clang-tools 20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1//===--- ClangdServer.cpp - Main clangd server code --------------*- C++-*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "ClangdServer.h"
10#include "CodeComplete.h"
11#include "Config.h"
12#include "Diagnostics.h"
13#include "DumpAST.h"
14#include "FindSymbols.h"
15#include "Format.h"
16#include "HeaderSourceSwitch.h"
17#include "InlayHints.h"
18#include "ParsedAST.h"
19#include "Preamble.h"
20#include "Protocol.h"
22#include "SemanticSelection.h"
23#include "SourceCode.h"
24#include "TUScheduler.h"
25#include "XRefs.h"
26#include "clang-include-cleaner/Record.h"
27#include "index/FileIndex.h"
28#include "index/Merge.h"
29#include "index/StdLib.h"
30#include "refactor/Rename.h"
31#include "refactor/Tweak.h"
33#include "support/Context.h"
34#include "support/Logger.h"
35#include "support/MemoryTree.h"
37#include "support/Trace.h"
38#include "clang/Basic/Stack.h"
39#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
40#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
41#include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
42#include "clang/Tooling/Core/Replacement.h"
43#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
44#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
45#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
46#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
47#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
48#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
49#include <algorithm>
50#include <chrono>
51#include <future>
52#include <memory>
53#include <mutex>
54#include <optional>
55#include <string>
56#include <type_traits>
57#include <utility>
58#include <vector>
60namespace clang {
61namespace clangd {
62namespace {
64// Tracks number of times a tweak has been offered.
65static constexpr trace::Metric TweakAvailable(
66 "tweak_available", trace::Metric::Counter, "tweak_id");
68// Update the FileIndex with new ASTs and plumb the diagnostics responses.
69struct UpdateIndexCallbacks : public ParsingCallbacks {
70 UpdateIndexCallbacks(FileIndex *FIndex,
71 ClangdServer::Callbacks *ServerCallbacks,
72 const ThreadsafeFS &TFS, AsyncTaskRunner *Tasks,
73 bool CollectInactiveRegions)
74 : FIndex(FIndex), ServerCallbacks(ServerCallbacks), TFS(TFS),
75 Stdlib{std::make_shared<StdLibSet>()}, Tasks(Tasks),
76 CollectInactiveRegions(CollectInactiveRegions) {}
78 void onPreambleAST(
79 PathRef Path, llvm::StringRef Version, CapturedASTCtx ASTCtx,
80 std::shared_ptr<const include_cleaner::PragmaIncludes> PI) override {
82 if (!FIndex)
83 return;
85 auto &PP = ASTCtx.getPreprocessor();
86 auto &CI = ASTCtx.getCompilerInvocation();
87 if (auto Loc = Stdlib->add(CI.getLangOpts(), PP.getHeaderSearchInfo()))
88 indexStdlib(CI, std::move(*Loc));
90 // FIndex outlives the UpdateIndexCallbacks.
91 auto Task = [FIndex(FIndex), Path(Path.str()), Version(Version.str()),
92 ASTCtx(std::move(ASTCtx)), PI(std::move(PI))]() mutable {
93 trace::Span Tracer("PreambleIndexing");
94 FIndex->updatePreamble(Path, Version, ASTCtx.getASTContext(),
95 ASTCtx.getPreprocessor(), *PI);
96 };
98 if (Tasks) {
99 Tasks->runAsync("Preamble indexing for:" + Path + Version,
100 std::move(Task));
101 } else
102 Task();
103 }
105 void indexStdlib(const CompilerInvocation &CI, StdLibLocation Loc) {
106 // This task is owned by Tasks, which outlives the TUScheduler and
107 // therefore the UpdateIndexCallbacks.
108 // We must be careful that the references we capture outlive TUScheduler.
109 auto Task = [LO(CI.getLangOpts()), Loc(std::move(Loc)),
110 CI(std::make_unique<CompilerInvocation>(CI)),
111 // External values that outlive ClangdServer
112 TFS(&TFS),
113 // Index outlives TUScheduler (declared first)
114 FIndex(FIndex),
115 // shared_ptr extends lifetime
116 Stdlib(Stdlib),
117 // We have some FS implementations that rely on information in
118 // the context.
119 Ctx(Context::current().clone())]() mutable {
120 // Make sure we install the context into current thread.
121 WithContext C(std::move(Ctx));
122 clang::noteBottomOfStack();
123 IndexFileIn IF;
124 IF.Symbols = indexStandardLibrary(std::move(CI), Loc, *TFS);
125 if (Stdlib->isBest(LO))
126 FIndex->updatePreamble(std::move(IF));
127 };
128 if (Tasks)
129 // This doesn't have a semaphore to enforce -j, but it's rare.
130 Tasks->runAsync("IndexStdlib", std::move(Task));
131 else
132 Task();
133 }
135 void onMainAST(PathRef Path, ParsedAST &AST, PublishFn Publish) override {
136 if (FIndex)
137 FIndex->updateMain(Path, AST);
139 if (ServerCallbacks)
140 Publish([&]() {
141 ServerCallbacks->onDiagnosticsReady(Path, AST.version(),
142 AST.getDiagnostics());
143 if (CollectInactiveRegions) {
144 ServerCallbacks->onInactiveRegionsReady(Path,
146 }
147 });
148 }
150 void onFailedAST(PathRef Path, llvm::StringRef Version,
151 std::vector<Diag> Diags, PublishFn Publish) override {
152 if (ServerCallbacks)
153 Publish(
154 [&]() { ServerCallbacks->onDiagnosticsReady(Path, Version, Diags); });
155 }
157 void onFileUpdated(PathRef File, const TUStatus &Status) override {
158 if (ServerCallbacks)
159 ServerCallbacks->onFileUpdated(File, Status);
160 }
162 void onPreamblePublished(PathRef File) override {
163 if (ServerCallbacks)
164 ServerCallbacks->onSemanticsMaybeChanged(File);
165 }
168 FileIndex *FIndex;
169 ClangdServer::Callbacks *ServerCallbacks;
170 const ThreadsafeFS &TFS;
171 std::shared_ptr<StdLibSet> Stdlib;
172 AsyncTaskRunner *Tasks;
173 bool CollectInactiveRegions;
176class DraftStoreFS : public ThreadsafeFS {
178 DraftStoreFS(const ThreadsafeFS &Base, const DraftStore &Drafts)
179 : Base(Base), DirtyFiles(Drafts) {}
182 llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::FileSystem> viewImpl() const override {
183 auto OFS = llvm::makeIntrusiveRefCnt<llvm::vfs::OverlayFileSystem>(
184 Base.view(std::nullopt));
185 OFS->pushOverlay(DirtyFiles.asVFS());
186 return OFS;
187 }
189 const ThreadsafeFS &Base;
190 const DraftStore &DirtyFiles;
193} // namespace
197 Opts.UpdateDebounce = DebouncePolicy::fixed(/*zero*/ {});
198 Opts.StorePreamblesInMemory = true;
199 Opts.AsyncThreadsCount = 4; // Consistent!
200 return Opts;
203ClangdServer::Options::operator TUScheduler::Options() const {
205 Opts.AsyncThreadsCount = AsyncThreadsCount;
206 Opts.RetentionPolicy = RetentionPolicy;
207 Opts.StorePreamblesInMemory = StorePreamblesInMemory;
208 Opts.UpdateDebounce = UpdateDebounce;
209 Opts.ContextProvider = ContextProvider;
210 Opts.PreambleThrottler = PreambleThrottler;
211 return Opts;
215 const ThreadsafeFS &TFS, const Options &Opts,
217 : FeatureModules(Opts.FeatureModules), CDB(CDB), TFS(TFS),
218 DynamicIdx(Opts.BuildDynamicSymbolIndex ? new FileIndex() : nullptr),
219 ModulesManager(Opts.ModulesManager),
220 ClangTidyProvider(Opts.ClangTidyProvider),
221 UseDirtyHeaders(Opts.UseDirtyHeaders),
222 LineFoldingOnly(Opts.LineFoldingOnly),
223 PreambleParseForwardingFunctions(Opts.PreambleParseForwardingFunctions),
224 ImportInsertions(Opts.ImportInsertions),
225 PublishInactiveRegions(Opts.PublishInactiveRegions),
226 WorkspaceRoot(Opts.WorkspaceRoot),
227 Transient(Opts.ImplicitCancellation ? TUScheduler::InvalidateOnUpdate
228 : TUScheduler::NoInvalidation),
229 DirtyFS(std::make_unique<DraftStoreFS>(TFS, DraftMgr)) {
230 if (Opts.AsyncThreadsCount != 0)
231 IndexTasks.emplace();
232 // Pass a callback into `WorkScheduler` to extract symbols from a newly
233 // parsed file and rebuild the file index synchronously each time an AST
234 // is parsed.
235 WorkScheduler.emplace(CDB, TUScheduler::Options(Opts),
236 std::make_unique<UpdateIndexCallbacks>(
237 DynamicIdx.get(), Callbacks, TFS,
238 IndexTasks ? &*IndexTasks : nullptr,
239 PublishInactiveRegions));
240 // Adds an index to the stack, at higher priority than existing indexes.
241 auto AddIndex = [&](SymbolIndex *Idx) {
242 if (this->Index != nullptr) {
243 MergedIdx.push_back(std::make_unique<MergedIndex>(Idx, this->Index));
244 this->Index = MergedIdx.back().get();
245 } else {
246 this->Index = Idx;
247 }
248 };
249 if (Opts.StaticIndex)
250 AddIndex(Opts.StaticIndex);
251 if (Opts.BackgroundIndex) {
253 BGOpts.ThreadPoolSize = std::max(Opts.AsyncThreadsCount, 1u);
255 if (Callbacks)
257 };
258 BGOpts.ContextProvider = Opts.ContextProvider;
259 BackgroundIdx = std::make_unique<BackgroundIndex>(
260 TFS, CDB,
262 [&CDB](llvm::StringRef File) { return CDB.getProjectInfo(File); }),
263 std::move(BGOpts));
264 AddIndex(BackgroundIdx.get());
265 }
266 if (DynamicIdx)
267 AddIndex(DynamicIdx.get());
269 if (Opts.FeatureModules) {
271 *this->WorkScheduler,
272 this->Index,
273 this->TFS,
274 };
275 for (auto &Mod : *Opts.FeatureModules)
276 Mod.initialize(F);
277 }
281 // Destroying TUScheduler first shuts down request threads that might
282 // otherwise access members concurrently.
283 // (Nobody can be using TUScheduler because we're on the main thread).
284 WorkScheduler.reset();
285 // Now requests have stopped, we can shut down feature modules.
286 if (FeatureModules) {
287 for (auto &Mod : *FeatureModules)
288 Mod.stop();
289 for (auto &Mod : *FeatureModules)
290 Mod.blockUntilIdle(Deadline::infinity());
291 }
294void ClangdServer::addDocument(PathRef File, llvm::StringRef Contents,
295 llvm::StringRef Version,
296 WantDiagnostics WantDiags, bool ForceRebuild) {
297 std::string ActualVersion = DraftMgr.addDraft(File, Version, Contents);
298 ParseOptions Opts;
299 Opts.PreambleParseForwardingFunctions = PreambleParseForwardingFunctions;
300 Opts.ImportInsertions = ImportInsertions;
302 // Compile command is set asynchronously during update, as it can be slow.
303 ParseInputs Inputs;
304 Inputs.TFS = &getHeaderFS();
305 Inputs.Contents = std::string(Contents);
306 Inputs.Version = std::move(ActualVersion);
307 Inputs.ForceRebuild = ForceRebuild;
308 Inputs.Opts = std::move(Opts);
309 Inputs.Index = Index;
310 Inputs.ClangTidyProvider = ClangTidyProvider;
311 Inputs.FeatureModules = FeatureModules;
312 Inputs.ModulesManager = ModulesManager;
313 bool NewFile = WorkScheduler->update(File, Inputs, WantDiags);
314 // If we loaded Foo.h, we want to make sure Foo.cpp is indexed.
315 if (NewFile && BackgroundIdx)
316 BackgroundIdx->boostRelated(File);
320 llvm::function_ref<bool(llvm::StringRef File)> Filter) {
321 // Reparse only opened files that were modified.
322 for (const Path &FilePath : DraftMgr.getActiveFiles())
323 if (Filter(FilePath))
324 if (auto Draft = DraftMgr.getDraft(FilePath)) // else disappeared in race?
325 addDocument(FilePath, *Draft->Contents, Draft->Version,
329std::shared_ptr<const std::string> ClangdServer::getDraft(PathRef File) const {
330 auto Draft = DraftMgr.getDraft(File);
331 if (!Draft)
332 return nullptr;
333 return std::move(Draft->Contents);
338 Callbacks *Publish) {
339 if (!Provider)
340 return [](llvm::StringRef) { return Context::current().clone(); };
342 struct Impl {
343 const config::Provider *Provider;
345 std::mutex PublishMu;
347 Impl(const config::Provider *Provider, ClangdServer::Callbacks *Publish)
348 : Provider(Provider), Publish(Publish) {}
350 Context operator()(llvm::StringRef File) {
351 config::Params Params;
352 // Don't reread config files excessively often.
353 // FIXME: when we see a config file change event, use the event timestamp?
354 Params.FreshTime =
355 std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - std::chrono::seconds(5);
356 llvm::SmallString<256> PosixPath;
357 if (!File.empty()) {
358 assert(llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(File));
359 llvm::sys::path::native(File, PosixPath, llvm::sys::path::Style::posix);
360 Params.Path = PosixPath.str();
361 }
363 llvm::StringMap<std::vector<Diag>> ReportableDiagnostics;
364 Config C = Provider->getConfig(Params, [&](const llvm::SMDiagnostic &D) {
365 // Create the map entry even for note diagnostics we don't report.
366 // This means that when the file is parsed with no warnings, we
367 // publish an empty set of diagnostics, clearing any the client has.
368 handleDiagnostic(D, !Publish || D.getFilename().empty()
369 ? nullptr
370 : &ReportableDiagnostics[D.getFilename()]);
371 });
372 // Blindly publish diagnostics for the (unopened) parsed config files.
373 // We must avoid reporting diagnostics for *the same file* concurrently.
374 // Source diags are published elsewhere, but those are different files.
375 if (!ReportableDiagnostics.empty()) {
376 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(PublishMu);
377 for (auto &Entry : ReportableDiagnostics)
378 Publish->onDiagnosticsReady(Entry.first(), /*Version=*/"",
379 Entry.second);
380 }
381 return Context::current().derive(Config::Key, std::move(C));
382 }
384 void handleDiagnostic(const llvm::SMDiagnostic &D,
385 std::vector<Diag> *ClientDiagnostics) {
386 switch (D.getKind()) {
387 case llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error:
388 elog("config error at {0}:{1}:{2}: {3}", D.getFilename(), D.getLineNo(),
389 D.getColumnNo(), D.getMessage());
390 break;
391 case llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Warning:
392 log("config warning at {0}:{1}:{2}: {3}", D.getFilename(),
393 D.getLineNo(), D.getColumnNo(), D.getMessage());
394 break;
395 case llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Note:
396 case llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Remark:
397 vlog("config note at {0}:{1}:{2}: {3}", D.getFilename(), D.getLineNo(),
398 D.getColumnNo(), D.getMessage());
399 ClientDiagnostics = nullptr; // Don't emit notes as LSP diagnostics.
400 break;
401 }
402 if (ClientDiagnostics)
403 ClientDiagnostics->push_back(toDiag(D, Diag::ClangdConfig));
404 }
405 };
407 // Copyable wrapper.
408 return [I(std::make_shared<Impl>(Provider, Publish))](llvm::StringRef Path) {
409 return (*I)(Path);
410 };
414 DraftMgr.removeDraft(File);
415 WorkScheduler->remove(File);
419 const clangd::CodeCompleteOptions &Opts,
421 // Copy completion options for passing them to async task handler.
422 auto CodeCompleteOpts = Opts;
423 if (!CodeCompleteOpts.Index) // Respect overridden index.
424 CodeCompleteOpts.Index = Index;
426 auto Task = [Pos, CodeCompleteOpts, File = File.str(), CB = std::move(CB),
427 this](llvm::Expected<InputsAndPreamble> IP) mutable {
428 if (!IP)
429 return CB(IP.takeError());
430 if (auto Reason = isCancelled())
431 return CB(llvm::make_error<CancelledError>(Reason));
433 std::optional<SpeculativeFuzzyFind> SpecFuzzyFind;
434 if (!IP->Preamble) {
435 // No speculation in Fallback mode, as it's supposed to be much faster
436 // without compiling.
437 vlog("Build for file {0} is not ready. Enter fallback mode.", File);
438 } else if (CodeCompleteOpts.Index) {
439 SpecFuzzyFind.emplace();
440 {
441 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(CachedCompletionFuzzyFindRequestMutex);
442 SpecFuzzyFind->CachedReq = CachedCompletionFuzzyFindRequestByFile[File];
443 }
444 }
445 ParseInputs ParseInput{IP->Command, &getHeaderFS(), IP->Contents.str()};
446 // FIXME: Add traling new line if there is none at eof, workaround a crash,
447 // see
448 if (!IP->Contents.ends_with("\n"))
449 ParseInput.Contents.append("\n");
450 ParseInput.Index = Index;
452 CodeCompleteOpts.MainFileSignals = IP->Signals;
453 CodeCompleteOpts.AllScopes = Config::current().Completion.AllScopes;
454 // FIXME(ibiryukov): even if Preamble is non-null, we may want to check
455 // both the old and the new version in case only one of them matches.
457 File, Pos, IP->Preamble, ParseInput, CodeCompleteOpts,
458 SpecFuzzyFind ? &*SpecFuzzyFind : nullptr);
459 {
460 clang::clangd::trace::Span Tracer("Completion results callback");
461 CB(std::move(Result));
462 }
463 if (SpecFuzzyFind && SpecFuzzyFind->NewReq) {
464 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(CachedCompletionFuzzyFindRequestMutex);
465 CachedCompletionFuzzyFindRequestByFile[File] = *SpecFuzzyFind->NewReq;
466 }
467 // SpecFuzzyFind is only destroyed after speculative fuzzy find finishes.
468 // We don't want `codeComplete` to wait for the async call if it doesn't use
469 // the result (e.g. non-index completion, speculation fails), so that `CB`
470 // is called as soon as results are available.
471 };
473 // We use a potentially-stale preamble because latency is critical here.
474 WorkScheduler->runWithPreamble(
475 "CodeComplete", File,
476 (Opts.RunParser == CodeCompleteOptions::AlwaysParse)
479 std::move(Task));
483 MarkupKind DocumentationFormat,
486 auto Action = [Pos, File = File.str(), CB = std::move(CB),
487 DocumentationFormat,
488 this](llvm::Expected<InputsAndPreamble> IP) mutable {
489 if (!IP)
490 return CB(IP.takeError());
492 const auto *PreambleData = IP->Preamble;
493 if (!PreambleData)
494 return CB(error("Failed to parse includes"));
496 ParseInputs ParseInput{IP->Command, &getHeaderFS(), IP->Contents.str()};
497 // FIXME: Add traling new line if there is none at eof, workaround a crash,
498 // see
499 if (!IP->Contents.ends_with("\n"))
500 ParseInput.Contents.append("\n");
501 ParseInput.Index = Index;
503 DocumentationFormat));
504 };
506 // Unlike code completion, we wait for a preamble here.
507 WorkScheduler->runWithPreamble("SignatureHelp", File, TUScheduler::Stale,
508 std::move(Action));
511void ClangdServer::formatFile(PathRef File, std::optional<Range> Rng,
513 auto Code = getDraft(File);
514 if (!Code)
515 return CB(llvm::make_error<LSPError>("trying to format non-added document",
517 tooling::Range RequestedRange;
518 if (Rng) {
519 llvm::Expected<size_t> Begin = positionToOffset(*Code, Rng->start);
520 if (!Begin)
521 return CB(Begin.takeError());
522 llvm::Expected<size_t> End = positionToOffset(*Code, Rng->end);
523 if (!End)
524 return CB(End.takeError());
525 RequestedRange = tooling::Range(*Begin, *End - *Begin);
526 } else {
527 RequestedRange = tooling::Range(0, Code->size());
528 }
530 // Call clang-format.
531 auto Action = [File = File.str(), Code = std::move(*Code),
532 Ranges = std::vector<tooling::Range>{RequestedRange},
533 CB = std::move(CB), this]() mutable {
534 format::FormatStyle Style = getFormatStyleForFile(File, Code, TFS, true);
535 tooling::Replacements IncludeReplaces =
536 format::sortIncludes(Style, Code, Ranges, File);
537 auto Changed = tooling::applyAllReplacements(Code, IncludeReplaces);
538 if (!Changed)
539 return CB(Changed.takeError());
541 CB(IncludeReplaces.merge(format::reformat(
542 Style, *Changed,
543 tooling::calculateRangesAfterReplacements(IncludeReplaces, Ranges),
544 File)));
545 };
546 WorkScheduler->runQuick("Format", File, std::move(Action));
550 StringRef TriggerText,
551 Callback<std::vector<TextEdit>> CB) {
552 auto Code = getDraft(File);
553 if (!Code)
554 return CB(llvm::make_error<LSPError>("trying to format non-added document",
556 llvm::Expected<size_t> CursorPos = positionToOffset(*Code, Pos);
557 if (!CursorPos)
558 return CB(CursorPos.takeError());
559 auto Action = [File = File.str(), Code = std::move(*Code),
560 TriggerText = TriggerText.str(), CursorPos = *CursorPos,
561 CB = std::move(CB), this]() mutable {
562 auto Style = getFormatStyleForFile(File, Code, TFS, false);
563 std::vector<TextEdit> Result;
564 for (const tooling::Replacement &R :
565 formatIncremental(Code, CursorPos, TriggerText, Style))
566 Result.push_back(replacementToEdit(Code, R));
567 return CB(Result);
568 };
569 WorkScheduler->runQuick("FormatOnType", File, std::move(Action));
573 std::optional<std::string> NewName,
574 const RenameOptions &RenameOpts,
576 auto Action = [Pos, File = File.str(), CB = std::move(CB),
577 NewName = std::move(NewName),
578 RenameOpts](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
579 if (!InpAST)
580 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
581 // prepareRename is latency-sensitive: we don't query the index, as we
582 // only need main-file references
583 auto Results =
584 clangd::rename({Pos, NewName.value_or("__clangd_rename_placeholder"),
585 InpAST->AST, File, /*FS=*/nullptr,
586 /*Index=*/nullptr, RenameOpts});
587 if (!Results) {
588 // LSP says to return null on failure, but that will result in a generic
589 // failure message. If we send an LSP error response, clients can surface
590 // the message to users (VSCode does).
591 return CB(Results.takeError());
592 }
593 return CB(*Results);
594 };
595 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("PrepareRename", File, std::move(Action));
598void ClangdServer::rename(PathRef File, Position Pos, llvm::StringRef NewName,
599 const RenameOptions &Opts,
601 auto Action = [File = File.str(), NewName = NewName.str(), Pos, Opts,
602 CB = std::move(CB),
603 this](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
604 // Tracks number of files edited per invocation.
605 static constexpr trace::Metric RenameFiles("rename_files",
607 if (!InpAST)
608 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
609 auto R = clangd::rename({Pos, NewName, InpAST->AST, File,
610 DirtyFS->view(std::nullopt), Index, Opts});
611 if (!R)
612 return CB(R.takeError());
614 if (Opts.WantFormat) {
615 auto Style = getFormatStyleForFile(File, InpAST->Inputs.Contents,
616 *InpAST->Inputs.TFS, false);
617 llvm::Error Err = llvm::Error::success();
618 for (auto &E : R->GlobalChanges)
619 Err =
620 llvm::joinErrors(reformatEdit(E.getValue(), Style), std::move(Err));
622 if (Err)
623 return CB(std::move(Err));
624 }
625 RenameFiles.record(R->GlobalChanges.size());
626 return CB(*R);
627 };
628 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("Rename", File, std::move(Action));
631namespace {
632// May generate several candidate selections, due to SelectionTree ambiguity.
633// vector of pointers because GCC doesn't like non-copyable Selection.
635tweakSelection(const Range &Sel, const InputsAndAST &AST,
636 llvm::vfs::FileSystem *FS) {
637 auto Begin = positionToOffset(AST.Inputs.Contents, Sel.start);
638 if (!Begin)
639 return Begin.takeError();
640 auto End = positionToOffset(AST.Inputs.Contents, Sel.end);
641 if (!End)
642 return End.takeError();
643 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Tweak::Selection>> Result;
645 AST.AST.getASTContext(), AST.AST.getTokens(), *Begin, *End,
646 [&](SelectionTree T) {
647 Result.push_back(std::make_unique<Tweak::Selection>(
648 AST.Inputs.Index, AST.AST, *Begin, *End, std::move(T), FS));
649 return false;
650 });
651 assert(!Result.empty() && "Expected at least one SelectionTree");
652 return std::move(Result);
655// Some fixes may perform local renaming, we want to convert those to clangd
656// rename commands, such that we can leverage the index for more accurate
657// results.
659tryConvertToRename(const Diag *Diag, const Fix &Fix) {
660 bool IsClangTidyRename = Diag->Source == Diag::ClangTidy &&
661 Diag->Name == "readability-identifier-naming" &&
662 !Fix.Edits.empty();
663 if (IsClangTidyRename && Diag->InsideMainFile) {
664 ClangdServer::CodeActionResult::Rename R;
665 R.NewName = Fix.Edits.front().newText;
666 R.FixMessage = Fix.Message;
667 R.Diag = {Diag->Range, Diag->Message};
668 return R;
669 }
671 return std::nullopt;
674} // namespace
678 auto Action = [Params, CB = std::move(CB),
679 FeatureModules(this->FeatureModules)](
680 Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
681 if (!InpAST)
682 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
683 auto KindAllowed =
684 [Only(Params.RequestedActionKinds)](llvm::StringRef Kind) {
685 if (Only.empty())
686 return true;
687 return llvm::any_of(Only, [&](llvm::StringRef Base) {
688 return Kind.consume_front(Base) &&
689 (Kind.empty() || Kind.starts_with("."));
690 });
691 };
693 CodeActionResult Result;
694 Result.Version = InpAST->AST.version().str();
695 if (KindAllowed(CodeAction::QUICKFIX_KIND)) {
696 auto FindMatchedDiag = [&InpAST](const DiagRef &DR) -> const Diag * {
697 for (const auto &Diag : InpAST->AST.getDiagnostics())
698 if (Diag.Range == DR.Range && Diag.Message == DR.Message)
699 return &Diag;
700 return nullptr;
701 };
702 for (const auto &DiagRef : Params.Diagnostics) {
703 if (const auto *Diag = FindMatchedDiag(DiagRef))
704 for (const auto &Fix : Diag->Fixes) {
705 if (auto Rename = tryConvertToRename(Diag, Fix)) {
706 Result.Renames.emplace_back(std::move(*Rename));
707 } else {
708 Result.QuickFixes.push_back({DiagRef, Fix});
709 }
710 }
711 }
712 }
714 // Collect Tweaks
715 auto Selections = tweakSelection(Params.Selection, *InpAST, /*FS=*/nullptr);
716 if (!Selections)
717 return CB(Selections.takeError());
718 // Don't allow a tweak to fire more than once across ambiguous selections.
719 llvm::DenseSet<llvm::StringRef> PreparedTweaks;
720 auto DeduplicatingFilter = [&](const Tweak &T) {
721 return KindAllowed(T.kind()) && Params.TweakFilter(T) &&
722 !PreparedTweaks.count(;
723 };
724 for (const auto &Sel : *Selections) {
725 for (auto &T : prepareTweaks(*Sel, DeduplicatingFilter, FeatureModules)) {
726 Result.TweakRefs.push_back(TweakRef{T->id(), T->title(), T->kind()});
727 PreparedTweaks.insert(T->id());
728 TweakAvailable.record(1, T->id());
729 }
730 }
731 CB(std::move(Result));
732 };
734 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("codeAction", Params.File, std::move(Action),
735 Transient);
738void ClangdServer::applyTweak(PathRef File, Range Sel, StringRef TweakID,
740 // Tracks number of times a tweak has been attempted.
741 static constexpr trace::Metric TweakAttempt(
742 "tweak_attempt", trace::Metric::Counter, "tweak_id");
743 // Tracks number of times a tweak has failed to produce edits.
744 static constexpr trace::Metric TweakFailed(
745 "tweak_failed", trace::Metric::Counter, "tweak_id");
746 TweakAttempt.record(1, TweakID);
747 auto Action = [File = File.str(), Sel, TweakID = TweakID.str(),
748 CB = std::move(CB),
749 this](Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
750 if (!InpAST)
751 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
752 auto FS = DirtyFS->view(std::nullopt);
753 auto Selections = tweakSelection(Sel, *InpAST, FS.get());
754 if (!Selections)
755 return CB(Selections.takeError());
756 std::optional<llvm::Expected<Tweak::Effect>> Effect;
757 // Try each selection, take the first one that prepare()s.
758 // If they all fail, Effect will hold get the last error.
759 for (const auto &Selection : *Selections) {
760 auto T = prepareTweak(TweakID, *Selection, FeatureModules);
761 if (T) {
762 Effect = (*T)->apply(*Selection);
763 break;
764 }
765 Effect = T.takeError();
766 }
767 assert(Effect && "Expected at least one selection");
768 if (*Effect && (*Effect)->FormatEdits) {
769 // Format tweaks that require it centrally here.
770 for (auto &It : (*Effect)->ApplyEdits) {
771 Edit &E = It.second;
772 format::FormatStyle Style =
773 getFormatStyleForFile(File, E.InitialCode, TFS, false);
774 if (llvm::Error Err = reformatEdit(E, Style))
775 elog("Failed to format {0}: {1}", It.first(), std::move(Err));
776 }
777 } else {
778 TweakFailed.record(1, TweakID);
779 }
780 return CB(std::move(*Effect));
781 };
782 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("ApplyTweak", File, std::move(Action));
786 Callback<std::vector<LocatedSymbol>> CB) {
787 auto Action = [Pos, CB = std::move(CB),
788 this](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
789 if (!InpAST)
790 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
791 CB(clangd::locateSymbolAt(InpAST->AST, Pos, Index));
792 };
794 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("Definitions", File, std::move(Action));
798 PathRef Path, Callback<std::optional<clangd::Path>> CB) {
799 // We want to return the result as fast as possible, strategy is:
800 // 1) use the file-only heuristic, it requires some IO but it is much
801 // faster than building AST, but it only works when .h/.cc files are in
802 // the same directory.
803 // 2) if 1) fails, we use the AST&Index approach, it is slower but supports
804 // different code layout.
805 if (auto CorrespondingFile =
806 getCorrespondingHeaderOrSource(Path, TFS.view(std::nullopt)))
807 return CB(std::move(CorrespondingFile));
808 auto Action = [Path = Path.str(), CB = std::move(CB),
809 this](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
810 if (!InpAST)
811 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
812 CB(getCorrespondingHeaderOrSource(Path, InpAST->AST, Index));
813 };
814 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("SwitchHeaderSource", Path, std::move(Action));
818 PathRef File, Position Pos, Callback<std::vector<DocumentHighlight>> CB) {
819 auto Action =
820 [Pos, CB = std::move(CB)](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
821 if (!InpAST)
822 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
823 CB(clangd::findDocumentHighlights(InpAST->AST, Pos));
824 };
826 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("Highlights", File, std::move(Action), Transient);
830 Callback<std::optional<HoverInfo>> CB) {
831 auto Action = [File = File.str(), Pos, CB = std::move(CB),
832 this](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
833 if (!InpAST)
834 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
835 format::FormatStyle Style = getFormatStyleForFile(
836 File, InpAST->Inputs.Contents, *InpAST->Inputs.TFS, false);
837 CB(clangd::getHover(InpAST->AST, Pos, std::move(Style), Index));
838 };
840 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("Hover", File, std::move(Action), Transient);
844 TypeHierarchyDirection Direction,
845 Callback<std::vector<TypeHierarchyItem>> CB) {
846 auto Action = [File = File.str(), Pos, Resolve, Direction, CB = std::move(CB),
847 this](Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
848 if (!InpAST)
849 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
850 CB(clangd::getTypeHierarchy(InpAST->AST, Pos, Resolve, Direction, Index,
851 File));
852 };
854 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("TypeHierarchy", File, std::move(Action));
858 const TypeHierarchyItem &Item,
859 Callback<std::optional<std::vector<TypeHierarchyItem>>> CB) {
860 WorkScheduler->run("typeHierarchy/superTypes", /*Path=*/"",
861 [=, CB = std::move(CB)]() mutable {
862 CB(clangd::superTypes(Item, Index));
863 });
867 Callback<std::vector<TypeHierarchyItem>> CB) {
868 WorkScheduler->run(
869 "typeHierarchy/subTypes", /*Path=*/"",
870 [=, CB = std::move(CB)]() mutable { CB(clangd::subTypes(Item, Index)); });
874 TypeHierarchyItem Item, int Resolve, TypeHierarchyDirection Direction,
875 Callback<std::optional<TypeHierarchyItem>> CB) {
876 WorkScheduler->run(
877 "Resolve Type Hierarchy", "", [=, CB = std::move(CB)]() mutable {
878 clangd::resolveTypeHierarchy(Item, Resolve, Direction, Index);
879 CB(Item);
880 });
884 PathRef File, Position Pos, Callback<std::vector<CallHierarchyItem>> CB) {
885 auto Action = [File = File.str(), Pos,
886 CB = std::move(CB)](Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
887 if (!InpAST)
888 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
889 CB(clangd::prepareCallHierarchy(InpAST->AST, Pos, File));
890 };
891 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("CallHierarchy", File, std::move(Action));
895 const CallHierarchyItem &Item,
896 Callback<std::vector<CallHierarchyIncomingCall>> CB) {
897 WorkScheduler->run("Incoming Calls", "",
898 [CB = std::move(CB), Item, this]() mutable {
899 CB(clangd::incomingCalls(Item, Index));
900 });
903void ClangdServer::inlayHints(PathRef File, std::optional<Range> RestrictRange,
904 Callback<std::vector<InlayHint>> CB) {
905 auto Action = [RestrictRange(std::move(RestrictRange)),
906 CB = std::move(CB)](Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
907 if (!InpAST)
908 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
909 CB(clangd::inlayHints(InpAST->AST, std::move(RestrictRange)));
910 };
911 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("InlayHints", File, std::move(Action), Transient);
915 // FIXME: Do nothing for now. This will be used for indexing and potentially
916 // invalidating other caches.
920 llvm::StringRef Query, int Limit,
921 Callback<std::vector<SymbolInformation>> CB) {
922 WorkScheduler->run(
923 "getWorkspaceSymbols", /*Path=*/"",
924 [Query = Query.str(), Limit, CB = std::move(CB), this]() mutable {
925 CB(clangd::getWorkspaceSymbols(Query, Limit, Index,
926 WorkspaceRoot.value_or("")));
927 });
931 Callback<std::vector<DocumentSymbol>> CB) {
932 auto Action =
933 [CB = std::move(CB)](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
934 if (!InpAST)
935 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
936 CB(clangd::getDocumentSymbols(InpAST->AST));
937 };
938 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("DocumentSymbols", File, std::move(Action),
939 Transient);
943 Callback<std::vector<FoldingRange>> CB) {
944 auto Code = getDraft(File);
945 if (!Code)
946 return CB(llvm::make_error<LSPError>(
947 "trying to compute folding ranges for non-added document",
949 auto Action = [LineFoldingOnly = LineFoldingOnly, CB = std::move(CB),
950 Code = std::move(*Code)]() mutable {
951 CB(clangd::getFoldingRanges(Code, LineFoldingOnly));
952 };
953 // We want to make sure folding ranges are always available for all the open
954 // files, hence prefer runQuick to not wait for operations on other files.
955 WorkScheduler->runQuick("FoldingRanges", File, std::move(Action));
959 Callback<std::vector<LocatedSymbol>> CB) {
960 auto Action = [Pos, CB = std::move(CB),
961 this](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
962 if (!InpAST)
963 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
964 CB(clangd::findType(InpAST->AST, Pos, Index));
965 };
966 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("FindType", File, std::move(Action));
970 PathRef File, Position Pos, Callback<std::vector<LocatedSymbol>> CB) {
971 auto Action = [Pos, CB = std::move(CB),
972 this](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
973 if (!InpAST)
974 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
975 CB(clangd::findImplementations(InpAST->AST, Pos, Index));
976 };
978 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("Implementations", File, std::move(Action));
982 bool AddContainer,
984 auto Action = [Pos, Limit, AddContainer, CB = std::move(CB),
985 this](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
986 if (!InpAST)
987 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
988 CB(clangd::findReferences(InpAST->AST, Pos, Limit, Index, AddContainer));
989 };
991 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("References", File, std::move(Action));
995 Callback<std::vector<SymbolDetails>> CB) {
996 auto Action =
997 [Pos, CB = std::move(CB)](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
998 if (!InpAST)
999 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
1000 CB(clangd::getSymbolInfo(InpAST->AST, Pos));
1001 };
1003 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("SymbolInfo", File, std::move(Action));
1007 const std::vector<Position> &Positions,
1008 Callback<std::vector<SelectionRange>> CB) {
1009 auto Action = [Positions, CB = std::move(CB)](
1010 llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
1011 if (!InpAST)
1012 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
1013 std::vector<SelectionRange> Result;
1014 for (const auto &Pos : Positions) {
1015 if (auto Range = clangd::getSemanticRanges(InpAST->AST, Pos))
1016 Result.push_back(std::move(*Range));
1017 else
1018 return CB(Range.takeError());
1019 }
1020 CB(std::move(Result));
1021 };
1022 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("SemanticRanges", File, std::move(Action));
1026 Callback<std::vector<DocumentLink>> CB) {
1027 auto Action =
1028 [CB = std::move(CB)](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
1029 if (!InpAST)
1030 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
1031 CB(clangd::getDocumentLinks(InpAST->AST));
1032 };
1033 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("DocumentLinks", File, std::move(Action),
1034 Transient);
1038 PathRef File, Callback<std::vector<HighlightingToken>> CB) {
1040 auto Action = [CB = std::move(CB),
1041 PublishInactiveRegions = PublishInactiveRegions](
1042 llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
1043 if (!InpAST)
1044 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
1045 // Include inactive regions in semantic highlighting tokens only if the
1046 // client doesn't support a dedicated protocol for being informed about
1047 // them.
1048 CB(clangd::getSemanticHighlightings(InpAST->AST, !PublishInactiveRegions));
1049 };
1050 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("SemanticHighlights", File, std::move(Action),
1051 Transient);
1054void ClangdServer::getAST(PathRef File, std::optional<Range> R,
1055 Callback<std::optional<ASTNode>> CB) {
1056 auto Action =
1057 [R, CB(std::move(CB))](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> Inputs) mutable {
1058 if (!Inputs)
1059 return CB(Inputs.takeError());
1060 if (!R) {
1061 // It's safe to pass in the TU, as dumpAST() does not
1062 // deserialize the preamble.
1063 auto Node = DynTypedNode::create(
1064 *Inputs->AST.getASTContext().getTranslationUnitDecl());
1065 return CB(dumpAST(Node, Inputs->AST.getTokens(),
1066 Inputs->AST.getASTContext()));
1067 }
1068 unsigned Start, End;
1069 if (auto Offset = positionToOffset(Inputs->Inputs.Contents, R->start))
1070 Start = *Offset;
1071 else
1072 return CB(Offset.takeError());
1073 if (auto Offset = positionToOffset(Inputs->Inputs.Contents, R->end))
1074 End = *Offset;
1075 else
1076 return CB(Offset.takeError());
1077 bool Success = SelectionTree::createEach(
1078 Inputs->AST.getASTContext(), Inputs->AST.getTokens(), Start, End,
1079 [&](SelectionTree T) {
1080 if (const SelectionTree::Node *N = T.commonAncestor()) {
1081 CB(dumpAST(N->ASTNode, Inputs->AST.getTokens(),
1082 Inputs->AST.getASTContext()));
1083 return true;
1084 }
1085 return false;
1086 });
1087 if (!Success)
1088 CB(std::nullopt);
1089 };
1090 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("GetAST", File, std::move(Action));
1093void ClangdServer::customAction(PathRef File, llvm::StringRef Name,
1095 WorkScheduler->runWithAST(Name, File, std::move(Action));
1098void ClangdServer::diagnostics(PathRef File, Callback<std::vector<Diag>> CB) {
1099 auto Action =
1100 [CB = std::move(CB)](llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST> InpAST) mutable {
1101 if (!InpAST)
1102 return CB(InpAST.takeError());
1103 return CB(InpAST->AST.getDiagnostics());
1104 };
1106 WorkScheduler->runWithAST("Diagnostics", File, std::move(Action));
1109llvm::StringMap<TUScheduler::FileStats> ClangdServer::fileStats() const {
1110 return WorkScheduler->fileStats();
1113[[nodiscard]] bool
1114ClangdServer::blockUntilIdleForTest(std::optional<double> TimeoutSeconds) {
1115 // Order is important here: we don't want to block on A and then B,
1116 // if B might schedule work on A.
1118#if defined(__has_feature) && \
1119 (__has_feature(address_sanitizer) || __has_feature(hwaddress_sanitizer) || \
1120 __has_feature(memory_sanitizer) || __has_feature(thread_sanitizer))
1121 if (TimeoutSeconds.has_value())
1122 (*TimeoutSeconds) *= 10;
1125 // Nothing else can schedule work on TUScheduler, because it's not threadsafe
1126 // and we're blocking the main thread.
1127 if (!WorkScheduler->blockUntilIdle(timeoutSeconds(TimeoutSeconds)))
1128 return false;
1129 // TUScheduler is the only thing that starts background indexing work.
1130 if (IndexTasks && !IndexTasks->wait(timeoutSeconds(TimeoutSeconds)))
1131 return false;
1133 // Unfortunately we don't have strict topological order between the rest of
1134 // the components. E.g. CDB broadcast triggers backrgound indexing.
1135 // This queries the CDB which may discover new work if disk has changed.
1136 //
1137 // So try each one a few times in a loop.
1138 // If there are no tricky interactions then all after the first are no-ops.
1139 // Then on the last iteration, verify they're idle without waiting.
1140 //
1141 // There's a small chance they're juggling work and we didn't catch them :-(
1142 for (std::optional<double> Timeout :
1143 {TimeoutSeconds, TimeoutSeconds, std::optional<double>(0)}) {
1144 if (!CDB.blockUntilIdle(timeoutSeconds(Timeout)))
1145 return false;
1146 if (BackgroundIdx && !BackgroundIdx->blockUntilIdleForTest(Timeout))
1147 return false;
1148 if (FeatureModules && llvm::any_of(*FeatureModules, [&](FeatureModule &M) {
1149 return !M.blockUntilIdle(timeoutSeconds(Timeout));
1150 }))
1151 return false;
1152 }
1154 assert(WorkScheduler->blockUntilIdle(Deadline::zero()) &&
1155 "Something scheduled work while we're blocking the main thread!");
1156 return true;
1159void ClangdServer::profile(MemoryTree &MT) const {
1160 if (DynamicIdx)
1161 DynamicIdx->profile(MT.child("dynamic_index"));
1162 if (BackgroundIdx)
1163 BackgroundIdx->profile(MT.child("background_index"));
1164 WorkScheduler->profile(MT.child("tuscheduler"));
1166} // namespace clangd
1167} // namespace clang
const Expr * E
BindArgumentKind Kind
llvm::SmallString< 256U > Name
FeatureModuleSet FeatureModules
const ParseInputs & ParseInput
size_t Offset
std::vector< CodeCompletionResult > Results
std::string Code
const Criteria C
SourceLocation Loc
FieldAction Action
size_t Pos
::clang::DynTypedNode Node
const google::protobuf::Message & M
Definition: Server.cpp:309
std::unique_ptr< CompilerInvocation > CI
WantDiagnostics WantDiags
static Factory createDiskBackedStorageFactory(std::function< std::optional< ProjectInfo >(PathRef)> GetProjectInfo)
Interface with hooks for users of ClangdServer to be notified of events.
Definition: ClangdServer.h:62
virtual void onBackgroundIndexProgress(const BackgroundQueue::Stats &Stats)
Called when background indexing tasks are enqueued/started/completed.
Definition: ClangdServer.h:79
virtual void onDiagnosticsReady(PathRef File, llvm::StringRef Version, llvm::ArrayRef< Diag > Diagnostics)
Called by ClangdServer when Diagnostics for File are ready.
Definition: ClangdServer.h:70
ClangdServer(const GlobalCompilationDatabase &CDB, const ThreadsafeFS &TFS, const Options &Opts, Callbacks *Callbacks=nullptr)
Creates a new ClangdServer instance.
void prepareRename(PathRef File, Position Pos, std::optional< std::string > NewName, const RenameOptions &RenameOpts, Callback< RenameResult > CB)
Test the validity of a rename operation.
void prepareCallHierarchy(PathRef File, Position Pos, Callback< std::vector< CallHierarchyItem > > CB)
Get information about call hierarchy for a given position.
void resolveTypeHierarchy(TypeHierarchyItem Item, int Resolve, TypeHierarchyDirection Direction, Callback< std::optional< TypeHierarchyItem > > CB)
Resolve type hierarchy item in the given direction.
void documentSymbols(StringRef File, Callback< std::vector< DocumentSymbol > > CB)
Retrieve the symbols within the specified file.
void workspaceSymbols(StringRef Query, int Limit, Callback< std::vector< SymbolInformation > > CB)
Retrieve the top symbols from the workspace matching a query.
void typeHierarchy(PathRef File, Position Pos, int Resolve, TypeHierarchyDirection Direction, Callback< std::vector< TypeHierarchyItem > > CB)
Get information about type hierarchy for a given position.
void formatFile(PathRef File, std::optional< Range > Rng, Callback< tooling::Replacements > CB)
Run formatting for the File with content Code.
void removeDocument(PathRef File)
Remove File from list of tracked files, schedule a request to free resources associated with it.
void addDocument(PathRef File, StringRef Contents, llvm::StringRef Version="null", WantDiagnostics WD=WantDiagnostics::Auto, bool ForceRebuild=false)
Add a File to the list of tracked C++ files or update the contents if File is already tracked.
void findDocumentHighlights(PathRef File, Position Pos, Callback< std::vector< DocumentHighlight > > CB)
Get document highlights for a given position.
static std::function< Context(PathRef)> createConfiguredContextProvider(const config::Provider *Provider, ClangdServer::Callbacks *)
Creates a context provider that loads and installs config.
void signatureHelp(PathRef File, Position Pos, MarkupKind DocumentationFormat, Callback< SignatureHelp > CB)
Provide signature help for File at Pos.
void findReferences(PathRef File, Position Pos, uint32_t Limit, bool AddContainer, Callback< ReferencesResult > CB)
Retrieve locations for symbol references.
void switchSourceHeader(PathRef Path, Callback< std::optional< clangd::Path > > CB)
Switch to a corresponding source file when given a header file, and vice versa.
void findType(PathRef File, Position Pos, Callback< std::vector< LocatedSymbol > > CB)
Retrieve symbols for types referenced at Pos.
void findImplementations(PathRef File, Position Pos, Callback< std::vector< LocatedSymbol > > CB)
Retrieve implementations for virtual method.
static Options optsForTest()
void subTypes(const TypeHierarchyItem &Item, Callback< std::vector< TypeHierarchyItem > > CB)
Get direct children of a type hierarchy item.
void semanticRanges(PathRef File, const std::vector< Position > &Pos, Callback< std::vector< SelectionRange > > CB)
Get semantic ranges around a specified position in a file.
void applyTweak(PathRef File, Range Sel, StringRef ID, Callback< Tweak::Effect > CB)
Apply the code tweak with a specified ID.
void semanticHighlights(PathRef File, Callback< std::vector< HighlightingToken > >)
void getAST(PathRef File, std::optional< Range > R, Callback< std::optional< ASTNode > > CB)
Describe the AST subtree for a piece of code.
void symbolInfo(PathRef File, Position Pos, Callback< std::vector< SymbolDetails > > CB)
Get symbol info for given position.
void onFileEvent(const DidChangeWatchedFilesParams &Params)
Called when an event occurs for a watched file in the workspace.
void superTypes(const TypeHierarchyItem &Item, Callback< std::optional< std::vector< TypeHierarchyItem > > > CB)
Get direct parents of a type hierarchy item.
void findHover(PathRef File, Position Pos, Callback< std::optional< HoverInfo > > CB)
Get code hover for a given position.
void formatOnType(PathRef File, Position Pos, StringRef TriggerText, Callback< std::vector< TextEdit > > CB)
Run formatting after TriggerText was typed at Pos in File with content Code.
void rename(PathRef File, Position Pos, llvm::StringRef NewName, const RenameOptions &Opts, Callback< RenameResult > CB)
Rename all occurrences of the symbol at the Pos in File to NewName.
void codeAction(const CodeActionInputs &Inputs, Callback< CodeActionResult > CB)
Surface code actions (quick-fixes for diagnostics, or available code tweaks) for a given range in a f...
void locateSymbolAt(PathRef File, Position Pos, Callback< std::vector< LocatedSymbol > > CB)
Find declaration/definition locations of symbol at a specified position.
void incomingCalls(const CallHierarchyItem &Item, Callback< std::vector< CallHierarchyIncomingCall > >)
Resolve incoming calls for a given call hierarchy item.
void inlayHints(PathRef File, std::optional< Range > RestrictRange, Callback< std::vector< InlayHint > >)
Resolve inlay hints for a given document.
void codeComplete(PathRef File, Position Pos, const clangd::CodeCompleteOptions &Opts, Callback< CodeCompleteResult > CB)
Run code completion for File at Pos.
void reparseOpenFilesIfNeeded(llvm::function_ref< bool(llvm::StringRef File)> Filter)
Requests a reparse of currently opened files using their latest source.
void foldingRanges(StringRef File, Callback< std::vector< FoldingRange > > CB)
Retrieve ranges that can be used to fold code within the specified file.
void documentLinks(PathRef File, Callback< std::vector< DocumentLink > > CB)
Get all document links in a file.
std::shared_ptr< const std::string > getDraft(PathRef File) const
Gets the contents of a currently tracked file.
A context is an immutable container for per-request data that must be propagated through layers that ...
Definition: Context.h:69
Context clone() const
Clone this context object.
Definition: Context.cpp:20
static const Context & current()
Returns the context for the current thread, creating it if needed.
Definition: Context.cpp:27
static Deadline infinity()
Definition: Threading.h:51
std::vector< Path > getActiveFiles() const
Definition: DraftStore.cpp:29
std::optional< Draft > getDraft(PathRef File) const
Definition: DraftStore.cpp:19
void removeDraft(PathRef File)
Remove the draft from the store.
Definition: DraftStore.cpp:86
std::string addDraft(PathRef File, llvm::StringRef Version, StringRef Contents)
Replace contents of the draft for File with Contents.
Definition: DraftStore.cpp:75
A FeatureModule contributes a vertical feature to clangd.
Definition: FeatureModule.h:56
This manages symbols from files and an in-memory index on all symbols.
Definition: FileIndex.h:109
Provides compilation arguments used for parsing C and C++ files.
PreambleThrottler controls which preambles can build at any given time.
Definition: TUScheduler.h:98
static bool createEach(ASTContext &AST, const syntax::TokenBuffer &Tokens, unsigned Begin, unsigned End, llvm::function_ref< bool(SelectionTree)> Func)
Definition: Selection.cpp:1055
Interface for symbol indexes that can be used for searching or matching symbols among a set of symbol...
Definition: Index.h:113
Handles running tasks for ClangdServer and managing the resources (e.g., preambles and ASTs) for open...
Definition: TUScheduler.h:213
@ StaleOrAbsent
Besides accepting stale preamble, this also allow preamble to be absent (not ready or failed to build...
Definition: TUScheduler.h:321
@ Stale
The preamble may be generated from an older version of the file.
Definition: TUScheduler.h:318
Wrapper for vfs::FileSystem for use in multithreaded programs like clangd.
Definition: ThreadsafeFS.h:26
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > view(std::nullopt_t CWD) const
Obtain a vfs::FileSystem with an arbitrary initial working directory.
Definition: ThreadsafeFS.h:32
An interface base for small context-sensitive refactoring actions.
Definition: Tweak.h:46
A source of configuration fragments.
Config getConfig(const Params &, DiagnosticCallback) const
Build a config based on this provider.
Records an event whose duration is the lifetime of the Span object.
Definition: Trace.h:143
@ Changed
The file got changed.
std::vector< TypeHierarchyItem > subTypes(const TypeHierarchyItem &Item, const SymbolIndex *Index)
Returns direct children of a TypeHierarchyItem.
Definition: XRefs.cpp:2204
std::optional< std::vector< TypeHierarchyItem > > superTypes(const TypeHierarchyItem &Item, const SymbolIndex *Index)
Returns direct parents of a TypeHierarchyItem using SymbolIDs stored inside the item.
Definition: XRefs.cpp:2183
std::vector< CallHierarchyIncomingCall > incomingCalls(const CallHierarchyItem &Item, const SymbolIndex *Index)
Definition: XRefs.cpp:2250
std::vector< HighlightingToken > getSemanticHighlightings(ParsedAST &AST, bool IncludeInactiveRegionTokens)
llvm::Expected< std::unique_ptr< Tweak > > prepareTweak(StringRef ID, const Tweak::Selection &S, const FeatureModuleSet *Modules)
Definition: Tweak.cpp:91
ASTNode dumpAST(const DynTypedNode &N, const syntax::TokenBuffer &Tokens, const ASTContext &Ctx)
Definition: DumpAST.cpp:415
std::vector< DocumentHighlight > findDocumentHighlights(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos)
Returns highlights for all usages of a symbol at Pos.
Definition: XRefs.cpp:1231
std::string Path
A typedef to represent a file path.
Definition: Path.h:26
llvm::Expected< std::vector< FoldingRange > > getFoldingRanges(ParsedAST &AST)
Returns a list of ranges whose contents might be collapsible in an editor.
std::vector< DocumentLink > getDocumentLinks(ParsedAST &AST)
Get all document links.
Definition: XRefs.cpp:839
std::vector< SymbolDetails > getSymbolInfo(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos)
Get info about symbols at Pos.
Definition: XRefs.cpp:1593
void vlog(const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
Definition: Logger.h:72
llvm::Error reformatEdit(Edit &E, const format::FormatStyle &Style)
Formats the edits and code around it according to Style.
std::vector< LocatedSymbol > findType(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, const SymbolIndex *Index)
Returns symbols for types referenced at Pos.
Definition: XRefs.cpp:2064
llvm::Expected< RenameResult > rename(const RenameInputs &RInputs)
Renames all occurrences of the symbol.
Definition: Rename.cpp:1031
std::vector< TypeHierarchyItem > getTypeHierarchy(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, int ResolveLevels, TypeHierarchyDirection Direction, const SymbolIndex *Index, PathRef TUPath)
Get type hierarchy information at Pos.
Definition: XRefs.cpp:2139
llvm::Error error(std::error_code EC, const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
Definition: Logger.h:79
ReferencesResult findReferences(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, uint32_t Limit, const SymbolIndex *Index, bool AddContext)
Returns references of the symbol at a specified Pos.
Definition: XRefs.cpp:1376
llvm::unique_function< void(llvm::Expected< T >)> Callback
A Callback<T> is a void function that accepts Expected<T>.
Definition: Function.h:28
std::optional< HoverInfo > getHover(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, const format::FormatStyle &Style, const SymbolIndex *Index)
Get the hover information when hovering at Pos.
Definition: Hover.cpp:1283
std::vector< tooling::Replacement > formatIncremental(llvm::StringRef OriginalCode, unsigned OriginalCursor, llvm::StringRef InsertedText, format::FormatStyle Style)
Applies limited formatting around new InsertedText.
Definition: Format.cpp:277
std::vector< LocatedSymbol > locateSymbolAt(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, const SymbolIndex *Index)
Get definition of symbol at a specified Pos.
Definition: XRefs.cpp:760
llvm::Expected< SelectionRange > getSemanticRanges(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos)
Returns the list of all interesting ranges around the Position Pos.
llvm::Expected< size_t > positionToOffset(llvm::StringRef Code, Position P, bool AllowColumnsBeyondLineLength)
Turn a [line, column] pair into an offset in Code.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:173
llvm::Expected< std::vector< DocumentSymbol > > getDocumentSymbols(ParsedAST &AST)
Retrieves the symbols contained in the "main file" section of an AST in the same order that they appe...
std::optional< Path > getCorrespondingHeaderOrSource(PathRef OriginalFile, llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > VFS)
Given a header file, returns the best matching source file, and vice visa.
Diag toDiag(const llvm::SMDiagnostic &D, Diag::DiagSource Source)
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Tweak > > prepareTweaks(const Tweak::Selection &S, llvm::function_ref< bool(const Tweak &)> Filter, const FeatureModuleSet *Modules)
Calls prepare() on all tweaks that satisfy the filter, returning those that can run on the selection.
Definition: Tweak.cpp:72
Determines whether diagnostics should be generated for a file snapshot.
Definition: TUScheduler.h:53
@ Auto
Diagnostics must not be generated for this snapshot.
std::vector< LocatedSymbol > findImplementations(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, const SymbolIndex *Index)
Returns implementations at a specified Pos:
Definition: XRefs.cpp:1272
std::vector< InlayHint > inlayHints(ParsedAST &AST, std::optional< Range > RestrictRange)
Compute and return inlay hints for a file.
int isCancelled(const Context &Ctx)
If the current context is within a cancelled task, returns the reason.
void resolveTypeHierarchy(TypeHierarchyItem &Item, int ResolveLevels, TypeHierarchyDirection Direction, const SymbolIndex *Index)
Definition: XRefs.cpp:2213
std::vector< Range > getInactiveRegions(ParsedAST &AST)
Deadline timeoutSeconds(std::optional< double > Seconds)
Makes a deadline from a timeout in seconds. std::nullopt means wait forever.
Definition: Threading.cpp:113
CodeCompleteResult codeComplete(PathRef FileName, Position Pos, const PreambleData *Preamble, const ParseInputs &ParseInput, CodeCompleteOptions Opts, SpeculativeFuzzyFind *SpecFuzzyFind)
Gets code completions at a specified Pos in FileName.
llvm::StringRef PathRef
A typedef to represent a ref to file path.
Definition: Path.h:29
SignatureHelp signatureHelp(PathRef FileName, Position Pos, const PreambleData &Preamble, const ParseInputs &ParseInput, MarkupKind DocumentationFormat)
Get signature help at a specified Pos in FileName.
void elog(const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
Definition: Logger.h:61
TextEdit replacementToEdit(llvm::StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacement &R)
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:504
SymbolSlab indexStandardLibrary(llvm::StringRef HeaderSources, std::unique_ptr< CompilerInvocation > CI, const StdLibLocation &Loc, const ThreadsafeFS &TFS)
Definition: StdLib.cpp:198
std::vector< CallHierarchyItem > prepareCallHierarchy(ParsedAST &AST, Position Pos, PathRef TUPath)
Get call hierarchy information at Pos.
Definition: XRefs.cpp:2228
format::FormatStyle getFormatStyleForFile(llvm::StringRef File, llvm::StringRef Content, const ThreadsafeFS &TFS, bool FormatFile)
Choose the clang-format style we should apply to a certain file.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:583
===– Representation.cpp - ClangDoc Representation --------—*- C++ -*-===//
std::function< Context(PathRef)> ContextProvider
Definition: Background.h:147
std::function< void(BackgroundQueue::Stats)> OnProgress
Definition: Background.h:143
Represents programming constructs like functions or constructors in the context of call hierarchy.
Definition: Protocol.h:1569
std::vector< std::string > RequestedActionKinds
Requested kind of actions to return.
Definition: ClangdServer.h:371
std::vector< DiagRef > Diagnostics
Diagnostics attached to the code action request.
Definition: ClangdServer.h:374
std::function< bool(const Tweak &)> TweakFilter
Tweaks where Filter returns false will not be checked or included.
Definition: ClangdServer.h:377
static const llvm::StringLiteral QUICKFIX_KIND
Definition: Protocol.h:1070
@ AlwaysParse
Block until we can run the parser (e.g.
Definition: CodeComplete.h:115
Settings that express user/project preferences and control clangd behavior.
Definition: Config.h:44
bool AllScopes
Whether code completion includes results that are not visible in current scopes.
Definition: Config.h:133
static const Config & current()
Returns the Config of the current Context, or an empty configuration.
Definition: Config.cpp:17
struct clang::clangd::Config::@6 Completion
Configures code completion feature.
static DebouncePolicy fixed(clock::duration)
A policy that always returns the same duration, useful for tests.
clangd::Range Range
Definition: Diagnostics.h:66
A top-level diagnostic that may have Notes and Fixes.
Definition: Diagnostics.h:98
std::vector< Fix > Fixes
Alternative fixes for this diagnostic, one should be chosen.
Definition: Diagnostics.h:111
A set of edits generated for a single file.
Definition: SourceCode.h:189
Shared server facilities needed by the module to get its work done.
Definition: FeatureModule.h:76
Represents a single fix-it that editor can apply to fix the error.
Definition: Diagnostics.h:81
A tree that can be used to represent memory usage of nested components while preserving the hierarchy...
Definition: MemoryTree.h:30
MemoryTree & child(llvm::StringLiteral Name)
No copy of the Name.
Definition: MemoryTree.h:39
Information required to run clang, e.g. to parse AST or do code completion.
Definition: Compiler.h:49
The parsed preamble and associated data.
Definition: Preamble.h:97
PrecompiledPreamble Preamble
Definition: Preamble.h:107
Position start
The range's start position.
Definition: Protocol.h:187
Position end
The range's end position.
Definition: Protocol.h:190
Describes the context used to evaluate configuration fragments.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point FreshTime
Hint that stale data is OK to improve performance (e.g.
llvm::StringRef Path
Absolute path to a source file we're applying the config to.
Represents measurements of clangd events, e.g.
Definition: Trace.h:38
@ Counter
An aggregate number whose rate of change over time is meaningful.
Definition: Trace.h:46
@ Distribution
A distribution of values with a meaningful mean and count.
Definition: Trace.h:52
void record(double Value, llvm::StringRef Label="") const
Records a measurement for this metric to active tracer.
Definition: Trace.cpp:329