clang 19.0.0git
Macros | Enumerations | Functions
SemaChecking.cpp File Reference
#include "clang/AST/APValue.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/Attr.h"
#include "clang/AST/AttrIterator.h"
#include "clang/AST/CharUnits.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclBase.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclarationName.h"
#include "clang/AST/EvaluatedExprVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprOpenMP.h"
#include "clang/AST/FormatString.h"
#include "clang/AST/IgnoreExpr.h"
#include "clang/AST/NSAPI.h"
#include "clang/AST/NonTrivialTypeVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/OperationKinds.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecordLayout.h"
#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "clang/AST/TemplateBase.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/AST/TypeLoc.h"
#include "clang/AST/UnresolvedSet.h"
#include "clang/Basic/AddressSpaces.h"
#include "clang/Basic/CharInfo.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/OpenCLOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/OperatorKinds.h"
#include "clang/Basic/PartialDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SyncScope.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetBuiltins.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetCXXABI.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TypeTraits.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Initialization.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Lookup.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Ownership.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Scope.h"
#include "clang/Sema/ScopeInfo.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaInternal.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallBitVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/AtomicOrdering.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Locale.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/TargetParser/RISCVTargetParser.h"
#include "llvm/TargetParser/Triple.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "clang/Basic/"
#include "clang/Basic/"
#include "clang/Basic/"
#include "clang/Basic/"
#include "clang/Basic/"
#include "clang/Basic/"
#include "clang/Basic/"
#include "clang/Basic/"
#include "clang/Basic/"
#include "clang/Basic/"
#include "clang/Basic/PPCTypes.def"
#include "clang/Basic/BuiltinsPPC.def"

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#define TARGET_BUILTIN(id, ...)   case NEON::BI##id:
#define BUILTIN(id, ...)   case NEON::BI##id:
#define PPC_VECTOR_TYPE(typeName, Id, size)    case size: Type = Context.Id##Ty; break;
#define CUSTOM_BUILTIN(Name, Intr, Types, Acc, Feature)
#define PPC_VECTOR_TYPE(Name, Id, Size)   || CoreType == Context.Id##Ty
#define BUILTIN_ROW(x)


enum  ArmStreamingType { ArmNonStreaming , ArmStreaming , ArmStreamingCompatible , ArmStreamingOrSVE2p1 }
enum  ArmSMEState : unsigned {
  ArmNoState = 0 , ArmInZA = 0b01 , ArmOutZA = 0b10 , ArmInOutZA = 0b11 ,
  ArmZAMask = 0b11 , ArmInZT0 = 0b01 << 2 , ArmOutZT0 = 0b10 << 2 , ArmInOutZT0 = 0b11 << 2 ,
  ArmZT0Mask = 0b11 << 2
enum  { TileRegLow = 0 , TileRegHigh = 7 }
enum  AbsoluteValueKind { AVK_Integer , AVK_Floating , AVK_Complex }


static constexpr unsigned short combineFAPK (Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind A, Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind B)
static bool checkArgCountAtLeast (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call, unsigned MinArgCount)
 Checks that a call expression's argument count is at least the desired number.
static bool checkArgCountAtMost (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call, unsigned MaxArgCount)
 Checks that a call expression's argument count is at most the desired number.
static bool checkArgCountRange (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call, unsigned MinArgCount, unsigned MaxArgCount)
 Checks that a call expression's argument count is in the desired range.
static bool checkArgCount (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call, unsigned DesiredArgCount)
 Checks that a call expression's argument count is the desired number.
static bool convertArgumentToType (Sema &S, Expr *&Value, QualType Ty)
static bool BuiltinAnnotation (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall)
 Check that the first argument to __builtin_annotation is an integer and the second argument is a non-wide string literal.
static bool BuiltinMSVCAnnotation (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall)
static bool BuiltinAddressof (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall)
 Check that the argument to __builtin_addressof is a glvalue, and set the result type to the corresponding pointer type.
static bool BuiltinFunctionStart (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall)
 Check that the argument to __builtin_function_start is a function.
static bool BuiltinPreserveAI (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall)
 Check the number of arguments and set the result type to the argument type.
static bool BuiltinAlignment (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall, unsigned ID)
 Check that the value argument for __builtin_is_aligned(value, alignment) and __builtin_aligned_{up,down}(value, alignment) is an integer or a pointer type (but not a function pointer) and that the alignment is a power-of-two.
static bool BuiltinOverflow (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall, unsigned BuiltinID)
static ExprResult BuiltinDumpStruct (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall)
static bool BuiltinCallWithStaticChain (Sema &S, CallExpr *BuiltinCall)
static bool ProcessFormatStringLiteral (const Expr *FormatExpr, StringRef &FormatStrRef, size_t &StrLen, ASTContext &Context)
static bool BuiltinSEHScopeCheck (Sema &SemaRef, CallExpr *TheCall, Scope::ScopeFlags NeededScopeFlags, unsigned DiagID)
static bool isBlockPointer (Expr *Arg)
static bool checkOpenCLBlockArgs (Sema &S, Expr *BlockArg)
 OpenCL C v2.0, s6.13.17.2 - Checks that the block parameters are all local void*, which is a requirement of device side enqueue.
static bool checkOpenCLSubgroupExt (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call)
static bool OpenCLBuiltinNDRangeAndBlock (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall)
static bool OpenCLBuiltinKernelWorkGroupSize (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall)
 OpenCL C v2.0, s6.13.17.6 - Check the argument to the get_kernel_work_group_size and get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple builtin functions.
static bool checkOpenCLEnqueueIntType (Sema &S, Expr *E, const QualType &IntType)
 Diagnose integer type and any valid implicit conversion to it.
static bool checkOpenCLEnqueueLocalSizeArgs (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall, unsigned Start, unsigned End)
static bool checkOpenCLEnqueueVariadicArgs (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall, Expr *BlockArg, unsigned NumNonVarArgs)
 OpenCL v2.0, s6.13.17.1 - Check that sizes are provided for all 'local void*' parameter of passed block.
static bool OpenCLBuiltinEnqueueKernel (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall)
 OpenCL C v2.0, s6.13.17 - Enqueue kernel function contains four different overload formats specified in Table
static OpenCLAccessAttr * getOpenCLArgAccess (const Decl *D)
 Returns OpenCL access qual.
static bool checkOpenCLPipeArg (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call)
 Returns true if pipe element type is different from the pointer.
static bool checkOpenCLPipePacketType (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call, unsigned Idx)
 Returns true if pipe element type is different from the pointer.
static bool BuiltinRWPipe (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call)
static bool BuiltinReserveRWPipe (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call)
static bool BuiltinCommitRWPipe (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call)
static bool BuiltinPipePackets (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call)
static bool OpenCLBuiltinToAddr (Sema &S, unsigned BuiltinID, CallExpr *Call)
static bool checkPointerAuthEnabled (Sema &S, Expr *E)
static bool checkPointerAuthKey (Sema &S, Expr *&Arg)
static bool checkPointerAuthValue (Sema &S, Expr *&Arg, PointerAuthOpKind OpKind)
static ExprResult PointerAuthStrip (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call)
static ExprResult PointerAuthBlendDiscriminator (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call)
static ExprResult PointerAuthSignGenericData (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call)
static ExprResult PointerAuthSignOrAuth (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call, PointerAuthOpKind OpKind)
static ExprResult PointerAuthAuthAndResign (Sema &S, CallExpr *Call)
static ExprResult BuiltinLaunder (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall)
static bool CheckBuiltinTargetNotInUnsupported (Sema &S, unsigned BuiltinID, CallExpr *TheCall, ArrayRef< llvm::Triple::ObjectFormatType > UnsupportedObjectFormatTypes)
static bool CheckBuiltinTargetInSupported (Sema &S, unsigned BuiltinID, CallExpr *TheCall, ArrayRef< llvm::Triple::ArchType > SupportedArchs)
static void CheckNonNullArgument (Sema &S, const Expr *ArgExpr, SourceLocation CallSiteLoc)
static bool checkMathBuiltinElementType (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, QualType ArgTy, int ArgIndex)
static bool checkFPMathBuiltinElementType (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, QualType ArgTy, int ArgIndex)
static bool BuiltinCpu (Sema &S, const TargetInfo &TI, CallExpr *TheCall, const TargetInfo *AuxTI, unsigned BuiltinID)
 BuiltinCpu{Supports|Is} - Handle __builtin_cpu_{supports|is}(char *).
static bool BuiltinPopcountg (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall)
 Checks that __builtin_popcountg was called with a single argument, which is an unsigned integer.
static bool BuiltinCountZeroBitsGeneric (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall)
 Checks that __builtin_{clzg,ctzg} was called with a first argument, which is an unsigned integer, and an optional second argument, which is promoted to an 'int'.
static unsigned RFT (unsigned t, bool shift=false, bool ForceQuad=false)
static QualType getNeonEltType (NeonTypeFlags Flags, ASTContext &Context, bool IsPolyUnsigned, bool IsInt64Long)
 getNeonEltType - Return the QualType corresponding to the elements of the vector type specified by the NeonTypeFlags.
static ArmStreamingType getArmStreamingFnType (const FunctionDecl *FD)
static void checkArmStreamingBuiltin (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall, const FunctionDecl *FD, ArmStreamingType BuiltinType)
static bool hasArmZAState (const FunctionDecl *FD)
static bool hasArmZT0State (const FunctionDecl *FD)
static ArmSMEState getSMEState (unsigned BuiltinID)
static bool isValidBPFPreserveFieldInfoArg (Expr *Arg)
static bool isValidBPFPreserveTypeInfoArg (Expr *Arg)
static bool isValidBPFPreserveEnumValueArg (Expr *Arg)
static QualType DecodePPCMMATypeFromStr (ASTContext &Context, const char *&Str, unsigned &Mask)
 DecodePPCMMATypeFromStr - This decodes one PPC MMA type descriptor from Str, advancing the pointer over the consumed characters.
static bool isPPC_64Builtin (unsigned BuiltinID)
bool CheckVectorElementCallArgs (Sema *S, CallExpr *TheCall)
bool CheckArgsTypesAreCorrect (Sema *S, CallExpr *TheCall, QualType ExpectedType, llvm::function_ref< bool(clang::QualType PassedType)> Check)
bool CheckAllArgsHaveFloatRepresentation (Sema *S, CallExpr *TheCall)
bool CheckFloatOrHalfRepresentations (Sema *S, CallExpr *TheCall)
bool CheckNoDoubleVectors (Sema *S, CallExpr *TheCall)
bool CheckUnsignedIntRepresentation (Sema *S, CallExpr *TheCall)
void SetElementTypeAsReturnType (Sema *S, CallExpr *TheCall, QualType ReturnType)
static bool CheckInvalidVLENandLMUL (const TargetInfo &TI, CallExpr *TheCall, Sema &S, QualType Type, int EGW)
static bool isX86_32Builtin (unsigned BuiltinID)
static bool CheckNonNullExpr (Sema &S, const Expr *Expr)
 Checks if a the given expression evaluates to null.
static void DiagnoseCStringFormatDirectiveInCFAPI (Sema &S, const NamedDecl *FDecl, Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs)
 Diagnose use of s directive in an NSString which is being passed as formatting string to formatting method.
static bool isNonNullType (QualType type)
 Determine whether the given type has a non-null nullability annotation.
static void CheckNonNullArguments (Sema &S, const NamedDecl *FDecl, const FunctionProtoType *Proto, ArrayRef< const Expr * > Args, SourceLocation CallSiteLoc)
static bool isValidOrderingForOp (int64_t Ordering, AtomicExpr::AtomicOp Op)
static bool checkBuiltinArgument (Sema &S, CallExpr *E, unsigned ArgIndex)
 checkBuiltinArgument - Given a call to a builtin function, perform normal type-checking on the given argument, updating the call in place.
static bool checkVAStartABI (Sema &S, unsigned BuiltinID, Expr *Fn)
 Check that the user is calling the appropriate va_start builtin for the target and calling convention.
static bool checkVAStartIsInVariadicFunction (Sema &S, Expr *Fn, ParmVarDecl **LastParam=nullptr)
static bool IsShiftedByte (llvm::APSInt Value)
static void sumOffsets (llvm::APSInt &Offset, llvm::APSInt Addend, BinaryOperatorKind BinOpKind, bool AddendIsRight)
static void CheckFormatString (Sema &S, const FormatStringLiteral *FExpr, const Expr *OrigFormatExpr, ArrayRef< const Expr * > Args, Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind APK, unsigned format_idx, unsigned firstDataArg, Sema::FormatStringType Type, bool inFunctionCall, Sema::VariadicCallType CallType, llvm::SmallBitVector &CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArgHandler &UncoveredArg, bool IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers)
static const ExprmaybeConstEvalStringLiteral (ASTContext &Context, const Expr *E)
static StringLiteralCheckType checkFormatStringExpr (Sema &S, const Expr *E, ArrayRef< const Expr * > Args, Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind APK, unsigned format_idx, unsigned firstDataArg, Sema::FormatStringType Type, Sema::VariadicCallType CallType, bool InFunctionCall, llvm::SmallBitVector &CheckedVarArgs, UncoveredArgHandler &UncoveredArg, llvm::APSInt Offset, bool IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers=false)
template<typename MemberKind >
static llvm::SmallPtrSet< MemberKind *, 1 > CXXRecordMembersNamed (StringRef Name, Sema &S, QualType Ty)
static bool requiresParensToAddCast (const Expr *E)
static std::pair< QualType, StringRef > shouldNotPrintDirectly (const ASTContext &Context, QualType IntendedTy, const Expr *E)
static bool isArithmeticArgumentPromotion (Sema &S, const ImplicitCastExpr *ICE)
 Return true if ICE is an implicit argument promotion of an arithmetic type.
static analyze_format_string::ArgType::MatchKind handleFormatSignedness (analyze_format_string::ArgType::MatchKind Match, DiagnosticsEngine &Diags, SourceLocation Loc)
static unsigned getLargerAbsoluteValueFunction (unsigned AbsFunction)
static QualType getAbsoluteValueArgumentType (ASTContext &Context, unsigned AbsType)
static unsigned getBestAbsFunction (ASTContext &Context, QualType ArgType, unsigned AbsFunctionKind)
static AbsoluteValueKind getAbsoluteValueKind (QualType T)
static unsigned changeAbsFunction (unsigned AbsKind, AbsoluteValueKind ValueKind)
static unsigned getAbsoluteValueFunctionKind (const FunctionDecl *FDecl)
static void emitReplacement (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange Range, unsigned AbsKind, QualType ArgType)
template<std::size_t StrLen>
static bool IsStdFunction (const FunctionDecl *FDecl, const char(&Str)[StrLen])
static bool CheckMemorySizeofForComparison (Sema &S, const Expr *E, IdentifierInfo *FnName, SourceLocation FnLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc)
 Takes the expression passed to the size_t parameter of functions such as memcmp, strncat, etc and warns if it's a comparison.
static const CXXRecordDeclgetContainedDynamicClass (QualType T, bool &IsContained)
 Determine whether the given type is or contains a dynamic class type (e.g., whether it has a vtable).
static const UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExprgetAsSizeOfExpr (const Expr *E)
static const ExprgetSizeOfExprArg (const Expr *E)
 If E is a sizeof expression, returns its argument expression, otherwise returns NULL.
static QualType getSizeOfArgType (const Expr *E)
 If E is a sizeof expression, returns its argument type.
static bool doesExprLikelyComputeSize (const Expr *SizeofExpr)
 Detect if SizeofExpr is likely to calculate the sizeof an object.
static bool isArgumentExpandedFromMacro (SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation CallLoc, SourceLocation ArgLoc)
 Check if the ArgLoc originated from a macro passed to the call at CallLoc.
static void CheckMemaccessSize (Sema &S, unsigned BId, const CallExpr *Call)
 Diagnose cases like 'memset(buf, sizeof(buf), 0)', which should have the last two arguments transposed.
static const ExprignoreLiteralAdditions (const Expr *Ex, ASTContext &Ctx)
static bool isConstantSizeArrayWithMoreThanOneElement (QualType Ty, ASTContext &Context)
static bool referToTheSameDecl (const Expr *E1, const Expr *E2)
 Check if two expressions refer to the same declaration.
static const ExprgetStrlenExprArg (const Expr *E)
static IntRange GetValueRange (ASTContext &C, llvm::APSInt &value, unsigned MaxWidth)
static IntRange GetValueRange (ASTContext &C, APValue &result, QualType Ty, unsigned MaxWidth)
static QualType GetExprType (const Expr *E)
static IntRange GetExprRange (ASTContext &C, const Expr *E, unsigned MaxWidth, bool InConstantContext, bool Approximate)
 Pseudo-evaluate the given integer expression, estimating the range of values it might take.
static IntRange GetExprRange (ASTContext &C, const Expr *E, bool InConstantContext, bool Approximate)
static bool IsSameFloatAfterCast (const llvm::APFloat &value, const llvm::fltSemantics &Src, const llvm::fltSemantics &Tgt)
 Checks whether the given value, which currently has the given source semantics, has the same value when coerced through the target semantics.
static bool IsSameFloatAfterCast (const APValue &value, const llvm::fltSemantics &Src, const llvm::fltSemantics &Tgt)
 Checks whether the given value, which currently has the given source semantics, has the same value when coerced through the target semantics.
static void AnalyzeImplicitConversions (Sema &S, Expr *OrigE, SourceLocation CC, bool IsListInit)
 AnalyzeImplicitConversions - Find and report any interesting implicit conversions in the given expression.
static bool IsEnumConstOrFromMacro (Sema &S, Expr *E)
static bool isKnownToHaveUnsignedValue (Expr *E)
static bool HasEnumType (Expr *E)
static int classifyConstantValue (Expr *Constant)
static bool CheckTautologicalComparison (Sema &S, BinaryOperator *E, Expr *Constant, Expr *Other, const llvm::APSInt &Value, bool RhsConstant)
static void AnalyzeImpConvsInComparison (Sema &S, BinaryOperator *E)
 Analyze the operands of the given comparison.
static void AnalyzeComparison (Sema &S, BinaryOperator *E)
 Implements -Wsign-compare.
static bool AnalyzeBitFieldAssignment (Sema &S, FieldDecl *Bitfield, Expr *Init, SourceLocation InitLoc)
 Analyzes an attempt to assign the given value to a bitfield.
static void AnalyzeAssignment (Sema &S, BinaryOperator *E)
 Analyze the given simple or compound assignment for warning-worthy operations.
static void DiagnoseImpCast (Sema &S, Expr *E, QualType SourceType, QualType T, SourceLocation CContext, unsigned diag, bool pruneControlFlow=false)
 Diagnose an implicit cast; purely a helper for CheckImplicitConversion.
static void DiagnoseImpCast (Sema &S, Expr *E, QualType T, SourceLocation CContext, unsigned diag, bool pruneControlFlow=false)
 Diagnose an implicit cast; purely a helper for CheckImplicitConversion.
static bool isObjCSignedCharBool (Sema &S, QualType Ty)
static void adornObjCBoolConversionDiagWithTernaryFixit (Sema &S, Expr *SourceExpr, const Sema::SemaDiagnosticBuilder &Builder)
static void DiagnoseFloatingImpCast (Sema &S, Expr *E, QualType T, SourceLocation CContext)
 Diagnose an implicit cast from a floating point value to an integer value.
static void AnalyzeCompoundAssignment (Sema &S, BinaryOperator *E)
 Analyze the given compound assignment for the possible losing of floating-point precision.
static std::string PrettyPrintInRange (const llvm::APSInt &Value, IntRange Range)
static bool IsImplicitBoolFloatConversion (Sema &S, Expr *Ex, bool ToBool)
static void CheckImplicitArgumentConversions (Sema &S, CallExpr *TheCall, SourceLocation CC)
static void DiagnoseNullConversion (Sema &S, Expr *E, QualType T, SourceLocation CC)
static void checkObjCArrayLiteral (Sema &S, QualType TargetType, ObjCArrayLiteral *ArrayLiteral)
 Check an Objective-C array literal being converted to the given target type.
static void checkObjCDictionaryLiteral (Sema &S, QualType TargetType, ObjCDictionaryLiteral *DictionaryLiteral)
 Check an Objective-C dictionary literal being converted to the given target type.
static void checkObjCCollectionLiteralElement (Sema &S, QualType TargetElementType, Expr *Element, unsigned ElementKind)
 Check a single element within a collection literal against the target element type.
static bool isSameWidthConstantConversion (Sema &S, Expr *E, QualType T, SourceLocation CC)
static const IntegerLiteralgetIntegerLiteral (Expr *E)
static void DiagnoseIntInBoolContext (Sema &S, Expr *E)
static void CheckImplicitConversion (Sema &S, Expr *E, QualType T, SourceLocation CC, bool *ICContext=nullptr, bool IsListInit=false)
static void CheckConditionalOperator (Sema &S, AbstractConditionalOperator *E, SourceLocation CC, QualType T)
static void CheckConditionalOperand (Sema &S, Expr *E, QualType T, SourceLocation CC, bool &ICContext)
static void CheckBoolLikeConversion (Sema &S, Expr *E, SourceLocation CC)
 Check conversion of given expression to boolean.
static void AnalyzeImplicitConversions (Sema &S, AnalyzeImplicitConversionsWorkItem Item, llvm::SmallVectorImpl< AnalyzeImplicitConversionsWorkItem > &WorkList)
 Data recursive variant of AnalyzeImplicitConversions.
static bool CheckForReference (Sema &SemaRef, const Expr *E, const PartialDiagnostic &PD)
static bool IsInAnyMacroBody (const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation Loc)
static void diagnoseArrayStarInParamType (Sema &S, QualType PType, SourceLocation Loc)
static std::optional< std::pair< CharUnits, CharUnits > > getBaseAlignmentAndOffsetFromPtr (const Expr *E, ASTContext &Ctx)
 This helper function takes a pointer expression and returns the alignment of a VarDecl and a constant offset from the VarDecl.
static std::pair< CharUnits, CharUnitsgetDerivedToBaseAlignmentAndOffset (const CastExpr *CE, QualType DerivedType, CharUnits BaseAlignment, CharUnits Offset, ASTContext &Ctx)
 Compute the alignment and offset of the base class object given the derived-to-base cast expression and the alignment and offset of the derived class object.
static std::optional< std::pair< CharUnits, CharUnits > > getAlignmentAndOffsetFromBinAddOrSub (const Expr *PtrE, const Expr *IntE, bool IsSub, ASTContext &Ctx)
 Compute the alignment and offset of a binary additive operator.
static std::optional< std::pair< CharUnits, CharUnits > > getBaseAlignmentAndOffsetFromLValue (const Expr *E, ASTContext &Ctx)
 This helper function takes an lvalue expression and returns the alignment of a VarDecl and a constant offset from the VarDecl.
static CharUnits getPresumedAlignmentOfPointer (const Expr *E, Sema &S)
static bool considerVariable (VarDecl *var, Expr *ref, RetainCycleOwner &owner)
 Consider whether capturing the given variable can possibly lead to a retain cycle.
static bool findRetainCycleOwner (Sema &S, Expr *e, RetainCycleOwner &owner)
static ExprfindCapturingExpr (Sema &S, Expr *e, RetainCycleOwner &owner)
 Check whether the given argument is a block which captures a variable.
static void diagnoseRetainCycle (Sema &S, Expr *capturer, RetainCycleOwner &owner)
static bool isSetterLikeSelector (Selector sel)
 Check for a keyword selector that starts with the word 'add' or 'set'.
static std::optional< intGetNSMutableArrayArgumentIndex (Sema &S, ObjCMessageExpr *Message)
static std::optional< intGetNSMutableDictionaryArgumentIndex (Sema &S, ObjCMessageExpr *Message)
static std::optional< intGetNSSetArgumentIndex (Sema &S, ObjCMessageExpr *Message)
static bool checkUnsafeAssignLiteral (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *RHS, bool isProperty)
static bool checkUnsafeAssignObject (Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc, Qualifiers::ObjCLifetime LT, Expr *RHS, bool isProperty)
static bool ShouldDiagnoseEmptyStmtBody (const SourceManager &SourceMgr, SourceLocation StmtLoc, const NullStmt *Body)
static bool isLayoutCompatible (ASTContext &C, QualType T1, QualType T2)
 Check if two types are layout-compatible in C++11 sense.
static bool isLayoutCompatible (ASTContext &C, EnumDecl *ED1, EnumDecl *ED2)
 Check if two enumeration types are layout-compatible.
static bool isLayoutCompatible (ASTContext &C, FieldDecl *Field1, FieldDecl *Field2, bool AreUnionMembers=false)
 Check if two fields are layout-compatible.
static bool isLayoutCompatibleStruct (ASTContext &C, RecordDecl *RD1, RecordDecl *RD2)
 Check if two standard-layout structs are layout-compatible.
static bool isLayoutCompatibleUnion (ASTContext &C, RecordDecl *RD1, RecordDecl *RD2)
 Check if two standard-layout unions are layout-compatible.
static bool isLayoutCompatible (ASTContext &C, RecordDecl *RD1, RecordDecl *RD2)
static bool FindTypeTagExpr (const Expr *TypeExpr, const ASTContext &Ctx, const ValueDecl **VD, uint64_t *MagicValue, bool isConstantEvaluated)
 Given a type tag expression find the type tag itself.
static bool GetMatchingCType (const IdentifierInfo *ArgumentKind, const Expr *TypeExpr, const ASTContext &Ctx, const llvm::DenseMap< Sema::TypeTagMagicValue, Sema::TypeTagData > *MagicValues, bool &FoundWrongKind, Sema::TypeTagData &TypeInfo, bool isConstantEvaluated)
 Retrieve the C type corresponding to type tag TypeExpr.
static bool IsSameCharType (QualType T1, QualType T2)
static std::optional< unsignedgetAndVerifyMatrixDimension (Expr *Expr, StringRef Name, Sema &S)
static bool CheckWasmBuiltinArgIsTable (Sema &S, CallExpr *E, unsigned ArgIndex, QualType &ElTy)
 Checks the argument at the given index is a WebAssembly table and if it is, sets ElTy to the element type.
static bool CheckWasmBuiltinArgIsInteger (Sema &S, CallExpr *E, unsigned ArgIndex)
 Checks the argument at the given index is an integer.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ATOMIC_BUILTIN (   ID,
case Builtin::BI##ID: \
return AtomicOpsOverloaded(TheCallResult, AtomicExpr::AO##ID);

◆ BUILTIN [1/2]

#define BUILTIN (   ID,

◆ BUILTIN [2/2]

#define BUILTIN (   id,
)    case NEON::BI##id:


#define BUILTIN_ROW (   x)
{ Builtin::BI##x##_1, Builtin::BI##x##_2, Builtin::BI##x##_4, \
Builtin::BI##x##_8, Builtin::BI##x##_16 }
__inline void unsigned int _2
Definition: larchintrin.h:181


#define CUSTOM_BUILTIN (   Name,
case PPC::BI__builtin_##Name: \
return BuiltinPPCMMACall(TheCall, BuiltinID, Types);


















#define PPC_VECTOR_TYPE (   Name,
)    || CoreType == Context.Id##Ty


#define PPC_VECTOR_TYPE (   typeName,
)     case size: Type = Context.Id##Ty; break;


#define TARGET_BUILTIN (   id,
)    case NEON::BI##id:

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 7155 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

◆ AbsoluteValueKind


Definition at line 13279 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

◆ ArmSMEState


Definition at line 3370 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

◆ ArmStreamingType


Definition at line 3363 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ adornObjCBoolConversionDiagWithTernaryFixit()

static void adornObjCBoolConversionDiagWithTernaryFixit ( Sema S,
Expr SourceExpr,
const Sema::SemaDiagnosticBuilder &  Builder 

◆ AnalyzeAssignment()

static void AnalyzeAssignment ( Sema S,
BinaryOperator E 

◆ AnalyzeBitFieldAssignment()

static bool AnalyzeBitFieldAssignment ( Sema S,
FieldDecl Bitfield,
Expr Init,
SourceLocation  InitLoc 

◆ AnalyzeComparison()

static void AnalyzeComparison ( Sema S,
BinaryOperator E 

◆ AnalyzeCompoundAssignment()

static void AnalyzeCompoundAssignment ( Sema S,
BinaryOperator E 

◆ AnalyzeImpConvsInComparison()

static void AnalyzeImpConvsInComparison ( Sema S,
BinaryOperator E 

Analyze the operands of the given comparison.

Implements the fallback case from AnalyzeComparison.

Definition at line 15402 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References AnalyzeImplicitConversions(), clang::BinaryOperator::getLHS(), clang::BinaryOperator::getOperatorLoc(), and clang::BinaryOperator::getRHS().

Referenced by AnalyzeComparison().

◆ AnalyzeImplicitConversions() [1/2]

static void AnalyzeImplicitConversions ( Sema S,
AnalyzeImplicitConversionsWorkItem  Item,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl< AnalyzeImplicitConversionsWorkItem > &  WorkList 

◆ AnalyzeImplicitConversions() [2/2]

static void AnalyzeImplicitConversions ( Sema S,
Expr OrigE,
SourceLocation  CC,
bool  IsListInit 

AnalyzeImplicitConversions - Find and report any interesting implicit conversions in the given expression.

There are a couple of competing diagnostics here, -Wconversion and -Wsign-compare.

Definition at line 16881 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References AnalyzeImplicitConversions().

Referenced by AnalyzeAssignment(), AnalyzeComparison(), AnalyzeCompoundAssignment(), AnalyzeImpConvsInComparison(), AnalyzeImplicitConversions(), CheckConditionalOperand(), and CheckConditionalOperator().

◆ BuiltinAddressof()

static bool BuiltinAddressof ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

Check that the argument to __builtin_addressof is a glvalue, and set the result type to the corresponding pointer type.

Definition at line 241 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Sema::CheckAddressOfOperand(), checkArgCount(), clang::ActionResult< PtrTy, Compress >::get(), clang::CallExpr::getArg(), clang::CallExpr::getBeginLoc(), clang::QualType::isNull(), clang::CallExpr::setArg(), and clang::Expr::setType().

◆ BuiltinAlignment()

static bool BuiltinAlignment ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall,
unsigned  ID 

◆ BuiltinAnnotation()

static bool BuiltinAnnotation ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

Check that the first argument to __builtin_annotation is an integer and the second argument is a non-wide string literal.

Definition at line 191 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References checkArgCount(), clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::CallExpr::getArg(), clang::Stmt::getBeginLoc(), clang::Stmt::getSourceRange(), clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Expr::IgnoreParenCasts(), clang::Type::isIntegerType(), and clang::Expr::setType().

◆ BuiltinCallWithStaticChain()

static bool BuiltinCallWithStaticChain ( Sema S,
CallExpr BuiltinCall 

◆ BuiltinCommitRWPipe()

static bool BuiltinCommitRWPipe ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call 

◆ BuiltinCountZeroBitsGeneric()

static bool BuiltinCountZeroBitsGeneric ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

◆ BuiltinCpu()

static bool BuiltinCpu ( Sema S,
const TargetInfo TI,
CallExpr TheCall,
const TargetInfo AuxTI,
unsigned  BuiltinID 

◆ BuiltinDumpStruct()

static ExprResult BuiltinDumpStruct ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

◆ BuiltinFunctionStart()

static bool BuiltinFunctionStart ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

◆ BuiltinLaunder()

static ExprResult BuiltinLaunder ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

◆ BuiltinMSVCAnnotation()

static bool BuiltinMSVCAnnotation ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

◆ BuiltinOverflow()

static bool BuiltinOverflow ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall,
unsigned  BuiltinID 

◆ BuiltinPipePackets()

static bool BuiltinPipePackets ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call 

Definition at line 1914 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Call, checkArgCount(), and clang::SemaBase::Diag().

◆ BuiltinPopcountg()

static bool BuiltinPopcountg ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

◆ BuiltinPreserveAI()

static bool BuiltinPreserveAI ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

Check the number of arguments and set the result type to the argument type.

Definition at line 280 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References checkArgCount(), clang::CallExpr::getArg(), clang::Expr::getType(), and clang::Expr::setType().

◆ BuiltinReserveRWPipe()

static bool BuiltinReserveRWPipe ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call 

◆ BuiltinRWPipe()

static bool BuiltinRWPipe ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call 

◆ BuiltinSEHScopeCheck()

static bool BuiltinSEHScopeCheck ( Sema SemaRef,
CallExpr TheCall,
Scope::ScopeFlags  NeededScopeFlags,
unsigned  DiagID 

◆ changeAbsFunction()

static unsigned changeAbsFunction ( unsigned  AbsKind,
AbsoluteValueKind  ValueKind 

Definition at line 13298 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References AVK_Complex, AVK_Floating, and AVK_Integer.

◆ CheckAllArgsHaveFloatRepresentation()

bool CheckAllArgsHaveFloatRepresentation ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

◆ checkArgCount()

static bool checkArgCount ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call,
unsigned  DesiredArgCount 

◆ checkArgCountAtLeast()

static bool checkArgCountAtLeast ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call,
unsigned  MinArgCount 

Checks that a call expression's argument count is at least the desired number.

This is useful when doing custom type-checking on a variadic function. Returns true on error.

Definition at line 122 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Call, and clang::SemaBase::Diag().

Referenced by BuiltinDumpStruct(), checkArgCount(), and checkArgCountRange().

◆ checkArgCountAtMost()

static bool checkArgCountAtMost ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call,
unsigned  MaxArgCount 

Checks that a call expression's argument count is at most the desired number.

This is useful when doing custom type-checking on a variadic function. Returns true on error.

Definition at line 136 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Call, and clang::SemaBase::Diag().

Referenced by checkArgCountRange().

◆ checkArgCountRange()

static bool checkArgCountRange ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call,
unsigned  MinArgCount,
unsigned  MaxArgCount 

Checks that a call expression's argument count is in the desired range.

This is useful when doing custom type-checking on a variadic function. Returns true on error.

Definition at line 149 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Call, checkArgCountAtLeast(), and checkArgCountAtMost().

Referenced by BuiltinCountZeroBitsGeneric().

◆ CheckArgsTypesAreCorrect()

bool CheckArgsTypesAreCorrect ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall,
QualType  ExpectedType,
llvm::function_ref< bool(clang::QualType PassedType)>  Check 

◆ checkArmStreamingBuiltin()

static void checkArmStreamingBuiltin ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall,
const FunctionDecl FD,
ArmStreamingType  BuiltinType 

◆ CheckBoolLikeConversion()

static void CheckBoolLikeConversion ( Sema S,
Expr E,
SourceLocation  CC 

Check conversion of given expression to boolean.

Input argument E is a logical expression.

Definition at line 16691 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::ASTContext::BoolTy, CheckImplicitConversion(), clang::Sema::Context, clang::Sema::getLangOpts(), clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Expr::IgnoreParenImpCasts(), and clang::Type::isAtomicType().

Referenced by AnalyzeImplicitConversions().

◆ checkBuiltinArgument()

static bool checkBuiltinArgument ( Sema S,
CallExpr E,
unsigned  ArgIndex 

checkBuiltinArgument - Given a call to a builtin function, perform normal type-checking on the given argument, updating the call in place.

This is useful when a builtin function requires custom type-checking for some of its arguments but not necessarily all of them.

Returns true on error.

Definition at line 8869 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Sema::Context, clang::ActionResult< PtrTy, Compress >::get(), clang::CallExpr::getArg(), clang::CallExpr::getDirectCallee(), clang::FunctionDecl::getParamDecl(), clang::InitializedEntity::InitializeParameter(), clang::ActionResult< PtrTy, Compress >::isInvalid(), clang::Sema::PerformCopyInitialization(), and clang::CallExpr::setArg().

◆ CheckBuiltinTargetInSupported()

static bool CheckBuiltinTargetInSupported ( Sema S,
unsigned  BuiltinID,
CallExpr TheCall,
ArrayRef< llvm::Triple::ArchType >  SupportedArchs 

◆ CheckBuiltinTargetNotInUnsupported()

static bool CheckBuiltinTargetNotInUnsupported ( Sema S,
unsigned  BuiltinID,
CallExpr TheCall,
ArrayRef< llvm::Triple::ObjectFormatType >  UnsupportedObjectFormatTypes 

◆ CheckConditionalOperand()

static void CheckConditionalOperand ( Sema S,
Expr E,
QualType  T,
SourceLocation  CC,
bool ICContext 

◆ CheckConditionalOperator()

static void CheckConditionalOperator ( Sema S,
AbstractConditionalOperator E,
SourceLocation  CC,
QualType  T 

◆ CheckFloatOrHalfRepresentations()

bool CheckFloatOrHalfRepresentations ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

◆ CheckFormatString()

static void CheckFormatString ( Sema S,
const FormatStringLiteral *  FExpr,
const Expr OrigFormatExpr,
ArrayRef< const Expr * >  Args,
Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind  APK,
unsigned  format_idx,
unsigned  firstDataArg,
Sema::FormatStringType  Type,
bool  inFunctionCall,
Sema::VariadicCallType  CallType,
llvm::SmallBitVector &  CheckedVarArgs,
UncoveredArgHandler &  UncoveredArg,
bool  IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers 

◆ checkFormatStringExpr()

static StringLiteralCheckType checkFormatStringExpr ( Sema S,
const Expr E,
ArrayRef< const Expr * >  Args,
Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind  APK,
unsigned  format_idx,
unsigned  firstDataArg,
Sema::FormatStringType  Type,
Sema::VariadicCallType  CallType,
bool  InFunctionCall,
llvm::SmallBitVector &  CheckedVarArgs,
UncoveredArgHandler &  UncoveredArg,
llvm::APSInt  Offset,
bool  IgnoreStringsWithoutSpecifiers = false 

Definition at line 10938 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Sema::FormatStringInfo::ArgPassingKind, clang::C, CheckFormatString(), checkFormatStringExpr(), combineFAPK(), clang::Sema::Context, clang::Expr::EvaluateAsInt(), clang::Sema::FAPK_Fixed, clang::Sema::FAPK_VAList, clang::Sema::FAPK_Variadic, clang::Sema::FormatStringInfo::FormatIdx, clang::CallExpr::getArg(), clang::Type::getAs(), clang::ASTContext::getAsArrayType(), clang::Sema::getASTContext(), clang::FunctionDecl::getBuiltinID(), clang::CallExpr::getCalleeDecl(), clang::DeclRefExpr::getDecl(), clang::Sema::getFormatStringInfo(), clang::Sema::GetFormatStringType(), clang::Decl::getFunctionType(), clang::NamedDecl::getIdentifier(), clang::APValue::getInt(), clang::StringLiteral::getLength(), clang::BinaryOperator::getLHS(), clang::UnaryOperator::getOpcode(), clang::BinaryOperator::getOpcode(), clang::Type::getPointeeType(), clang::BinaryOperator::getRHS(), clang::Stmt::getStmtClass(), clang::StringLiteral::getString(), clang::UnaryOperator::getSubExpr(), clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Expr::IgnoreParenCasts(), clang::Init, clang::BinaryOperator::isAdditiveOp(), clang::QualType::isConstant(), clang::Sema::isConstantEvaluatedContext(), clang::Expr::isNullPointerConstant(), clang::Type::isObjCObjectPointerType(), clang::IdentifierInfo::isStr(), clang::Expr::isTypeDependent(), clang::Expr::isValueDependent(), maybeConstEvalStringLiteral(), clang::Expr::NPC_ValueDependentIsNotNull, clang::Result, clang::Expr::SE_NoSideEffects, clang::Decl::specific_attrs(), sumOffsets(), clang::T, and clang::Expr::EvalResult::Val.

Referenced by checkFormatStringExpr().

◆ CheckForReference()

static bool CheckForReference ( Sema SemaRef,
const Expr E,
const PartialDiagnostic PD 

◆ checkFPMathBuiltinElementType()

static bool checkFPMathBuiltinElementType ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
QualType  ArgTy,
int  ArgIndex 

◆ CheckImplicitArgumentConversions()

static void CheckImplicitArgumentConversions ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall,
SourceLocation  CC 

◆ CheckImplicitConversion()

static void CheckImplicitConversion ( Sema S,
Expr E,
QualType  T,
SourceLocation  CC,
bool ICContext = nullptr,
bool  IsListInit = false 

Definition at line 16153 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References adornObjCBoolConversionDiagWithTernaryFixit(), clang::ASTContext::areCompatibleRVVTypes(), clang::ASTContext::areCompatibleSveTypes(), clang::ASTContext::areLaxCompatibleRVVTypes(), clang::ASTContext::areLaxCompatibleSveTypes(), clang::Type::canDecayToPointerType(), clang::Type::castAs(), checkObjCArrayLiteral(), checkObjCDictionaryLiteral(), clang::Sema::Context, clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::Sema::DiagnoseAlwaysNonNullPointer(), DiagnoseFloatingImpCast(), DiagnoseImpCast(), DiagnoseIntInBoolContext(), DiagnoseNullConversion(), clang::Sema::DiagRuntimeBehavior(), clang::Sema::DiscardMisalignedMemberAddress(), clang::Expr::EvaluateAsFixedPoint(), clang::Expr::EvaluateAsInt(), clang::Expr::EvaluateAsRValue(), clang::CallExpr::getArg(), clang::Type::getAs(), clang::Sema::getASTContext(), clang::ASTContext::getCanonicalType(), clang::Expr::getEnumCoercedType(), clang::Expr::getExprLoc(), GetExprRange(), clang::ASTContext::getFixedPointMax(), clang::ASTContext::getFixedPointMin(), clang::ASTContext::getFixedPointSemantics(), clang::ASTContext::getFloatingTypeSemanticOrder(), clang::ASTContext::getFloatTypeSemantics(), clang::Expr::getIntegerConstantExpr(), clang::ASTContext::getIntWidth(), clang::Sema::getLangOpts(), clang::CallExpr::getNumArgs(), clang::VectorType::getNumElements(), clang::Stmt::getSourceRange(), clang::Type::getSveEltType(), clang::Expr::getType(), clang::CanQual< T >::getTypePtr(), clang::QualType::getTypePtr(), clang::ASTContext::getTypeSize(), clang::Expr::IgnoreParenImpCasts(), clang::Type::isAtomicType(), clang::Type::isBooleanType(), clang::Type::isCharType(), clang::Sema::isConstantEvaluatedContext(), clang::Type::isFixedPointType(), clang::BuiltinType::isFloatingPoint(), clang::Type::isFloatingType(), clang::SourceManager::isInSystemMacro(), clang::BuiltinType::isInteger(), clang::Type::isIntegerType(), clang::Type::isIntegralType(), clang::SourceLocation::isInvalid(), clang::Expr::isKnownToHaveBooleanValue(), isObjCSignedCharBool(), clang::Type::isPointerType(), IsSameFloatAfterCast(), isSameWidthConstantConversion(), clang::BuiltinType::isSignedInteger(), clang::Type::isSignedIntegerType(), clang::Type::isSveVLSBuiltinType(), clang::Expr::isTypeDependent(), clang::Type::isUnsignedIntegerType(), clang::Expr::isValueDependent(), clang::Expr::NPCK_NotNull, clang::Sema::PDiag(), PrettyPrintInRange(), clang::Result, clang::Expr::SE_AllowSideEffects, clang::Sema::SourceMgr, clang::T, toString(), and clang::Expr::EvalResult::Val.

Referenced by AnalyzeImplicitConversions(), CheckBoolLikeConversion(), CheckConditionalOperand(), CheckConditionalOperator(), and checkOpenCLEnqueueIntType().

◆ CheckInvalidVLENandLMUL()

static bool CheckInvalidVLENandLMUL ( const TargetInfo TI,
CallExpr TheCall,
Sema S,
QualType  Type,
int  EGW 

◆ checkMathBuiltinElementType()

static bool checkMathBuiltinElementType ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
QualType  ArgTy,
int  ArgIndex 

◆ CheckMemaccessSize()

static void CheckMemaccessSize ( Sema S,
unsigned  BId,
const CallExpr Call 

◆ CheckMemorySizeofForComparison()

static bool CheckMemorySizeofForComparison ( Sema S,
const Expr E,
IdentifierInfo FnName,
SourceLocation  FnLoc,
SourceLocation  RParenLoc 

Takes the expression passed to the size_t parameter of functions such as memcmp, strncat, etc and warns if it's a comparison.

This is to catch typos like if (memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(a) > 0)).

Definition at line 13655 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::FixItHint::CreateInsertion(), clang::FixItHint::CreateRemoval(), clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::SourceRange::getBegin(), clang::SourceRange::getEnd(), and clang::Sema::getLocForEndOfToken().

◆ CheckNoDoubleVectors()

bool CheckNoDoubleVectors ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

◆ CheckNonNullArgument()

static void CheckNonNullArgument ( Sema S,
const Expr ArgExpr,
SourceLocation  CallSiteLoc 

◆ CheckNonNullArguments()

static void CheckNonNullArguments ( Sema S,
const NamedDecl FDecl,
const FunctionProtoType Proto,
ArrayRef< const Expr * >  Args,
SourceLocation  CallSiteLoc 

◆ CheckNonNullExpr()

static bool CheckNonNullExpr ( Sema S,
const Expr Expr 

◆ checkObjCArrayLiteral()

static void checkObjCArrayLiteral ( Sema S,
QualType  TargetType,
ObjCArrayLiteral ArrayLiteral 

◆ checkObjCCollectionLiteralElement()

static void checkObjCCollectionLiteralElement ( Sema S,
QualType  TargetElementType,
Expr Element,
unsigned  ElementKind 

Check a single element within a collection literal against the target element type.

Definition at line 15991 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References checkObjCArrayLiteral(), checkObjCDictionaryLiteral(), clang::Sema::CheckSingleAssignmentConstraints(), clang::Sema::Compatible, clang::SemaBase::Diag(), and clang::Type::getAs().

Referenced by checkObjCArrayLiteral(), and checkObjCDictionaryLiteral().

◆ checkObjCDictionaryLiteral()

static void checkObjCDictionaryLiteral ( Sema S,
QualType  TargetType,
ObjCDictionaryLiteral DictionaryLiteral 

◆ checkOpenCLBlockArgs()

static bool checkOpenCLBlockArgs ( Sema S,
Expr BlockArg 

◆ checkOpenCLEnqueueIntType()

static bool checkOpenCLEnqueueIntType ( Sema S,
Expr E,
const QualType IntType 

Diagnose integer type and any valid implicit conversion to it.

Definition at line 16890 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References CheckImplicitConversion(), clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::Stmt::getBeginLoc(), clang::Expr::getType(), and clang::Type::isIntegerType().

Referenced by checkOpenCLEnqueueLocalSizeArgs().

◆ checkOpenCLEnqueueLocalSizeArgs()

static bool checkOpenCLEnqueueLocalSizeArgs ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall,
unsigned  Start,
unsigned  End 

◆ checkOpenCLEnqueueVariadicArgs()

static bool checkOpenCLEnqueueVariadicArgs ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall,
Expr BlockArg,
unsigned  NumNonVarArgs 

◆ checkOpenCLPipeArg()

static bool checkOpenCLPipeArg ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call 

◆ checkOpenCLPipePacketType()

static bool checkOpenCLPipePacketType ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call,
unsigned  Idx 

◆ checkOpenCLSubgroupExt()

static bool checkOpenCLSubgroupExt ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call 

◆ checkPointerAuthEnabled()

static bool checkPointerAuthEnabled ( Sema S,
Expr E 

◆ checkPointerAuthKey()

static bool checkPointerAuthKey ( Sema S,
Expr *&  Arg 

◆ checkPointerAuthValue()

static bool checkPointerAuthValue ( Sema S,
Expr *&  Arg,
PointerAuthOpKind  OpKind 

◆ CheckTautologicalComparison()

static bool CheckTautologicalComparison ( Sema S,
BinaryOperator E,
Expr Constant,
Expr Other,
const llvm::APSInt Value,
bool  RhsConstant 

◆ checkUnsafeAssignLiteral()

static bool checkUnsafeAssignLiteral ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Expr RHS,
bool  isProperty 

◆ checkUnsafeAssignObject()

static bool checkUnsafeAssignObject ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
Qualifiers::ObjCLifetime  LT,
Expr RHS,
bool  isProperty 

◆ CheckUnsignedIntRepresentation()

bool CheckUnsignedIntRepresentation ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

◆ checkVAStartABI()

static bool checkVAStartABI ( Sema S,
unsigned  BuiltinID,
Expr Fn 

◆ checkVAStartIsInVariadicFunction()

static bool checkVAStartIsInVariadicFunction ( Sema S,
Expr Fn,
ParmVarDecl **  LastParam = nullptr 

◆ CheckVectorElementCallArgs()

bool CheckVectorElementCallArgs ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

◆ CheckWasmBuiltinArgIsInteger()

static bool CheckWasmBuiltinArgIsInteger ( Sema S,
CallExpr E,
unsigned  ArgIndex 

◆ CheckWasmBuiltinArgIsTable()

static bool CheckWasmBuiltinArgIsTable ( Sema S,
CallExpr E,
unsigned  ArgIndex,
QualType ElTy 

Checks the argument at the given index is a WebAssembly table and if it is, sets ElTy to the element type.

Definition at line 20611 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::CallExpr::getArg(), clang::Stmt::getBeginLoc(), clang::Stmt::getSourceRange(), and clang::Expr::getType().

◆ classifyConstantValue()

static int classifyConstantValue ( Expr Constant)

Definition at line 15234 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

Referenced by CheckTautologicalComparison().

◆ combineFAPK()

static constexpr unsigned short combineFAPK ( Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind  A,
Sema::FormatArgumentPassingKind  B 

Definition at line 114 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

Referenced by checkFormatStringExpr().

◆ considerVariable()

static bool considerVariable ( VarDecl var,
Expr ref,
RetainCycleOwner &  owner 

Consider whether capturing the given variable can possibly lead to a retain cycle.

Definition at line 18820 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::QualType::getObjCLifetime(), clang::ValueDecl::getType(), and clang::Qualifiers::OCL_Strong.

Referenced by clang::Sema::checkRetainCycles(), and findRetainCycleOwner().

◆ convertArgumentToType()

static bool convertArgumentToType ( Sema S,
Expr *&  Value,
QualType  Ty 

◆ CXXRecordMembersNamed()

template<typename MemberKind >
static llvm::SmallPtrSet< MemberKind *, 1 > CXXRecordMembersNamed ( StringRef  Name,
Sema S,
QualType  Ty 

◆ DecodePPCMMATypeFromStr()

static QualType DecodePPCMMATypeFromStr ( ASTContext Context,
const char *&  Str,
unsigned Mask 

DecodePPCMMATypeFromStr - This decodes one PPC MMA type descriptor from Str, advancing the pointer over the consumed characters.

The decoded type is returned. If the decoded type represents a constant integer with a constraint on its value then Mask is set to that value. The type descriptors used in Str are specific to PPC MMA builtins and are documented in the file defining the PPC builtins.

Definition at line 5184 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::AltiVecVector, clang::ASTContext::DecodeTypeStr(), clang::ASTContext::GE_None, clang::ASTContext::getPointerType(), clang::ASTContext::getVectorType(), clang::ASTContext::IntTy, and clang::ASTContext::UnsignedCharTy.

◆ diagnoseArrayStarInParamType()

static void diagnoseArrayStarInParamType ( Sema S,
QualType  PType,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ DiagnoseCStringFormatDirectiveInCFAPI()

static void DiagnoseCStringFormatDirectiveInCFAPI ( Sema S,
const NamedDecl FDecl,
Expr **  Args,
unsigned  NumArgs 

◆ DiagnoseFloatingImpCast()

static void DiagnoseFloatingImpCast ( Sema S,
Expr E,
QualType  T,
SourceLocation  CContext 

◆ DiagnoseImpCast() [1/2]

static void DiagnoseImpCast ( Sema S,
Expr E,
QualType  SourceType,
QualType  T,
SourceLocation  CContext,
unsigned  diag,
bool  pruneControlFlow = false 

◆ DiagnoseImpCast() [2/2]

static void DiagnoseImpCast ( Sema S,
Expr E,
QualType  T,
SourceLocation  CContext,
unsigned  diag,
bool  pruneControlFlow = false 

Diagnose an implicit cast; purely a helper for CheckImplicitConversion.

Definition at line 15704 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References DiagnoseImpCast(), clang::Expr::getType(), and clang::T.

◆ DiagnoseIntInBoolContext()

static void DiagnoseIntInBoolContext ( Sema S,
Expr E 

◆ DiagnoseNullConversion()

static void DiagnoseNullConversion ( Sema S,
Expr E,
QualType  T,
SourceLocation  CC 

◆ diagnoseRetainCycle()

static void diagnoseRetainCycle ( Sema S,
Expr capturer,
RetainCycleOwner &  owner 

◆ doesExprLikelyComputeSize()

static bool doesExprLikelyComputeSize ( const Expr SizeofExpr)

Detect if SizeofExpr is likely to calculate the sizeof an object.

Definition at line 13830 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References doesExprLikelyComputeSize(), getAsSizeOfExpr(), and clang::Expr::IgnoreParenImpCasts().

Referenced by CheckMemaccessSize(), and doesExprLikelyComputeSize().

◆ emitReplacement()

static void emitReplacement ( Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc,
SourceRange  Range,
unsigned  AbsKind,
QualType  ArgType 

◆ findCapturingExpr()

static Expr * findCapturingExpr ( Sema S,
Expr e,
RetainCycleOwner &  owner 

◆ findRetainCycleOwner()

static bool findRetainCycleOwner ( Sema S,
Expr e,
RetainCycleOwner &  owner 

◆ FindTypeTagExpr()

static bool FindTypeTagExpr ( const Expr TypeExpr,
const ASTContext Ctx,
const ValueDecl **  VD,
uint64_t *  MagicValue,
bool  isConstantEvaluated 

Given a type tag expression find the type tag itself.

TypeExprType tag expression, as it appears in user's code.
VDDeclaration of an identifier that appears in a type tag.
MagicValueType tag magic value.
isConstantEvaluatedwhether the evalaution should be performed in constant context.

Definition at line 19803 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Expr::EvaluateAsBooleanCondition(), clang::AbstractConditionalOperator::getCond(), clang::DeclRefExpr::getDecl(), clang::AbstractConditionalOperator::getFalseExpr(), clang::UnaryOperator::getOpcode(), clang::BinaryOperator::getOpcode(), clang::BinaryOperator::getRHS(), clang::Stmt::getStmtClass(), clang::UnaryOperator::getSubExpr(), clang::AbstractConditionalOperator::getTrueExpr(), clang::APIntStorage::getValue(), clang::Expr::IgnoreParenCasts(), clang::Expr::IgnoreParenImpCasts(), and clang::Result.

Referenced by GetMatchingCType().

◆ getAbsoluteValueArgumentType()

static QualType getAbsoluteValueArgumentType ( ASTContext Context,
unsigned  AbsType 

◆ getAbsoluteValueFunctionKind()

static unsigned getAbsoluteValueFunctionKind ( const FunctionDecl FDecl)

◆ getAbsoluteValueKind()

static AbsoluteValueKind getAbsoluteValueKind ( QualType  T)

◆ getAlignmentAndOffsetFromBinAddOrSub()

static std::optional< std::pair< CharUnits, CharUnits > > getAlignmentAndOffsetFromBinAddOrSub ( const Expr PtrE,
const Expr IntE,
bool  IsSub,
ASTContext Ctx 

◆ getAndVerifyMatrixDimension()

static std::optional< unsigned > getAndVerifyMatrixDimension ( Expr Expr,
StringRef  Name,
Sema S 

◆ getArmStreamingFnType()

static ArmStreamingType getArmStreamingFnType ( const FunctionDecl FD)

◆ getAsSizeOfExpr()

static const UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr * getAsSizeOfExpr ( const Expr E)

◆ getBaseAlignmentAndOffsetFromLValue()

static std::optional< std::pair< CharUnits, CharUnits > > getBaseAlignmentAndOffsetFromLValue ( const Expr E,
ASTContext Ctx 

◆ getBaseAlignmentAndOffsetFromPtr()

static std::optional< std::pair< CharUnits, CharUnits > > getBaseAlignmentAndOffsetFromPtr ( const Expr E,
ASTContext Ctx 

◆ getBestAbsFunction()

static unsigned getBestAbsFunction ( ASTContext Context,
QualType  ArgType,
unsigned  AbsFunctionKind 

◆ getContainedDynamicClass()

static const CXXRecordDecl * getContainedDynamicClass ( QualType  T,
bool IsContained 

◆ getDerivedToBaseAlignmentAndOffset()

static std::pair< CharUnits, CharUnits > getDerivedToBaseAlignmentAndOffset ( const CastExpr CE,
QualType  DerivedType,
CharUnits  BaseAlignment,
CharUnits  Offset,
ASTContext Ctx 

Compute the alignment and offset of the base class object given the derived-to-base cast expression and the alignment and offset of the derived class object.

Definition at line 18259 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Type::getAsCXXRecordDecl(), clang::ASTContext::getASTRecordLayout(), clang::ASTRecordLayout::getBaseClassOffset(), clang::ASTRecordLayout::getNonVirtualAlignment(), clang::CastExpr::path_begin(), clang::CastExpr::path_end(), and clang::CharUnits::Zero().

Referenced by getBaseAlignmentAndOffsetFromLValue(), and getBaseAlignmentAndOffsetFromPtr().

◆ GetExprRange() [1/2]

static IntRange GetExprRange ( ASTContext C,
const Expr E,
bool  InConstantContext,
bool  Approximate 

Definition at line 15023 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::C, GetExprRange(), and GetExprType().

◆ GetExprRange() [2/2]

static IntRange GetExprRange ( ASTContext C,
const Expr E,
unsigned  MaxWidth,
bool  InConstantContext,
bool  Approximate 

Pseudo-evaluate the given integer expression, estimating the range of values it might take.

MaxWidthThe width to which the value will be truncated.
ApproximateIf true, return a likely range for the result: in particular, assume that arithmetic on narrower types doesn't leave those types. If false, return a range including all possible result values.

Definition at line 14775 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::C, clang::Expr::EvaluateAsRValue(), GetExprRange(), GetExprType(), clang::Expr::getSourceBitField(), clang::Expr::getType(), GetValueRange(), clang::Expr::IgnoreParens(), clang::Type::isUnsignedIntegerOrEnumerationType(), clang::Type::isVoidType(), log2, clang::T, and clang::Expr::EvalResult::Val.

Referenced by AnalyzeComparison(), CheckImplicitConversion(), CheckTautologicalComparison(), and GetExprRange().

◆ GetExprType()

static QualType GetExprType ( const Expr E)

Definition at line 14760 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Type::getAs(), and clang::Expr::getType().

Referenced by GetExprRange().

◆ getIntegerLiteral()

static const IntegerLiteral * getIntegerLiteral ( Expr E)

Definition at line 16104 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

Referenced by DiagnoseIntInBoolContext().

◆ getLargerAbsoluteValueFunction()

static unsigned getLargerAbsoluteValueFunction ( unsigned  AbsFunction)

Definition at line 13188 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

Referenced by getBestAbsFunction().

◆ GetMatchingCType()

static bool GetMatchingCType ( const IdentifierInfo ArgumentKind,
const Expr TypeExpr,
const ASTContext Ctx,
const llvm::DenseMap< Sema::TypeTagMagicValue, Sema::TypeTagData > *  MagicValues,
bool FoundWrongKind,
Sema::TypeTagData TypeInfo,
bool  isConstantEvaluated 

Retrieve the C type corresponding to type tag TypeExpr.

TypeExprExpression that specifies a type tag.
MagicValuesRegistered magic values.
FoundWrongKindSet to true if a type tag was found, but of a wrong kind.
TypeInfoInformation about the corresponding C type.
isConstantEvaluatedwhether the evalaution should be performed in constant context.
true if the corresponding C type was found.

Definition at line 19884 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References FindTypeTagExpr(), and clang::Decl::getAttr().

◆ getNeonEltType()

static QualType getNeonEltType ( NeonTypeFlags  Flags,
ASTContext Context,
bool  IsPolyUnsigned,
bool  IsInt64Long 

◆ GetNSMutableArrayArgumentIndex()

static std::optional< int > GetNSMutableArrayArgumentIndex ( Sema S,
ObjCMessageExpr Message 

◆ GetNSMutableDictionaryArgumentIndex()

static std::optional< int > GetNSMutableDictionaryArgumentIndex ( Sema S,
ObjCMessageExpr Message 

◆ GetNSSetArgumentIndex()

static std::optional< int > GetNSSetArgumentIndex ( Sema S,
ObjCMessageExpr Message 

◆ getOpenCLArgAccess()

static OpenCLAccessAttr * getOpenCLArgAccess ( const Decl D)

Returns OpenCL access qual.

Definition at line 1729 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Decl::getAttr().

Referenced by checkOpenCLPipeArg().

◆ getPresumedAlignmentOfPointer()

static CharUnits getPresumedAlignmentOfPointer ( const Expr E,
Sema S 

◆ getSizeOfArgType()

static QualType getSizeOfArgType ( const Expr E)

If E is a sizeof expression, returns its argument type.

Definition at line 13731 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References getAsSizeOfExpr(), and SizeOf.

◆ getSizeOfExprArg()

static const Expr * getSizeOfExprArg ( const Expr E)

If E is a sizeof expression, returns its argument expression, otherwise returns NULL.

Definition at line 13723 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References getAsSizeOfExpr(), and SizeOf.

◆ getSMEState()

static ArmSMEState getSMEState ( unsigned  BuiltinID)

Definition at line 3584 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References ArmNoState.

◆ getStrlenExprArg()

static const Expr * getStrlenExprArg ( const Expr E)

Definition at line 14225 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::FunctionDecl::getMemoryFunctionKind().

◆ GetValueRange() [1/2]

static IntRange GetValueRange ( ASTContext C,
APValue result,
QualType  Ty,
unsigned  MaxWidth 

◆ GetValueRange() [2/2]

static IntRange GetValueRange ( ASTContext C,
llvm::APSInt value,
unsigned  MaxWidth 

Definition at line 14718 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

Referenced by GetExprRange(), and GetValueRange().

◆ handleFormatSignedness()

◆ hasArmZAState()

static bool hasArmZAState ( const FunctionDecl FD)

◆ hasArmZT0State()

static bool hasArmZT0State ( const FunctionDecl FD)

◆ HasEnumType()

static bool HasEnumType ( Expr E)

◆ ignoreLiteralAdditions()

static const Expr * ignoreLiteralAdditions ( const Expr Ex,
ASTContext Ctx 

◆ isArgumentExpandedFromMacro()

static bool isArgumentExpandedFromMacro ( SourceManager SM,
SourceLocation  CallLoc,
SourceLocation  ArgLoc 

Check if the ArgLoc originated from a macro passed to the call at CallLoc.

#define MACRO 0

This should return true for the first call to foo, but not for the second (regardless of whether foo is a macro or function).

Definition at line 13854 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::SourceLocation::isMacroID(), and SM.

Referenced by CheckMemaccessSize().

◆ isArithmeticArgumentPromotion()

static bool isArithmeticArgumentPromotion ( Sema S,
const ImplicitCastExpr ICE 

Return true if ICE is an implicit argument promotion of an arithmetic type.

Bit-field 'promotions' from a higher ranked type to a lower ranked type do not count.

Definition at line 12488 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Sema::Context, clang::Type::getAs(), clang::CastExpr::getCastKind(), clang::ASTContext::getFloatingTypeOrder(), clang::ASTContext::getPromotedIntegerType(), clang::CastExpr::getSubExpr(), clang::Expr::getType(), and clang::ASTContext::isPromotableIntegerType().

◆ isBlockPointer()

static bool isBlockPointer ( Expr Arg)

◆ isConstantSizeArrayWithMoreThanOneElement()

static bool isConstantSizeArrayWithMoreThanOneElement ( QualType  Ty,
ASTContext Context 

◆ IsEnumConstOrFromMacro()

static bool IsEnumConstOrFromMacro ( Sema S,
Expr E 

◆ IsImplicitBoolFloatConversion()

static bool IsImplicitBoolFloatConversion ( Sema S,
Expr Ex,
bool  ToBool 

◆ IsInAnyMacroBody()

static bool IsInAnyMacroBody ( const SourceManager SM,
SourceLocation  Loc 

◆ isKnownToHaveUnsignedValue()

static bool isKnownToHaveUnsignedValue ( Expr E)

◆ isLayoutCompatible() [1/4]

static bool isLayoutCompatible ( ASTContext C,
EnumDecl ED1,
EnumDecl ED2 

Check if two enumeration types are layout-compatible.

Definition at line 19592 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::C, clang::EnumDecl::getIntegerType(), and clang::EnumDecl::isComplete().

◆ isLayoutCompatible() [2/4]

static bool isLayoutCompatible ( ASTContext C,
FieldDecl Field1,
FieldDecl Field2,
bool  AreUnionMembers = false 

Check if two fields are layout-compatible.

Can be used on union members, which are exempt from alignment requirement of common initial sequence.

Definition at line 19603 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::C, clang::FieldDecl::getBitWidthValue(), clang::Decl::getMaxAlignment(), clang::FieldDecl::getParent(), clang::ValueDecl::getType(), clang::TypeDecl::getTypeForDecl(), clang::Decl::hasAttr(), clang::FieldDecl::isBitField(), isLayoutCompatible(), clang::Type::isStructureOrClassType(), and clang::Type::isUnionType().

◆ isLayoutCompatible() [3/4]

static bool isLayoutCompatible ( ASTContext C,
QualType  T1,
QualType  T2 

◆ isLayoutCompatible() [4/4]

static bool isLayoutCompatible ( ASTContext C,
RecordDecl RD1,
RecordDecl RD2 

◆ isLayoutCompatibleStruct()

static bool isLayoutCompatibleStruct ( ASTContext C,
RecordDecl RD1,
RecordDecl RD2 

Check if two standard-layout structs are layout-compatible.

(C++11 [class.mem] p17)

Definition at line 19647 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::CXXRecordDecl::bases_begin(), clang::C, clang::RecordDecl::field_begin(), clang::RecordDecl::field_end(), clang::CXXRecordDecl::getNumBases(), and isLayoutCompatible().

Referenced by isLayoutCompatible().

◆ isLayoutCompatibleUnion()

static bool isLayoutCompatibleUnion ( ASTContext C,
RecordDecl RD1,
RecordDecl RD2 

Check if two standard-layout unions are layout-compatible.

(C++11 [class.mem] p18)

Definition at line 19691 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::C, clang::RecordDecl::fields(), isLayoutCompatible(), and clang::Result.

Referenced by isLayoutCompatible().

◆ isNonNullType()

static bool isNonNullType ( QualType  type)

Determine whether the given type has a non-null nullability annotation.

Definition at line 7730 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::NonNull, and clang::ast_matchers::type.

Referenced by CheckNonNullArguments().

◆ isObjCSignedCharBool()

static bool isObjCSignedCharBool ( Sema S,
QualType  Ty 

◆ isPPC_64Builtin()

static bool isPPC_64Builtin ( unsigned  BuiltinID)

Definition at line 5234 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

◆ IsSameCharType()

static bool IsSameCharType ( QualType  T1,
QualType  T2 

Definition at line 19941 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Type::getAs(), and clang::BuiltinType::getKind().

◆ IsSameFloatAfterCast() [1/2]

static bool IsSameFloatAfterCast ( const APValue value,
const llvm::fltSemantics &  Src,
const llvm::fltSemantics &  Tgt 

Checks whether the given value, which currently has the given source semantics, has the same value when coerced through the target semantics.

The value might be a vector of floats (or a complex number).

Definition at line 15049 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::APValue::getComplexFloatImag(), clang::APValue::getComplexFloatReal(), clang::APValue::getFloat(), clang::APValue::getVectorElt(), clang::APValue::getVectorLength(), clang::APValue::isComplexFloat(), clang::APValue::isFloat(), IsSameFloatAfterCast(), and clang::APValue::isVector().

◆ IsSameFloatAfterCast() [2/2]

static bool IsSameFloatAfterCast ( const llvm::APFloat &  value,
const llvm::fltSemantics &  Src,
const llvm::fltSemantics &  Tgt 

Checks whether the given value, which currently has the given source semantics, has the same value when coerced through the target semantics.

Definition at line 15032 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

Referenced by CheckImplicitConversion(), and IsSameFloatAfterCast().

◆ isSameWidthConstantConversion()

static bool isSameWidthConstantConversion ( Sema S,
Expr E,
QualType  T,
SourceLocation  CC 

◆ isSetterLikeSelector()

static bool isSetterLikeSelector ( Selector  sel)

Check for a keyword selector that starts with the word 'add' or 'set'.

Definition at line 19017 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Selector::getNameForSlot(), clang::Selector::getNumArgs(), clang::isLowercase(), and clang::Selector::isUnarySelector().

Referenced by clang::Sema::checkRetainCycles().

◆ IsShiftedByte()

static bool IsShiftedByte ( llvm::APSInt  Value)

Definition at line 10307 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

◆ IsStdFunction()

template<std::size_t StrLen>
static bool IsStdFunction ( const FunctionDecl FDecl,
const char(&)  Str[StrLen] 

◆ isValidBPFPreserveEnumValueArg()

static bool isValidBPFPreserveEnumValueArg ( Expr Arg)

◆ isValidBPFPreserveFieldInfoArg()

static bool isValidBPFPreserveFieldInfoArg ( Expr Arg)

◆ isValidBPFPreserveTypeInfoArg()

static bool isValidBPFPreserveTypeInfoArg ( Expr Arg)

◆ isValidOrderingForOp()

static bool isValidOrderingForOp ( int64_t  Ordering,
AtomicExpr::AtomicOp  Op 

Definition at line 8256 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::BuildAtomicExpr().

◆ isX86_32Builtin()

static bool isX86_32Builtin ( unsigned  BuiltinID)

Definition at line 7217 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

◆ maybeConstEvalStringLiteral()

static const Expr * maybeConstEvalStringLiteral ( ASTContext Context,
const Expr E 

Definition at line 11301 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Expr::EvaluateAsRValue(), and clang::Result.

Referenced by checkFormatStringExpr().

◆ OpenCLBuiltinEnqueueKernel()

static bool OpenCLBuiltinEnqueueKernel ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

OpenCL C v2.0, s6.13.17 - Enqueue kernel function contains four different overload formats specified in Table

int enqueue_kernel(queue_t queue, kernel_enqueue_flags_t flags, const ndrange_t ndrange, void (^block)(void)) int enqueue_kernel(queue_t queue, kernel_enqueue_flags_t flags, const ndrange_t ndrange, uint num_events_in_wait_list, clk_event_t event_wait_list, clk_event_t *event_ret, void (^block)(void)) int enqueue_kernel(queue_t queue, kernel_enqueue_flags_t flags, const ndrange_t ndrange, void (^block)(local void, ...), uint size0, ...) int enqueue_kernel(queue_t queue, kernel_enqueue_flags_t flags, const ndrange_t ndrange, uint num_events_in_wait_list, clk_event_t event_wait_list, clk_event_t *event_ret, void (^block)(local void, ...), uint size0, ...)

Definition at line 1608 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::Type::castAs(), checkOpenCLBlockArgs(), checkOpenCLEnqueueVariadicArgs(), clang::Sema::Context, clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::CallExpr::getArg(), clang::QualType::getAsString(), clang::CallExpr::getBeginLoc(), clang::Stmt::getBeginLoc(), clang::QualType::getCanonicalType(), clang::CallExpr::getDirectCallee(), clang::CallExpr::getNumArgs(), clang::FunctionProtoType::getNumParams(), clang::Type::getPointeeOrArrayElementType(), clang::Type::getPointeeType(), clang::BlockPointerType::getPointeeType(), clang::ASTContext::getPointerType(), clang::Expr::getType(), clang::QualType::getUnqualifiedType(), isBlockPointer(), clang::Type::isClkEventT(), clang::Type::isIntegerType(), clang::Expr::isNullPointerConstant(), clang::Type::isPointerType(), clang::Type::isQueueT(), clang::Expr::NPC_ValueDependentIsNotNull, clang::ASTContext::OCLClkEventTy, and clang::ASTContext::OCLQueueTy.

◆ OpenCLBuiltinKernelWorkGroupSize()

static bool OpenCLBuiltinKernelWorkGroupSize ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

OpenCL C v2.0, s6.13.17.6 - Check the argument to the get_kernel_work_group_size and get_kernel_preferred_work_group_size_multiple builtin functions.

Definition at line 1532 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References checkArgCount(), checkOpenCLBlockArgs(), clang::SemaBase::Diag(), clang::CallExpr::getArg(), clang::Stmt::getBeginLoc(), clang::CallExpr::getDirectCallee(), and isBlockPointer().

◆ OpenCLBuiltinNDRangeAndBlock()

static bool OpenCLBuiltinNDRangeAndBlock ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall 

◆ OpenCLBuiltinToAddr()

static bool OpenCLBuiltinToAddr ( Sema S,
unsigned  BuiltinID,
CallExpr Call 

◆ PointerAuthAuthAndResign()

static ExprResult PointerAuthAuthAndResign ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call 

◆ PointerAuthBlendDiscriminator()

static ExprResult PointerAuthBlendDiscriminator ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call 

◆ PointerAuthSignGenericData()

static ExprResult PointerAuthSignGenericData ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call 

◆ PointerAuthSignOrAuth()

static ExprResult PointerAuthSignOrAuth ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call,
PointerAuthOpKind  OpKind 

◆ PointerAuthStrip()

static ExprResult PointerAuthStrip ( Sema S,
CallExpr Call 

◆ PrettyPrintInRange()

static std::string PrettyPrintInRange ( const llvm::APSInt Value,
IntRange  Range 

Definition at line 15884 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References toString().

Referenced by CheckImplicitConversion().

◆ ProcessFormatStringLiteral()

static bool ProcessFormatStringLiteral ( const Expr FormatExpr,
StringRef &  FormatStrRef,
size_t StrLen,
ASTContext Context 

Definition at line 1092 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References clang::ASTContext::getAsConstantArrayType(), and clang::T.

◆ referToTheSameDecl()

static bool referToTheSameDecl ( const Expr E1,
const Expr E2 

Check if two expressions refer to the same declaration.

Definition at line 14218 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

◆ requiresParensToAddCast()

static bool requiresParensToAddCast ( const Expr E)

◆ RFT()

static unsigned RFT ( unsigned  t,
bool  shift = false,
bool  ForceQuad = false 

◆ SetElementTypeAsReturnType()

void SetElementTypeAsReturnType ( Sema S,
CallExpr TheCall,
QualType  ReturnType 

◆ ShouldDiagnoseEmptyStmtBody()

static bool ShouldDiagnoseEmptyStmtBody ( const SourceManager SourceMgr,
SourceLocation  StmtLoc,
const NullStmt Body 

◆ shouldNotPrintDirectly()

static std::pair< QualType, StringRef > shouldNotPrintDirectly ( const ASTContext Context,
QualType  IntendedTy,
const Expr E 

◆ sumOffsets()

static void sumOffsets ( llvm::APSInt Offset,
llvm::APSInt  Addend,
BinaryOperatorKind  BinOpKind,
bool  AddendIsRight 

Definition at line 10829 of file SemaChecking.cpp.

References sumOffsets().

Referenced by checkFormatStringExpr(), and sumOffsets().