clang 20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1//===--- AMDGPU.cpp - AMDGPU ToolChain Implementations ----------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "AMDGPU.h"
10#include "CommonArgs.h"
12#include "clang/Config/config.h"
18#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
19#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
20#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
21#include "llvm/Support/LineIterator.h"
22#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
23#include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
24#include "llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h"
25#include "llvm/TargetParser/Host.h"
26#include <optional>
27#include <system_error>
29using namespace clang::driver;
30using namespace clang::driver::tools;
31using namespace clang::driver::toolchains;
32using namespace clang;
33using namespace llvm::opt;
35// Look for sub-directory starts with PackageName under ROCm candidate path.
36// If there is one and only one matching sub-directory found, append the
37// sub-directory to Path. If there is no matching sub-directory or there are
38// more than one matching sub-directories, diagnose them. Returns the full
39// path of the package if there is only one matching sub-directory, otherwise
40// returns an empty string.
42RocmInstallationDetector::findSPACKPackage(const Candidate &Cand,
43 StringRef PackageName) {
44 if (!Cand.isSPACK())
45 return {};
46 std::error_code EC;
47 std::string Prefix = Twine(PackageName + "-" + Cand.SPACKReleaseStr).str();
49 for (llvm::vfs::directory_iterator File = D.getVFS().dir_begin(Cand.Path, EC),
50 FileEnd;
51 File != FileEnd && !EC; File.increment(EC)) {
52 llvm::StringRef FileName = llvm::sys::path::filename(File->path());
53 if (FileName.starts_with(Prefix)) {
54 SubDirs.push_back(FileName);
55 if (SubDirs.size() > 1)
56 break;
57 }
58 }
59 if (SubDirs.size() == 1) {
60 auto PackagePath = Cand.Path;
61 llvm::sys::path::append(PackagePath, SubDirs[0]);
62 return PackagePath;
63 }
64 if (SubDirs.size() == 0 && Verbose) {
65 llvm::errs() << "SPACK package " << Prefix << " not found at " << Cand.Path
66 << '\n';
67 return {};
68 }
70 if (SubDirs.size() > 1 && Verbose) {
71 llvm::errs() << "Cannot use SPACK package " << Prefix << " at " << Cand.Path
72 << " due to multiple installations for the same version\n";
73 }
74 return {};
77void RocmInstallationDetector::scanLibDevicePath(llvm::StringRef Path) {
78 assert(!Path.empty());
80 const StringRef Suffix(".bc");
81 const StringRef Suffix2(".amdgcn.bc");
83 std::error_code EC;
84 for (llvm::vfs::directory_iterator LI = D.getVFS().dir_begin(Path, EC), LE;
85 !EC && LI != LE; LI = LI.increment(EC)) {
86 StringRef FilePath = LI->path();
87 StringRef FileName = llvm::sys::path::filename(FilePath);
88 if (!FileName.ends_with(Suffix))
89 continue;
91 StringRef BaseName;
92 if (FileName.ends_with(Suffix2))
93 BaseName = FileName.drop_back(Suffix2.size());
94 else if (FileName.ends_with(Suffix))
95 BaseName = FileName.drop_back(Suffix.size());
97 const StringRef ABIVersionPrefix = "oclc_abi_version_";
98 if (BaseName == "ocml") {
99 OCML = FilePath;
100 } else if (BaseName == "ockl") {
101 OCKL = FilePath;
102 } else if (BaseName == "opencl") {
103 OpenCL = FilePath;
104 } else if (BaseName == "hip") {
105 HIP = FilePath;
106 } else if (BaseName == "asanrtl") {
107 AsanRTL = FilePath;
108 } else if (BaseName == "oclc_finite_only_off") {
109 FiniteOnly.Off = FilePath;
110 } else if (BaseName == "oclc_finite_only_on") {
111 FiniteOnly.On = FilePath;
112 } else if (BaseName == "oclc_daz_opt_on") {
113 DenormalsAreZero.On = FilePath;
114 } else if (BaseName == "oclc_daz_opt_off") {
115 DenormalsAreZero.Off = FilePath;
116 } else if (BaseName == "oclc_correctly_rounded_sqrt_on") {
117 CorrectlyRoundedSqrt.On = FilePath;
118 } else if (BaseName == "oclc_correctly_rounded_sqrt_off") {
119 CorrectlyRoundedSqrt.Off = FilePath;
120 } else if (BaseName == "oclc_unsafe_math_on") {
121 UnsafeMath.On = FilePath;
122 } else if (BaseName == "oclc_unsafe_math_off") {
123 UnsafeMath.Off = FilePath;
124 } else if (BaseName == "oclc_wavefrontsize64_on") {
125 WavefrontSize64.On = FilePath;
126 } else if (BaseName == "oclc_wavefrontsize64_off") {
127 WavefrontSize64.Off = FilePath;
128 } else if (BaseName.starts_with(ABIVersionPrefix)) {
129 unsigned ABIVersionNumber;
130 if (BaseName.drop_front(ABIVersionPrefix.size())
131 .getAsInteger(/*Redex=*/0, ABIVersionNumber))
132 continue;
133 ABIVersionMap[ABIVersionNumber] = FilePath.str();
134 } else {
135 // Process all bitcode filenames that look like
136 // ocl_isa_version_XXX.amdgcn.bc
137 const StringRef DeviceLibPrefix = "oclc_isa_version_";
138 if (!BaseName.starts_with(DeviceLibPrefix))
139 continue;
141 StringRef IsaVersionNumber =
142 BaseName.drop_front(DeviceLibPrefix.size());
144 llvm::Twine GfxName = Twine("gfx") + IsaVersionNumber;
145 SmallString<8> Tmp;
146 LibDeviceMap.insert(
147 std::make_pair(GfxName.toStringRef(Tmp), FilePath.str()));
148 }
149 }
152// Parse and extract version numbers from `.hipVersion`. Return `true` if
153// the parsing fails.
154bool RocmInstallationDetector::parseHIPVersionFile(llvm::StringRef V) {
155 SmallVector<StringRef, 4> VersionParts;
156 V.split(VersionParts, '\n');
157 unsigned Major = ~0U;
158 unsigned Minor = ~0U;
159 for (auto Part : VersionParts) {
160 auto Splits = Part.rtrim().split('=');
161 if (Splits.first == "HIP_VERSION_MAJOR") {
162 if (Splits.second.getAsInteger(0, Major))
163 return true;
164 } else if (Splits.first == "HIP_VERSION_MINOR") {
165 if (Splits.second.getAsInteger(0, Minor))
166 return true;
167 } else if (Splits.first == "HIP_VERSION_PATCH")
168 VersionPatch = Splits.second.str();
169 }
170 if (Major == ~0U || Minor == ~0U)
171 return true;
172 VersionMajorMinor = llvm::VersionTuple(Major, Minor);
173 DetectedVersion =
174 (Twine(Major) + "." + Twine(Minor) + "." + VersionPatch).str();
175 return false;
178/// \returns a list of candidate directories for ROCm installation, which is
179/// cached and populated only once.
181RocmInstallationDetector::getInstallationPathCandidates() {
183 // Return the cached candidate list if it has already been populated.
184 if (!ROCmSearchDirs.empty())
185 return ROCmSearchDirs;
187 auto DoPrintROCmSearchDirs = [&]() {
188 if (PrintROCmSearchDirs)
189 for (auto Cand : ROCmSearchDirs) {
190 llvm::errs() << "ROCm installation search path";
191 if (Cand.isSPACK())
192 llvm::errs() << " (Spack " << Cand.SPACKReleaseStr << ")";
193 llvm::errs() << ": " << Cand.Path << '\n';
194 }
195 };
197 // For candidate specified by --rocm-path we do not do strict check, i.e.,
198 // checking existence of HIP version file and device library files.
199 if (!RocmPathArg.empty()) {
200 ROCmSearchDirs.emplace_back(RocmPathArg.str());
201 DoPrintROCmSearchDirs();
202 return ROCmSearchDirs;
203 } else if (std::optional<std::string> RocmPathEnv =
204 llvm::sys::Process::GetEnv("ROCM_PATH")) {
205 if (!RocmPathEnv->empty()) {
206 ROCmSearchDirs.emplace_back(std::move(*RocmPathEnv));
207 DoPrintROCmSearchDirs();
208 return ROCmSearchDirs;
209 }
210 }
212 // Try to find relative to the compiler binary.
213 StringRef InstallDir = D.Dir;
215 // Check both a normal Unix prefix position of the clang binary, as well as
216 // the Windows-esque layout the ROCm packages use with the host architecture
217 // subdirectory of bin.
218 auto DeduceROCmPath = [](StringRef ClangPath) {
219 // Strip off directory (usually bin)
220 StringRef ParentDir = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(ClangPath);
221 StringRef ParentName = llvm::sys::path::filename(ParentDir);
223 // Some builds use bin/{host arch}, so go up again.
224 if (ParentName == "bin") {
225 ParentDir = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(ParentDir);
226 ParentName = llvm::sys::path::filename(ParentDir);
227 }
229 // Detect ROCm packages built with SPACK.
230 // clang is installed at
231 // <rocm_root>/llvm-amdgpu-<rocm_release_string>-<hash>/bin directory.
232 // We only consider the parent directory of llvm-amdgpu package as ROCm
233 // installation candidate for SPACK.
234 if (ParentName.starts_with("llvm-amdgpu-")) {
235 auto SPACKPostfix =
236 ParentName.drop_front(strlen("llvm-amdgpu-")).split('-');
237 auto SPACKReleaseStr = SPACKPostfix.first;
238 if (!SPACKReleaseStr.empty()) {
239 ParentDir = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(ParentDir);
240 return Candidate(ParentDir.str(), /*StrictChecking=*/true,
241 SPACKReleaseStr);
242 }
243 }
245 // Some versions of the rocm llvm package install to /opt/rocm/llvm/bin
246 // Some versions of the aomp package install to /opt/rocm/aomp/bin
247 if (ParentName == "llvm" || ParentName.starts_with("aomp"))
248 ParentDir = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(ParentDir);
250 return Candidate(ParentDir.str(), /*StrictChecking=*/true);
251 };
253 // Deduce ROCm path by the path used to invoke clang. Do not resolve symbolic
254 // link of clang itself.
255 ROCmSearchDirs.emplace_back(DeduceROCmPath(InstallDir));
257 // Deduce ROCm path by the real path of the invoked clang, resolving symbolic
258 // link of clang itself.
259 llvm::SmallString<256> RealClangPath;
260 llvm::sys::fs::real_path(D.getClangProgramPath(), RealClangPath);
261 auto ParentPath = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(RealClangPath);
262 if (ParentPath != InstallDir)
263 ROCmSearchDirs.emplace_back(DeduceROCmPath(ParentPath));
265 // Device library may be installed in clang or resource directory.
266 auto ClangRoot = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(InstallDir);
267 auto RealClangRoot = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(ParentPath);
268 ROCmSearchDirs.emplace_back(ClangRoot.str(), /*StrictChecking=*/true);
269 if (RealClangRoot != ClangRoot)
270 ROCmSearchDirs.emplace_back(RealClangRoot.str(), /*StrictChecking=*/true);
271 ROCmSearchDirs.emplace_back(D.ResourceDir,
272 /*StrictChecking=*/true);
274 ROCmSearchDirs.emplace_back(D.SysRoot + "/opt/rocm",
275 /*StrictChecking=*/true);
277 // Find the latest /opt/rocm-{release} directory.
278 std::error_code EC;
279 std::string LatestROCm;
280 llvm::VersionTuple LatestVer;
281 // Get ROCm version from ROCm directory name.
282 auto GetROCmVersion = [](StringRef DirName) {
283 llvm::VersionTuple V;
284 std::string VerStr = DirName.drop_front(strlen("rocm-")).str();
285 // The ROCm directory name follows the format of
286 // rocm-{major}.{minor}.{subMinor}[-{build}]
287 std::replace(VerStr.begin(), VerStr.end(), '-', '.');
288 V.tryParse(VerStr);
289 return V;
290 };
291 for (llvm::vfs::directory_iterator
292 File = D.getVFS().dir_begin(D.SysRoot + "/opt", EC),
293 FileEnd;
294 File != FileEnd && !EC; File.increment(EC)) {
295 llvm::StringRef FileName = llvm::sys::path::filename(File->path());
296 if (!FileName.starts_with("rocm-"))
297 continue;
298 if (LatestROCm.empty()) {
299 LatestROCm = FileName.str();
300 LatestVer = GetROCmVersion(LatestROCm);
301 continue;
302 }
303 auto Ver = GetROCmVersion(FileName);
304 if (LatestVer < Ver) {
305 LatestROCm = FileName.str();
306 LatestVer = Ver;
307 }
308 }
309 if (!LatestROCm.empty())
310 ROCmSearchDirs.emplace_back(D.SysRoot + "/opt/" + LatestROCm,
311 /*StrictChecking=*/true);
313 ROCmSearchDirs.emplace_back(D.SysRoot + "/usr/local",
314 /*StrictChecking=*/true);
315 ROCmSearchDirs.emplace_back(D.SysRoot + "/usr",
316 /*StrictChecking=*/true);
318 DoPrintROCmSearchDirs();
319 return ROCmSearchDirs;
323 const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &HostTriple,
324 const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args, bool DetectHIPRuntime, bool DetectDeviceLib)
325 : D(D) {
326 Verbose = Args.hasArg(options::OPT_v);
327 RocmPathArg = Args.getLastArgValue(clang::driver::options::OPT_rocm_path_EQ);
328 PrintROCmSearchDirs =
329 Args.hasArg(clang::driver::options::OPT_print_rocm_search_dirs);
330 RocmDeviceLibPathArg =
331 Args.getAllArgValues(clang::driver::options::OPT_rocm_device_lib_path_EQ);
332 HIPPathArg = Args.getLastArgValue(clang::driver::options::OPT_hip_path_EQ);
333 HIPStdParPathArg =
334 Args.getLastArgValue(clang::driver::options::OPT_hipstdpar_path_EQ);
335 HasHIPStdParLibrary =
336 !HIPStdParPathArg.empty() && D.getVFS().exists(HIPStdParPathArg +
337 "/hipstdpar_lib.hpp");
338 HIPRocThrustPathArg =
339 Args.getLastArgValue(clang::driver::options::OPT_hipstdpar_thrust_path_EQ);
340 HasRocThrustLibrary = !HIPRocThrustPathArg.empty() &&
341 D.getVFS().exists(HIPRocThrustPathArg + "/thrust");
342 HIPRocPrimPathArg =
343 Args.getLastArgValue(clang::driver::options::OPT_hipstdpar_prim_path_EQ);
344 HasRocPrimLibrary = !HIPRocPrimPathArg.empty() &&
345 D.getVFS().exists(HIPRocPrimPathArg + "/rocprim");
347 if (auto *A = Args.getLastArg(clang::driver::options::OPT_hip_version_EQ)) {
348 HIPVersionArg = A->getValue();
349 unsigned Major = ~0U;
350 unsigned Minor = ~0U;
352 HIPVersionArg.split(Parts, '.');
353 if (Parts.size())
354 Parts[0].getAsInteger(0, Major);
355 if (Parts.size() > 1)
356 Parts[1].getAsInteger(0, Minor);
357 if (Parts.size() > 2)
358 VersionPatch = Parts[2].str();
359 if (VersionPatch.empty())
360 VersionPatch = "0";
361 if (Major != ~0U && Minor == ~0U)
362 Minor = 0;
363 if (Major == ~0U || Minor == ~0U)
364 D.Diag(diag::err_drv_invalid_value)
365 << A->getAsString(Args) << HIPVersionArg;
367 VersionMajorMinor = llvm::VersionTuple(Major, Minor);
368 DetectedVersion =
369 (Twine(Major) + "." + Twine(Minor) + "." + VersionPatch).str();
370 } else {
371 VersionPatch = DefaultVersionPatch;
372 VersionMajorMinor =
373 llvm::VersionTuple(DefaultVersionMajor, DefaultVersionMinor);
374 DetectedVersion = (Twine(DefaultVersionMajor) + "." +
375 Twine(DefaultVersionMinor) + "." + VersionPatch)
376 .str();
377 }
379 if (DetectHIPRuntime)
381 if (DetectDeviceLib)
386 assert(LibDevicePath.empty());
388 if (!RocmDeviceLibPathArg.empty())
389 LibDevicePath = RocmDeviceLibPathArg[RocmDeviceLibPathArg.size() - 1];
390 else if (std::optional<std::string> LibPathEnv =
391 llvm::sys::Process::GetEnv("HIP_DEVICE_LIB_PATH"))
392 LibDevicePath = std::move(*LibPathEnv);
394 auto &FS = D.getVFS();
395 if (!LibDevicePath.empty()) {
396 // Maintain compatability with HIP flag/envvar pointing directly at the
397 // bitcode library directory. This points directly at the library path instead
398 // of the rocm root installation.
399 if (!FS.exists(LibDevicePath))
400 return;
402 scanLibDevicePath(LibDevicePath);
403 HasDeviceLibrary = allGenericLibsValid() && !LibDeviceMap.empty();
404 return;
405 }
407 // Check device library exists at the given path.
408 auto CheckDeviceLib = [&](StringRef Path, bool StrictChecking) {
409 bool CheckLibDevice = (!NoBuiltinLibs || StrictChecking);
410 if (CheckLibDevice && !FS.exists(Path))
411 return false;
413 scanLibDevicePath(Path);
415 if (!NoBuiltinLibs) {
416 // Check that the required non-target libraries are all available.
417 if (!allGenericLibsValid())
418 return false;
420 // Check that we have found at least one libdevice that we can link in
421 // if -nobuiltinlib hasn't been specified.
422 if (LibDeviceMap.empty())
423 return false;
424 }
425 return true;
426 };
428 // Find device libraries in <LLVM_DIR>/lib/clang/<ver>/lib/amdgcn/bitcode
429 LibDevicePath = D.ResourceDir;
430 llvm::sys::path::append(LibDevicePath, CLANG_INSTALL_LIBDIR_BASENAME,
431 "amdgcn", "bitcode");
432 HasDeviceLibrary = CheckDeviceLib(LibDevicePath, true);
433 if (HasDeviceLibrary)
434 return;
436 // Find device libraries in a legacy ROCm directory structure
437 // ${ROCM_ROOT}/amdgcn/bitcode/*
438 auto &ROCmDirs = getInstallationPathCandidates();
439 for (const auto &Candidate : ROCmDirs) {
440 LibDevicePath = Candidate.Path;
441 llvm::sys::path::append(LibDevicePath, "amdgcn", "bitcode");
442 HasDeviceLibrary = CheckDeviceLib(LibDevicePath, Candidate.StrictChecking);
443 if (HasDeviceLibrary)
444 return;
445 }
449 SmallVector<Candidate, 4> HIPSearchDirs;
450 if (!HIPPathArg.empty())
451 HIPSearchDirs.emplace_back(HIPPathArg.str());
452 else if (std::optional<std::string> HIPPathEnv =
453 llvm::sys::Process::GetEnv("HIP_PATH")) {
454 if (!HIPPathEnv->empty())
455 HIPSearchDirs.emplace_back(std::move(*HIPPathEnv));
456 }
457 if (HIPSearchDirs.empty())
458 HIPSearchDirs.append(getInstallationPathCandidates());
459 auto &FS = D.getVFS();
461 for (const auto &Candidate : HIPSearchDirs) {
462 InstallPath = Candidate.Path;
463 if (InstallPath.empty() || !FS.exists(InstallPath))
464 continue;
465 // HIP runtime built by SPACK is installed to
466 // <rocm_root>/hip-<rocm_release_string>-<hash> directory.
467 auto SPACKPath = findSPACKPackage(Candidate, "hip");
468 InstallPath = SPACKPath.empty() ? InstallPath : SPACKPath;
470 BinPath = InstallPath;
471 llvm::sys::path::append(BinPath, "bin");
472 IncludePath = InstallPath;
473 llvm::sys::path::append(IncludePath, "include");
474 LibPath = InstallPath;
475 llvm::sys::path::append(LibPath, "lib");
476 SharePath = InstallPath;
477 llvm::sys::path::append(SharePath, "share");
479 // Get parent of InstallPath and append "share"
480 SmallString<0> ParentSharePath = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(InstallPath);
481 llvm::sys::path::append(ParentSharePath, "share");
483 auto Append = [](SmallString<0> &path, const Twine &a, const Twine &b = "",
484 const Twine &c = "", const Twine &d = "") {
485 SmallString<0> newpath = path;
486 llvm::sys::path::append(newpath, a, b, c, d);
487 return newpath;
488 };
489 // If HIP version file can be found and parsed, use HIP version from there.
490 std::vector<SmallString<0>> VersionFilePaths = {
491 Append(SharePath, "hip", "version"),
492 InstallPath != D.SysRoot + "/usr/local"
493 ? Append(ParentSharePath, "hip", "version")
494 : SmallString<0>(),
495 Append(BinPath, ".hipVersion")};
497 for (const auto &VersionFilePath : VersionFilePaths) {
498 if (VersionFilePath.empty())
499 continue;
500 llvm::ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> VersionFile =
501 FS.getBufferForFile(VersionFilePath);
502 if (!VersionFile)
503 continue;
504 if (HIPVersionArg.empty() && VersionFile)
505 if (parseHIPVersionFile((*VersionFile)->getBuffer()))
506 continue;
508 HasHIPRuntime = true;
509 return;
510 }
511 // Otherwise, if -rocm-path is specified (no strict checking), use the
512 // default HIP version or specified by --hip-version.
513 if (!Candidate.StrictChecking) {
514 HasHIPRuntime = true;
515 return;
516 }
517 }
518 HasHIPRuntime = false;
521void RocmInstallationDetector::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
522 if (hasHIPRuntime())
523 OS << "Found HIP installation: " << InstallPath << ", version "
524 << DetectedVersion << '\n';
527void RocmInstallationDetector::AddHIPIncludeArgs(const ArgList &DriverArgs,
528 ArgStringList &CC1Args) const {
529 bool UsesRuntimeWrapper = VersionMajorMinor > llvm::VersionTuple(3, 5) &&
530 !DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_nohipwrapperinc);
531 bool HasHipStdPar = DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_hipstdpar);
533 if (!DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_nobuiltininc)) {
534 // HIP header includes standard library wrapper headers under clang
535 // cuda_wrappers directory. Since these wrapper headers include_next
536 // standard C++ headers, whereas libc++ headers include_next other clang
537 // headers. The include paths have to follow this order:
538 // - wrapper include path
539 // - standard C++ include path
540 // - other clang include path
541 // Since standard C++ and other clang include paths are added in other
542 // places after this function, here we only need to make sure wrapper
543 // include path is added.
544 //
545 // ROCm 3.5 does not fully support the wrapper headers. Therefore it needs
546 // a workaround.
548 if (UsesRuntimeWrapper)
549 llvm::sys::path::append(P, "include", "cuda_wrappers");
550 CC1Args.push_back("-internal-isystem");
551 CC1Args.push_back(DriverArgs.MakeArgString(P));
552 }
554 const auto HandleHipStdPar = [=, &DriverArgs, &CC1Args]() {
555 StringRef Inc = getIncludePath();
556 auto &FS = D.getVFS();
558 if (!hasHIPStdParLibrary())
559 if (!HIPStdParPathArg.empty() ||
560 !FS.exists(Inc + "/thrust/system/hip/hipstdpar/hipstdpar_lib.hpp")) {
561 D.Diag(diag::err_drv_no_hipstdpar_lib);
562 return;
563 }
564 if (!HasRocThrustLibrary && !FS.exists(Inc + "/thrust")) {
565 D.Diag(diag::err_drv_no_hipstdpar_thrust_lib);
566 return;
567 }
568 if (!HasRocPrimLibrary && !FS.exists(Inc + "/rocprim")) {
569 D.Diag(diag::err_drv_no_hipstdpar_prim_lib);
570 return;
571 }
572 const char *ThrustPath;
573 if (HasRocThrustLibrary)
574 ThrustPath = DriverArgs.MakeArgString(HIPRocThrustPathArg);
575 else
576 ThrustPath = DriverArgs.MakeArgString(Inc + "/thrust");
578 const char *HIPStdParPath;
580 HIPStdParPath = DriverArgs.MakeArgString(HIPStdParPathArg);
581 else
582 HIPStdParPath = DriverArgs.MakeArgString(StringRef(ThrustPath) +
583 "/system/hip/hipstdpar");
585 const char *PrimPath;
586 if (HasRocPrimLibrary)
587 PrimPath = DriverArgs.MakeArgString(HIPRocPrimPathArg);
588 else
589 PrimPath = DriverArgs.MakeArgString(getIncludePath() + "/rocprim");
591 CC1Args.append({"-idirafter", ThrustPath, "-idirafter", PrimPath,
592 "-idirafter", HIPStdParPath, "-include",
593 "hipstdpar_lib.hpp"});
594 };
596 if (DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_nogpuinc)) {
597 if (HasHipStdPar)
598 HandleHipStdPar();
600 return;
601 }
603 if (!hasHIPRuntime()) {
604 D.Diag(diag::err_drv_no_hip_runtime);
605 return;
606 }
608 CC1Args.push_back("-idirafter");
609 CC1Args.push_back(DriverArgs.MakeArgString(getIncludePath()));
610 if (UsesRuntimeWrapper)
611 CC1Args.append({"-include", "__clang_hip_runtime_wrapper.h"});
612 if (HasHipStdPar)
613 HandleHipStdPar();
617 const InputInfo &Output,
618 const InputInfoList &Inputs,
619 const ArgList &Args,
620 const char *LinkingOutput) const {
621 std::string Linker = getToolChain().GetLinkerPath();
622 ArgStringList CmdArgs;
623 CmdArgs.push_back("--no-undefined");
624 CmdArgs.push_back("-shared");
626 addLinkerCompressDebugSectionsOption(getToolChain(), Args, CmdArgs);
627 Args.AddAllArgs(CmdArgs, options::OPT_L);
628 getToolChain().AddFilePathLibArgs(Args, CmdArgs);
629 AddLinkerInputs(getToolChain(), Inputs, Args, CmdArgs, JA);
630 if (C.getDriver().isUsingLTO())
631 addLTOOptions(getToolChain(), Args, CmdArgs, Output, Inputs[0],
632 C.getDriver().getLTOMode() == LTOK_Thin);
633 else if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ))
634 CmdArgs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(
635 "-plugin-opt=mcpu=" + Args.getLastArgValue(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ)));
637 addGPULibraries(getToolChain(), Args, CmdArgs);
639 CmdArgs.push_back("-o");
640 CmdArgs.push_back(Output.getFilename());
641 C.addCommand(std::make_unique<Command>(
642 JA, *this, ResponseFileSupport::AtFileCurCP(), Args.MakeArgString(Linker),
643 CmdArgs, Inputs, Output));
647 const llvm::Triple &Triple,
648 const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args,
649 std::vector<StringRef> &Features) {
650 // Add target ID features to -target-feature options. No diagnostics should
651 // be emitted here since invalid target ID is diagnosed at other places.
652 StringRef TargetID;
653 if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ))
654 TargetID = Args.getLastArgValue(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ);
655 else if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_march_EQ))
656 TargetID = Args.getLastArgValue(options::OPT_march_EQ);
657 if (!TargetID.empty()) {
658 llvm::StringMap<bool> FeatureMap;
659 auto OptionalGpuArch = parseTargetID(Triple, TargetID, &FeatureMap);
660 if (OptionalGpuArch) {
661 StringRef GpuArch = *OptionalGpuArch;
662 // Iterate through all possible target ID features for the given GPU.
663 // If it is mapped to true, add +feature.
664 // If it is mapped to false, add -feature.
665 // If it is not in the map (default), do not add it
666 for (auto &&Feature : getAllPossibleTargetIDFeatures(Triple, GpuArch)) {
667 auto Pos = FeatureMap.find(Feature);
668 if (Pos == FeatureMap.end())
669 continue;
670 Features.push_back(Args.MakeArgStringRef(
671 (Twine(Pos->second ? "+" : "-") + Feature).str()));
672 }
673 }
674 }
676 if (Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_mwavefrontsize64,
677 options::OPT_mno_wavefrontsize64, false))
678 Features.push_back("+wavefrontsize64");
680 if (Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_mamdgpu_precise_memory_op,
681 options::OPT_mno_amdgpu_precise_memory_op, false))
682 Features.push_back("+precise-memory");
684 handleTargetFeaturesGroup(D, Triple, Args, Features,
685 options::OPT_m_amdgpu_Features_Group);
688/// AMDGPU Toolchain
689AMDGPUToolChain::AMDGPUToolChain(const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple,
690 const ArgList &Args)
691 : Generic_ELF(D, Triple, Args),
692 OptionsDefault(
693 {{options::OPT_O, "3"}, {options::OPT_cl_std_EQ, "CL1.2"}}) {
694 // Check code object version options. Emit warnings for legacy options
695 // and errors for the last invalid code object version options.
696 // It is done here to avoid repeated warning or error messages for
697 // each tool invocation.
702 return new tools::amdgpu::Linker(*this);
705DerivedArgList *
706AMDGPUToolChain::TranslateArgs(const DerivedArgList &Args, StringRef BoundArch,
707 Action::OffloadKind DeviceOffloadKind) const {
709 DerivedArgList *DAL =
710 Generic_ELF::TranslateArgs(Args, BoundArch, DeviceOffloadKind);
712 const OptTable &Opts = getDriver().getOpts();
714 if (!DAL)
715 DAL = new DerivedArgList(Args.getBaseArgs());
717 for (Arg *A : Args)
718 DAL->append(A);
720 // Replace -mcpu=native with detected GPU.
721 Arg *LastMCPUArg = DAL->getLastArg(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ);
722 if (LastMCPUArg && StringRef(LastMCPUArg->getValue()) == "native") {
723 DAL->eraseArg(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ);
724 auto GPUsOrErr = getSystemGPUArchs(Args);
725 if (!GPUsOrErr) {
726 getDriver().Diag(diag::err_drv_undetermined_gpu_arch)
727 << llvm::Triple::getArchTypeName(getArch())
728 << llvm::toString(GPUsOrErr.takeError()) << "-mcpu";
729 } else {
730 auto &GPUs = *GPUsOrErr;
731 if (GPUs.size() > 1) {
732 getDriver().Diag(diag::warn_drv_multi_gpu_arch)
733 << llvm::Triple::getArchTypeName(getArch())
734 << llvm::join(GPUs, ", ") << "-mcpu";
735 }
736 DAL->AddJoinedArg(nullptr, Opts.getOption(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ),
737 Args.MakeArgString(GPUs.front()));
738 }
739 }
741 checkTargetID(*DAL);
743 if (Args.getLastArgValue(options::OPT_x) != "cl")
744 return DAL;
746 // Phase 1 (.cl -> .bc)
747 if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_c) && Args.hasArg(options::OPT_emit_llvm)) {
748 DAL->AddFlagArg(nullptr, Opts.getOption(getTriple().isArch64Bit()
749 ? options::OPT_m64
750 : options::OPT_m32));
752 // Have to check OPT_O4, OPT_O0 & OPT_Ofast separately
753 // as they defined that way in
754 if (!Args.hasArg(options::OPT_O, options::OPT_O0, options::OPT_O4,
755 options::OPT_Ofast))
756 DAL->AddJoinedArg(nullptr, Opts.getOption(options::OPT_O),
757 getOptionDefault(options::OPT_O));
758 }
760 return DAL;
764 llvm::AMDGPU::GPUKind Kind) {
766 // Assume nothing without a specific target.
767 if (Kind == llvm::AMDGPU::GK_NONE)
768 return false;
770 const unsigned ArchAttr = llvm::AMDGPU::getArchAttrAMDGCN(Kind);
772 // Default to enabling f32 denormals by default on subtargets where fma is
773 // fast with denormals
774 const bool BothDenormAndFMAFast =
775 (ArchAttr & llvm::AMDGPU::FEATURE_FAST_FMA_F32) &&
776 (ArchAttr & llvm::AMDGPU::FEATURE_FAST_DENORMAL_F32);
777 return !BothDenormAndFMAFast;
781 const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs, const JobAction &JA,
782 const llvm::fltSemantics *FPType) const {
783 // Denormals should always be enabled for f16 and f64.
784 if (!FPType || FPType != &llvm::APFloat::IEEEsingle())
785 return llvm::DenormalMode::getIEEE();
790 auto Kind = llvm::AMDGPU::parseArchAMDGCN(Arch);
791 if (FPType && FPType == &llvm::APFloat::IEEEsingle() &&
792 DriverArgs.hasFlag(options::OPT_fgpu_flush_denormals_to_zero,
793 options::OPT_fno_gpu_flush_denormals_to_zero,
795 return llvm::DenormalMode::getPreserveSign();
797 return llvm::DenormalMode::getIEEE();
798 }
800 const StringRef GpuArch = getGPUArch(DriverArgs);
801 auto Kind = llvm::AMDGPU::parseArchAMDGCN(GpuArch);
803 // TODO: There are way too many flags that change this. Do we need to check
804 // them all?
805 bool DAZ = DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_cl_denorms_are_zero) ||
808 // Outputs are flushed to zero (FTZ), preserving sign. Denormal inputs are
809 // also implicit treated as zero (DAZ).
810 return DAZ ? llvm::DenormalMode::getPreserveSign() :
811 llvm::DenormalMode::getIEEE();
814bool AMDGPUToolChain::isWave64(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs,
815 llvm::AMDGPU::GPUKind Kind) {
816 const unsigned ArchAttr = llvm::AMDGPU::getArchAttrAMDGCN(Kind);
817 bool HasWave32 = (ArchAttr & llvm::AMDGPU::FEATURE_WAVE32);
819 return !HasWave32 || DriverArgs.hasFlag(
820 options::OPT_mwavefrontsize64, options::OPT_mno_wavefrontsize64, false);
824/// ROCM Toolchain
825ROCMToolChain::ROCMToolChain(const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple,
826 const ArgList &Args)
827 : AMDGPUToolChain(D, Triple, Args) {
828 RocmInstallation->detectDeviceLibrary();
832 const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs,
833 llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CC1Args,
834 Action::OffloadKind DeviceOffloadingKind) const {
835 // Default to "hidden" visibility, as object level linking will not be
836 // supported for the foreseeable future.
837 if (!DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_fvisibility_EQ,
838 options::OPT_fvisibility_ms_compat)) {
839 CC1Args.push_back("-fvisibility=hidden");
840 CC1Args.push_back("-fapply-global-visibility-to-externs");
841 }
844void AMDGPUToolChain::addClangWarningOptions(ArgStringList &CC1Args) const {
845 // AMDGPU does not support atomic lib call. Treat atomic alignment
846 // warnings as errors.
847 CC1Args.push_back("-Werror=atomic-alignment");
851AMDGPUToolChain::getGPUArch(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs) const {
853 getTriple(), DriverArgs.getLastArgValue(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ));
857AMDGPUToolChain::getParsedTargetID(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs) const {
858 StringRef TargetID = DriverArgs.getLastArgValue(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ);
859 if (TargetID.empty())
860 return {std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt};
862 llvm::StringMap<bool> FeatureMap;
863 auto OptionalGpuArch = parseTargetID(getTriple(), TargetID, &FeatureMap);
864 if (!OptionalGpuArch)
865 return {TargetID.str(), std::nullopt, std::nullopt};
867 return {TargetID.str(), OptionalGpuArch->str(), FeatureMap};
871 const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs) const {
872 auto PTID = getParsedTargetID(DriverArgs);
873 if (PTID.OptionalTargetID && !PTID.OptionalGPUArch) {
874 getDriver().Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_bad_target_id)
875 << *PTID.OptionalTargetID;
876 }
880AMDGPUToolChain::getSystemGPUArchs(const ArgList &Args) const {
881 // Detect AMD GPUs availible on the system.
882 std::string Program;
883 if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_amdgpu_arch_tool_EQ))
884 Program = A->getValue();
885 else
886 Program = GetProgramPath("amdgpu-arch");
888 auto StdoutOrErr = executeToolChainProgram(Program, /*SecondsToWait=*/10);
889 if (!StdoutOrErr)
890 return StdoutOrErr.takeError();
893 for (StringRef Arch : llvm::split((*StdoutOrErr)->getBuffer(), "\n"))
894 if (!Arch.empty())
895 GPUArchs.push_back(Arch.str());
897 if (GPUArchs.empty())
898 return llvm::createStringError(std::error_code(),
899 "No AMD GPU detected in the system");
901 return std::move(GPUArchs);
905 const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs, llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CC1Args,
906 Action::OffloadKind DeviceOffloadingKind) const {
907 AMDGPUToolChain::addClangTargetOptions(DriverArgs, CC1Args,
908 DeviceOffloadingKind);
910 // For the OpenCL case where there is no offload target, accept -nostdlib to
911 // disable bitcode linking.
912 if (DeviceOffloadingKind == Action::OFK_None &&
913 DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_nostdlib))
914 return;
916 if (DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_nogpulib))
917 return;
919 // Get the device name and canonicalize it
920 const StringRef GpuArch = getGPUArch(DriverArgs);
921 auto Kind = llvm::AMDGPU::parseArchAMDGCN(GpuArch);
922 const StringRef CanonArch = llvm::AMDGPU::getArchNameAMDGCN(Kind);
923 StringRef LibDeviceFile = RocmInstallation->getLibDeviceFile(CanonArch);
926 if (!RocmInstallation->checkCommonBitcodeLibs(CanonArch, LibDeviceFile,
927 ABIVer))
928 return;
930 bool Wave64 = isWave64(DriverArgs, Kind);
932 // TODO: There are way too many flags that change this. Do we need to check
933 // them all?
934 bool DAZ = DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_cl_denorms_are_zero) ||
936 bool FiniteOnly = DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_cl_finite_math_only);
938 bool UnsafeMathOpt =
939 DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_cl_unsafe_math_optimizations);
940 bool FastRelaxedMath = DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_cl_fast_relaxed_math);
941 bool CorrectSqrt =
942 DriverArgs.hasArg(options::OPT_cl_fp32_correctly_rounded_divide_sqrt);
944 // Add the OpenCL specific bitcode library.
946 BCLibs.push_back(RocmInstallation->getOpenCLPath().str());
948 // Add the generic set of libraries.
949 BCLibs.append(RocmInstallation->getCommonBitcodeLibs(
950 DriverArgs, LibDeviceFile, Wave64, DAZ, FiniteOnly, UnsafeMathOpt,
951 FastRelaxedMath, CorrectSqrt, ABIVer, false));
953 if (getSanitizerArgs(DriverArgs).needsAsanRt()) {
954 CC1Args.push_back("-mlink-bitcode-file");
955 CC1Args.push_back(
956 DriverArgs.MakeArgString(RocmInstallation->getAsanRTLPath()));
957 }
958 for (StringRef BCFile : BCLibs) {
959 CC1Args.push_back("-mlink-builtin-bitcode");
960 CC1Args.push_back(DriverArgs.MakeArgString(BCFile));
961 }
965 StringRef GPUArch, StringRef LibDeviceFile,
966 DeviceLibABIVersion ABIVer) const {
967 if (!hasDeviceLibrary()) {
968 D.Diag(diag::err_drv_no_rocm_device_lib) << 0;
969 return false;
970 }
971 if (LibDeviceFile.empty()) {
972 D.Diag(diag::err_drv_no_rocm_device_lib) << 1 << GPUArch;
973 return false;
974 }
975 if (ABIVer.requiresLibrary() && getABIVersionPath(ABIVer).empty()) {
976 D.Diag(diag::err_drv_no_rocm_device_lib) << 2 << ABIVer.toString();
977 return false;
978 }
979 return true;
984 const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs, StringRef LibDeviceFile, bool Wave64,
985 bool DAZ, bool FiniteOnly, bool UnsafeMathOpt, bool FastRelaxedMath,
986 bool CorrectSqrt, DeviceLibABIVersion ABIVer, bool isOpenMP = false) const {
989 auto AddBCLib = [&](StringRef BCFile) { BCLibs.push_back(BCFile.str()); };
991 AddBCLib(getOCMLPath());
992 if (!isOpenMP)
993 AddBCLib(getOCKLPath());
994 AddBCLib(getDenormalsAreZeroPath(DAZ));
995 AddBCLib(getUnsafeMathPath(UnsafeMathOpt || FastRelaxedMath));
996 AddBCLib(getFiniteOnlyPath(FiniteOnly || FastRelaxedMath));
997 AddBCLib(getCorrectlyRoundedSqrtPath(CorrectSqrt));
998 AddBCLib(getWavefrontSize64Path(Wave64));
999 AddBCLib(LibDeviceFile);
1000 auto ABIVerPath = getABIVersionPath(ABIVer);
1001 if (!ABIVerPath.empty())
1002 AddBCLib(ABIVerPath);
1004 return BCLibs;
1008ROCMToolChain::getCommonDeviceLibNames(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs,
1009 const std::string &GPUArch,
1010 bool isOpenMP) const {
1011 auto Kind = llvm::AMDGPU::parseArchAMDGCN(GPUArch);
1012 const StringRef CanonArch = llvm::AMDGPU::getArchNameAMDGCN(Kind);
1014 StringRef LibDeviceFile = RocmInstallation->getLibDeviceFile(CanonArch);
1016 getAMDGPUCodeObjectVersion(getDriver(), DriverArgs));
1017 if (!RocmInstallation->checkCommonBitcodeLibs(CanonArch, LibDeviceFile,
1018 ABIVer))
1019 return {};
1021 // If --hip-device-lib is not set, add the default bitcode libraries.
1022 // TODO: There are way too many flags that change this. Do we need to check
1023 // them all?
1024 bool DAZ = DriverArgs.hasFlag(options::OPT_fgpu_flush_denormals_to_zero,
1025 options::OPT_fno_gpu_flush_denormals_to_zero,
1027 bool FiniteOnly = DriverArgs.hasFlag(
1028 options::OPT_ffinite_math_only, options::OPT_fno_finite_math_only, false);
1029 bool UnsafeMathOpt =
1030 DriverArgs.hasFlag(options::OPT_funsafe_math_optimizations,
1031 options::OPT_fno_unsafe_math_optimizations, false);
1032 bool FastRelaxedMath = DriverArgs.hasFlag(options::OPT_ffast_math,
1033 options::OPT_fno_fast_math, false);
1034 bool CorrectSqrt = DriverArgs.hasFlag(
1035 options::OPT_fhip_fp32_correctly_rounded_divide_sqrt,
1036 options::OPT_fno_hip_fp32_correctly_rounded_divide_sqrt, true);
1037 bool Wave64 = isWave64(DriverArgs, Kind);
1039 return RocmInstallation->getCommonBitcodeLibs(
1040 DriverArgs, LibDeviceFile, Wave64, DAZ, FiniteOnly, UnsafeMathOpt,
1041 FastRelaxedMath, CorrectSqrt, ABIVer, isOpenMP);
#define V(N, I)
Definition: ASTContext.h:3338
StringRef P
const Decl * D
IndirectLocalPath & Path
static void Append(char *Start, char *End, char *&Buffer, unsigned &BufferSize, unsigned &BufferCapacity)
__device__ __2f16 b
__device__ __2f16 float c
const char * getOffloadingArch() const
Definition: Action.h:211
OffloadKind getOffloadingDeviceKind() const
Definition: Action.h:210
Compilation - A set of tasks to perform for a single driver invocation.
Definition: Compilation.h:45
Driver - Encapsulate logic for constructing compilation processes from a set of gcc-driver-like comma...
Definition: Driver.h:77
std::string SysRoot
sysroot, if present
Definition: Driver.h:180
const char * getClangProgramPath() const
Get the path to the main clang executable.
Definition: Driver.h:423
DiagnosticBuilder Diag(unsigned DiagID) const
Definition: Driver.h:144
const llvm::opt::OptTable & getOpts() const
Definition: Driver.h:399
std::string ResourceDir
The path to the compiler resource directory.
Definition: Driver.h:164
llvm::vfs::FileSystem & getVFS() const
Definition: Driver.h:403
std::string Dir
The path the driver executable was in, as invoked from the command line.
Definition: Driver.h:155
InputInfo - Wrapper for information about an input source.
Definition: InputInfo.h:22
const char * getFilename() const
Definition: InputInfo.h:83
StringRef getIncludePath() const
Get the detected path to Rocm's bin directory.
Definition: ROCm.h:209
RocmInstallationDetector(const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &HostTriple, const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args, bool DetectHIPRuntime=true, bool DetectDeviceLib=false)
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:322
bool checkCommonBitcodeLibs(StringRef GPUArch, StringRef LibDeviceFile, DeviceLibABIVersion ABIVer) const
Check file paths of default bitcode libraries common to AMDGPU based toolchains.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:964
bool hasHIPStdParLibrary() const
Check whether we detected a valid HIP STDPAR Acceleration library.
Definition: ROCm.h:194
bool hasHIPRuntime() const
Check whether we detected a valid HIP runtime.
Definition: ROCm.h:188
llvm::SmallVector< std::string, 12 > getCommonBitcodeLibs(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs, StringRef LibDeviceFile, bool Wave64, bool DAZ, bool FiniteOnly, bool UnsafeMathOpt, bool FastRelaxedMath, bool CorrectSqrt, DeviceLibABIVersion ABIVer, bool isOpenMP) const
Get file paths of default bitcode libraries common to AMDGPU based toolchains.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:983
void AddHIPIncludeArgs(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs, llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CC1Args) const
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:527
void print(raw_ostream &OS) const
Print information about the detected ROCm installation.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:521
llvm::Expected< std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer > > executeToolChainProgram(StringRef Executable, unsigned SecondsToWait=0) const
Executes the given Executable and returns the stdout.
Definition: ToolChain.cpp:107
llvm::Triple::ArchType getArch() const
Definition: ToolChain.h:269
const Driver & getDriver() const
Definition: ToolChain.h:253
virtual llvm::opt::DerivedArgList * TranslateArgs(const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args, StringRef BoundArch, Action::OffloadKind DeviceOffloadKind) const
TranslateArgs - Create a new derived argument list for any argument translations this ToolChain may w...
Definition: ToolChain.h:359
const llvm::Triple & getTriple() const
Definition: ToolChain.h:255
std::string GetProgramPath(const char *Name) const
Definition: ToolChain.cpp:874
SanitizerArgs getSanitizerArgs(const llvm::opt::ArgList &JobArgs) const
Definition: ToolChain.cpp:304
Tool - Information on a specific compilation tool.
Definition: Tool.h:32
llvm::DenormalMode getDefaultDenormalModeForType(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs, const JobAction &JA, const llvm::fltSemantics *FPType=nullptr) const override
Returns the output denormal handling type in the default floating point environment for the given FPT...
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:780
llvm::opt::DerivedArgList * TranslateArgs(const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args, StringRef BoundArch, Action::OffloadKind DeviceOffloadKind) const override
TranslateArgs - Create a new derived argument list for any argument translations this ToolChain may w...
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:706
static bool getDefaultDenormsAreZeroForTarget(llvm::AMDGPU::GPUKind GPUKind)
Return whether denormals should be flushed, and treated as 0 by default for the subtarget.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:763
StringRef getGPUArch(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs) const
Get GPU arch from -mcpu without checking.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:851
virtual void checkTargetID(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs) const
Check and diagnose invalid target ID specified by -mcpu.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:870
Tool * buildLinker() const override
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:701
static bool isWave64(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs, llvm::AMDGPU::GPUKind Kind)
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:814
void addClangWarningOptions(llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CC1Args) const override
Common warning options shared by AMDGPU HIP, OpenCL and OpenMP toolchains.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:844
AMDGPUToolChain(const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple, const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args)
AMDGPU Toolchain.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:689
ParsedTargetIDType getParsedTargetID(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs) const
Get target ID, GPU arch, and target ID features if the target ID is specified and valid.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:857
StringRef getOptionDefault(options::ID OptID) const
Definition: AMDGPU.h:54
void addClangTargetOptions(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs, llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CC1Args, Action::OffloadKind DeviceOffloadKind) const override
Add options that need to be passed to cc1 for this target.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:831
virtual Expected< SmallVector< std::string > > getSystemGPUArchs(const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args) const override
Uses amdgpu-arch tool to get arch of the system GPU.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:880
LazyDetector< RocmInstallationDetector > RocmInstallation
Definition: Gnu.h:290
llvm::SmallVector< std::string, 12 > getCommonDeviceLibNames(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs, const std::string &GPUArch, bool isOpenMP=false) const
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:1008
void addClangTargetOptions(const llvm::opt::ArgList &DriverArgs, llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CC1Args, Action::OffloadKind DeviceOffloadKind) const override
Add options that need to be passed to cc1 for this target.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:904
ROCMToolChain(const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple, const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args)
ROCM Toolchain.
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:825
void ConstructJob(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA, const InputInfo &Output, const InputInfoList &Inputs, const llvm::opt::ArgList &TCArgs, const char *LinkingOutput) const override
ConstructJob - Construct jobs to perform the action JA, writing to Output and with Inputs,...
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:616
void getAMDGPUTargetFeatures(const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple, const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args, std::vector< StringRef > &Features)
Definition: AMDGPU.cpp:646
void handleTargetFeaturesGroup(const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple, const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args, std::vector< StringRef > &Features, llvm::opt::OptSpecifier Group)
Iterate Args and convert -mxxx to +xxx and -mno-xxx to -xxx and append it to Features.
void checkAMDGPUCodeObjectVersion(const Driver &D, const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args)
void addGPULibraries(const ToolChain &TC, const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args, llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
Definition: CommonArgs.cpp:513
void addLinkerCompressDebugSectionsOption(const ToolChain &TC, const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args, llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
Definition: CommonArgs.cpp:495
void addLTOOptions(const ToolChain &ToolChain, const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args, llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CmdArgs, const InputInfo &Output, const InputInfo &Input, bool IsThinLTO)
void AddLinkerInputs(const ToolChain &TC, const InputInfoList &Inputs, const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args, llvm::opt::ArgStringList &CmdArgs, const JobAction &JA)
unsigned getAMDGPUCodeObjectVersion(const Driver &D, const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args)
The JSON file list parser is used to communicate input to InstallAPI.
std::optional< llvm::StringRef > parseTargetID(const llvm::Triple &T, llvm::StringRef OffloadArch, llvm::StringMap< bool > *FeatureMap)
Parse a target ID to get processor and feature map.
Definition: TargetID.cpp:105
llvm::StringRef getProcessorFromTargetID(const llvm::Triple &T, llvm::StringRef OffloadArch)
Get processor name from target ID.
Definition: TargetID.cpp:54
llvm::SmallVector< llvm::StringRef, 4 > getAllPossibleTargetIDFeatures(const llvm::Triple &T, llvm::StringRef Processor)
Get all feature strings that can be used in target ID for Processor.
Definition: TargetID.cpp:38
ABI version of device library.
Definition: ROCm.h:26
static DeviceLibABIVersion fromCodeObjectVersion(unsigned CodeObjectVersion)
Definition: ROCm.h:29
bool requiresLibrary()
Whether ABI version bc file is requested.
Definition: ROCm.h:38
static constexpr ResponseFileSupport AtFileCurCP()
Definition: Job.h:92
The struct type returned by getParsedTargetID.
Definition: AMDGPU.h:110