clang-tools 19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1//===--- ClangdMain.cpp - clangd server loop ------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "ClangdMain.h"
10#include "ClangdLSPServer.h"
11#include "CodeComplete.h"
12#include "Compiler.h"
13#include "Config.h"
14#include "ConfigProvider.h"
15#include "Feature.h"
16#include "IncludeCleaner.h"
17#include "PathMapping.h"
18#include "Protocol.h"
19#include "TidyProvider.h"
20#include "Transport.h"
21#include "index/Background.h"
22#include "index/Index.h"
23#include "index/MemIndex.h"
24#include "index/Merge.h"
25#include "index/ProjectAware.h"
26#include "index/remote/Client.h"
27#include "support/Path.h"
28#include "support/Shutdown.h"
31#include "support/Trace.h"
32#include "clang/Basic/Stack.h"
33#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
34#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
35#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
36#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
37#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
38#include "llvm/Support/InitLLVM.h"
39#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
40#include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
41#include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
42#include "llvm/Support/Signals.h"
43#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
44#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
45#include <chrono>
46#include <cstdlib>
47#include <memory>
48#include <mutex>
49#include <optional>
50#include <string>
51#include <thread>
52#include <utility>
53#include <vector>
55#ifndef _WIN32
56#include <unistd.h>
59#ifdef __GLIBC__
60#include <malloc.h>
63namespace clang {
64namespace clangd {
66// Implemented in Check.cpp.
67bool check(const llvm::StringRef File, const ThreadsafeFS &TFS,
68 const ClangdLSPServer::Options &Opts);
70namespace {
72using llvm::cl::cat;
73using llvm::cl::CommaSeparated;
74using llvm::cl::desc;
75using llvm::cl::Hidden;
76using llvm::cl::init;
77using llvm::cl::list;
78using llvm::cl::opt;
79using llvm::cl::OptionCategory;
80using llvm::cl::ValueOptional;
81using llvm::cl::values;
83// All flags must be placed in a category, or they will be shown neither in
84// --help, nor --help-hidden!
85OptionCategory CompileCommands("clangd compilation flags options");
86OptionCategory Features("clangd feature options");
87OptionCategory Misc("clangd miscellaneous options");
88OptionCategory Protocol("clangd protocol and logging options");
89OptionCategory Retired("clangd flags no longer in use");
90const OptionCategory *ClangdCategories[] = {&Features, &Protocol,
91 &CompileCommands, &Misc, &Retired};
93template <typename T> class RetiredFlag {
94 opt<T> Option;
97 RetiredFlag(llvm::StringRef Name)
98 : Option(Name, cat(Retired), desc("Obsolete flag, ignored"), Hidden,
99 llvm::cl::callback([Name](const T &) {
100 llvm::errs()
101 << "The flag `-" << Name << "` is obsolete and ignored.\n";
102 })) {}
105enum CompileArgsFrom { LSPCompileArgs, FilesystemCompileArgs };
106opt<CompileArgsFrom> CompileArgsFrom{
107 "compile_args_from",
108 cat(CompileCommands),
109 desc("The source of compile commands"),
110 values(clEnumValN(LSPCompileArgs, "lsp",
111 "All compile commands come from LSP and "
112 "'compile_commands.json' files are ignored"),
113 clEnumValN(FilesystemCompileArgs, "filesystem",
114 "All compile commands come from the "
115 "'compile_commands.json' files")),
116 init(FilesystemCompileArgs),
117 Hidden,
120opt<Path> CompileCommandsDir{
121 "compile-commands-dir",
122 cat(CompileCommands),
123 desc("Specify a path to look for compile_commands.json. If path "
124 "is invalid, clangd will look in the current directory and "
125 "parent paths of each source file"),
128opt<Path> ResourceDir{
129 "resource-dir",
130 cat(CompileCommands),
131 desc("Directory for system clang headers"),
132 init(""),
133 Hidden,
136list<std::string> QueryDriverGlobs{
137 "query-driver",
138 cat(CompileCommands),
139 desc(
140 "Comma separated list of globs for white-listing gcc-compatible "
141 "drivers that are safe to execute. Drivers matching any of these globs "
142 "will be used to extract system includes. e.g. "
143 "/usr/bin/**/clang-*,/path/to/repo/**/g++-*"),
144 CommaSeparated,
147// FIXME: Flags are the wrong mechanism for user preferences.
148// We should probably read a dotfile or similar.
149opt<bool> AllScopesCompletion{
150 "all-scopes-completion",
151 cat(Features),
152 desc("If set to true, code completion will include index symbols that are "
153 "not defined in the scopes (e.g. "
154 "namespaces) visible from the code completion point. Such completions "
155 "can insert scope qualifiers"),
156 init(true),
159opt<bool> ShowOrigins{
160 "debug-origin",
161 cat(Features),
162 desc("Show origins of completion items"),
163 init(CodeCompleteOptions().ShowOrigins),
164 Hidden,
167opt<bool> EnableBackgroundIndex{
168 "background-index",
169 cat(Features),
170 desc("Index project code in the background and persist index on disk."),
171 init(true),
174opt<llvm::ThreadPriority> BackgroundIndexPriority{
175 "background-index-priority",
176 cat(Features),
177 desc("Thread priority for building the background index. "
178 "The effect of this flag is OS-specific."),
179 values(clEnumValN(llvm::ThreadPriority::Background, "background",
180 "Minimum priority, runs on idle CPUs. "
181 "May leave 'performance' cores unused."),
182 clEnumValN(llvm::ThreadPriority::Low, "low",
183 "Reduced priority compared to interactive work."),
184 clEnumValN(llvm::ThreadPriority::Default, "normal",
185 "Same priority as other clangd work.")),
186 init(llvm::ThreadPriority::Low),
189opt<bool> EnableClangTidy{
190 "clang-tidy",
191 cat(Features),
192 desc("Enable clang-tidy diagnostics"),
193 init(true),
196opt<CodeCompleteOptions::CodeCompletionParse> CodeCompletionParse{
197 "completion-parse",
198 cat(Features),
199 desc("Whether the clang-parser is used for code-completion"),
200 values(clEnumValN(CodeCompleteOptions::AlwaysParse, "always",
201 "Block until the parser can be used"),
202 clEnumValN(CodeCompleteOptions::ParseIfReady, "auto",
203 "Use text-based completion if the parser "
204 "is not ready"),
205 clEnumValN(CodeCompleteOptions::NeverParse, "never",
206 "Always used text-based completion")),
207 init(CodeCompleteOptions().RunParser),
208 Hidden,
211opt<CodeCompleteOptions::CodeCompletionRankingModel> RankingModel{
212 "ranking-model",
213 cat(Features),
214 desc("Model to use to rank code-completion items"),
215 values(clEnumValN(CodeCompleteOptions::Heuristics, "heuristics",
216 "Use heuristics to rank code completion items"),
217 clEnumValN(CodeCompleteOptions::DecisionForest, "decision_forest",
218 "Use Decision Forest model to rank completion items")),
219 init(CodeCompleteOptions().RankingModel),
220 Hidden,
223// FIXME: also support "plain" style where signatures are always omitted.
224enum CompletionStyleFlag { Detailed, Bundled };
225opt<CompletionStyleFlag> CompletionStyle{
226 "completion-style",
227 cat(Features),
228 desc("Granularity of code completion suggestions"),
229 values(clEnumValN(Detailed, "detailed",
230 "One completion item for each semantically distinct "
231 "completion, with full type information"),
232 clEnumValN(Bundled, "bundled",
233 "Similar completion items (e.g. function overloads) are "
234 "combined. Type information shown where possible")),
237opt<std::string> FallbackStyle{
238 "fallback-style",
239 cat(Features),
240 desc("clang-format style to apply by default when "
241 "no .clang-format file is found"),
242 init(clang::format::DefaultFallbackStyle),
245opt<bool> EnableFunctionArgSnippets{
246 "function-arg-placeholders",
247 cat(Features),
248 desc("When disabled, completions contain only parentheses for "
249 "function calls. When enabled, completions also contain "
250 "placeholders for method parameters"),
251 init(CodeCompleteOptions().EnableFunctionArgSnippets),
254opt<CodeCompleteOptions::IncludeInsertion> HeaderInsertion{
255 "header-insertion",
256 cat(Features),
257 desc("Add #include directives when accepting code completions"),
258 init(CodeCompleteOptions().InsertIncludes),
259 values(
260 clEnumValN(CodeCompleteOptions::IWYU, "iwyu",
261 "Include what you use. "
262 "Insert the owning header for top-level symbols, unless the "
263 "header is already directly included or the symbol is "
264 "forward-declared"),
265 clEnumValN(
267 "Never insert #include directives as part of code completion")),
270opt<bool> ImportInsertions{
271 "import-insertions",
272 cat(Features),
273 desc("If header insertion is enabled, add #import directives when "
274 "accepting code completions or fixing includes in Objective-C code"),
275 init(CodeCompleteOptions().ImportInsertions),
278opt<bool> HeaderInsertionDecorators{
279 "header-insertion-decorators",
280 cat(Features),
281 desc("Prepend a circular dot or space before the completion "
282 "label, depending on whether "
283 "an include line will be inserted or not"),
284 init(true),
287opt<bool> HiddenFeatures{
288 "hidden-features",
289 cat(Features),
290 desc("Enable hidden features mostly useful to clangd developers"),
291 init(false),
292 Hidden,
295opt<bool> IncludeIneligibleResults{
296 "include-ineligible-results",
297 cat(Features),
298 desc("Include ineligible completion results (e.g. private members)"),
299 init(CodeCompleteOptions().IncludeIneligibleResults),
300 Hidden,
303RetiredFlag<bool> EnableIndex("index");
304RetiredFlag<bool> SuggestMissingIncludes("suggest-missing-includes");
305RetiredFlag<bool> RecoveryAST("recovery-ast");
306RetiredFlag<bool> RecoveryASTType("recovery-ast-type");
307RetiredFlag<bool> AsyncPreamble("async-preamble");
308RetiredFlag<bool> CollectMainFileRefs("collect-main-file-refs");
309RetiredFlag<bool> CrossFileRename("cross-file-rename");
310RetiredFlag<std::string> ClangTidyChecks("clang-tidy-checks");
311RetiredFlag<bool> InlayHints("inlay-hints");
312RetiredFlag<bool> FoldingRanges("folding-ranges");
313RetiredFlag<bool> IncludeCleanerStdlib("include-cleaner-stdlib");
315opt<int> LimitResults{
316 "limit-results",
317 cat(Features),
318 desc("Limit the number of results returned by clangd. "
319 "0 means no limit (default=100)"),
320 init(100),
323opt<int> ReferencesLimit{
324 "limit-references",
325 cat(Features),
326 desc("Limit the number of references returned by clangd. "
327 "0 means no limit (default=1000)"),
328 init(1000),
331opt<int> RenameFileLimit{
332 "rename-file-limit",
333 cat(Features),
334 desc("Limit the number of files to be affected by symbol renaming. "
335 "0 means no limit (default=50)"),
336 init(50),
339list<std::string> TweakList{
340 "tweaks",
341 cat(Features),
342 desc("Specify a list of Tweaks to enable (only for clangd developers)."),
343 Hidden,
344 CommaSeparated,
347opt<unsigned> WorkerThreadsCount{
348 "j",
349 cat(Misc),
350 desc("Number of async workers used by clangd. Background index also "
351 "uses this many workers."),
355opt<Path> IndexFile{
356 "index-file",
357 cat(Misc),
358 desc(
359 "Index file to build the static index. The file must have been created "
360 "by a compatible clangd-indexer\n"
361 "WARNING: This option is experimental only, and will be removed "
362 "eventually. Don't rely on it"),
363 init(""),
364 Hidden,
367opt<bool> Test{
368 "lit-test",
369 cat(Misc),
370 desc("Abbreviation for -input-style=delimited -pretty -sync "
371 "-enable-test-scheme -enable-config=0 -log=verbose -crash-pragmas. "
372 "Also sets config options: Index.StandardLibrary=false. "
373 "Intended to simplify lit tests"),
374 init(false),
375 Hidden,
378opt<bool> CrashPragmas{
379 "crash-pragmas",
380 cat(Misc),
381 desc("Respect `#pragma clang __debug crash` and friends."),
382 init(false),
383 Hidden,
386opt<Path> CheckFile{
387 "check",
388 cat(Misc),
389 desc("Parse one file in isolation instead of acting as a language server. "
390 "Useful to investigate/reproduce crashes or configuration problems. "
391 "With --check=<filename>, attempts to parse a particular file."),
392 init(""),
393 ValueOptional,
396enum PCHStorageFlag { Disk, Memory };
397opt<PCHStorageFlag> PCHStorage{
398 "pch-storage",
399 cat(Misc),
400 desc("Storing PCHs in memory increases memory usages, but may "
401 "improve performance"),
402 values(
403 clEnumValN(PCHStorageFlag::Disk, "disk", "store PCHs on disk"),
404 clEnumValN(PCHStorageFlag::Memory, "memory", "store PCHs in memory")),
405 init(PCHStorageFlag::Disk),
408opt<bool> Sync{
409 "sync",
410 cat(Misc),
411 desc("Handle client requests on main thread. Background index still uses "
412 "its own thread."),
413 init(false),
414 Hidden,
417opt<JSONStreamStyle> InputStyle{
418 "input-style",
419 cat(Protocol),
420 desc("Input JSON stream encoding"),
421 values(
422 clEnumValN(JSONStreamStyle::Standard, "standard", "usual LSP protocol"),
423 clEnumValN(JSONStreamStyle::Delimited, "delimited",
424 "messages delimited by --- lines, with # comment support")),
426 Hidden,
429opt<bool> EnableTestScheme{
430 "enable-test-uri-scheme",
431 cat(Protocol),
432 desc("Enable 'test:' URI scheme. Only use in lit tests"),
433 init(false),
434 Hidden,
437opt<std::string> PathMappingsArg{
438 "path-mappings",
439 cat(Protocol),
440 desc(
441 "Translates between client paths (as seen by a remote editor) and "
442 "server paths (where clangd sees files on disk). "
443 "Comma separated list of '<client_path>=<server_path>' pairs, the "
444 "first entry matching a given path is used. "
445 "e.g. /home/project/incl=/opt/include,/home/project=/workarea/project"),
446 init(""),
449opt<Path> InputMirrorFile{
450 "input-mirror-file",
451 cat(Protocol),
452 desc("Mirror all LSP input to the specified file. Useful for debugging"),
453 init(""),
454 Hidden,
457opt<Logger::Level> LogLevel{
458 "log",
459 cat(Protocol),
460 desc("Verbosity of log messages written to stderr"),
461 values(clEnumValN(Logger::Error, "error", "Error messages only"),
462 clEnumValN(Logger::Info, "info", "High level execution tracing"),
463 clEnumValN(Logger::Debug, "verbose", "Low level details")),
464 init(Logger::Info),
467opt<OffsetEncoding> ForceOffsetEncoding{
468 "offset-encoding",
469 cat(Protocol),
470 desc("Force the offsetEncoding used for character positions. "
471 "This bypasses negotiation via client capabilities"),
472 values(
473 clEnumValN(OffsetEncoding::UTF8, "utf-8", "Offsets are in UTF-8 bytes"),
474 clEnumValN(OffsetEncoding::UTF16, "utf-16",
475 "Offsets are in UTF-16 code units"),
476 clEnumValN(OffsetEncoding::UTF32, "utf-32",
477 "Offsets are in unicode codepoints")),
481opt<bool> PrettyPrint{
482 "pretty",
483 cat(Protocol),
484 desc("Pretty-print JSON output"),
485 init(false),
488opt<bool> EnableConfig{
489 "enable-config",
490 cat(Misc),
491 desc(
492 "Read user and project configuration from YAML files.\n"
493 "Project config is from a .clangd file in the project directory.\n"
494 "User config is from clangd/config.yaml in the following directories:\n"
495 "\tWindows: %USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\Local\n"
496 "\tMac OS: ~/Library/Preferences/\n"
497 "\tOthers: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, usually ~/.config\n"
498 "Configuration is documented at"),
499 init(true),
502opt<bool> UseDirtyHeaders{"use-dirty-headers", cat(Misc),
503 desc("Use files open in the editor when parsing "
504 "headers instead of reading from the disk"),
505 Hidden,
506 init(ClangdServer::Options().UseDirtyHeaders)};
508opt<bool> PreambleParseForwardingFunctions{
509 "parse-forwarding-functions",
510 cat(Misc),
511 desc("Parse all emplace-like functions in included headers"),
512 Hidden,
513 init(ParseOptions().PreambleParseForwardingFunctions),
516#if defined(__GLIBC__) && CLANGD_MALLOC_TRIM
517opt<bool> EnableMallocTrim{
518 "malloc-trim",
519 cat(Misc),
520 desc("Release memory periodically via malloc_trim(3)."),
521 init(true),
524std::function<void()> getMemoryCleanupFunction() {
525 if (!EnableMallocTrim)
526 return nullptr;
527 // Leave a few MB at the top of the heap: it is insignificant
528 // and will most likely be needed by the main thread
529 constexpr size_t MallocTrimPad = 20'000'000;
530 return []() {
531 if (malloc_trim(MallocTrimPad))
532 vlog("Released memory via malloc_trim");
533 };
536std::function<void()> getMemoryCleanupFunction() { return nullptr; }
540opt<std::string> RemoteIndexAddress{
541 "remote-index-address",
542 cat(Features),
543 desc("Address of the remote index server"),
546// FIXME(kirillbobyrev): Should this be the location of compile_commands.json?
547opt<std::string> ProjectRoot{
548 "project-root",
549 cat(Features),
550 desc("Path to the project root. Requires remote-index-address to be set."),
554/// Supports a test URI scheme with relaxed constraints for lit tests.
555/// The path in a test URI will be combined with a platform-specific fake
556/// directory to form an absolute path. For example, test:///a.cpp is resolved
557/// C:\clangd-test\a.cpp on Windows and /clangd-test/a.cpp on Unix.
558class TestScheme : public URIScheme {
560 llvm::Expected<std::string>
561 getAbsolutePath(llvm::StringRef /*Authority*/, llvm::StringRef Body,
562 llvm::StringRef /*HintPath*/) const override {
563 using namespace llvm::sys;
564 // Still require "/" in body to mimic file scheme, as we want lengths of an
565 // equivalent URI in both schemes to be the same.
566 if (!Body.starts_with("/"))
567 return error(
568 "Expect URI body to be an absolute path starting with '/': {0}",
569 Body);
570 Body = Body.ltrim('/');
571 llvm::SmallString<16> Path(Body);
572 path::native(Path);
573 fs::make_absolute(TestScheme::TestDir, Path);
574 return std::string(Path);
575 }
577 llvm::Expected<URI>
578 uriFromAbsolutePath(llvm::StringRef AbsolutePath) const override {
579 llvm::StringRef Body = AbsolutePath;
580 if (!Body.consume_front(TestScheme::TestDir))
581 return error("Path {0} doesn't start with root {1}", AbsolutePath,
582 TestDir);
584 return URI("test", /*Authority=*/"",
585 llvm::sys::path::convert_to_slash(Body));
586 }
589 const static char TestDir[];
592#ifdef _WIN32
593const char TestScheme::TestDir[] = "C:\\clangd-test";
595const char TestScheme::TestDir[] = "/clangd-test";
599loadExternalIndex(const Config::ExternalIndexSpec &External,
600 AsyncTaskRunner *Tasks) {
601 static const trace::Metric RemoteIndexUsed("used_remote_index",
602 trace::Metric::Value, "address");
603 switch (External.Kind) {
605 break;
607 RemoteIndexUsed.record(1, External.Location);
608 log("Associating {0} with remote index at {1}.", External.MountPoint,
609 External.Location);
610 return remote::getClient(External.Location, External.MountPoint);
612 log("Associating {0} with monolithic index at {1}.", External.MountPoint,
613 External.Location);
614 auto NewIndex = std::make_unique<SwapIndex>(std::make_unique<MemIndex>());
615 auto IndexLoadTask = [File = External.Location,
616 PlaceHolder = NewIndex.get()] {
617 if (auto Idx = loadIndex(File, SymbolOrigin::Static, /*UseDex=*/true))
618 PlaceHolder->reset(std::move(Idx));
619 };
620 if (Tasks) {
621 Tasks->runAsync("Load-index:" + External.Location,
622 std::move(IndexLoadTask));
623 } else {
624 IndexLoadTask();
625 }
626 return std::move(NewIndex);
627 }
628 llvm_unreachable("Invalid ExternalIndexKind.");
631class FlagsConfigProvider : public config::Provider {
635 std::vector<config::CompiledFragment>
636 getFragments(const config::Params &,
637 config::DiagnosticCallback) const override {
638 return {Frag};
639 }
642 FlagsConfigProvider() {
643 std::optional<Config::CDBSearchSpec> CDBSearch;
644 std::optional<Config::ExternalIndexSpec> IndexSpec;
645 std::optional<Config::BackgroundPolicy> BGPolicy;
647 // If --compile-commands-dir arg was invoked, check value and override
648 // default path.
649 if (!CompileCommandsDir.empty()) {
650 if (llvm::sys::fs::exists(CompileCommandsDir)) {
651 // We support passing both relative and absolute paths to the
652 // --compile-commands-dir argument, but we assume the path is absolute
653 // in the rest of clangd so we make sure the path is absolute before
654 // continuing.
655 llvm::SmallString<128> Path(CompileCommandsDir);
656 if (std::error_code EC = llvm::sys::fs::make_absolute(Path)) {
657 elog("Error while converting the relative path specified by "
658 "--compile-commands-dir to an absolute path: {0}. The argument "
659 "will be ignored.",
660 EC.message());
661 } else {
662 CDBSearch = {Config::CDBSearchSpec::FixedDir, Path.str().str()};
663 }
664 } else {
665 elog("Path specified by --compile-commands-dir does not exist. The "
666 "argument will be ignored.");
667 }
668 }
669 if (!IndexFile.empty()) {
670 Config::ExternalIndexSpec Spec;
671 Spec.Kind = Spec.File;
672 Spec.Location = IndexFile;
673 IndexSpec = std::move(Spec);
674 }
676 if (!RemoteIndexAddress.empty()) {
677 assert(!ProjectRoot.empty() && IndexFile.empty());
678 Config::ExternalIndexSpec Spec;
679 Spec.Kind = Spec.Server;
680 Spec.Location = RemoteIndexAddress;
681 Spec.MountPoint = ProjectRoot;
682 IndexSpec = std::move(Spec);
684 }
686 if (!EnableBackgroundIndex) {
688 }
690 Frag = [=](const config::Params &, Config &C) {
691 if (CDBSearch)
692 C.CompileFlags.CDBSearch = *CDBSearch;
693 if (IndexSpec)
694 C.Index.External = *IndexSpec;
695 if (BGPolicy)
696 C.Index.Background = *BGPolicy;
697 if (AllScopesCompletion.getNumOccurrences())
698 C.Completion.AllScopes = AllScopesCompletion;
700 if (Test)
701 C.Index.StandardLibrary = false;
702 return true;
703 };
704 }
706} // namespace
708enum class ErrorResultCode : int {
711 CheckFailed = 3
714int clangdMain(int argc, char *argv[]) {
715 // Clang could run on the main thread. e.g., when the flag '-check' or '-sync'
716 // is enabled.
717 clang::noteBottomOfStack();
718 llvm::InitLLVM X(argc, argv);
719 llvm::InitializeAllTargetInfos();
720 llvm::sys::AddSignalHandler(
721 [](void *) {
723 // Ensure ThreadCrashReporter and PrintStackTrace output is visible.
724 llvm::errs().flush();
725 },
726 nullptr);
727 llvm::sys::SetInterruptFunction(&requestShutdown);
728 llvm::cl::SetVersionPrinter([](llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
729 OS << versionString() << "\n"
730 << "Features: " << featureString() << "\n"
731 << "Platform: " << platformString() << "\n";
732 });
733 const char *FlagsEnvVar = "CLANGD_FLAGS";
734 const char *Overview =
735 R"(clangd is a language server that provides IDE-like features to editors.
737It should be used via an editor plugin rather than invoked directly. For more information, see:
741clangd accepts flags on the commandline, and in the CLANGD_FLAGS environment variable.
743 llvm::cl::HideUnrelatedOptions(ClangdCategories);
744 llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, Overview,
745 /*Errs=*/nullptr, FlagsEnvVar);
746 if (Test) {
747 if (!Sync.getNumOccurrences())
748 Sync = true;
749 if (!CrashPragmas.getNumOccurrences())
750 CrashPragmas = true;
751 InputStyle = JSONStreamStyle::Delimited;
752 LogLevel = Logger::Verbose;
753 PrettyPrint = true;
754 // Disable config system by default to avoid external reads.
755 if (!EnableConfig.getNumOccurrences())
756 EnableConfig = false;
757 // Disable background index on lit tests by default to prevent disk writes.
758 if (!EnableBackgroundIndex.getNumOccurrences())
759 EnableBackgroundIndex = false;
760 // Ensure background index makes progress.
761 else if (EnableBackgroundIndex)
763 }
764 if (Test || EnableTestScheme) {
765 static URISchemeRegistry::Add<TestScheme> X(
766 "test", "Test scheme for clangd lit tests.");
767 }
768 if (CrashPragmas)
771 if (!Sync && WorkerThreadsCount == 0) {
772 llvm::errs() << "A number of worker threads cannot be 0. Did you mean to "
773 "specify -sync?";
774 return 1;
775 }
777 if (Sync) {
778 if (WorkerThreadsCount.getNumOccurrences())
779 llvm::errs() << "Ignoring -j because -sync is set.\n";
780 WorkerThreadsCount = 0;
781 }
782 if (FallbackStyle.getNumOccurrences())
783 clang::format::DefaultFallbackStyle = FallbackStyle.c_str();
785 // Validate command line arguments.
786 std::optional<llvm::raw_fd_ostream> InputMirrorStream;
787 if (!InputMirrorFile.empty()) {
788 std::error_code EC;
789 InputMirrorStream.emplace(InputMirrorFile, /*ref*/ EC,
790 llvm::sys::fs::FA_Read | llvm::sys::fs::FA_Write);
791 if (EC) {
792 InputMirrorStream.reset();
793 llvm::errs() << "Error while opening an input mirror file: "
794 << EC.message();
795 } else {
796 InputMirrorStream->SetUnbuffered();
797 }
798 }
802 llvm::errs() << "Clangd was compiled without decision forest support.\n";
803 return 1;
804 }
807 // Setup tracing facilities if CLANGD_TRACE is set. In practice enabling a
808 // trace flag in your editor's config is annoying, launching with
809 // `CLANGD_TRACE=trace.json vim` is easier.
810 std::optional<llvm::raw_fd_ostream> TracerStream;
811 std::unique_ptr<trace::EventTracer> Tracer;
812 const char *JSONTraceFile = getenv("CLANGD_TRACE");
813 const char *MetricsCSVFile = getenv("CLANGD_METRICS");
814 const char *TracerFile = JSONTraceFile ? JSONTraceFile : MetricsCSVFile;
815 if (TracerFile) {
816 std::error_code EC;
817 TracerStream.emplace(TracerFile, /*ref*/ EC,
818 llvm::sys::fs::FA_Read | llvm::sys::fs::FA_Write);
819 if (EC) {
820 TracerStream.reset();
821 llvm::errs() << "Error while opening trace file " << TracerFile << ": "
822 << EC.message();
823 } else {
824 Tracer = (TracerFile == JSONTraceFile)
825 ? trace::createJSONTracer(*TracerStream, PrettyPrint)
826 : trace::createCSVMetricTracer(*TracerStream);
827 }
828 }
830 std::optional<trace::Session> TracingSession;
831 if (Tracer)
832 TracingSession.emplace(*Tracer);
834 // If a user ran `clangd` in a terminal without redirecting anything,
835 // it's somewhat likely they're confused about how to use clangd.
836 // Show them the help overview, which explains.
837 if (llvm::outs().is_displayed() && llvm::errs().is_displayed() &&
838 !CheckFile.getNumOccurrences())
839 llvm::errs() << Overview << "\n";
840 // Use buffered stream to stderr (we still flush each log message). Unbuffered
841 // stream can cause significant (non-deterministic) latency for the logger.
842 llvm::errs().SetBuffered();
843 // Don't flush stdout when logging, this would be both slow and racy!
844 llvm::errs().tie(nullptr);
845 StreamLogger Logger(llvm::errs(), LogLevel);
847 // Write some initial logs before we start doing any real work.
848 log("{0}", versionString());
849 log("Features: {0}", featureString());
850 log("PID: {0}", llvm::sys::Process::getProcessId());
851 {
852 SmallString<128> CWD;
853 if (auto Err = llvm::sys::fs::current_path(CWD))
854 log("Working directory unknown: {0}", Err.message());
855 else
856 log("Working directory: {0}", CWD);
857 }
858 for (int I = 0; I < argc; ++I)
859 log("argv[{0}]: {1}", I, argv[I]);
860 if (auto EnvFlags = llvm::sys::Process::GetEnv(FlagsEnvVar))
861 log("{0}: {1}", FlagsEnvVar, *EnvFlags);
864 Opts.UseDirBasedCDB = (CompileArgsFrom == FilesystemCompileArgs);
866 switch (PCHStorage) {
867 case PCHStorageFlag::Memory:
868 Opts.StorePreamblesInMemory = true;
869 break;
870 case PCHStorageFlag::Disk:
871 Opts.StorePreamblesInMemory = false;
872 break;
873 }
874 if (!ResourceDir.empty())
875 Opts.ResourceDir = ResourceDir;
876 Opts.BuildDynamicSymbolIndex = true;
877 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SymbolIndex>> IdxStack;
879 if (RemoteIndexAddress.empty() != ProjectRoot.empty()) {
880 llvm::errs() << "remote-index-address and project-path have to be "
881 "specified at the same time.";
882 return 1;
883 }
884 if (!RemoteIndexAddress.empty()) {
885 if (IndexFile.empty()) {
886 log("Connecting to remote index at {0}", RemoteIndexAddress);
887 } else {
888 elog("When enabling remote index, IndexFile should not be specified. "
889 "Only one can be used at time. Remote index will ignored.");
890 }
891 }
893 Opts.BackgroundIndex = EnableBackgroundIndex;
894 Opts.BackgroundIndexPriority = BackgroundIndexPriority;
895 Opts.ReferencesLimit = ReferencesLimit;
896 Opts.Rename.LimitFiles = RenameFileLimit;
897 auto PAI = createProjectAwareIndex(loadExternalIndex, Sync);
898 Opts.StaticIndex = PAI.get();
899 Opts.AsyncThreadsCount = WorkerThreadsCount;
900 Opts.MemoryCleanup = getMemoryCleanupFunction();
902 Opts.CodeComplete.IncludeIneligibleResults = IncludeIneligibleResults;
903 Opts.CodeComplete.Limit = LimitResults;
904 if (CompletionStyle.getNumOccurrences())
905 Opts.CodeComplete.BundleOverloads = CompletionStyle != Detailed;
906 Opts.CodeComplete.ShowOrigins = ShowOrigins;
907 Opts.CodeComplete.InsertIncludes = HeaderInsertion;
908 Opts.CodeComplete.ImportInsertions = ImportInsertions;
909 if (!HeaderInsertionDecorators) {
910 Opts.CodeComplete.IncludeIndicator.Insert.clear();
911 Opts.CodeComplete.IncludeIndicator.NoInsert.clear();
912 }
913 Opts.CodeComplete.EnableFunctionArgSnippets = EnableFunctionArgSnippets;
914 Opts.CodeComplete.RunParser = CodeCompletionParse;
915 Opts.CodeComplete.RankingModel = RankingModel;
918 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<config::Provider>> ProviderStack;
919 std::unique_ptr<config::Provider> Config;
920 if (EnableConfig) {
921 ProviderStack.push_back(
923 llvm::SmallString<256> UserConfig;
924 if (llvm::sys::path::user_config_directory(UserConfig)) {
925 llvm::sys::path::append(UserConfig, "clangd", "config.yaml");
926 vlog("User config file is {0}", UserConfig);
927 ProviderStack.push_back(config::Provider::fromYAMLFile(
928 UserConfig, /*Directory=*/"", TFS, /*Trusted=*/true));
929 } else {
930 elog("Couldn't determine user config file, not loading");
931 }
932 }
933 ProviderStack.push_back(std::make_unique<FlagsConfigProvider>());
934 std::vector<const config::Provider *> ProviderPointers;
935 for (const auto &P : ProviderStack)
936 ProviderPointers.push_back(P.get());
937 Config = config::Provider::combine(std::move(ProviderPointers));
938 Opts.ConfigProvider = Config.get();
940 // Create an empty clang-tidy option.
941 TidyProvider ClangTidyOptProvider;
942 if (EnableClangTidy) {
943 std::vector<TidyProvider> Providers;
944 Providers.reserve(4 + EnableConfig);
945 Providers.push_back(provideEnvironment());
946 Providers.push_back(provideClangTidyFiles(TFS));
947 if (EnableConfig)
948 Providers.push_back(provideClangdConfig());
949 Providers.push_back(provideDefaultChecks());
950 Providers.push_back(disableUnusableChecks());
951 ClangTidyOptProvider = combine(std::move(Providers));
952 Opts.ClangTidyProvider = ClangTidyOptProvider;
953 }
954 Opts.UseDirtyHeaders = UseDirtyHeaders;
955 Opts.PreambleParseForwardingFunctions = PreambleParseForwardingFunctions;
956 Opts.ImportInsertions = ImportInsertions;
957 Opts.QueryDriverGlobs = std::move(QueryDriverGlobs);
958 Opts.TweakFilter = [&](const Tweak &T) {
959 if (T.hidden() && !HiddenFeatures)
960 return false;
961 if (TweakList.getNumOccurrences())
962 return llvm::is_contained(TweakList,;
963 return true;
964 };
965 if (ForceOffsetEncoding != OffsetEncoding::UnsupportedEncoding)
966 Opts.Encoding = ForceOffsetEncoding;
968 if (CheckFile.getNumOccurrences()) {
969 llvm::SmallString<256> Path;
970 if (auto Error =
971 llvm::sys::fs::real_path(CheckFile, Path, /*expand_tilde=*/true)) {
972 elog("Failed to resolve path {0}: {1}", CheckFile, Error.message());
973 return 1;
974 }
975 log("Entering check mode (no LSP server)");
976 return check(Path, TFS, Opts)
977 ? 0
978 : static_cast<int>(ErrorResultCode::CheckFailed);
979 }
981 // Initialize and run ClangdLSPServer.
982 // Change stdin to binary to not lose \r\n on windows.
983 llvm::sys::ChangeStdinToBinary();
984 std::unique_ptr<Transport> TransportLayer;
985 if (getenv("CLANGD_AS_XPC_SERVICE")) {
987 log("Starting LSP over XPC service");
988 TransportLayer = newXPCTransport();
990 llvm::errs() << "This clangd binary wasn't built with XPC support.\n";
991 return static_cast<int>(ErrorResultCode::CantRunAsXPCService);
993 } else {
994 log("Starting LSP over stdin/stdout");
995 TransportLayer = newJSONTransport(
996 stdin, llvm::outs(), InputMirrorStream ? &*InputMirrorStream : nullptr,
997 PrettyPrint, InputStyle);
998 }
999 if (!PathMappingsArg.empty()) {
1000 auto Mappings = parsePathMappings(PathMappingsArg);
1001 if (!Mappings) {
1002 elog("Invalid -path-mappings: {0}", Mappings.takeError());
1003 return 1;
1004 }
1005 TransportLayer = createPathMappingTransport(std::move(TransportLayer),
1006 std::move(*Mappings));
1007 }
1009 ClangdLSPServer LSPServer(*TransportLayer, TFS, Opts);
1010 llvm::set_thread_name("clangd.main");
1011 int ExitCode =
1012 ? 0
1013 : static_cast<int>(ErrorResultCode::NoShutdownRequest);
1014 log("LSP finished, exiting with status {0}", ExitCode);
1016 // There may still be lingering background threads (e.g. slow requests
1017 // whose results will be dropped, background index shutting down).
1018 //
1019 // These should terminate quickly, and ~ClangdLSPServer blocks on them.
1020 // However if a bug causes them to run forever, we want to ensure the process
1021 // eventually exits. As clangd isn't directly user-facing, an editor can
1022 // "leak" clangd processes. Crashing in this case contains the damage.
1023 abortAfterTimeout(std::chrono::minutes(5));
1025 return ExitCode;
1028} // namespace clangd
1029} // namespace clang
llvm::SmallString< 256U > Name
const Criteria C
Include Cleaner is clangd functionality for providing diagnostics for misuse of transitive headers an...
int X
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS
Definition: TraceTests.cpp:160
void runAsync(const llvm::Twine &Name, llvm::unique_function< void()> Action)
Definition: Threading.cpp:81
static void preventThreadStarvationInTests()
This class exposes ClangdServer's capabilities via Language Server Protocol.
bool run()
Run LSP server loop, communicating with the Transport provided in the constructor.
Interface to allow custom logging in clangd.
Definition: Logger.h:22
Only one LoggingSession can be active at a time.
Definition: Logger.h:106
llvm::Expected< std::string > getAbsolutePath(llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef Body, llvm::StringRef HintPath) const override
Returns the absolute path of the file corresponding to the URI authority+body in the file system.
Definition: TestFS.cpp:111
llvm::Expected< URI > uriFromAbsolutePath(llvm::StringRef AbsolutePath) const override
Definition: TestFS.cpp:124
static void runCrashHandlers()
Calls all currently-active ThreadCrashReporters for the current thread.
An interface base for small context-sensitive refactoring actions.
Definition: Tweak.h:46
static std::unique_ptr< Provider > fromYAMLFile(llvm::StringRef AbsPath, llvm::StringRef Directory, const ThreadsafeFS &, bool Trusted=false)
Reads fragments from a single YAML file with a fixed path.
static std::unique_ptr< Provider > fromAncestorRelativeYAMLFiles(llvm::StringRef RelPath, const ThreadsafeFS &, bool Trusted=false)
static std::unique_ptr< Provider > combine(std::vector< const Provider * >)
A provider that includes fragments from all the supplied providers.
std::function< bool(const Params &, Config &)> CompiledFragment
A chunk of configuration that has been fully analyzed and is ready to apply.
llvm::function_ref< void(const llvm::SMDiagnostic &)> DiagnosticCallback
Used to report problems in parsing or interpreting a config.
std::unique_ptr< clangd::SymbolIndex > getClient(llvm::StringRef Address, llvm::StringRef ProjectRoot)
Returns an SymbolIndex client that passes requests to remote index located at Address.
Definition: Client.cpp:185
std::unique_ptr< EventTracer > createJSONTracer(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, bool Pretty)
Create an instance of EventTracer that produces an output in the Trace Event format supported by Chro...
Definition: Trace.cpp:268
std::unique_ptr< EventTracer > createCSVMetricTracer(llvm::raw_ostream &OS)
Create an instance of EventTracer that outputs metric measurements as CSV.
Definition: Trace.cpp:273
@ Error
An error message.
TidyProvider combine(std::vector< TidyProvider > Providers)
unsigned getDefaultAsyncThreadsCount()
Returns a number of a default async threads to use for TUScheduler.
std::string Path
A typedef to represent a file path.
Definition: Path.h:26
TidyProviderRef provideDefaultChecks()
Provider that will enable a nice set of default checks if none are specified.
void vlog(const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
Definition: Logger.h:72
std::string platformString()
Definition: Feature.cpp:19
llvm::Error error(std::error_code EC, const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
Definition: Logger.h:79
llvm::Expected< PathMappings > parsePathMappings(llvm::StringRef RawPathMappings)
Parse the command line RawPathMappings (e.g.
TidyProviderRef provideEnvironment()
Provider that just sets the defaults.
std::string featureString()
Definition: Feature.cpp:32
std::unique_ptr< Transport > createPathMappingTransport(std::unique_ptr< Transport > Transp, PathMappings Mappings)
Creates a wrapping transport over Transp that applies the Mappings to all inbound and outbound LSP me...
std::unique_ptr< Transport > newXPCTransport()
void log(const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
Definition: Logger.h:67
std::unique_ptr< SymbolIndex > loadIndex(llvm::StringRef SymbolFilename, SymbolOrigin Origin, bool UseDex)
TidyProvider provideClangTidyFiles(ThreadsafeFS &TFS)
Provider that searches for .clang-tidy configuration files in the directory tree.
void allowCrashPragmasForTest()
Respect #pragma clang __debug crash etc, which are usually disabled.
Definition: Compiler.cpp:44
std::unique_ptr< SymbolIndex > createProjectAwareIndex(IndexFactory Gen, bool Sync)
Returns an index that answers queries using external indices.
int clangdMain(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: ClangdMain.cpp:714
void requestShutdown()
Sets a flag to indicate that clangd was sent a shutdown signal, and the transport loop should exit at...
Definition: Shutdown.cpp:28
TidyProvider disableUnusableChecks(llvm::ArrayRef< std::string > ExtraBadChecks)
Provider that will disable checks known to not work with clangd.
std::unique_ptr< Transport > newJSONTransport(std::FILE *In, llvm::raw_ostream &Out, llvm::raw_ostream *InMirror, bool Pretty, JSONStreamStyle Style)
TidyProviderRef provideClangdConfig()
llvm::unique_function< void(tidy::ClangTidyOptions &, llvm::StringRef) const > TidyProvider
A factory to modify a tidy::ClangTidyOptions.
Definition: TidyProvider.h:23
void abortAfterTimeout(std::chrono::seconds Timeout)
Causes this process to crash if still running after Timeout.
Definition: Shutdown.cpp:18
bool check(llvm::StringRef File, const ThreadsafeFS &TFS, const ClangdLSPServer::Options &Opts)
Definition: Check.cpp:454
void elog(const char *Fmt, Ts &&... Vals)
Definition: Logger.h:61
std::string versionString()
Definition: Feature.cpp:17
===– Representation.cpp - ClangDoc Representation --------—*- C++ -*-===//
Some operations such as code completion produce a set of candidates.
@ AlwaysParse
Block until we can run the parser (e.g.
Definition: CodeComplete.h:115
@ ParseIfReady
Run the parser if inputs (preamble) are ready.
Definition: CodeComplete.h:118
@ NeverParse
Always use text-based completion.
Definition: CodeComplete.h:120
bool IncludeIneligibleResults
Include results that are not legal completions in the current context.
Definition: CodeComplete.h:53
CodeCompletionRankingModel RankingModel
Definition: CodeComplete.h:139
enum clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::IncludeInsertion InsertIncludes
bool ImportInsertions
Whether include insertions for Objective-C code should use #import instead of #include.
Definition: CodeComplete.h:75
bool EnableFunctionArgSnippets
Whether to generate snippets for function arguments on code-completion.
Definition: CodeComplete.h:101
size_t Limit
Limit the number of results returned (0 means no limit).
Definition: CodeComplete.h:63
std::optional< bool > BundleOverloads
Combine overloads into a single completion item where possible.
Definition: CodeComplete.h:59
struct clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::IncludeInsertionIndicator IncludeIndicator
enum clang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::CodeCompletionParse RunParser
bool ShowOrigins
Expose origins of completion items in the label (for debugging).
Definition: CodeComplete.h:85
Settings that express user/project preferences and control clangd behavior.
Definition: Config.h:44
@ Value
A number whose value is meaningful, and may vary over time.
Definition: Trace.h:42