clang 20.0.0git
Format Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for Format:


file  AffectedRangeManager.cpp [code]
 This file implements AffectRangeManager class.
file  AffectedRangeManager.h [code]
 AffectedRangeManager class manages affected ranges in the code.
file  BreakableToken.cpp [code]
 Contains implementation of BreakableToken class and classes derived from it.
file  BreakableToken.h [code]
 Declares BreakableToken, BreakableStringLiteral, BreakableComment, BreakableBlockComment and BreakableLineCommentSection classes, that contain token type-specific logic to break long lines in tokens and reflow content between tokens.
file  ContinuationIndenter.cpp [code]
 This file implements the continuation indenter.
file  ContinuationIndenter.h [code]
 This file implements an indenter that manages the indentation of continuations.
file  DefinitionBlockSeparator.cpp [code]
 This file implements DefinitionBlockSeparator, a TokenAnalyzer that inserts or removes empty lines separating definition blocks like classes, structs, functions, enums, and namespaces in between.
file  DefinitionBlockSeparator.h [code]
 This file declares DefinitionBlockSeparator, a TokenAnalyzer that inserts or removes empty lines separating definition blocks like classes, structs, functions, enums, and namespaces in between.
file  Encoding.h [code]
 Contains functions for text encoding manipulation.
file  Format.cpp [code]
 This file implements functions declared in Format.h.
file  FormatInternal.h [code]
 This file declares Format APIs to be used internally by the formatting library implementation.
file  FormatToken.cpp [code]
 This file implements specific functions of FormatTokens and their roles.
file  FormatToken.h [code]
 This file contains the declaration of the FormatToken, a wrapper around Token with additional information related to formatting.
file  FormatTokenLexer.cpp [code]
 This file implements FormatTokenLexer, which tokenizes a source file into a FormatToken stream suitable for ClangFormat.
file  FormatTokenLexer.h [code]
 This file contains FormatTokenLexer, which tokenizes a source file into a token stream suitable for ClangFormat.
file  FormatTokenSource.h [code]
 This file defines the FormatTokenSource interface, which provides a token stream as well as the ability to manipulate the token stream.
file  IntegerLiteralSeparatorFixer.cpp [code]
 This file implements IntegerLiteralSeparatorFixer that fixes C++ integer literal separators.
file  IntegerLiteralSeparatorFixer.h [code]
 This file declares IntegerLiteralSeparatorFixer that fixes C++ integer literal separators.
file  MacroCallReconstructor.cpp [code]
 This file contains the implementation of MacroCallReconstructor, which fits an reconstructed macro call to a parsed set of UnwrappedLines.
file  MacroExpander.cpp [code]
 This file contains the implementation of MacroExpander, which handles macro configuration and expansion while formatting.
file  Macros.h [code]
 This file contains the main building blocks of macro support in clang-format.
file  MatchFilePath.cpp [code]
 This file implements the functionality of matching a file path name to a pattern, similar to the POSIX fnmatch() function.
file  MatchFilePath.h [code]
file  NamespaceEndCommentsFixer.cpp [code]
 This file implements NamespaceEndCommentsFixer, a TokenAnalyzer that fixes namespace end comments.
file  NamespaceEndCommentsFixer.h [code]
 This file declares NamespaceEndCommentsFixer, a TokenAnalyzer that fixes namespace end comments.
file  ObjCPropertyAttributeOrderFixer.cpp [code]
 This file implements ObjCPropertyAttributeOrderFixer, a TokenAnalyzer that adjusts the order of attributes in an ObjC @property(...) declaration, depending on the style.
file  ObjCPropertyAttributeOrderFixer.h [code]
 This file declares ObjCPropertyAttributeOrderFixer, a TokenAnalyzer that adjusts the order of attributes in an ObjC @property(...) declaration, depending on the style.
file  QualifierAlignmentFixer.cpp [code]
 This file implements QualifierAlignmentFixer, a TokenAnalyzer that enforces either left or right const depending on the style.
file  QualifierAlignmentFixer.h [code]
 This file declares QualifierAlignmentFixer, a TokenAnalyzer that enforces either east or west const depending on the style.
file  SortJavaScriptImports.cpp [code]
 This file implements a sort operation for JavaScript ES6 imports.
file  SortJavaScriptImports.h [code]
 This file implements a sorter for JavaScript ES6 imports.
file  TokenAnalyzer.cpp [code]
 This file implements an abstract TokenAnalyzer and associated helper classes.
file  TokenAnalyzer.h [code]
 This file declares an abstract TokenAnalyzer, and associated helper classes.
file  TokenAnnotator.cpp [code]
 This file implements a token annotator, i.e.
file  TokenAnnotator.h [code]
 This file implements a token annotator, i.e.
file  UnwrappedLineFormatter.cpp [code]
file  UnwrappedLineFormatter.h [code]
 Implements a combinatorial exploration of all the different linebreaks unwrapped lines can be formatted in.
file  UnwrappedLineParser.cpp [code]
 This file contains the implementation of the UnwrappedLineParser, which turns a stream of tokens into UnwrappedLines.
file  UnwrappedLineParser.h [code]
 This file contains the declaration of the UnwrappedLineParser, which turns a stream of tokens into UnwrappedLines.
file  UsingDeclarationsSorter.cpp [code]
 This file implements UsingDeclarationsSorter, a TokenAnalyzer that sorts consecutive using declarations.
file  UsingDeclarationsSorter.h [code]
 This file declares UsingDeclarationsSorter, a TokenAnalyzer that sorts consecutive using declarations.
file  WhitespaceManager.cpp [code]
 This file implements WhitespaceManager class.
file  WhitespaceManager.h [code]
 WhitespaceManager class manages whitespace around tokens and their replacements.