clang 20.0.0git
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
clang::ento Namespace Reference


namespace  allocation_state
namespace  bugreporter
namespace  categories
namespace  check
namespace  checker_registry
namespace  cocoa
namespace  coreFoundation
namespace  errno_modeling
namespace  eval
namespace  iterator
namespace  loc
namespace  move
namespace  mpi
namespace  nonloc
namespace  retaincountchecker
namespace  smartptr
namespace  summMgr
namespace  tagged_union_modeling
namespace  taint


class  AllocaRegion
 AllocaRegion - A region that represents an untyped blob of bytes created by a call to 'alloca'. More...
class  AnalysisAction
class  AnalysisASTConsumer
class  AnalysisManager
class  AnyCXXConstructorCall
 Represents any constructor invocation. More...
class  AnyFunctionCall
 Represents a call to any sort of function that might have a FunctionDecl. More...
class  APSIntPtr
 A safe wrapper around APSInt objects allocated and owned by BasicValueFactory. More...
class  APSIntType
 A record of the "type" of an APSInt, used for conversions. More...
class  ArgEffect
 An ArgEffect summarizes the retain count behavior on an argument or receiver to a function or method. More...
class  BasicBugReport
class  BasicValueFactory
class  BinarySymExpr
 Represents a symbolic expression involving a binary operator. More...
class  BinarySymExprImpl
 Template implementation for all binary symbolic expressions. More...
class  BlockCall
 Represents a call to a block. More...
class  BlockCodeRegion
 BlockCodeRegion - A region that represents code texts of blocks (closures). More...
class  BlockCounter
 An abstract data type used to count the number of times a given block has been visited along a path analyzed by CoreEngine. More...
class  BlockDataRegion
 BlockDataRegion - A region that represents a block instance. More...
class  BranchNodeBuilder
 BranchNodeBuilder is responsible for constructing the nodes corresponding to the two branches of the if statement - true and false. More...
class  BugReport
 This class provides an interface through which checkers can create individual bug reports. More...
class  BugReportEquivClass
class  BugReporter
 BugReporter is a utility class for generating PathDiagnostics for analysis. More...
class  BugReporterContext
class  BugReporterData
class  BugReporterVisitor
 BugReporterVisitors are used to add custom diagnostics along a path. More...
class  BugSuppression
class  BugType
class  CallDescription
 A CallDescription is a pattern that can be used to match calls based on the qualified name and the argument/parameter counts. More...
class  CallDescriptionMap
 An immutable map from CallDescriptions to arbitrary data. More...
class  CallDescriptionSet
 An immutable set of CallDescriptions. More...
class  CallEvent
 Represents an abstract call to a function or method along a particular path. More...
class  CallEventManager
 Manages the lifetime of CallEvent objects. More...
class  CallEventRef
class  Checker
class  Checker< CHECK1 >
class  CheckerBase
class  CheckerContext
class  CheckerDocumentation
 This checker documents the callback functions checkers can use to implement the custom handling of the specific events during path exploration as well as reporting bugs. More...
class  CheckerFn
class  CheckerFn< RET(Ps...)>
struct  CheckerInfo
 Specifies a checker. More...
class  CheckerManager
class  CheckerNameRef
 This wrapper is used to ensure that only StringRefs originating from the CheckerRegistry are used as check names. More...
class  CheckerProgramPointTag
 Tag that can use a checker name as a message provider (see SimpleProgramPointTag). More...
class  CheckerRegistry
 Manages a set of available checkers for running a static analysis. More...
struct  CheckerRegistryData
struct  CmdLineOption
 Specifies a command line option. More...
class  CodeSpaceRegion
 CodeSpaceRegion - The memory space that holds the executable code of functions and blocks. More...
class  CodeTextRegion
class  CompoundLiteralRegion
 CompoundLiteralRegion - A memory region representing a compound literal. More...
class  CompoundValData
class  ConditionBRVisitor
 Visitor that tries to report interesting diagnostics from conditions. More...
class  ConditionTruthVal
class  ConstraintManager
class  CoreEngine
 CoreEngine - Implements the core logic of the graph-reachability analysis. More...
class  CXXAllocatorCall
 Represents the memory allocation call in a C++ new-expression. More...
class  CXXBaseObjectRegion
class  CXXConstructorCall
 Represents a call to a C++ constructor. More...
class  CXXDeallocatorCall
 Represents the memory deallocation call in a C++ delete-expression. More...
class  CXXDerivedObjectRegion
class  CXXDestructorCall
 Represents an implicit call to a C++ destructor. More...
class  CXXInheritedConstructorCall
 Represents a call to a C++ inherited constructor. More...
class  CXXInstanceCall
 Represents a non-static C++ member function call, no matter how it is written. More...
class  CXXLifetimeExtendedObjectRegion
class  CXXMemberCall
 Represents a non-static C++ member function call. More...
class  CXXMemberOperatorCall
 Represents a C++ overloaded operator call where the operator is implemented as a non-static member function. More...
class  CXXStaticOperatorCall
 Represents a static C++ operator call. More...
class  CXXTempObjectRegion
class  CXXThisRegion
 CXXThisRegion - Represents the region for the implicit 'this' parameter in a call to a C++ method. More...
class  DataTag
 The tag that carries some information with it. More...
class  DeclRegion
struct  DefaultProgramStatePartialTraitImpl
class  DefinedOrUnknownSVal
class  DefinedSVal
class  DynamicCastInfo
class  DynamicTypeInfo
 Stores the currently inferred strictest bound on the runtime type of a region in a given state along the analysis path. More...
class  ElementRegion
 ElementRegion is used to represent both array elements and casts. More...
class  Environment
 An immutable map from EnvironemntEntries to SVals. More...
class  EnvironmentEntry
 An entry in the environment consists of a Stmt and an LocationContext. More...
class  EnvironmentManager
struct  EvalCallOptions
 Hints for figuring out of a call should be inlined during evalCall(). More...
class  EventDispatcher
class  ExplodedGraph
class  ExplodedNode
class  ExplodedNodeSet
class  ExprEngine
class  FieldChainInfo
 Represents a field chain. More...
class  FieldNode
 A lightweight polymorphic wrapper around FieldRegion *. More...
class  FieldRegion
class  FindUninitializedFields
 Searches for and stores uninitialized fields in a non-union object. More...
class  FullSValVisitor
 FullSValVisitor - a convenient mixed visitor for all three: SVal, SymExpr and MemRegion subclasses. More...
class  FunctionCodeRegion
 FunctionCodeRegion - A region that represents code texts of function. More...
class  FunctionSummariesTy
class  GlobalImmutableSpaceRegion
 The region containing globals which are considered not to be modified or point to data which could be modified as a result of a function call (system or internal). More...
class  GlobalInternalSpaceRegion
 The region containing globals which can be modified by calls to "internally" defined functions - (for now just) functions other then system calls. More...
class  GlobalsSpaceRegion
class  GlobalSystemSpaceRegion
 The region containing globals which are defined in system/external headers and are considered modifiable by system calls (ex: errno). More...
class  HeapSpaceRegion
struct  ImplicitNullDerefEvent
 We dereferenced a location that may be null. More...
class  IndirectGotoNodeBuilder
class  LazyCompoundValData
class  LikelyFalsePositiveSuppressionBRVisitor
 Suppress reports that might lead to known false positives. More...
class  Loc
class  MemRegion
 MemRegion - The root abstract class for all memory regions. More...
class  MemRegionManager
class  MemRegionVisitor
 MemRegionVisitor - this class implements a simple visitor for MemRegion subclasses. More...
class  MemSpaceRegion
 MemSpaceRegion - A memory region that represents a "memory space"; for example, the set of global variables, the stack frame, etc. More...
class  ModelConsumer
 ASTConsumer to consume model files' AST. More...
class  ModelInjector
class  NilReceiverBRVisitor
 Prints path notes when a message is sent to a nil receiver. More...
class  NodeBuilder
 This is the simplest builder which generates nodes in the ExplodedGraph. More...
class  NodeBuilderContext
class  NodeBuilderWithSinks
 This node builder keeps track of the generated sink nodes. More...
class  NonLoc
class  NonParamVarRegion
class  NonStaticGlobalSpaceRegion
 The region for all the non-static global variables. More...
class  NoOwnershipChangeVisitor
class  NoStateChangeFuncVisitor
 Put a diagnostic on return statement (or on } in its absence) of all inlined functions for which some property remained unchanged. More...
class  NoStoreFuncVisitor
 Put a diagnostic on return statement of all inlined functions for which the region of interest RegionOfInterest was passed into, but not written inside, and it has caused an undefined read or a null pointer dereference outside. More...
class  NoteTag
 The tag upon which the TagVisitor reacts. More...
class  ObjCIvarRegion
class  ObjCMethodCall
 Represents any expression that calls an Objective-C method. More...
class  ObjCStringRegion
 The region associated with an ObjCStringLiteral. More...
class  ObjCSummaryCache
class  ObjCSummaryKey
 A key identifying a summary. More...
class  OperatorKind
struct  PackageInfo
 Specifies a package. More...
class  ParamVarRegion
 ParamVarRegion - Represents a region for paremters. More...
class  ParseModelFileAction
 Frontend action to parse model files. More...
class  PathDiagnostic
 PathDiagnostic - PathDiagnostic objects represent a single path-sensitive diagnostic. More...
class  PathDiagnosticCallPiece
class  PathDiagnosticConsumer
struct  PathDiagnosticConsumerOptions
 These options tweak the behavior of path diangostic consumers. More...
class  PathDiagnosticControlFlowPiece
class  PathDiagnosticEventPiece
class  PathDiagnosticLocation
class  PathDiagnosticLocationPair
class  PathDiagnosticMacroPiece
class  PathDiagnosticNotePiece
class  PathDiagnosticPiece
class  PathDiagnosticPopUpPiece
class  PathDiagnosticRange
class  PathDiagnosticSpotPiece
class  PathPieces
class  PathSensitiveBugReport
class  PathSensitiveBugReporter
 GRBugReporter is used for generating path-sensitive reports. More...
class  PointerToMemberData
class  PrettyStackTraceLocationContext
 While alive, includes the current analysis stack in a crash trace. More...
class  ProgramState
 ProgramState - This class encapsulates: More...
class  ProgramStateManager
struct  ProgramStatePartialTrait
struct  ProgramStatePartialTrait< llvm::ImmutableList< T > >
struct  ProgramStatePartialTrait< llvm::ImmutableMap< Key, Data, Info > >
struct  ProgramStatePartialTrait< llvm::ImmutableSet< Key, Info > >
struct  ProgramStatePartialTrait< T *, void >
struct  ProgramStatePartialTrait< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum< T >::value > >
struct  ProgramStatePartialTrait< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< T >::value > >
struct  ProgramStateTrait
struct  ProgramStateTrait< iterator::ContainerMap >
struct  ProgramStateTrait< iterator::IteratorRegionMap >
struct  ProgramStateTrait< iterator::IteratorSymbolMap >
struct  ProgramStateTrait< mpi::RequestMap >
struct  ProgramStateTrait< ReplayWithoutInlining >
class  Range
 A Range represents the closed range [from, to]. More...
class  RangedConstraintManager
class  RangeSet
 persistent set of non-overlapping ranges. More...
class  RegionAndSymbolInvalidationTraits
 Information about invalidation for a particular region/symbol. More...
class  RegionOffset
 Represent a region's offset within the top level base region. More...
class  RegionRawOffset
struct  ReplayWithoutInlining
 Traits for storing the call processing policy inside GDM. More...
class  RetainSummary
 Summary for a function with respect to ownership changes. More...
class  RetainSummaryManager
class  RetainSummaryTemplate
class  RetEffect
 RetEffect summarizes a call's retain/release behavior with respect to its return value. More...
class  RuntimeDefinition
 Defines the runtime definition of the called function. More...
class  ScanReachableSymbols
 A utility class that visits the reachable symbols using a custom SymbolVisitor. More...
class  SimpleConstraintManager
class  SimpleFunctionCall
 Represents a C function or static C++ member function call. More...
class  SMTConstraintManager
class  SMTConv
class  StackArgumentsSpaceRegion
class  StackHintGenerator
 Interface for classes constructing Stack hints. More...
class  StackHintGeneratorForSymbol
 Constructs a Stack hint for the given symbol. More...
class  StackLocalsSpaceRegion
class  StackSpaceRegion
class  StaticGlobalSpaceRegion
 The region of the static variables within the current CodeTextRegion scope. More...
class  StmtNodeBuilder
 This builder class is useful for generating nodes that resulted from visiting a statement. More...
class  StoreManager
class  StoreRef
class  StringRegion
 StringRegion - Region associated with a StringLiteral. More...
class  SubRegion
 SubRegion - A region that subsets another larger region. More...
class  SummaryManager
class  SummaryManagerImpl
class  SuppressInlineDefensiveChecksVisitor
class  SVal
 SVal - This represents a symbolic expression, which can be either an L-value or an R-value. More...
class  SValBuilder
class  SValExplainer
class  SValVisitor
 SValVisitor - this class implements a simple visitor for SVal subclasses. More...
class  SwitchNodeBuilder
class  SymbolCast
 Represents a cast expression. More...
class  SymbolConjured
 A symbol representing the result of an expression in the case when we do not know anything about what the expression is. More...
class  SymbolData
 A symbol representing data which can be stored in a memory location (region). More...
class  SymbolDerived
 A symbol representing the value of a MemRegion whose parent region has symbolic value. More...
class  SymbolExtent
 SymbolExtent - Represents the extent (size in bytes) of a bounded region. More...
class  SymbolicRegion
 SymbolicRegion - A special, "non-concrete" region. More...
class  SymbolManager
class  SymbolMetadata
 SymbolMetadata - Represents path-dependent metadata about a specific region. More...
class  SymbolReaper
 A class responsible for cleaning up unused symbols. More...
class  SymbolRegionValue
 A symbol representing the value stored at a MemRegion. More...
class  SymbolVisitor
class  SymExpr
 Symbolic value. More...
class  SymExprAllocator
class  SymExprVisitor
 SymExprVisitor - this class implements a simple visitor for SymExpr subclasses. More...
class  TagVisitor
 The visitor detects NoteTags and displays the event notes they contain. More...
class  TrackConstraintBRVisitor
class  TypedRegion
 TypedRegion - An abstract class representing regions that are typed. More...
class  TypedValueRegion
 TypedValueRegion - An abstract class representing regions having a typed value. More...
class  UnarySymExpr
 Represents a symbolic expression involving a unary operator. More...
class  UndefinedVal
class  UndefOrNullArgVisitor
 When a region containing undefined value or '0' value is passed as an argument in a call, marks the call as interesting. More...
struct  UninitObjCheckerOptions
class  UnknownSpaceRegion
class  UnknownVal
class  VarRegion
class  WorkList
class  WorkListUnit
class  Z3CrosscheckOracle
 The oracle will decide if a report should be accepted or rejected based on the results of the Z3 solver and the statistics of the queries of a report equivalenece class. More...
class  Z3CrosscheckVisitor
 The bug visitor will walk all the nodes in a path and collect all the constraints. More...


using LocationOrAnalysisDeclContext = llvm::PointerUnion< const LocationContext *, AnalysisDeclContext * >
using PathDiagnosticPieceRef = std::shared_ptr< PathDiagnosticPiece >
using FilesToLineNumsMap = std::map< FileID, std::set< unsigned > >
 File IDs mapped to sets of line numbers.
typedef llvm::ImmutableMap< unsigned, ArgEffectArgEffects
 ArgEffects summarizes the effects of a function/method call on all of its arguments.
using DiagnosticForConsumerMapTy = llvm::DenseMap< PathDiagnosticConsumer *, std::unique_ptr< PathDiagnostic > >
 A mapping from diagnostic consumers to the diagnostics they should consume.
using RegisterCheckerFn = void(*)(CheckerManager &)
 Initialization functions perform any necessary setup for a checker.
using ShouldRegisterFunction = bool(*)(const CheckerManager &)
using CmdLineOptionList = llvm::SmallVector< CmdLineOption, 0 >
using CheckerInfoList = std::vector< CheckerInfo >
using CheckerInfoListRange = llvm::iterator_range< CheckerInfoList::iterator >
using ConstCheckerInfoList = llvm::SmallVector< const CheckerInfo *, 0 >
using CheckerInfoSet = llvm::SetVector< const CheckerInfo * >
using StateFromCmdLine = CheckerInfo::StateFromCmdLine
using PackageInfoList = llvm::SmallVector< PackageInfo, 0 >
typedef std::vector< PathDiagnosticConsumer * > PathDiagnosticConsumers
using CDM = CallDescription::Mode
 Enumerators of this enum class are used to construct CallDescription objects; in that context the fully qualified name is needlessly verbose.
using InterExplodedGraphMap = llvm::DenseMap< const ExplodedNode *, const ExplodedNode * >
using SetOfDecls = std::deque< Decl * >
using SetOfConstDecls = llvm::DenseSet< const Decl * >
typedef std::unique_ptr< ConstraintManager >(* ConstraintManagerCreator) (ProgramStateManager &, ExprEngine *)
typedef std::unique_ptr< StoreManager >(* StoreManagerCreator) (ProgramStateManager &)
typedef IntrusiveRefCntPtr< const ProgramStateProgramStateRef
using ConstraintMap = llvm::ImmutableMap< SymbolRef, RangeSet >
using InvalidatedSymbols = llvm::DenseSet< SymbolRef >
using Store = const void *
 Store - This opaque type encapsulates an immutable mapping from locations to values.
using SymIntExpr = BinarySymExprImpl< const SymExpr *, APSIntPtr, SymExpr::Kind::SymIntExprKind >
 Represents a symbolic expression like 'x' + 3.
using IntSymExpr = BinarySymExprImpl< APSIntPtr, const SymExpr *, SymExpr::Kind::IntSymExprKind >
 Represents a symbolic expression like 3 - 'x'.
using SymSymExpr = BinarySymExprImpl< const SymExpr *, const SymExpr *, SymExpr::Kind::SymSymExprKind >
 Represents a symbolic expression like 'x' + 'y'.
using SymbolID = unsigned
using SymbolRef = const SymExpr *
using SymbolRefSmallVectorTy = SmallVector< SymbolRef, 2 >
using UninitFieldMap = std::map< const FieldRegion *, llvm::SmallString< 50 > >


enum class  ObjKind {
  CF , ObjC , AnyObj , Generalized ,
 Determines the object kind of a tracked object. More...
enum  ArgEffectKind {
  DoNothing , Autorelease , Dealloc , DecRef ,
  DecRefBridgedTransferred , IncRef , UnretainedOutParameter , RetainedOutParameter ,
  RetainedOutParameterOnZero , RetainedOutParameterOnNonZero , MayEscape , StopTracking ,
  StopTrackingHard , DecRefAndStopTrackingHard
enum  PointerEscapeKind {
  PSK_EscapeOnBind , PSK_DirectEscapeOnCall , PSK_IndirectEscapeOnCall , PSK_EscapeOutParameters ,
 Describes the different reasons a pointer escapes during analysis. More...
enum class  ObjCMessageVisitKind { Pre , Post , MessageNil }
enum  CallEventKind {
  CE_Function , CE_CXXStaticOperator , CE_CXXMember , CE_CXXMemberOperator ,
  CE_CXXInheritedConstructor , CE_BEG_CXX_CONSTRUCTOR_CALLS = CE_CXXConstructor , CE_END_CXX_CONSTRUCTOR_CALLS = CE_CXXInheritedConstructor , CE_CXXAllocator ,
  CE_CXXDeallocator , CE_BEG_FUNCTION_CALLS = CE_Function , CE_END_FUNCTION_CALLS = CE_CXXDeallocator , CE_Block ,
enum  ObjCMessageKind { OCM_PropertyAccess , OCM_Subscript , OCM_Message }
 Represents the ways an Objective-C message send can occur. More...
enum class  Nullability : char { Contradicted , Nullable , Unspecified , Nonnull }


raw_ostream & operator<< (raw_ostream &Out, const CheckerBase &Checker)
 Dump checker name to stream.
bool containsMacro (const Stmt *S)
bool containsEnum (const Stmt *S)
bool containsStaticLocal (const Stmt *S)
bool containsBuiltinOffsetOf (const Stmt *S)
template<class T >
bool containsStmt (const Stmt *S)
std::pair< const clang::VarDecl *, const clang::Expr * > parseAssignment (const Stmt *S)
Nullability getNullabilityAnnotation (QualType Type)
 Get nullability annotation for a given type.
std::optional< inttryExpandAsInteger (StringRef Macro, const Preprocessor &PP)
 Try to parse the value of a defined preprocessor macro.
OperatorKind operationKindFromOverloadedOperator (OverloadedOperatorKind OOK, bool IsBinary)
std::optional< SValgetPointeeVal (SVal PtrSVal, ProgramStateRef State)
bool isWithinStdNamespace (const Decl *D)
 Returns true if declaration D is in std namespace or any nested namespace or class scope.
std::unique_ptr< ConstraintManagerCreateRangeConstraintManager (ProgramStateManager &statemgr, ExprEngine *exprengine)
std::unique_ptr< ConstraintManagerCreateZ3ConstraintManager (ProgramStateManager &statemgr, ExprEngine *exprengine)
DefinedOrUnknownSVal getDynamicExtent (ProgramStateRef State, const MemRegion *MR, SValBuilder &SVB)
DefinedOrUnknownSVal getElementExtent (QualType Ty, SValBuilder &SVB)
DefinedOrUnknownSVal getDynamicElementCount (ProgramStateRef State, const MemRegion *MR, SValBuilder &SVB, QualType Ty)
ProgramStateRef setDynamicExtent (ProgramStateRef State, const MemRegion *MR, DefinedOrUnknownSVal Extent)
 Set the dynamic extent Extent of the region MR.
SVal getDynamicExtentWithOffset (ProgramStateRef State, SVal BufV)
 Get the dynamic extent for a symbolic value that represents a buffer.
DefinedOrUnknownSVal getDynamicElementCountWithOffset (ProgramStateRef State, SVal BufV, QualType Ty)
DynamicTypeInfo getDynamicTypeInfo (ProgramStateRef State, const MemRegion *MR)
 Get dynamic type information for the region MR.
const DynamicTypeInfogetRawDynamicTypeInfo (ProgramStateRef State, const MemRegion *MR)
 Get raw dynamic type information for the region MR.
DynamicTypeInfo getClassObjectDynamicTypeInfo (ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym)
 Get dynamic type information stored in a class object represented by Sym.
const DynamicCastInfogetDynamicCastInfo (ProgramStateRef State, const MemRegion *MR, QualType CastFromTy, QualType CastToTy)
 Get dynamic cast information from CastFromTy to CastToTy of MR.
ProgramStateRef setDynamicTypeInfo (ProgramStateRef State, const MemRegion *MR, DynamicTypeInfo NewTy)
 Set dynamic type information of the region; return the new state.
ProgramStateRef setDynamicTypeInfo (ProgramStateRef State, const MemRegion *MR, QualType NewTy, bool CanBeSubClassed=true)
 Set dynamic type information of the region; return the new state.
ProgramStateRef setClassObjectDynamicTypeInfo (ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym, DynamicTypeInfo NewTy)
 Set constraint on a type contained in a class object; return the new state.
ProgramStateRef setClassObjectDynamicTypeInfo (ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym, QualType NewTy, bool CanBeSubClassed=true)
 Set constraint on a type contained in a class object; return the new state.
ProgramStateRef setDynamicTypeAndCastInfo (ProgramStateRef State, const MemRegion *MR, QualType CastFromTy, QualType CastToTy, bool IsCastSucceeds)
 Set dynamic type and cast information of the region; return the new state.
ProgramStateRef removeDeadTypes (ProgramStateRef State, SymbolReaper &SR)
 Removes the dead type informations from State.
ProgramStateRef removeDeadCasts (ProgramStateRef State, SymbolReaper &SR)
 Removes the dead cast informations from State.
ProgramStateRef removeDeadClassObjectTypes (ProgramStateRef State, SymbolReaper &SR)
 Removes the dead Class object type informations from State.
void printDynamicTypeInfoJson (raw_ostream &Out, ProgramStateRef State, const char *NL="\n", unsigned int Space=0, bool IsDot=false)
bool isUnrolledState (ProgramStateRef State)
 Returns if the given State indicates that is inside a completely unrolled loop.
ProgramStateRef updateLoopStack (const Stmt *LoopStmt, ASTContext &ASTCtx, ExplodedNode *Pred, unsigned maxVisitOnPath)
 Updates the stack of loops contained by the ProgramState.
ProgramStateRef processLoopEnd (const Stmt *LoopStmt, ProgramStateRef State)
 Updates the given ProgramState.
ProgramStateRef getWidenedLoopState (ProgramStateRef PrevState, const LocationContext *LCtx, unsigned BlockCount, const Stmt *LoopStmt)
 Get the states that result from widening the loop.
raw_ostream & operator<< (raw_ostream &os, const MemRegion *R)
void ProgramStateRetain (const ProgramState *state)
 Increments the number of times this state is referenced.
void ProgramStateRelease (const ProgramState *state)
 Decrement the number of times this state is referenced.
ConstraintMap getConstraintMap (ProgramStateRef State)
SymbolRef simplify (ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym)
 Try to simplify a given symbolic expression based on the constraints in State.
SVal simplifyToSVal (ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym)
 Try to simplify a given symbolic expression's associated SVal based on the constraints in State.
std::unique_ptr< StoreManagerCreateRegionStoreManager (ProgramStateManager &StMgr)
SValBuildercreateSimpleSValBuilder (llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &alloc, ASTContext &context, ProgramStateManager &stateMgr)
raw_ostream & operator<< (raw_ostream &os, clang::ento::SVal V)
raw_ostream & operator<< (raw_ostream &os, const clang::ento::SymExpr *SE)
std::unique_ptr< AnalysisASTConsumerCreateAnalysisConsumer (CompilerInstance &CI)
 CreateAnalysisConsumer - Creates an ASTConsumer to run various code analysis passes.
void printCheckerHelp (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, CompilerInstance &CI)
void printEnabledCheckerList (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, CompilerInstance &CI)
void printAnalyzerConfigList (llvm::raw_ostream &OS)
void printCheckerConfigList (llvm::raw_ostream &OS, CompilerInstance &CI)
void registerCheckerDocumentationChecker (CheckerManager &Mgr)
bool shouldRegisterCheckerDocumentationChecker (const CheckerManager &)
void registerInnerPointerCheckerAux (CheckerManager &Mgr)
 Register the part of MallocChecker connected to InnerPointerChecker.
std::string getVariableName (const FieldDecl *Field)
 Returns with Field's name.
bool isPrimitiveType (const QualType &T)
 Returns true if T is a primitive type.
bool isDereferencableType (const QualType &T)
template<class T , class Checker >
std::optional< TgetConfiguration (CheckerManager &Mgr, Checker *Chk, StringRef Option, StringRef ConfigFile)
 Read the given file from the filesystem and parse it as a yaml file.
static bool isLoopStmt (const Stmt *S)
static internal::Matcher< StmtsimpleCondition (StringRef BindName, StringRef RefName)
static internal::Matcher< StmtchangeIntBoundNode (internal::Matcher< Decl > VarNodeMatcher)
static internal::Matcher< StmtcallByRef (internal::Matcher< Decl > VarNodeMatcher)
static internal::Matcher< StmtassignedToRef (internal::Matcher< Decl > VarNodeMatcher)
static internal::Matcher< StmtgetAddrTo (internal::Matcher< Decl > VarNodeMatcher)
static internal::Matcher< StmthasSuspiciousStmt (StringRef NodeName)
static internal::Matcher< StmtforLoopMatcher ()
static bool isCapturedByReference (ExplodedNode *N, const DeclRefExpr *DR)
static bool isFoundInStmt (const Stmt *S, const VarDecl *VD)
static bool isPossiblyEscaped (ExplodedNode *N, const DeclRefExpr *DR)
static bool shouldCompletelyUnroll (const Stmt *LoopStmt, ASTContext &ASTCtx, ExplodedNode *Pred, unsigned &maxStep)
static bool madeNewBranch (ExplodedNode *N, const Stmt *LoopStmt)

Typedef Documentation

◆ ArgEffects

typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<unsigned, ArgEffect> clang::ento::ArgEffects

ArgEffects summarizes the effects of a function/method call on all of its arguments.

Definition at line 280 of file RetainSummaryManager.h.


Enumerators of this enum class are used to construct CallDescription objects; in that context the fully qualified name is needlessly verbose.

Definition at line 257 of file CallDescription.h.

◆ CheckerInfoList

using clang::ento::CheckerInfoList = typedef std::vector<CheckerInfo>

Definition at line 87 of file CheckerRegistryData.h.

◆ CheckerInfoListRange

using clang::ento::CheckerInfoListRange = typedef llvm::iterator_range<CheckerInfoList::iterator>

Definition at line 88 of file CheckerRegistryData.h.

◆ CheckerInfoSet

using clang::ento::CheckerInfoSet = typedef llvm::SetVector<const CheckerInfo *>

Definition at line 90 of file CheckerRegistryData.h.

◆ CmdLineOptionList

Definition at line 83 of file CheckerRegistryData.h.

◆ ConstCheckerInfoList

Definition at line 89 of file CheckerRegistryData.h.

◆ ConstraintManagerCreator

typedef std::unique_ptr< ConstraintManager >(* clang::ento::ConstraintManagerCreator) (ProgramStateManager &, ExprEngine *)

Definition at line 42 of file ProgramState.h.

◆ ConstraintMap

using clang::ento::ConstraintMap = typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<SymbolRef, RangeSet>

Definition at line 404 of file RangedConstraintManager.h.

◆ DiagnosticForConsumerMapTy

using clang::ento::DiagnosticForConsumerMapTy = typedef llvm::DenseMap<PathDiagnosticConsumer *, std::unique_ptr<PathDiagnostic> >

A mapping from diagnostic consumers to the diagnostics they should consume.

Definition at line 70 of file BugReporter.h.

◆ FilesToLineNumsMap

using clang::ento::FilesToLineNumsMap = typedef std::map<FileID, std::set<unsigned> >

File IDs mapped to sets of line numbers.

Definition at line 758 of file PathDiagnostic.h.

◆ InterExplodedGraphMap

using clang::ento::InterExplodedGraphMap = typedef llvm::DenseMap<const ExplodedNode *, const ExplodedNode *>

Definition at line 300 of file ExplodedGraph.h.

◆ IntSymExpr

using clang::ento::IntSymExpr = typedef BinarySymExprImpl<APSIntPtr, const SymExpr *, SymExpr::Kind::IntSymExprKind>

Represents a symbolic expression like 3 - 'x'.

Definition at line 486 of file SymbolManager.h.

◆ InvalidatedSymbols

using clang::ento::InvalidatedSymbols = typedef llvm::DenseSet<SymbolRef>

Definition at line 51 of file Store.h.

◆ LocationOrAnalysisDeclContext

using clang::ento::LocationOrAnalysisDeclContext = typedef llvm::PointerUnion<const LocationContext *, AnalysisDeclContext *>

Definition at line 192 of file PathDiagnostic.h.

◆ PackageInfoList

Definition at line 162 of file CheckerRegistryData.h.

◆ PathDiagnosticConsumers

Definition at line 33 of file PathDiagnosticConsumers.h.

◆ PathDiagnosticPieceRef

Definition at line 492 of file PathDiagnostic.h.

◆ ProgramStateRef

Definition at line 37 of file ProgramState_Fwd.h.

◆ RegisterCheckerFn

using clang::ento::RegisterCheckerFn = typedef void (*)(CheckerManager &)

Initialization functions perform any necessary setup for a checker.

They should include a call to CheckerManager::registerChecker.

Definition at line 39 of file CheckerRegistryData.h.

◆ SetOfConstDecls

using clang::ento::SetOfConstDecls = typedef llvm::DenseSet<const Decl *>

Definition at line 30 of file FunctionSummary.h.

◆ SetOfDecls

using clang::ento::SetOfDecls = typedef std::deque<Decl *>

Definition at line 29 of file FunctionSummary.h.

◆ ShouldRegisterFunction

Definition at line 40 of file CheckerRegistryData.h.

◆ StateFromCmdLine

Definition at line 142 of file CheckerRegistryData.h.

◆ Store

using clang::ento::Store = typedef const void *

Store - This opaque type encapsulates an immutable mapping from locations to values.

At a high-level, it represents the symbolic memory model. Different subclasses of StoreManager may choose different types to represent the locations and values.

Definition at line 27 of file StoreRef.h.

◆ StoreManagerCreator

typedef std::unique_ptr< StoreManager >(* clang::ento::StoreManagerCreator) (ProgramStateManager &)

Definition at line 44 of file ProgramState.h.

◆ SymbolID

Definition at line 28 of file SymExpr.h.

◆ SymbolRef

using clang::ento::SymbolRef = typedef const SymExpr *

Definition at line 133 of file SymExpr.h.

◆ SymbolRefSmallVectorTy

Definition at line 134 of file SymExpr.h.

◆ SymIntExpr

using clang::ento::SymIntExpr = typedef BinarySymExprImpl<const SymExpr *, APSIntPtr, SymExpr::Kind::SymIntExprKind>

Represents a symbolic expression like 'x' + 3.

Definition at line 482 of file SymbolManager.h.

◆ SymSymExpr

using clang::ento::SymSymExpr = typedef BinarySymExprImpl<const SymExpr *, const SymExpr *, SymExpr::Kind::SymSymExprKind>

Represents a symbolic expression like 'x' + 'y'.

Definition at line 490 of file SymbolManager.h.

◆ UninitFieldMap

using clang::ento::UninitFieldMap = typedef std::map<const FieldRegion *, llvm::SmallString<50> >

Definition at line 194 of file UninitializedObject.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ArgEffectKind


There is no effect.


The argument is treated as if an -autorelease message had been sent to the referenced object.


The argument is treated as if the referenced object was deallocated.


The argument has its reference count decreased by 1.


The argument has its reference count decreased by 1 to model a transferred bridge cast under ARC.


The argument has its reference count increased by 1.


The argument is a pointer to a retain-counted object; on exit, the new value of the pointer is a +0 value.


The argument is a pointer to a retain-counted object; on exit, the new value of the pointer is a +1 value.


The argument is a pointer to a retain-counted object; on exit, the new value of the pointer is a +1 value iff the return code is zero.


The argument is a pointer to a retain-counted object; on exit, the new value of the pointer is a +1 value iff the return code is non-zero.


The argument is treated as potentially escaping, meaning that even when its reference count hits 0 it should be treated as still possibly being alive as someone else may be holding onto the object.


All typestate tracking of the object ceases.

This is usually employed when the effect of the call is completely unknown.


All typestate tracking of the object ceases.

Unlike StopTracking, this is also enforced when the method body is inlined.

In some cases, we obtain a better summary for this checker by looking at the call site than by inlining the function. Signifies that we should stop tracking the symbol even if the function is inlined.


Performs the combined functionality of DecRef and StopTrackingHard.

The models the effect that the called function decrements the reference count of the argument and all typestate tracking on that argument should cease.

Definition at line 54 of file RetainSummaryManager.h.

◆ CallEventKind


Definition at line 60 of file CallEvent.h.

◆ Nullability

enum class clang::ento::Nullability : char

Definition at line 57 of file CheckerHelpers.h.

◆ ObjCMessageKind

Represents the ways an Objective-C message send can occur.


Definition at line 1243 of file CallEvent.h.

◆ ObjCMessageVisitKind


Definition at line 120 of file CheckerManager.h.

◆ ObjKind

enum class clang::ento::ObjKind

Determines the object kind of a tracked object.


Indicates that the tracked object is a CF object.


Indicates that the tracked object is an Objective-C object.


Indicates that the tracked object could be a CF or Objective-C object.


Indicates that the tracked object is a generalized object.


Indicates that the tracking object is a descendant of a referenced-counted OSObject, used in the Darwin kernel.

Definition at line 36 of file RetainSummaryManager.h.

◆ PointerEscapeKind

Describes the different reasons a pointer escapes during analysis.


A pointer escapes due to binding its value to a location that the analyzer cannot track.


The pointer has been passed to a function call directly.


The pointer has been passed to a function indirectly.

For example, the pointer is accessible through an argument to a function.


Escape for a new symbol that was generated into a region that the analyzer cannot follow during a conservative call.


The reason for pointer escape is unknown.

For example, a region containing this pointer is invalidated.

Definition at line 78 of file CheckerManager.h.

Function Documentation

◆ assignedToRef()

static internal::Matcher< Stmt > clang::ento::assignedToRef ( internal::Matcher< Decl VarNodeMatcher)

◆ callByRef()

static internal::Matcher< Stmt > clang::ento::callByRef ( internal::Matcher< Decl VarNodeMatcher)

◆ changeIntBoundNode()

static internal::Matcher< Stmt > clang::ento::changeIntBoundNode ( internal::Matcher< Decl VarNodeMatcher)

◆ containsBuiltinOffsetOf()

bool clang::ento::containsBuiltinOffsetOf ( const Stmt S)

Definition at line 70 of file CheckerHelpers.cpp.

References containsBuiltinOffsetOf().

Referenced by containsBuiltinOffsetOf().

◆ containsEnum()

bool clang::ento::containsEnum ( const Stmt S)

Definition at line 40 of file CheckerHelpers.cpp.

References containsEnum(), and clang::DeclRefExpr::getDecl().

Referenced by containsEnum().

◆ containsMacro()

bool clang::ento::containsMacro ( const Stmt S)

Definition at line 25 of file CheckerHelpers.cpp.

References containsMacro().

Referenced by containsMacro().

◆ containsStaticLocal()

bool clang::ento::containsStaticLocal ( const Stmt S)

Definition at line 54 of file CheckerHelpers.cpp.

References containsStaticLocal(), and clang::DeclRefExpr::getDecl().

Referenced by containsStaticLocal().

◆ containsStmt()

template<class T >
bool clang::ento::containsStmt ( const Stmt S)

Definition at line 37 of file CheckerHelpers.h.

◆ CreateAnalysisConsumer()

std::unique_ptr< AnalysisASTConsumer > clang::ento::CreateAnalysisConsumer ( CompilerInstance CI)

◆ CreateRangeConstraintManager()

std::unique_ptr< ConstraintManager > clang::ento::CreateRangeConstraintManager ( ProgramStateManager statemgr,
ExprEngine exprengine 

◆ CreateRegionStoreManager()

std::unique_ptr< StoreManager > clang::ento::CreateRegionStoreManager ( ProgramStateManager StMgr)

Definition at line 731 of file RegionStore.cpp.

◆ createSimpleSValBuilder()

SValBuilder * clang::ento::createSimpleSValBuilder ( llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &  alloc,
ASTContext context,
ProgramStateManager stateMgr 

Definition at line 101 of file SimpleSValBuilder.cpp.

◆ CreateZ3ConstraintManager()

std::unique_ptr< ConstraintManager > clang::ento::CreateZ3ConstraintManager ( ProgramStateManager statemgr,
ExprEngine exprengine 

◆ forLoopMatcher()

static internal::Matcher< Stmt > clang::ento::forLoopMatcher ( )

◆ getAddrTo()

static internal::Matcher< Stmt > clang::ento::getAddrTo ( internal::Matcher< Decl VarNodeMatcher)

◆ getClassObjectDynamicTypeInfo()

DynamicTypeInfo clang::ento::getClassObjectDynamicTypeInfo ( ProgramStateRef  State,
SymbolRef  Sym 

Get dynamic type information stored in a class object represented by Sym.

Referenced by clang::ento::ObjCMethodCall::getRuntimeDefinition(), and REGISTER_MAP_WITH_PROGRAMSTATE().

◆ getConfiguration()

template<class T , class Checker >
std::optional< T > clang::ento::getConfiguration ( CheckerManager Mgr,
Checker Chk,
StringRef  Option,
StringRef  ConfigFile 

Read the given file from the filesystem and parse it as a yaml file.

The template parameter must have a yaml MappingTraits. Emit diagnostic error in case of any failure.

Definition at line 29 of file Yaml.h.

References clang::ento::CheckerManager::reportInvalidCheckerOptionValue(), and clang::T.

◆ getConstraintMap()

ConstraintMap clang::ento::getConstraintMap ( ProgramStateRef  State)

Definition at line 2280 of file RangeConstraintManager.cpp.

References clang::Class, and clang::Result.

◆ getDynamicCastInfo()

const DynamicCastInfo * clang::ento::getDynamicCastInfo ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const MemRegion MR,
QualType  CastFromTy,
QualType  CastToTy 

Get dynamic cast information from CastFromTy to CastToTy of MR.

Referenced by addCastTransition(), and addInstanceOfTransition().

◆ getDynamicElementCount()

DefinedOrUnknownSVal clang::ento::getDynamicElementCount ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const MemRegion MR,
SValBuilder SVB,
QualType  Ty 
The stored element count of the region MR.

Referenced by getElementCountOfArrayBeingDestructed(), isArrayIndexOutOfBounds(), and REGISTER_MAP_WITH_PROGRAMSTATE().

◆ getDynamicElementCountWithOffset()

DefinedOrUnknownSVal clang::ento::getDynamicElementCountWithOffset ( ProgramStateRef  State,
SVal  BufV,
QualType  Ty 
The stored element count of the region represented by a symbolic value BufV.


◆ getDynamicExtent()

DefinedOrUnknownSVal clang::ento::getDynamicExtent ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const MemRegion MR,
SValBuilder SVB 
The stored dynamic extent for the region MR.


◆ getDynamicExtentWithOffset()

SVal clang::ento::getDynamicExtentWithOffset ( ProgramStateRef  State,
SVal  BufV 

Get the dynamic extent for a symbolic value that represents a buffer.

If there is an offsetting to the underlying buffer we consider that too. Returns with an SVal that represents the extent, this is Unknown if the engine cannot deduce the extent. E.g. char buf[3]; (buf); // extent is 3 (buf + 1); // extent is 2 (buf + 3); // extent is 0 (buf + 4); // extent is -1

char *bufptr; (bufptr) // extent is unknown


◆ getDynamicTypeInfo()

DynamicTypeInfo clang::ento::getDynamicTypeInfo ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const MemRegion MR 

◆ getElementExtent()

DefinedOrUnknownSVal clang::ento::getElementExtent ( QualType  Ty,
SValBuilder SVB 

◆ getNullabilityAnnotation()

Nullability clang::ento::getNullabilityAnnotation ( QualType  Type)

Get nullability annotation for a given type.

Definition at line 104 of file CheckerHelpers.cpp.

References clang::Type::getAs(), Nonnull, Nullable, and Unspecified.

Referenced by checkValueAtLValForInvariantViolation().

◆ getPointeeVal()

std::optional< SVal > clang::ento::getPointeeVal ( SVal  PtrSVal,
ProgramStateRef  State 

Definition at line 186 of file CheckerHelpers.cpp.

References clang::ento::SVal::getAsRegion().

◆ getRawDynamicTypeInfo()

const DynamicTypeInfo * clang::ento::getRawDynamicTypeInfo ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const MemRegion MR 

Get raw dynamic type information for the region MR.

It might return null.

◆ getVariableName()

std::string clang::ento::getVariableName ( const FieldDecl Field)

Returns with Field's name.

This is a helper function to get the correct name even if Field is a captured lambda variable.

Definition at line 576 of file UninitializedObjectChecker.cpp.

◆ getWidenedLoopState()

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::getWidenedLoopState ( ProgramStateRef  PrevState,
const LocationContext LCtx,
unsigned  BlockCount,
const Stmt LoopStmt 

◆ hasSuspiciousStmt()

static internal::Matcher< Stmt > clang::ento::hasSuspiciousStmt ( StringRef  NodeName)

◆ isCapturedByReference()

static bool clang::ento::isCapturedByReference ( ExplodedNode N,
const DeclRefExpr DR 

◆ isDereferencableType()

bool clang::ento::isDereferencableType ( const QualType T)

◆ isFoundInStmt()

static bool clang::ento::isFoundInStmt ( const Stmt S,
const VarDecl VD 

Definition at line 193 of file LoopUnrolling.cpp.

References D, and clang::Decl::getCanonicalDecl().

Referenced by isPossiblyEscaped().

◆ isLoopStmt()

static bool clang::ento::isLoopStmt ( const Stmt S)

Definition at line 74 of file LoopUnrolling.cpp.

Referenced by shouldCompletelyUnroll(), and updateLoopStack().

◆ isPossiblyEscaped()

static bool clang::ento::isPossiblyEscaped ( ExplodedNode N,
const DeclRefExpr DR 

◆ isPrimitiveType()

bool clang::ento::isPrimitiveType ( const QualType T)

Returns true if T is a primitive type.

An object of a primitive type only needs to be analyzed as much as checking whether their value is undefined.

Definition at line 324 of file UninitializedObject.h.

References clang::Type::isAtomicType(), clang::Type::isBuiltinType(), clang::Type::isEnumeralType(), clang::Type::isFunctionType(), clang::Type::isScalarType(), clang::Type::isVectorType(), and clang::T.

◆ isUnrolledState()

bool clang::ento::isUnrolledState ( ProgramStateRef  State)

Returns if the given State indicates that is inside a completely unrolled loop.

Definition at line 357 of file LoopUnrolling.cpp.

Referenced by clang::ento::ExprEngine::processCFGBlockEntrance().

◆ isWithinStdNamespace()

bool clang::ento::isWithinStdNamespace ( const Decl D)

Returns true if declaration D is in std namespace or any nested namespace or class scope.

Definition at line 193 of file CheckerHelpers.cpp.

References D, and clang::DeclContext::getParent().

Referenced by clang::ento::AnyCXXConstructorCall::getExtraInvalidatedValues(), and skipStdBaseClassRegion().

◆ madeNewBranch()

static bool clang::ento::madeNewBranch ( ExplodedNode N,
const Stmt LoopStmt 

◆ operationKindFromOverloadedOperator()

OperatorKind clang::ento::operationKindFromOverloadedOperator ( OverloadedOperatorKind  OOK,
bool  IsBinary 

Definition at line 152 of file CheckerHelpers.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/4]

raw_ostream & clang::ento::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  os,
clang::ento::SVal  V 

Definition at line 177 of file SVals.h.

References V.

◆ operator<<() [2/4]

raw_ostream & clang::ento::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  os,
const clang::ento::SymExpr SE 

Definition at line 127 of file SymExpr.h.

References clang::ento::SymExpr::dumpToStream().

◆ operator<<() [3/4]

raw_ostream & clang::ento::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  os,
const MemRegion R 

Definition at line 1669 of file MemRegion.h.

References clang::ento::MemRegion::dumpToStream().

◆ operator<<() [4/4]

raw_ostream & clang::ento::operator<< ( raw_ostream &  Out,
const CheckerBase Checker 

Dump checker name to stream.

Definition at line 35 of file Checker.cpp.

References clang::ento::CheckerBase::getCheckerName(), and clang::ento::CheckerNameRef::getName().

◆ parseAssignment()

std::pair< const clang::VarDecl *, const clang::Expr * > clang::ento::parseAssignment ( const Stmt S)

Definition at line 83 of file CheckerHelpers.cpp.

References clang::VarDecl::getAnyInitializer().

Referenced by getDereferenceExpr().

◆ printAnalyzerConfigList()

void clang::ento::printAnalyzerConfigList ( llvm::raw_ostream &  OS)

◆ printCheckerConfigList()

void clang::ento::printCheckerConfigList ( llvm::raw_ostream &  OS,
CompilerInstance CI 

◆ printCheckerHelp()

void clang::ento::printCheckerHelp ( llvm::raw_ostream &  OS,
CompilerInstance CI 

◆ printDynamicTypeInfoJson()

void clang::ento::printDynamicTypeInfoJson ( raw_ostream &  Out,
ProgramStateRef  State,
const char *  NL = "\n",
unsigned int  Space = 0,
bool  IsDot = false 

◆ printEnabledCheckerList()

void clang::ento::printEnabledCheckerList ( llvm::raw_ostream &  OS,
CompilerInstance CI 

◆ processLoopEnd()

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::processLoopEnd ( const Stmt LoopStmt,
ProgramStateRef  State 

Updates the given ProgramState.

In current implementation it removes the top element of the stack of loops.

Definition at line 78 of file LoopUnrolling.cpp.

Referenced by clang::ento::ExprEngine::ProcessLoopExit().

◆ ProgramStateRelease()

void clang::ento::ProgramStateRelease ( const ProgramState state)

Decrement the number of times this state is referenced.

Definition at line 35 of file ProgramState.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtrInfo< const clang::ento::ProgramState >::release().

◆ ProgramStateRetain()

void clang::ento::ProgramStateRetain ( const ProgramState state)

Increments the number of times this state is referenced.

Definition at line 30 of file ProgramState.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtrInfo< const clang::ento::ProgramState >::retain().

◆ registerCheckerDocumentationChecker()

void clang::ento::registerCheckerDocumentationChecker ( CheckerManager Mgr)

◆ registerInnerPointerCheckerAux()

void clang::ento::registerInnerPointerCheckerAux ( CheckerManager Mgr)

Register the part of MallocChecker connected to InnerPointerChecker.

Definition at line 3911 of file MallocChecker.cpp.

References clang::ento::CheckerManager::getChecker(), and clang::ento::CheckerManager::getCurrentCheckerName().

◆ removeDeadCasts()

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::removeDeadCasts ( ProgramStateRef  State,
SymbolReaper SR 

Removes the dead cast informations from State.

◆ removeDeadClassObjectTypes()

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::removeDeadClassObjectTypes ( ProgramStateRef  State,
SymbolReaper SR 

Removes the dead Class object type informations from State.

◆ removeDeadTypes()

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::removeDeadTypes ( ProgramStateRef  State,
SymbolReaper SR 

Removes the dead type informations from State.

◆ setClassObjectDynamicTypeInfo() [1/2]

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::setClassObjectDynamicTypeInfo ( ProgramStateRef  State,
SymbolRef  Sym,
DynamicTypeInfo  NewTy 

Set constraint on a type contained in a class object; return the new state.

◆ setClassObjectDynamicTypeInfo() [2/2]

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::setClassObjectDynamicTypeInfo ( ProgramStateRef  State,
SymbolRef  Sym,
QualType  NewTy,
bool  CanBeSubClassed = true 

Set constraint on a type contained in a class object; return the new state.

◆ setDynamicExtent()

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::setDynamicExtent ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const MemRegion MR,
DefinedOrUnknownSVal  Extent 

Set the dynamic extent Extent of the region MR.

Referenced by clang::ento::ExprEngine::bindReturnValue(), and REGISTER_MAP_WITH_PROGRAMSTATE().

◆ setDynamicTypeAndCastInfo()

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::setDynamicTypeAndCastInfo ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const MemRegion MR,
QualType  CastFromTy,
QualType  CastToTy,
bool  IsCastSucceeds 

Set dynamic type and cast information of the region; return the new state.

Referenced by addCastTransition(), and addInstanceOfTransition().

◆ setDynamicTypeInfo() [1/2]

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::setDynamicTypeInfo ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const MemRegion MR,
DynamicTypeInfo  NewTy 

Set dynamic type information of the region; return the new state.

Referenced by recordFixedType().

◆ setDynamicTypeInfo() [2/2]

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::setDynamicTypeInfo ( ProgramStateRef  State,
const MemRegion MR,
QualType  NewTy,
bool  CanBeSubClassed = true 

Set dynamic type information of the region; return the new state.

◆ shouldCompletelyUnroll()

static bool clang::ento::shouldCompletelyUnroll ( const Stmt LoopStmt,
ASTContext ASTCtx,
ExplodedNode Pred,
unsigned maxStep 

◆ shouldRegisterCheckerDocumentationChecker()

bool clang::ento::shouldRegisterCheckerDocumentationChecker ( const CheckerManager )

Definition at line 347 of file CheckerDocumentation.cpp.

◆ simpleCondition()

static internal::Matcher< Stmt > clang::ento::simpleCondition ( StringRef  BindName,
StringRef  RefName 

◆ simplify()

SymbolRef clang::ento::simplify ( ProgramStateRef  State,
SymbolRef  Sym 

Try to simplify a given symbolic expression based on the constraints in State.

This is needed because the Environment bindings are not getting updated when a new constraint is added to the State. If the symbol is simplified to a non-symbol (e.g. to a constant) then the original symbol is returned. We use this function in the family of assumeSymNE/EQ/LT/../GE functions where we can work only with symbols. Use the other function (simplifyToSVal) if you are interested in a simplification that may yield a concrete constant value.

Definition at line 240 of file RangedConstraintManager.cpp.

References clang::ento::SVal::getAsSymbol(), and simplifyToSVal().

Referenced by clang::ento::RangedConstraintManager::assumeSym(), clang::ento::RangedConstraintManager::assumeSymInclusiveRange(), and clang::ento::RangedConstraintManager::assumeSymUnsupported().

◆ simplifyToSVal()

SVal clang::ento::simplifyToSVal ( ProgramStateRef  State,
SymbolRef  Sym 

Try to simplify a given symbolic expression's associated SVal based on the constraints in State.

This is very similar to simplify, but this function always returns the simplified SVal. The simplified SVal might be a single constant (i.e. ConcreteInt).

Definition at line 235 of file RangedConstraintManager.cpp.

References clang::ento::SValBuilder::makeSymbolVal(), and clang::ento::SValBuilder::simplifySVal().

Referenced by simplify().

◆ tryExpandAsInteger()

std::optional< int > clang::ento::tryExpandAsInteger ( StringRef  Macro,
const Preprocessor PP 

Try to parse the value of a defined preprocessor macro.

We can only parse simple expressions that consist of an optional minus sign token and then a token for an integer. If we cannot parse the value then std::nullopt is returned.

Definition at line 115 of file CheckerHelpers.cpp.

References clang::Preprocessor::getIdentifierInfo(), clang::Preprocessor::getMacroInfo(), clang::T, and clang::MacroInfo::tokens().

◆ updateLoopStack()

ProgramStateRef clang::ento::updateLoopStack ( const Stmt LoopStmt,
ASTContext ASTCtx,
ExplodedNode Pred,
unsigned  maxVisitOnPath 