clang-tools 20.0.0git
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cclang::tidy::bugprone::filter::relatedness_heuristic::AccessedSameMemberOfImplements the heuristic that marks two parameters related if the same member is accessed (referred to) inside the current function's body
 Cclang::clangd::TUScheduler::ASTCacheAn LRU cache of idle ASTs
 Cclang::clangd::FeatureModule::ASTListenerExtension point that allows modules to observe and modify an AST build
 Cclang::clangd::ASTNodeSimplified description of a clang AST node
 Cclang::clangd::ASTParamsPayload for textDocument/ast request
 Cclang::clangd::ASTRetentionPolicyConfiguration of the AST retention policy
 Cclang::clangd::ASTSignalsSignals derived from a valid AST of a file
 Cclang::clangd::AsyncTaskRunnerRuns tasks on separate (detached) threads and wait for all tasks to finish
 Cclang::clangd::markup::BlockHolds text and knows how to lay it out
 Cclang::tidy::utils::BraceInsertionHintsA provider of fix-it hints to insert opening and closing braces
 Cclang::clangd::RefSlab::BuilderRefSlab::Builder is a mutable container that can 'freeze' to RefSlab
 Cclang::clangd::RelationSlab::BuilderRelationSlab::Builder is a mutable container that can 'freeze' to RelationSlab
 Cclang::clangd::SymbolSlab::BuilderSymbolSlab::Builder is a mutable container that can 'freeze' to SymbolSlab
 Cclang::pp_trace::CallbackCallThis class represents one callback call by name and an array of arguments
 Cclang::clangd::ClangdServer::CallbacksInterface with hooks for users of ClangdServer to be notified of events
 Cclang::clangd::CallHierarchyIncomingCallRepresents an incoming call, e.g. a caller of a method or constructor
 Cclang::clangd::CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParamsThe parameter of a callHierarchy/incomingCalls request
 Cclang::clangd::CallHierarchyItemRepresents programming constructs like functions or constructors in the context of call hierarchy
 Cclang::clangd::CallHierarchyOutgoingCallRepresents an outgoing call, e.g
 Cclang::clangd::CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParamsThe parameter of a callHierarchy/outgoingCalls request
 Cclang::clangd::CanonicalIncludesMaps a definition location onto an #include file, based on a set of filename rules
 Cclang::clangd::CapturedASTCtxThe captured AST context
 Cclang::clangd::dex::ChunkNOTE: This is an implementation detail
 Cclang::clangd::ClangdCompileCommandClangd extension that's used in the 'compilationDatabaseChanges' in workspace/didChangeConfiguration to record updates to the in-memory compilation database
 Cclang::clangd::ClangdServerManages a collection of source files and derived data (ASTs, indexes), and provides language-aware features such as code completion
 Cclang::clangd::config::Fragment::DiagnosticsBlock::ClangTidyBlockControls how clang-tidy will run over the code base
 Cclang::tidy::ClangTidyCheckFactoriesA collection of ClangTidyCheckFactory instances
 Cclang::tidy::ClangTidyContextEvery ClangTidyCheck reports errors through a DiagnosticsEngine provided by this context
 Cclang::tidy::ClangTidyGlobalOptionsGlobal options
 Cclang::tidy::ClangTidyModuleA clang-tidy module groups a number of ClangTidyChecks and gives them a prefixed name
 Cclang::tidy::ClangTidyOptionsContains options for clang-tidy
 Cclang::tidy::ClangTidyOptionsProviderAbstract interface for retrieving various ClangTidy options
 Cclang::tidy::ClangTidyStatsContains displayed and ignored diagnostic counters for a ClangTidy run
 Cclang::tidy::ClangTidyOptions::ClangTidyValueHelper structure for storing option value with priority of the value
 Cclang::clangd::DirectiveTree::CodeA range of code (and possibly comments) containing no directives
 Cclang::clangd::CodeActionA code action represents a change that can be performed in code, e.g
 Cclang::clangd::CodeDescriptionStructure to capture a description for an error code
 Cclang::clangd::config::Fragment::CompileFlagsBlockConditions in the CompileFlags block affect how a file is parsed
 Cclang::clangd::config::Fragment::CompletionBlockDescribes code completion preferences
 Cclang::clangd::CompletionItemLabelDetailsAdditional details for a completion item label
 Cclang::clangd::CompletionListRepresents a collection of completion items to be presented in the editor
 Cclang::clangd::DirectiveTree::ConditionalA preprocessor conditional section
 Cclang::tidy::modernize::ConfidenceA class to encapsulate lowering of the tool's confidence level
 Cclang::clangd::ConfigSettings that express user/project preferences and control clangd behavior
 Cclang::clangd::ConfigurationSettingsClangd extension: parameters configurable at any time, via the workspace/didChangeConfiguration notification
 Cclang::clangd::ContextA context is an immutable container for per-request data that must be propagated through layers that don't care about it
 Cclang::tidy::bugprone::model::ConversionSequenceThe results of the steps of an Implicit Conversion Sequence is saved in an instance of this record
 CModularize::CoverageCheckerModule map checker class
 Cclang::clangd::DeadlineA point in time we can wait for
 Cclang::clangd::DebouncePolicyClangd may wait after an update to see if another one comes along
 Cclang::clangd::DecisionForestScoresSame semantics as CodeComplete::Score
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::clangd::Config::ExternalIndexSpec >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::clangd::dex::Token >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::clangd::dex::Trigram >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::clangd::IncludeStructure::HeaderID >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::clangd::Range >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::clangd::RefSlab::Builder::Entry >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::clangd::SymbolID >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::tidy::cppcoreguidelines::SpecialMemberFunctionsCheck::ClassDefId >Specialization of DenseMapInfo to allow ClassDefId objects in DenseMaps FIXME: Move this to the corresponding cpp file as is done for clang-tidy/readability/IdentifierNamingCheck.cpp
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::tidy::RenamerClangTidyCheck::NamingCheckId >Specialization of DenseMapInfo to allow NamingCheckId objects in DenseMaps
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< DriverArgs >
 Cclang::clangd::SymbolRelevanceSignals::DerivedSignalsSet of derived signals computed by calculateDerivedSignals()
 Cclang::clangd::DiagBaseContains basic information about a diagnostic
 Cclang::tidy::RenamerClangTidyCheck::DiagInfoRepresents customized diagnostic text and how arguments should be applied
 Cclang::clangd::DiagnosticRelatedInformationRepresents a related message and source code location for a diagnostic
 Cclang::clangd::config::Fragment::DiagnosticsBlockControls behavior of diagnostics (errors and warnings)
 Cclang::clangd::DirectiveTree::DirectiveA preprocessor directive
 Cclang::clangd::DirectiveTreeDescribes the structure of a source file, as seen by the preprocessor
 Cclang::clangd::markup::DocumentA format-agnostic representation for structured text
 Cclang::clangd::DocumentHighlightA document highlight is a range inside a text document which deserves special attention
 Cclang::clangd::DocumentLinkA range in a text document that links to an internal or external resource, like another text document or a web site
 Cclang::clangd::DocumentLinkParamsParameters for the document link request
 Cclang::clangd::DocumentSymbolRepresents programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc
 Cclang::clangd::DraftStoreA thread-safe container for files opened in a workspace, addressed by filenames
 Cclang::clangd::EditA set of edits generated for a single file
 Cclang::clangd::EligibleRegionRepresents locations that can accept a definition
 Cclang::clangd::Event< T >An Event<T> allows events of type T to be broadcast to listeners
 Cclang::clangd::Event< std::vector< std::string > >
 Cclang::clangd::trace::EventTracerA consumer of trace events and measurements
 Cclang::tidy::utils::ExceptionAnalyzerThis class analysis if a FunctionDecl can in principle throw an exception, either directly or indirectly
 Cclang::tidy::utils::ExceptionAnalyzer::ExceptionInfoBundle the gathered information about an entity like a function regarding it's exception behaviour
 Cclang::tidy::utils::ExceptionSpecAnalyzerThis class analysis if a FunctionDecl has been declared implicitly through defaulting or explicitly as throwing or not and evaluates noexcept expressions if needed
 Cclang::tidy::utils::ExprSequenceProvides information about the evaluation order of (sub-)expressions within a CFGBlock
 Cclang::clangd::config::Fragment::IndexBlock::ExternalBlockAn external index uses data source outside of clangd itself
 Cclang::clangd::Config::ExternalIndexSpecDescribes an external index configuration
 Cclang::clangd::FeatureModule::FacilitiesShared server facilities needed by the module to get its work done
 Cclang::tidy::RenamerClangTidyCheck::FailureInfoInformation describing a failed check
 Cclang::clangd::FeatureModuleA FeatureModule contributes a vertical feature to clangd
 Cclang::clangd::FeatureModuleSetA FeatureModuleSet is a collection of feature modules installed in clangd
 Cclang::clangd::FileCacheBase class for threadsafe cache of data read from a file on disk
 Cclang::tidy::FileFilterContains a list of line ranges in a single file
 Cclang::clangd::FileShardedIndexTakes slabs coming from a TU (multiple files) and shards them per declaration location
 Cclang::clangd::FileStatusClangd extension: indicates the current state of the file in clangd, sent from server via the textDocument/clangd.fileStatus notification
 Cclang::clangd::FileSymbolsA container of slabs associated with a key
 Cclang::clangd::FixRepresents a single fix-it that editor can apply to fix the error
 Cclang::clangd::FoldingRangeStores information about a region of code that can be folded
 Cllvm::format_provider< clang::clangd::Position >
 Cclang::clangd::config::FragmentA chunk of configuration obtained from a config file, LSP, or elsewhere
 Cclang::clangd::GlobalCompilationDatabaseProvides compilation arguments used for parsing C and C++ files
 Cclang::tidy::GlobListRead-only set of strings represented as a list of positive and negative globs
 Cclang::clangd::HeaderFileRepresents a header file to be #include'd
 Cclang::clangd::TUScheduler::HeaderIncluderCacheA map from header files to an opened "proxy" file that includes them
 Cclang::find_all_symbols::HeaderMapCollectorHeaderMappCollector collects all remapping header files
 Cclang::clangd::config::Fragment::HoverBlockDescribes hover preferences
 Cclang::clangd::HoverInfoContains detailed information about a Symbol
 Cclang::clangd::config::Fragment::IfBlockConditions in the If block restrict when a Fragment applies
 Cclang::clangd::InactiveRegionsParamsParameters for the inactive regions (server-side) push notification
 Cclang::clangd::IncludeFixerAttempts to recover from error diagnostics by suggesting include insertion fixes
 Cclang::include_fixer::IncludeFixerContextA context for a file being processed
 Cclang::tidy::utils::IncludeInserterProduces fixes to insert specified includes to source files, if not yet present
 Cclang::clangd::CodeCompleteOptions::IncludeInsertionIndicatorA visual indicator to prepend to the completion label to indicate whether completion result would trigger an #include insertion or not
 Cclang::clangd::config::Fragment::DiagnosticsBlock::IncludesBlockControls IncludeCleaner diagnostics
 Cclang::tidy::utils::IncludeSorterClass used by IncludeInserterCallback to record the names of the inclusions in a given source file being processed and generate the necessary commands to sort the inclusions according to the precedence encoded in IncludeKinds
 Cclang::clangd::config::Fragment::IndexBlockControls how clangd understands code outside the current file
 Cclang::doc::InfoA base struct for Infos
 Cclang::clangd::InitializationOptionsClangd extension: parameters configurable at initialize time
 Cclang::clangd::InlayHintInlay hint information
 Cclang::clangd::InlayHintLabelPartAn inlay hint label part allows for interactive and composite labels of inlay hints
 Cclang::clangd::config::Fragment::InlayHintsBlockConfigures labels shown inline with the code
 Cclang::clangd::InlayHintsParamsA parameter literal used in inlay hint requests
 Cclang::clangd::dex::IteratorIterator is the interface for Query Tree node
 Cclang::clangd::Key< Type >Values in a Context are indexed by typed keys
 Cclang::clangd::Key< clang::clangd::Config >
 Cclang::query::QueryParser::LexOrCompleteWord< T >
 Cclang::clangd::LoadedShardRepresents a shard loaded from storage, stores contents in Shard and metadata about the source file that generated this shard
 Cclang::clangd::config::Located< T >An entity written in config along, with its optional location in the file
 Cclang::clangd::config::Located< bool >
 Cclang::clangd::LoggerInterface to allow custom logging in clangd
 Cclang::clangd::LoggingSessionOnly one LoggingSession can be active at a time
 Cclang::clangd::LSPBinderLSPBinder collects a table of functions that handle LSP calls
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< BaseRecordInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< ClangTidyOptions >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< ClangTidyOptions::StringPair >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< CommentInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< CompileCommandYAML >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< EnumInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< EnumValueInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< FieldTypeInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< FileFilter >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< FunctionInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< IncludeFixerContext >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< IncludeFixerContext::HeaderInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< IncludeFixerContext::QuerySymbolInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< IncludeGraphNode >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< Location >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< MemberTypeInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< NamespaceInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< RecordInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< Ref >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< RefBundle >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< Reference >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< Relation >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< std::unique_ptr< CommentInfo > >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< Symbol >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< SymbolAndSignals >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< SymbolID >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< SymbolInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< SymbolInfo::Context >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< SymbolLocation >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< TemplateInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< TemplateParamInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< TemplateSpecializationInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< tooling::Range >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< TypedefInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< TypeInfo >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< VariantEntry >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< YIncludeHeaderWithReferences >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< YPosition >
 Cclang::clangd::remote::MarshallerA notable exception is URI translation
 Cclang::clangd::Memoize< Container >Memoize is a cache to store and reuse computation results based on a key
 Cclang::clangd::Memoize< llvm::StringMap< std::string > >
 Cclang::clangd::MemoryTreeA tree that can be used to represent memory usage of nested components while preserving the hierarchy
 Cclang::clangd::trace::MetricRepresents measurements of clangd events, e.g
 Cclang::tidy::bugprone::model::MixA named tuple that contains the information for a mix between two concrete parameters
 Cclang::tidy::bugprone::model::MixDataContains the metadata for the mixability result between two types, independently of which parameters they were calculated from
 CModularize::ModularizeUtilitiesModularize utilities class
 Cclang::clangd::ModulesBuilderThis class handles building module files for a given source file
 Cclang::tidy::RenamerClangTidyCheck::NamingCheckFailureHolds an identifier name check failure, tracking the kind of the identifier, its possible fixup and the starting locations of all the identifier usages
 Cclang::tidy::readability::SimplifyBooleanExprCheck::Visitor::NodeAndBool< Node >
 Cclang::tidy::NoLintDirectiveHandlerThis class is used to locate NOLINT comments in the file being analyzed, to decide whether a diagnostic should be suppressed
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< tooling::Range >::NormalizedRange
 Cclang::clangd::NotificationA threadsafe flag that is initially clear
 Cclang::clangd::OpaqueTypeA representation of a type that can be computed based on clang AST and compared for equality
 Cclang::clangd::OptionalMatcher< InnerMatcher >
 Cclang::tidy::OptionEnumMapping< T >This class should be specialized by any enum type that needs to be converted to and from an llvm::StringRef
 Cclang::tidy::OptionEnumMapping< bugprone::SignalHandlerCheck::AsyncSafeFunctionSetKind >
 Cclang::tidy::OptionEnumMapping< concurrency::MtUnsafeCheck::FunctionSet >
 Cclang::tidy::OptionEnumMapping< misc::UseInternalLinkageCheck::FixModeKind >
 Cclang::tidy::OptionEnumMapping< modernize::Confidence::Level >
 Cclang::tidy::OptionEnumMapping< modernize::VariableNamer::NamingStyle >
 Cclang::tidy::OptionEnumMapping< readability::IdentifierNamingCheck::CaseType >
 Cclang::tidy::OptionEnumMapping< readability::IdentifierNamingCheck::HungarianPrefixType >
 Cclang::tidy::OptionEnumMapping< utils::IncludeSorter::IncludeStyle >
 Cclang::tidy::ClangTidyCheck::OptionsViewProvides access to the ClangTidyCheck options via check-local names
 Cclang::clangd::HoverInfo::ParamRepresents parameters of a function, a template or a macro
 Cclang::clangd::ParameterInformationA single parameter of a particular signature
 Cclang::clangd::config::ParamsDescribes the context used to evaluate configuration fragments
 Cclang::clangd::ParsedASTStores and provides access to parsed AST
 Cclang::clangd::ParseInputsInformation required to run clang, e.g. to parse AST or do code completion
 Cclang::tidy::bugprone::filter::relatedness_heuristic::PassedToSameFunctionImplements the heuristic that marks two parameters related if there are two separate calls to the same function (overload) and the parameters are passed to the same index in both calls, i.e f(a, b) and f(a, c) passes b and c to the same index (2) of f(), marking them related
 Cclang::clangd::PathMappingPathMappings are a collection of paired client and server paths
 Cclang::clangd::PeriodicThrottlerUsed to guard an operation that should run at most every N seconds
 Cclang::clangd::PolySubsequenceMatcher< M >
 Cclang::clangd::dex::PostingListPostingList is the storage of DocIDs which can be inserted to the Query Tree as a leaf by constructing Iterator over the PostingList object
 Cclang::clangd::PragmaMarkRepresents a #pragma mark in the main file
 Cclang::clangd::PreambleBuildStatsTimings and statistics from the premble build
 Cclang::clangd::PreambleDataThe parsed preamble and associated data
 Cclang::clangd::PreambleFileStatusCacheRecords status information for files open()ed or stat()ed during preamble build (except for the main file), so we can avoid stat()s on the underlying FS when reusing the preamble
 Cclang::clangd::PreamblePatchStores information required to parse a TU using a (possibly stale) Baseline preamble
 Cclang::clangd::PreambleThrottlerPreambleThrottler controls which preambles can build at any given time
 CModularize::PreprocessorTrackerPreprocessor tracker for modularize
 Cclang::clangd::PrerequisiteModulesStore all the needed module files information to parse a single source file
 Cclang::clangd::HoverInfo::PrintedTypeContains pretty-printed type and desugared type
 Cclang::clangd::ProgressParams< T >
 Cclang::clangd::ProjectModulesAn interface to query the modules information in the project
 Cclang::clangd::config::ProviderA source of configuration fragments
 Cclang::query::QuerySessionRepresents the state for a particular clang-query session
 Cclang::clangd::Token::RangeA half-open range of tokens within a stream
 Cclang::clangd::RefRepresents a symbol occurrence in the source file
 Cclang::clangd::ReferenceLocInformation about a reference written in the source code, independent of the actual AST node that this reference lives in
 Cclang::clangd::RefSlabAn efficient structure of storing large set of symbol references in memory
 Cclang::clangd::RelationRepresents a relation between two symbols
 Cclang::clangd::TypeHierarchyItem::ResolveParamsUsed to resolve a client provided item back
 Cclang::clangd::ResolveTypeHierarchyItemParamsParameters for the typeHierarchy/resolve request
 Cclang::tidy::bugprone::filter::relatedness_heuristic::ReturnedImplements the heuristic that marks two parameters related if different ReturnStmts return them from the function
 Cllvm::yaml::ScalarBitSetTraits< clang::clangd::Symbol::IncludeDirective >
 Cllvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< clang::AccessSpecifier >
 Cllvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< clang::TagTypeKind >
 Cllvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< ContextType >
 Cllvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< InfoType >
 Cllvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< SymbolKind >
 Cllvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< SymbolLanguage >
 Cllvm::yaml::ScalarTraits< SmallString< U > >
 Cllvm::yaml::ScalarTraits< std::array< unsigned char, 20 > >
 Cclang::clangd::ScopeDistanceSupport lookups like FileDistance, but the lookup keys are symbol scopes
 Cclang::clangd::Tweak::SelectionInput to prepare and apply tweaks
 Cclang::clangd::SemanticTokenSpecifies a single semantic token in the document
 Cclang::clangd::SemanticTokensA versioned set of tokens
 Cclang::clangd::config::Fragment::SemanticTokensBlockConfigures semantic tokens that are produced by clangd
 Cclang::clangd::SemanticTokensDeltaParamsBody of textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta request
 Cclang::clangd::SemanticTokensEditDescribes a replacement of a contiguous range of semanticTokens
 Cclang::clangd::SemanticTokensOrDeltaThis models LSP SemanticTokensDelta | SemanticTokens, which is the result of textDocument/semanticTokens/full/delta
 Cclang::clangd::SemanticTokensParamsBody of textDocument/semanticTokens/full request
 Cclang::clangd::SemaphoreLimits the number of threads that can acquire the lock at the same time
 Cllvm::yaml::SequenceTraits< FileFilter::LineRange >
 Cclang::clangd::trace::SessionSets up a global EventTracer that consumes events produced by Span and trace::log
 Cclang::query::SetQueryKind< T >
 Cclang::query::SetQueryKind< bool >
 Cclang::query::SetQueryKind< OutputKind >
 Cclang::query::SetQueryKind< TraversalKind >
 Cclang::clangd::ShowMessageParamsThe show message notification is sent from a server to a client to ask the client to display a particular message in the user interface
 Cclang::clangd::SignatureHelpRepresents the signature of a callable
 Cclang::clangd::SignatureInformationRepresents the signature of something callable
 Cclang::tidy::bugprone::filter::SimilarlyUsedParameterPairSuppressorHelper class that is used to detect if two parameters of the same function are used in a similar fashion, to suppress the result
 Cllvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >
 Cclang::clangd::config::Fragment::SourceInfoThese fields are not part of the user-specified configuration, but instead are populated by the parser to describe the configuration source
 Cclang::clangd::trace::SpanRecords an event whose duration is the lifetime of the Span object
 Cclang::clangd::SpeculativeFuzzyFindA speculative and asynchronous fuzzy find index request (based on cached request) that can be sent before parsing sema
 Cclang::tidy::utils::StmtToBlockMapMaps Stmts to the CFGBlock that contains them
 Cclang::clangd::Event< T >::Subscription
 Cclang::clangd::SymbolThe class presents a C++ symbol, e.g
 Cclang::clangd::SymbolDetailsRepresents information about identifier
 Cclang::clangd::SymbolIncludeA header and directives as stored in a Symbol
 Cclang::clangd::SymbolIndexInterface for symbol indexes that can be used for searching or matching symbols among a set of symbols based on names or unique IDs
 Cclang::include_fixer::SymbolIndexThis class provides an interface for finding all SymbolInfos corresponding to a symbol name from a symbol database
 Cclang::include_fixer::SymbolIndexManagerThis class provides an interface for finding the header files corresponding to an identifier in the source code from multiple symbol databases
 Cclang::find_all_symbols::SymbolInfoDescribes a named symbol from a header
 Cclang::clangd::SymbolInformationRepresents information about programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc
 Cclang::clangd::SymbolQualitySignalsAttributes of a symbol that affect how much we like it
 Cclang::clangd::SymbolRangeRepresents a symbol range where the symbol can potentially have multiple tokens
 Cclang::clangd::SymbolRelevanceSignalsAttributes of a symbol-query pair that affect how much we like it
 Cclang::find_all_symbols::SymbolReporterAn interface for classes that collect symbols
 Cclang::clangd::SymbolSlabAn immutable symbol container that stores a set of symbols
 Cclang::clangd::BackgroundQueue::TaskA work item on the thread pool's queue
 Cclang::clangd::ThreadCrashReporterAllows setting per-thread abort/kill signal callbacks, to print additional information about the crash depending on which thread got signalled
 Cclang::clangd::ThreadsafeFSWrapper for vfs::FileSystem for use in multithreaded programs like clangd
 Cclang::clangd::dex::TokenA Token represents an attribute of a symbol, such as a particular trigram present in the name (used for fuzzy search)
 Cclang::clangd::TokenA single C++ or preprocessor token
 Cclang::clangd::TokenStreamA complete sequence of Tokens representing a source file
 Cclang::clangd::TopN< T, Compare >TopN<T> is a lossy container that preserves only the "best" N elements
 Cclang::clangd::TUSchedulerHandles running tasks for ClangdServer and managing the resources (e.g., preambles and ASTs) for opened files
 Cclang::clangd::TweakAn interface base for small context-sensitive refactoring actions
 Cclang::clangd::TweakArgsArguments for the 'applyTweak' command
 Cclang::clangd::URIA URI describes the location of a source file
 Cclang::clangd::URISchemeURIScheme is an extension point for teaching clangd to recognize a custom URI scheme
 Cclang::tidy::modernize::UsageThe information needed to describe a valid convertible usage of an array index or iterator
 Cclang::tidy::bugprone::ValueRangeStores a min and a max value which describe an interval
 Cclang::tidy::modernize::VariableNamerCreate names for generated variables within a particular statement
 Cclang::clangd::WithContextWithContext replaces Context::current() with a provided scope
 Cclang::clangd::WithContextValueWithContextValue extends Context::current() with a single value
 Cclang::clangd::WorkDoneProgressBeginTo start progress reporting a $/progress notification with the following payload must be sent
 Cclang::clangd::WorkDoneProgressEndSignals the end of progress reporting
 Cclang::clangd::WorkDoneProgressReportReporting progress is done using the following payload
 Cclang::clangd::WorkspaceEditThe edit should either provide changes or documentChanges
 Cclang::clangd::WorkspaceSymbolParamsThe parameters of a Workspace Symbol Request