clang-tools 20.0.0git
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1//===--- Dex.cpp - Dex Symbol Index Implementation --------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "Dex.h"
10#include "FileDistance.h"
11#include "FuzzyMatch.h"
12#include "Quality.h"
13#include "URI.h"
14#include "index/Index.h"
15#include "index/dex/Iterator.h"
16#include "index/dex/Token.h"
17#include "index/dex/Trigram.h"
18#include "support/Logger.h"
19#include "support/Trace.h"
20#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
21#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
22#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
23#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
24#include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
25#include <algorithm>
26#include <optional>
27#include <queue>
28#include <utility>
29#include <vector>
31namespace clang {
32namespace clangd {
33namespace dex {
35std::unique_ptr<SymbolIndex> Dex::build(SymbolSlab Symbols, RefSlab Refs,
36 RelationSlab Rels) {
37 auto Size = Symbols.bytes() + Refs.bytes();
38 // There is no need to include "Rels" in Data because the relations are self-
39 // contained, without references into a backing store.
40 auto Data = std::make_pair(std::move(Symbols), std::move(Refs));
41 return std::make_unique<Dex>(Data.first, Data.second, Rels, std::move(Data),
42 Size);
45namespace {
47// Mark symbols which are can be used for code completion.
48const Token RestrictedForCodeCompletion =
49 Token(Token::Kind::Sentinel, "Restricted For Code Completion");
51// Helper to efficiently assemble the inverse index (token -> matching docs).
52// The output is a nice uniform structure keyed on Token, but constructing
53// the Token object every time we want to insert into the map is wasteful.
54// Instead we have various maps keyed on things that are cheap to compute,
55// and produce the Token keys once at the end.
56class IndexBuilder {
57 llvm::DenseMap<Trigram, std::vector<DocID>> TrigramDocs;
58 std::vector<DocID> RestrictedCCDocs;
59 llvm::StringMap<std::vector<DocID>> TypeDocs;
60 llvm::StringMap<std::vector<DocID>> ScopeDocs;
61 llvm::StringMap<std::vector<DocID>> ProximityDocs;
62 std::vector<Trigram> TrigramScratch;
65 // Add the tokens which are given symbol's characteristics.
66 // This includes fuzzy matching trigrams, symbol's scope, etc.
67 // FIXME(kbobyrev): Support more token types:
68 // * Namespace proximity
69 void add(const Symbol &Sym, DocID D) {
70 generateIdentifierTrigrams(Sym.Name, TrigramScratch);
71 for (Trigram T : TrigramScratch)
72 TrigramDocs[T].push_back(D);
73 ScopeDocs[Sym.Scope].push_back(D);
74 if (!llvm::StringRef(Sym.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI).empty())
75 for (const auto &ProximityURI :
77 ProximityDocs[ProximityURI].push_back(D);
79 RestrictedCCDocs.push_back(D);
80 if (!Sym.Type.empty())
81 TypeDocs[Sym.Type].push_back(D);
82 }
84 // Assemble the final compressed posting lists for the added symbols.
85 llvm::DenseMap<Token, PostingList> build() && {
86 llvm::DenseMap<Token, PostingList> Result(/*InitialReserve=*/
87 TrigramDocs.size() +
88 RestrictedCCDocs.size() +
89 TypeDocs.size() +
90 ScopeDocs.size() +
91 ProximityDocs.size());
92 // Tear down intermediate structs as we go to reduce memory usage.
93 // Since we're trying to get rid of underlying allocations, clearing the
94 // containers is not enough.
95 auto CreatePostingList =
96 [&Result](Token::Kind TK, llvm::StringMap<std::vector<DocID>> &Docs) {
97 for (auto &E : Docs) {
98 Result.try_emplace(Token(TK, E.first()), E.second);
99 E.second = {};
100 }
101 Docs = {};
102 };
103 CreatePostingList(Token::Kind::Type, TypeDocs);
104 CreatePostingList(Token::Kind::Scope, ScopeDocs);
105 CreatePostingList(Token::Kind::ProximityURI, ProximityDocs);
107 // TrigramDocs are stored in a DenseMap and RestrictedCCDocs is not even a
108 // map, treat them specially.
109 for (auto &E : TrigramDocs) {
110 Result.try_emplace(Token(Token::Kind::Trigram, E.first.str()), E.second);
111 E.second = {};
112 }
113 TrigramDocs = llvm::DenseMap<Trigram, std::vector<DocID>>{};
114 if (!RestrictedCCDocs.empty())
115 Result.try_emplace(RestrictedForCodeCompletion,
116 std::move(RestrictedCCDocs));
117 return Result;
118 }
121} // namespace
123void Dex::buildIndex() {
124 this->Corpus = dex::Corpus(Symbols.size());
125 std::vector<std::pair<float, const Symbol *>> ScoredSymbols(Symbols.size());
127 for (size_t I = 0; I < Symbols.size(); ++I) {
128 const Symbol *Sym = Symbols[I];
129 LookupTable[Sym->ID] = Sym;
130 ScoredSymbols[I] = {quality(*Sym), Sym};
131 }
133 // Symbols are sorted by symbol qualities so that items in the posting lists
134 // are stored in the descending order of symbol quality.
135 llvm::sort(ScoredSymbols, std::greater<std::pair<float, const Symbol *>>());
137 // SymbolQuality was empty up until now.
138 SymbolQuality.resize(Symbols.size());
139 // Populate internal storage using Symbol + Score pairs.
140 for (size_t I = 0; I < ScoredSymbols.size(); ++I) {
141 SymbolQuality[I] = ScoredSymbols[I].first;
142 Symbols[I] = ScoredSymbols[I].second;
143 }
145 // Build posting lists for symbols.
146 IndexBuilder Builder;
147 for (DocID SymbolRank = 0; SymbolRank < Symbols.size(); ++SymbolRank)
148 Builder.add(*Symbols[SymbolRank], SymbolRank);
149 InvertedIndex = std::move(Builder).build();
152std::unique_ptr<Iterator> Dex::iterator(const Token &Tok) const {
153 auto It = InvertedIndex.find(Tok);
154 return It == InvertedIndex.end() ? Corpus.none()
155 : It->second.iterator(&It->first);
158// Constructs BOOST iterators for Path Proximities.
159std::unique_ptr<Iterator> Dex::createFileProximityIterator(
160 llvm::ArrayRef<std::string> ProximityPaths) const {
161 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Iterator>> BoostingIterators;
162 // Deduplicate parent URIs extracted from the ProximityPaths.
163 llvm::StringSet<> ParentURIs;
164 llvm::StringMap<SourceParams> Sources;
165 for (const auto &Path : ProximityPaths) {
166 Sources[Path] = SourceParams();
167 auto PathURI = URI::create(Path).toString();
168 const auto PathProximityURIs = generateProximityURIs(PathURI.c_str());
169 for (const auto &ProximityURI : PathProximityURIs)
170 ParentURIs.insert(ProximityURI);
171 }
172 // Use SymbolRelevanceSignals for symbol relevance evaluation: use defaults
173 // for all parameters except for Proximity Path distance signal.
174 SymbolRelevanceSignals PathProximitySignals;
175 // DistanceCalculator will find the shortest distance from ProximityPaths to
176 // any URI extracted from the ProximityPaths.
177 URIDistance DistanceCalculator(Sources);
178 PathProximitySignals.FileProximityMatch = &DistanceCalculator;
179 // Try to build BOOST iterator for each Proximity Path provided by
180 // ProximityPaths. Boosting factor should depend on the distance to the
181 // Proximity Path: the closer processed path is, the higher boosting factor.
182 for (const auto &ParentURI : ParentURIs.keys()) {
183 // FIXME(kbobyrev): Append LIMIT on top of every BOOST iterator.
184 auto It = iterator(Token(Token::Kind::ProximityURI, ParentURI));
185 if (It->kind() != Iterator::Kind::False) {
186 PathProximitySignals.SymbolURI = ParentURI;
187 BoostingIterators.push_back(Corpus.boost(
188 std::move(It), PathProximitySignals.evaluateHeuristics()));
189 }
190 }
191 BoostingIterators.push_back(Corpus.all());
192 return Corpus.unionOf(std::move(BoostingIterators));
195// Constructs BOOST iterators for preferred types.
197Dex::createTypeBoostingIterator(llvm::ArrayRef<std::string> Types) const {
198 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Iterator>> BoostingIterators;
199 SymbolRelevanceSignals PreferredTypeSignals;
200 PreferredTypeSignals.TypeMatchesPreferred = true;
201 auto Boost = PreferredTypeSignals.evaluateHeuristics();
202 for (const auto &T : Types)
203 BoostingIterators.push_back(
204 Corpus.boost(iterator(Token(Token::Kind::Type, T)), Boost));
205 BoostingIterators.push_back(Corpus.all());
206 return Corpus.unionOf(std::move(BoostingIterators));
209/// Constructs iterators over tokens extracted from the query and exhausts it
210/// while applying Callback to each symbol in the order of decreasing quality
211/// of the matched symbols.
213 llvm::function_ref<void(const Symbol &)> Callback) const {
214 assert(!StringRef(Req.Query).contains("::") &&
215 "There must be no :: in query.");
216 trace::Span Tracer("Dex fuzzyFind");
217 FuzzyMatcher Filter(Req.Query);
218 // For short queries we use specialized trigrams that don't yield all results.
219 // Prevent clients from postfiltering them for longer queries.
220 bool More = !Req.Query.empty() && Req.Query.size() < 3;
222 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Iterator>> Criteria;
223 const auto TrigramTokens = generateQueryTrigrams(Req.Query);
225 // Generate query trigrams and construct AND iterator over all query
226 // trigrams.
227 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Iterator>> TrigramIterators;
228 for (const auto &Trigram : TrigramTokens)
229 TrigramIterators.push_back(iterator(Trigram));
230 Criteria.push_back(Corpus.intersect(std::move(TrigramIterators)));
232 // Generate scope tokens for search query.
233 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Iterator>> ScopeIterators;
234 for (const auto &Scope : Req.Scopes)
235 ScopeIterators.push_back(iterator(Token(Token::Kind::Scope, Scope)));
236 if (Req.AnyScope)
237 ScopeIterators.push_back(
238 Corpus.boost(Corpus.all(), ScopeIterators.empty() ? 1.0 : 0.2));
239 Criteria.push_back(Corpus.unionOf(std::move(ScopeIterators)));
241 // Add proximity paths boosting (all symbols, some boosted).
242 Criteria.push_back(createFileProximityIterator(Req.ProximityPaths));
243 // Add boosting for preferred types.
244 Criteria.push_back(createTypeBoostingIterator(Req.PreferredTypes));
247 Criteria.push_back(iterator(RestrictedForCodeCompletion));
249 // Use TRUE iterator if both trigrams and scopes from the query are not
250 // present in the symbol index.
251 auto Root = Corpus.intersect(std::move(Criteria));
252 // Retrieve more items than it was requested: some of the items with high
253 // final score might not be retrieved otherwise.
254 // FIXME(kbobyrev): Tune this ratio.
255 if (Req.Limit)
256 Root = Corpus.limit(std::move(Root), *Req.Limit * 100);
257 SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "query", llvm::to_string(*Root));
258 vlog("Dex query tree: {0}", *Root);
260 using IDAndScore = std::pair<DocID, float>;
261 std::vector<IDAndScore> IDAndScores = consume(*Root);
263 auto Compare = [](const IDAndScore &LHS, const IDAndScore &RHS) {
264 return LHS.second > RHS.second;
265 };
266 TopN<IDAndScore, decltype(Compare)> Top(
267 Req.Limit ? *Req.Limit : std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), Compare);
268 for (const auto &IDAndScore : IDAndScores) {
269 const DocID SymbolDocID = IDAndScore.first;
270 const auto *Sym = Symbols[SymbolDocID];
271 const std::optional<float> Score = Filter.match(Sym->Name);
272 if (!Score)
273 continue;
274 // Combine Fuzzy Matching score, precomputed symbol quality and boosting
275 // score for a cumulative final symbol score.
276 const float FinalScore =
277 (*Score) * SymbolQuality[SymbolDocID] * IDAndScore.second;
278 // If Top.push(...) returns true, it means that it had to pop an item. In
279 // this case, it is possible to retrieve more symbols.
280 if (Top.push({SymbolDocID, FinalScore}))
281 More = true;
282 }
284 // Apply callback to the top Req.Limit items in the descending
285 // order of cumulative score.
286 for (const auto &Item : std::move(Top).items())
287 Callback(*Symbols[Item.first]);
288 return More;
291void Dex::lookup(const LookupRequest &Req,
292 llvm::function_ref<void(const Symbol &)> Callback) const {
293 trace::Span Tracer("Dex lookup");
294 for (const auto &ID : Req.IDs) {
295 auto I = LookupTable.find(ID);
296 if (I != LookupTable.end())
297 Callback(*I->second);
298 }
301bool Dex::refs(const RefsRequest &Req,
302 llvm::function_ref<void(const Ref &)> Callback) const {
303 trace::Span Tracer("Dex refs");
304 uint32_t Remaining = Req.Limit.value_or(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
305 for (const auto &ID : Req.IDs)
306 for (const auto &Ref : Refs.lookup(ID)) {
307 if (!static_cast<int>(Req.Filter & Ref.Kind))
308 continue;
309 if (Remaining == 0)
310 return true; // More refs were available.
311 --Remaining;
312 Callback(Ref);
313 }
314 return false; // We reported all refs.
317void Dex::relations(
318 const RelationsRequest &Req,
319 llvm::function_ref<void(const SymbolID &, const Symbol &)> Callback) const {
320 trace::Span Tracer("Dex relations");
321 uint32_t Remaining = Req.Limit.value_or(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
322 for (const SymbolID &Subject : Req.Subjects) {
323 LookupRequest LookupReq;
324 auto It = Relations.find(
325 std::make_pair(Subject, static_cast<uint8_t>(Req.Predicate)));
326 if (It != Relations.end()) {
327 for (const auto &Object : It->second) {
328 if (Remaining > 0) {
329 --Remaining;
330 LookupReq.IDs.insert(Object);
331 }
332 }
333 }
334 lookup(LookupReq, [&](const Symbol &Object) { Callback(Subject, Object); });
335 }
338llvm::unique_function<IndexContents(llvm::StringRef) const>
339Dex::indexedFiles() const {
340 return [this](llvm::StringRef FileURI) {
341 return Files.contains(FileURI) ? IdxContents : IndexContents::None;
342 };
345size_t Dex::estimateMemoryUsage() const {
346 size_t Bytes = Symbols.size() * sizeof(const Symbol *);
347 Bytes += SymbolQuality.size() * sizeof(float);
348 Bytes += LookupTable.getMemorySize();
349 Bytes += InvertedIndex.getMemorySize();
350 for (const auto &TokenToPostingList : InvertedIndex)
351 Bytes += TokenToPostingList.second.bytes();
352 Bytes += Refs.getMemorySize();
353 Bytes += Relations.getMemorySize();
354 return Bytes + BackingDataSize;
357// Given foo://bar/one/two
358// Returns ~~~~~~~~ (or empty for bad URI)
359llvm::StringRef findPathInURI(llvm::StringRef S) {
360 S = S.split(':').second; // Eat scheme.
361 if (S.consume_front("//")) // Eat authority.
362 S = S.drop_until([](char C) { return C == '/'; });
363 return S;
366// FIXME(kbobyrev): Currently, this is a heuristic which defines the maximum
367// size of resulting vector. Some projects might want to have higher limit if
368// the file hierarchy is deeper. For the generic case, it would be useful to
369// calculate Limit in the index build stage by calculating the maximum depth
370// of the project source tree at runtime.
371constexpr unsigned ProximityURILimit = 5;
373llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, ProximityURILimit>
374generateProximityURIs(llvm::StringRef URI) {
375 // This function is hot when indexing, so don't parse/reserialize URIPath,
376 // just emit substrings of it instead.
377 //
378 // foo://bar/one/two
379 // ~~~~~~~~
380 // Path
381 llvm::StringRef Path = findPathInURI(URI);
382 if (Path.empty())
383 return {}; // Bad URI.
384 assert(Path.begin() >= URI.begin() && Path.begin() < URI.end() &&
385 Path.end() == URI.end());
387 // The original is a proximity URI.
388 llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, ProximityURILimit> Result = {URI};
389 // Form proximity URIs by chopping before each slash in the path part.
390 for (auto Slash = Path.rfind('/'); Slash > 0 && Slash != StringRef::npos;
391 Slash = Path.rfind('/')) {
392 Path = Path.substr(0, Slash);
393 Result.push_back(URI.substr(0, Path.end() -;
394 if (Result.size() == ProximityURILimit)
395 return Result;
396 }
397 // The root foo://bar/ is a proximity URI.
398 if (Path.starts_with("/"))
399 Result.push_back(URI.substr(0, Path.begin() + 1 -;
400 return Result;
403} // namespace dex
404} // namespace clangd
405} // namespace clang
const Expr * E
CodeCompletionBuilder Builder
This defines Dex - a symbol index implementation based on query iterators over symbol tokens,...
ASTNode Root
Definition: DumpAST.cpp:342
const Criteria C
std::optional< float > Score
Symbol index queries consist of specific requirements for the requested symbol, such as high fuzzy ma...
Token objects represent a characteristic of a symbol, which can be used to perform efficient search.
#define SPAN_ATTACH(S, Name, Expr)
Attach a key-value pair to a Span event.
Definition: Trace.h:164
Trigrams are attributes of the symbol unqualified name used to effectively extract symbols which can ...
An efficient structure of storing large set of symbol references in memory.
Definition: Ref.h:108
An immutable symbol container that stores a set of symbols.
Definition: Symbol.h:199
TopN<T> is a lossy container that preserves only the "best" N elements.
Definition: Quality.h:189
A URI describes the location of a source file.
Definition: URI.h:28
static llvm::Expected< URI > create(llvm::StringRef AbsolutePath, llvm::StringRef Scheme)
Creates a URI for a file in the given scheme.
Definition: URI.cpp:208
std::unique_ptr< Iterator > none() const
Returns FALSE Iterator which iterates over no documents.
Definition: Iterator.cpp:428
std::unique_ptr< Iterator > limit(std::unique_ptr< Iterator > Child, size_t Limit) const
Returns LIMIT iterator, which yields up to N elements of its child iterator.
Definition: Iterator.cpp:441
std::unique_ptr< Iterator > intersect(std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Iterator > > Children) const
Returns AND Iterator which performs the intersection of the PostingLists of its children.
Definition: Iterator.cpp:365
std::unique_ptr< Iterator > boost(std::unique_ptr< Iterator > Child, float Factor) const
Returns BOOST iterator which multiplies the score of each item by given factor.
Definition: Iterator.cpp:432
std::unique_ptr< Iterator > all() const
Returns TRUE Iterator which iterates over "virtual" PostingList containing all items in range [0,...
Definition: Iterator.cpp:424
std::unique_ptr< Iterator > unionOf(std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Iterator > > Children) const
Returns OR Iterator which performs the union of the PostingLists of its children.
Definition: Iterator.cpp:395
static std::unique_ptr< SymbolIndex > build(SymbolSlab, RefSlab, RelationSlab)
Builds an index from slabs. The index takes ownership of the slab.
Definition: Dex.cpp:35
bool fuzzyFind(const FuzzyFindRequest &Req, llvm::function_ref< void(const Symbol &)> Callback) const override
Constructs iterators over tokens extracted from the query and exhausts it while applying Callback to ...
Definition: Dex.cpp:212
A Token represents an attribute of a symbol, such as a particular trigram present in the name (used f...
Definition: Token.h:39
Kind specifies Token type which defines semantics for the internal representation.
Definition: Token.h:48
@ ProximityURI
Path Proximity URI to symbol declaration.
@ Scope
Scope primitives, e.g.
@ Sentinel
Internal Token type for invalid/special tokens, e.g.
@ Trigram
Represents trigram used for fuzzy search of unqualified symbol names.
@ Type
Type of symbol (see Symbol::Type).
Records an event whose duration is the lifetime of the Span object.
Definition: Trace.h:143
llvm::SmallVector< llvm::StringRef, ProximityURILimit > generateProximityURIs(llvm::StringRef URI)
Returns Search Token for a number of parent directories of given Path.
Definition: Dex.cpp:374
std::vector< std::pair< DocID, float > > consume(Iterator &It)
Advances the iterator until it is exhausted.
Definition: Iterator.cpp:357
llvm::StringRef findPathInURI(llvm::StringRef S)
Definition: Dex.cpp:359
constexpr unsigned ProximityURILimit
Definition: Dex.cpp:371
void generateIdentifierTrigrams(llvm::StringRef Identifier, std::vector< Trigram > &Result)
Produces list of unique fuzzy-search trigrams from unqualified symbol.
Definition: Trigram.cpp:100
std::vector< Token > generateQueryTrigrams(llvm::StringRef Query)
Returns list of unique fuzzy-search trigrams given a query.
Definition: Trigram.cpp:123
uint32_t DocID
Symbol position in the list of all index symbols sorted by a pre-computed symbol quality.
Definition: Iterator.h:45
Describes what data is covered by an index.
Definition: Index.h:93
std::string Path
A typedef to represent a file path.
Definition: Path.h:26
void vlog(const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
Definition: Logger.h:72
llvm::unique_function< void(llvm::Expected< T >)> Callback
A Callback<T> is a void function that accepts Expected<T>.
Definition: Function.h:28
std::vector< std::string > lookup(const SymbolIndex &I, llvm::ArrayRef< SymbolID > IDs)
Definition: TestIndex.cpp:151
float quality(const Symbol &S)
Computes query-independent quality score for a Symbol.
Definition: Symbol.cpp:31
===– Representation.cpp - ClangDoc Representation --------—*- C++ -*-===//
std::vector< std::string > Scopes
If this is non-empty, symbols must be in at least one of the scopes (e.g.
Definition: Index.h:36
bool RestrictForCodeCompletion
If set to true, only symbols for completion support will be considered.
Definition: Index.h:44
std::string Query
A query string for the fuzzy find.
Definition: Index.h:29
std::vector< std::string > ProximityPaths
Contextually relevant files (e.g.
Definition: Index.h:47
bool AnyScope
If set to true, allow symbols from any scope.
Definition: Index.h:39
std::optional< uint32_t > Limit
The number of top candidates to return.
Definition: Index.h:42
std::vector< std::string > PreferredTypes
Preferred types of symbols. These are raw representation of OpaqueType.
Definition: Index.h:49
llvm::DenseSet< SymbolID > IDs
Definition: Index.h:65
Represents a symbol occurrence in the source file.
Definition: Ref.h:85
RefKind Kind
Definition: Ref.h:88
llvm::DenseSet< SymbolID > IDs
Definition: Index.h:69
std::optional< uint32_t > Limit
If set, limit the number of refers returned from the index.
Definition: Index.h:74
std::optional< uint32_t > Limit
If set, limit the number of relations returned from the index.
Definition: Index.h:84
llvm::DenseSet< SymbolID > Subjects
Definition: Index.h:81
The class presents a C++ symbol, e.g.
Definition: Symbol.h:39
SymbolFlag Flags
Definition: Symbol.h:150
@ IndexedForCodeCompletion
Whether or not this symbol is meant to be used for the code completion.
Definition: Symbol.h:141
llvm::StringRef Type
Raw representation of the OpaqueType of the symbol, used for scoring purposes.
Definition: Symbol.h:88
llvm::StringRef Name
The unqualified name of the symbol, e.g. "bar" (for ns::bar).
Definition: Symbol.h:45
llvm::StringRef Scope
The containing namespace. e.g. "" (global), "ns::" (top-level namespace).
Definition: Symbol.h:47
SymbolLocation CanonicalDeclaration
The location of the preferred declaration of the symbol.
Definition: Symbol.h:59