clang-tools 20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1//===--- SourceCode.h - Manipulating source code as strings -----*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// Various code that examines C++ source code without using heavy AST machinery
10// (and often not even the lexer). To be used sparingly!
16#include "Protocol.h"
17#include "support/Context.h"
19#include "clang/Basic/CharInfo.h"
20#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
21#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
22#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
23#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
24#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
25#include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
26#include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h"
27#include "clang/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.h"
28#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
29#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
30#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
31#include <optional>
32#include <string>
34namespace clang {
35class SourceManager;
37namespace clangd {
39// We tend to generate digests for source codes in a lot of different places.
40// This represents the type for those digests to prevent us hard coding details
41// of hashing function at every place that needs to store this information.
42using FileDigest = std::array<uint8_t, 8>;
43FileDigest digest(StringRef Content);
44std::optional<FileDigest> digestFile(const SourceManager &SM, FileID FID);
46// This context variable controls the behavior of functions in this file
47// that convert between LSP offsets and native clang byte offsets.
48// If not set, defaults to UTF-16 for backwards-compatibility.
51// Counts the number of UTF-16 code units needed to represent a string (LSP
52// specifies string lengths in UTF-16 code units).
53// Use of UTF-16 may be overridden by kCurrentOffsetEncoding.
54size_t lspLength(StringRef Code);
56/// Turn a [line, column] pair into an offset in Code.
58/// If P.character exceeds the line length, returns the offset at end-of-line.
59/// (If !AllowColumnsBeyondLineLength, then returns an error instead).
60/// If the line number is out of range, returns an error.
62/// The returned value is in the range [0, Code.size()].
64positionToOffset(llvm::StringRef Code, Position P,
65 bool AllowColumnsBeyondLineLength = true);
67/// Turn an offset in Code into a [line, column] pair.
68/// The offset must be in range [0, Code.size()].
69Position offsetToPosition(llvm::StringRef Code, size_t Offset);
71/// Turn a SourceLocation into a [line, column] pair.
72/// FIXME: This should return an error if the location is invalid.
73Position sourceLocToPosition(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation Loc);
75/// Return the file location, corresponding to \p P. Note that one should take
76/// care to avoid comparing the result with expansion locations.
77llvm::Expected<SourceLocation> sourceLocationInMainFile(const SourceManager &SM,
78 Position P);
80/// Returns true iff \p Loc is inside the main file. This function handles
81/// file & macro locations. For macro locations, returns iff the macro is being
82/// expanded inside the main file.
84/// The function is usually used to check whether a declaration is inside the
85/// the main file.
86bool isInsideMainFile(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM);
88/// Returns the #include location through which IncludedFIle was loaded.
89/// Where SM.getIncludeLoc() returns the location of the *filename*, which may
90/// be in a macro, includeHashLoc() returns the location of the #.
91SourceLocation includeHashLoc(FileID IncludedFile, const SourceManager &SM);
93/// Returns true if the token at Loc is spelled in the source code.
94/// This is not the case for:
95/// * symbols formed via macro concatenation, the spelling location will
96/// be "<scratch space>"
97/// * symbols controlled and defined by a compile command-line option
98/// `-DName=foo`, the spelling location will be "<command line>".
99bool isSpelledInSource(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM);
101/// Turns a token range into a half-open range and checks its correctness.
102/// The resulting range will have only valid source location on both sides, both
103/// of which are file locations.
105/// File locations always point to a particular offset in a file, i.e. they
106/// never refer to a location inside a macro expansion. Turning locations from
107/// macro expansions into file locations is ambiguous - one can use
108/// SourceManager::{getExpansion|getFile|getSpelling}Loc. This function
109/// calls SourceManager::getFileLoc on both ends of \p R to do the conversion.
111/// User input (e.g. cursor position) is expressed as a file location, so this
112/// function can be viewed as a way to normalize the ranges used in the clang
113/// AST so that they are comparable with ranges coming from the user input.
114std::optional<SourceRange> toHalfOpenFileRange(const SourceManager &Mgr,
115 const LangOptions &LangOpts,
116 SourceRange R);
118/// Returns true iff all of the following conditions hold:
119/// - start and end locations are valid,
120/// - start and end locations are file locations from the same file
121/// (i.e. expansion locations are not taken into account).
122/// - start offset <= end offset.
123/// FIXME: introduce a type for source range with this invariant.
124bool isValidFileRange(const SourceManager &Mgr, SourceRange R);
126/// Returns the source code covered by the source range.
127/// EXPECTS: isValidFileRange(R) == true.
128llvm::StringRef toSourceCode(const SourceManager &SM, SourceRange R);
130// Converts a half-open clang source range to an LSP range.
131// Note that clang also uses closed source ranges, which this can't handle!
132Range halfOpenToRange(const SourceManager &SM, CharSourceRange R);
134// Expand range `A` to also contain `B`.
135void unionRanges(Range &A, Range B);
137// Converts an offset to a clang line/column (1-based, columns are bytes).
138// The offset must be in range [0, Code.size()].
139// Prefer to use SourceManager if one is available.
140std::pair<size_t, size_t> offsetToClangLineColumn(llvm::StringRef Code,
141 size_t Offset);
143/// From "a::b::c", return {"a::b::", "c"}. Scope is empty if there's no
144/// qualifier.
145std::pair<llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef>
146splitQualifiedName(llvm::StringRef QName);
148TextEdit replacementToEdit(StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacement &R);
150std::vector<TextEdit> replacementsToEdits(StringRef Code,
151 const tooling::Replacements &Repls);
153TextEdit toTextEdit(const FixItHint &FixIt, const SourceManager &M,
154 const LangOptions &L);
156/// Get the canonical path of \p F. This means:
158/// - Absolute path
159/// - Symlinks resolved
160/// - No "." or ".." component
161/// - No duplicate or trailing directory separator
163/// This function should be used when paths needs to be used outside the
164/// component that generate it, so that paths are normalized as much as
165/// possible.
166std::optional<std::string> getCanonicalPath(const FileEntryRef F,
167 FileManager &FileMgr);
169/// Choose the clang-format style we should apply to a certain file.
170/// This will usually use FS to look for .clang-format directories.
171/// FIXME: should we be caching the .clang-format file search?
172/// This uses format::DefaultFormatStyle and format::DefaultFallbackStyle,
173/// though the latter may have been overridden in main()!
174/// \p FormatFile indicates whether the returned FormatStyle is used
175/// to format the entire main file (or a range selected by the user
176/// which can be arbitrarily long).
177format::FormatStyle getFormatStyleForFile(llvm::StringRef File,
178 llvm::StringRef Content,
179 const ThreadsafeFS &TFS,
180 bool FormatFile);
182/// Cleanup and format the given replacements.
184cleanupAndFormat(StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Replaces,
185 const format::FormatStyle &Style);
187/// A set of edits generated for a single file. Can verify whether it is safe to
188/// apply these edits to a code block.
189struct Edit {
190 tooling::Replacements Replacements;
191 std::string InitialCode;
193 Edit() = default;
195 Edit(llvm::StringRef Code, tooling::Replacements Reps)
196 : Replacements(std::move(Reps)), InitialCode(Code) {}
198 /// Returns the file contents after changes are applied.
199 llvm::Expected<std::string> apply() const;
201 /// Represents Replacements as TextEdits that are available for use in LSP.
202 std::vector<TextEdit> asTextEdits() const;
204 /// Checks whether the Replacements are applicable to given Code.
205 bool canApplyTo(llvm::StringRef Code) const;
207/// A mapping from absolute file path (the one used for accessing the underlying
208/// VFS) to edits.
209using FileEdits = llvm::StringMap<Edit>;
211/// Formats the edits and code around it according to Style. Changes
212/// Replacements to formatted ones if succeeds.
213llvm::Error reformatEdit(Edit &E, const format::FormatStyle &Style);
215/// Apply an incremental update to a text document.
216llvm::Error applyChange(std::string &Contents,
217 const TextDocumentContentChangeEvent &Change);
219/// Collects identifiers with counts in the source code.
220llvm::StringMap<unsigned> collectIdentifiers(llvm::StringRef Content,
221 const format::FormatStyle &Style);
223/// Collects all ranges of the given identifier in the source code.
224std::vector<Range> collectIdentifierRanges(llvm::StringRef Identifier,
225 llvm::StringRef Content,
226 const LangOptions &LangOpts);
228/// Collects words from the source code.
229/// Unlike collectIdentifiers:
230/// - also finds text in comments:
231/// - splits text into words
232/// - drops stopwords like "get" and "for"
233llvm::StringSet<> collectWords(llvm::StringRef Content);
235// Something that looks like a word in the source code.
236// Could be a "real" token that's "live" in the AST, a spelled token consumed by
237// the preprocessor, or part of a spelled token (e.g. word in a comment).
239 // (Spelling) location of the start of the word.
240 SourceLocation Location;
241 // The range of the word itself, excluding any quotes.
242 // This is a subrange of the file buffer.
243 llvm::StringRef Text;
244 // Whether this word is likely to refer to an identifier. True if:
245 // - the word is a spelled identifier token
246 // - Text is identifier-like (e.g. "foo_bar")
247 // - Text is surrounded by backticks (e.g. Foo in "// returns `Foo`")
248 bool LikelyIdentifier = false;
249 // Set if the word is contained in a token spelled in the file.
250 // (This should always be true, but comments aren't retained by TokenBuffer).
251 const syntax::Token *PartOfSpelledToken = nullptr;
252 // Set if the word is exactly a token spelled in the file.
253 const syntax::Token *SpelledToken = nullptr;
254 // Set if the word is a token spelled in the file, and that token survives
255 // preprocessing to emit an expanded token spelled the same way.
256 const syntax::Token *ExpandedToken = nullptr;
258 // Find the unique word that contains SpelledLoc or starts/ends there.
259 static std::optional<SpelledWord> touching(SourceLocation SpelledLoc,
260 const syntax::TokenBuffer &TB,
261 const LangOptions &LangOpts);
264/// Return true if the \p TokenName is in the list of reversed keywords of the
265/// language.
266bool isKeyword(llvm::StringRef TokenName, const LangOptions &LangOpts);
268/// Heuristically determine namespaces visible at a point, without parsing Code.
269/// This considers using-directives and enclosing namespace-declarations that
270/// are visible (and not obfuscated) in the file itself (not headers).
271/// Code should be truncated at the point of interest.
273/// The returned vector is always non-empty.
274/// - The first element is the namespace that encloses the point: a declaration
275/// near the point would be within this namespace.
276/// - The elements are the namespaces in scope at the point: an unqualified
277/// lookup would search within these namespaces.
279/// Using directives are resolved against all enclosing scopes, but no other
280/// namespace directives.
282/// example:
283/// using namespace a;
284/// namespace foo {
285/// using namespace b;
287/// visibleNamespaces are {"foo::", "", "a::", "b::", "foo::b::"}, not "a::b::".
288std::vector<std::string> visibleNamespaces(llvm::StringRef Code,
289 const LangOptions &LangOpts);
291/// Represents locations that can accept a definition.
293 /// Namespace that owns all of the EligiblePoints, e.g.
294 /// namespace a{ namespace b {^ void foo();^} }
295 /// It will be “a::b” for both carrot locations.
297 /// Offsets into the code marking eligible points to insert a function
298 /// definition.
299 std::vector<Position> EligiblePoints;
302/// Returns most eligible region to insert a definition for \p
303/// FullyQualifiedName in the \p Code.
304/// Pseudo parses \pCode under the hood to determine namespace decls and
305/// possible insertion points. Choses the region that matches the longest prefix
306/// of \p FullyQualifiedName. Returns EOF if there are no shared namespaces.
307/// \p FullyQualifiedName should not contain anonymous namespaces.
309 llvm::StringRef FullyQualifiedName,
310 const LangOptions &LangOpts);
313 llvm::StringRef Name;
314 const MacroInfo *Info;
315 /// Location of the identifier that names the macro.
316 /// Unlike Info->Location, this translates preamble-patch locations to
317 /// main-file locations.
318 SourceLocation NameLoc;
320/// Gets the macro referenced by \p SpelledTok. It must be a spelled token
321/// aligned to the beginning of an identifier.
322std::optional<DefinedMacro> locateMacroAt(const syntax::Token &SpelledTok,
323 Preprocessor &PP);
325/// Infers whether this is a header from the FileName and LangOpts (if
326/// presents).
327bool isHeaderFile(llvm::StringRef FileName,
328 std::optional<LangOptions> LangOpts = std::nullopt);
330/// Returns true if the given location is in a generated protobuf file.
331bool isProtoFile(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SourceMgr);
333/// Returns true if Name is reserved, like _Foo or __Vector_base.
334inline bool isReservedName(llvm::StringRef Name) {
335 // This doesn't catch all cases, but the most common.
336 return Name.size() >= 2 && Name[0] == '_' &&
337 (isUppercase(Name[1]) || Name[1] == '_');
340/// Translates locations inside preamble patch to their main-file equivalent
341/// using presumed locations. Returns \p Loc if it isn't inside preamble patch.
342SourceLocation translatePreamblePatchLocation(SourceLocation Loc,
343 const SourceManager &SM);
345/// Returns the range starting at offset and spanning the whole line. Escaped
346/// newlines are not handled.
347clangd::Range rangeTillEOL(llvm::StringRef Code, unsigned HashOffset);
348} // namespace clangd
349} // namespace clang
const Expr * E
llvm::SmallString< 256U > Name
Replacements Replaces
Definition: ClangTidy.cpp:306
size_t Offset
std::string Code
StringRef FileName
SourceLocation Loc
size_t HashOffset
const google::protobuf::Message & M
Definition: Server.cpp:309
std::optional< FixItHint > FixIt
syntax::Token SpelledTok
Definition: XRefs.cpp:872
Values in a Context are indexed by typed keys.
Definition: Context.h:40
Wrapper for vfs::FileSystem for use in multithreaded programs like clangd.
Definition: ThreadsafeFS.h:26
bool isValidFileRange(const SourceManager &Mgr, SourceRange R)
Returns true iff all of the following conditions hold:
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:249
std::pair< StringRef, StringRef > splitQualifiedName(StringRef QName)
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:497
std::optional< SourceRange > toHalfOpenFileRange(const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts, SourceRange R)
Turns a token range into a half-open range and checks its correctness.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:430
Range halfOpenToRange(const SourceManager &SM, CharSourceRange R)
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:472
SourceLocation includeHashLoc(FileID IncludedFile, const SourceManager &SM)
Returns the #include location through which IncludedFIle was loaded.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:264
llvm::Error applyChange(std::string &Contents, const TextDocumentContentChangeEvent &Change)
Apply an incremental update to a text document.
TextEdit toTextEdit(const FixItHint &FixIt, const SourceManager &M, const LangOptions &L)
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:556
Position offsetToPosition(llvm::StringRef Code, size_t Offset)
Turn an offset in Code into a [line, column] pair.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:202
size_t lspLength(llvm::StringRef Code)
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:149
bool isReservedName(llvm::StringRef Name)
Returns true if Name is reserved, like _Foo or __Vector_base.
Definition: SourceCode.h:334
Key< OffsetEncoding > kCurrentOffsetEncoding
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:142
FileDigest digest(llvm::StringRef Content)
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:565
bool isInsideMainFile(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM)
Returns true iff Loc is inside the main file.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:423
llvm::StringMap< Edit > FileEdits
A mapping from absolute file path (the one used for accessing the underlying VFS) to edits.
Definition: SourceCode.h:209
llvm::Error reformatEdit(Edit &E, const format::FormatStyle &Style)
Formats the edits and code around it according to Style.
void unionRanges(Range &A, Range B)
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:480
std::array< uint8_t, 8 > FileDigest
Definition: SourceCode.h:42
SourceLocation translatePreamblePatchLocation(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM)
Translates locations inside preamble patch to their main-file equivalent using presumed locations.
Position sourceLocToPosition(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation Loc)
Turn a SourceLocation into a [line, column] pair.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:214
llvm::StringMap< unsigned > collectIdentifiers(llvm::StringRef Content, const format::FormatStyle &Style)
Collects identifiers with counts in the source code.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:632
std::optional< DefinedMacro > locateMacroAt(const syntax::Token &SpelledTok, Preprocessor &PP)
Gets the macro referenced by SpelledTok.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:999
std::optional< FileDigest > digestFile(const SourceManager &SM, FileID FID)
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:575
std::vector< std::string > visibleNamespaces(llvm::StringRef Code, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
Heuristically determine namespaces visible at a point, without parsing Code.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:823
std::optional< std::string > getCanonicalPath(const FileEntryRef F, FileManager &FileMgr)
Get the canonical path of F.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:520
EligibleRegion getEligiblePoints(llvm::StringRef Code, llvm::StringRef FullyQualifiedName, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
Returns most eligible region to insert a definition for FullyQualifiedName in the Code.
llvm::Expected< size_t > positionToOffset(llvm::StringRef Code, Position P, bool AllowColumnsBeyondLineLength)
Turn a [line, column] pair into an offset in Code.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:173
llvm::StringRef toSourceCode(const SourceManager &SM, SourceRange R)
Returns the source code covered by the source range.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:452
std::vector< Range > collectIdentifierRanges(llvm::StringRef Identifier, llvm::StringRef Content, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
Collects all ranges of the given identifier in the source code.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:646
llvm::StringSet collectWords(llvm::StringRef Content)
Collects words from the source code.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:871
llvm::Expected< SourceLocation > sourceLocationInMainFile(const SourceManager &SM, Position P)
Return the file location, corresponding to P.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:462
bool isKeyword(llvm::StringRef NewName, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
Return true if the TokenName is in the list of reversed keywords of the language.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:659
llvm::Expected< tooling::Replacements > cleanupAndFormat(StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Replaces, const format::FormatStyle &Style)
Cleanup and format the given replacements.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:612
std::pair< size_t, size_t > offsetToClangLineColumn(llvm::StringRef Code, size_t Offset)
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:487
bool isSpelledInSource(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM)
Returns true if the token at Loc is spelled in the source code.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:231
clangd::Range rangeTillEOL(llvm::StringRef Code, unsigned HashOffset)
Returns the range starting at offset and spanning the whole line.
bool isProtoFile(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM)
Returns true if the given location is in a generated protobuf file.
bool isHeaderFile(llvm::StringRef FileName, std::optional< LangOptions > LangOpts)
Infers whether this is a header from the FileName and LangOpts (if presents).
std::vector< TextEdit > replacementsToEdits(llvm::StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Repls)
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:512
TextEdit replacementToEdit(llvm::StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacement &R)
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:504
format::FormatStyle getFormatStyleForFile(llvm::StringRef File, llvm::StringRef Content, const ThreadsafeFS &TFS, bool FormatFile)
Choose the clang-format style we should apply to a certain file.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:583
===– Representation.cpp - ClangDoc Representation --------—*- C++ -*-===//
SourceLocation NameLoc
Location of the identifier that names the macro.
Definition: SourceCode.h:318
const MacroInfo * Info
Definition: SourceCode.h:314
A set of edits generated for a single file.
Definition: SourceCode.h:189
tooling::Replacements Replacements
Definition: SourceCode.h:190
Edit(llvm::StringRef Code, tooling::Replacements Reps)
Definition: SourceCode.h:195
std::string InitialCode
Definition: SourceCode.h:191
std::vector< TextEdit > asTextEdits() const
Represents Replacements as TextEdits that are available for use in LSP.
llvm::Expected< std::string > apply() const
Returns the file contents after changes are applied.
bool canApplyTo(llvm::StringRef Code) const
Checks whether the Replacements are applicable to given Code.
Represents locations that can accept a definition.
Definition: SourceCode.h:292
std::vector< Position > EligiblePoints
Offsets into the code marking eligible points to insert a function definition.
Definition: SourceCode.h:299
std::string EnclosingNamespace
Namespace that owns all of the EligiblePoints, e.g.
Definition: SourceCode.h:296
llvm::StringRef Text
Definition: SourceCode.h:243
static std::optional< SpelledWord > touching(SourceLocation SpelledLoc, const syntax::TokenBuffer &TB, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:949
const syntax::Token * ExpandedToken
Definition: SourceCode.h:256
const syntax::Token * PartOfSpelledToken
Definition: SourceCode.h:251
const syntax::Token * SpelledToken
Definition: SourceCode.h:253
SourceLocation Location
Definition: SourceCode.h:240