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clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter > Class Template Reference

Compilation context for expressions. More...

#include "/home/buildbot/as-worker-4/publish-doxygen-docs/llvm-project/clang/lib/AST/ByteCode/Compiler.h"

Inheritance diagram for clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

template<typename... Tys>
 Compiler (Context &Ctx, Program &P, Tys &&...Args)
 Initializes the compiler and the backend emitter.
bool VisitCastExpr (const CastExpr *E)
bool VisitIntegerLiteral (const IntegerLiteral *E)
bool VisitFloatingLiteral (const FloatingLiteral *E)
bool VisitImaginaryLiteral (const ImaginaryLiteral *E)
bool VisitFixedPointLiteral (const FixedPointLiteral *E)
bool VisitParenExpr (const ParenExpr *E)
bool VisitBinaryOperator (const BinaryOperator *E)
bool VisitLogicalBinOp (const BinaryOperator *E)
bool VisitPointerArithBinOp (const BinaryOperator *E)
 Perform addition/subtraction of a pointer and an integer or subtraction of two pointers.
bool VisitComplexBinOp (const BinaryOperator *E)
bool VisitVectorBinOp (const BinaryOperator *E)
bool VisitFixedPointBinOp (const BinaryOperator *E)
bool VisitFixedPointUnaryOperator (const UnaryOperator *E)
bool VisitCXXDefaultArgExpr (const CXXDefaultArgExpr *E)
bool VisitCallExpr (const CallExpr *E)
bool VisitBuiltinCallExpr (const CallExpr *E, unsigned BuiltinID)
bool VisitCXXDefaultInitExpr (const CXXDefaultInitExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXBoolLiteralExpr (const CXXBoolLiteralExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXNullPtrLiteralExpr (const CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr *E)
bool VisitGNUNullExpr (const GNUNullExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXThisExpr (const CXXThisExpr *E)
bool VisitUnaryOperator (const UnaryOperator *E)
bool VisitVectorUnaryOperator (const UnaryOperator *E)
bool VisitComplexUnaryOperator (const UnaryOperator *E)
bool VisitDeclRefExpr (const DeclRefExpr *E)
bool VisitImplicitValueInitExpr (const ImplicitValueInitExpr *E)
bool VisitSubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr (const SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr *E)
bool VisitArraySubscriptExpr (const ArraySubscriptExpr *E)
bool VisitInitListExpr (const InitListExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXParenListInitExpr (const CXXParenListInitExpr *E)
bool VisitConstantExpr (const ConstantExpr *E)
bool VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr (const UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr *E)
bool VisitMemberExpr (const MemberExpr *E)
bool VisitArrayInitIndexExpr (const ArrayInitIndexExpr *E)
bool VisitArrayInitLoopExpr (const ArrayInitLoopExpr *E)
bool VisitOpaqueValueExpr (const OpaqueValueExpr *E)
bool VisitAbstractConditionalOperator (const AbstractConditionalOperator *E)
bool VisitStringLiteral (const StringLiteral *E)
bool VisitObjCStringLiteral (const ObjCStringLiteral *E)
bool VisitObjCEncodeExpr (const ObjCEncodeExpr *E)
bool VisitSYCLUniqueStableNameExpr (const SYCLUniqueStableNameExpr *E)
bool VisitCharacterLiteral (const CharacterLiteral *E)
bool VisitCompoundAssignOperator (const CompoundAssignOperator *E)
bool VisitFloatCompoundAssignOperator (const CompoundAssignOperator *E)
bool VisitPointerCompoundAssignOperator (const CompoundAssignOperator *E)
bool VisitExprWithCleanups (const ExprWithCleanups *E)
bool VisitMaterializeTemporaryExpr (const MaterializeTemporaryExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr (const CXXBindTemporaryExpr *E)
bool VisitCompoundLiteralExpr (const CompoundLiteralExpr *E)
bool VisitTypeTraitExpr (const TypeTraitExpr *E)
bool VisitArrayTypeTraitExpr (const ArrayTypeTraitExpr *E)
bool VisitLambdaExpr (const LambdaExpr *E)
bool VisitPredefinedExpr (const PredefinedExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXThrowExpr (const CXXThrowExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXReinterpretCastExpr (const CXXReinterpretCastExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXNoexceptExpr (const CXXNoexceptExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXConstructExpr (const CXXConstructExpr *E)
bool VisitSourceLocExpr (const SourceLocExpr *E)
bool VisitOffsetOfExpr (const OffsetOfExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXScalarValueInitExpr (const CXXScalarValueInitExpr *E)
bool VisitSizeOfPackExpr (const SizeOfPackExpr *E)
bool VisitGenericSelectionExpr (const GenericSelectionExpr *E)
bool VisitChooseExpr (const ChooseExpr *E)
bool VisitEmbedExpr (const EmbedExpr *E)
bool VisitObjCBoolLiteralExpr (const ObjCBoolLiteralExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXInheritedCtorInitExpr (const CXXInheritedCtorInitExpr *E)
bool VisitExpressionTraitExpr (const ExpressionTraitExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXUuidofExpr (const CXXUuidofExpr *E)
bool VisitRequiresExpr (const RequiresExpr *E)
bool VisitConceptSpecializationExpr (const ConceptSpecializationExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXRewrittenBinaryOperator (const CXXRewrittenBinaryOperator *E)
bool VisitPseudoObjectExpr (const PseudoObjectExpr *E)
bool VisitPackIndexingExpr (const PackIndexingExpr *E)
bool VisitRecoveryExpr (const RecoveryExpr *E)
bool VisitAddrLabelExpr (const AddrLabelExpr *E)
bool VisitConvertVectorExpr (const ConvertVectorExpr *E)
bool VisitShuffleVectorExpr (const ShuffleVectorExpr *E)
bool VisitExtVectorElementExpr (const ExtVectorElementExpr *E)
bool VisitObjCBoxedExpr (const ObjCBoxedExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXStdInitializerListExpr (const CXXStdInitializerListExpr *E)
bool VisitStmtExpr (const StmtExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXNewExpr (const CXXNewExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXDeleteExpr (const CXXDeleteExpr *E)
bool VisitBlockExpr (const BlockExpr *E)
bool VisitCXXTypeidExpr (const CXXTypeidExpr *E)
bool visitCompoundStmt (const CompoundStmt *S)
bool visitDeclStmt (const DeclStmt *DS)
bool visitReturnStmt (const ReturnStmt *RS)
bool visitIfStmt (const IfStmt *IS)
bool visitWhileStmt (const WhileStmt *S)
bool visitDoStmt (const DoStmt *S)
bool visitForStmt (const ForStmt *S)
bool visitCXXForRangeStmt (const CXXForRangeStmt *S)
bool visitBreakStmt (const BreakStmt *S)
bool visitContinueStmt (const ContinueStmt *S)
bool visitSwitchStmt (const SwitchStmt *S)
bool visitCaseStmt (const CaseStmt *S)
bool visitDefaultStmt (const DefaultStmt *S)
bool visitAttributedStmt (const AttributedStmt *S)
bool visitCXXTryStmt (const CXXTryStmt *S)
- Public Member Functions inherited from clang::StmtVisitorBase< Ptr, ImplClass, RetTy, ParamTys >
RetTy Visit (PTR(Stmt) S, ParamTys... P)

Protected Types

using LabelTy = typename Emitter::LabelTy
using AddrTy = typename Emitter::AddrTy
using OptLabelTy = std::optional< LabelTy >
using CaseMap = llvm::DenseMap< const SwitchCase *, LabelTy >

Protected Member Functions

bool visitStmt (const Stmt *S)
bool visitExpr (const Expr *E, bool DestroyToplevelScope) override
bool visitFunc (const FunctionDecl *F) override
bool visitDeclAndReturn (const VarDecl *VD, bool ConstantContext) override
 Toplevel visitDeclAndReturn().
void emitCleanup ()
 Emits scope cleanup instructions.
const RecordTypegetRecordTy (QualType Ty)
 Returns a record type from a record or pointer type.
RecordgetRecord (QualType Ty)
 Returns a record from a record or pointer type.
RecordgetRecord (const RecordDecl *RD)
const FunctiongetFunction (const FunctionDecl *FD)
 Returns a function for the given FunctionDecl.
std::optional< PrimTypeclassify (const Expr *E) const
std::optional< PrimTypeclassify (QualType Ty) const
PrimType classifyPrim (QualType Ty) const
 Classifies a known primitive type.
PrimType classifyPrim (const Expr *E) const
 Classifies a known primitive expression.
bool visit (const Expr *E)
 Evaluates an expression and places the result on the stack.
bool visitInitializer (const Expr *E)
 Compiles an initializer.
bool discard (const Expr *E)
 Evaluates an expression for side effects and discards the result.
bool delegate (const Expr *E)
 Just pass evaluation on to E.
VarCreationState visitVarDecl (const VarDecl *VD, bool Toplevel=false)
 Creates and initializes a variable from the given decl.
VarCreationState visitDecl (const VarDecl *VD)
bool visitAPValue (const APValue &Val, PrimType ValType, const Expr *E)
 Visit an APValue.
bool visitAPValueInitializer (const APValue &Val, const Expr *E)
bool visitDeclRef (const ValueDecl *D, const Expr *E)
 Visit the given decl as if we have a reference to it.
bool visitBool (const Expr *E)
 Visits an expression and converts it to a boolean.
bool visitInitList (ArrayRef< const Expr * > Inits, const Expr *ArrayFiller, const Expr *E)
bool visitArrayElemInit (unsigned ElemIndex, const Expr *Init)
 Pointer to the array(not the element!) must be on the stack when calling this.
unsigned allocateLocalPrimitive (DeclTy &&Decl, PrimType Ty, bool IsConst, bool IsExtended=false)
 Creates a local primitive value.
std::optional< unsignedallocateLocal (DeclTy &&Decl, QualType Ty=QualType(), const ValueDecl *ExtendingDecl=nullptr)
 Allocates a space storing a local given its type.
unsigned allocateTemporary (const Expr *E)

Protected Attributes

 Current compilation context.
 Program to link to.
llvm::DenseMap< const ValueDecl *, Scope::LocalLocals
 Variable to storage mapping.
llvm::DenseMap< const OpaqueValueExpr *, unsignedOpaqueExprs
 OpaqueValueExpr to location mapping.
VariableScope< Emitter > * VarScope = nullptr
 Current scope.
std::optional< uint64_t > ArrayIndex
 Current argument index. Needed to emit ArrayInitIndexExpr.
const ExprSourceLocDefaultExpr = nullptr
 DefaultInit- or DefaultArgExpr, needed for SourceLocExpr.
bool DiscardResult = false
 Flag indicating if return value is to be discarded.
bool InStmtExpr = false
bool Initializing = false
 Flag inidicating if we're initializing an already created variable.
const ValueDeclInitializingDecl = nullptr
llvm::SmallVector< InitLinkInitStack
bool InitStackActive = false
std::optional< PrimTypeReturnType
 Type of the expression returned by the function.
CaseMap CaseLabels
 Switch case mapping.
VariableScope< Emitter > * BreakVarScope = nullptr
 Scope to cleanup until when we see a break statement.
OptLabelTy BreakLabel
 Point to break to.
VariableScope< Emitter > * ContinueVarScope = nullptr
 Scope to cleanup until when we see a continue statement.
OptLabelTy ContinueLabel
 Point to continue to.
OptLabelTy DefaultLabel
 Default case label.


class VariableScope< Emitter >
class LocalScope< Emitter >
class DestructorScope< Emitter >
class DeclScope< Emitter >
class InitLinkScope< Emitter >
class InitStackScope< Emitter >
class OptionScope< Emitter >
class ArrayIndexScope< Emitter >
class SourceLocScope< Emitter >
struct InitLink
class LoopScope< Emitter >
class LabelScope< Emitter >
class SwitchScope< Emitter >
class StmtExprScope< Emitter >

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from clang::StmtVisitorBase< Ptr, ImplClass, RetTy, ParamTys >
ParamTys P { return RetTy()

Detailed Description

template<class Emitter>
class clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >

Compilation context for expressions.

Definition at line 103 of file Compiler.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AddrTy

template<class Emitter >
using clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::AddrTy = typename Emitter::AddrTy

Definition at line 108 of file Compiler.h.

◆ CaseMap

template<class Emitter >
using clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::CaseMap = llvm::DenseMap<const SwitchCase *, LabelTy>

Definition at line 110 of file Compiler.h.

◆ LabelTy

template<class Emitter >
using clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::LabelTy = typename Emitter::LabelTy

Definition at line 107 of file Compiler.h.

◆ OptLabelTy

template<class Emitter >
using clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::OptLabelTy = std::optional<LabelTy>

Definition at line 109 of file Compiler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Compiler()

template<class Emitter >
template<typename... Tys>
clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::Compiler ( Context Ctx,
Program P,
Tys &&...  Args 

Initializes the compiler and the backend emitter.

Definition at line 120 of file Compiler.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ allocateLocal()

template<class Emitter >
std::optional< unsigned > Compiler::allocateLocal ( DeclTy &&  Decl,
QualType  Ty = QualType(),
const ValueDecl ExtendingDecl = nullptr 

◆ allocateLocalPrimitive()

template<class Emitter >
unsigned Compiler::allocateLocalPrimitive ( DeclTy &&  Decl,
PrimType  Ty,
bool  IsConst,
bool  IsExtended = false 

Creates a local primitive value.

Definition at line 4086 of file Compiler.cpp.

References D, clang::interp::Descriptor::InlineDescMD, and P.

◆ allocateTemporary()

template<class Emitter >
unsigned Compiler::allocateTemporary ( const Expr E)

◆ classify() [1/2]

template<class Emitter >
std::optional< PrimType > clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::classify ( const Expr E) const

◆ classify() [2/2]

template<class Emitter >
std::optional< PrimType > clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::classify ( QualType  Ty) const

◆ classifyPrim() [1/2]

template<class Emitter >
PrimType clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::classifyPrim ( const Expr E) const

Classifies a known primitive expression.

Definition at line 264 of file Compiler.h.

References clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::classify(), E, and clang::T.

◆ classifyPrim() [2/2]

template<class Emitter >
PrimType clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::classifyPrim ( QualType  Ty) const

Classifies a known primitive type.

Definition at line 257 of file Compiler.h.

References clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::classify(), and clang::T.

◆ delegate()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::delegate ( const Expr E)

Just pass evaluation on to E.

This leaves all the parsing flags intact.

Definition at line 3792 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ discard()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::discard ( const Expr E)

Evaluates an expression for side effects and discards the result.

Definition at line 3786 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ emitCleanup()

template<class Emitter >
void Compiler::emitCleanup

Emits scope cleanup instructions.

Definition at line 6203 of file Compiler.cpp.

References clang::C.

◆ getFunction()

template<class Emitter >
const Function * Compiler::getFunction ( const FunctionDecl FD)

Returns a function for the given FunctionDecl.

If the function does not exist yet, it is compiled.

Definition at line 4192 of file Compiler.cpp.

◆ getRecord() [1/2]

template<class Emitter >
Record * Compiler::getRecord ( const RecordDecl RD)

Definition at line 4187 of file Compiler.cpp.

References P.

◆ getRecord() [2/2]

template<class Emitter >
Record * Compiler::getRecord ( QualType  Ty)

Returns a record from a record or pointer type.

Definition at line 4180 of file Compiler.cpp.

◆ getRecordTy()

template<class Emitter >
const RecordType * Compiler::getRecordTy ( QualType  Ty)

Returns a record type from a record or pointer type.

Definition at line 4174 of file Compiler.cpp.

References clang::Type::getAs(), and clang::Type::getPointeeType().

◆ visit()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visit ( const Expr E)

Evaluates an expression and places the result on the stack.

If the expression is of composite type, a local variable will be created and a pointer to said variable will be placed on the stack.

Definition at line 3799 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Type::isAnyComplexType(), clang::Expr::isGLValue(), clang::QualType::isNull(), and clang::Type::isVoidType().

◆ VisitAbstractConditionalOperator()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitAbstractConditionalOperator ( const AbstractConditionalOperator E)

Definition at line 2271 of file Compiler.cpp.

References clang::Condition, and E.

◆ VisitAddrLabelExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitAddrLabelExpr ( const AddrLabelExpr E)

◆ visitAPValue()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitAPValue ( const APValue Val,
PrimType  ValType,
const Expr E 

◆ visitAPValueInitializer()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitAPValueInitializer ( const APValue Val,
const Expr E 

◆ visitArrayElemInit()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitArrayElemInit ( unsigned  ElemIndex,
const Expr Init 

Pointer to the array(not the element!) must be on the stack when calling this.

Definition at line 1959 of file Compiler.cpp.

References clang::interp::InitLink::Elem(), clang::Init, and clang::T.

◆ VisitArrayInitIndexExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitArrayInitIndexExpr ( const ArrayInitIndexExpr E)

Definition at line 2196 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitArrayInitLoopExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitArrayInitLoopExpr ( const ArrayInitLoopExpr E)

◆ VisitArraySubscriptExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitArraySubscriptExpr ( const ArraySubscriptExpr E)

Definition at line 1688 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::interp::PT_Ptr, and clang::Success.

◆ VisitArrayTypeTraitExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitArrayTypeTraitExpr ( const ArrayTypeTraitExpr E)

Definition at line 2820 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ visitAttributedStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitAttributedStmt ( const AttributedStmt S)

◆ VisitBinaryOperator()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitBinaryOperator ( const BinaryOperator E)

◆ VisitBlockExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitBlockExpr ( const BlockExpr E)

Definition at line 3416 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Func, and P.

◆ visitBool()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitBool ( const Expr E)

Visits an expression and converts it to a boolean.

Definition at line 3834 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Type::isAnyComplexType(), clang::interp::PT_Bool, clang::interp::PT_Float, clang::interp::PT_FnPtr, clang::interp::PT_Ptr, and clang::T.

◆ visitBreakStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitBreakStmt ( const BreakStmt S)

Definition at line 5221 of file Compiler.cpp.

References clang::C.

◆ VisitBuiltinCallExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitBuiltinCallExpr ( const CallExpr E,
unsigned  BuiltinID 

◆ VisitCallExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCallExpr ( const CallExpr E)

◆ visitCaseStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitCaseStmt ( const CaseStmt S)

Definition at line 5315 of file Compiler.cpp.

◆ VisitCastExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCastExpr ( const CastExpr E)

◆ VisitCharacterLiteral()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCharacterLiteral ( const CharacterLiteral E)

Definition at line 2413 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitChooseExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitChooseExpr ( const ChooseExpr E)

Definition at line 3224 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitComplexBinOp()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitComplexBinOp ( const BinaryOperator E)

◆ VisitComplexUnaryOperator()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitComplexUnaryOperator ( const UnaryOperator E)

◆ VisitCompoundAssignOperator()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCompoundAssignOperator ( const CompoundAssignOperator E)

◆ VisitCompoundLiteralExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCompoundLiteralExpr ( const CompoundLiteralExpr E)

◆ visitCompoundStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitCompoundStmt ( const CompoundStmt S)

Definition at line 4921 of file Compiler.cpp.

◆ VisitConceptSpecializationExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitConceptSpecializationExpr ( const ConceptSpecializationExpr E)

Definition at line 3510 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), and clang::interp::PT_Bool.

◆ VisitConstantExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitConstantExpr ( const ConstantExpr E)

Definition at line 1998 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), and clang::T.

◆ visitContinueStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitContinueStmt ( const ContinueStmt S)

Definition at line 5232 of file Compiler.cpp.

References clang::C.

◆ VisitConvertVectorExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitConvertVectorExpr ( const ConvertVectorExpr E)

◆ VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr ( const CXXBindTemporaryExpr E)

Definition at line 2740 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitCXXBoolLiteralExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXBoolLiteralExpr ( const CXXBoolLiteralExpr E)

Definition at line 4808 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitCXXConstructExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXConstructExpr ( const CXXConstructExpr E)

◆ VisitCXXDefaultArgExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXDefaultArgExpr ( const CXXDefaultArgExpr E)

Definition at line 4796 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Initializing, and clang::T.

◆ VisitCXXDefaultInitExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXDefaultInitExpr ( const CXXDefaultInitExpr E)

Definition at line 4789 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitCXXDeleteExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXDeleteExpr ( const CXXDeleteExpr E)

Definition at line 3400 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ visitCXXForRangeStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitCXXForRangeStmt ( const CXXForRangeStmt S)

Definition at line 5165 of file Compiler.cpp.

References clang::interp::Inc, and clang::Init.

◆ VisitCXXInheritedCtorInitExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXInheritedCtorInitExpr ( const CXXInheritedCtorInitExpr E)

◆ VisitCXXNewExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXNewExpr ( const CXXNewExpr E)

◆ VisitCXXNoexceptExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXNoexceptExpr ( const CXXNoexceptExpr E)

Definition at line 2934 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), and clang::Type::isBooleanType().

◆ VisitCXXNullPtrLiteralExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXNullPtrLiteralExpr ( const CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr E)

Definition at line 4816 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, and clang::Expr::getType().

◆ VisitCXXParenListInitExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXParenListInitExpr ( const CXXParenListInitExpr E)

Definition at line 1986 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitCXXReinterpretCastExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXReinterpretCastExpr ( const CXXReinterpretCastExpr E)

◆ VisitCXXRewrittenBinaryOperator()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXRewrittenBinaryOperator ( const CXXRewrittenBinaryOperator E)

Definition at line 3519 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitCXXScalarValueInitExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXScalarValueInitExpr ( const CXXScalarValueInitExpr E)

◆ VisitCXXStdInitializerListExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXStdInitializerListExpr ( const CXXStdInitializerListExpr E)

◆ VisitCXXThisExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXThisExpr ( const CXXThisExpr E)

◆ VisitCXXThrowExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXThrowExpr ( const CXXThrowExpr E)

Definition at line 2879 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ visitCXXTryStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitCXXTryStmt ( const CXXTryStmt S)

Definition at line 5358 of file Compiler.cpp.

◆ VisitCXXTypeidExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXTypeidExpr ( const CXXTypeidExpr E)

◆ VisitCXXUuidofExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitCXXUuidofExpr ( const CXXUuidofExpr E)

◆ visitDecl()

template<class Emitter >
VarCreationState Compiler::visitDecl ( const VarDecl VD)

◆ visitDeclAndReturn()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitDeclAndReturn ( const VarDecl VD,
bool  ConstantContext 

◆ visitDeclRef()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitDeclRef ( const ValueDecl D,
const Expr E 

Visit the given decl as if we have a reference to it.

Definition at line 6067 of file Compiler.cpp.

References D, E, clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Type::isReferenceType(), P, clang::interp::PT_Ptr, and clang::T.

Referenced by clang::interp::InitLink::emit().

◆ VisitDeclRefExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitDeclRefExpr ( const DeclRefExpr E)

Definition at line 6198 of file Compiler.cpp.

References D, and E.

◆ visitDeclStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitDeclStmt ( const DeclStmt DS)

Definition at line 4930 of file Compiler.cpp.

References D, clang::DeclStmt::decls(), and clang::isa().

◆ visitDefaultStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitDefaultStmt ( const DefaultStmt S)

Definition at line 5321 of file Compiler.cpp.

◆ visitDoStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitDoStmt ( const DoStmt S)

◆ VisitEmbedExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitEmbedExpr ( const EmbedExpr E)

Definition at line 2014 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ visitExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitExpr ( const Expr E,
bool  DestroyToplevelScope 

◆ VisitExpressionTraitExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitExpressionTraitExpr ( const ExpressionTraitExpr E)

Definition at line 3462 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitExprWithCleanups()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitExprWithCleanups ( const ExprWithCleanups E)

Definition at line 2653 of file Compiler.cpp.

References clang::interp::LocalScope< Emitter >::destroyLocals(), and E.

◆ VisitExtVectorElementExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitExtVectorElementExpr ( const ExtVectorElementExpr E)

◆ VisitFixedPointBinOp()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitFixedPointBinOp ( const BinaryOperator E)

◆ VisitFixedPointLiteral()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitFixedPointLiteral ( const FixedPointLiteral E)

◆ VisitFixedPointUnaryOperator()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitFixedPointUnaryOperator ( const UnaryOperator E)

Definition at line 1605 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), and clang::Type::isFixedPointType().

◆ VisitFloatCompoundAssignOperator()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitFloatCompoundAssignOperator ( const CompoundAssignOperator E)

Definition at line 2420 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Type::isFloatingType(), and LT.

◆ VisitFloatingLiteral()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitFloatingLiteral ( const FloatingLiteral E)

Definition at line 741 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ visitForStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitForStmt ( const ForStmt S)

◆ visitFunc()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitFunc ( const FunctionDecl F)

◆ VisitGenericSelectionExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitGenericSelectionExpr ( const GenericSelectionExpr E)

Definition at line 3218 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitGNUNullExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitGNUNullExpr ( const GNUNullExpr E)

Definition at line 4826 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Type::isIntegerType(), and clang::T.

◆ visitIfStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitIfStmt ( const IfStmt IS)

◆ VisitImaginaryLiteral()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitImaginaryLiteral ( const ImaginaryLiteral E)

◆ VisitImplicitValueInitExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitImplicitValueInitExpr ( const ImplicitValueInitExpr E)

◆ visitInitializer()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitInitializer ( const Expr E)

Compiles an initializer.

This is like visit() but it will never create a variable and instead rely on a variable already having been created. visitInitializer() then relies on a pointer to this variable being on top of the stack.

Definition at line 3826 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, and clang::Expr::getType().

◆ visitInitList()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitInitList ( ArrayRef< const Expr * >  Inits,
const Expr ArrayFiller,
const Expr E 

◆ VisitInitListExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitInitListExpr ( const InitListExpr E)

Definition at line 1981 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitIntegerLiteral()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitIntegerLiteral ( const IntegerLiteral E)

Definition at line 733 of file Compiler.cpp.

References clang::interp::LE().

◆ VisitLambdaExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitLambdaExpr ( const LambdaExpr E)

Definition at line 2827 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::interp::Record::fields(), clang::Init, clang::Initializing, P, and clang::T.

◆ VisitLogicalBinOp()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitLogicalBinOp ( const BinaryOperator E)

Definition at line 1050 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), clang::interp::PT_Bool, and clang::T.

◆ VisitMaterializeTemporaryExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitMaterializeTemporaryExpr ( const MaterializeTemporaryExpr E)

◆ VisitMemberExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitMemberExpr ( const MemberExpr E)

◆ VisitObjCBoolLiteralExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitObjCBoolLiteralExpr ( const ObjCBoolLiteralExpr E)

Definition at line 3229 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitObjCBoxedExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitObjCBoxedExpr ( const ObjCBoxedExpr E)

Definition at line 3712 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, and clang::interp::PT_Ptr.

◆ VisitObjCEncodeExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitObjCEncodeExpr ( const ObjCEncodeExpr E)

Definition at line 2378 of file Compiler.cpp.

References clang::StringLiteral::Create(), E, and clang::Expr::getType().

◆ VisitObjCStringLiteral()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitObjCStringLiteral ( const ObjCStringLiteral E)

Definition at line 2371 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitOffsetOfExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitOffsetOfExpr ( const OffsetOfExpr E)

◆ VisitOpaqueValueExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitOpaqueValueExpr ( const OpaqueValueExpr E)

Definition at line 2235 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Initializing, and clang::interp::PT_Ptr.

◆ VisitPackIndexingExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitPackIndexingExpr ( const PackIndexingExpr E)

Definition at line 3549 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitParenExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitParenExpr ( const ParenExpr E)

Definition at line 784 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitPointerArithBinOp()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitPointerArithBinOp ( const BinaryOperator E)

Perform addition/subtraction of a pointer and an integer or subtraction of two pointers.

Definition at line 973 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Type::isIntegerType(), clang::Type::isPointerType(), LT, clang::interp::PT_Ptr, and clang::T.

◆ VisitPointerCompoundAssignOperator()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitPointerCompoundAssignOperator ( const CompoundAssignOperator E)

Definition at line 2493 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), and LT.

◆ VisitPredefinedExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitPredefinedExpr ( const PredefinedExpr E)

Definition at line 2866 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Initializing, and P.

◆ VisitPseudoObjectExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitPseudoObjectExpr ( const PseudoObjectExpr E)

Definition at line 3525 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitRecoveryExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitRecoveryExpr ( const RecoveryExpr E)

Definition at line 3554 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitRequiresExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitRequiresExpr ( const RequiresExpr E)

Definition at line 3502 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), and clang::interp::PT_Bool.

◆ visitReturnStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitReturnStmt ( const ReturnStmt RS)

Definition at line 4947 of file Compiler.cpp.

References clang::ReturnStmt::getRetValue().

◆ VisitShuffleVectorExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitShuffleVectorExpr ( const ShuffleVectorExpr E)

◆ VisitSizeOfPackExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitSizeOfPackExpr ( const SizeOfPackExpr E)

Definition at line 3213 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitSourceLocExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitSourceLocExpr ( const SourceLocExpr E)

◆ visitStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitStmt ( const Stmt S)

Definition at line 4871 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ VisitStmtExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitStmtExpr ( const StmtExpr E)

◆ VisitStringLiteral()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitStringLiteral ( const StringLiteral E)

◆ VisitSubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitSubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr ( const SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr E)

Definition at line 1992 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E.

◆ visitSwitchStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitSwitchStmt ( const SwitchStmt S)

◆ VisitSYCLUniqueStableNameExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitSYCLUniqueStableNameExpr ( const SYCLUniqueStableNameExpr E)

◆ VisitTypeTraitExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitTypeTraitExpr ( const TypeTraitExpr E)

Definition at line 2811 of file Compiler.cpp.

References E, clang::Expr::getType(), and clang::Type::isBooleanType().

◆ VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr ( const UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr E)

◆ VisitUnaryOperator()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitUnaryOperator ( const UnaryOperator E)

◆ visitVarDecl()

template<class Emitter >
VarCreationState Compiler::visitVarDecl ( const VarDecl VD,
bool  Toplevel = false 

◆ VisitVectorBinOp()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitVectorBinOp ( const BinaryOperator E)

◆ VisitVectorUnaryOperator()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::VisitVectorUnaryOperator ( const UnaryOperator E)

◆ visitWhileStmt()

template<class Emitter >
bool Compiler::visitWhileStmt ( const WhileStmt S)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ ArrayIndexScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class ArrayIndexScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 308 of file Compiler.h.

◆ DeclScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class DeclScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 308 of file Compiler.h.

◆ DestructorScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class DestructorScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 308 of file Compiler.h.

◆ InitLink

template<class Emitter >
friend struct InitLink

Definition at line 320 of file Compiler.h.

◆ InitLinkScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class InitLinkScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 308 of file Compiler.h.

◆ InitStackScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class InitStackScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 308 of file Compiler.h.

◆ LabelScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class LabelScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 320 of file Compiler.h.

◆ LocalScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class LocalScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 308 of file Compiler.h.

◆ LoopScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class LoopScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 320 of file Compiler.h.

◆ OptionScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class OptionScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 308 of file Compiler.h.

◆ SourceLocScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class SourceLocScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 308 of file Compiler.h.

◆ StmtExprScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class StmtExprScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 320 of file Compiler.h.

◆ SwitchScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class SwitchScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 320 of file Compiler.h.

◆ VariableScope< Emitter >

template<class Emitter >
friend class VariableScope< Emitter >

Definition at line 308 of file Compiler.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ArrayIndex

template<class Emitter >
std::optional<uint64_t> clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::ArrayIndex

Current argument index. Needed to emit ArrayInitIndexExpr.

Definition at line 396 of file Compiler.h.

Referenced by clang::interp::ArrayIndexScope< Emitter >::ArrayIndexScope().

◆ BreakLabel

template<class Emitter >
OptLabelTy clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::BreakLabel

◆ BreakVarScope

template<class Emitter >
VariableScope<Emitter>* clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::BreakVarScope = nullptr

Scope to cleanup until when we see a break statement.

Definition at line 421 of file Compiler.h.

Referenced by clang::interp::LoopScope< Emitter >::LoopScope(), and clang::interp::SwitchScope< Emitter >::SwitchScope().

◆ CaseLabels

template<class Emitter >
CaseMap clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::CaseLabels

Switch case mapping.

Definition at line 418 of file Compiler.h.

Referenced by clang::interp::SwitchScope< Emitter >::SwitchScope().

◆ ContinueLabel

template<class Emitter >
OptLabelTy clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::ContinueLabel

Point to continue to.

Definition at line 427 of file Compiler.h.

Referenced by clang::interp::LoopScope< Emitter >::LoopScope().

◆ ContinueVarScope

template<class Emitter >
VariableScope<Emitter>* clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::ContinueVarScope = nullptr

Scope to cleanup until when we see a continue statement.

Definition at line 425 of file Compiler.h.

Referenced by clang::interp::LoopScope< Emitter >::LoopScope().

◆ Ctx

template<class Emitter >
Context& clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::Ctx

Current compilation context.

Definition at line 113 of file Compiler.h.

Referenced by clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::classify().

◆ DefaultLabel

template<class Emitter >
OptLabelTy clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::DefaultLabel

Default case label.

Definition at line 429 of file Compiler.h.

Referenced by clang::interp::SwitchScope< Emitter >::SwitchScope().

◆ DiscardResult

template<class Emitter >
bool clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::DiscardResult = false

Flag indicating if return value is to be discarded.

Definition at line 402 of file Compiler.h.

Referenced by clang::interp::OptionScope< Emitter >::OptionScope().

◆ Initializing

template<class Emitter >
bool clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::Initializing = false

Flag inidicating if we're initializing an already created variable.

This is set in visitInitializer().

Definition at line 408 of file Compiler.h.

Referenced by clang::interp::OptionScope< Emitter >::OptionScope().

◆ InitializingDecl

template<class Emitter >
const ValueDecl* clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::InitializingDecl = nullptr

Definition at line 409 of file Compiler.h.

◆ InitStack

template<class Emitter >
llvm::SmallVector<InitLink> clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::InitStack

Definition at line 411 of file Compiler.h.

Referenced by clang::interp::InitLinkScope< Emitter >::InitLinkScope().

◆ InitStackActive

template<class Emitter >
bool clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::InitStackActive = false

◆ InStmtExpr

template<class Emitter >
bool clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::InStmtExpr = false

Definition at line 404 of file Compiler.h.

Referenced by clang::interp::StmtExprScope< Emitter >::StmtExprScope().

◆ Locals

template<class Emitter >
llvm::DenseMap<const ValueDecl *, Scope::Local> clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::Locals

Variable to storage mapping.

Definition at line 387 of file Compiler.h.

◆ OpaqueExprs

template<class Emitter >
llvm::DenseMap<const OpaqueValueExpr *, unsigned> clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::OpaqueExprs

OpaqueValueExpr to location mapping.

Definition at line 390 of file Compiler.h.

◆ P

template<class Emitter >
Program& clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::P

Program to link to.

Definition at line 115 of file Compiler.h.

◆ ReturnType

template<class Emitter >
std::optional<PrimType> clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::ReturnType

Type of the expression returned by the function.

Definition at line 415 of file Compiler.h.

◆ SourceLocDefaultExpr

template<class Emitter >
const Expr* clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::SourceLocDefaultExpr = nullptr

DefaultInit- or DefaultArgExpr, needed for SourceLocExpr.

Definition at line 399 of file Compiler.h.

Referenced by clang::interp::SourceLocScope< Emitter >::SourceLocScope().

◆ VarScope

template<class Emitter >
VariableScope<Emitter>* clang::interp::Compiler< Emitter >::VarScope = nullptr

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