifier for D.
std::string printQualifiedName (const NamedDecl &ND)
 Returns the qualified name of ND.
static bool isAnonymous (const DeclarationName &N)
NestedNameSpecifierLoc getQualifierLoc (const NamedDecl &ND)
 Returns a nested name specifier loc of ND if it was present in the source, e.g.
std::string printUsingNamespaceName (const ASTContext &Ctx, const UsingDirectiveDecl &D)
 Returns the name of the namespace inside the 'using namespace' directive, as written in the code.
std::string printName (const ASTContext &Ctx, const NamedDecl &ND)
 Prints unqualified name of the decl for the purpose of displaying it to the user.
std::string printTemplateSpecializationArgs (const NamedDecl &ND)
 Prints template arguments of a decl as written in the source code, including enclosing '<' and '>', e.g for a partial specialization like: template <typename U> struct Foo<int, U> will return '<int, U>'.
std::string printNamespaceScope (const DeclContext &DC)
 Returns the first enclosing namespace scope starting from DC.
static llvm::StringRef getNameOrErrForObjCInterface (const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID)
std::string printObjCMethod (const ObjCMethodDecl &Method)
 Print the Objective-C method name, including the full container name, e.g.
std::string printObjCContainer (const ObjCContainerDecl &C)
 Print the Objective-C container name including categories, e.g. MyClass,.
SymbolID getSymbolID (const Decl *D)
 Gets the symbol ID for a declaration. Returned SymbolID might be null.
SymbolID getSymbolID (const llvm::StringRef MacroName, const MacroInfo *MI, const SourceManager &SM)
 Gets the symbol ID for a macro.
const ObjCImplDecl * getCorrespondingObjCImpl (const ObjCContainerDecl *D)
 Return the corresponding implementation/definition for the given ObjC container if it has one, otherwise, return nullptr.
Symbol::IncludeDirective preferredIncludeDirective (llvm::StringRef FileName, const LangOptions &LangOpts, ArrayRef< Inclusion > MainFileIncludes, ArrayRef< const Decl * > TopLevelDecls)
 Infer the include directive to use for the given FileName.
std::string printType (const QualType QT, const DeclContext &CurContext, llvm::StringRef Placeholder="")
 Returns a QualType as string.
bool hasReservedName (const Decl &)
 Returns true if this is a NamedDecl with a reserved name.
bool hasReservedScope (const DeclContext &)
 Returns true if this scope would be written with a reserved name.
QualType declaredType (const TypeDecl *D)
std::optional< QualType > getDeducedType (ASTContext &, SourceLocation Loc)
 Retrieves the deduced type at a given location (auto, decltype).
TemplateTypeParmTypeLoc getContainedAutoParamType (TypeLoc TL)
template<typename TemplateDeclTy >
static NamedDecl * getOnlyInstantiationImpl (TemplateDeclTy *TD)
NamedDecl * getOnlyInstantiation (NamedDecl *TemplatedDecl)
std::vector< const Attr * > getAttributes (const DynTypedNode &)
 Return attributes attached directly to a node.
std::string getQualification (ASTContext &Context, const DeclContext *DestContext, SourceLocation InsertionPoint, const NamedDecl *ND)
 Gets the nested name specifier necessary for spelling ND in DestContext, at InsertionPoint.
std::string getQualification (ASTContext &Context, const DeclContext *DestContext, const NamedDecl *ND, llvm::ArrayRef< std::string > VisibleNamespaces)
 This function uses the VisibleNamespaces to figure out if a shorter qualification is sufficient for ND, and ignores any using namespace directives.
bool hasUnstableLinkage (const Decl *D)
 Whether we must avoid computing linkage for D during code completion.
bool isDeeplyNested (const Decl *D, unsigned MaxDepth=10)
 Checks whether D is more than MaxDepth away from translation unit scope.
SmallVector< const ParmVarDecl * > resolveForwardingParameters (const FunctionDecl *D, unsigned MaxDepth=10)
 Recursively resolves the parameters of a FunctionDecl that forwards its parameters to another function via variadic template parameters.
bool isExpandedFromParameterPack (const ParmVarDecl *D)
 Checks whether D is instantiated from a function parameter pack whose type is a bare type parameter pack (e.g.
static std::vector< llvm::StringRef > semanticTokenTypes ()
static std::vector< llvm::StringRef > semanticTokenModifiers ()
static std::vector< SymbolInformationflattenSymbolHierarchy (llvm::ArrayRef< DocumentSymbol > Symbols, const URIForFile &FileURI)
 The functions constructs a flattened view of the DocumentSymbol hierarchy.
static std::optional< Command > asCommand (const CodeAction &Action)
static LocationgetToggle (const TextDocumentPositionParams &Point, LocatedSymbol &Sym)
llvm::json::Value serializeTHIForExtension (TypeHierarchyItem THI)
static void increment (std::string &S)
CompletionPrefix guessCompletionPrefix (llvm::StringRef Content, unsigned Offset)
CodeCompleteResult codeCompleteComment (PathRef FileName, unsigned Offset, llvm::StringRef Prefix, const PreambleData *Preamble, const ParseInputs &ParseInput)
std::optional< unsigned > maybeFunctionArgumentCommentStart (llvm::StringRef Content)
CodeCompleteResult codeComplete (PathRef FileName, Position Pos, const PreambleData *Preamble, const ParseInputs &ParseInput, CodeCompleteOptions Opts, SpeculativeFuzzyFind *SpecFuzzyFind=nullptr)
 Gets code completions at a specified Pos in FileName.
SignatureHelp signatureHelp (PathRef FileName, Position Pos, const PreambleData &Preamble, const ParseInputs &ParseInput, MarkupKind DocumentationFormat)
 Get signature help at a specified Pos in FileName.
bool isIndexedForCodeCompletion (const NamedDecl &ND, ASTContext &ASTCtx)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const CodeCompletion &C)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const CodeCompleteResult &R)
bool isIncludeFile (llvm::StringRef Line)
bool allowImplicitCompletion (llvm::StringRef Content, unsigned Offset)
raw_ostream & operator<< (raw_ostream &, const CodeCompletion &)
raw_ostream & operator<< (raw_ostream &, const CodeCompleteResult &)
std::string getDocComment (const ASTContext &Ctx, const CodeCompletionResult &Result, bool CommentsFromHeaders)
 Gets a minimally formatted documentation comment of Result, with comment markers stripped.
std::string getDeclComment (const ASTContext &Ctx, const NamedDecl &D)
 Similar to getDocComment, but returns the comment for a NamedDecl.
void getSignature (const CodeCompletionString &CCS, std::string *Signature, std::string *Snippet, CodeCompletionResult::ResultKind ResultKind, CXCursorKind CursorKind, bool IncludeFunctionArguments=true, std::string *RequiredQualifiers=nullptr)
 Formats the signature for an item, as a display string and snippet.
std::string formatDocumentation (const CodeCompletionString &CCS, llvm::StringRef DocComment)
 Assembles formatted documentation for a completion result.
std::string getReturnType (const CodeCompletionString &CCS)
 Gets detail to be used as the detail field in an LSP completion item.
std::unique_ptr< PPCallbackscollectPragmaMarksCallback (const SourceManager &, std::vector< PragmaMark > &Out)
 Collect all pragma marks from the main file.
std::string printArgv (llvm::ArrayRef< llvm::StringRef > Args)
std::string printArgv (llvm::ArrayRef< std::string > Args)
void allowCrashPragmasForTest ()
 Respect #pragma clang __debug crash etc, which are usually disabled.
void disableUnsupportedOptions (CompilerInvocation &CI)
 Clears CI from options that are not supported by clangd, like codegen or plugins.
std::unique_ptr< CompilerInvocation > buildCompilerInvocation (const ParseInputs &Inputs, clang::DiagnosticConsumer &D, std::vector< std::string > *CC1Args=nullptr)
 Builds compiler invocation that could be used to build AST or preamble.
std::unique_ptr< CompilerInstance > prepareCompilerInstance (std::unique_ptr< clang::CompilerInvocation > CI, const PrecompiledPreamble *Preamble, std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer > Buffer, llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > VFS, DiagnosticConsumer &DiagsClient)
std::unique_ptr< CompilerInstance > prepareCompilerInstance (std::unique_ptr< clang::CompilerInvocation >, const PrecompiledPreamble *, std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer > MainFile, IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem >, DiagnosticConsumer &)
 Creates a compiler instance, configured so that:
DecisionForestScores evaluateDecisionForest (const SymbolQualitySignals &Quality, const SymbolRelevanceSignals &Relevance, float Base)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const DiagBase &D)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Fix &F)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Diag &D)
Diag toDiag (const llvm::SMDiagnostic &D, Diag::DiagSource Source)
void toLSPDiags (const Diag &D, const URIForFile &File, const ClangdDiagnosticOptions &Opts, llvm::function_ref< void(clangd::Diagnostic, llvm::ArrayRef< Fix >)> OutFn)
 Conversion to LSP diagnostics.
int getSeverity (DiagnosticsEngine::Level L)
 Convert from clang diagnostic level to LSP severity.
static void writeCodeToFixMessage (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, llvm::StringRef Code)
 Sanitizes a piece for presenting it in a synthesized fix message.
static void fillNonLocationData (DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel, const clang::Diagnostic &Info, clangd::DiagBase &D)
 Fills D with all information, except the location-related bits.
bool isBuiltinDiagnosticSuppressed (unsigned ID, const llvm::StringSet<> &Suppressed, const LangOptions &)
 Determine whether a (non-clang-tidy) diagnostic is suppressed by config.
llvm::StringRef normalizeSuppressedCode (llvm::StringRef)
 Take a user-specified diagnostic code, and convert it to a normalized form stored in the config and consumed by isBuiltinDiagnosticsSuppressed.
std::optional< std::string > getDiagnosticDocURI (Diag::DiagSource, unsigned ID, llvm::StringRef Name)
 Returns a URI providing more information about a particular diagnostic.
static void increment (std::string &S)
static void updateVersion (DraftStore::Draft &D, llvm::StringRef SpecifiedVersion)
ASTNode dumpAST (const DynTypedNode &N, const syntax::TokenBuffer &Tokens, const ASTContext &Ctx)
std::string versionString ()
std::string platformString ()
std::string featureString ()
static llvm::SmallString< 128 > canonicalize (llvm::StringRef Path)
static std::pair< std::string, int > scopeToPath (llvm::StringRef Scope)
static FileDistance createScopeFileDistance (llvm::ArrayRef< std::string > QueryScopes)
llvm::Expected< LocationindexToLSPLocation (const SymbolLocation &Loc, llvm::StringRef TUPath)
 Helper function for deriving an LSP Location from an index SymbolLocation.
llvm::Expected< LocationsymbolToLocation (const Symbol &Sym, llvm::StringRef TUPath)
 Helper function for deriving an LSP Location for a Symbol.
llvm::Expected< std::vector< SymbolInformation > > getWorkspaceSymbols (llvm::StringRef Query, int Limit, const SymbolIndex *const Index, llvm::StringRef HintPath)
 Searches for the symbols matching Query.
llvm::Expected< std::vector< DocumentSymbol > > getDocumentSymbols (ParsedAST &AST)
 Retrieves the symbols contained in the "main file" section of an AST in the same order that they appear.
llvm::SmallVector< std::pair< const NamedDecl *, DeclRelationSet >, 1 > allTargetDecls (const DynTypedNode &, const HeuristicResolver *)
 Similar to targetDecl(), however instead of applying a filter, all possible decls are returned along with their DeclRelationSets.
llvm::SmallVector< const NamedDecl *, 1 > targetDecl (const DynTypedNode &, DeclRelationSet Mask, const HeuristicResolver *Resolver)
 targetDecl() finds the declaration referred to by an AST node.
llvm::SmallVector< const NamedDecl *, 1 > explicitReferenceTargets (DynTypedNode N, DeclRelationSet Mask, const HeuristicResolver *Resolver)
 Find declarations explicitly referenced in the source code defined by N.
void findExplicitReferences (const Stmt *S, llvm::function_ref< void(ReferenceLoc)> Out, const HeuristicResolver *Resolver)
 Recursively traverse S and report all references explicitly written in the code.
void findExplicitReferences (const Decl *D, llvm::function_ref< void(ReferenceLoc)> Out, const HeuristicResolver *Resolver)
void findExplicitReferences (const ASTContext &AST, llvm::function_ref< void(ReferenceLoc)> Out, const HeuristicResolver *Resolver)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, DeclRelation R)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, DeclRelationSet RS)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, ReferenceLoc R)
DeclRelationSet operator| (DeclRelation L, DeclRelation R)
DeclRelationSet operator& (DeclRelation L, DeclRelation R)
DeclRelationSet operator~ (DeclRelation R)
std::vector< tooling::Replacement > formatIncremental (llvm::StringRef Code, unsigned Cursor, llvm::StringRef InsertedText, format::FormatStyle Style)
 Applies limited formatting around new InsertedText.
unsigned transformCursorPosition (unsigned Offset, const std::vector< tooling::Replacement > &Replacements)
 Determine the new cursor position after applying Replacements.
Path removeDots (PathRef File)
 Returns a version of File that doesn't contain dots and dot dots.
static char lower (char C)
static bool isAwful (int S)
template<typename T >
static T packedLookup (const uint8_t *Data, int I)
CharTypeSet calculateRoles (llvm::StringRef Text, llvm::MutableArrayRef< CharRole > Roles)
static std::unique_ptr< tooling::CompilationDatabase > parseJSON (PathRef Path, llvm::StringRef Data, std::string &Error)
static std::unique_ptr< tooling::CompilationDatabase > parseFixed (PathRef Path, llvm::StringRef Data, std::string &Error)
SystemIncludeExtractorFn getSystemIncludeExtractor (llvm::ArrayRef< std::string > QueryDriverGlobs)
bool isLiteralInclude (llvm::StringRef Include)
 Returns true if Include is literal include like "path" or <path>.
llvm::Expected< HeaderFiletoHeaderFile (llvm::StringRef Header, llvm::StringRef HintPath)
 Creates a HeaderFile from Header which can be either a URI or a literal include.
llvm::SmallVector< SymbolInclude, 1 > getRankedIncludes (const Symbol &Sym)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Inclusion &Inc)
bool operator== (const Inclusion &LHS, const Inclusion &RHS)
IncludeGraphNode::SourceFlag operator| (IncludeGraphNode::SourceFlag A, IncludeGraphNode::SourceFlag B)
bool operator& (IncludeGraphNode::SourceFlag A, IncludeGraphNode::SourceFlag B)
IncludeGraphNode::SourceFlagoperator|= (IncludeGraphNode::SourceFlag &A, IncludeGraphNode::SourceFlag B)
std::optional< PathgetCorrespondingHeaderOrSource (PathRef OriginalFile, llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > VFS)
 Given a header file, returns the best matching source file, and vice visa.
std::optional< PathgetCorrespondingHeaderOrSource (PathRef OriginalFile, ParsedAST &AST, const SymbolIndex *Index)
 Given a header file, returns the best matching source file, and vice visa.
std::vector< const Decl * > getIndexableLocalDecls (ParsedAST &AST)
 Returns all indexable decls that are present in the main file of the AST.
std::optional< HoverInfogetHover (ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, const format::FormatStyle &Style, const SymbolIndex *Index)
 Get the hover information when hovering at Pos.
static std::string formatSize (uint64_t SizeInBits)
static std::string formatOffset (uint64_t OffsetInBits)
std::optional< llvm::StringRef > getBacktickQuoteRange (llvm::StringRef Line, unsigned Offset)
void parseDocumentationLine (llvm::StringRef Line, markup::Paragraph &Out)
void parseDocumentation (llvm::StringRef Input, markup::Document &Output)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const HoverInfo::PrintedType &T)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const HoverInfo::Param &P)
bool operator== (const HoverInfo::PrintedType &LHS, const HoverInfo::PrintedType &RHS)
bool operator== (const HoverInfo::PassType &LHS, const HoverInfo::PassType &RHS)
bool operator== (const HoverInfo::Param &LHS, const HoverInfo::Param &RHS)
std::vector< include_cleaner::SymbolReference > collectMacroReferences (ParsedAST &AST)
include_cleaner::Includes convertIncludes (const ParsedAST &)
 Converts the clangd include representation to include-cleaner include representation.
IncludeCleanerFindings computeIncludeCleanerFindings (ParsedAST &AST, bool AnalyzeAngledIncludes)
bool isPreferredProvider (const Inclusion &, const include_cleaner::Includes &, llvm::ArrayRef< include_cleaner::Header > Providers)
 Whether this #include is considered to provide a particular symbol.
std::vector< DiagissueIncludeCleanerDiagnostics (ParsedAST &AST, llvm::StringRef Code, const IncludeCleanerFindings &Findings, const ThreadsafeFS &TFS, HeaderFilter IgnoreHeaders)
std::optional< std::string > qualifiedByUnresolved (const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation Loc, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
std::optional< std::string > getSpelledSpecifier (const CXXScopeSpec &SS, const SourceManager &SM)
std::optional< CheapUnresolvedNameextractUnresolvedNameCheaply (const SourceManager &SM, const DeclarationNameInfo &Unresolved, CXXScopeSpec *SS, const LangOptions &LangOpts, bool UnresolvedIsSpecifier)
std::vector< std::string > collectAccessibleScopes (Sema &Sem, const DeclarationNameInfo &Typo, Scope *S, Sema::LookupNameKind LookupKind)
 Returns all namespace scopes that the unqualified lookup would visit.
static llvm::StringRef filenameWithoutExtension (llvm::StringRef Path)
std::vector< LoadedShardloadIndexShards (llvm::ArrayRef< Path > MainFiles, BackgroundIndexStorage::Factory &IndexStorageFactory, const GlobalCompilationDatabase &CDB)
 Loads all shards for the TU MainFile from Storage.
SlabTuple indexMainDecls (ParsedAST &AST)
 Retrieves symbols and refs of local top level decls in AST (i.e.
SlabTuple indexHeaderSymbols (llvm::StringRef Version, ASTContext &AST, Preprocessor &PP, const include_cleaner::PragmaIncludes &PI)
 Index declarations from AST and macros from PP that are declared in included headers.
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Parameters, FuzzyFindRequest &Request, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const FuzzyFindRequest &Request)
constexpr IndexContents operator& (IndexContents L, IndexContents R)
constexpr IndexContents operator| (IndexContents L, IndexContents R)
std::unique_ptr< FrontendAction > createStaticIndexingAction (SymbolCollector::Options Opts, std::function< void(SymbolSlab)> SymbolsCallback, std::function< void(RefSlab)> RefsCallback, std::function< void(RelationSlab)> RelationsCallback, std::function< void(IncludeGraph)> IncludeGraphCallback)
static bool prefer (const SymbolLocation &L, const SymbolLocation &R)
Symbol mergeSymbol (const Symbol &L, const Symbol &R)
std::unique_ptr< SymbolIndexcreateProjectAwareIndex (IndexFactory, bool Sync)
 Returns an index that answers queries using external indices.
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, RefKind K)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Ref &R)
RefKind operator| (RefKind L, RefKind R)
RefKindoperator|= (RefKind &L, RefKind R)
RefKind operator& (RefKind A, RefKind B)
bool operator< (const Ref &L, const Ref &R)
bool operator== (const Ref &L, const Ref &R)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const RelationKind R)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Relation &R)
void writeYAML (const IndexFileOut &, llvm::raw_ostream &)
llvm::Expected< IndexFileInreadYAML (llvm::StringRef, SymbolOrigin Origin)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const IndexFileOut &O)
llvm::Expected< IndexFileInreadIndexFile (llvm::StringRef Data, SymbolOrigin Origin)
std::unique_ptr< SymbolIndexloadIndex (llvm::StringRef SymbolFilename, SymbolOrigin Origin, bool UseDex)
std::string toYAML (const Symbol &)
std::string toYAML (const std::pair< SymbolID, ArrayRef< Ref > > &)
std::string toYAML (const Relation &)
std::string toYAML (const Ref &)
llvm::StringRef getStdlibUmbrellaHeader (const LangOptions &LO)
SymbolSlab indexStandardLibrary (llvm::StringRef HeaderSources, std::unique_ptr< CompilerInvocation > CI, const StdLibLocation &Loc, const ThreadsafeFS &TFS)
SymbolSlab indexStandardLibrary (std::unique_ptr< CompilerInvocation > Invocation, const StdLibLocation &Loc, const ThreadsafeFS &TFS)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, Symbol::SymbolFlag F)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Symbol &S)
float quality (const Symbol &S)
 Computes query-independent quality score for a Symbol.
static void own (Symbol &S, llvm::UniqueStringSaver &Strings)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const SymbolSlab &Slab)
Symbol::SymbolFlag operator| (Symbol::SymbolFlag A, Symbol::SymbolFlag B)
Symbol::SymbolFlagoperator|= (Symbol::SymbolFlag &A, Symbol::SymbolFlag B)
template<typename Callback >
void visitStrings (Symbol &S, const Callback &CB)
 Invokes Callback with each StringRef& contained in the Symbol.
llvm::StringRef getStdHeader (const Symbol *S, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const SymbolID &ID)
llvm::hash_code hash_value (const SymbolID &ID)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const SymbolLocation &L)
bool operator== (const SymbolLocation::Position &L, const SymbolLocation::Position &R)
bool operator< (const SymbolLocation::Position &L, const SymbolLocation::Position &R)
bool operator== (const SymbolLocation &L, const SymbolLocation &R)
bool operator< (const SymbolLocation &L, const SymbolLocation &R)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, SymbolOrigin O)
SymbolOrigin operator| (SymbolOrigin A, SymbolOrigin B)
SymbolOriginoperator|= (SymbolOrigin &A, SymbolOrigin B)
SymbolOrigin operator& (SymbolOrigin A, SymbolOrigin B)
std::string toYAML (const std::pair< SymbolID, llvm::ArrayRef< Ref > > &Data)
std::vector< InlayHintinlayHints (ParsedAST &AST, std::optional< Range > RestrictRange)
 Compute and return inlay hints for a file.
std::unique_ptr< TransportnewJSONTransport (std::FILE *In, llvm::raw_ostream &Out, llvm::raw_ostream *InMirror, bool Pretty, JSONStreamStyle Style)
std::optional< std::string > doPathMapping (llvm::StringRef S, PathMapping::Direction Dir, const PathMappings &Mappings)
 Returns a modified S with the first matching path in Mappings substituted, if applicable.
void applyPathMappings (llvm::json::Value &Params, PathMapping::Direction Dir, const PathMappings &Mappings)
 Applies the Mappings to all the file:// URIs in Params.
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const PathMapping &M)
llvm::Expected< PathMappingsparsePathMappings (llvm::StringRef RawPathMappings)
 Parse the command line RawPathMappings (e.g.
std::unique_ptr< TransportcreatePathMappingTransport (std::unique_ptr< Transport > Transp, PathMappings Mappings)
 Creates a wrapping transport over Transp that applies the Mappings to all inbound and outbound LSP messages.
std::shared_ptr< const PreambleDatabuildPreamble (PathRef FileName, CompilerInvocation CI, const ParseInputs &Inputs, bool StoreInMemory, PreambleParsedCallback PreambleCallback, PreambleBuildStats *Stats=nullptr)
 Build a preamble for the new inputs unless an old one can be reused.
bool isPreambleCompatible (const PreambleData &Preamble, const ParseInputs &Inputs, PathRef FileName, const CompilerInvocation &CI)
 Returns true if Preamble is reusable for Inputs.
void escapeBackslashAndQuotes (llvm::StringRef Text, llvm::raw_ostream &OS)
static std::vector< DiagpatchDiags (llvm::ArrayRef< Diag > BaselineDiags, const ScannedPreamble &BaselineScan, const ScannedPreamble &ModifiedScan)
static std::string getPatchName (llvm::StringRef FileName)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &E, URIForFile &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const URIForFile &U)
 Serialize/deserialize URIForFile to/from a string URI.
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const URIForFile &U)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const TextDocumentIdentifier &R)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, TextDocumentIdentifier &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier &R)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, Position &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const Position &P)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Position &P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, Range &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const Range &P)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Range &R)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const Location &P)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Location &L)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const ReferenceLocation &P)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const ReferenceLocation &L)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, TextDocumentItem &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, TextEdit &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const TextEdit &P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, ChangeAnnotation &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const ChangeAnnotation &CA)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, TextDocumentEdit &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const TextDocumentEdit &P)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const TextEdit &TE)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &E, TraceLevel &Out, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &E, SymbolKind &Out, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &E, SymbolKindBitset &Out, llvm::json::Path P)
SymbolKind adjustKindToCapability (SymbolKind Kind, SymbolKindBitset &SupportedSymbolKinds)
SymbolKind indexSymbolKindToSymbolKind (index::SymbolKind Kind)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, ClientCapabilities &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, InitializeParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const WorkDoneProgressCreateParams &P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const WorkDoneProgressBegin &P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const WorkDoneProgressReport &P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const WorkDoneProgressEnd &P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const MessageType &R)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const ShowMessageParams &R)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, DidOpenTextDocumentParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, DidCloseTextDocumentParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, DidSaveTextDocumentParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, DidChangeTextDocumentParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &E, FileChangeType &Out, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, FileEvent &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, DidChangeWatchedFilesParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, TextDocumentContentChangeEvent &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, DocumentRangeFormattingParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, DocumentFormattingParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, DocumentSymbolParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const DiagnosticRelatedInformation &DRI)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (DiagnosticTag Tag)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const CodeDescription &D)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const Diagnostic &D)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, Diagnostic &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const PublishDiagnosticsParams &PDP)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, CodeActionContext &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Diagnostic &D)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, CodeActionParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, WorkspaceEdit &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, ExecuteCommandParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const SymbolInformation &P)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &O, const SymbolInformation &SI)
bool operator== (const SymbolDetails &LHS, const SymbolDetails &RHS)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const SymbolDetails &P)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &O, const SymbolDetails &S)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, WorkspaceSymbolParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const Command &C)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const CodeAction &CA)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &O, const DocumentSymbol &S)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const DocumentSymbol &S)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const WorkspaceEdit &WE)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, TweakArgs &A, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const TweakArgs &A)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const ApplyWorkspaceEditParams &Params)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Response, ApplyWorkspaceEditResponse &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, TextDocumentPositionParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, CompletionContext &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, CompletionParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
static llvm::StringRef toTextKind (MarkupKind Kind)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &V, MarkupKind &K, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, MarkupKind K)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const MarkupContent &MC)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const Hover &H)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &E, CompletionItemKind &Out, llvm::json::Path P)
CompletionItemKind adjustKindToCapability (CompletionItemKind Kind, CompletionItemKindBitset &SupportedCompletionItemKinds)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &E, CompletionItemKindBitset &Out, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const CompletionItemLabelDetails &CD)
void removeCompletionLabelDetails (CompletionItem &)
 Remove the labelDetails field (for clients that don't support it).
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const CompletionItem &CI)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &O, const CompletionItem &I)
bool operator< (const CompletionItem &L, const CompletionItem &R)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const CompletionList &L)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const ParameterInformation &PI)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const SignatureInformation &SI)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &O, const SignatureInformation &I)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const SignatureHelp &SH)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, RenameParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const RenameParams &R)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const PrepareRenameResult &PRR)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const DocumentHighlight &DH)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const FileStatus &FStatus)
static llvm::json::Value encodeTokens (llvm::ArrayRef< SemanticToken > Toks)
bool operator== (const SemanticToken &L, const SemanticToken &R)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const SemanticTokens &Tokens)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const SemanticTokensEdit &Edit)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const SemanticTokensOrDelta &TE)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, SemanticTokensParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, SemanticTokensDeltaParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const InactiveRegionsParams &InactiveRegions)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &O, const DocumentHighlight &V)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, DidChangeConfigurationParams &CCP, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, ClangdCompileCommand &CDbUpdate, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, ConfigurationSettings &S, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, InitializationOptions &Opts, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &E, TypeHierarchyDirection &Out, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, TypeHierarchyPrepareParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &O, const TypeHierarchyItem &I)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const TypeHierarchyItem::ResolveParams &RP)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, TypeHierarchyItem::ResolveParams &RP, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const TypeHierarchyItem &I)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, TypeHierarchyItem &I, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, ResolveTypeHierarchyItemParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, ReferenceContext &R, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, ReferenceParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (SymbolTag Tag)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const CallHierarchyItem &I)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, CallHierarchyItem &I, llvm::json::Path P)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams &C, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const CallHierarchyIncomingCall &C)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams &C, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const CallHierarchyOutgoingCall &C)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, InlayHintsParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const InlayHintKind &Kind)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const InlayHint &H)
bool operator== (const InlayHint &A, const InlayHint &B)
bool operator< (const InlayHint &A, const InlayHint &B)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, InlayHintKind Kind)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const InlayHintLabelPart &L)
bool operator== (const InlayHintLabelPart &LHS, const InlayHintLabelPart &RHS)
bool operator< (const InlayHintLabelPart &LHS, const InlayHintLabelPart &RHS)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const InlayHintLabelPart &L)
static const char * toString (OffsetEncoding OE)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const OffsetEncoding &OE)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &V, OffsetEncoding &OE, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, OffsetEncoding Enc)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, SelectionRangeParams &S, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const SelectionRange &Out)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, DocumentLinkParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const DocumentLink &DocumentLink)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, FoldingRangeParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const FoldingRange &Range)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const MemoryTree &MT)
 Keys starting with an underscore(_) represent leaves, e.g.
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &Params, ASTParams &R, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const ASTNode &N)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const ASTNode &Root)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &E, SymbolID &S, llvm::json::Path P)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const SymbolID &S)
bool operator== (const TextEdit &L, const TextEdit &R)
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const NoParams &)
bool fromJSON (const llvm::json::Value &, NoParams &, llvm::json::Path)
template<typename T >
llvm::json::Value toJSON (const ProgressParams< T > &P)
bool fromJSON (const TypeHierarchyItem::ResolveParams &)
static bool hasDeclInMainFile (const Decl &D)
static bool hasUsingDeclInMainFile (const CodeCompletionResult &R)
static SymbolQualitySignals::SymbolCategory categorize (const NamedDecl &ND)
static SymbolQualitySignals::SymbolCategory categorize (const CodeCompletionResult &R)
static SymbolQualitySignals::SymbolCategory categorize (const index::SymbolInfo &D)
static bool isInstanceMember (const NamedDecl *ND)
static bool isInstanceMember (const index::SymbolInfo &D)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const SymbolQualitySignals &S)
static SymbolRelevanceSignals::AccessibleScope computeScope (const NamedDecl *D)
static float fileProximityScore (unsigned FileDistance)
static float scopeProximityScore (unsigned ScopeDistance)
static std::optional< llvm::StringRef > wordMatching (llvm::StringRef Name, const llvm::StringSet<> *ContextWords)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const SymbolRelevanceSignals &S)
float evaluateSymbolAndRelevance (float SymbolQuality, float SymbolRelevance)
 Combine symbol quality and relevance into a single score.
static uint32_t encodeFloat (float F)
std::string sortText (float Score, llvm::StringRef Tiebreak="")
 Returns a string that sorts in the same order as (-Score, Tiebreak), for LSP.
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const SignatureQualitySignals &S)
SourceLocation insertionPoint (const DeclContext &DC, llvm::ArrayRef< Anchor > Anchors)
llvm::Expected< tooling::Replacement > insertDecl (llvm::StringRef Code, const DeclContext &DC, llvm::ArrayRef< Anchor > Anchors)
SourceLocation insertionPoint (const CXXRecordDecl &InClass, std::vector< Anchor > Anchors, AccessSpecifier Protection)
llvm::Expected< tooling::Replacement > insertDecl (llvm::StringRef Code, const CXXRecordDecl &InClass, std::vector< Anchor > Anchors, AccessSpecifier Protection)
bool operator== (const SymbolRange &LHS, const SymbolRange &RHS)
bool operator!= (const SymbolRange &LHS, const SymbolRange &RHS)
bool operator< (const SymbolRange &LHS, const SymbolRange &RHS)
llvm::Expected< RenameResultrename (const RenameInputs &RInputs)
 Renames all occurrences of the symbol.
llvm::Expected< EditbuildRenameEdit (llvm::StringRef AbsFilePath, llvm::StringRef InitialCode, std::vector< SymbolRange > Occurrences, llvm::ArrayRef< llvm::StringRef > NewNames)
 Generates rename edits that replaces all given occurrences with the NewName.
std::optional< std::vector< SymbolRange > > adjustRenameRanges (llvm::StringRef DraftCode, llvm::StringRef Identifier, std::vector< Range > Indexed, const LangOptions &LangOpts, std::optional< Selector > Selector)
 Adjusts indexed occurrences to match the current state of the file.
std::optional< std::vector< SymbolRange > > getMappedRanges (ArrayRef< Range > Indexed, ArrayRef< SymbolRange > Lexed)
 Calculates the lexed occurrences that the given indexed occurrences map to.
size_t renameRangeAdjustmentCost (ArrayRef< Range > Indexed, ArrayRef< SymbolRange > Lexed, ArrayRef< size_t > MappedIndex)
 Evaluates how good the mapped result is.
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Tweak > > prepareTweaks (const Tweak::Selection &S, llvm::function_ref< bool(const Tweak &)> Filter, const FeatureModuleSet *Modules)
 Calls prepare() on all tweaks that satisfy the filter, returning those that can run on the selection.
llvm::Expected< std::unique_ptr< Tweak > > prepareTweak (StringRef ID, const Tweak::Selection &S, const FeatureModuleSet *Modules)
std::unique_ptr< ProjectModulesscanningProjectModules (std::shared_ptr< const clang::tooling::CompilationDatabase > CDB, const ThreadsafeFS &TFS)
 Providing modules information for the project by scanning every file.
llvm::SmallString< 256 > abbreviatedString (DynTypedNode N, const PrintingPolicy &PP)
static llvm::SmallVector< std::pair< unsigned, unsigned >, 2 > pointBounds (unsigned Offset, const syntax::TokenBuffer &Tokens)
std::vector< HighlightingTokengetSemanticHighlightings (ParsedAST &AST, bool IncludeInactiveRegionTokens)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, HighlightingKind K)
std::optional< HighlightingKindhighlightingKindFromString (llvm::StringRef Name)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, HighlightingModifier K)
std::optional< HighlightingModifierhighlightingModifierFromString (llvm::StringRef Name)
bool operator== (const HighlightingToken &L, const HighlightingToken &R)
bool operator< (const HighlightingToken &L, const HighlightingToken &R)
std::vector< SemanticTokentoSemanticTokens (llvm::ArrayRef< HighlightingToken > Tokens, llvm::StringRef Code)
llvm::StringRef toSemanticTokenType (HighlightingKind Kind)
llvm::StringRef toSemanticTokenModifier (HighlightingModifier Modifier)
std::vector< SemanticTokensEditdiffTokens (llvm::ArrayRef< SemanticToken > Old, llvm::ArrayRef< SemanticToken > New)
std::vector< RangegetInactiveRegions (ParsedAST &AST)
llvm::Expected< SelectionRangegetSemanticRanges (ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos)
 Returns the list of all interesting ranges around the Position Pos.
llvm::Expected< std::vector< FoldingRange > > getFoldingRanges (ParsedAST &AST)
 Returns a list of ranges whose contents might be collapsible in an editor.
llvm::Expected< std::vector< FoldingRange > > getFoldingRanges (const std::string &Code, bool LineFoldingOnly)
 Returns a list of ranges whose contents might be collapsible in an editor.
template<typename Callback >
static bool iterateCodepoints (llvm::StringRef U8, const Callback &CB)
static size_t measureUnits (llvm::StringRef U8, int Units, OffsetEncoding Enc, bool &Valid)
static OffsetEncoding lspEncoding ()
size_t lspLength (llvm::StringRef Code)
llvm::Expected< size_t > positionToOffset (llvm::StringRef Code, Position P, bool AllowColumnsBeyondLineLength=true)
 Turn a [line, column] pair into an offset in Code.
Position offsetToPosition (llvm::StringRef Code, size_t Offset)
 Turn an offset in Code into a [line, column] pair.
Position sourceLocToPosition (const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation Loc)
 Turn a SourceLocation into a [line, column] pair.
bool isSpelledInSource (SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM)
 Returns true if the token at Loc is spelled in the source code.
bool isValidFileRange (const SourceManager &Mgr, SourceRange R)
 Returns true iff all of the following conditions hold:
SourceLocation includeHashLoc (FileID IncludedFile, const SourceManager &SM)
 Returns the #include location through which IncludedFIle was loaded.
static unsigned getTokenLengthAtLoc (SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
static SourceLocation getLocForTokenEnd (SourceLocation BeginLoc, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
static SourceLocation getLocForTokenBegin (SourceLocation EndLoc, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
static SourceRange toTokenRange (CharSourceRange Range, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
static SourceRange unionTokenRange (SourceRange R1, SourceRange R2, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
static SourceRange rangeInCommonFile (SourceRange R, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
static SourceRange getExpansionTokenRangeInSameFile (SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
static SourceRange getTokenFileRange (SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
bool isInsideMainFile (SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM)
 Returns true iff Loc is inside the main file.
std::optional< SourceRange > toHalfOpenFileRange (const SourceManager &Mgr, const LangOptions &LangOpts, SourceRange R)
 Turns a token range into a half-open range and checks its correctness.
llvm::StringRef toSourceCode (const SourceManager &SM, SourceRange R)
 Returns the source code covered by the source range.
llvm::Expected< SourceLocation > sourceLocationInMainFile (const SourceManager &SM, Position P)
 Return the file location, corresponding to P.
Range halfOpenToRange (const SourceManager &SM, CharSourceRange R)
void unionRanges (Range &A, Range B)
std::pair< size_t, size_t > offsetToClangLineColumn (llvm::StringRef Code, size_t Offset)
std::pair< StringRef, StringRef > splitQualifiedName (StringRef QName)
TextEdit replacementToEdit (llvm::StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacement &R)
std::vector< TextEditreplacementsToEdits (llvm::StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Repls)
std::optional< std::string > getCanonicalPath (const FileEntryRef F, FileManager &FileMgr)
 Get the canonical path of F.
TextEdit toTextEdit (const FixItHint &FixIt, const SourceManager &M, const LangOptions &L)
FileDigest digest (llvm::StringRef Content)
std::optional< FileDigestdigestFile (const SourceManager &SM, FileID FID)
format::FormatStyle getFormatStyleForFile (llvm::StringRef File, llvm::StringRef Content, const ThreadsafeFS &TFS, bool FormatFile)
 Choose the clang-format style we should apply to a certain file.
llvm::Expected< tooling::Replacements > cleanupAndFormat (StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Replaces, const format::FormatStyle &Style)
 Cleanup and format the given replacements.
static void lex (llvm::StringRef Code, const LangOptions &LangOpts, llvm::function_ref< void(const syntax::Token &, const SourceManager &SM)> Action)
llvm::StringMap< unsigned > collectIdentifiers (llvm::StringRef Content, const format::FormatStyle &Style)
 Collects identifiers with counts in the source code.
std::vector< RangecollectIdentifierRanges (llvm::StringRef Identifier, llvm::StringRef Content, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
 Collects all ranges of the given identifier in the source code.
bool isKeyword (llvm::StringRef TokenName, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
 Return true if the TokenName is in the list of reversed keywords of the language.
std::vector< std::string > visibleNamespaces (llvm::StringRef Code, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
 Heuristically determine namespaces visible at a point, without parsing Code.
llvm::StringSet collectWords (llvm::StringRef Content)
 Collects words from the source code.
static bool isLikelyIdentifier (llvm::StringRef Word, llvm::StringRef Before, llvm::StringRef After)
std::optional< DefinedMacrolocateMacroAt (const syntax::Token &SpelledTok, Preprocessor &PP)
 Gets the macro referenced by SpelledTok.
llvm::Error reformatEdit (Edit &E, const format::FormatStyle &Style)
 Formats the edits and code around it according to Style.
static void inferFinalNewline (llvm::Expected< size_t > &Err, std::string &Contents, const Position &Pos)
llvm::Error applyChange (std::string &Contents, const TextDocumentContentChangeEvent &Change)
 Apply an incremental update to a text document.
EligibleRegion getEligiblePoints (llvm::StringRef Code, llvm::StringRef FullyQualifiedName, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
 Returns most eligible region to insert a definition for FullyQualifiedName in the Code.
bool isHeaderFile (llvm::StringRef FileName, std::optional< LangOptions > LangOpts=std::nullopt)
 Infers whether this is a header from the FileName and LangOpts (if presents).
bool isProtoFile (SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SourceMgr)
 Returns true if the given location is in a generated protobuf file.
SourceLocation translatePreamblePatchLocation (SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM)
 Translates locations inside preamble patch to their main-file equivalent using presumed locations.
clangd::Range rangeTillEOL (llvm::StringRef Code, unsigned HashOffset)
 Returns the range starting at offset and spanning the whole line.
FileDigest digest (StringRef Content)
size_t lspLength (StringRef Code)
std::pair< llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef > splitQualifiedName (llvm::StringRef QName)
 From "a::b::c", return {"a::b::", "c"}.
TextEdit replacementToEdit (StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacement &R)
std::vector< TextEditreplacementsToEdits (StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Repls)
bool isReservedName (llvm::StringRef Name)
 Returns true if Name is reserved, like _Foo or __Vector_base.
std::pair< Context, CancelercancelableTask (int Reason=1)
 Defines a new task whose cancellation may be requested.
int isCancelled (const Context &Ctx=Context::current())
 If the current context is within a cancelled task, returns the reason.
static ContextcurrentContext ()
template<typename... Ts>
void elog (const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
template<typename... Ts>
void log (const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
template<typename... Ts>
void vlog (const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
template<typename... Ts>
llvm::Error error (std::error_code EC, const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
template<typename... Ts>
llvm::Error error (const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
llvm::Error error (std::error_code EC, std::string Msg)
llvm::Error error (std::string Msg)
void record (const MemoryTree &MT, std::string RootName, const trace::Metric &Out)
 Records total memory usage of each node under Out.
std::string maybeCaseFoldPath (PathRef Path)
bool pathEqual (PathRef A, PathRef B)
PathRef absoluteParent (PathRef Path)
 Variant of parent_path that operates only on absolute paths.
bool pathStartsWith (PathRef Ancestor, PathRef Path, llvm::sys::path::Style Style=llvm::sys::path::Style::native)
 Checks if Ancestor is a proper ancestor of Path.
void abortAfterTimeout (std::chrono::seconds Timeout)
 Causes this process to crash if still running after Timeout.
void requestShutdown ()
 Sets a flag to indicate that clangd was sent a shutdown signal, and the transport loop should exit at the next opportunity.
bool shutdownRequested ()
 Checks whether requestShutdown() was called.
template<typename Fun , typename Ret = decltype(std::declval<Fun>()())>
Ret retryAfterSignalUnlessShutdown (const std::enable_if_t< true, Ret > &Fail, const Fun &F)
 Retry an operation if it gets interrupted by a signal.
Deadline timeoutSeconds (std::optional< double > Seconds)
 Makes a deadline from a timeout in seconds. std::nullopt means wait forever.
void wait (std::unique_lock< std::mutex > &Lock, std::condition_variable &CV, Deadline D)
 Wait once on CV for the specified duration.
template<typename Func >
bool wait (std::unique_lock< std::mutex > &Lock, std::condition_variable &CV, Deadline D, Func F)
 Waits on a condition variable until F() is true or D expires.
template<typename T >
std::future< T > runAsync (llvm::unique_function< T()> Action)
 Runs Action asynchronously with a new std::thread.
static void mergeCheckList (std::optional< std::string > &Checks, llvm::StringRef List)
TidyProviderRef provideEnvironment ()
 Provider that just sets the defaults.
TidyProviderRef provideDefaultChecks ()
 Provider that will enable a nice set of default checks if none are specified.
TidyProvider addTidyChecks (llvm::StringRef Checks, llvm::StringRef WarningsAsErrors={})
 Provider the enables a specific set of checks and warnings as errors.
TidyProvider disableUnusableChecks (llvm::ArrayRef< std::string > ExtraBadChecks={})
 Provider that will disable checks known to not work with clangd.
TidyProviderRef provideClangdConfig ()
TidyProvider provideClangTidyFiles (ThreadsafeFS &)
 Provider that searches for .clang-tidy configuration files in the directory tree.
TidyProvider combine (std::vector< TidyProvider > Providers)
tidy::ClangTidyOptions getTidyOptionsForFile (TidyProviderRef Provider, llvm::StringRef Filename)
bool isRegisteredTidyCheck (llvm::StringRef Check)
 Returns if Check is a registered clang-tidy check.
std::optional< bool > isFastTidyCheck (llvm::StringRef Check)
 Returns if Check is known-fast, known-slow, or its speed is unknown.
bool check (llvm::StringRef File, const ThreadsafeFS &TFS, const ClangdLSPServer::Options &Opts)
int clangdMain (int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned getDefaultAsyncThreadsCount ()
 Returns a number of a default async threads to use for TUScheduler.
static clangd::Range toLSPRange (llvm::StringRef Code, llvm::Annotations::Range R)
 MATCHER_P (named, N, "")
 MATCHER_P (qName, N, "")
 MATCHER (declared, "")
 MATCHER (defined, "")
 MATCHER_P (fileURI, F, "")
::testing::Matcher< const RefSlab & > refsAre (std::vector<::testing::Matcher< Ref > > Matchers)
 MATCHER (emptyIncludeNode, "")
 MATCHER (hadErrors, "")
 MATCHER_P (numReferences, N, "")
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexTest, NoCrashOnErrorFile)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexTest, Config)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexTest, IndexTwoFiles)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexTest, MainFileRefs)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexTest, ShardStorageTest)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexTest, DirectIncludesTest)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexTest, ShardStorageLoad)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexTest, ShardStorageEmptyFile)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexTest, NoDotsInAbsPath)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexTest, UncompilableFiles)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexTest, CmdLineHash)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexTest, Reindex)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexRebuilderTest, IndexingTUs)
 TEST_F (BackgroundIndexRebuilderTest, LoadingShards)
 TEST (BackgroundQueueTest, Priority)
 TEST (BackgroundQueueTest, Boost)
 TEST (BackgroundQueueTest, Duplicates)
 TEST (BackgroundQueueTest, Progress)
 TEST (BackgroundIndex, Profile)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &Stream, const CallHierarchyItem &Item)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &Stream, const CallHierarchyIncomingCall &Call)
 TEST (DecisionForestRuntime, Evaluate)
 MATCHER_P2 (hasFlag, Flag, Path, "")
auto hasFlag (llvm::StringRef Flag)
 TEST_F (DirectoryBasedGlobalCompilationDatabaseCacheTest, Cacheable)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &Stream, const InlayHint &Hint)
static void logBody (llvm::StringRef Method, llvm::json::Value V, bool Send)
template<typename... Args>
PolySubsequenceMatcher< Args... > HasSubsequence (Args &&... M)
template<typename InnerMatcher >
OptionalMatcher< InnerMatcher > HasValue (const InnerMatcher &inner_matcher)
std::unique_ptr< SymbolIndexcreateIndex ()
 TEST (ProjectAware, Test)
 TEST (ProjectAware, CreatedOnce)
 TEST (ContextTests, Simple)
 TEST (ContextTests, MoveOps)
 TEST (ContextTests, Builders)
 TEST_F (ThreadingTest, TaskRunner)
 TEST_F (ThreadingTest, Memoize)
 TEST_F (ThreadingTest, MemoizeDeterministic)
 TEST (PeriodicThrottlerTest, Minimal)
void runAddDocument (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, llvm::StringRef Contents, llvm::StringRef Version, WantDiagnostics WantDiags, bool ForceRebuild)
llvm::Expected< CodeCompleteResultrunCodeComplete (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos, clangd::CodeCompleteOptions Opts)
llvm::Expected< SignatureHelprunSignatureHelp (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos, MarkupKind DocumentationFormat)
llvm::Expected< std::vector< LocatedSymbol > > runLocateSymbolAt (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos)
llvm::Expected< std::vector< DocumentHighlight > > runFindDocumentHighlights (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos)
llvm::Expected< RenameResultrunRename (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos, llvm::StringRef NewName, const RenameOptions &RenameOpts)
llvm::Expected< RenameResultrunPrepareRename (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos, std::optional< std::string > NewName, const RenameOptions &RenameOpts)
llvm::Expected< tooling::Replacements > runFormatFile (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, std::optional< Range > Rng)
SymbolSlab runFuzzyFind (const SymbolIndex &Index, llvm::StringRef Query)
SymbolSlab runFuzzyFind (const SymbolIndex &Index, const FuzzyFindRequest &Req)
RefSlab getRefs (const SymbolIndex &Index, SymbolID ID)
llvm::Expected< std::vector< SelectionRange > > runSemanticRanges (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, const std::vector< Position > &Pos)
llvm::Expected< std::optional< clangd::Path > > runSwitchHeaderSource (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File)
llvm::Error runCustomAction (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, llvm::function_ref< void(InputsAndAST)> Action)
void runAddDocument (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, StringRef Contents, StringRef Version="null", WantDiagnostics WantDiags=WantDiagnostics::Auto, bool ForceRebuild=false)
llvm::Expected< RenameResultrunRename (ClangdServer &Server, PathRef File, Position Pos, StringRef NewName, const clangd::RenameOptions &RenameOpts)
SymbolSlab runFuzzyFind (const SymbolIndex &Index, StringRef Query)
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > buildTestFS (llvm::StringMap< std::string > const &Files, llvm::StringMap< time_t > const &Timestamps)
const char * testRoot ()
std::string testPath (PathRef File, llvm::sys::path::Style Style)
static URISchemeRegistry::Add< TestScheme > X (TestScheme::Scheme, "Test schema")
Symbol symbol (llvm::StringRef QName)
static std::string replace (llvm::StringRef Haystack, llvm::StringRef Needle, llvm::StringRef Repl)
Symbol sym (llvm::StringRef QName, index::SymbolKind Kind, llvm::StringRef USRFormat, llvm::StringRef Signature)
Symbol func (llvm::StringRef Name)
Symbol cls (llvm::StringRef Name)
Symbol enm (llvm::StringRef Name)
Symbol enmConstant (llvm::StringRef Name)
Symbol var (llvm::StringRef Name)
Symbol ns (llvm::StringRef Name)
Symbol conceptSym (llvm::StringRef Name)
Symbol macro (llvm::StringRef Name, llvm::StringRef ArgList)
Symbol objcSym (llvm::StringRef Name, index::SymbolKind Kind, llvm::StringRef USRPrefix)
Symbol objcClass (llvm::StringRef Name)
Symbol objcCategory (llvm::StringRef Name, llvm::StringRef CategoryName)
Symbol objcProtocol (llvm::StringRef Name)
SymbolSlab generateSymbols (std::vector< std::string > QualifiedNames)
SymbolSlab generateNumSymbols (int Begin, int End)
std::string getQualifiedName (const Symbol &Sym)
std::vector< std::string > match (const SymbolIndex &I, const FuzzyFindRequest &Req, bool *Incomplete)
std::vector< std::string > lookup (const SymbolIndex &I, llvm::ArrayRef< SymbolID > IDs)
void initializeModuleCache (CompilerInvocation &CI)
void deleteModuleCache (const std::string ModuleCachePath)
const SymbolfindSymbol (const SymbolSlab &Slab, llvm::StringRef QName)
const NamedDecl & findDecl (ParsedAST &AST, llvm::StringRef QName)
const NamedDecl & findDecl (ParsedAST &AST, std::function< bool(const NamedDecl &)> Filter)
const NamedDecl & findUnqualifiedDecl (ParsedAST &AST, llvm::StringRef Name)
 MATCHER_P2 (FileWithContents, FileName, Contents, "")
xpc_object_t jsonToXpc (const json::Value &JSON)
json::Value xpcToJson (const xpc_object_t &XPCObject)
xpc_object_t jsonToXpc (const llvm::json::Value &JSON)
std::unique_ptr< TransportnewXPCTransport ()
std::vector< LocatedSymbollocateSymbolTextually (const SpelledWord &Word, ParsedAST &AST, const SymbolIndex *Index, llvm::StringRef MainFilePath, ASTNodeKind NodeKind)
const syntax::Token * findNearbyIdentifier (const SpelledWord &Word, const syntax::TokenBuffer &TB)
std::vector< LocatedSymbollocateSymbolAt (ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, const SymbolIndex *Index=nullptr)
 Get definition of symbol at a specified Pos.
std::vector< DocumentLinkgetDocumentLinks (ParsedAST &AST)
 Get all document links.
std::vector< DocumentHighlightfindDocumentHighlights (ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos)
 Returns highlights for all usages of a symbol at Pos.
std::vector< LocatedSymbolfindImplementations (ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, const SymbolIndex *Index)
 Returns implementations at a specified Pos:
ReferencesResult findReferences (ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, uint32_t Limit, const SymbolIndex *Index=nullptr, bool AddContext=false)
 Returns references of the symbol at a specified Pos.
std::vector< SymbolDetailsgetSymbolInfo (ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos)
 Get info about symbols at Pos.
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const LocatedSymbol &S)
llvm::raw_ostream & operator<< (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const ReferencesResult::Reference &R)
template<typename HierarchyItem >
static std::optional< HierarchyItem > declToHierarchyItem (const NamedDecl &ND, llvm::StringRef TUPath)
static std::optional< TypeHierarchyItemdeclToTypeHierarchyItem (const NamedDecl &ND, llvm::StringRef TUPath)
static std::optional< CallHierarchyItemdeclToCallHierarchyItem (const NamedDecl &ND, llvm::StringRef TUPath)
template<typename HierarchyItem >
static std::optional< HierarchyItem > symbolToHierarchyItem (const Symbol &S, PathRef TUPath)
static std::optional< TypeHierarchyItemsymbolToTypeHierarchyItem (const Symbol &S, PathRef TUPath)
static std::optional< CallHierarchyItemsymbolToCallHierarchyItem (const Symbol &S, PathRef TUPath)
static void fillSubTypes (const SymbolID &ID, std::vector< TypeHierarchyItem > &SubTypes, const SymbolIndex *Index, int Levels, PathRef TUPath)
static void fillSuperTypes (const CXXRecordDecl &CXXRD, llvm::StringRef TUPath, TypeHierarchyItem &Item, RecursionProtectionSet &RPSet)
std::vector< const CXXRecordDecl * > findRecordTypeAt (ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos)
 Find the record types referenced at Pos.
static QualType typeForNode (const SelectionTree::Node *N)
static void unwrapFindType (QualType T, const HeuristicResolver *H, llvm::SmallVector< QualType > &Out)
static llvm::SmallVector< QualType > unwrapFindType (QualType T, const HeuristicResolver *H)
std::vector< LocatedSymbolfindType (ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, const SymbolIndex *Index)
 Returns symbols for types referenced at Pos.
std::vector< const CXXRecordDecl * > typeParents (const CXXRecordDecl *CXXRD)
 Given a record type declaration, find its base (parent) types.
std::vector< TypeHierarchyItemgetTypeHierarchy (ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, int Resolve, TypeHierarchyDirection Direction, const SymbolIndex *Index=nullptr, PathRef TUPath=PathRef{})
 Get type hierarchy information at Pos.
std::optional< std::vector< TypeHierarchyItem > > superTypes (const TypeHierarchyItem &Item, const SymbolIndex *Index)
 Returns direct parents of a TypeHierarchyItem using SymbolIDs stored inside the item.
std::vector< TypeHierarchyItemsubTypes (const TypeHierarchyItem &Item, const SymbolIndex *Index)
 Returns direct children of a TypeHierarchyItem.
void resolveTypeHierarchy (TypeHierarchyItem &Item, int ResolveLevels, TypeHierarchyDirection Direction, const SymbolIndex *Index)
std::vector< CallHierarchyItemprepareCallHierarchy (ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, PathRef TUPath)
 Get call hierarchy information at Pos.
std::vector< CallHierarchyIncomingCallincomingCalls (const CallHierarchyItem &Item, const SymbolIndex *Index)
llvm::DenseSet< const Decl * > getNonLocalDeclRefs (ParsedAST &AST, const FunctionDecl *FD)
 Returns all decls that are referenced in the FD except local symbols.


static bool AllowCrashPragmasForTest = false
static constexpr int AwfulScore = -(1 << 13)
static constexpr int PerfectBonus = 4
static constexpr uint8_t CharTypes []
static constexpr uint8_t CharRoles []
static std::atomic< bool > PreventStarvation = {false}
constexpr int MaxSuffixComponents = 3
 The maximum number of path components in a key from StdSuffixHeaderMapping.
constexpr unsigned SemanticTokenEncodingSize = 5
constexpr auto CompletionItemKindMin
constexpr auto CompletionItemKindMax
constexpr auto SymbolKindMin = static_cast<size_t>(SymbolKind::File)
constexpr auto SymbolKindMax = static_cast<size_t>(SymbolKind::TypeParameter)
Key< OffsetEncodingkCurrentOffsetEncoding
static Key< CancelStateStateKey
static constexpr uint64_t CacheDiskMismatch
static constexpr uint64_t FileNotFound = CacheDiskMismatch - 1
static std::atomic< bool > ShutdownRequested = {false}
static thread_local ThreadCrashReporterCurrentReporter = nullptr
static clang::clangd::Key< std::string > FileBeingProcessed
static int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED UnittestSchemeAnchorDest
volatile int UnittestSchemeAnchorSource = 0
static int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED UnittestSchemeAnchorDest

Detailed Description

FIXME: Skip testing on windows temporarily due to the different escaping code mode.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Callback

template<typename T >
using clang::clangd::Callback = typedef llvm::unique_function<void(llvm::Expected<T>)>

A Callback<T> is a void function that accepts Expected<T>.

This is accepted by ClangdServer functions that logically return T.

Definition at line 28 of file Function.h.

◆ Canceler

using clang::clangd::Canceler = typedef std::function<void()>

A canceller requests cancellation of a task, when called.

Calling it again has no effect.

Definition at line 70 of file Cancellation.h.

◆ ChangeAnnotationIdentifier

using clang::clangd::ChangeAnnotationIdentifier = typedef std::string

Definition at line 241 of file Protocol.h.

◆ CharTypeSet

using clang::clangd::CharTypeSet = typedef unsigned char

Definition at line 49 of file FuzzyMatch.h.

◆ CompletionItemKindBitset

Definition at line 372 of file Protocol.h.

◆ FileDigest

using clang::clangd::FileDigest = typedef std::array<uint8_t, 8>

Definition at line 42 of file SourceCode.h.

◆ FileEdits

using clang::clangd::FileEdits = typedef llvm::StringMap<Edit>

A mapping from absolute file path (the one used for accessing the underlying VFS) to edits.

Definition at line 209 of file SourceCode.h.

◆ HeaderFilter

using clang::clangd::HeaderFilter = typedef llvm::ArrayRef<std::function<bool(llvm::StringRef)> >

Definition at line 60 of file IncludeCleaner.h.

◆ IncludeGraph

using clang::clangd::IncludeGraph = typedef llvm::StringMap<IncludeGraphNode>

Definition at line 101 of file Headers.h.

◆ IndexFactory

using clang::clangd::IndexFactory = typedef std::function<std::unique_ptr<SymbolIndex>( const Config::ExternalIndexSpec &, AsyncTaskRunner *)>

A functor to create an index for an external index specification.

Functor should perform any high latency operation in a separate thread through AsyncTaskRunner, if set. Spec is never None.

Definition at line 24 of file ProjectAware.h.

◆ InitializedParams

Definition at line 321 of file Protocol.h.

◆ Obj

using clang::clangd::Obj = typedef llvm::json::Object

Definition at line 217 of file LSPClient.cpp.

◆ Path

using clang::clangd::Path = typedef std::string

A typedef to represent a file path.

Used solely for more descriptive signatures.

Definition at line 26 of file Path.h.

◆ PathMappings

using clang::clangd::PathMappings = typedef std::vector<PathMapping>

Definition at line 42 of file PathMapping.h.

◆ PathRef

using clang::clangd::PathRef = typedef llvm::StringRef

A typedef to represent a ref to file path.

Used solely for more descriptive signatures.

Definition at line 29 of file Path.h.

◆ PreambleParsedCallback

using clang::clangd::PreambleParsedCallback = typedef std::function<void(CapturedASTCtx ASTCtx, std::shared_ptr<const include_cleaner::PragmaIncludes>)>

Definition at line 130 of file Preamble.h.

◆ RecursionProtectionSet

using clang::clangd::RecursionProtectionSet = typedef llvm::SmallSet<const CXXRecordDecl *, 4>

Definition at line 1804 of file XRefs.cpp.

◆ SlabTuple

Definition at line 155 of file FileIndex.h.

◆ SymbolKindBitset

using clang::clangd::SymbolKindBitset = typedef std::bitset<SymbolKindMax + 1>

Definition at line 411 of file Protocol.h.

◆ SystemIncludeExtractorFn

using clang::clangd::SystemIncludeExtractorFn = typedef llvm::unique_function<void( tooling::CompileCommand &, llvm::StringRef) const>

Extracts system include search path from drivers matching QueryDriverGlobs and adds them to the compile flags.

Returns null when QueryDriverGlobs is empty.

Definition at line 180 of file GlobalCompilationDatabase.h.

◆ TidyProvider

using clang::clangd::TidyProvider = typedef llvm::unique_function<void(tidy::ClangTidyOptions &, llvm::StringRef) const>

A factory to modify a tidy::ClangTidyOptions.

Definition at line 21 of file TidyProvider.h.

◆ TidyProviderRef

using clang::clangd::TidyProviderRef = typedef llvm::function_ref<void(tidy::ClangTidyOptions &, llvm::StringRef)>

A factory to modify a tidy::ClangTidyOptions that doesn't hold any state.

Definition at line 27 of file TidyProvider.h.

◆ TweakRegistry

typedef llvm::Registry<Tweak> clang::clangd::TweakRegistry

A handy typedef to save some typing.

Definition at line 30 of file Tweak.cpp.

◆ URISchemeRegistry

By default, a "file" scheme is supported where URI paths are always absolute in the file system.

Definition at line 131 of file URI.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CharRole

enum clang::clangd::CharRole : unsigned char

Definition at line 55 of file FuzzyMatch.h.

◆ CharType

enum clang::clangd::CharType : unsigned char

Definition at line 41 of file FuzzyMatch.h.

◆ CompletionItemKind

The kind of a completion entry.


Definition at line 338 of file Protocol.h.

◆ CompletionTriggerKind


Completion was triggered by typing an identifier (24x7 code complete), manual invocation (e.g Ctrl+Space) or via API.


Completion was triggered by a trigger character specified by the triggerCharacters properties of the CompletionRegistrationOptions.


Completion was re-triggered as the current completion list is incomplete.

Definition at line 1211 of file Protocol.h.

◆ DeclRelation

enum class clang::clangd::DeclRelation : unsigned

This is the template instantiation that was referred to.

e.g. template<> class vector<int> (the implicit specialization)


This is the pattern the template specialization was instantiated from.

e.g. class vector<T> (the pattern within the primary template)


This declaration is an alias that was referred to.

e.g. using ns::X (the UsingDecl directly referenced), using Z = ns::Y (the TypeAliasDecl directly referenced)


This is the underlying declaration for a renaming-alias, decltype etc.

e.g. class ns::Y (the underlying declaration referenced).

Note that we don't treat using ns::X as a first-class declaration like using Z = ns::Y. Therefore reference to X that goes through this using-decl is considered a direct reference (without the Underlying bit). Nevertheless, we report using ns::X as an Alias, so that some features like go-to-definition can still target it.

Definition at line 93 of file FindTarget.h.

◆ DiagnosticTag


Unused or unnecessary code.

Clients are allowed to render diagnostics with this tag faded out instead of having an error squiggle.


Deprecated or obsolete code.

Clients are allowed to rendered diagnostics with this tag strike through.

Definition at line 896 of file Protocol.h.

◆ DocumentHighlightKind


Definition at line 1448 of file Protocol.h.

◆ DuplicateHandling

How to handle duplicated symbols across multiple files.


Definition at line 50 of file FileIndex.h.

◆ ErrorCode

enum class clang::clangd::ErrorCode

Definition at line 47 of file Protocol.h.

◆ ErrorResultCode

enum class clang::clangd::ErrorResultCode : int

Definition at line 715 of file ClangdMain.cpp.

◆ FileChangeType

enum class clang::clangd::FileChangeType

The file got created.


The file got changed.


The file got deleted.

Definition at line 808 of file Protocol.h.

◆ HighlightingKind


Definition at line 31 of file SemanticHighlighting.h.

◆ HighlightingModifier


Definition at line 68 of file SemanticHighlighting.h.

◆ IndexContents

enum class clang::clangd::IndexContents : uint8_t

Describes what data is covered by an index.

Indexes may contain symbols but not references from a file, etc. This affects merging: if a staler index contains a reference but a fresher one does not, we want to trust the fresher index only if it actually includes references in general.


Definition at line 93 of file Index.h.

◆ IndexFileFormat

enum class clang::clangd::IndexFileFormat

Definition at line 37 of file Serialization.h.

◆ IndexType

enum class clang::clangd::IndexType

Select between in-memory index implementations, which have tradeoffs.


Definition at line 42 of file FileIndex.h.

◆ InlayHintKind

enum class clang::clangd::InlayHintKind

Inlay hint kinds.


An inlay hint that for a type annotation.

An example of a type hint is a hint in this position: auto var ^ = expr; which shows the deduced type of the variable.


An inlay hint that is for a parameter.

An example of a parameter hint is a hint in this position: func(^arg); which shows the name of the corresponding parameter.


A hint before an element of an aggregate braced initializer list, indicating what it is initializing.

Pair{^1, ^2}; Uses designator syntax, e.g. .first:. This is a clangd extension.


A hint after function, type or namespace definition, indicating the defined symbol name of the definition.

An example of a decl name hint in this position: void func() { } ^ Uses comment-like syntax like "// func". This is a clangd extension.

Definition at line 1652 of file Protocol.h.

◆ InsertTextFormat

Defines whether the insert text in a completion item should be interpreted as plain text or a snippet.


The primary text to be inserted is treated as a plain string.


The primary text to be inserted is treated as a snippet.

A snippet can define tab stops and placeholders with $1, $2 and ${3:foo}. $0 defines the final tab stop, it defaults to the end of the snippet. Placeholders with equal identifiers are linked, that is typing in one will update others too.

See also:

Definition at line 1258 of file Protocol.h.

◆ JSONStreamStyle


Definition at line 66 of file Transport.h.

◆ MarkupKind

enum class clang::clangd::MarkupKind

Definition at line 439 of file Protocol.h.

◆ MessageType

enum class clang::clangd::MessageType

An error message.


A warning message.


An information message.


A log message.

Definition at line 728 of file Protocol.h.

◆ OffsetEncoding

enum class clang::clangd::OffsetEncoding

Definition at line 423 of file Protocol.h.

◆ PreambleAction

enum class clang::clangd::PreambleAction

Definition at line 119 of file TUScheduler.h.

◆ RefKind

enum class clang::clangd::RefKind : uint8_t

Describes the kind of a cross-reference.

This is a bitfield which can be combined from different kinds.


Definition at line 28 of file Ref.h.

◆ RelationKind

enum class clang::clangd::RelationKind : uint8_t

Definition at line 20 of file Relation.h.

◆ SymbolKind

enum class clang::clangd::SymbolKind

A symbol kind.


Definition at line 380 of file Protocol.h.

◆ SymbolOrigin

enum class clang::clangd::SymbolOrigin : uint16_t

Definition at line 21 of file SymbolOrigin.h.

◆ SymbolTag

enum class clang::clangd::SymbolTag

Definition at line 1561 of file Protocol.h.

◆ TextDocumentSyncKind

Defines how the host (editor) should sync document changes to the language server.


Documents should not be synced at all.


Documents are synced by always sending the full content of the document.


Documents are synced by sending the full content on open.

After that only incremental updates to the document are send.

Definition at line 325 of file Protocol.h.

◆ TraceLevel

enum class clang::clangd::TraceLevel

Definition at line 309 of file Protocol.h.

◆ TypeHierarchyDirection


Definition at line 1476 of file Protocol.h.

◆ WantDiagnostics

enum class clang::clangd::WantDiagnostics

Determines whether diagnostics should be generated for a file snapshot.


Diagnostics must be generated for this snapshot.


Diagnostics must not be generated for this snapshot.

Definition at line 53 of file TUScheduler.h.

Function Documentation

◆ abbreviatedString()

llvm::SmallString< 256 > clang::clangd::abbreviatedString ( DynTypedNode  N,
const PrintingPolicy &  PP 

Definition at line 996 of file Selection.cpp.

References OS, and Pos.

◆ abortAfterTimeout()

void clang::clangd::abortAfterTimeout ( std::chrono::seconds  Timeout)

Causes this process to crash if still running after Timeout.

Definition at line 18 of file Shutdown.cpp.

Referenced by clangdMain().

◆ absoluteParent()

PathRef clang::clangd::absoluteParent ( PathRef  Path)

Variant of parent_path that operates only on absolute paths.

Unlike parent_path doesn't consider C: a parent of C:.

Definition at line 22 of file Path.cpp.

Referenced by clang::clangd::config::Provider::fromAncestorRelativeYAMLFiles().

◆ addTidyChecks()

TidyProvider clang::clangd::addTidyChecks ( llvm::StringRef  Checks,
llvm::StringRef  WarningsAsErrors 

Provider the enables a specific set of checks and warnings as errors.

Definition at line 187 of file TidyProvider.cpp.

References addTidyChecks(), and mergeCheckList().

Referenced by addTidyChecks().

◆ adjustKindToCapability() [1/2]

CompletionItemKind clang::clangd::adjustKindToCapability ( CompletionItemKind  Kind,
CompletionItemKindBitset SupportedCompletionItemKinds 

Definition at line 1041 of file Protocol.cpp.

References Class, CompletionItemKindMin, Enum, EnumMember, File, Folder, Kind, Struct, and Text.

◆ adjustKindToCapability() [2/2]

SymbolKind clang::clangd::adjustKindToCapability ( SymbolKind  Kind,
SymbolKindBitset SupportedSymbolKinds 

Definition at line 280 of file Protocol.cpp.

References Kind, and SymbolKindMin.

◆ adjustRenameRanges()

std::optional< std::vector< SymbolRange > > clang::clangd::adjustRenameRanges ( llvm::StringRef  DraftCode,
llvm::StringRef  Identifier,
std::vector< Range Indexed,
const LangOptions &  LangOpts,
std::optional< Selector >  Selector 

Adjusts indexed occurrences to match the current state of the file.

The Index is not always up to date. Blindly editing at the locations reported by the index may mangle the code in such cases. This function determines whether the indexed occurrences can be applied to this file, and heuristically repairs the occurrences if necessary.

The API assumes that Indexed contains only named occurrences (each occurrence has the same length). REQUIRED: Indexed is sorted.

Definition at line 1241 of file Rename.cpp.

References getMappedRanges(), and Identifier.

◆ allowCrashPragmasForTest()

void clang::clangd::allowCrashPragmasForTest ( )

Respect #pragma clang __debug crash etc, which are usually disabled.

This may only be called before threads are spawned.

Definition at line 44 of file Compiler.cpp.

References AllowCrashPragmasForTest.

Referenced by clangdMain().

◆ allowImplicitCompletion()

bool clang::clangd::allowImplicitCompletion ( llvm::StringRef  Content,
unsigned  Offset 

Definition at line 2414 of file CodeComplete.cpp.

References allowImplicitCompletion(), isIncludeFile(), Offset, and Pos.

Referenced by allowImplicitCompletion().

◆ allTargetDecls()

llvm::SmallVector< std::pair< const NamedDecl *, DeclRelationSet >, 1 > clang::clangd::allTargetDecls ( const DynTypedNode &  ,
const HeuristicResolver  

Similar to targetDecl(), however instead of applying a filter, all possible decls are returned along with their DeclRelationSets.

This is suitable for indexing, where everything is recorded and filtering is applied later.

Definition at line 552 of file FindTarget.cpp.

References Decl, dlog, and Flags.

Referenced by explicitReferenceTargets(), and targetDecl().

◆ applyChange()

llvm::Error clang::clangd::applyChange ( std::string &  Contents,
const TextDocumentContentChangeEvent Change 

◆ applyPathMappings()

void clang::clangd::applyPathMappings ( llvm::json::Value &  Params,
PathMapping::Direction  Dir,
const PathMappings Mappings 

Applies the Mappings to all the file:// URIs in Params.

NOTE: The first matching mapping will be applied, otherwise Params will be untouched.

Definition at line 48 of file PathMapping.cpp.

References applyPathMappings(), doPathMapping(), K, and Kind.

Referenced by applyPathMappings().

◆ asCommand()

static std::optional< Command > clang::clangd::asCommand ( const CodeAction Action)

Definition at line 1031 of file ClangdLSPServer.cpp.

References Action, and asCommand().

Referenced by asCommand().

◆ buildCompilerInvocation()

std::unique_ptr< CompilerInvocation > clang::clangd::buildCompilerInvocation ( const ParseInputs Inputs,
clang::DiagnosticConsumer &  D,
std::vector< std::string > *  CC1Args 

Builds compiler invocation that could be used to build AST or preamble.

Definition at line 95 of file Compiler.cpp.

References CI, clang::clangd::ParseInputs::CompileCommand, disableUnsupportedOptions(), clang::clangd::ParseInputs::TFS, and clang::clangd::ThreadsafeFS::view().

Referenced by clang::clangd::TestTU::build(), and clang::clangd::TestTU::preamble().

◆ buildPreamble()

std::shared_ptr< const PreambleData > clang::clangd::buildPreamble ( PathRef  FileName,
CompilerInvocation  CI,
const ParseInputs Inputs,
bool  StoreInMemory,
PreambleParsedCallback  PreambleCallback,
PreambleBuildStats Stats = nullptr 

◆ buildRenameEdit()

llvm::Expected< Edit > clang::clangd::buildRenameEdit ( llvm::StringRef  AbsFilePath,
llvm::StringRef  InitialCode,
std::vector< SymbolRange Occurrences,
llvm::ArrayRef< llvm::StringRef >  NewNames 

Generates rename edits that replaces all given occurrences with the NewName.

Exposed for testing only. REQUIRED: Occurrences is sorted and doesn't have duplicated ranges.

Definition at line 1157 of file Rename.cpp.

References clang::clangd::Range::end, error(), clang::clangd::Position::line, Offset, positionToOffset(), SPAN_ATTACH, and clang::clangd::Range::start.

◆ buildTestFS()

llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > clang::clangd::buildTestFS ( llvm::StringMap< std::string > const &  Files,
llvm::StringMap< time_t > const &  Timestamps 

Definition at line 33 of file TestFS.cpp.

References File, and testRoot().

Referenced by clang::clangd::MockFS::viewImpl().

◆ calculateRoles()

CharTypeSet clang::clangd::calculateRoles ( llvm::StringRef  Text,
llvm::MutableArrayRef< CharRole Roles 

◆ cancelableTask()

std::pair< Context, Canceler > clang::clangd::cancelableTask ( int  Reason = 1)

Defines a new task whose cancellation may be requested.

The returned Context defines the scope of the task. When the context is active, isCancelled() is 0 until the Canceler is invoked, and equal to Reason afterwards. Conventionally, Reason may be the LSP error code to return.

Definition at line 24 of file Cancellation.cpp.

References clang::clangd::CancelState::Cancelled, clang::clangd::Context::current(), clang::clangd::Context::derive(), clang::clangd::Context::get(), clang::clangd::CancelState::Parent, and StateKey.

◆ canonicalize()

static llvm::SmallString< 128 > clang::clangd::canonicalize ( llvm::StringRef  Path)

◆ categorize() [1/3]

static SymbolQualitySignals::SymbolCategory clang::clangd::categorize ( const CodeCompletionResult &  R)

◆ categorize() [2/3]

static SymbolQualitySignals::SymbolCategory clang::clangd::categorize ( const index::SymbolInfo &  D)

◆ categorize() [3/3]

static SymbolQualitySignals::SymbolCategory clang::clangd::categorize ( const NamedDecl &  ND)

◆ check()

bool clang::clangd::check ( llvm::StringRef  File,
const ThreadsafeFS TFS,
const ClangdLSPServer::Options Opts 

Definition at line 462 of file Check.cpp.

References C, check(), elog(), and ParseError.

Referenced by check(), and clangdMain().

◆ clangdMain()

int clang::clangd::clangdMain ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 721 of file ClangdMain.cpp.

References abortAfterTimeout(), allowCrashPragmasForTest(), clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::BundleOverloads, CantRunAsXPCService, check(), CheckFailed, clang::clangd::config::Provider::combine(), combine(), clang::clangd::trace::createCSVMetricTracer(), clang::clangd::trace::createJSONTracer(), createPathMappingTransport(), createProjectAwareIndex(), clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::DecisionForest, Delimited, disableUnusableChecks(), elog(), clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::EnableFunctionArgSnippets, Error, featureString(), clang::clangd::config::Provider::fromAncestorRelativeYAMLFiles(), clang::clangd::config::Provider::fromYAMLFile(), clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::ImportInsertions, clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::IncludeIndicator, clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::IncludeIneligibleResults, clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::IncludeInsertionIndicator::Insert, clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::InsertIncludes, clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::Limit, log(), newJSONTransport(), newXPCTransport(), clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::IncludeInsertionIndicator::NoInsert, NoShutdownRequest, OS, parsePathMappings(), platformString(), clang::clangd::BackgroundQueue::preventThreadStarvationInTests(), provideClangdConfig(), provideClangTidyFiles(), provideDefaultChecks(), provideEnvironment(), clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::RankingModel, requestShutdown(), clang::clangd::ClangdLSPServer::run(), clang::clangd::ThreadCrashReporter::runCrashHandlers(), clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::RunParser, clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::ShowOrigins, UnsupportedEncoding, clang::clangd::Logger::Verbose, versionString(), vlog(), and X.

Referenced by main().

◆ cleanupAndFormat()

llvm::Expected< tooling::Replacements > clang::clangd::cleanupAndFormat ( StringRef  Code,
const tooling::Replacements &  Replaces,
const format::FormatStyle &  Style 

Cleanup and format the given replacements.

Definition at line 612 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References Code, and Replaces.

Referenced by reformatEdit().

◆ cls()

Symbol clang::clangd::cls ( llvm::StringRef  Name)

Definition at line 66 of file TestIndex.cpp.

References Name, and sym().

◆ codeComplete()

CodeCompleteResult clang::clangd::codeComplete ( PathRef  FileName,
Position  Pos,
const PreambleData Preamble,
const ParseInputs ParseInput,
CodeCompleteOptions  Opts,
SpeculativeFuzzyFind SpecFuzzyFind = nullptr 

Gets code completions at a specified Pos in FileName.

If Preamble is nullptr, this runs code completion without compiling the code.

If SpecFuzzyFind is set, a speculative and asynchronous fuzzy find index request (based on cached request) will be run before parsing sema. In case the speculative result is used by code completion (e.g. speculation failed), the speculative result is not consumed, and SpecFuzzyFind is only destroyed when the async request finishes.

Definition at line 2216 of file CodeComplete.cpp.

References codeComplete(), codeCompleteComment(), elog(), FileName, maybeFunctionArgumentCommentStart(), Offset, ParseInput, Pos, positionToOffset(), and Preamble.

Referenced by clang::clangd::ClangdServer::codeComplete(), and codeComplete().

◆ codeCompleteComment()

CodeCompleteResult clang::clangd::codeCompleteComment ( PathRef  FileName,
unsigned  Offset,
llvm::StringRef  Prefix,
const PreambleData Preamble,
const ParseInputs ParseInput 

◆ collectAccessibleScopes()

std::vector< std::string > clang::clangd::collectAccessibleScopes ( Sema &  Sem,
const DeclarationNameInfo &  Typo,
Scope *  S,
Sema::LookupNameKind  LookupKind 

Returns all namespace scopes that the unqualified lookup would visit.

Definition at line 467 of file clangd/IncludeFixer.cpp.

References Out, and printNamespaceScope().

Referenced by clang::clangd::IncludeFixer::UnresolvedNameRecorder::CorrectTypo().

◆ collectIdentifierRanges()

std::vector< Range > clang::clangd::collectIdentifierRanges ( llvm::StringRef  Identifier,
llvm::StringRef  Content,
const LangOptions &  LangOpts 

Collects all ranges of the given identifier in the source code.

Definition at line 646 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References halfOpenToRange(), Identifier, and lex().

◆ collectIdentifiers()

llvm::StringMap< unsigned > clang::clangd::collectIdentifiers ( llvm::StringRef  Content,
const format::FormatStyle &  Style 

Collects identifiers with counts in the source code.

Definition at line 632 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References Keyword, and lex().

◆ collectMacroReferences()

std::vector< include_cleaner::SymbolReference > clang::clangd::collectMacroReferences ( ParsedAST AST)

Definition at line 299 of file IncludeCleaner.cpp.

References AST, Loc, locateMacroAt(), and Macro.

Referenced by computeIncludeCleanerFindings().

◆ collectPragmaMarksCallback()

std::unique_ptr< PPCallbacks > clang::clangd::collectPragmaMarksCallback ( const SourceManager &  SM,
std::vector< PragmaMark > &  Out 

Collect all pragma marks from the main file.

Definition at line 125 of file CollectMacros.cpp.

References Out.

◆ collectWords()

llvm::StringSet clang::clangd::collectWords ( llvm::StringRef  Content)

Collects words from the source code.

Unlike collectIdentifiers:

  • also finds text in comments:
  • splits text into words
  • drops stopwords like "get" and "for"

Definition at line 871 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References C, calculateRoles(), collectWords(), Head, Separator, Tail, Unknown, and Word.

Referenced by collectWords().

◆ combine()

TidyProvider clang::clangd::combine ( std::vector< TidyProvider Providers)

Definition at line 274 of file TidyProvider.cpp.

References combine(), and Filename.

Referenced by clangdMain(), and combine().

◆ computeIncludeCleanerFindings()

IncludeCleanerFindings clang::clangd::computeIncludeCleanerFindings ( ParsedAST AST,
bool  AnalyzeAngledIncludes 

◆ computeScope()

static SymbolRelevanceSignals::AccessibleScope clang::clangd::computeScope ( const NamedDecl *  D)

◆ conceptSym()

Symbol clang::clangd::conceptSym ( llvm::StringRef  Name)

Definition at line 86 of file TestIndex.cpp.

References Name, and sym().

◆ convertIncludes()

include_cleaner::Includes clang::clangd::convertIncludes ( const ParsedAST AST)

Converts the clangd include representation to include-cleaner include representation.

Definition at line 327 of file IncludeCleaner.cpp.

References AST, and elog().

Referenced by computeIncludeCleanerFindings().

◆ createIndex()

std::unique_ptr< SymbolIndex > clang::clangd::createIndex ( )

Definition at line 29 of file ProjectAwareIndexTests.cpp.

References clang::clangd::MemIndex::build(), Builder, and symbol().

Referenced by TEST().

◆ createPathMappingTransport()

std::unique_ptr< Transport > clang::clangd::createPathMappingTransport ( std::unique_ptr< Transport Transp,
PathMappings  Mappings 

Creates a wrapping transport over Transp that applies the Mappings to all inbound and outbound LSP messages.

All calls are then delegated to the regular transport (e.g. XPC, JSON).

Definition at line 190 of file PathMapping.cpp.

Referenced by clangdMain().

◆ createProjectAwareIndex()

std::unique_ptr< SymbolIndex > clang::clangd::createProjectAwareIndex ( IndexFactory  ,
bool  Sync 

Returns an index that answers queries using external indices.

IndexFactory specifies how to generate an index from an external source. If Sync is set, index won't own any asnyc task runner. IndexFactory must be injected because this code cannot depend on the remote index client.

Definition at line 135 of file ProjectAware.cpp.

Referenced by clangdMain(), and TEST().

◆ createScopeFileDistance()

static FileDistance clang::clangd::createScopeFileDistance ( llvm::ArrayRef< std::string >  QueryScopes)

◆ createStaticIndexingAction()

std::unique_ptr< FrontendAction > clang::clangd::createStaticIndexingAction ( SymbolCollector::Options  Opts,
std::function< void(SymbolSlab)>  SymbolsCallback,
std::function< void(RefSlab)>  RefsCallback,
std::function< void(RelationSlab)>  RelationsCallback,
std::function< void(IncludeGraph)>  IncludeGraphCallback 

Definition at line 212 of file IndexAction.cpp.

References All, Static, and Unknown.

Referenced by indexStandardLibrary().

◆ currentContext()

static Context & clang::clangd::currentContext ( )

◆ declaredType()

QualType clang::clangd::declaredType ( const TypeDecl *  D)

Definition at line 438 of file AST.cpp.

References Args.

◆ declToCallHierarchyItem()

static std::optional< CallHierarchyItem > clang::clangd::declToCallHierarchyItem ( const NamedDecl &  ND,
llvm::StringRef  TUPath 

Definition at line 1734 of file XRefs.cpp.

References declToCallHierarchyItem(), getSymbolID(), and ID.

Referenced by declToCallHierarchyItem(), and prepareCallHierarchy().

◆ declToHierarchyItem()

template<typename HierarchyItem >
static std::optional< HierarchyItem > clang::clangd::declToHierarchyItem ( const NamedDecl &  ND,
llvm::StringRef  TUPath 

◆ declToTypeHierarchyItem()

static std::optional< TypeHierarchyItem > clang::clangd::declToTypeHierarchyItem ( const NamedDecl &  ND,
llvm::StringRef  TUPath 

Definition at line 1720 of file XRefs.cpp.

References declToTypeHierarchyItem(), and getSymbolID().

Referenced by declToTypeHierarchyItem(), fillSuperTypes(), and getTypeHierarchy().

◆ deleteModuleCache()

void clang::clangd::deleteModuleCache ( const std::string  ModuleCachePath)

Definition at line 90 of file TestTU.cpp.

Referenced by clang::clangd::TestTU::build(), and clang::clangd::TestTU::preamble().

◆ diffTokens()

std::vector< SemanticTokensEdit > clang::clangd::diffTokens ( llvm::ArrayRef< SemanticToken Old,
llvm::ArrayRef< SemanticToken New 

Definition at line 1523 of file SemanticHighlighting.cpp.

References diffTokens(), and Offset.

Referenced by diffTokens().

◆ digest() [1/2]

FileDigest clang::clangd::digest ( llvm::StringRef  Content)

Definition at line 565 of file SourceCode.cpp.

Referenced by digestFile().

◆ digest() [2/2]

FileDigest clang::clangd::digest ( StringRef  Content)

◆ digestFile()

std::optional< FileDigest > clang::clangd::digestFile ( const SourceManager &  SM,
FileID  FID 

Definition at line 575 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References digest().

◆ disableUnsupportedOptions()

void clang::clangd::disableUnsupportedOptions ( CompilerInvocation &  CI)

Clears CI from options that are not supported by clangd, like codegen or plugins.

This should be combined with CommandMangler::adjust, which provides similar functionality for options that needs to be stripped from compile flags.

Definition at line 46 of file Compiler.cpp.

References AllowCrashPragmasForTest, and CI.

Referenced by buildCompilerInvocation().

◆ disableUnusableChecks()

TidyProvider clang::clangd::disableUnusableChecks ( llvm::ArrayRef< std::string >  ExtraBadChecks = {})

Provider that will disable checks known to not work with clangd.

ExtraBadChecks specifies any other checks that should be always disabled.

Definition at line 197 of file TidyProvider.cpp.

References disableUnusableChecks(), and Separator.

Referenced by clangdMain(), and disableUnusableChecks().

◆ doPathMapping()

std::optional< std::string > clang::clangd::doPathMapping ( llvm::StringRef  S,
PathMapping::Direction  Dir,
const PathMappings Mappings 

Returns a modified S with the first matching path in Mappings substituted, if applicable.

Definition at line 20 of file PathMapping.cpp.

References clang::clangd::PathMapping::ClientToServer, clang::clangd::URI::parse(), and clang::clangd::URI::toString().

Referenced by applyPathMappings().

◆ dumpAST()

ASTNode clang::clangd::dumpAST ( const DynTypedNode &  N,
const syntax::TokenBuffer &  Tokens,
const ASTContext &  Ctx 

Definition at line 415 of file DumpAST.cpp.

References Decl, and elog().

Referenced by clang::clangd::ClangdServer::getAST().

◆ elog()

template<typename... Ts>
void clang::clangd::elog ( const char *  Fmt,
Ts &&...  Vals 

◆ encodeFloat()

static uint32_t clang::clangd::encodeFloat ( float  F)

Definition at line 537 of file Quality.cpp.

Referenced by sortText().

◆ encodeTokens()

static llvm::json::Value clang::clangd::encodeTokens ( llvm::ArrayRef< SemanticToken Toks)

Definition at line 1222 of file Protocol.cpp.

References SemanticTokenEncodingSize.

Referenced by toJSON().

◆ enm()

Symbol clang::clangd::enm ( llvm::StringRef  Name)

Definition at line 70 of file TestIndex.cpp.

References Name, and sym().

◆ enmConstant()

Symbol clang::clangd::enmConstant ( llvm::StringRef  Name)

Definition at line 74 of file TestIndex.cpp.

References Name, and sym().

◆ error() [1/4]

template<typename... Ts>
llvm::Error clang::clangd::error ( const char *  Fmt,
Ts &&...  Vals 

Definition at line 85 of file Logger.h.

References clang::clangd::detail::error(), and clang::clangd::detail::wrap().

◆ error() [2/4]

template<typename... Ts>
llvm::Error clang::clangd::error ( std::error_code  EC,
const char *  Fmt,
Ts &&...  Vals 

◆ error() [3/4]

llvm::Error clang::clangd::error ( std::error_code  EC,
std::string  Msg 

Definition at line 91 of file Logger.h.

References clang::clangd::detail::error().

◆ error() [4/4]

llvm::Error clang::clangd::error ( std::string  Msg)

Definition at line 95 of file Logger.h.

References clang::clangd::detail::error().

◆ escapeBackslashAndQuotes()

void clang::clangd::escapeBackslashAndQuotes ( llvm::StringRef  Text,
llvm::raw_ostream &  OS 

Definition at line 759 of file Preamble.cpp.

References C, OS, and Text.

◆ evaluateDecisionForest()

DecisionForestScores clang::clangd::evaluateDecisionForest ( const SymbolQualitySignals Quality,
const SymbolRelevanceSignals Relevance,
float  Base 

Definition at line 18 of file DecisionForest.cpp.

◆ evaluateSymbolAndRelevance()

float clang::clangd::evaluateSymbolAndRelevance ( float  SymbolQuality,
float  SymbolRelevance 

Combine symbol quality and relevance into a single score.

Definition at line 531 of file Quality.cpp.

Referenced by getWorkspaceSymbols(), and locateSymbolTextually().

◆ explicitReferenceTargets()

llvm::SmallVector< const NamedDecl *, 1 > clang::clangd::explicitReferenceTargets ( DynTypedNode  N,
DeclRelationSet  Mask,
const HeuristicResolver Resolver 

Find declarations explicitly referenced in the source code defined by N.

For templates, will prefer to return a template instantiation whenever possible. However, can also return a template pattern if the specialization cannot be picked, e.g. in dependent code or when there is no corresponding Decl for a template instantiation, e.g. for templated using decls: template <class T> using Ptr = T*; Ptr<int> x; ^~~ there is no Decl for 'Ptr<int>', so we return the template pattern. Mask should not contain TemplatePattern or TemplateInstantiation.

Definition at line 593 of file FindTarget.cpp.

References allTargetDecls(), TemplateInstantiation, and TemplatePattern.

Referenced by findRecordTypeAt(), and getHover().

◆ extractUnresolvedNameCheaply()

std::optional< CheapUnresolvedName > clang::clangd::extractUnresolvedNameCheaply ( const SourceManager &  SM,
const DeclarationNameInfo &  Unresolved,
CXXScopeSpec *  SS,
const LangOptions &  LangOpts,
bool  UnresolvedIsSpecifier 

◆ featureString()

std::string clang::clangd::featureString ( )

Definition at line 32 of file Feature.cpp.

Referenced by clangdMain().

◆ filenameWithoutExtension()

static llvm::StringRef clang::clangd::filenameWithoutExtension ( llvm::StringRef  Path)

Definition at line 153 of file Background.cpp.

Referenced by clang::clangd::BackgroundIndex::boostRelated().

◆ fileProximityScore()

static float clang::clangd::fileProximityScore ( unsigned  FileDistance)

◆ fillNonLocationData()

static void clang::clangd::fillNonLocationData ( DiagnosticsEngine::Level  DiagLevel,
const clang::Diagnostic &  Info,
clangd::DiagBase D 

Fills D with all information, except the location-related bits.

Also note that ID and Name are not part of clangd::DiagBase and should be set elsewhere.

Definition at line 660 of file Diagnostics.cpp.

References Info.

Referenced by clang::clangd::StoreDiags::HandleDiagnostic().

◆ fillSubTypes()

static void clang::clangd::fillSubTypes ( const SymbolID ID,
std::vector< TypeHierarchyItem > &  SubTypes,
const SymbolIndex Index,
int  Levels,
PathRef  TUPath 

◆ fillSuperTypes()

static void clang::clangd::fillSuperTypes ( const CXXRecordDecl &  CXXRD,
llvm::StringRef  TUPath,
TypeHierarchyItem Item,
RecursionProtectionSet RPSet 

◆ findDecl() [1/2]

const NamedDecl & clang::clangd::findDecl ( ParsedAST AST,
llvm::StringRef  QName 

Definition at line 219 of file TestTU.cpp.

References AST, and Name.

Referenced by findUnqualifiedDecl().

◆ findDecl() [2/2]

const NamedDecl & clang::clangd::findDecl ( ParsedAST AST,
std::function< bool(const NamedDecl &)>  Filter 

Definition at line 239 of file TestTU.cpp.

References AST.

◆ findDocumentHighlights()

std::vector< DocumentHighlight > clang::clangd::findDocumentHighlights ( ParsedAST AST,
Position  Pos 

Returns highlights for all usages of a symbol at Pos.

Definition at line 1231 of file XRefs.cpp.

References Alias, AST, clang::clangd::SelectionTree::createEach(), Loc, Offset, Pos, sourceLocationInMainFile(), targetDecl(), and TemplatePattern.

Referenced by clang::clangd::ClangdServer::findDocumentHighlights().

◆ findExplicitReferences() [1/3]

void clang::clangd::findExplicitReferences ( const ASTContext &  AST,
llvm::function_ref< void(ReferenceLoc)>  Out,
const HeuristicResolver Resolver 

Definition at line 1174 of file FindTarget.cpp.

References AST, and Out.

◆ findExplicitReferences() [2/3]

void clang::clangd::findExplicitReferences ( const Decl D,
llvm::function_ref< void(ReferenceLoc)>  Out,
const HeuristicResolver Resolver 

Definition at line 1168 of file FindTarget.cpp.

References Decl, and Out.

◆ findExplicitReferences() [3/3]

void clang::clangd::findExplicitReferences ( const Stmt *  S,
llvm::function_ref< void(ReferenceLoc)>  Out,
const HeuristicResolver Resolver 

Recursively traverse S and report all references explicitly written in the code.

The main use-case is refactorings that need to process all references in some subrange of the file and apply simple edits, e.g. add qualifiers. FIXME: currently this does not report references to overloaded operators. FIXME: extend to report location information about declaration names too.

Definition at line 1162 of file FindTarget.cpp.

References Out.

Referenced by clang::clangd::ASTSignals::derive(), getNonLocalDeclRefs(), and getSemanticHighlightings().

◆ findImplementations()

std::vector< LocatedSymbol > clang::clangd::findImplementations ( ParsedAST AST,
Position  Pos,
const SymbolIndex Index 

Returns implementations at a specified Pos:

  • overrides for a virtual method;
  • subclasses for a base class;

Definition at line 1272 of file XRefs.cpp.

References Alias, AST, BaseOf, elog(), getSymbolID(), OverriddenBy, Pos, sourceLocationInMainFile(), and TemplatePattern.

Referenced by clang::clangd::ClangdServer::findImplementations().

◆ findNearbyIdentifier()

const syntax::Token * clang::clangd::findNearbyIdentifier ( const SpelledWord Word,
const syntax::TokenBuffer &  TB 

Definition at line 669 of file XRefs.cpp.

References File, Line, Loc, vlog(), and Word.

Referenced by locateSymbolAt().

◆ findRecordTypeAt()

std::vector< const CXXRecordDecl * > clang::clangd::findRecordTypeAt ( ParsedAST AST,
Position  Pos 

Find the record types referenced at Pos.

Definition at line 1838 of file XRefs.cpp.

References explicitReferenceTargets(), findRecordTypeAt(), Method, Offset, Pos, and positionToOffset().

Referenced by findRecordTypeAt(), and getTypeHierarchy().

◆ findReferences()

ReferencesResult clang::clangd::findReferences ( ParsedAST AST,
Position  Pos,
uint32_t  Limit,
const SymbolIndex Index = nullptr,
bool  AddContext = false 

◆ findSymbol()

const Symbol & clang::clangd::findSymbol ( const SymbolSlab Slab,
llvm::StringRef  QName 

Definition at line 185 of file TestTU.cpp.

◆ findType()

std::vector< LocatedSymbol > clang::clangd::findType ( ParsedAST AST,
Position  Pos,
const SymbolIndex Index 

Returns symbols for types referenced at Pos.

For example, given b^ar() wher bar return Foo, this function returns the definition of class Foo.

Definition at line 2064 of file XRefs.cpp.

References elog(), findType(), Offset, Pos, positionToOffset(), Type, typeForNode(), and unwrapFindType().

Referenced by findType(), and clang::clangd::ClangdServer::findType().

◆ findUnqualifiedDecl()

const NamedDecl & clang::clangd::findUnqualifiedDecl ( ParsedAST AST,
llvm::StringRef  Name 

Definition at line 260 of file TestTU.cpp.

References AST, findDecl(), ID, and Name.

◆ flattenSymbolHierarchy()

static std::vector< SymbolInformation > clang::clangd::flattenSymbolHierarchy ( llvm::ArrayRef< DocumentSymbol Symbols,
const URIForFile FileURI 

◆ formatDocumentation()

std::string clang::clangd::formatDocumentation ( const CodeCompletionString &  CCS,
llvm::StringRef  DocComment 

Assembles formatted documentation for a completion result.

This includes documentation comments and other relevant information like annotations.

DocCommentis a documentation comment for the original declaration, it should be obtained via getDocComment or getParameterDocComment.

Definition at line 282 of file CodeCompletionStrings.cpp.

◆ formatIncremental()

std::vector< tooling::Replacement > clang::clangd::formatIncremental ( llvm::StringRef  Code,
unsigned  Cursor,
llvm::StringRef  InsertedText,
format::FormatStyle  Style 

Applies limited formatting around new InsertedText.

The Code already contains the updated text before Cursor, and may have had additional / characters (such as indentation) inserted by the editor.

Example breaking a line (^ is the cursor): === before newline is typed === if(1){^} === after newline is typed and editor indents === if(1){ ^} === after formatIncremental(InsertedText="\n") === if (1) { ^ }

We return sorted vector<tooling::Replacement>, not tooling::Replacements! We may insert text both before and after the cursor. tooling::Replacements would merge these, and thus lose information about cursor position.

Definition at line 277 of file Format.cpp.

References dlog, elog(), Filename, Incremental, and vlog().

Referenced by clang::clangd::ClangdServer::formatOnType().

◆ formatOffset()

static std::string clang::clangd::formatOffset ( uint64_t  OffsetInBits)

Definition at line 1421 of file Hover.cpp.

References formatSize(), and Offset.

Referenced by clang::clangd::HoverInfo::present().

◆ formatSize()

static std::string clang::clangd::formatSize ( uint64_t  SizeInBits)

Definition at line 1413 of file Hover.cpp.

References Unit, and Value.

Referenced by formatOffset(), and clang::clangd::HoverInfo::present().

◆ fromJSON() [1/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  ,
NoParams ,

Definition at line 318 of file Protocol.h.

◆ fromJSON() [2/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  E,
CompletionItemKind Out,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1028 of file Protocol.cpp.

References E, Out, Text, and TypeParameter.

◆ fromJSON() [3/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  E,
CompletionItemKindBitset Out,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1062 of file Protocol.cpp.

References E, fromJSON(), and Out.

◆ fromJSON() [4/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  E,
FileChangeType Out,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 601 of file Protocol.cpp.

References Created, Deleted, E, and Out.

◆ fromJSON() [5/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  E,
SymbolID S,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1684 of file Protocol.cpp.

References E, elog(), clang::clangd::SymbolID::fromStr(), and ID.

◆ fromJSON() [6/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  E,
SymbolKind Out,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 256 of file Protocol.cpp.

References E, and Out.

◆ fromJSON() [7/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  E,
SymbolKindBitset Out,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 267 of file Protocol.cpp.

References E, fromJSON(), and Out.

◆ fromJSON() [8/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  E,
TraceLevel Out,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 238 of file Protocol.cpp.

References E, Messages, Off, Out, and Verbose.

◆ fromJSON() [9/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  E,
TypeHierarchyDirection Out,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1327 of file Protocol.cpp.

References Both, Children, E, and Out.

◆ fromJSON() [10/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  E,
URIForFile R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 67 of file Protocol.cpp.

References E, clang::clangd::URIForFile::fromURI(), and clang::clangd::URI::parse().

◆ fromJSON() [11/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Parameters,
FuzzyFindRequest Request,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [12/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
ASTParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [13/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams C,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1446 of file Protocol.cpp.

References C.

◆ fromJSON() [14/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
CallHierarchyItem I,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [15/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams C,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1456 of file Protocol.cpp.

References C.

◆ fromJSON() [16/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
ChangeAnnotation R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [17/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
ClangdCompileCommand CDbUpdate,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [18/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
ClientCapabilities R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 359 of file Protocol.cpp.

References clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::CancelsStaleRequests, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::ChangeAnnotation, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::CodeActionStructure, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::CompletionDocumentationFormat, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::CompletionFixes, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::CompletionItemKinds, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::CompletionLabelDetail, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::CompletionSnippets, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::DiagnosticCategory, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::DiagnosticFixes, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::DiagnosticRelatedInformation, Diagnostics, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::DocumentChanges, fromJSON(), clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::HasSignatureHelp, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::HierarchicalDocumentSymbol, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::HoverContentFormat, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::ImplicitProgressCreation, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::InactiveRegions, Info, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::LineFoldingOnly, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::offsetEncoding, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::OffsetsInSignatureHelp, Parameter, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::ReferenceContainer, References, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::RenamePrepareSupport, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::SemanticTokenRefreshSupport, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::SemanticTokens, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::SignatureHelpDocumentationFormat, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::TheiaSemanticHighlighting, clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::WorkDoneProgress, and clang::clangd::ClientCapabilities::WorkspaceSymbolKinds.

◆ fromJSON() [19/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
CodeActionContext R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [20/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
CodeActionParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [21/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
CompletionContext R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [22/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
CompletionParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [23/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
ConfigurationSettings S,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1306 of file Protocol.cpp.

◆ fromJSON() [24/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
Diagnostic R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [25/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
DidChangeConfigurationParams CCP,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [26/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
DidChangeTextDocumentParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [27/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
DidChangeWatchedFilesParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 619 of file Protocol.cpp.

References clang::clangd::DidChangeWatchedFilesParams::changes.

◆ fromJSON() [28/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
DidCloseTextDocumentParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [29/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
DidOpenTextDocumentParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [30/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
DidSaveTextDocumentParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [31/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
DocumentFormattingParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [32/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
DocumentLinkParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1598 of file Protocol.cpp.

References clang::clangd::DocumentLinkParams::textDocument.

◆ fromJSON() [33/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [34/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
DocumentRangeFormattingParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [35/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
DocumentSymbolParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 651 of file Protocol.cpp.

References clang::clangd::DocumentSymbolParams::textDocument.

◆ fromJSON() [36/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
ExecuteCommandParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [37/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
FileEvent R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 613 of file Protocol.cpp.

References clang::clangd::FileEvent::type, and clang::clangd::FileEvent::uri.

◆ fromJSON() [38/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
FoldingRangeParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1611 of file Protocol.cpp.

References clang::clangd::FoldingRangeParams::textDocument.

◆ fromJSON() [39/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
InitializationOptions Opts,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1315 of file Protocol.cpp.

References fromJSON().

◆ fromJSON() [40/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
InitializeParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [41/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
InlayHintsParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [42/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
Position R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [43/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
Range R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 138 of file Protocol.cpp.

References clang::clangd::Range::end, and clang::clangd::Range::start.

◆ fromJSON() [44/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
ReferenceContext R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [45/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
ReferenceParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1407 of file Protocol.cpp.

References clang::clangd::ReferenceParams::context, and fromJSON().

◆ fromJSON() [46/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
RenameParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [47/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
ResolveTypeHierarchyItemParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [48/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
SelectionRangeParams S,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1583 of file Protocol.cpp.

◆ fromJSON() [49/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
SemanticTokensDeltaParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [50/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
SemanticTokensParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1264 of file Protocol.cpp.

References clang::clangd::SemanticTokensParams::textDocument.

◆ fromJSON() [51/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
TextDocumentContentChangeEvent R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [52/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
TextDocumentEdit R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [53/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
TextDocumentIdentifier R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 102 of file Protocol.cpp.

References clang::clangd::TextDocumentIdentifier::uri.

◆ fromJSON() [54/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
TextDocumentItem R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [55/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
TextDocumentPositionParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [56/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
TextEdit R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [57/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
TweakArgs A,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 927 of file Protocol.cpp.

◆ fromJSON() [58/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
TypeHierarchyItem I,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [59/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
TypeHierarchyItem::ResolveParams RP,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [60/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
TypeHierarchyPrepareParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [61/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [62/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
WorkspaceEdit R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [63/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Params,
WorkspaceSymbolParams R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [64/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  Response,
ApplyWorkspaceEditResponse R,
llvm::json::Path  P 

◆ fromJSON() [65/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  V,
MarkupKind K,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 988 of file Protocol.cpp.

References K, Markdown, and PlainText.

◆ fromJSON() [66/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const llvm::json::Value &  V,
OffsetEncoding OE,
llvm::json::Path  P 

Definition at line 1567 of file Protocol.cpp.

References UnsupportedEncoding, UTF16, UTF32, and UTF8.

◆ fromJSON() [67/67]

bool clang::clangd::fromJSON ( const TypeHierarchyItem::ResolveParams )

◆ func()

Symbol clang::clangd::func ( llvm::StringRef  Name)

Definition at line 62 of file TestIndex.cpp.

References Name, and sym().

◆ generateNumSymbols()

SymbolSlab clang::clangd::generateNumSymbols ( int  Begin,
int  End 

Definition at line 128 of file TestIndex.cpp.

References generateSymbols().

◆ generateSymbols()

SymbolSlab clang::clangd::generateSymbols ( std::vector< std::string >  QualifiedNames)

Definition at line 121 of file TestIndex.cpp.

References clang::clangd::SymbolSlab::Builder::insert(), and symbol().

Referenced by generateNumSymbols().

◆ getAttributes()

std::vector< const Attr * > clang::clangd::getAttributes ( const DynTypedNode &  N)

Return attributes attached directly to a node.

Definition at line 636 of file AST.cpp.

References Decl.

◆ getBacktickQuoteRange()

std::optional< llvm::StringRef > clang::clangd::getBacktickQuoteRange ( llvm::StringRef  Line,
unsigned  Offset 

Definition at line 1579 of file Hover.cpp.

References Line, Offset, and Suffix.

Referenced by parseDocumentationLine().

◆ getCanonicalPath()

std::optional< std::string > clang::clangd::getCanonicalPath ( const FileEntryRef  F,
FileManager &  FileMgr 

Get the canonical path of F.

This means:

  • Absolute path
  • Symlinks resolved
  • No "." or ".." component
  • No duplicate or trailing directory separator

This function should be used when paths needs to be used outside the component that generate it, so that paths are normalized as much as possible.

Definition at line 520 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References elog().

Referenced by declToHierarchyItem(), clang::clangd::Tweak::Effect::fileEdit(), clang::clangd::StoreDiags::HandleDiagnostic(), clang::clangd::IncludeStructure::RecordHeaders::InclusionDirective(), and clang::clangd::SymbolCollector::HeaderFileURICache::toURI().

◆ getContainedAutoParamType()

TemplateTypeParmTypeLoc clang::clangd::getContainedAutoParamType ( TypeLoc  TL)

Definition at line 597 of file AST.cpp.

References getContainedAutoParamType().

Referenced by getContainedAutoParamType().

◆ getCorrespondingHeaderOrSource() [1/2]

std::optional< Path > clang::clangd::getCorrespondingHeaderOrSource ( PathRef  OriginalFile,
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem >  VFS 

Given a header file, returns the best matching source file, and vice visa.

It only uses the filename heuristics to do the inference.

Definition at line 21 of file HeaderSourceSwitch.cpp.

Referenced by clang::clangd::ClangdServer::switchSourceHeader().

◆ getCorrespondingHeaderOrSource() [2/2]

std::optional< Path > clang::clangd::getCorrespondingHeaderOrSource ( PathRef  OriginalFile,
ParsedAST AST,
const SymbolIndex Index 

Given a header file, returns the best matching source file, and vice visa.

The heuristics incorporate with the AST and the index (if provided).

Definition at line 67 of file HeaderSourceSwitch.cpp.

References AST, clang::clangd::Symbol::CanonicalDeclaration, clang::clangd::Symbol::Definition, elog(), clang::clangd::SymbolLocation::FileURI, getIndexableLocalDecls(), getSymbolID(), ID, clang::clangd::LookupRequest::IDs, isHeaderFile(), pathEqual(), and clang::clangd::URI::resolve().

◆ getCorrespondingObjCImpl()

const ObjCImplDecl * clang::clangd::getCorrespondingObjCImpl ( const ObjCContainerDecl *  D)

Return the corresponding implementation/definition for the given ObjC container if it has one, otherwise, return nullptr.

Objective-C classes can have three types of declarations:

  • forward declaration: "@class MyClass;"
  • true declaration (interface definition): "@interface MyClass ... @end"
  • true definition (implementation): "@implementation MyClass ... @end"

Objective-C categories are extensions on classes:

  • declaration: "@interface MyClass (Ext) ... @end"
  • definition: "@implementation MyClass (Ext) ... @end"

With one special case, a class extension, which is normally used to keep some declarations internal to a file without exposing them in a header.

  • class extension declaration: "@interface MyClass () ... @end"
  • which really links to class definition: "@implementation MyClass ... @end"

For Objective-C protocols, e.g. "@protocol MyProtocol ... @end" this will return nullptr as protocols don't have an implementation.

Definition at line 348 of file AST.cpp.

References ID.

◆ getDeclComment()

std::string clang::clangd::getDeclComment ( const ASTContext &  Ctx,
const NamedDecl &  Decl 

Similar to getDocComment, but returns the comment for a NamedDecl.

Definition at line 95 of file CodeCompletionStrings.cpp.

References Decl.

Referenced by getDocComment().

◆ getDeducedType()

std::optional< QualType > clang::clangd::getDeducedType ( ASTContext &  ,
SourceLocation  Loc 

Retrieves the deduced type at a given location (auto, decltype).

It will return the underlying type. If the type is an undeduced auto, returns the type itself.

Definition at line 587 of file AST.cpp.

References Loc.

Referenced by getHover(), locateSymbolAt(), and typeForNode().

◆ getDefaultAsyncThreadsCount()

unsigned clang::clangd::getDefaultAsyncThreadsCount ( )

Returns a number of a default async threads to use for TUScheduler.

Returned value is always >= 1 (i.e. will not cause requests to be processed synchronously).

Definition at line 1610 of file TUScheduler.cpp.

References getDefaultAsyncThreadsCount().

Referenced by getDefaultAsyncThreadsCount().

◆ getDiagnosticDocURI()

std::optional< std::string > clang::clangd::getDiagnosticDocURI ( Diag::DiagSource  Source,
unsigned  ID,
llvm::StringRef  Name 

Returns a URI providing more information about a particular diagnostic.

Definition at line 924 of file Diagnostics.cpp.

References clang::clangd::Diag::Clang, clang::clangd::Diag::Clangd, clang::clangd::Diag::ClangdConfig, clang::clangd::Diag::ClangTidy, Module, Name, and clang::clangd::Diag::Unknown.

Referenced by toLSPDiags().

◆ getDocComment()

std::string clang::clangd::getDocComment ( const ASTContext &  Ctx,
const CodeCompletionResult &  Result,
bool  CommentsFromHeaders 

Gets a minimally formatted documentation comment of Result, with comment markers stripped.

See clang::RawComment::getFormattedText() for the detailed explanation of how the comment text is transformed. Returns empty string when no comment is available. If CommentsFromHeaders parameter is set, only comments from the main file will be returned. It is used to workaround crashes when parsing comments in the stale headers, coming from completion preamble.

Definition at line 83 of file CodeCompletionStrings.cpp.

References getDeclComment().

◆ getDocumentLinks()

std::vector< DocumentLink > clang::clangd::getDocumentLinks ( ParsedAST AST)

Get all document links.

Definition at line 839 of file XRefs.cpp.

References AST, clang::clangd::URIForFile::canonicalize(), and halfOpenToRange().

Referenced by clang::clangd::ClangdServer::documentLinks().

◆ getDocumentSymbols()

llvm::Expected< std::vector< DocumentSymbol > > clang::clangd::getDocumentSymbols ( ParsedAST AST)

Retrieves the symbols contained in the "main file" section of an AST in the same order that they appear.

Definition at line 653 of file FindSymbols.cpp.

References getDocumentSymbols().

Referenced by clang::clangd::ClangdServer::documentSymbols(), and getDocumentSymbols().

◆ getEligiblePoints()

EligibleRegion clang::clangd::getEligiblePoints ( llvm::StringRef  Code,
llvm::StringRef  FullyQualifiedName,
const LangOptions &  LangOpts 

Returns most eligible region to insert a definition for FullyQualifiedName in the Code.

Pseudo parses \pCode under the hood to determine namespace decls and possible insertion points. Choses the region that matches the longest prefix of FullyQualifiedName. Returns EOF if there are no shared namespaces. FullyQualifiedName should not contain anonymous namespaces.

Definition at line 1167 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References Code, clang::clangd::EligibleRegion::EligiblePoints, clang::clangd::EligibleRegion::EnclosingNamespace, getEligiblePoints(), and offsetToPosition().

Referenced by getEligiblePoints().

◆ getExpansionTokenRangeInSameFile()

static SourceRange clang::clangd::getExpansionTokenRangeInSameFile ( SourceLocation  Loc,
const SourceManager &  SM,
const LangOptions &  LangOpts 

Definition at line 378 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References Loc, rangeInCommonFile(), and toTokenRange().

Referenced by getTokenFileRange().

◆ getFoldingRanges() [1/2]

llvm::Expected< std::vector< FoldingRange > > clang::clangd::getFoldingRanges ( const std::string &  Code,
bool  LineFoldingOnly 

◆ getFoldingRanges() [2/2]

llvm::Expected< std::vector< FoldingRange > > clang::clangd::getFoldingRanges ( ParsedAST AST)

Returns a list of ranges whose contents might be collapsible in an editor.

This should include large scopes, preprocessor blocks etc.

Definition at line 170 of file SemanticSelection.cpp.

References AST.

Referenced by clang::clangd::ClangdServer::foldingRanges().

◆ getFormatStyleForFile()

format::FormatStyle clang::clangd::getFormatStyleForFile ( llvm::StringRef  File,
llvm::StringRef  Content,
const ThreadsafeFS TFS,
bool  FormatFile 

Choose the clang-format style we should apply to a certain file.

This will usually use FS to look for .clang-format directories. FIXME: should we be caching the .clang-format file search? This uses format::DefaultFormatStyle and format::DefaultFallbackStyle, though the latter may have been overridden in main()! FormatFile indicates whether the returned FormatStyle is used to format the entire main file (or a range selected by the user which can be arbitrarily long).

Definition at line 583 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References File, log(), and clang::clangd::ThreadsafeFS::view().

Referenced by clang::clangd::ClangdServer::applyTweak(), clang::clangd::ParsedAST::build(), clang::clangd::ClangdServer::findHover(), clang::clangd::ClangdServer::formatFile(), clang::clangd::ClangdServer::formatOnType(), and clang::clangd::ClangdServer::rename().

◆ getHover()

std::optional< HoverInfo > clang::clangd::getHover ( ParsedAST AST,
Position  Pos,
const format::FormatStyle &  Style,
const SymbolIndex Index 

Get the hover information when hovering at Pos.

Definition at line 1283 of file Hover.cpp.

References Alias, AST, clang::clangd::URIForFile::canonicalize(), clang::clangd::SelectionTree::commonAncestor(), clang::clangd::trace::Metric::Counter,