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clang::CompilerInstance Class Reference

CompilerInstance - Helper class for managing a single instance of the Clang compiler. More...

#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"

Inheritance diagram for clang::CompilerInstance:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 CompilerInstance (std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps=std::make_shared< PCHContainerOperations >(), InMemoryModuleCache *SharedModuleCache=nullptr)
 ~CompilerInstance () override
void setOutputStream (std::unique_ptr< llvm::raw_pwrite_stream > OutStream)
std::unique_ptr< llvm::raw_pwrite_stream > takeOutputStream ()
void createASTReader ()
bool loadModuleFile (StringRef FileName, serialization::ModuleFile *&LoadedModuleFile)
ModuleLoadResult loadModule (SourceLocation ImportLoc, ModuleIdPath Path, Module::NameVisibilityKind Visibility, bool IsInclusionDirective) override
 Attempt to load the given module.
void createModuleFromSource (SourceLocation ImportLoc, StringRef ModuleName, StringRef Source) override
 Attempt to create the given module from the specified source buffer.
void makeModuleVisible (Module *Mod, Module::NameVisibilityKind Visibility, SourceLocation ImportLoc) override
 Make the given module visible.
bool hadModuleLoaderFatalFailure () const
GlobalModuleIndexloadGlobalModuleIndex (SourceLocation TriggerLoc) override
 Load, create, or return global module.
bool lookupMissingImports (StringRef Name, SourceLocation TriggerLoc) override
 Check global module index for missing imports.
void addDependencyCollector (std::shared_ptr< DependencyCollector > Listener)
void setExternalSemaSource (IntrusiveRefCntPtr< ExternalSemaSource > ESS)
InMemoryModuleCachegetModuleCache () const
High-Level Operations
bool ExecuteAction (FrontendAction &Act)
 ExecuteAction - Execute the provided action against the compiler's CompilerInvocation object.
void printDiagnosticStats ()
 At the end of a compilation, print the number of warnings/errors.
void LoadRequestedPlugins ()
 Load the list of plugins requested in the FrontendOptions.
Compiler Invocation and Options
bool hasInvocation () const
CompilerInvocationgetInvocation ()
std::shared_ptr< CompilerInvocationgetInvocationPtr ()
void setInvocation (std::shared_ptr< CompilerInvocation > Value)
 setInvocation - Replace the current invocation.
bool shouldBuildGlobalModuleIndex () const
 Indicates whether we should (re)build the global module index.
void setBuildGlobalModuleIndex (bool Build)
 Set the flag indicating whether we should (re)build the global module index.
Forwarding Methods
AnalyzerOptionsgetAnalyzerOpts ()
CodeGenOptionsgetCodeGenOpts ()
const CodeGenOptionsgetCodeGenOpts () const
DependencyOutputOptionsgetDependencyOutputOpts ()
const DependencyOutputOptionsgetDependencyOutputOpts () const
DiagnosticOptionsgetDiagnosticOpts ()
const DiagnosticOptionsgetDiagnosticOpts () const
FileSystemOptionsgetFileSystemOpts ()
const FileSystemOptionsgetFileSystemOpts () const
FrontendOptionsgetFrontendOpts ()
const FrontendOptionsgetFrontendOpts () const
HeaderSearchOptionsgetHeaderSearchOpts ()
const HeaderSearchOptionsgetHeaderSearchOpts () const
std::shared_ptr< HeaderSearchOptionsgetHeaderSearchOptsPtr () const
APINotesOptionsgetAPINotesOpts ()
const APINotesOptionsgetAPINotesOpts () const
LangOptionsgetLangOpts ()
const LangOptionsgetLangOpts () const
std::shared_ptr< LangOptionsgetLangOptsPtr () const
PreprocessorOptionsgetPreprocessorOpts ()
const PreprocessorOptionsgetPreprocessorOpts () const
PreprocessorOutputOptionsgetPreprocessorOutputOpts ()
const PreprocessorOutputOptionsgetPreprocessorOutputOpts () const
TargetOptionsgetTargetOpts ()
const TargetOptionsgetTargetOpts () const
Diagnostics Engine
bool hasDiagnostics () const
DiagnosticsEnginegetDiagnostics () const
 Get the current diagnostics engine.
IntrusiveRefCntPtr< DiagnosticsEnginegetDiagnosticsPtr () const
void setDiagnostics (DiagnosticsEngine *Value)
 setDiagnostics - Replace the current diagnostics engine.
DiagnosticConsumergetDiagnosticClient () const
void setVerboseOutputStream (raw_ostream &Value)
 Replace the current stream for verbose output.
void setVerboseOutputStream (std::unique_ptr< raw_ostream > Value)
 Replace the current stream for verbose output.
raw_ostream & getVerboseOutputStream ()
 Get the current stream for verbose output.
Target Info
bool hasTarget () const
TargetInfogetTarget () const
IntrusiveRefCntPtr< TargetInfogetTargetPtr () const
void setTarget (TargetInfo *Value)
 Replace the current Target.
AuxTarget Info
TargetInfogetAuxTarget () const
void setAuxTarget (TargetInfo *Value)
 Replace the current AuxTarget.
bool createTarget ()
Virtual File System
llvm::vfs::FileSystem & getVirtualFileSystem () const
File Manager
bool hasFileManager () const
FileManagergetFileManager () const
 Return the current file manager to the caller.
IntrusiveRefCntPtr< FileManagergetFileManagerPtr () const
void resetAndLeakFileManager ()
void setFileManager (FileManager *Value)
 Replace the current file manager and virtual file system.
Source Manager
bool hasSourceManager () const
SourceManagergetSourceManager () const
 Return the current source manager.
IntrusiveRefCntPtr< SourceManagergetSourceManagerPtr () const
void resetAndLeakSourceManager ()
void setSourceManager (SourceManager *Value)
 setSourceManager - Replace the current source manager.
bool hasPreprocessor () const
PreprocessorgetPreprocessor () const
 Return the current preprocessor.
std::shared_ptr< PreprocessorgetPreprocessorPtr ()
void resetAndLeakPreprocessor ()
void setPreprocessor (std::shared_ptr< Preprocessor > Value)
 Replace the current preprocessor.
bool hasASTContext () const
ASTContextgetASTContext () const
IntrusiveRefCntPtr< ASTContextgetASTContextPtr () const
void resetAndLeakASTContext ()
void setASTContext (ASTContext *Value)
 setASTContext - Replace the current AST context.
void setSema (Sema *S)
 Replace the current Sema; the compiler instance takes ownership of S.
bool hasASTConsumer () const
ASTConsumergetASTConsumer () const
std::unique_ptr< ASTConsumertakeASTConsumer ()
 takeASTConsumer - Remove the current AST consumer and give ownership to the caller.
void setASTConsumer (std::unique_ptr< ASTConsumer > Value)
 setASTConsumer - Replace the current AST consumer; the compiler instance takes ownership of Value.
Semantic analysis
bool hasSema () const
SemagetSema () const
std::unique_ptr< SematakeSema ()
void resetAndLeakSema ()
Module Management
IntrusiveRefCntPtr< ASTReadergetASTReader () const
void setASTReader (IntrusiveRefCntPtr< ASTReader > Reader)
std::shared_ptr< ModuleDependencyCollectorgetModuleDepCollector () const
void setModuleDepCollector (std::shared_ptr< ModuleDependencyCollector > Collector)
std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperationsgetPCHContainerOperations () const
const PCHContainerWritergetPCHContainerWriter () const
 Return the appropriate PCHContainerWriter depending on the current CodeGenOptions.
const PCHContainerReadergetPCHContainerReader () const
 Return the appropriate PCHContainerReader depending on the current CodeGenOptions.
Code Completion
bool hasCodeCompletionConsumer () const
CodeCompleteConsumergetCodeCompletionConsumer () const
void setCodeCompletionConsumer (CodeCompleteConsumer *Value)
 setCodeCompletionConsumer - Replace the current code completion consumer; the compiler instance takes ownership of Value.
Frontend timer
llvm::TimerGroup & getTimerGroup () const
llvm::Timer & getFrontendTimer () const
Failed modules set
bool hasFailedModulesSet () const
void createFailedModulesSet ()
std::shared_ptr< FailedModulesSet > getFailedModulesSetPtr () const
void setFailedModulesSet (std::shared_ptr< FailedModulesSet > FMS)
Output Files


void clearOutputFiles (bool EraseFiles)
 clearOutputFiles - Clear the output file list.
- Public Member Functions inherited from clang::ModuleLoader
 ModuleLoader (bool BuildingModule=false)
virtual ~ModuleLoader ()
bool buildingModule () const
 Returns true if this instance is building a module.
void setBuildingModule (bool BuildingModuleFlag)
 Flag indicating whether this instance is building a module.
virtual ModuleLoadResult loadModule (SourceLocation ImportLoc, ModuleIdPath Path, Module::NameVisibilityKind Visibility, bool IsInclusionDirective)=0
 Attempt to load the given module.
virtual void createModuleFromSource (SourceLocation Loc, StringRef ModuleName, StringRef Source)=0
 Attempt to create the given module from the specified source buffer.
virtual void makeModuleVisible (Module *Mod, Module::NameVisibilityKind Visibility, SourceLocation ImportLoc)=0
 Make the given module visible.
virtual GlobalModuleIndexloadGlobalModuleIndex (SourceLocation TriggerLoc)=0
 Load, create, or return global module.
virtual bool lookupMissingImports (StringRef Name, SourceLocation TriggerLoc)=0
 Check global module index for missing imports.

Construction Utility Methods

void createDiagnostics (llvm::vfs::FileSystem &VFS, DiagnosticConsumer *Client=nullptr, bool ShouldOwnClient=true)
 Create the diagnostics engine using the invocation's diagnostic options and replace any existing one with it.
FileManagercreateFileManager (IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > VFS=nullptr)
 Create the file manager and replace any existing one with it.
void createSourceManager (FileManager &FileMgr)
 Create the source manager and replace any existing one with it.
void createPreprocessor (TranslationUnitKind TUKind)
 Create the preprocessor, using the invocation, file, and source managers, and replace any existing one with it.
std::string getSpecificModuleCachePath (StringRef ModuleHash)
std::string getSpecificModuleCachePath ()
void createASTContext ()
 Create the AST context.
void createPCHExternalASTSource (StringRef Path, DisableValidationForModuleKind DisableValidation, bool AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors, void *DeserializationListener, bool OwnDeserializationListener)
 Create an external AST source to read a PCH file and attach it to the AST context.
void createCodeCompletionConsumer ()
 Create a code completion consumer using the invocation; note that this will cause the source manager to truncate the input source file at the completion point.
void createSema (TranslationUnitKind TUKind, CodeCompleteConsumer *CompletionConsumer)
 Create the Sema object to be used for parsing.
void createFrontendTimer ()
 Create the frontend timer and replace any existing one with it.
std::unique_ptr< raw_pwrite_stream > createDefaultOutputFile (bool Binary=true, StringRef BaseInput="", StringRef Extension="", bool RemoveFileOnSignal=true, bool CreateMissingDirectories=false, bool ForceUseTemporary=false)
 Create the default output file (from the invocation's options) and add it to the list of tracked output files.
std::unique_ptr< raw_pwrite_stream > createOutputFile (StringRef OutputPath, bool Binary, bool RemoveFileOnSignal, bool UseTemporary, bool CreateMissingDirectories=false)
 Create a new output file, optionally deriving the output path name, and add it to the list of tracked output files.
std::unique_ptr< raw_pwrite_stream > createNullOutputFile ()
static IntrusiveRefCntPtr< DiagnosticsEnginecreateDiagnostics (llvm::vfs::FileSystem &VFS, DiagnosticOptions *Opts, DiagnosticConsumer *Client=nullptr, bool ShouldOwnClient=true, const CodeGenOptions *CodeGenOpts=nullptr)
 Create a DiagnosticsEngine object with a the TextDiagnosticPrinter.
static IntrusiveRefCntPtr< ASTReadercreatePCHExternalASTSource (StringRef Path, StringRef Sysroot, DisableValidationForModuleKind DisableValidation, bool AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors, Preprocessor &PP, InMemoryModuleCache &ModuleCache, ASTContext &Context, const PCHContainerReader &PCHContainerRdr, ArrayRef< std::shared_ptr< ModuleFileExtension > > Extensions, ArrayRef< std::shared_ptr< DependencyCollector > > DependencyCollectors, void *DeserializationListener, bool OwnDeserializationListener, bool Preamble, bool UseGlobalModuleIndex)
 Create an external AST source to read a PCH file.
static CodeCompleteConsumercreateCodeCompletionConsumer (Preprocessor &PP, StringRef Filename, unsigned Line, unsigned Column, const CodeCompleteOptions &Opts, raw_ostream &OS)
 Create a code completion consumer to print code completion results, at Filename, Line, and Column, to the given output stream OS.

Initialization Utility Methods

bool InitializeSourceManager (const FrontendInputFile &Input)
 InitializeSourceManager - Initialize the source manager to set InputFile as the main file.
static bool InitializeSourceManager (const FrontendInputFile &Input, DiagnosticsEngine &Diags, FileManager &FileMgr, SourceManager &SourceMgr)
 InitializeSourceManager - Initialize the source manager to set InputFile as the main file.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from clang::ModuleLoader
bool HadFatalFailure = false

Detailed Description

CompilerInstance - Helper class for managing a single instance of the Clang compiler.

The CompilerInstance serves two purposes: (1) It manages the various objects which are necessary to run the compiler, for example the preprocessor, the target information, and the AST context. (2) It provides utility routines for constructing and manipulating the common Clang objects.

The compiler instance generally owns the instance of all the objects that it manages. However, clients can still share objects by manually setting the object and retaking ownership prior to destroying the CompilerInstance.

The compiler instance is intended to simplify clients, but not to lock them in to the compiler instance for everything. When possible, utility functions come in two forms; a short form that reuses the CompilerInstance objects, and a long form that takes explicit instances of any required objects.

Definition at line 80 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CompilerInstance()

CompilerInstance::CompilerInstance ( std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations PCHContainerOps = std::make_shared<PCHContainerOperations>(),
InMemoryModuleCache SharedModuleCache = nullptr 

Definition at line 67 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

◆ ~CompilerInstance()

CompilerInstance::~CompilerInstance ( )

Definition at line 76 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addDependencyCollector()

void clang::CompilerInstance::addDependencyCollector ( std::shared_ptr< DependencyCollector Listener)

Definition at line 893 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by createPreprocessor().

◆ clearOutputFiles()

void CompilerInstance::clearOutputFiles ( bool  EraseFiles)

clearOutputFiles - Clear the output file list.

The underlying output streams must have been closed beforehand.

EraseFiles- If true, attempt to erase the files from disk.

Definition at line 768 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References E, getDiagnostics(), hasASTConsumer(), and clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Report().

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile(), and clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

◆ createASTContext()

void CompilerInstance::createASTContext ( )

◆ createASTReader()

void CompilerInstance::createASTReader ( )

◆ createCodeCompletionConsumer() [1/2]

void CompilerInstance::createCodeCompletionConsumer ( )

Create a code completion consumer using the invocation; note that this will cause the source manager to truncate the input source file at the completion point.

Definition at line 710 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References clang::FrontendOptions::CodeCompletionAt, createCodeCompletionConsumer(), EnableCodeCompletion(), getFrontendOpts(), getPreprocessor(), Loc, and setCodeCompletionConsumer().

Referenced by createCodeCompletionConsumer(), and clang::ASTFrontendAction::ExecuteAction().

◆ createCodeCompletionConsumer() [2/2]

CodeCompleteConsumer * CompilerInstance::createCodeCompletionConsumer ( Preprocessor PP,
StringRef  Filename,
unsigned  Line,
unsigned  Column,
const CodeCompleteOptions Opts,
raw_ostream &  OS 

Create a code completion consumer to print code completion results, at Filename, Line, and Column, to the given output stream OS.

Definition at line 730 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References clang::Column, EnableCodeCompletion(), Filename, and clang::Line.

◆ createDefaultOutputFile()

std::unique_ptr< raw_pwrite_stream > CompilerInstance::createDefaultOutputFile ( bool  Binary = true,
StringRef  BaseInput = "",
StringRef  Extension = "",
bool  RemoveFileOnSignal = true,
bool  CreateMissingDirectories = false,
bool  ForceUseTemporary = false 

Create the default output file (from the invocation's options) and add it to the list of tracked output files.

The files created by this are usually removed on signal, and, depending on FrontendOptions, may also use a temporary file (that is, the data is written to a temporary file which will atomically replace the target output on success).

- Null on error.

Definition at line 806 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References createOutputFile(), getFrontendOpts(), and clang::FrontendOptions::OutputFile.

Referenced by clang::RewriteIncludesAction::BeginSourceFileAction(), clang::ExtractAPIAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::ASTPrintAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::HTMLPrintAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::GenerateModuleInterfaceAction::CreateOutputFile(), clang::GeneratePCHAction::CreateOutputFile(), clang::PrintPreprocessedAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::RewriteMacrosAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::RewriteTestAction::ExecuteAction(), GetOutputStream(), and getOutputStream().

◆ createDiagnostics() [1/2]

void CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics ( llvm::vfs::FileSystem &  VFS,
DiagnosticConsumer Client = nullptr,
bool  ShouldOwnClient = true 

Create the diagnostics engine using the invocation's diagnostic options and replace any existing one with it.

Note that this routine also replaces the diagnostic client, allocating one if one is not provided.

VFSis used for any IO needed when creating DiagnosticsEngine. It doesn't replace VFS in the CompilerInstance (if any).
ClientIf non-NULL, a diagnostic client that will be attached to (and, then, owned by) the DiagnosticsEngine inside this AST unit.
ShouldOwnClientIf Client is non-NULL, specifies whether the diagnostic object should take ownership of the client.

Definition at line 335 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References createDiagnostics(), getCodeGenOpts(), and getDiagnosticOpts().

Referenced by clang::tooling::dependencies::DependencyScanningWorker::computeDependencies(), createDiagnostics(), clang::createInvocation(), clang::tooling::ToolInvocation::run(), and clang::tooling::FrontendActionFactory::runInvocation().

◆ createDiagnostics() [2/2]

IntrusiveRefCntPtr< DiagnosticsEngine > CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics ( llvm::vfs::FileSystem &  VFS,
DiagnosticOptions Opts,
DiagnosticConsumer Client = nullptr,
bool  ShouldOwnClient = true,
const CodeGenOptions CodeGenOpts = nullptr 

Create a DiagnosticsEngine object with a the TextDiagnosticPrinter.

If no diagnostic client is provided, this creates a DiagnosticConsumer that is owned by the returned diagnostic object, if using directly the caller is responsible for releasing the returned DiagnosticsEngine's client eventually.

Opts- The diagnostic options; note that the created text diagnostic object contains a reference to these options.
ClientIf non-NULL, a diagnostic client that will be attached to (and, then, owned by) the returned DiagnosticsEngine object.
CodeGenOptsIf non-NULL, the code gen options in use, which may be used by some diagnostics printers (for logging purposes only).
The new object on success, or null on failure.

Definition at line 342 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References clang::DiagnosticOptions::DiagnosticLogFile, clang::DiagnosticOptions::DiagnosticSerializationFile, clang::ProcessWarningOptions(), clang::DiagnosticOptions::SARIF, SetUpDiagnosticLog(), and SetupSerializedDiagnostics().

◆ createFailedModulesSet()

void clang::CompilerInstance::createFailedModulesSet ( )

Definition at line 646 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ createFileManager()

FileManager * CompilerInstance::createFileManager ( IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem >  VFS = nullptr)

Create the file manager and replace any existing one with it.

The new file manager on success, or null on failure.

Definition at line 379 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References clang::createVFSFromCompilerInvocation(), getDiagnostics(), getFileSystemOpts(), getFrontendOpts(), and getInvocation().

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile().

◆ createFrontendTimer()

void CompilerInstance::createFrontendTimer ( )

Create the frontend timer and replace any existing one with it.

Definition at line 724 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

◆ createModuleFromSource()

void CompilerInstance::createModuleFromSource ( SourceLocation  Loc,
StringRef  ModuleName,
StringRef  Source 

Attempt to create the given module from the specified source buffer.

Does not load the module or make any submodule visible; for that, use loadModule and makeModuleVisible.

LocThe location at which to create the module.
ModuleNameThe name of the module to create.
SourceThe source of the module: a (preprocessed) module map.

Implements clang::ModuleLoader.

Definition at line 2197 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References clang::C, compileModuleImpl(), getDiagnostics(), getLanguageFromOptions(), clang::isAlphanumeric(), clang::InputKind::ModuleMap, clang::Other, and clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Report().

◆ createNullOutputFile()

std::unique_ptr< raw_pwrite_stream > CompilerInstance::createNullOutputFile ( )

Definition at line 826 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

Referenced by GetOutputStream().

◆ createOutputFile()

std::unique_ptr< raw_pwrite_stream > CompilerInstance::createOutputFile ( StringRef  OutputPath,
bool  Binary,
bool  RemoveFileOnSignal,
bool  UseTemporary,
bool  CreateMissingDirectories = false 

Create a new output file, optionally deriving the output path name, and add it to the list of tracked output files.

- Null on error.

Definition at line 831 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References getDiagnostics(), and clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Report().

Referenced by createDefaultOutputFile().

◆ createPCHExternalASTSource() [1/2]

void CompilerInstance::createPCHExternalASTSource ( StringRef  Path,
DisableValidationForModuleKind  DisableValidation,
bool  AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors,
void *  DeserializationListener,
bool  OwnDeserializationListener 

◆ createPCHExternalASTSource() [2/2]

IntrusiveRefCntPtr< ASTReader > CompilerInstance::createPCHExternalASTSource ( StringRef  Path,
StringRef  Sysroot,
DisableValidationForModuleKind  DisableValidation,
bool  AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors,
Preprocessor PP,
InMemoryModuleCache ModuleCache,
ASTContext Context,
const PCHContainerReader PCHContainerRdr,
ArrayRef< std::shared_ptr< ModuleFileExtension > >  Extensions,
ArrayRef< std::shared_ptr< DependencyCollector > >  DependencyCollectors,
void *  DeserializationListener,
bool  OwnDeserializationListener,
bool  Preamble,
bool  UseGlobalModuleIndex 

◆ createPreprocessor()

void CompilerInstance::createPreprocessor ( TranslationUnitKind  TUKind)

◆ createSema()

void CompilerInstance::createSema ( TranslationUnitKind  TUKind,
CodeCompleteConsumer CompletionConsumer 

◆ createSourceManager()

void CompilerInstance::createSourceManager ( FileManager FileMgr)

Create the source manager and replace any existing one with it.

Definition at line 395 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References getDiagnostics().

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile(), and clang::tooling::FrontendActionFactory::runInvocation().

◆ createTarget()

bool CompilerInstance::createTarget ( )

◆ ExecuteAction()

bool CompilerInstance::ExecuteAction ( FrontendAction Act)

ExecuteAction - Execute the provided action against the compiler's CompilerInvocation object.

This function makes the following assumptions:

  • The invocation options should be initialized. This function does not handle the '-help' or '-version' options, clients should handle those directly.
  • The diagnostics engine should have already been created by the client.
  • No other CompilerInstance state should have been initialized (this is an unchecked error).
  • Clients should have initialized any LLVM target features that may be required.
  • Clients should eventually call llvm_shutdown() upon the completion of this routine to ensure that any managed objects are properly destroyed.

Note that this routine may write output to 'stderr'.

Act- The action to execute.
- True on success.

Definition at line 1008 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile(), clang::SourceManager::clearIDTables(), createTarget(), clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile(), clang::FrontendAction::Execute(), clang::DiagnosticConsumer::finish(), clang::DiagnosticsEngine::getClient(), getCodeGenOpts(), getDiagnosticClient(), getDiagnostics(), getFileManager(), getFrontendOpts(), getHeaderSearchOpts(), clang::DiagnosticConsumer::getNumErrors(), getSourceManager(), getTarget(), getVerboseOutputStream(), hasDiagnostics(), hasFileManager(), hasSourceManager(), clang::FrontendAction::isModelParsingAction(), clang::TargetInfo::noSignedCharForObjCBool(), clang::noteBottomOfStack(), clang::FrontendAction::PrepareToExecute(), printDiagnosticStats(), clang::FileManager::PrintStats(), clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Report(), clang::frontend::RewriteObjC, and clang::FrontendOptions::StatsFile.

Referenced by clang::ExecuteCompilerInvocation(), and clang::tooling::FrontendActionFactory::runInvocation().

◆ getAnalyzerOpts()

AnalyzerOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getAnalyzerOpts ( )

◆ getAPINotesOpts() [1/2]

APINotesOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getAPINotesOpts ( )

Definition at line 329 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by createSema().

◆ getAPINotesOpts() [2/2]

const APINotesOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getAPINotesOpts ( ) const

Definition at line 330 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getASTConsumer()

ASTConsumer & clang::CompilerInstance::getASTConsumer ( ) const

◆ getASTContext()

ASTContext & clang::CompilerInstance::getASTContext ( ) const

◆ getASTContextPtr()

IntrusiveRefCntPtr< ASTContext > clang::CompilerInstance::getASTContextPtr ( ) const

Definition at line 521 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getASTReader()

IntrusiveRefCntPtr< ASTReader > CompilerInstance::getASTReader ( ) const

◆ getAuxTarget()

TargetInfo * clang::CompilerInstance::getAuxTarget ( ) const

Definition at line 425 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by createASTContext(), createPreprocessor(), and createTarget().

◆ getCodeCompletionConsumer()

CodeCompleteConsumer & clang::CompilerInstance::getCodeCompletionConsumer ( ) const

Definition at line 619 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTFrontendAction::ExecuteAction().

◆ getCodeGenOpts() [1/2]

CodeGenOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getCodeGenOpts ( )

◆ getCodeGenOpts() [2/2]

const CodeGenOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getCodeGenOpts ( ) const

Definition at line 287 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getDependencyOutputOpts() [1/2]

DependencyOutputOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getDependencyOutputOpts ( )

Definition at line 291 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by createPreprocessor().

◆ getDependencyOutputOpts() [2/2]

const DependencyOutputOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getDependencyOutputOpts ( ) const

Definition at line 294 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getDiagnosticClient()

DiagnosticConsumer & clang::CompilerInstance::getDiagnosticClient ( ) const

◆ getDiagnosticOpts() [1/2]

DiagnosticOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getDiagnosticOpts ( )

◆ getDiagnosticOpts() [2/2]

const DiagnosticOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getDiagnosticOpts ( ) const

Definition at line 301 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getDiagnostics()

DiagnosticsEngine & clang::CompilerInstance::getDiagnostics ( ) const

◆ getDiagnosticsPtr()

IntrusiveRefCntPtr< DiagnosticsEngine > clang::CompilerInstance::getDiagnosticsPtr ( ) const

Definition at line 373 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::ReplCodeCompleter::codeComplete().

◆ getFailedModulesSetPtr()

std::shared_ptr< FailedModulesSet > clang::CompilerInstance::getFailedModulesSetPtr ( ) const

Definition at line 650 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getFileManager()

FileManager & clang::CompilerInstance::getFileManager ( ) const

◆ getFileManagerPtr()

IntrusiveRefCntPtr< FileManager > clang::CompilerInstance::getFileManagerPtr ( ) const

Definition at line 451 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getFileSystemOpts() [1/2]

FileSystemOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getFileSystemOpts ( )

◆ getFileSystemOpts() [2/2]

const FileSystemOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getFileSystemOpts ( ) const

Definition at line 308 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getFrontendOpts() [1/2]

FrontendOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getFrontendOpts ( )

Definition at line 312 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::FixItRecompile::BeginInvocation(), clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile(), clang::CodeGenAction::BeginSourceFileAction(), clang::FixItAction::BeginSourceFileAction(), clang::ReplCodeCompleter::codeComplete(), compileModule(), clang::GeneratePCHAction::ComputeASTConsumerArguments(), clang::ento::CreateAnalysisConsumer(), cir::CIRGenAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::arcmt::MigrateSourceAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::CodeGenAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::ExtractAPIAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::WrappingExtractAPIAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::ASTPrintAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::ASTDumpAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::GeneratePCHAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::GenerateModuleInterfaceAction::CreateASTConsumer(), createASTReader(), clang::createChainedIncludesSource(), createCodeCompletionConsumer(), createDefaultOutputFile(), createFileManager(), clang::CreateFrontendAction(), clang::CreateFrontendBaseAction(), clang::GenerateModuleAction::CreateMultiplexConsumer(), clang::GeneratePCHAction::CreateOutputFile(), createPCHExternalASTSource(), createPreprocessor(), createTarget(), clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile(), clang::ASTFrontendAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::DumpModuleInfoAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::VerifyPCHAction::ExecuteAction(), ExecuteAction(), clang::ExecuteCompilerInvocation(), clang::ExtractAPIActionBase::ImplEndSourceFileAction(), clang::IncrementalAction::IncrementalAction(), LoadRequestedPlugins(), prepareToBuildModule(), shouldBuildGlobalModuleIndex(), and clang::GenerateModuleAction::shouldEraseOutputFiles().

◆ getFrontendOpts() [2/2]

const FrontendOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getFrontendOpts ( ) const

Definition at line 315 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getFrontendTimer()

llvm::Timer & clang::CompilerInstance::getFrontendTimer ( ) const

◆ getHeaderSearchOpts() [1/2]

HeaderSearchOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getHeaderSearchOpts ( )

◆ getHeaderSearchOpts() [2/2]

const HeaderSearchOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getHeaderSearchOpts ( ) const

Definition at line 322 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getHeaderSearchOptsPtr()

std::shared_ptr< HeaderSearchOptions > clang::CompilerInstance::getHeaderSearchOptsPtr ( ) const

◆ getInvocation()

CompilerInvocation & clang::CompilerInstance::getInvocation ( )

◆ getInvocationPtr()

std::shared_ptr< CompilerInvocation > clang::CompilerInstance::getInvocationPtr ( )

Definition at line 264 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::ReplCodeCompleter::codeComplete().

◆ getLangOpts() [1/2]

LangOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getLangOpts ( )

◆ getLangOpts() [2/2]

const LangOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getLangOpts ( ) const

Definition at line 335 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getLangOptsPtr()

std::shared_ptr< LangOptions > clang::CompilerInstance::getLangOptsPtr ( ) const

Definition at line 336 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile().

◆ getModuleCache()

InMemoryModuleCache & clang::CompilerInstance::getModuleCache ( ) const

◆ getModuleDepCollector()

std::shared_ptr< ModuleDependencyCollector > CompilerInstance::getModuleDepCollector ( ) const

Definition at line 214 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

◆ getPCHContainerOperations()

std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > clang::CompilerInstance::getPCHContainerOperations ( ) const

◆ getPCHContainerReader()

const PCHContainerReader & clang::CompilerInstance::getPCHContainerReader ( ) const

◆ getPCHContainerWriter()

const PCHContainerWriter & clang::CompilerInstance::getPCHContainerWriter ( ) const

◆ getPreprocessor()

Preprocessor & clang::CompilerInstance::getPreprocessor ( ) const

Return the current preprocessor.

Definition at line 496 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::tooling::dependencies::ModuleDepCollector::applyDiscoveredDependencies(), clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile(), collectIncludePCH(), compileModule(), clang::ento::CreateAnalysisConsumer(), clang::arcmt::MigrateSourceAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::arcmt::ObjCMigrateAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::CodeGenAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::ExtractAPIAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::WrappingExtractAPIAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::GeneratePCHAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::GenerateModuleInterfaceAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::installapi::InstallAPIAction::CreateASTConsumer(), clang::HTMLPrintAction::CreateASTConsumer(), createASTContext(), createASTReader(), createASTReader(), createCodeCompletionConsumer(), clang::GenerateModuleAction::CreateMultiplexConsumer(), createPCHExternalASTSource(), createSema(), clang::tooling::dependencies::ModuleDepCollectorPP::EndOfMainFile(), clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile(), clang::FrontendAction::Execute(), clang::DumpModuleInfoAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::VerifyPCHAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::PrintDependencyDirectivesSourceMinimizerAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::DumpRawTokensAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::DumpTokensAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::PreprocessOnlyAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::PrintPreprocessedAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::RewriteMacrosAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::RewriteTestAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::RewriteIncludesAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::FrontendAction::getCurrentModule(), getInputBufferForModule(), loadGlobalModuleIndex(), loadModule(), loadModuleMapForModuleBuild(), clang::tooling::dependencies::ModuleDepCollectorPP::moduleImport(), prepareToBuildModule(), and ReadOriginalFileName().

◆ getPreprocessorOpts() [1/2]

PreprocessorOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getPreprocessorOpts ( )

◆ getPreprocessorOpts() [2/2]

const PreprocessorOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getPreprocessorOpts ( ) const

Definition at line 343 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getPreprocessorOutputOpts() [1/2]

PreprocessorOutputOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getPreprocessorOutputOpts ( )

◆ getPreprocessorOutputOpts() [2/2]

const PreprocessorOutputOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getPreprocessorOutputOpts ( ) const

Definition at line 350 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getPreprocessorPtr()

std::shared_ptr< Preprocessor > clang::CompilerInstance::getPreprocessorPtr ( )

Definition at line 501 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getSema()

Sema & clang::CompilerInstance::getSema ( ) const

◆ getSourceManager()

SourceManager & clang::CompilerInstance::getSourceManager ( ) const

◆ getSourceManagerPtr()

IntrusiveRefCntPtr< SourceManager > clang::CompilerInstance::getSourceManagerPtr ( ) const

◆ getSpecificModuleCachePath() [1/2]

std::string clang::CompilerInstance::getSpecificModuleCachePath ( )

◆ getSpecificModuleCachePath() [2/2]

std::string CompilerInstance::getSpecificModuleCachePath ( StringRef  ModuleHash)

Definition at line 541 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References getHeaderSearchOpts().

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile().

◆ getTarget()

TargetInfo & clang::CompilerInstance::getTarget ( ) const

◆ getTargetOpts() [1/2]

TargetOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getTargetOpts ( )

◆ getTargetOpts() [2/2]

const TargetOptions & clang::CompilerInstance::getTargetOpts ( ) const

Definition at line 357 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getTargetPtr()

IntrusiveRefCntPtr< TargetInfo > clang::CompilerInstance::getTargetPtr ( ) const

Definition at line 413 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ getTimerGroup()

llvm::TimerGroup & clang::CompilerInstance::getTimerGroup ( ) const

Definition at line 633 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::BackendConsumer::BackendConsumer().

◆ getVerboseOutputStream()

raw_ostream & clang::CompilerInstance::getVerboseOutputStream ( )

Get the current stream for verbose output.

Definition at line 398 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by ExecuteAction(), and printDiagnosticStats().

◆ getVirtualFileSystem()

llvm::vfs::FileSystem & CompilerInstance::getVirtualFileSystem ( ) const

◆ hadModuleLoaderFatalFailure()

bool clang::CompilerInstance::hadModuleLoaderFatalFailure ( ) const

Definition at line 885 of file CompilerInstance.h.

References clang::ModuleLoader::HadFatalFailure.

◆ hasASTConsumer()

bool clang::CompilerInstance::hasASTConsumer ( ) const

◆ hasASTContext()

bool clang::CompilerInstance::hasASTContext ( ) const

Definition at line 514 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile(), and createASTReader().

◆ hasCodeCompletionConsumer()

bool clang::CompilerInstance::hasCodeCompletionConsumer ( ) const

Definition at line 617 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTFrontendAction::ExecuteAction().

◆ hasDiagnostics()

bool clang::CompilerInstance::hasDiagnostics ( ) const

◆ hasFailedModulesSet()

bool clang::CompilerInstance::hasFailedModulesSet ( ) const

Definition at line 644 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ hasFileManager()

bool clang::CompilerInstance::hasFileManager ( ) const

◆ hasInvocation()

bool clang::CompilerInstance::hasInvocation ( ) const

Definition at line 257 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ hasPreprocessor()

bool clang::CompilerInstance::hasPreprocessor ( ) const

◆ hasSema()

bool clang::CompilerInstance::hasSema ( ) const

Definition at line 560 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by createASTReader(), and clang::ASTFrontendAction::ExecuteAction().

◆ hasSourceManager()

bool clang::CompilerInstance::hasSourceManager ( ) const

Definition at line 468 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile(), and ExecuteAction().

◆ hasTarget()

bool clang::CompilerInstance::hasTarget ( ) const

Definition at line 406 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by createTarget().

◆ InitializeSourceManager() [1/2]

bool CompilerInstance::InitializeSourceManager ( const FrontendInputFile Input)

InitializeSourceManager - Initialize the source manager to set InputFile as the main file.

True on success.

Definition at line 960 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References getDiagnostics(), getFileManager(), getSourceManager(), and InitializeSourceManager().

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile(), and InitializeSourceManager().

◆ InitializeSourceManager() [2/2]

bool CompilerInstance::InitializeSourceManager ( const FrontendInputFile Input,
DiagnosticsEngine Diags,
FileManager FileMgr,
SourceManager SourceMgr 

◆ loadGlobalModuleIndex()

GlobalModuleIndex * CompilerInstance::loadGlobalModuleIndex ( SourceLocation  TriggerLoc)

Load, create, or return global module.

This function returns an existing global module index, if one had already been loaded or created, or loads one if it exists, or creates one if it doesn't exist. Also, importantly, if the index doesn't cover all the modules in the module map, it will be update to do so here, because of its use in searching for needed module imports and associated fixit messages.

TriggerLocThe location for what triggered the load.
Returns null if load failed.

Implements clang::ModuleLoader.

Definition at line 2260 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References clang::ModuleLoader::buildingModule(), createASTReader(), clang::Module::DefinitionLoc, E, clang::Module::getASTFile(), getFileManager(), clang::Preprocessor::getHeaderSearchInfo(), clang::HeaderSearch::getModuleMap(), getPCHContainerReader(), getPreprocessor(), hasFileManager(), hasPreprocessor(), clang::Module::Hidden, loadModule(), clang::ModuleMap::module_begin(), clang::ModuleMap::module_end(), clang::Module::Name, Path, shouldBuildGlobalModuleIndex(), and clang::GlobalModuleIndex::writeIndex().

Referenced by lookupMissingImports().

◆ loadModule()

ModuleLoadResult CompilerInstance::loadModule ( SourceLocation  ImportLoc,
ModuleIdPath  Path,
Module::NameVisibilityKind  Visibility,
bool  IsInclusionDirective 

Attempt to load the given module.

This routine attempts to load the module described by the given parameters. If there is a module cache, this may implicitly compile the module before loading it.

ImportLocThe location of the 'import' keyword.
PathThe identifiers (and their locations) of the module "path", e.g., "std.vector" would be split into "std" and "vector".
VisibilityThe visibility provided for the names in the loaded module.
IsInclusionDirectiveIndicates that this module is being loaded implicitly, due to the presence of an inclusion directive. Otherwise, it is being loaded due to an import declaration.
If successful, returns the loaded module. Otherwise, returns NULL to indicate that the module could not be loaded.

Implements clang::ModuleLoader.

Definition at line 2010 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References clang::ModuleMap::cacheModuleLoad(), checkConfigMacros(), clang::Preprocessor::checkModuleIsAvailable(), clang::FixItHint::CreateReplacement(), clang::FileName, clang::Module::findSubmodule(), clang::IdentifierTable::get(), clang::ModuleMap::getCachedModuleLoad(), getDiagnostics(), clang::Module::getFullModuleName(), clang::Preprocessor::getHeaderSearchInfo(), clang::Preprocessor::getIdentifierInfo(), clang::Preprocessor::getIdentifierTable(), getLangOpts(), clang::HeaderSearch::getModuleMap(), getPreprocessor(), getTarget(), clang::IdentifierInfo::getTokenID(), clang::Module::getTopLevelModule(), clang::Module::IsFromModuleFile, clang::SourceLocation::isValid(), loadModule(), clang::HeaderSearch::lookupModule(), clang::Preprocessor::markClangModuleAsAffecting(), clang::ModuleLoadResult::MissingExpected, clang::Module::Name, Path, clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Report(), clang::ModuleMap::resolveLinkAsDependencies(), clang::Result, selectModuleSource(), and clang::Module::submodules().

Referenced by loadGlobalModuleIndex(), and loadModule().

◆ loadModuleFile()

bool CompilerInstance::loadModuleFile ( StringRef  FileName,
serialization::ModuleFile *&  LoadedModuleFile 

◆ LoadRequestedPlugins()

void CompilerInstance::LoadRequestedPlugins ( )

◆ lookupMissingImports()

bool CompilerInstance::lookupMissingImports ( StringRef  Name,
SourceLocation  TriggerLoc 

Check global module index for missing imports.

NameThe symbol name to look for.
TriggerLocThe location for what triggered the load.
Returns true if any modules with that symbol found.

Implements clang::ModuleLoader.

Definition at line 2330 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References clang::ModuleLoader::buildingModule(), loadGlobalModuleIndex(), and clang::GlobalModuleIndex::lookupIdentifier().

◆ makeModuleVisible()

void CompilerInstance::makeModuleVisible ( Module Mod,
Module::NameVisibilityKind  Visibility,
SourceLocation  ImportLoc 

Make the given module visible.

Implements clang::ModuleLoader.

Definition at line 2249 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References createASTReader().

◆ printDiagnosticStats()

void CompilerInstance::printDiagnosticStats ( )

◆ resetAndLeakASTContext()

void clang::CompilerInstance::resetAndLeakASTContext ( )

Definition at line 526 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

◆ resetAndLeakFileManager()

void clang::CompilerInstance::resetAndLeakFileManager ( )

Definition at line 456 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

◆ resetAndLeakPreprocessor()

void clang::CompilerInstance::resetAndLeakPreprocessor ( )

Definition at line 503 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

◆ resetAndLeakSema()

void CompilerInstance::resetAndLeakSema ( )

Definition at line 2353 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References takeSema().

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

◆ resetAndLeakSourceManager()

void clang::CompilerInstance::resetAndLeakSourceManager ( )

Definition at line 481 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

◆ setASTConsumer()

void CompilerInstance::setASTConsumer ( std::unique_ptr< ASTConsumer Value)

setASTConsumer - Replace the current AST consumer; the compiler instance takes ownership of Value.

Definition at line 189 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References getASTConsumer(), getASTContext(), and clang::ASTConsumer::Initialize().

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile(), and clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

◆ setASTContext()

void CompilerInstance::setASTContext ( ASTContext Value)

setASTContext - Replace the current AST context.

Definition at line 178 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References getASTConsumer(), getASTContext(), and clang::ASTConsumer::Initialize().

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile(), createASTContext(), and clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

◆ setASTReader()

void CompilerInstance::setASTReader ( IntrusiveRefCntPtr< ASTReader Reader)

Definition at line 207 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile().

◆ setAuxTarget()

void CompilerInstance::setAuxTarget ( TargetInfo Value)

Replace the current AuxTarget.

Definition at line 107 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

Referenced by createTarget().

◆ setBuildGlobalModuleIndex()

void clang::CompilerInstance::setBuildGlobalModuleIndex ( bool  Build)

Set the flag indicating whether we should (re)build the global module index.

Definition at line 274 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by compileModule().

◆ setCodeCompletionConsumer()

void CompilerInstance::setCodeCompletionConsumer ( CodeCompleteConsumer Value)

setCodeCompletionConsumer - Replace the current code completion consumer; the compiler instance takes ownership of Value.

Definition at line 196 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

Referenced by createCodeCompletionConsumer().

◆ setDiagnostics()

void CompilerInstance::setDiagnostics ( DiagnosticsEngine Value)

setDiagnostics - Replace the current diagnostics engine.

Definition at line 92 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

◆ setExternalSemaSource()

void CompilerInstance::setExternalSemaSource ( IntrusiveRefCntPtr< ExternalSemaSource ESS)

Definition at line 2355 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

◆ setFailedModulesSet()

void clang::CompilerInstance::setFailedModulesSet ( std::shared_ptr< FailedModulesSet >  FMS)

Definition at line 654 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ setFileManager()

void CompilerInstance::setFileManager ( FileManager Value)

◆ setInvocation()

void CompilerInstance::setInvocation ( std::shared_ptr< CompilerInvocation Value)

setInvocation - Replace the current invocation.

Definition at line 80 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

Referenced by clang::tooling::FrontendActionFactory::runInvocation().

◆ setModuleDepCollector()

void CompilerInstance::setModuleDepCollector ( std::shared_ptr< ModuleDependencyCollector Collector)

Definition at line 218 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

◆ setOutputStream()

void clang::CompilerInstance::setOutputStream ( std::unique_ptr< llvm::raw_pwrite_stream >  OutStream)

Definition at line 844 of file CompilerInstance.h.

◆ setPreprocessor()

void CompilerInstance::setPreprocessor ( std::shared_ptr< Preprocessor Value)

Replace the current preprocessor.

Definition at line 174 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile(), and clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

◆ setSema()

void CompilerInstance::setSema ( Sema S)

Replace the current Sema; the compiler instance takes ownership of S.

Definition at line 185 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

◆ setSourceManager()

void CompilerInstance::setSourceManager ( SourceManager Value)

setSourceManager - Replace the current source manager.

Definition at line 170 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

Referenced by clang::FixItRecompile::BeginInvocation(), clang::FrontendAction::BeginSourceFile(), and clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

◆ setTarget()

void CompilerInstance::setTarget ( TargetInfo Value)

Replace the current Target.

Definition at line 106 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

Referenced by createTarget().

◆ setVerboseOutputStream() [1/2]

void CompilerInstance::setVerboseOutputStream ( raw_ostream &  Value)

Replace the current stream for verbose output.

Definition at line 96 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

◆ setVerboseOutputStream() [2/2]

void CompilerInstance::setVerboseOutputStream ( std::unique_ptr< raw_ostream >  Value)

Replace the current stream for verbose output.

Definition at line 101 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

◆ shouldBuildGlobalModuleIndex()

bool CompilerInstance::shouldBuildGlobalModuleIndex ( ) const

Indicates whether we should (re)build the global module index.

Definition at line 85 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

References getFrontendOpts().

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::Execute(), and loadGlobalModuleIndex().

◆ takeASTConsumer()

std::unique_ptr< ASTConsumer > clang::CompilerInstance::takeASTConsumer ( )

takeASTConsumer - Remove the current AST consumer and give ownership to the caller.

Definition at line 551 of file CompilerInstance.h.

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

◆ takeOutputStream()

std::unique_ptr< llvm::raw_pwrite_stream > clang::CompilerInstance::takeOutputStream ( )

◆ takeSema()

std::unique_ptr< Sema > CompilerInstance::takeSema ( )

Definition at line 200 of file CompilerInstance.cpp.

Referenced by resetAndLeakSema().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: