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clang::TargetInfo Class Referenceabstract

Exposes information about the current target. More...

#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"

Inheritance diagram for clang::TargetInfo:
Inheritance graph


struct  AddlRegName
class  BranchProtectionInfo
struct  ConstraintInfo
struct  GCCRegAlias

Public Types

enum  BuiltinVaListKind {
  CharPtrBuiltinVaList = 0 , VoidPtrBuiltinVaList , AArch64ABIBuiltinVaList , PNaClABIBuiltinVaList ,
  PowerABIBuiltinVaList , X86_64ABIBuiltinVaList , AAPCSABIBuiltinVaList , SystemZBuiltinVaList ,
 The different kinds of __builtin_va_list types defined by the target implementation. More...
enum  CallingConvCheckResult { CCCR_OK , CCCR_Warning , CCCR_Ignore , CCCR_Error }
enum  CallingConvKind { CCK_Default , CCK_ClangABI4OrPS4 , CCK_MicrosoftWin64 }
- Public Types inherited from clang::TransferrableTargetInfo
enum  IntType {
  NoInt = 0 , SignedChar , UnsignedChar , SignedShort ,
  UnsignedShort , SignedInt , UnsignedInt , SignedLong ,
  UnsignedLong , SignedLongLong , UnsignedLongLong
 ===-— Target Data Type Query Methods ----------------------------—===// More...

Public Member Functions

virtual ~TargetInfo ()
TargetOptionsgetTargetOpts () const
 Retrieve the target options.
IntType getSizeType () const
IntType getSignedSizeType () const
IntType getIntMaxType () const
IntType getUIntMaxType () const
IntType getPtrDiffType (LangAS AddrSpace) const
IntType getUnsignedPtrDiffType (LangAS AddrSpace) const
IntType getIntPtrType () const
IntType getUIntPtrType () const
IntType getWCharType () const
IntType getWIntType () const
IntType getChar16Type () const
IntType getChar32Type () const
IntType getInt64Type () const
IntType getUInt64Type () const
IntType getInt16Type () const
IntType getUInt16Type () const
IntType getSigAtomicType () const
IntType getProcessIDType () const
bool doUnsignedFixedPointTypesHavePadding () const
 In the event this target uses the same number of fractional bits for its unsigned types as it does with its signed counterparts, there will be exactly one bit of padding.
unsigned getTypeWidth (IntType T) const
 Return the width (in bits) of the specified integer type enum.
virtual IntType getIntTypeByWidth (unsigned BitWidth, bool IsSigned) const
 Return integer type with specified width.
virtual IntType getLeastIntTypeByWidth (unsigned BitWidth, bool IsSigned) const
 Return the smallest integer type with at least the specified width.
FloatModeKind getRealTypeByWidth (unsigned BitWidth, FloatModeKind ExplicitType) const
 Return floating point type with specified width.
unsigned getTypeAlign (IntType T) const
 Return the alignment (in bits) of the specified integer type enum.
uint64_t getPointerWidth (LangAS AddrSpace) const
 Return the width of pointers on this target, for the specified address space.
uint64_t getPointerAlign (LangAS AddrSpace) const
virtual uint64_t getMaxPointerWidth () const
 Return the maximum width of pointers on this target.
virtual uint64_t getNullPointerValue (LangAS AddrSpace) const
 Get integer value for null pointer.
unsigned getBoolWidth () const
 Return the size of '_Bool' and C++ 'bool' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getBoolAlign () const
 Return the alignment of '_Bool' and C++ 'bool' for this target.
unsigned getCharWidth () const
unsigned getCharAlign () const
unsigned getShortWidth () const
 Return the size of 'signed short' and 'unsigned short' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getShortAlign () const
 Return the alignment of 'signed short' and 'unsigned short' for this target.
unsigned getIntWidth () const
 getIntWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed int' and 'unsigned int' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getIntAlign () const
unsigned getLongWidth () const
 getLongWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed long' and 'unsigned long' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getLongAlign () const
unsigned getLongLongWidth () const
 getLongLongWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed long long' and 'unsigned long long' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getLongLongAlign () const
unsigned getInt128Align () const
 getInt128Align() - Returns the alignment of Int128.
unsigned getBitIntMaxAlign () const
 getBitIntMaxAlign() - Returns the maximum possible alignment of '_BitInt' and 'unsigned _BitInt'.
unsigned getBitIntWidth (unsigned NumBits) const
 getBitIntAlign/Width - Return aligned size of '_BitInt' and 'unsigned _BitInt' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getBitIntAlign (unsigned NumBits) const
unsigned getShortAccumWidth () const
 getShortAccumWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed short _Accum' and 'unsigned short _Accum' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getShortAccumAlign () const
unsigned getAccumWidth () const
 getAccumWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed _Accum' and 'unsigned _Accum' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getAccumAlign () const
unsigned getLongAccumWidth () const
 getLongAccumWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed long _Accum' and 'unsigned long _Accum' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getLongAccumAlign () const
unsigned getShortFractWidth () const
 getShortFractWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed short _Fract' and 'unsigned short _Fract' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getShortFractAlign () const
unsigned getFractWidth () const
 getFractWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed _Fract' and 'unsigned _Fract' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getFractAlign () const
unsigned getLongFractWidth () const
 getLongFractWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed long _Fract' and 'unsigned long _Fract' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getLongFractAlign () const
unsigned getShortAccumScale () const
 getShortAccumScale/IBits - Return the number of fractional/integral bits in a 'signed short _Accum' type.
unsigned getShortAccumIBits () const
unsigned getAccumScale () const
 getAccumScale/IBits - Return the number of fractional/integral bits in a 'signed _Accum' type.
unsigned getAccumIBits () const
unsigned getLongAccumScale () const
 getLongAccumScale/IBits - Return the number of fractional/integral bits in a 'signed long _Accum' type.
unsigned getLongAccumIBits () const
unsigned getUnsignedShortAccumScale () const
 getUnsignedShortAccumScale/IBits - Return the number of fractional/integral bits in a 'unsigned short _Accum' type.
unsigned getUnsignedShortAccumIBits () const
unsigned getUnsignedAccumScale () const
 getUnsignedAccumScale/IBits - Return the number of fractional/integral bits in a 'unsigned _Accum' type.
unsigned getUnsignedAccumIBits () const
unsigned getUnsignedLongAccumScale () const
 getUnsignedLongAccumScale/IBits - Return the number of fractional/integral bits in a 'unsigned long _Accum' type.
unsigned getUnsignedLongAccumIBits () const
unsigned getShortFractScale () const
 getShortFractScale - Return the number of fractional bits in a 'signed short _Fract' type.
unsigned getFractScale () const
 getFractScale - Return the number of fractional bits in a 'signed _Fract' type.
unsigned getLongFractScale () const
 getLongFractScale - Return the number of fractional bits in a 'signed long _Fract' type.
unsigned getUnsignedShortFractScale () const
 getUnsignedShortFractScale - Return the number of fractional bits in a 'unsigned short _Fract' type.
unsigned getUnsignedFractScale () const
 getUnsignedFractScale - Return the number of fractional bits in a 'unsigned _Fract' type.
unsigned getUnsignedLongFractScale () const
 getUnsignedLongFractScale - Return the number of fractional bits in a 'unsigned long _Fract' type.
virtual bool hasInt128Type () const
 Determine whether the __int128 type is supported on this target.
virtual bool hasBitIntType () const
 Determine whether the _BitInt type is supported on this target.
virtual size_t getMaxBitIntWidth () const
virtual bool hasLegalHalfType () const
 Determine whether _Float16 is supported on this target.
virtual bool allowHalfArgsAndReturns () const
 Whether half args and returns are supported.
virtual bool hasFloat128Type () const
 Determine whether the __float128 type is supported on this target.
virtual bool hasFloat16Type () const
 Determine whether the _Float16 type is supported on this target.
virtual bool hasBFloat16Type () const
 Determine whether the _BFloat16 type is supported on this target.
virtual bool hasFullBFloat16Type () const
 Determine whether the BFloat type is fully supported on this target, i.e arithemtic operations.
virtual bool hasIbm128Type () const
 Determine whether the __ibm128 type is supported on this target.
virtual bool hasLongDoubleType () const
 Determine whether the long double type is supported on this target.
virtual bool hasFPReturn () const
 Determine whether return of a floating point value is supported on this target.
virtual bool hasStrictFP () const
 Determine whether constrained floating point is supported on this target.
unsigned getSuitableAlign () const
 Return the alignment that is the largest alignment ever used for any scalar/SIMD data type on the target machine you are compiling for (including types with an extended alignment requirement).
unsigned getDefaultAlignForAttributeAligned () const
 Return the default alignment for attribute((aligned)) on this target, to be used if no alignment value is specified.
virtual unsigned getMinGlobalAlign (uint64_t Size, bool HasNonWeakDef) const
 getMinGlobalAlign - Return the minimum alignment of a global variable, unless its alignment is explicitly reduced via attributes.
unsigned getNewAlign () const
 Return the largest alignment for which a suitably-sized allocation with '::operator new(size_t)' is guaranteed to produce a correctly-aligned pointer.
unsigned getWCharWidth () const
 getWCharWidth/Align - Return the size of 'wchar_t' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getWCharAlign () const
unsigned getChar16Width () const
 getChar16Width/Align - Return the size of 'char16_t' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getChar16Align () const
unsigned getChar32Width () const
 getChar32Width/Align - Return the size of 'char32_t' for this target, in bits.
unsigned getChar32Align () const
unsigned getHalfWidth () const
 getHalfWidth/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of 'half'.
unsigned getHalfAlign () const
const llvm::fltSemantics & getHalfFormat () const
unsigned getFloatWidth () const
 getFloatWidth/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of 'float'.
unsigned getFloatAlign () const
const llvm::fltSemantics & getFloatFormat () const
unsigned getBFloat16Width () const
 getBFloat16Width/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of '__bf16'.
unsigned getBFloat16Align () const
const llvm::fltSemantics & getBFloat16Format () const
unsigned getDoubleWidth () const
 getDoubleWidth/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of 'double'.
unsigned getDoubleAlign () const
const llvm::fltSemantics & getDoubleFormat () const
unsigned getLongDoubleWidth () const
 getLongDoubleWidth/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of 'long double'.
unsigned getLongDoubleAlign () const
const llvm::fltSemantics & getLongDoubleFormat () const
unsigned getFloat128Width () const
 getFloat128Width/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of '__float128'.
unsigned getFloat128Align () const
const llvm::fltSemantics & getFloat128Format () const
unsigned getIbm128Width () const
 getIbm128Width/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of '__ibm128'.
unsigned getIbm128Align () const
const llvm::fltSemantics & getIbm128Format () const
virtual const char * getLongDoubleMangling () const
 Return the mangled code of long double.
virtual const char * getFloat128Mangling () const
 Return the mangled code of __float128.
virtual const char * getIbm128Mangling () const
 Return the mangled code of __ibm128.
virtual const char * getBFloat16Mangling () const
 Return the mangled code of bfloat.
virtual LangOptions::FPEvalMethodKind getFPEvalMethod () const
 Return the value for the C99 FLT_EVAL_METHOD macro.
virtual bool supportSourceEvalMethod () const
unsigned getLargeArrayMinWidth () const
unsigned getLargeArrayAlign () const
unsigned getMaxAtomicPromoteWidth () const
 Return the maximum width lock-free atomic operation which will ever be supported for the given target.
unsigned getMaxAtomicInlineWidth () const
 Return the maximum width lock-free atomic operation which can be inlined given the supported features of the given target.
virtual void setMaxAtomicWidth ()
 Set the maximum inline or promote width lock-free atomic operation for the given target.
virtual bool hasBuiltinAtomic (uint64_t AtomicSizeInBits, uint64_t AlignmentInBits) const
 Returns true if the given target supports lock-free atomic operations at the specified width and alignment.
unsigned getMaxVectorAlign () const
 Return the maximum vector alignment supported for the given target.
unsigned getMaxOpenCLWorkGroupSize () const
virtual unsigned getExnObjectAlignment () const
 Return the alignment (in bits) of the thrown exception object.
unsigned getIntMaxTWidth () const
 Return the size of intmax_t and uintmax_t for this target, in bits.
virtual unsigned getUnwindWordWidth () const
virtual unsigned getRegisterWidth () const
 Return the "preferred" register width on this target.
bool hasUnalignedAccess () const
 Return true iff unaligned accesses are a single instruction (rather than a synthesized sequence).
bool hasCheapUnalignedBitFieldAccess () const
 Return true iff unaligned accesses are cheap.
const char * getUserLabelPrefix () const
 Returns the default value of the USER_LABEL_PREFIX macro, which is the prefix given to user symbols by default.
const char * getMCountName () const
 Returns the name of the mcount instrumentation function.
bool useSignedCharForObjCBool () const
 Check if the Objective-C built-in boolean type should be signed char.
void noSignedCharForObjCBool ()
bool useBitFieldTypeAlignment () const
 Check whether the alignment of bit-field types is respected when laying out structures.
bool useZeroLengthBitfieldAlignment () const
 Check whether zero length bitfields should force alignment of the next member.
bool useLeadingZeroLengthBitfield () const
 Check whether zero length bitfield alignment is respected if they are leading members.
unsigned getZeroLengthBitfieldBoundary () const
 Get the fixed alignment value in bits for a member that follows a zero length bitfield.
unsigned getMaxAlignedAttribute () const
 Get the maximum alignment in bits for a static variable with aligned attribute.
bool useExplicitBitFieldAlignment () const
 Check whether explicit bitfield alignment attributes should be.
bool hasAlignMac68kSupport () const
 Check whether this target support '#pragma options align=mac68k'.
const char * getTypeConstantSuffix (IntType T) const
 Return the constant suffix for the specified integer type enum.
bool useObjCFPRetForRealType (FloatModeKind T) const
 Check whether the given real type should use the "fpret" flavor of Objective-C message passing on this target.
bool useObjCFP2RetForComplexLongDouble () const
 Check whether _Complex long double should use the "fp2ret" flavor of Objective-C message passing on this target.
virtual bool useFP16ConversionIntrinsics () const
 Check whether llvm intrinsics such as should be used to convert to and from __fp16.
bool useAddressSpaceMapMangling () const
 Specify if mangling based on address space map should be used or not for language specific address spaces.
virtual void getTargetDefines (const LangOptions &Opts, MacroBuilder &Builder) const =0
 ===-— Other target property query methods -----------------------—===//
virtual ArrayRef< Builtin::InfogetTargetBuiltins () const =0
 Return information about target-specific builtins for the current primary target, and info about which builtins are non-portable across the current set of primary and secondary targets.
virtual std::optional< std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > > getVScaleRange (const LangOptions &LangOpts) const
 Returns target-specific min and max values VScale_Range.
virtual bool isCLZForZeroUndef () const
 The __builtin_clz* and __builtin_ctz* built-in functions are specified to have undefined results for zero inputs, but on targets that support these operations in a way that provides well-defined results for zero without loss of performance, it is a good idea to avoid optimizing based on that undef behavior.
virtual BuiltinVaListKind getBuiltinVaListKind () const =0
 Returns the kind of __builtin_va_list type that should be used with this target.
bool hasBuiltinMSVaList () const
 Returns whether or not type __builtin_ms_va_list type is available on this target.
bool isRenderScriptTarget () const
 Returns true for RenderScript.
bool hasAArch64SVETypes () const
 Returns whether or not the AArch64 SVE built-in types are available on this target.
bool hasRISCVVTypes () const
 Returns whether or not the RISC-V V built-in types are available on this target.
bool allowAMDGPUUnsafeFPAtomics () const
 Returns whether or not the AMDGPU unsafe floating point atomics are allowed.
uint32_t getARMCDECoprocMask () const
 For ARM targets returns a mask defining which coprocessors are configured as Custom Datapath.
bool isValidClobber (StringRef Name) const
 Returns whether the passed in string is a valid clobber in an inline asm statement.
virtual bool isValidGCCRegisterName (StringRef Name) const
 Returns whether the passed in string is a valid register name according to GCC.
StringRef getNormalizedGCCRegisterName (StringRef Name, bool ReturnCanonical=false) const
 Returns the "normalized" GCC register name.
virtual bool isSPRegName (StringRef) const
virtual StringRef getConstraintRegister (StringRef Constraint, StringRef Expression) const
 Extracts a register from the passed constraint (if it is a single-register constraint) and the asm label expression related to a variable in the input or output list of an inline asm statement.
virtual bool validateGlobalRegisterVariable (StringRef RegName, unsigned RegSize, bool &HasSizeMismatch) const
 Validate register name used for global register variables.
bool validateOutputConstraint (ConstraintInfo &Info) const
bool validateInputConstraint (MutableArrayRef< ConstraintInfo > OutputConstraints, ConstraintInfo &info) const
virtual bool validateOutputSize (const llvm::StringMap< bool > &FeatureMap, StringRef, unsigned) const
virtual bool validateInputSize (const llvm::StringMap< bool > &FeatureMap, StringRef, unsigned) const
virtual bool validateConstraintModifier (StringRef, char, unsigned, std::string &) const
virtual bool validateAsmConstraint (const char *&Name, TargetInfo::ConstraintInfo &info) const =0
bool resolveSymbolicName (const char *&Name, ArrayRef< ConstraintInfo > OutputConstraints, unsigned &Index) const
virtual std::string convertConstraint (const char *&Constraint) const
virtual std::optional< std::string > handleAsmEscapedChar (char C) const
 Replace some escaped characters with another string based on target-specific rules.
virtual std::string_view getClobbers () const =0
 Returns a string of target-specific clobbers, in LLVM format.
virtual bool isNan2008 () const
 Returns true if NaN encoding is IEEE 754-2008.
const llvm::Triple & getTriple () const
 Returns the target triple of the primary target.
virtual std::optional< std::string > getTargetID () const
 Returns the target ID if supported.
const char * getDataLayoutString () const
virtual bool hasProtectedVisibility () const
 Does this target support "protected" visibility?
virtual bool shouldDLLImportComdatSymbols () const
 Does this target aim for semantic compatibility with Microsoft C++ code using dllimport/export attributes?
virtual bool hasPS4DLLImportExport () const
virtual void adjust (DiagnosticsEngine &Diags, LangOptions &Opts)
 Set forced language options.
virtual bool initFeatureMap (llvm::StringMap< bool > &Features, DiagnosticsEngine &Diags, StringRef CPU, const std::vector< std::string > &FeatureVec) const
 Initialize the map with the default set of target features for the CPU this should include all legal feature strings on the target.
virtual StringRef getABI () const
 Get the ABI currently in use.
TargetCXXABI getCXXABI () const
 Get the C++ ABI currently in use.
virtual bool setCPU (const std::string &Name)
 Target the specified CPU.
virtual void fillValidCPUList (SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &Values) const
 Fill a SmallVectorImpl with the valid values to setCPU.
virtual void fillValidTuneCPUList (SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &Values) const
 Fill a SmallVectorImpl with the valid values for tuning CPU.
virtual bool isValidCPUName (StringRef Name) const
 Determine whether this TargetInfo supports the given CPU name.
virtual bool isValidTuneCPUName (StringRef Name) const
 Determine whether this TargetInfo supports the given CPU name for tuning.
virtual ParsedTargetAttr parseTargetAttr (StringRef Str) const
virtual bool supportsTargetAttributeTune () const
 Determine whether this TargetInfo supports tune in target attribute.
virtual bool setABI (const std::string &Name)
 Use the specified ABI.
virtual bool setFPMath (StringRef Name)
 Use the specified unit for FP math.
virtual bool hasFeatureEnabled (const llvm::StringMap< bool > &Features, StringRef Name) const
 Check if target has a given feature enabled.
virtual void setFeatureEnabled (llvm::StringMap< bool > &Features, StringRef Name, bool Enabled) const
 Enable or disable a specific target feature; the feature name must be valid.
virtual bool isValidFeatureName (StringRef Feature) const
 Determine whether this TargetInfo supports the given feature.
virtual bool doesFeatureAffectCodeGen (StringRef Feature) const
 Returns true if feature has an impact on target code generation.
virtual bool isBranchProtectionSupportedArch (StringRef Arch) const
 Determine if the Architecture in this TargetInfo supports branch protection.
virtual bool validateBranchProtection (StringRef Spec, StringRef Arch, BranchProtectionInfo &BPI, StringRef &Err) const
 Determine if this TargetInfo supports the given branch protection specification.
virtual bool handleTargetFeatures (std::vector< std::string > &Features, DiagnosticsEngine &Diags)
 Perform initialization based on the user configured set of features (e.g., +sse4).
virtual bool hasFeature (StringRef Feature) const
 Determine whether the given target has the given feature.
bool isReadOnlyFeature (StringRef Feature) const
 Determine whether the given target feature is read only.
bool supportsMultiVersioning () const
 Identify whether this target supports multiversioning of functions, which requires support for cpu_supports and cpu_is functionality.
bool supportsIFunc () const
 Identify whether this target supports IFuncs.
virtual bool supportsCpuSupports () const
virtual bool supportsCpuIs () const
virtual bool supportsCpuInit () const
virtual bool validateCpuSupports (StringRef Name) const
virtual unsigned multiVersionSortPriority (StringRef Name) const
virtual unsigned multiVersionFeatureCost () const
virtual bool validateCpuIs (StringRef Name) const
virtual bool validateCPUSpecificCPUDispatch (StringRef Name) const
virtual char CPUSpecificManglingCharacter (StringRef Name) const
virtual StringRef getCPUSpecificTuneName (StringRef Name) const
virtual void getCPUSpecificCPUDispatchFeatures (StringRef Name, llvm::SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &Features) const
virtual std::optional< unsignedgetCPUCacheLineSize () const
unsigned getRegParmMax () const
bool isTLSSupported () const
 Whether the target supports thread-local storage.
unsigned getMaxTLSAlign () const
 Return the maximum alignment (in bits) of a TLS variable.
bool isVLASupported () const
 Whether target supports variable-length arrays.
bool isSEHTrySupported () const
 Whether the target supports SEH __try.
bool hasNoAsmVariants () const
 Return true if {|} are normal characters in the asm string.
virtual int getEHDataRegisterNumber (unsigned RegNo) const
 Return the register number that __builtin_eh_return_regno would return with the specified argument.
virtual const char * getStaticInitSectionSpecifier () const
 Return the section to use for C++ static initialization functions.
const LangASMapgetAddressSpaceMap () const
unsigned getTargetAddressSpace (LangAS AS) const
virtual bool validatePointerAuthKey (const llvm::APSInt &value) const
 Determine whether the given pointer-authentication key is valid.
virtual LangAS getOpenCLBuiltinAddressSpace (unsigned AS) const
 Map from the address space field in builtin description strings to the language address space.
virtual LangAS getCUDABuiltinAddressSpace (unsigned AS) const
 Map from the address space field in builtin description strings to the language address space.
virtual std::optional< LangASgetConstantAddressSpace () const
 Return an AST address space which can be used opportunistically for constant global memory.
virtual const llvm::omp::GV & getGridValue () const
StringRef getPlatformName () const
 Retrieve the name of the platform as it is used in the availability attribute.
VersionTuple getPlatformMinVersion () const
 Retrieve the minimum desired version of the platform, to which the program should be compiled.
bool isBigEndian () const
bool isLittleEndian () const
virtual bool supportsExtendIntArgs () const
 Whether the option -fextend-arguments={32,64} is supported on the target.
virtual bool checkArithmeticFenceSupported () const
 Controls if __arithmetic_fence is supported in the targeted backend.
virtual CallingConv getDefaultCallingConv () const
 Gets the default calling convention for the given target and declaration context.
virtual CallingConvCheckResult checkCallingConvention (CallingConv CC) const
 Determines whether a given calling convention is valid for the target.
virtual CallingConvKind getCallingConvKind (bool ClangABICompat4) const
virtual bool areDefaultedSMFStillPOD (const LangOptions &) const
 Controls whether explicitly defaulted (= default) special member functions disqualify something from being POD-for-the-purposes-of-layout.
virtual bool hasSjLjLowering () const
 Controls if __builtin_longjmp / __builtin_setjmp can be lowered to /
virtual bool checkCFProtectionBranchSupported (DiagnosticsEngine &Diags) const
 Check if the target supports CFProtection branch.
virtual bool checkCFProtectionReturnSupported (DiagnosticsEngine &Diags) const
 Check if the target supports CFProtection return.
virtual bool allowsLargerPreferedTypeAlignment () const
 Whether target allows to overalign ABI-specified preferred alignment.
virtual bool defaultsToAIXPowerAlignment () const
 Whether target defaults to the power alignment rules of AIX.
virtual void setSupportedOpenCLOpts ()
 Set supported OpenCL extensions and optional core features.
virtual void supportAllOpenCLOpts (bool V=true)
virtual void setCommandLineOpenCLOpts ()
 Set supported OpenCL extensions as written on command line.
llvm::StringMap< bool > & getSupportedOpenCLOpts ()
 Get supported OpenCL extensions and optional core features.
const llvm::StringMap< bool > & getSupportedOpenCLOpts () const
 Get const supported OpenCL extensions and optional core features.
virtual LangAS getOpenCLTypeAddrSpace (OpenCLTypeKind TK) const
 Get address space for OpenCL type.
virtual unsigned getVtblPtrAddressSpace () const
virtual std::optional< unsignedgetDWARFAddressSpace (unsigned AddressSpace) const
const llvm::VersionTuple & getSDKVersion () const
virtual bool validateTarget (DiagnosticsEngine &Diags) const
 Check the target is valid after it is fully initialized.
virtual bool validateOpenCLTarget (const LangOptions &Opts, DiagnosticsEngine &Diags) const
 Check that OpenCL target has valid options setting based on OpenCL version.
virtual void setAuxTarget (const TargetInfo *Aux)
virtual bool allowDebugInfoForExternalRef () const
 Whether target allows debuginfo types for decl only variables/functions.
const llvm::Triple * getDarwinTargetVariantTriple () const
 Returns the darwin target variant triple, the variant of the deployment target for which the code is being compiled.
const std::optional< VersionTuple > getDarwinTargetVariantSDKVersion () const
 Returns the version of the darwin target variant SDK which was used during the compilation if one was specified, or an empty version otherwise.
virtual bool hasHIPImageSupport () const
 Whether to support HIP image/texture API's.
virtual std::pair< unsigned, unsignedhardwareInterferenceSizes () const
 The first value in the pair is the minimum offset between two objects to avoid false sharing (destructive interference).

Static Public Member Functions

static TargetInfoCreateTargetInfo (DiagnosticsEngine &Diags, const std::shared_ptr< TargetOptions > &Opts)
 Construct a target for the given options.
static IntType getCorrespondingUnsignedType (IntType T)
static bool isTypeSigned (IntType T)
 Returns true if the type is signed; false otherwise.
static const char * getTypeName (IntType T)
 Return the user string for the specified integer type enum.
static const char * getTypeFormatModifier (IntType T)
 Return the printf format modifier for the specified integer type enum.

Protected Member Functions

 TargetInfo (const llvm::Triple &T)
void resetDataLayout (StringRef DL, const char *UserLabelPrefix="")
void copyAuxTarget (const TargetInfo *Aux)
 Copy type and layout related info.
virtual uint64_t getPointerWidthV (LangAS AddrSpace) const
virtual uint64_t getPointerAlignV (LangAS AddrSpace) const
virtual enum IntType getPtrDiffTypeV (LangAS AddrSpace) const
virtual ArrayRef< const char * > getGCCRegNames () const =0
virtual ArrayRef< GCCRegAliasgetGCCRegAliases () const =0
virtual ArrayRef< AddlRegNamegetGCCAddlRegNames () const

Protected Attributes

bool BigEndian
bool TLSSupported
bool VLASupported
bool NoAsmVariants
bool HasLegalHalfType
bool HalfArgsAndReturns
bool HasFloat128
bool HasFloat16
bool HasBFloat16
bool HasFullBFloat16
bool HasIbm128
bool HasLongDouble
bool HasFPReturn
bool HasStrictFP
unsigned char MaxAtomicPromoteWidth
unsigned char MaxAtomicInlineWidth
std::string DataLayoutString
const char * UserLabelPrefix
const char * MCountName
unsigned char RegParmMax
unsigned char SSERegParmMax
const LangASMapAddrSpaceMap
StringRef PlatformName
VersionTuple PlatformMinVersion
unsigned HasAlignMac68kSupport: 1
unsigned RealTypeUsesObjCFPRetMask: llvm::BitWidth<FloatModeKind>
unsigned ComplexLongDoubleUsesFP2Ret: 1
unsigned HasBuiltinMSVaList: 1
unsigned IsRenderScriptTarget: 1
unsigned HasAArch64SVETypes: 1
unsigned HasRISCVVTypes: 1
unsigned AllowAMDGPUUnsafeFPAtomics: 1
unsigned HasUnalignedAccess: 1
unsigned ARMCDECoprocMask: 8
unsigned MaxOpenCLWorkGroupSize
std::optional< unsignedMaxBitIntWidth
std::optional< llvm::Triple > DarwinTargetVariantTriple
llvm::StringSet ReadOnlyFeatures
bool UseAddrSpaceMapMangling
 Specify if mangling based on address space map should be used or not for language specific address spaces.
- Protected Attributes inherited from clang::TransferrableTargetInfo
IntType SizeType
IntType IntMaxType
IntType PtrDiffType
IntType IntPtrType
IntType WCharType
IntType WIntType
IntType Char16Type
IntType Char32Type
IntType Int64Type
IntType Int16Type
IntType SigAtomicType
IntType ProcessIDType
unsigned UseSignedCharForObjCBool: 1
 Whether Objective-C's built-in boolean type should be signed char.
unsigned UseBitFieldTypeAlignment: 1
 Control whether the alignment of bit-field types is respected when laying out structures.
unsigned UseZeroLengthBitfieldAlignment: 1
 Whether zero length bitfields (e.g., int : 0;) force alignment of the next bitfield.
unsigned UseLeadingZeroLengthBitfield: 1
 Whether zero length bitfield alignment is respected if they are the leading members.
unsigned UseExplicitBitFieldAlignment: 1
 Whether explicit bit field alignment attributes are honored.
unsigned ZeroLengthBitfieldBoundary
 If non-zero, specifies a fixed alignment value for bitfields that follow zero length bitfield, regardless of the zero length bitfield type.
unsigned MaxAlignedAttribute
 If non-zero, specifies a maximum alignment to truncate alignment specified in the aligned attribute of a static variable to this value.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from clang::TransferrableTargetInfo
unsigned char PointerWidth
unsigned char PointerAlign
unsigned char BoolWidth
unsigned char BoolAlign
unsigned char IntWidth
unsigned char IntAlign
unsigned char HalfWidth
unsigned char HalfAlign
unsigned char BFloat16Width
unsigned char BFloat16Align
unsigned char FloatWidth
unsigned char FloatAlign
unsigned char DoubleWidth
unsigned char DoubleAlign
unsigned char LongDoubleWidth
unsigned char LongDoubleAlign
unsigned char Float128Align
unsigned char Ibm128Align
unsigned char LargeArrayMinWidth
unsigned char LargeArrayAlign
unsigned char LongWidth
unsigned char LongAlign
unsigned char LongLongWidth
unsigned char LongLongAlign
unsigned char Int128Align
std::optional< unsignedBitIntMaxAlign
unsigned char ShortAccumWidth
unsigned char ShortAccumAlign
unsigned char AccumWidth
unsigned char AccumAlign
unsigned char LongAccumWidth
unsigned char LongAccumAlign
unsigned char ShortFractWidth
unsigned char ShortFractAlign
unsigned char FractWidth
unsigned char FractAlign
unsigned char LongFractWidth
unsigned char LongFractAlign
bool PaddingOnUnsignedFixedPoint
unsigned char ShortAccumScale
unsigned char AccumScale
unsigned char LongAccumScale
unsigned char DefaultAlignForAttributeAligned
unsigned char MinGlobalAlign
unsigned short SuitableAlign
unsigned short NewAlign
unsigned MaxVectorAlign
unsigned MaxTLSAlign
const llvm::fltSemantics * HalfFormat
const llvm::fltSemantics * BFloat16Format
const llvm::fltSemantics * FloatFormat
const llvm::fltSemantics * DoubleFormat
const llvm::fltSemantics * LongDoubleFormat
const llvm::fltSemantics * Float128Format
const llvm::fltSemantics * Ibm128Format

Detailed Description

Exposes information about the current target.

Definition at line 217 of file TargetInfo.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ BuiltinVaListKind

The different kinds of __builtin_va_list types defined by the target implementation.


typedef char* __builtin_va_list;


typedef void* __builtin_va_list;


__builtin_va_list as defined by the AArch64 ABI


__builtin_va_list as defined by the PNaCl ABI:


__builtin_va_list as defined by the Power ABI: /resources/downloads/Power-Arch-32-bit-ABI-supp-1.0-Embedded.pdf


__builtin_va_list as defined by the x86-64 ABI:


__builtin_va_list as defined by ARM AAPCS ABI


Definition at line 319 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ CallingConvCheckResult


Definition at line 1683 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ CallingConvKind


Definition at line 1703 of file TargetInfo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TargetInfo()

TargetInfo::TargetInfo ( const llvm::Triple &  T)

Definition at line 54 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

References clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::AccumAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::AccumScale, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::AccumWidth, AddrSpaceMap, AllowAMDGPUUnsafeFPAtomics, ARMCDECoprocMask, BigEndian, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::BoolAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::BoolWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::Char16Type, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::Char32Type, ComplexLongDoubleUsesFP2Ret, DefaultAddrSpaceMap, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::DefaultAlignForAttributeAligned, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::DoubleAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::DoubleFormat, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::DoubleWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::Float128Align, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::Float128Format, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::FloatAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::FloatFormat, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::FloatWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::FractAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::FractWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::HalfAlign, HalfArgsAndReturns, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::HalfFormat, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::HalfWidth, HasAArch64SVETypes, HasAlignMac68kSupport, HasBFloat16, HasBuiltinMSVaList, HasFloat128, HasFloat16, HasFPReturn, HasFullBFloat16, HasIbm128, HasLegalHalfType, HasLongDouble, HasRISCVVTypes, HasStrictFP, HasUnalignedAccess, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::Ibm128Align, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::Ibm128Format, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::Int128Align, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::Int16Type, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::Int64Type, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::IntAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::IntMaxType, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::IntPtrType, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::IntWidth, IsRenderScriptTarget, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LargeArrayAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LargeArrayMinWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongAccumAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongAccumScale, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongAccumWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongDoubleAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongDoubleFormat, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongDoubleWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongFractAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongFractWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongLongAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongLongWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::MaxAlignedAttribute, MaxAtomicInlineWidth, MaxAtomicPromoteWidth, MaxBitIntWidth, MaxOpenCLWorkGroupSize, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::MaxTLSAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::MaxVectorAlign, MCountName, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::MinGlobalAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::NewAlign, NoAsmVariants, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::PaddingOnUnsignedFixedPoint, PlatformMinVersion, PlatformName, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::PointerAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::PointerWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::ProcessIDType, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::PtrDiffType, RealTypeUsesObjCFPRetMask, RegParmMax, clang::TargetCXXABI::set(), clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::ShortAccumAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::ShortAccumScale, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::ShortAccumWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::ShortFractAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::ShortFractWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SigAtomicType, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SignedInt, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SignedLong, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SignedLongLong, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SignedShort, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SizeType, SSERegParmMax, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SuitableAlign, clang::T, TheCXXABI, TLSSupported, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UnsignedInt, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UnsignedLong, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UnsignedShort, UseAddrSpaceMapMangling, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UseBitFieldTypeAlignment, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UseExplicitBitFieldAlignment, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UseLeadingZeroLengthBitfield, UserLabelPrefix, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UseSignedCharForObjCBool, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UseZeroLengthBitfieldAlignment, VLASupported, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::WCharType, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::WIntType, and clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::ZeroLengthBitfieldBoundary.

◆ ~TargetInfo()

TargetInfo::~TargetInfo ( )

Definition at line 188 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ adjust()

void TargetInfo::adjust ( DiagnosticsEngine Diags,
LangOptions Opts 

Set forced language options.

adjust - Set forced language options.

Apply changes to the target information with respect to certain language options which change the target configuration and adjust the language based on the target options where applicable.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo, clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo, and clang::targets::BaseSPIRTargetInfo.

Definition at line 392 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

References AddrSpaceMap, checkArithmeticFenceSupported(), clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::DoubleAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::DoubleFormat, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::DoubleWidth, FakeAddrSpaceMap, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::FloatAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::FloatFormat, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::FloatWidth, getCharWidth(), getMaxPointerWidth(), clang::LangOptions::getOpenCLCompatibleVersion(), getSupportedOpenCLOpts(), getTriple(), clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::HalfAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::HalfFormat, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::HalfWidth, hasFeatureEnabled(), clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::Int64Type, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::IntAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::IntMaxType, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::IntPtrType, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::IntWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongDoubleAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongDoubleFormat, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongDoubleWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongLongAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongLongWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::LongWidth, MaxBitIntWidth, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::NewAlign, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::PaddingOnUnsignedFixedPoint, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::PtrDiffType, clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Report(), clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SignedChar, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SignedInt, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SignedLong, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SignedLongLong, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SignedShort, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::SizeType, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UnsignedChar, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UnsignedInt, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UnsignedLong, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UnsignedShort, clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::UseBitFieldTypeAlignment, and clang::TransferrableTargetInfo::WCharType.

Referenced by clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo::adjust(), clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo::adjust(), clang::CompilerInstance::createPreprocessor(), and clang::CompilerInstance::createTarget().

◆ allowAMDGPUUnsafeFPAtomics()

bool clang::TargetInfo::allowAMDGPUUnsafeFPAtomics ( ) const

Returns whether or not the AMDGPU unsafe floating point atomics are allowed.

Definition at line 1048 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ allowDebugInfoForExternalRef()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::allowDebugInfoForExternalRef ( ) const

Whether target allows debuginfo types for decl only variables/functions.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::BPFTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1812 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnFunctionDeclarator(), and clang::Sema::ActOnUninitializedDecl().

◆ allowHalfArgsAndReturns()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::allowHalfArgsAndReturns ( ) const

Whether half args and returns are supported.

Definition at line 690 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::BuildFunctionType(), clang::Sema::CheckFunctionReturnType(), and GetFullTypeForDeclarator().

◆ allowsLargerPreferedTypeAlignment()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::allowsLargerPreferedTypeAlignment ( ) const

Whether target allows to overalign ABI-specified preferred alignment.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::CSKYTargetInfo, clang::targets::MSP430TargetInfo, clang::targets::VETargetInfo, clang::targets::MCUX86_32TargetInfo, and clang::targets::XCoreTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1734 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ areDefaultedSMFStillPOD()

bool TargetInfo::areDefaultedSMFStillPOD ( const LangOptions LangOpts) const

Controls whether explicitly defaulted (= default) special member functions disqualify something from being POD-for-the-purposes-of-layout.

Historically, Clang didn't consider these acceptable for POD, but GCC does. So in newer Clang ABIs they are acceptable for POD to be compatible with GCC/Itanium ABI, and remains disqualifying for targets that need Clang backwards compatibility rather than GCC/Itanium ABI compatibility.

Definition at line 600 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

References clang::LangOptionsBase::Ver15.

◆ checkArithmeticFenceSupported()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::checkArithmeticFenceSupported ( ) const

Controls if __arithmetic_fence is supported in the targeted backend.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, clang::targets::SPIRTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1672 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by adjust().

◆ checkCallingConvention()

virtual CallingConvCheckResult clang::TargetInfo::checkCallingConvention ( CallingConv  CC) const

◆ checkCFProtectionBranchSupported()

bool TargetInfo::checkCFProtectionBranchSupported ( DiagnosticsEngine Diags) const

Check if the target supports CFProtection branch.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 196 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

References clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Report().

◆ checkCFProtectionReturnSupported()

bool TargetInfo::checkCFProtectionReturnSupported ( DiagnosticsEngine Diags) const

Check if the target supports CFProtection return.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 202 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

References clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Report().

◆ convertConstraint()

virtual std::string clang::TargetInfo::convertConstraint ( const char *&  Constraint) const

◆ copyAuxTarget()

void TargetInfo::copyAuxTarget ( const TargetInfo Aux)

Copy type and layout related info.

Definition at line 1003 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

Referenced by clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo::setAuxTarget(), and clang::targets::SPIRV64AMDGCNTargetInfo::setAuxTarget().

◆ CPUSpecificManglingCharacter()

virtual char clang::TargetInfo::CPUSpecificManglingCharacter ( StringRef  Name) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1542 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ CreateTargetInfo()

TargetInfo * TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo ( DiagnosticsEngine Diags,
const std::shared_ptr< TargetOptions > &  Opts 

Construct a target for the given options.

CreateTargetInfo - Return the target info object for the specified target options.

Opts- The options to use to initialize the target. The target may modify the options to canonicalize the target feature information to match what the backend expects.

Definition at line 752 of file Targets.cpp.

References clang::targets::AllocateTarget(), and clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Report().

Referenced by clang::createChainedIncludesSource(), and clang::CompilerInstance::createTarget().

◆ defaultsToAIXPowerAlignment()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::defaultsToAIXPowerAlignment ( ) const

Whether target defaults to the power alignment rules of AIX.

Definition at line 1737 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ doesFeatureAffectCodeGen()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::doesFeatureAffectCodeGen ( StringRef  Feature) const

Returns true if feature has an impact on target code generation.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1399 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::checkTargetClonesAttrString().

◆ doUnsignedFixedPointTypesHavePadding()

bool clang::TargetInfo::doUnsignedFixedPointTypesHavePadding ( ) const

In the event this target uses the same number of fractional bits for its unsigned types as it does with its signed counterparts, there will be exactly one bit of padding.

Return true if unsigned fixed point types have padding for this target.

Definition at line 437 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by DefineFixedPointMacros().

◆ fillValidCPUList()

virtual void clang::TargetInfo::fillValidCPUList ( SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &  Values) const

◆ fillValidTuneCPUList()

virtual void clang::TargetInfo::fillValidTuneCPUList ( SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &  Values) const

Fill a SmallVectorImpl with the valid values for tuning CPU.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo, clang::targets::SystemZTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1342 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getABI()

virtual StringRef clang::TargetInfo::getABI ( ) const

◆ getAccumAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getAccumAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 549 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getAccumIBits()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getAccumIBits ( ) const

Definition at line 581 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getAccumScale()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getAccumScale ( ) const

getAccumScale/IBits - Return the number of fractional/integral bits in a 'signed _Accum' type.

Definition at line 580 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getAccumWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getAccumWidth ( ) const

getAccumWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed _Accum' and 'unsigned _Accum' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 548 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getAddressSpaceMap()

const LangASMap & clang::TargetInfo::getAddressSpaceMap ( ) const

Definition at line 1619 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getARMCDECoprocMask()

uint32_t clang::TargetInfo::getARMCDECoprocMask ( ) const

For ARM targets returns a mask defining which coprocessors are configured as Custom Datapath.

Definition at line 1052 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::SemaARM::CheckARMCoprocessorImmediate(), and clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo::getTargetDefines().

◆ getBFloat16Align()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getBFloat16Align ( ) const

Definition at line 773 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getBFloat16Format()

const llvm::fltSemantics & clang::TargetInfo::getBFloat16Format ( ) const

Definition at line 774 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getBFloat16Mangling()

virtual const char * clang::TargetInfo::getBFloat16Mangling ( ) const

Return the mangled code of bfloat.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, and clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo.

Definition at line 815 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getBFloat16Width()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getBFloat16Width ( ) const

getBFloat16Width/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of '__bf16'.

Definition at line 772 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getBitIntAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getBitIntAlign ( unsigned  NumBits) const

Definition at line 536 of file TargetInfo.h.

References getCharWidth().

◆ getBitIntMaxAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getBitIntMaxAlign ( ) const

getBitIntMaxAlign() - Returns the maximum possible alignment of '_BitInt' and 'unsigned _BitInt'.

Definition at line 527 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getBitIntWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getBitIntWidth ( unsigned  NumBits) const

getBitIntAlign/Width - Return aligned size of '_BitInt' and 'unsigned _BitInt' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 533 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getBoolAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getBoolAlign ( ) const

Return the alignment of '_Bool' and C++ 'bool' for this target.

Definition at line 494 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getBoolWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getBoolWidth ( ) const

Return the size of '_Bool' and C++ 'bool' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 491 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getBuiltinVaListKind()

virtual BuiltinVaListKind clang::TargetInfo::getBuiltinVaListKind ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ getCallingConvKind()

TargetInfo::CallingConvKind TargetInfo::getCallingConvKind ( bool  ClangABICompat4) const

Definition at line 593 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

References CCK_ClangABI4OrPS4, CCK_Default, getCXXABI(), and getTriple().

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckCompletedCXXClass().

◆ getChar16Align()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getChar16Align ( ) const

Definition at line 754 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getChar16Type()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getChar16Type ( ) const

Definition at line 403 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getChar16Width()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getChar16Width ( ) const

getChar16Width/Align - Return the size of 'char16_t' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 753 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by EvaluateValue().

◆ getChar32Align()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getChar32Align ( ) const

Definition at line 759 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getChar32Type()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getChar32Type ( ) const

Definition at line 404 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getChar32Width()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getChar32Width ( ) const

getChar32Width/Align - Return the size of 'char32_t' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 758 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by EvaluateValue().

◆ getCharAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getCharAlign ( ) const

◆ getCharWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getCharWidth ( ) const

◆ getClobbers()

virtual std::string_view clang::TargetInfo::getClobbers ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ getConstantAddressSpace()

virtual std::optional< LangAS > clang::TargetInfo::getConstantAddressSpace ( ) const

Return an AST address space which can be used opportunistically for constant global memory.

It must be possible to convert pointers into this address space to LangAS::Default. If no such address space exists, this may return std::nullopt, and such optimizations will be disabled.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1647 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getConstraintRegister()

virtual StringRef clang::TargetInfo::getConstraintRegister ( StringRef  Constraint,
StringRef  Expression 
) const

Extracts a register from the passed constraint (if it is a single-register constraint) and the asm label expression related to a variable in the input or output list of an inline asm statement.

This function is used by Sema in order to diagnose conflicts between the clobber list and the input/output lists.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo, clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1082 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getCorrespondingUnsignedType()

static IntType clang::TargetInfo::getCorrespondingUnsignedType ( IntType  T)

Definition at line 416 of file TargetInfo.h.

References clang::T.

◆ getCPUCacheLineSize()

virtual std::optional< unsigned > clang::TargetInfo::getCPUCacheLineSize ( ) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1565 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getCPUSpecificCPUDispatchFeatures()

virtual void clang::TargetInfo::getCPUSpecificCPUDispatchFeatures ( StringRef  Name,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &  Features 
) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1557 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getCPUSpecificTuneName()

virtual StringRef clang::TargetInfo::getCPUSpecificTuneName ( StringRef  Name) const

Definition at line 1549 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getCUDABuiltinAddressSpace()

virtual LangAS clang::TargetInfo::getCUDABuiltinAddressSpace ( unsigned  AS) const

Map from the address space field in builtin description strings to the language address space.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1639 of file TargetInfo.h.

References clang::getLangASFromTargetAS().

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::getLangASForBuiltinAddressSpace().

◆ getCXXABI()

TargetCXXABI clang::TargetInfo::getCXXABI ( ) const

Get the C++ ABI currently in use.

Definition at line 1327 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnExplicitInstantiation(), clang::Sema::ActOnFinishFunctionBody(), clang::Sema::ActOnPragmaMSSeg(), clang::Sema::ActOnStartOfFunctionDef(), clang::Sema::ActOnUninitializedDecl(), clang::Sema::ActOnVariableDeclarator(), clang::Sema::AddImplicitlyDeclaredMembersToClass(), clang::Sema::AddInitializerToDecl(), clang::Sema::adjustMemberFunctionCC(), ApplyNonVirtualAndVirtualOffset(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenPGO::assignRegionCounters(), basicGVALinkageForFunction(), basicGVALinkageForVariable(), BuildAppleKextVirtualCall(), clang::Sema::BuildArrayType(), canEmitDelegateCallArgs(), clang::Sema::CheckAddressOfOperand(), checkAttributesAfterMerging(), clang::Sema::CheckBaseSpecifier(), clang::Sema::checkClassLevelDLLAttribute(), clang::Sema::CheckCompletedCXXClass(), clang::Sema::CheckCompleteDestructorVariant(), clang::Sema::CheckCXXThrowOperand(), checkForMultipleExportedDefaultConstructors(), computeKeyFunction(), clang::Sema::DefaultLvalueConversion(), clang::Sema::DefineUsedVTables(), clang::CodeGen::CGCXXABI::EmitCtorCompleteObjectHandler(), clang::Sema::FixOverloadedFunctionReference(), clang::ASTNameGenerator::Implementation::getAllManglings(), getCallingConvKind(), getCallingConvMangling(), getConstantArrayInfoInChars(), clang::ASTContext::getCXXABIKind(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::getVTableLinkage(), hasInAllocaArgs(), InitDeviceMC(), clang::Sema::InstantiateDefaultCtorDefaultArgs(), clang::Sema::InstantiateFunctionDefinition(), clang::Type::isIncompleteType(), clang::FunctionDecl::isMSExternInline(), isMsLayout(), clang::ASTContext::isMSStaticDataMemberInlineDefinition(), isStdBuiltin(), isVarDeclStrongDefinition(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenVTables::isVTableExternal(), clang::FieldDecl::isZeroSize(), clang::MangleContext::mangleName(), clang::Sema::MarkBaseAndMemberDestructorsReferenced(), clang::Sema::MarkFunctionReferenced(), clang::Sema::MarkVTableUsed(), clang::Sema::PerformImplicitConversion(), ReferenceDllExportedMembers(), shouldEmitVTableThunk(), UseRelativeLayout(), and clang::Sema::VerifyBitField().

◆ getDarwinTargetVariantSDKVersion()

const std::optional< VersionTuple > clang::TargetInfo::getDarwinTargetVariantSDKVersion ( ) const

Returns the version of the darwin target variant SDK which was used during the compilation if one was specified, or an empty version otherwise.

Definition at line 1822 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getDarwinTargetVariantTriple()

const llvm::Triple * clang::TargetInfo::getDarwinTargetVariantTriple ( ) const

Returns the darwin target variant triple, the variant of the deployment target for which the code is being compiled.

Definition at line 1816 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by isTargetVariantEnvironment(), and isTargetVariantOS().

◆ getDataLayoutString()

const char * clang::TargetInfo::getDataLayoutString ( ) const

Definition at line 1265 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::CodeGenAction::ExecuteAction().

◆ getDefaultAlignForAttributeAligned()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getDefaultAlignForAttributeAligned ( ) const

Return the default alignment for attribute((aligned)) on this target, to be used if no alignment value is specified.

Definition at line 727 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::getTargetDefaultAlignForAttributeAligned().

◆ getDefaultCallingConv()

virtual CallingConv clang::TargetInfo::getDefaultCallingConv ( ) const

Gets the default calling convention for the given target and declaration context.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::BaseSPIRTargetInfo, clang::targets::X86TargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86_64TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1676 of file TargetInfo.h.

References clang::CC_C.

◆ getDoubleAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getDoubleAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 778 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getDoubleFormat()

const llvm::fltSemantics & clang::TargetInfo::getDoubleFormat ( ) const

Definition at line 779 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getDoubleWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getDoubleWidth ( ) const

getDoubleWidth/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of 'double'.

Definition at line 777 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by getRealTypeByWidth(), and InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getDWARFAddressSpace()

virtual std::optional< unsigned > clang::TargetInfo::getDWARFAddressSpace ( unsigned  AddressSpace) const
If a target requires an address within a target specific address space AddressSpace to be converted in order to be used, then return the corresponding target specific DWARF address space.
Otherwise return std::nullopt and no conversion will be emitted in the DWARF.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo, clang::targets::NVPTXTargetInfo, and clang::targets::BaseSPIRTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1788 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getEHDataRegisterNumber()

virtual int clang::TargetInfo::getEHDataRegisterNumber ( unsigned  RegNo) const

Return the register number that __builtin_eh_return_regno would return with the specified argument.

This corresponds with TargetLowering's getExceptionPointerRegister and getExceptionSelectorRegister in the backend.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo, clang::targets::HexagonTargetInfo, clang::targets::LoongArchTargetInfo, clang::targets::MipsTargetInfo, clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo, clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo, clang::targets::SparcTargetInfo, clang::targets::SystemZTargetInfo, clang::targets::X86_32TargetInfo, clang::targets::X86_64TargetInfo, and clang::targets::XCoreTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1610 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getExnObjectAlignment()

virtual unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getExnObjectAlignment ( ) const

Return the alignment (in bits) of the thrown exception object.

This is only meaningful for targets that allocate C++ exceptions in a system runtime, such as those using the Itanium C++ ABI.

Definition at line 856 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getFloat128Align()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getFloat128Align ( ) const

Definition at line 792 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getFloat128Format()

const llvm::fltSemantics & clang::TargetInfo::getFloat128Format ( ) const

Definition at line 793 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::getFloatTypeSemantics().

◆ getFloat128Mangling()

virtual const char * clang::TargetInfo::getFloat128Mangling ( ) const

Return the mangled code of __float128.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo.

Definition at line 807 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getFloat128Width()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getFloat128Width ( ) const

getFloat128Width/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of '__float128'.

Definition at line 791 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getFloatAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getFloatAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 768 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getFloatFormat()

const llvm::fltSemantics & clang::TargetInfo::getFloatFormat ( ) const

Definition at line 769 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getFloatWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getFloatWidth ( ) const

getFloatWidth/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of 'float'.

Definition at line 767 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by getRealTypeByWidth(), and InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getFPEvalMethod()

virtual LangOptions::FPEvalMethodKind clang::TargetInfo::getFPEvalMethod ( ) const

Return the value for the C99 FLT_EVAL_METHOD macro.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 818 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getFractAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getFractAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 564 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getFractScale()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getFractScale ( ) const

getFractScale - Return the number of fractional bits in a 'signed _Fract' type.

Definition at line 628 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getFractWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getFractWidth ( ) const

getFractWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed _Fract' and 'unsigned _Fract' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 563 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getGCCAddlRegNames()

virtual ArrayRef< AddlRegName > clang::TargetInfo::getGCCAddlRegNames ( ) const

◆ getGCCRegAliases()

virtual ArrayRef< GCCRegAlias > clang::TargetInfo::getGCCRegAliases ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

◆ getGCCRegNames()

virtual ArrayRef< const char * > clang::TargetInfo::getGCCRegNames ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

◆ getGridValue()

virtual const llvm::omp::GV & clang::TargetInfo::getGridValue ( ) const

◆ getHalfAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getHalfAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 763 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getHalfFormat()

const llvm::fltSemantics & clang::TargetInfo::getHalfFormat ( ) const

Definition at line 764 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getHalfWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getHalfWidth ( ) const

getHalfWidth/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of 'half'.

Definition at line 762 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by getRealTypeByWidth().

◆ getIbm128Align()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getIbm128Align ( ) const

Definition at line 800 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getIbm128Format()

const llvm::fltSemantics & clang::TargetInfo::getIbm128Format ( ) const

Definition at line 801 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getIbm128Mangling()

virtual const char * clang::TargetInfo::getIbm128Mangling ( ) const

Return the mangled code of __ibm128.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo.

Definition at line 810 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getIbm128Width()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getIbm128Width ( ) const

getIbm128Width/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of '__ibm128'.

Definition at line 799 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getInt128Align()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getInt128Align ( ) const

getInt128Align() - Returns the alignment of Int128.

Definition at line 523 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getInt16Type()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getInt16Type ( ) const

Definition at line 409 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by DefineExactWidthIntType().

◆ getInt64Type()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getInt64Type ( ) const

◆ getIntAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getIntAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 510 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by getTypeAlign().

◆ getIntMaxTWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getIntMaxTWidth ( ) const

Return the size of intmax_t and uintmax_t for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 869 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnNumericConstant().

◆ getIntMaxType()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getIntMaxType ( ) const

Definition at line 386 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getIntPtrType()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getIntPtrType ( ) const

◆ getIntTypeByWidth()

TargetInfo::IntType TargetInfo::getIntTypeByWidth ( unsigned  BitWidth,
bool  IsSigned 
) const

◆ getIntWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getIntWidth ( ) const

◆ getLargeArrayAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLargeArrayAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 827 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getLargeArrayMinWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLargeArrayMinWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 826 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getLeastIntTypeByWidth()

TargetInfo::IntType TargetInfo::getLeastIntTypeByWidth ( unsigned  BitWidth,
bool  IsSigned 
) const

◆ getLongAccumAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongAccumAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 554 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getLongAccumIBits()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongAccumIBits ( ) const

Definition at line 586 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getLongAccumScale()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongAccumScale ( ) const

getLongAccumScale/IBits - Return the number of fractional/integral bits in a 'signed long _Accum' type.

Definition at line 585 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getLongAccumWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongAccumWidth ( ) const

getLongAccumWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed long _Accum' and 'unsigned long _Accum' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 553 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getLongAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 515 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by getTypeAlign().

◆ getLongDoubleAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongDoubleAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 784 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getLongDoubleFormat()

const llvm::fltSemantics & clang::TargetInfo::getLongDoubleFormat ( ) const

◆ getLongDoubleMangling()

virtual const char * clang::TargetInfo::getLongDoubleMangling ( ) const

Return the mangled code of long double.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo, clang::targets::SystemZTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 804 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getLongDoubleWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongDoubleWidth ( ) const

getLongDoubleWidth/Align/Format - Return the size/align/format of 'long double'.

Definition at line 783 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getLongFractAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongFractAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 569 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getLongFractScale()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongFractScale ( ) const

getLongFractScale - Return the number of fractional bits in a 'signed long _Fract' type.

Definition at line 632 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getLongFractWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongFractWidth ( ) const

getLongFractWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed long _Fract' and 'unsigned long _Fract' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 568 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getLongLongAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongLongAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 520 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by getTypeAlign().

◆ getLongLongWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongLongWidth ( ) const

getLongLongWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed long long' and 'unsigned long long' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 519 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnEnumBody(), clang::Sema::ActOnGNUNullExpr(), clang::Sema::ActOnNumericConstant(), getIntTypeByWidth(), getLeastIntTypeByWidth(), getTypeWidth(), and InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getLongWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getLongWidth ( ) const

◆ getMaxAlignedAttribute()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getMaxAlignedAttribute ( ) const

Get the maximum alignment in bits for a static variable with aligned attribute.

Definition at line 947 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::getDeclAlign().

◆ getMaxAtomicInlineWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getMaxAtomicInlineWidth ( ) const

Return the maximum width lock-free atomic operation which can be inlined given the supported features of the given target.

Definition at line 834 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::AtomicUsesUnsupportedLibcall().

◆ getMaxAtomicPromoteWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getMaxAtomicPromoteWidth ( ) const

Return the maximum width lock-free atomic operation which will ever be supported for the given target.

Definition at line 831 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getMaxBitIntWidth()

virtual size_t clang::TargetInfo::getMaxBitIntWidth ( ) const

◆ getMaxOpenCLWorkGroupSize()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getMaxOpenCLWorkGroupSize ( ) const

Definition at line 851 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getMaxPointerWidth()

virtual uint64_t clang::TargetInfo::getMaxPointerWidth ( ) const

Return the maximum width of pointers on this target.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo.

Definition at line 482 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by adjust(), and clang::CodeGen::initializationPatternFor().

◆ getMaxTLSAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getMaxTLSAlign ( ) const

Return the maximum alignment (in bits) of a TLS variable.

Gets the maximum alignment (in bits) of a TLS variable on this target. Returns zero if there is no such constraint.

Definition at line 1584 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::AddAlignedAttr(), and clang::Sema::CheckThreadLocalForLargeAlignment().

◆ getMaxVectorAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getMaxVectorAlign ( ) const

Return the maximum vector alignment supported for the given target.

Definition at line 849 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getMCountName()

const char * clang::TargetInfo::getMCountName ( ) const

Returns the name of the mcount instrumentation function.

Definition at line 905 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getMinGlobalAlign()

virtual unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getMinGlobalAlign ( uint64_t  Size,
bool  HasNonWeakDef 
) const

getMinGlobalAlign - Return the minimum alignment of a global variable, unless its alignment is explicitly reduced via attributes.


HasNonWeakDefis true, this concerns a VarDecl which has a definition in current translation unit and that is not weak.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::SystemZTargetInfo, and clang::targets::CSKYTargetInfo.

Definition at line 735 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::getMinGlobalAlignOfVar().

◆ getNewAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getNewAlign ( ) const

Return the largest alignment for which a suitably-sized allocation with '::operator new(size_t)' is guaranteed to produce a correctly-aligned pointer.

Definition at line 742 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::BuildCXXNew(), hasNewExtendedAlignment(), and InitializeStandardPredefinedMacros().

◆ getNormalizedGCCRegisterName()

StringRef TargetInfo::getNormalizedGCCRegisterName ( StringRef  Name,
bool  ReturnCanonical = false 
) const

Returns the "normalized" GCC register name.

ReturnCannonical true will return the register name without any additions such as "{}" or "%" in it's canonical form, for example: ReturnCanonical = true and Name = "rax", will return "ax".

Definition at line 684 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

References getGCCAddlRegNames(), getGCCRegAliases(), getGCCRegNames(), clang::isDigit(), isValidGCCRegisterName(), and removeGCCRegisterPrefix().

◆ getNullPointerValue()

virtual uint64_t clang::TargetInfo::getNullPointerValue ( LangAS  AddrSpace) const

Get integer value for null pointer.

AddrSpaceaddress space of pointee in source language.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo.

Definition at line 488 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::getTargetNullPointerValue().

◆ getOpenCLBuiltinAddressSpace()

virtual LangAS clang::TargetInfo::getOpenCLBuiltinAddressSpace ( unsigned  AS) const

Map from the address space field in builtin description strings to the language address space.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1633 of file TargetInfo.h.

References clang::getLangASFromTargetAS().

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::getLangASForBuiltinAddressSpace().

◆ getOpenCLTypeAddrSpace()

LangAS TargetInfo::getOpenCLTypeAddrSpace ( OpenCLTypeKind  TK) const

Get address space for OpenCL type.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo.

Definition at line 604 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

References clang::Default, clang::OCLTK_Image, clang::OCLTK_Pipe, clang::OCLTK_Sampler, clang::opencl_constant, and clang::opencl_global.

◆ getPlatformMinVersion()

VersionTuple clang::TargetInfo::getPlatformMinVersion ( ) const

Retrieve the minimum desired version of the platform, to which the program should be compiled.

Definition at line 1663 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by CheckAvailability(), checkObjCMethodX86VectorTypes(), and DoEmitAvailabilityWarning().

◆ getPlatformName()

StringRef clang::TargetInfo::getPlatformName ( ) const

Retrieve the name of the platform as it is used in the availability attribute.

Definition at line 1659 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::SemaObjC::ActOnObjCAvailabilityCheckExpr(), CheckAvailability(), DiagnoseObjCImplementedDeprecations(), DoEmitAvailabilityWarning(), getAttrForPlatform(), and clang::Decl::getVersionIntroduced().

◆ getPointerAlign()

uint64_t clang::TargetInfo::getPointerAlign ( LangAS  AddrSpace) const

Definition at line 476 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by initializeForBlockHeader().

◆ getPointerAlignV()

virtual uint64_t clang::TargetInfo::getPointerAlignV ( LangAS  AddrSpace) const

◆ getPointerWidth()

uint64_t clang::TargetInfo::getPointerWidth ( LangAS  AddrSpace) const

◆ getPointerWidthV()

virtual uint64_t clang::TargetInfo::getPointerWidthV ( LangAS  AddrSpace) const

◆ getProcessIDType()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getProcessIDType ( ) const

Definition at line 414 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getPtrDiffType()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getPtrDiffType ( LangAS  AddrSpace) const

Definition at line 390 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getPtrDiffTypeV()

virtual enum IntType clang::TargetInfo::getPtrDiffTypeV ( LangAS  AddrSpace) const

Definition at line 1849 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getRealTypeByWidth()

FloatModeKind TargetInfo::getRealTypeByWidth ( unsigned  BitWidth,
FloatModeKind  ExplicitType 
) const

Return floating point type with specified width.

On PPC, there are three possible types for 128-bit floating point: "PPC double-double", IEEE 754R quad precision, and "long double" (which under the covers is represented as one of those two). At this time, there is no support for an explicit "PPC double-double" type (i.e. __ibm128) so we only need to differentiate between "long double" and IEEE quad precision.

Definition at line 316 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

References clang::Double, clang::Float, clang::Float128, getDoubleWidth(), getFloatWidth(), getHalfWidth(), getLongDoubleFormat(), clang::Half, hasFloat128Type(), hasIbm128Type(), clang::Ibm128, clang::LongDouble, and clang::NoFloat.

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::getRealTypeForBitwidth().

◆ getRegisterWidth()

virtual unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getRegisterWidth ( ) const

Return the "preferred" register width on this target.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86_64TargetInfo.

Definition at line 879 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::targets::LoongArchTargetInfo::getTargetDefines(), and parseModeAttrArg().

◆ getRegParmMax()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getRegParmMax ( ) const

Definition at line 1570 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckRegparmAttr().

◆ getSDKVersion()

const llvm::VersionTuple & clang::TargetInfo::getSDKVersion ( ) const
The version of the SDK which was used during the compilation if one was specified, or an empty version otherwise.

Definition at line 1795 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by handleAliasAttr().

◆ getShortAccumAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getShortAccumAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 544 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getShortAccumIBits()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getShortAccumIBits ( ) const

Definition at line 574 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getShortAccumScale()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getShortAccumScale ( ) const

getShortAccumScale/IBits - Return the number of fractional/integral bits in a 'signed short _Accum' type.

Definition at line 573 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getShortAccumWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getShortAccumWidth ( ) const

getShortAccumWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed short _Accum' and 'unsigned short _Accum' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 543 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getShortAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getShortAlign ( ) const

Return the alignment of 'signed short' and 'unsigned short' for this target.

Definition at line 505 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by getTypeAlign().

◆ getShortFractAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getShortFractAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 559 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getShortFractScale()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getShortFractScale ( ) const

getShortFractScale - Return the number of fractional bits in a 'signed short _Fract' type.

Definition at line 624 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getShortFractWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getShortFractWidth ( ) const

getShortFractWidth/Align - Return the size of 'signed short _Fract' and 'unsigned short _Fract' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 558 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getShortWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getShortWidth ( ) const

Return the size of 'signed short' and 'unsigned short' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 501 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnEnumBody(), getIntTypeByWidth(), getLeastIntTypeByWidth(), getTypeConstantSuffix(), getTypeWidth(), and InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getSigAtomicType()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getSigAtomicType ( ) const

Definition at line 413 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getSignedSizeType()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getSignedSizeType ( ) const

Definition at line 372 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getSizeType()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getSizeType ( ) const

◆ getStaticInitSectionSpecifier()

virtual const char * clang::TargetInfo::getStaticInitSectionSpecifier ( ) const

Return the section to use for C++ static initialization functions.

Definition at line 1615 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getSuitableAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getSuitableAlign ( ) const

Return the alignment that is the largest alignment ever used for any scalar/SIMD data type on the target machine you are compiling for (including types with an extended alignment requirement).

Definition at line 723 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getSupportedOpenCLOpts() [1/2]

llvm::StringMap< bool > & clang::TargetInfo::getSupportedOpenCLOpts ( )

◆ getSupportedOpenCLOpts() [2/2]

const llvm::StringMap< bool > & clang::TargetInfo::getSupportedOpenCLOpts ( ) const

Get const supported OpenCL extensions and optional core features.

Definition at line 1770 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getTargetAddressSpace()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getTargetAddressSpace ( LangAS  AS) const

◆ getTargetBuiltins()

virtual ArrayRef< Builtin::Info > clang::TargetInfo::getTargetBuiltins ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ getTargetDefines()

virtual void clang::TargetInfo::getTargetDefines ( const LangOptions Opts,
MacroBuilder Builder 
) const
pure virtual

===-— Other target property query methods -----------------------—===//

Appends the target-specific #define values for this target set to the specified buffer.

Implemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, clang::targets::AArch64leTargetInfo, clang::targets::AArch64beTargetInfo, clang::targets::RenderScript64TargetInfo, clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo, clang::targets::ARCTargetInfo, clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo, clang::targets::ARMleTargetInfo, clang::targets::ARMbeTargetInfo, clang::targets::CygwinARMTargetInfo, clang::targets::RenderScript32TargetInfo, clang::targets::AVRTargetInfo, clang::targets::BPFTargetInfo, clang::targets::CSKYTargetInfo, clang::targets::DirectXTargetInfo, clang::targets::HexagonTargetInfo, clang::targets::LanaiTargetInfo, clang::targets::LoongArchTargetInfo, clang::targets::M68kTargetInfo, clang::targets::MipsTargetInfo, clang::targets::MSP430TargetInfo, clang::targets::NVPTXTargetInfo, clang::targets::OSTargetInfo< PPC32TargetInfo >, clang::targets::OSTargetInfo< PPC64TargetInfo >, clang::targets::OSTargetInfo< X86_32TargetInfo >, clang::targets::OSTargetInfo< X86_64TargetInfo >, clang::targets::OSTargetInfo< AArch64leTargetInfo >, clang::targets::OSTargetInfo< ARMleTargetInfo >, clang::targets::PNaClTargetInfo, clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo, clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo, clang::targets::SparcTargetInfo, clang::targets::SparcV8TargetInfo, clang::targets::SparcV9TargetInfo, clang::targets::SPIRTargetInfo, clang::targets::SPIR32TargetInfo, clang::targets::SPIR64TargetInfo, clang::targets::BaseSPIRVTargetInfo, clang::targets::SPIRVTargetInfo, clang::targets::SPIRV32TargetInfo, clang::targets::SPIRV64TargetInfo, clang::targets::SPIRV64AMDGCNTargetInfo, clang::targets::SystemZTargetInfo, clang::targets::TCETargetInfo, clang::targets::TCELETargetInfo, clang::targets::VETargetInfo, clang::targets::WebAssemblyTargetInfo, clang::targets::WebAssembly32TargetInfo, clang::targets::WebAssembly64TargetInfo, clang::targets::X86TargetInfo, clang::targets::CygwinX86_32TargetInfo, clang::targets::MCUX86_32TargetInfo, clang::targets::RTEMSX86_32TargetInfo, clang::targets::CygwinX86_64TargetInfo, and clang::targets::XCoreTargetInfo.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getTargetID()

virtual std::optional< std::string > clang::TargetInfo::getTargetID ( ) const

Returns the target ID if supported.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1261 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getTargetOpts()

TargetOptions & clang::TargetInfo::getTargetOpts ( ) const

◆ getTriple()

const llvm::Triple & clang::TargetInfo::getTriple ( ) const

Returns the target triple of the primary target.

Definition at line 1256 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo::AArch64TargetInfo(), clang::Sema::ActOnCXXTryBlock(), clang::Sema::ActOnExplicitInstantiation(), clang::Sema::ActOnFunctionDeclarator(), clang::SemaObjC::ActOnMethodDeclaration(), clang::Sema::ActOnTag(), clang::Sema::ActOnTagFinishDefinition(), clang::SemaHLSL::ActOnTopLevelFunction(), clang::Sema::AddAlignedAttr(), clang::Sema::AddKnownFunctionAttributes(), addLinkOptionsPostorder(), adjust(), clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo::adjust(), clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo::adjust(), clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo::AMDGPUTargetInfo(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenTypes::arrangeObjCMessageSendSignature(), clang::ASTContext::AtomicUsesUnsupportedLibcall(), clang::Sema::BuildArrayType(), clang::Sema::BuildCXXThrow(), buildGlobalBlock(), clang::Sema::BuildResolvedCallExpr(), clang::Sema::BuildVAArgExpr(), BuiltinCpu(), clang::arcmt::trans::canApplyWeak(), canPassInRegisters(), captureInLambda(), clang::Sema::CheckAddressOfOperand(), checkAliasedGlobal(), clang::Sema::CheckAssignmentConstraints(), CheckAvailability(), clang::Sema::CheckBaseSpecifier(), clang::SemaX86::CheckBuiltinFunctionCall(), CheckBuiltinTargetInSupported(), CheckBuiltinTargetNotInUnsupported(), clang::Sema::checkCall(), clang::Sema::CheckCallingConvAttr(), clang::Sema::checkClassLevelDLLAttribute(), clang::Sema::CheckCompleteVariableDeclaration(), clang::Sema::CheckEnumConstant(), clang::Sema::CheckFieldDecl(), clang::Sema::CheckFunctionDeclaration(), clang::Sema::CheckMain(), CheckMultiVersionFunction(), clang::SemaARM::CheckNeonBuiltinFunctionCall(), checkObjCMethodX86VectorTypes(), clang::Sema::CheckParameter(), clang::Sema::CheckSpecializationInstantiationRedecl(), clang::Sema::checkTargetAttr(), clang::Sema::checkTargetClonesAttrString(), clang::Sema::checkTypeSupport(), clang::Sema::CheckUnaryExprOrTypeTraitOperand(), clang::Sema::CheckVariableDeclarationType(), checkVAStartABI(), clang::Sema::CheckVectorOperands(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::CodeGenModule(), clang::CodeGen::computeSPIRKernelABIInfo(), configureBlocksRuntimeObject(), clang::ExtractAPIAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::WrappingExtractAPIAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::CompilerInstance::createTarget(), createTargetCodeGenInfo(), clang::SemaHLSL::DiagnoseAvailabilityViolations(), clang::Sema::diagnoseUnavailableAlignedAllocation(), DoEmitAvailabilityWarning(), EmitBitTestIntrinsic(), clang::CodeGen::CGDebugInfo::EmitFunctionDecl(), emitGlobalDtorWithCXAAtExit(), emitIsPlatformVersionAtLeast(), EmitMSVCRTSetJmp(), EmitTargetArchBuiltinExpr(), clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo::fillValidCPUList(), clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo::fillValidCPUList(), clang::targets::X86TargetInfo::fillValidCPUList(), clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo::fillValidTuneCPUList(), clang::DeclSpec::Finish(), funcHasParameterSizeMangling(), clang::CodeGen::EHPersonality::get(), clang::analyze_scanf::ScanfSpecifier::getArgType(), getAvailabilityDiagnosticKind(), clang::FunctionDecl::getBuiltinID(), clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo::getBuiltinVaListKind(), getCallingConvKind(), getCallingConvMangling(), getCCForDeclaratorChunk(), getCodegenToUse(), getInstrProfSection(), getOffloadArch(), clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo::getTargetDefines(), clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo::getTargetDefines(), clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo::getTargetDefines(), clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo::getTargetDefines(), clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo::getTargetDefines(), clang::targets::SparcV8TargetInfo::getTargetDefines(), clang::targets::SparcV9TargetInfo::getTargetDefines(), clang::targets::X86TargetInfo::getTargetDefines(), getTypeInfoLinkage(), handleAliasAttr(), clang::SemaX86::handleAnyInterruptAttr(), handleAvailabilityAttr(), handleBuiltinAliasAttr(), handleInterruptAttr(), handleMSPointerTypeQualifierAttr(), handleNakedAttr(), HandleNeonVectorTypeAttr(), clang::SemaHLSL::handleNumThreadsAttr(), handlePackedAttr(), handlePatchableFunctionEntryAttr(), handleTargetClonesAttr(), clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo::handleTargetFeatures(), clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo::handleTargetFeatures(), handleWeakImportAttr(), clang::targets::X86TargetInfo::hasFeature(), clang::targets::LoongArchTargetInfo::hasFeature(), clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo::hasFeature(), hasMatchingEnvironmentOrNone(), clang::ASTContext::InitBuiltinTypes(), clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo::initFeatureMap(), clang::targets::LoongArchTargetInfo::initFeatureMap(), clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo::initFeatureMap(), clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo::initFeatureMap(), clang::targets::X86TargetInfo::initFeatureMap(), clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo::initFeatureMap(), clang::targets::SPIRV64AMDGCNTargetInfo::initFeatureMap(), clang::Sema::Initialize(), InitializePredefinedMacros(), InitializeStandardPredefinedMacros(), clang::Sema::InstantiateClassMembers(), isAIXLayout(), clang::CodeGen::ABIInfo::isAndroid(), isArc4RandomAvailable(), clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo::isBranchProtectionSupportedArch(), isDefaultStdCall(), clang::FunctionDecl::isMSVCRTEntryPoint(), isNonViableMultiVersionOverload(), clang::CodeGen::ABIInfo::isOHOSFamily(), isPermittedNeonBaseType(), isTargetArch(), isTargetEnvironment(), isTargetOS(), isTargetVariantEnvironment(), isTargetVariantOS(), isTargetVendor(), isThreadWrapperReplaceable(), isTrivialForMSVC(), clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo::isValidCPUName(), clang::Sema::isValidSectionSpecifier(), clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo::isValidTuneCPUName(), clang::Sema::isValidVarArgType(), isVarDeclStrongDefinition(), IsVectorConversion(), MultiVersionTypesCompatible(), patchDefaultTargetVersion(), clang::Preprocessor::processPathForFileMacro(), ReferenceDllExportedMembers(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::Release(), ShouldDiagnoseAvailabilityInContext(), clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo::supportsCpuInit(), clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo::supportsCpuSupports(), clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo::validateCpuIs(), clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo::validateCpuSupports(), clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo::validateTarget(), clang::targets::MipsTargetInfo::validateTarget(), and wrapWithBPFPreserveStaticOffset().

◆ getTypeAlign()

unsigned TargetInfo::getTypeAlign ( IntType  T) const

◆ getTypeConstantSuffix()

const char * TargetInfo::getTypeConstantSuffix ( IntType  T) const

◆ getTypeFormatModifier()

const char * TargetInfo::getTypeFormatModifier ( IntType  T)

◆ getTypeName()

const char * TargetInfo::getTypeName ( IntType  T)

◆ getTypeWidth()

unsigned TargetInfo::getTypeWidth ( IntType  T) const

◆ getUInt16Type()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getUInt16Type ( ) const

Definition at line 410 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by DefineExactWidthIntType().

◆ getUInt64Type()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getUInt64Type ( ) const

Definition at line 406 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by DefineExactWidthIntType(), and DefineExactWidthIntTypeSize().

◆ getUIntMaxType()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getUIntMaxType ( ) const

Definition at line 387 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getUIntPtrType()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getUIntPtrType ( ) const

Definition at line 398 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getUnsignedAccumIBits()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getUnsignedAccumIBits ( ) const

Definition at line 606 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getUnsignedAccumScale()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getUnsignedAccumScale ( ) const

getUnsignedAccumScale/IBits - Return the number of fractional/integral bits in a 'unsigned _Accum' type.

Definition at line 603 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getUnsignedFractScale()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getUnsignedFractScale ( ) const

getUnsignedFractScale - Return the number of fractional bits in a 'unsigned _Fract' type.

Definition at line 643 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getUnsignedLongAccumIBits()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getUnsignedLongAccumIBits ( ) const

Definition at line 616 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getUnsignedLongAccumScale()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getUnsignedLongAccumScale ( ) const

getUnsignedLongAccumScale/IBits - Return the number of fractional/integral bits in a 'unsigned long _Accum' type.

Definition at line 613 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getUnsignedLongFractScale()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getUnsignedLongFractScale ( ) const

getUnsignedLongFractScale - Return the number of fractional bits in a 'unsigned long _Fract' type.

Definition at line 649 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getUnsignedPtrDiffType()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getUnsignedPtrDiffType ( LangAS  AddrSpace) const

Definition at line 394 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getUnsignedShortAccumIBits()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getUnsignedShortAccumIBits ( ) const

Definition at line 595 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getUnsignedShortAccumScale()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getUnsignedShortAccumScale ( ) const

getUnsignedShortAccumScale/IBits - Return the number of fractional/integral bits in a 'unsigned short _Accum' type.

Definition at line 592 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getUnsignedShortFractScale()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getUnsignedShortFractScale ( ) const

getUnsignedShortFractScale - Return the number of fractional bits in a 'unsigned short _Fract' type.

Definition at line 636 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getUnwindWordWidth()

virtual unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getUnwindWordWidth ( ) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::MipsTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86_64TargetInfo.

Definition at line 874 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by parseModeAttrArg().

◆ getUserLabelPrefix()

const char * clang::TargetInfo::getUserLabelPrefix ( ) const

Returns the default value of the USER_LABEL_PREFIX macro, which is the prefix given to user symbols by default.

On most platforms this is "", but it is "_" on some.

Definition at line 902 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros(), and clang::MangleContext::mangleName().

◆ getVScaleRange()

virtual std::optional< std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > > clang::TargetInfo::getVScaleRange ( const LangOptions LangOpts) const

Returns target-specific min and max values VScale_Range.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, and clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1017 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by getRVVTypeSize(), and HandleRISCVRVVVectorBitsTypeAttr().

◆ getVtblPtrAddressSpace()

virtual unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getVtblPtrAddressSpace ( ) const
Target specific vtbl ptr address space.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1778 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getWCharAlign()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getWCharAlign ( ) const

Definition at line 749 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ getWCharType()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getWCharType ( ) const

Definition at line 401 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by EvaluateValue(), and InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getWCharWidth()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getWCharWidth ( ) const

getWCharWidth/Align - Return the size of 'wchar_t' for this target, in bits.

Definition at line 748 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::CharLiteralParser::CharLiteralParser(), and EvaluateValue().

◆ getWIntType()

IntType clang::TargetInfo::getWIntType ( ) const

Definition at line 402 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ getZeroLengthBitfieldBoundary()

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::getZeroLengthBitfieldBoundary ( ) const

Get the fixed alignment value in bits for a member that follows a zero length bitfield.

Definition at line 941 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ handleAsmEscapedChar()

virtual std::optional< std::string > clang::TargetInfo::handleAsmEscapedChar ( char  C) const

Replace some escaped characters with another string based on target-specific rules.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AVRTargetInfo, and clang::targets::M68kTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1242 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::GCCAsmStmt::AnalyzeAsmString().

◆ handleTargetFeatures()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::handleTargetFeatures ( std::vector< std::string > &  Features,
DiagnosticsEngine Diags 

Perform initialization based on the user configured set of features (e.g., +sse4).

The list is guaranteed to have at most one entry per feature.

The target may modify the features list, to change which options are passed onwards to the backend. FIXME: This part should be fixed so that we can change handleTargetFeatures to merely a TargetInfo initialization routine.

False on error.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo, clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo, clang::targets::BPFTargetInfo, clang::targets::CSKYTargetInfo, clang::targets::HexagonTargetInfo, clang::targets::LoongArchTargetInfo, clang::targets::MipsTargetInfo, clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo, clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo, clang::targets::SparcTargetInfo, clang::targets::SystemZTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1481 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ hardwareInterferenceSizes()

virtual std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > clang::TargetInfo::hardwareInterferenceSizes ( ) const

The first value in the pair is the minimum offset between two objects to avoid false sharing (destructive interference).

The second value in the pair is maximum size of contiguous memory to promote true sharing (constructive interference). Neither of these values are considered part of the ABI and can be changed by targets at any time.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo, clang::targets::AVRTargetInfo, clang::targets::BPFTargetInfo, clang::targets::HexagonTargetInfo, clang::targets::M68kTargetInfo, clang::targets::MipsTargetInfo, clang::targets::PPC32TargetInfo, clang::targets::PPC64TargetInfo, clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo, clang::targets::SparcTargetInfo, and clang::targets::SystemZTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1836 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ hasAArch64SVETypes()

bool clang::TargetInfo::hasAArch64SVETypes ( ) const

Returns whether or not the AArch64 SVE built-in types are available on this target.

Definition at line 1040 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::InitBuiltinTypes(), and clang::Sema::Initialize().

◆ hasAlignMac68kSupport()

bool clang::TargetInfo::hasAlignMac68kSupport ( ) const

Check whether this target support '#pragma options align=mac68k'.

Definition at line 956 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnPragmaOptionsAlign().

◆ hasBFloat16Type()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasBFloat16Type ( ) const

◆ hasBitIntType()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasBitIntType ( ) const

Determine whether the _BitInt type is supported on this target.

This limitation is put into place for ABI reasons. FIXME: _BitInt is a required type in C23, so there's not much utility in asking whether the target supported it or not; I think this should be removed once backends have been alerted to the type and have had the chance to do implementation work if needed.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo, clang::targets::ARCTargetInfo, clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo, clang::targets::CSKYTargetInfo, clang::targets::HexagonTargetInfo, clang::targets::LanaiTargetInfo, clang::targets::LoongArchTargetInfo, clang::targets::MipsTargetInfo, clang::targets::NVPTXTargetInfo, clang::targets::PNaClTargetInfo, clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo, clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo, clang::targets::SparcV8TargetInfo, clang::targets::SparcV9TargetInfo, clang::targets::BaseSPIRTargetInfo, clang::targets::SystemZTargetInfo, clang::targets::X86_32TargetInfo, clang::targets::X86_64TargetInfo, and clang::targets::XCoreTargetInfo.

Definition at line 666 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::checkTypeSupport(), and ConvertDeclSpecToType().

◆ hasBuiltinAtomic()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasBuiltinAtomic ( uint64_t  AtomicSizeInBits,
uint64_t  AlignmentInBits 
) const

Returns true if the given target supports lock-free atomic operations at the specified width and alignment.

Definition at line 840 of file TargetInfo.h.

References getCharWidth().

Referenced by emitOMPAtomicRMW(), and getLockFreeValue().

◆ hasBuiltinMSVaList()

bool clang::TargetInfo::hasBuiltinMSVaList ( ) const

Returns whether or not type __builtin_ms_va_list type is available on this target.

Definition at line 1033 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::BuildVAArgExpr(), and clang::Sema::Initialize().

◆ hasCheapUnalignedBitFieldAccess()

bool clang::TargetInfo::hasCheapUnalignedBitFieldAccess ( ) const

Return true iff unaligned accesses are cheap.

This affects placement and size of bitfield loads/stores. (Not the ABI-mandated placement of the bitfields themselves.)

Definition at line 893 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ hasFeature()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasFeature ( StringRef  Feature) const

◆ hasFeatureEnabled()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasFeatureEnabled ( const llvm::StringMap< bool > &  Features,
StringRef  Name 
) const

◆ hasFloat128Type()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasFloat128Type ( ) const

◆ hasFloat16Type()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasFloat16Type ( ) const

Determine whether the _Float16 type is supported on this target.

Definition at line 696 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::checkTypeSupport(), ConvertDeclSpecToType(), InitializePredefinedMacros(), and clang::QualType::UseExcessPrecision().

◆ hasFPReturn()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasFPReturn ( ) const

Determine whether return of a floating point value is supported on this target.

Definition at line 715 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::checkTypeSupport().

◆ hasFullBFloat16Type()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasFullBFloat16Type ( ) const

Determine whether the BFloat type is fully supported on this target, i.e arithemtic operations.

Definition at line 705 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::QualType::UseExcessPrecision().

◆ hasHIPImageSupport()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasHIPImageSupport ( ) const

Whether to support HIP image/texture API's.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1829 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializeStandardPredefinedMacros().

◆ hasIbm128Type()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasIbm128Type ( ) const

Determine whether the __ibm128 type is supported on this target.

Definition at line 708 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::checkTypeSupport(), ConvertDeclSpecToType(), and getRealTypeByWidth().

◆ hasInt128Type()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasInt128Type ( ) const

◆ hasLegalHalfType()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasLegalHalfType ( ) const

Determine whether _Float16 is supported on this target.

Definition at line 687 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::QualType::UseExcessPrecision().

◆ hasLongDoubleType()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasLongDoubleType ( ) const

Determine whether the long double type is supported on this target.

Definition at line 711 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::checkTypeSupport().

◆ hasNoAsmVariants()

bool clang::TargetInfo::hasNoAsmVariants ( ) const

Return true if {|} are normal characters in the asm string.

If this returns false (the default), then {abc|xyz} is syntax that says that when compiling for asm variant #0, "abc" should be generated, but when compiling for asm variant #1, "xyz" should be generated.

Definition at line 1602 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ hasProtectedVisibility()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasProtectedVisibility ( ) const

Does this target support "protected" visibility?

Any target which dynamic libraries will naturally support something like "default" (meaning that the symbol is visible outside this shared object) and "hidden" (meaning that it isn't) visibilities, but "protected" is really an ELF-specific concept with weird semantics designed around the convenience of dynamic linker implementations. Which is not to suggest that there's consistent target-independent semantics for "default" visibility either; the entire thing is pretty badly mangled.

Definition at line 1290 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by handleVisibilityAttr().

◆ hasPS4DLLImportExport()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasPS4DLLImportExport ( ) const

Definition at line 1300 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by computeKeyFunction(), and ShouldUseExternalRTTIDescriptor().

◆ hasRISCVVTypes()

bool clang::TargetInfo::hasRISCVVTypes ( ) const

Returns whether or not the RISC-V V built-in types are available on this target.

Definition at line 1044 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::checkTypeSupport(), and clang::Sema::Initialize().

◆ hasSjLjLowering()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasSjLjLowering ( ) const

Controls if __builtin_longjmp / __builtin_setjmp can be lowered to /

Reimplemented in clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo, clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo, clang::targets::VETargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1721 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ hasStrictFP()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::hasStrictFP ( ) const

Determine whether constrained floating point is supported on this target.

Definition at line 718 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ hasUnalignedAccess()

bool clang::TargetInfo::hasUnalignedAccess ( ) const

Return true iff unaligned accesses are a single instruction (rather than a synthesized sequence).

Definition at line 888 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ initFeatureMap()

bool TargetInfo::initFeatureMap ( llvm::StringMap< bool > &  Features,
DiagnosticsEngine Diags,
StringRef  CPU,
const std::vector< std::string > &  FeatureVec 
) const

◆ isBigEndian()

bool clang::TargetInfo::isBigEndian ( ) const

Definition at line 1665 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by ARMMVEVectorReinterpret(), EmitSignBit(), and InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ isBranchProtectionSupportedArch()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::isBranchProtectionSupportedArch ( StringRef  Arch) const

Determine if the Architecture in this TargetInfo supports branch protection.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1457 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ isCLZForZeroUndef()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::isCLZForZeroUndef ( ) const

The __builtin_clz* and __builtin_ctz* built-in functions are specified to have undefined results for zero inputs, but on targets that support these operations in a way that provides well-defined results for zero without loss of performance, it is a good idea to avoid optimizing based on that undef behavior.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, clang::targets::ARCTargetInfo, clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo, clang::targets::HexagonTargetInfo, clang::targets::MipsTargetInfo, and clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1025 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ isLittleEndian()

bool clang::TargetInfo::isLittleEndian ( ) const

Definition at line 1666 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializeStandardPredefinedMacros().

◆ isNan2008()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::isNan2008 ( ) const

Returns true if NaN encoding is IEEE 754-2008.

Only MIPS allows a different encoding.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::MipsTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1251 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TryEvaluateBuiltinNaN().

◆ isReadOnlyFeature()

bool clang::TargetInfo::isReadOnlyFeature ( StringRef  Feature) const

Determine whether the given target feature is read only.

Definition at line 1492 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ isRenderScriptTarget()

bool clang::TargetInfo::isRenderScriptTarget ( ) const

Returns true for RenderScript.

Definition at line 1036 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ isSEHTrySupported()

bool clang::TargetInfo::isSEHTrySupported ( ) const

Whether the target supports SEH __try.

Definition at line 1590 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnSEHTryBlock().

◆ isSPRegName()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::isSPRegName ( StringRef  ) const

◆ isTLSSupported()

bool clang::TargetInfo::isTLSSupported ( ) const

◆ isTypeSigned()

bool TargetInfo::isTypeSigned ( IntType  T)

◆ isValidClobber()

bool TargetInfo::isValidClobber ( StringRef  Name) const

Returns whether the passed in string is a valid clobber in an inline asm statement.

isValidClobber - Returns whether the passed in string is a valid clobber in an inline asm statement.

This is used by Sema.

Definition at line 631 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

References isValidGCCRegisterName().

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnGCCAsmStmt().

◆ isValidCPUName()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::isValidCPUName ( StringRef  Name) const

◆ isValidFeatureName()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::isValidFeatureName ( StringRef  Feature) const

◆ isValidGCCRegisterName()

bool TargetInfo::isValidGCCRegisterName ( StringRef  Name) const

Returns whether the passed in string is a valid register name according to GCC.

isValidGCCRegisterName - Returns whether the passed in string is a valid register name according to GCC.

This is used by Sema for inline asm statements.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::BPFTargetInfo.

Definition at line 639 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

References getGCCAddlRegNames(), getGCCRegAliases(), getGCCRegNames(), clang::isDigit(), and removeGCCRegisterPrefix().

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnVariableDeclarator(), getNormalizedGCCRegisterName(), and isValidClobber().

◆ isValidTuneCPUName()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::isValidTuneCPUName ( StringRef  Name) const

Determine whether this TargetInfo supports the given CPU name for tuning.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo, clang::targets::SystemZTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1353 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ isVLASupported()

bool clang::TargetInfo::isVLASupported ( ) const

Whether target supports variable-length arrays.

Definition at line 1587 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by actOnOMPReductionKindClause(), and clang::Sema::BuildArrayType().

◆ multiVersionFeatureCost()

virtual unsigned clang::TargetInfo::multiVersionFeatureCost ( ) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1529 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TargetMVPriority().

◆ multiVersionSortPriority()

virtual unsigned clang::TargetInfo::multiVersionSortPriority ( StringRef  Name) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1523 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TargetMVPriority().

◆ noSignedCharForObjCBool()

void clang::TargetInfo::noSignedCharForObjCBool ( )

Definition at line 917 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInstance::ExecuteAction().

◆ parseTargetAttr()

ParsedTargetAttr TargetInfo::parseTargetAttr ( StringRef  Str) const

◆ resetDataLayout()

void TargetInfo::resetDataLayout ( StringRef  DL,
const char *  UserLabelPrefix = "" 

◆ resolveSymbolicName()

bool TargetInfo::resolveSymbolicName ( const char *&  Name,
ArrayRef< ConstraintInfo OutputConstraints,
unsigned Index 
) const

Definition at line 799 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

References getName().

Referenced by validateInputConstraint().

◆ setABI()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::setABI ( const std::string &  Name)

◆ setAuxTarget()

virtual void clang::TargetInfo::setAuxTarget ( const TargetInfo Aux)

◆ setCommandLineOpenCLOpts()

virtual void clang::TargetInfo::setCommandLineOpenCLOpts ( )

Set supported OpenCL extensions as written on command line.

Definition at line 1749 of file TargetInfo.h.

References V.

◆ setCPU()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::setCPU ( const std::string &  Name)

◆ setFeatureEnabled()

virtual void clang::TargetInfo::setFeatureEnabled ( llvm::StringMap< bool > &  Features,
StringRef  Name,
bool  Enabled 
) const

Enable or disable a specific target feature; the feature name must be valid.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo, clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, clang::targets::BPFTargetInfo, and clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1386 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by initFeatureMap().

◆ setFPMath()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::setFPMath ( StringRef  Name)

Use the specified unit for FP math.

False on error (invalid unit name).

Reimplemented in clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1374 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ setMaxAtomicWidth()

virtual void clang::TargetInfo::setMaxAtomicWidth ( )

◆ setSupportedOpenCLOpts()

virtual void clang::TargetInfo::setSupportedOpenCLOpts ( )

Set supported OpenCL extensions and optional core features.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo, clang::targets::NVPTXTargetInfo, clang::targets::BaseSPIRTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1740 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ shouldDLLImportComdatSymbols()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::shouldDLLImportComdatSymbols ( ) const

Does this target aim for semantic compatibility with Microsoft C++ code using dllimport/export attributes?

Definition at line 1294 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnExplicitInstantiation(), clang::Sema::checkClassLevelDLLAttribute(), checkDLLAttributeRedeclaration(), and handleDLLAttr().

◆ supportAllOpenCLOpts()

virtual void clang::TargetInfo::supportAllOpenCLOpts ( bool  V = true)

Definition at line 1742 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ supportsCpuInit()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::supportsCpuInit ( ) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1515 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ supportsCpuIs()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::supportsCpuIs ( ) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1514 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by BuiltinCpu().

◆ supportsCpuSupports()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::supportsCpuSupports ( ) const

◆ supportsExtendIntArgs()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::supportsExtendIntArgs ( ) const

Whether the option -fextend-arguments={32,64} is supported on the target.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1669 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::DefaultArgumentPromotion().

◆ supportsIFunc()

bool clang::TargetInfo::supportsIFunc ( ) const

Identify whether this target supports IFuncs.

Definition at line 1503 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by AppendCPUSpecificCPUDispatchMangling().

◆ supportsMultiVersioning()

bool clang::TargetInfo::supportsMultiVersioning ( ) const

Identify whether this target supports multiversioning of functions, which requires support for cpu_supports and cpu_is functionality.

Definition at line 1498 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by CheckMultiVersionAdditionalRules().

◆ supportSourceEvalMethod()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::supportSourceEvalMethod ( ) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 822 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ supportsTargetAttributeTune()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::supportsTargetAttributeTune ( ) const

Determine whether this TargetInfo supports tune in target attribute.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo, clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1360 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::checkTargetAttr().

◆ useAddressSpaceMapMangling()

bool clang::TargetInfo::useAddressSpaceMapMangling ( ) const

Specify if mangling based on address space map should be used or not for language specific address spaces.

Definition at line 998 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by isAddrSpaceMapManglingEnabled().

◆ useBitFieldTypeAlignment()

bool clang::TargetInfo::useBitFieldTypeAlignment ( ) const

Check whether the alignment of bit-field types is respected when laying out structures.

Definition at line 923 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ useExplicitBitFieldAlignment()

bool clang::TargetInfo::useExplicitBitFieldAlignment ( ) const

Check whether explicit bitfield alignment attributes should be.

Definition at line 951 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ useFP16ConversionIntrinsics()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::useFP16ConversionIntrinsics ( ) const

Check whether llvm intrinsics such as should be used to convert to and from __fp16.

FIXME: This function should be removed once all targets stop using the conversion intrinsics.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo, clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo, clang::targets::DirectXTargetInfo, clang::targets::NVPTXTargetInfo, clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo, clang::targets::BaseSPIRTargetInfo, clang::targets::WebAssemblyTargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 992 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CodeGenTypes::ConvertType(), needsConversionOfHalfVec(), and clang::CodeGen::ConstantEmitter::tryEmitPrivate().

◆ useLeadingZeroLengthBitfield()

bool clang::TargetInfo::useLeadingZeroLengthBitfield ( ) const

Check whether zero length bitfield alignment is respected if they are leading members.

Definition at line 935 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ useObjCFP2RetForComplexLongDouble()

bool clang::TargetInfo::useObjCFP2RetForComplexLongDouble ( ) const

Check whether _Complex long double should use the "fp2ret" flavor of Objective-C message passing on this target.

Definition at line 984 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::ReturnTypeUsesFP2Ret().

◆ useObjCFPRetForRealType()

bool clang::TargetInfo::useObjCFPRetForRealType ( FloatModeKind  T) const

Check whether the given real type should use the "fpret" flavor of Objective-C message passing on this target.

Definition at line 978 of file TargetInfo.h.

References clang::T.

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::ReturnTypeUsesFPRet().

◆ useSignedCharForObjCBool()

bool clang::TargetInfo::useSignedCharForObjCBool ( ) const

Check if the Objective-C built-in boolean type should be signed char.

Otherwise, if this returns false, the normal built-in boolean type should also be used for Objective-C.

Definition at line 914 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by InitializePredefinedMacros().

◆ useZeroLengthBitfieldAlignment()

bool clang::TargetInfo::useZeroLengthBitfieldAlignment ( ) const

Check whether zero length bitfields should force alignment of the next member.

Definition at line 929 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ validateAsmConstraint()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::validateAsmConstraint ( const char *&  Name,
TargetInfo::ConstraintInfo info 
) const
pure virtual

◆ validateBranchProtection()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::validateBranchProtection ( StringRef  Spec,
StringRef  Arch,
BranchProtectionInfo BPI,
StringRef &  Err 
) const

Determine if this TargetInfo supports the given branch protection specification.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, and clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1463 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::checkTargetAttr().

◆ validateConstraintModifier()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::validateConstraintModifier ( StringRef  ,
char  ,
unsigned  ,
std::string &   
) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, and clang::targets::ARMTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1216 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnGCCAsmStmt().

◆ validateCpuIs()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::validateCpuIs ( StringRef  Name) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo, and clang::targets::PPCTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1533 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by BuiltinCpu(), and CheckMultiVersionValue().

◆ validateCPUSpecificCPUDispatch()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::validateCPUSpecificCPUDispatch ( StringRef  Name) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1537 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by handleCPUSpecificAttr().

◆ validateCpuSupports()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::validateCpuSupports ( StringRef  Name) const

◆ validateGlobalRegisterVariable()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::validateGlobalRegisterVariable ( StringRef  RegName,
unsigned  RegSize,
bool HasSizeMismatch 
) const

Validate register name used for global register variables.

This function returns true if the register passed in RegName can be used for global register variables on this target. In addition, it returns true in HasSizeMismatch if the size of the register doesn't match the variable size passed in RegSize.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, clang::targets::X86TargetInfo, and clang::targets::X86_64TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1190 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ validateInputConstraint()

bool TargetInfo::validateInputConstraint ( MutableArrayRef< ConstraintInfo OutputConstraints,
ConstraintInfo info 
) const

◆ validateInputSize()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::validateInputSize ( const llvm::StringMap< bool > &  FeatureMap,
StringRef  ,
) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1210 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnGCCAsmStmt().

◆ validateOpenCLTarget()

bool TargetInfo::validateOpenCLTarget ( const LangOptions Opts,
DiagnosticsEngine Diags 
) const

Check that OpenCL target has valid options setting based on OpenCL version.

validateOpenCLTarget - Check that OpenCL target has valid options setting based on OpenCL version.

Definition at line 838 of file Targets.cpp.

References clang::OpenCLOptions::diagnoseFeatureExtensionDifferences(), clang::OpenCLOptions::diagnoseUnsupportedFeatureDependencies(), clang::LangOptions::getOpenCLCompatibleVersion(), clang::LangOptions::getOpenCLVersionTuple(), getSupportedOpenCLOpts(), hasFeatureEnabled(), clang::OpenCLOptions::isOpenCLOptionCoreIn(), and clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Report().

◆ validateOutputConstraint()

bool TargetInfo::validateOutputConstraint ( ConstraintInfo Info) const

◆ validateOutputSize()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::validateOutputSize ( const llvm::StringMap< bool > &  FeatureMap,
StringRef  ,
) const

Reimplemented in clang::targets::X86TargetInfo.

Definition at line 1204 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnGCCAsmStmt().

◆ validatePointerAuthKey()

bool TargetInfo::validatePointerAuthKey ( const llvm::APSInt &  value) const

Determine whether the given pointer-authentication key is valid.

The value has been coerced to type 'int'.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo.

Definition at line 939 of file TargetInfo.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::checkConstantPointerAuthKey().

◆ validateTarget()

virtual bool clang::TargetInfo::validateTarget ( DiagnosticsEngine Diags) const

Check the target is valid after it is fully initialized.

Reimplemented in clang::targets::AArch64TargetInfo, and clang::targets::MipsTargetInfo.

Definition at line 1800 of file TargetInfo.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AddrSpaceMap

const LangASMap* clang::TargetInfo::AddrSpaceMap

◆ AllowAMDGPUUnsafeFPAtomics

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::AllowAMDGPUUnsafeFPAtomics

◆ ARMCDECoprocMask

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::ARMCDECoprocMask

◆ BigEndian

bool clang::TargetInfo::BigEndian

Definition at line 224 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::targets::MipsTargetInfo::getTargetDefines(), and TargetInfo().

◆ ComplexLongDoubleUsesFP2Ret

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::ComplexLongDoubleUsesFP2Ret

Definition at line 258 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TargetInfo().

◆ DarwinTargetVariantTriple

std::optional<llvm::Triple> clang::TargetInfo::DarwinTargetVariantTriple

Definition at line 284 of file TargetInfo.h.

◆ DataLayoutString

std::string clang::TargetInfo::DataLayoutString

Definition at line 243 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by resetDataLayout().

◆ HalfArgsAndReturns

bool clang::TargetInfo::HalfArgsAndReturns

◆ HasAArch64SVETypes

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::HasAArch64SVETypes

◆ HasAlignMac68kSupport

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::HasAlignMac68kSupport

Definition at line 254 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TargetInfo().

◆ HasBFloat16

bool clang::TargetInfo::HasBFloat16

◆ HasBuiltinMSVaList

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::HasBuiltinMSVaList

◆ HasFloat128

bool clang::TargetInfo::HasFloat128

◆ HasFloat16

bool clang::TargetInfo::HasFloat16

◆ HasFPReturn

bool clang::TargetInfo::HasFPReturn

Definition at line 239 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TargetInfo().

◆ HasFullBFloat16

bool clang::TargetInfo::HasFullBFloat16

◆ HasIbm128

bool clang::TargetInfo::HasIbm128

Definition at line 237 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TargetInfo().

◆ HasLegalHalfType

bool clang::TargetInfo::HasLegalHalfType

◆ HasLongDouble

bool clang::TargetInfo::HasLongDouble

◆ HasRISCVVTypes

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::HasRISCVVTypes

Definition at line 270 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::targets::RISCVTargetInfo::RISCVTargetInfo(), and TargetInfo().

◆ HasStrictFP

bool clang::TargetInfo::HasStrictFP

◆ HasUnalignedAccess

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::HasUnalignedAccess

◆ IsRenderScriptTarget

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::IsRenderScriptTarget

◆ MaxAtomicInlineWidth

unsigned char clang::TargetInfo::MaxAtomicInlineWidth

◆ MaxAtomicPromoteWidth

unsigned char clang::TargetInfo::MaxAtomicPromoteWidth

◆ MaxBitIntWidth

std::optional<unsigned> clang::TargetInfo::MaxBitIntWidth

Definition at line 282 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by adjust(), and TargetInfo().

◆ MaxOpenCLWorkGroupSize

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::MaxOpenCLWorkGroupSize

Definition at line 280 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TargetInfo().

◆ MCountName

const char* clang::TargetInfo::MCountName

◆ NoAsmVariants

bool clang::TargetInfo::NoAsmVariants

◆ PlatformMinVersion

VersionTuple clang::TargetInfo::PlatformMinVersion

Definition at line 251 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TargetInfo().

◆ PlatformName

StringRef clang::TargetInfo::PlatformName

Definition at line 250 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TargetInfo().

◆ ReadOnlyFeatures

llvm::StringSet clang::TargetInfo::ReadOnlyFeatures

Definition at line 297 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo::AMDGPUTargetInfo().

◆ RealTypeUsesObjCFPRetMask

unsigned clang::TargetInfo::RealTypeUsesObjCFPRetMask

Definition at line 256 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TargetInfo().

◆ RegParmMax

unsigned char clang::TargetInfo::RegParmMax

Definition at line 246 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TargetInfo().

◆ SSERegParmMax

unsigned char clang::TargetInfo::SSERegParmMax

Definition at line 246 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by TargetInfo().


TargetCXXABI clang::TargetInfo::TheCXXABI

◆ TLSSupported

bool clang::TargetInfo::TLSSupported

◆ UseAddrSpaceMapMangling

bool clang::TargetInfo::UseAddrSpaceMapMangling

Specify if mangling based on address space map should be used or not for language specific address spaces.

Definition at line 368 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::targets::AMDGPUTargetInfo::AMDGPUTargetInfo(), clang::targets::NVPTXTargetInfo::NVPTXTargetInfo(), and TargetInfo().

◆ UserLabelPrefix

const char* clang::TargetInfo::UserLabelPrefix

Definition at line 244 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by resetDataLayout(), and TargetInfo().

◆ VLASupported

bool clang::TargetInfo::VLASupported

Definition at line 226 of file TargetInfo.h.

Referenced by clang::targets::NVPTXTargetInfo::NVPTXTargetInfo(), and TargetInfo().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: