clang 20.0.0git
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clang::tooling Namespace Reference


namespace  dependencies
namespace  detail
namespace  fixit
namespace  internal
namespace  stdlib
namespace  traits


class  AllTUsToolExecutor
 Executes given frontend actions on all files/TUs in the compilation database. More...
class  AllTUsToolExecutorPlugin
struct  ApplyChangesSpec
class  ArgumentsAdjustingCompilations
class  ASTMatchRefactorer
 Adaptor between ast_matchers::MatchFinder and tooling::RefactoringTool. More...
class  ASTSelectionRequirement
 An AST selection requirement is satisfied when any portion of the AST overlaps with the selection range. More...
class  AtomicChange
 An atomic change is used to create and group a set of source edits, e.g. More...
class  ClangTool
 Utility to run a FrontendAction over a set of files. More...
class  CodeRangeASTSelection
 An AST selection value that corresponds to a selection of a set of statements that belong to one body of code (like one function). More...
class  CodeRangeASTSelectionRequirement
 A selection requirement that is satisfied when the selection range overlaps with a number of neighbouring statements in the AST. More...
class  CommonOptionsParser
 A parser for options common to all command-line Clang tools. More...
class  CompilationDatabase
 Interface for compilation databases. More...
class  CompilationDatabasePlugin
 Interface for compilation database plugins. More...
struct  CompileCommand
 Specifies the working directory and command of a compilation. More...
struct  Diagnostic
 Represents the diagnostic with the level of severity and possible fixes to be applied. More...
struct  DiagnosticMessage
 Represents the diagnostic message with the error message associated and the information on the location of the problem. More...
class  ExecutionContext
 The context of an execution, including the information about compilation and results. More...
class  ExtractFunction
 An "Extract Function" refactoring moves code into a new function that's then called from the place where the original code was. More...
class  ExtractionSemicolonPolicy
 Determines which semicolons should be inserted during extraction. More...
struct  FileByteRange
 Represents a range within a specific source file. More...
class  FileMatchTrie
 A trie to efficiently match against the entries of the compilation database in order of matching suffix length. More...
class  FileMatchTrieNode
 A node of the FileMatchTrie. More...
class  FindSymbolOccurrencesRefactoringRule
 A type of refactoring action rule that finds a set of symbol occurrences that reference a particular symbol. More...
class  FixedCompilationDatabase
 A compilation database that returns a single compile command line. More...
class  FrontendActionFactory
 Interface to generate clang::FrontendActions. More...
class  HeaderIncludes
 Generates replacements for inserting or deleting #include directives in a file. More...
class  IncludeCategoryManager
 This class manages priorities of C++ #include categories and calculates priorities for headers. More...
struct  IncludeStyle
 Style for sorting and grouping C++ #include directives. More...
class  InMemoryToolResults
 Stores the key-value results in memory. More...
class  JSONCompilationDatabase
class  NamedDeclFindingConsumer
class  OptionalRefactoringOption
 A refactoring option that stores a value of type T. More...
class  OptionRequirement
 A requirement that evaluates to the value of the given OptionType when the OptionType is a required option. More...
struct  PathComparator
class  QualifiedRenameRule
class  QualifiedRenamingAction
 Rename all symbols identified by the given USRs. More...
class  Range
 A source range independent of the SourceManager. More...
class  RecursiveSymbolVisitor
 Traverses the AST and visits the occurrence of each named symbol in the given nodes. More...
class  RefactoringAction
 A refactoring action is a class that defines a set of related refactoring action rules. More...
class  RefactoringActionRule
 A refactoring action rule is a wrapper class around a specific refactoring action rule (SourceChangeRefactoringRule, etc) that, in addition to invoking the action, describes the requirements that determine when the action can be initiated. More...
class  RefactoringActionRuleBase
 A common refactoring action rule interface that defines the 'invoke' function that performs the refactoring operation (either fully or partially). More...
class  RefactoringActionRuleRequirement
 A refactoring action rule requirement determines when a refactoring action rule can be invoked. More...
class  RefactoringASTConsumer
class  RefactoringCallback
 Base class for RefactoringCallbacks. More...
struct  RefactoringDescriptor
class  RefactoringOption
 A refactoring option is an interface that describes a value that has an impact on the outcome of a refactoring. More...
class  RefactoringOptionsRequirement
 A base class for any requirement that requires some refactoring options. More...
class  RefactoringOptionVisitor
 An interface that declares functions that handle different refactoring option types. More...
class  RefactoringResultConsumer
 An abstract interface that consumes the various refactoring results that can be produced by refactoring actions. More...
class  RefactoringRuleContext
 The refactoring rule context stores all of the inputs that might be needed by a refactoring action rule. More...
class  RefactoringTool
 A tool to run refactorings. More...
class  RenameOccurrences
class  RenamingAction
class  RenamingASTConsumer
class  ReplaceIfStmtWithItsBody
 Replace an if-statement bound to Id with the outdented text of its body, choosing the consequent or the alternative based on whether PickTrueBranch is true. More...
class  Replacement
 A text replacement. More...
class  ReplacementError
 Carries extra error information in replacement-related llvm::Error, e.g. More...
class  Replacements
 Maintains a set of replacements that are conflict-free. More...
class  ReplaceNodeWithTemplate
 Replace the text of an AST node bound to FromId with the result of evaluating the template in ToTemplate. More...
class  ReplaceStmtWithStmt
 Replace the text of the statement bound to FromId with the text of the statement bound to ToId. More...
class  ReplaceStmtWithText
 Replace the text of the statement bound to FromId with the text in ToText. More...
class  RequiredRefactoringOption
 A required refactoring option that stores a value of type T. More...
struct  SelectedASTNode
 Represents a selected AST node. More...
class  SourceChangeRefactoringRule
 A type of refactoring action rule that produces source replacements in the form of atomic changes. More...
class  SourceFileCallbacks
 Callbacks called before and after each source file processed by a FrontendAction created by the FrontedActionFactory returned by newFrontendActionFactory. More...
class  SourceRangeSelectionRequirement
 A selection requirement that is satisfied when any portion of the source text is selected. More...
class  SourceSelectionRequirement
 A base class for any requirement that expects some part of the source to be selected in an editor (or the refactoring tool with the -selection option). More...
class  StandaloneToolExecutor
 A standalone executor that runs FrontendActions on a given set of TUs in sequence. More...
class  StandaloneToolExecutorPlugin
class  SymbolName
 A name of a symbol. More...
class  SymbolOccurrence
 An occurrence of a symbol in the source. More...
class  ToolAction
 Interface to process a clang::CompilerInvocation. More...
class  ToolExecutor
 Interface for executing clang frontend actions. More...
class  ToolExecutorPlugin
 Interface for factories that create specific executors. More...
class  ToolInvocation
 Utility to run a FrontendAction in a single clang invocation. More...
class  ToolResults
 An abstraction for the result of a tool execution. More...
class  Transformer
 Handles the matcher and callback registration for a single RewriteRule, as defined by the arguments of the constructor. More...
struct  TransformerResult
struct  TransformerResult< void >
struct  TranslationUnitDiagnostics
 Collection of Diagnostics generated from a single translation unit. More...
struct  TranslationUnitReplacements
 Collection of Replacements generated from a single translation unit. More...
struct  USRFindingAction
class  USRSymbolRenamer


using CommandLineArguments = std::vector< std::string >
 A sequence of command line arguments.
using ArgumentsAdjuster = std::function< CommandLineArguments(const CommandLineArguments &, StringRef Filename)>
 A prototype of a command line adjuster.
using CompilationDatabasePluginRegistry = llvm::Registry< CompilationDatabasePlugin >
using AtomicChanges = std::vector< AtomicChange >
using RefactoringActionRules = std::vector< std::unique_ptr< RefactoringActionRule > >
 A set of refactoring action rules that should have unique initiation requirements.
using SymbolOccurrences = std::vector< SymbolOccurrence >
using ToolExecutorPluginRegistry = llvm::Registry< ToolExecutorPlugin >
using FileContentMappings = std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > >
 The first part of the pair is the filename, the second part the file-content.


enum class  ArgumentInsertPosition { BEGIN , END }
enum class  replacement_error { fail_to_apply = 0 , wrong_file_path , overlap_conflict , insert_conflict }
enum class  IncludeDirective { Include , Import }
enum class  JSONCommandLineSyntax { Windows , Gnu , AutoDetect }
 A JSON based compilation database. More...
enum class  SourceSelectionKind {
  None , ContainsSelection , ContainsSelectionStart , ContainsSelectionEnd ,


ArgumentsAdjuster getClangSyntaxOnlyAdjuster ()
 Gets an argument adjuster that converts input command line arguments to the "syntax check only" variant.
ArgumentsAdjuster getClangStripOutputAdjuster ()
 Gets an argument adjuster which removes output-related command line arguments.
ArgumentsAdjuster getClangStripDependencyFileAdjuster ()
 Gets an argument adjuster which removes dependency-file related command line arguments.
ArgumentsAdjuster getInsertArgumentAdjuster (const CommandLineArguments &Extra, ArgumentInsertPosition Pos)
 Gets an argument adjuster which inserts Extra arguments in the specified position.
ArgumentsAdjuster getInsertArgumentAdjuster (const char *Extra, ArgumentInsertPosition Pos=ArgumentInsertPosition::END)
 Gets an argument adjuster which inserts an Extra argument in the specified position.
ArgumentsAdjuster getStripPluginsAdjuster ()
 Gets an argument adjuster which strips plugin related command line arguments.
ArgumentsAdjuster combineAdjusters (ArgumentsAdjuster First, ArgumentsAdjuster Second)
 Gets an argument adjuster which adjusts the arguments in sequence with the First adjuster and then with the Second one.
tooling::CompileCommand transferCompileCommand (tooling::CompileCommand, StringRef Filename)
 Transforms a compile command so that it applies the same configuration to a different file.
std::unique_ptr< CompilationDatabaseinferMissingCompileCommands (std::unique_ptr< CompilationDatabase >)
 Returns a wrapped CompilationDatabase that defers to the provided one, but getCompileCommands() will infer commands for unknown files.
std::unique_ptr< CompilationDatabaseinferTargetAndDriverMode (std::unique_ptr< CompilationDatabase > Base)
 Returns a wrapped CompilationDatabase that will add -target and -mode flags to commandline when they can be deduced from argv[0] of commandline returned by underlying database.
std::unique_ptr< CompilationDatabaseexpandResponseFiles (std::unique_ptr< CompilationDatabase > Base, llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > FS)
 Returns a wrapped CompilationDatabase that will expand all rsp(response) files on commandline returned by underlying database.
const llvm::StringMap< Replacements > * selectFirstFix (const Diagnostic &D)
 Get the first fix to apply for this diagnostic.
bool operator< (const Replacement &LHS, const Replacement &RHS)
 Less-than operator between two Replacements.
bool operator== (const Replacement &LHS, const Replacement &RHS)
 Equal-to operator between two Replacements.
bool operator!= (const Replacement &LHS, const Replacement &RHS)
bool applyAllReplacements (const Replacements &Replaces, Rewriter &Rewrite)
 Apply all replacements in Replaces to the Rewriter Rewrite.
llvm::Expected< std::string > applyAllReplacements (StringRef Code, const Replacements &Replaces)
 Applies all replacements in Replaces to Code.
std::vector< RangecalculateRangesAfterReplacements (const Replacements &Replaces, const std::vector< Range > &Ranges)
 Calculates the new ranges after Replaces are applied.
std::map< std::string, ReplacementsgroupReplacementsByFile (FileManager &FileMgr, const std::map< std::string, Replacements > &FileToReplaces)
 If there are multiple <File, Replacements> pairs with the same file entry, we only keep one pair and discard the rest.
llvm::Expected< std::unique_ptr< ToolExecutor > > createExecutorFromCommandLineArgs (int &argc, const char **argv, llvm::cl::OptionCategory &Category, const char *Overview=nullptr)
 This creates a ToolExecutor that is in the global registry based on commandline arguments.
bool isSelfContainedHeader (FileEntryRef FE, const SourceManager &SM, const HeaderSearch &HeaderInfo)
 Returns true if the given physical file is a self-contained header.
bool codeContainsImports (llvm::StringRef Code)
 This scans the given source code to see if it contains #import(s).
std::optional< llvm::StringRef > parseIWYUPragma (const char *Text)
 If Text begins an Include-What-You-Use directive, returns it.
bool formatAndApplyAllReplacements (const std::map< std::string, Replacements > &FileToReplaces, Rewriter &Rewrite, StringRef Style="file")
 Groups Replaces by the file path and applies each group of Replacements on the related file in Rewriter.
std::optional< SelectedASTNodefindSelectedASTNodes (const ASTContext &Context, SourceRange SelectionRange)
 Traverses the given ASTContext and creates a tree of selected AST nodes.
llvm::Expected< std::string > applyAtomicChanges (llvm::StringRef FilePath, llvm::StringRef Code, llvm::ArrayRef< AtomicChange > Changes, const ApplyChangesSpec &Spec)
 Applies all AtomicChanges in Changes to the Code.
std::string replaceNestedName (const NestedNameSpecifier *Use, SourceLocation UseLoc, const DeclContext *UseContext, const NamedDecl *FromDecl, StringRef ReplacementString)
 Emulate a lookup to replace one nested name specifier with another using as few additional namespace qualifications as possible.
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< RefactoringAction > > createRefactoringActions ()
 Returns the list of all the available refactoring actions.
template<typename RuleType , typename... RequirementTypes>
std::unique_ptr< RefactoringActionRulecreateRefactoringActionRule (const RequirementTypes &... Requirements)
 Creates a new refactoring action rule that constructs and invokes the RuleType rule when all of the requirements are satisfied.
template<typename OptionType >
std::shared_ptr< OptionType > createRefactoringOption ()
 Constructs a refactoring option of the given type.
llvm::Expected< std::vector< AtomicChange > > createRenameReplacements (const SymbolOccurrences &Occurrences, const SourceManager &SM, const SymbolName &NewName)
 Returns source replacements that correspond to the rename of the given symbol occurrences.
const NamedDeclgetNamedDeclAt (const ASTContext &Context, const SourceLocation Point)
const NamedDeclgetNamedDeclFor (const ASTContext &Context, const std::string &Name)
std::string getUSRForDecl (const Decl *Decl)
const NamedDeclgetCanonicalSymbolDeclaration (const NamedDecl *FoundDecl)
 Returns the canonical declaration that best represents a symbol that can be renamed.
std::vector< std::string > getUSRsForDeclaration (const NamedDecl *ND, ASTContext &Context)
 Returns the set of USRs that correspond to the given declaration.
std::vector< tooling::AtomicChangecreateRenameAtomicChanges (llvm::ArrayRef< std::string > USRs, llvm::StringRef NewName, Decl *TranslationUnitDecl)
 Create atomic changes for renaming all symbol references which are identified by the USRs set to a given new name.
SymbolOccurrences getOccurrencesOfUSRs (ArrayRef< std::string > USRs, StringRef PrevName, Decl *Decl)
 Finds the symbol occurrences for the symbol that's identified by the given USR set.
const llvm::opt::ArgStringList * getCC1Arguments (DiagnosticsEngine *Diagnostics, driver::Compilation *Compilation)
 Retrieves the flags of the -cc1 job in Compilation that has only source files as its inputs.
template<typename T >
std::unique_ptr< FrontendActionFactorynewFrontendActionFactory ()
 Returns a new FrontendActionFactory for a given type.
template<typename FactoryT >
std::unique_ptr< FrontendActionFactorynewFrontendActionFactory (FactoryT *ConsumerFactory, SourceFileCallbacks *Callbacks=nullptr)
 Returns a new FrontendActionFactory for any type that provides an implementation of newASTConsumer().
bool runToolOnCode (std::unique_ptr< FrontendAction > ToolAction, const Twine &Code, const Twine &FileName="", std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps=std::make_shared< PCHContainerOperations >())
 Runs (and deletes) the tool on 'Code' with the -fsyntax-only flag.
bool runToolOnCodeWithArgs (std::unique_ptr< FrontendAction > ToolAction, const Twine &Code, const std::vector< std::string > &Args, const Twine &FileName="", const Twine &ToolName="clang-tool", std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps=std::make_shared< PCHContainerOperations >(), const FileContentMappings &VirtualMappedFiles=FileContentMappings())
 Runs (and deletes) the tool on 'Code' with the -fsyntax-only flag and with additional other flags.
bool runToolOnCodeWithArgs (std::unique_ptr< FrontendAction > ToolAction, const Twine &Code, llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem > VFS, const std::vector< std::string > &Args, const Twine &FileName="", const Twine &ToolName="clang-tool", std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps=std::make_shared< PCHContainerOperations >())
std::unique_ptr< ASTUnitbuildASTFromCode (StringRef Code, StringRef FileName="", std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps=std::make_shared< PCHContainerOperations >())
 Builds an AST for 'Code'.
std::unique_ptr< ASTUnitbuildASTFromCodeWithArgs (StringRef Code, const std::vector< std::string > &Args, StringRef FileName="", StringRef ToolName="clang-tool", std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations > PCHContainerOps=std::make_shared< PCHContainerOperations >(), ArgumentsAdjuster Adjuster=getClangStripDependencyFileAdjuster(), const FileContentMappings &VirtualMappedFiles=FileContentMappings(), DiagnosticConsumer *DiagConsumer=nullptr)
 Builds an AST for 'Code' with additional flags.
std::string getAbsolutePath (StringRef File)
 Returns the absolute path of File, by prepending it with the current directory if File is not absolute.
llvm::Expected< std::string > getAbsolutePath (llvm::vfs::FileSystem &FS, StringRef File)
 An overload of getAbsolutePath that works over the provided FS.
void addTargetAndModeForProgramName (std::vector< std::string > &CommandLine, StringRef InvokedAs)
 Changes CommandLine to contain implicit flags that would have been defined had the compiler driver been invoked through the path InvokedAs.
void addExpandedResponseFiles (std::vector< std::string > &CommandLine, llvm::StringRef WorkingDir, llvm::cl::TokenizerCallback Tokenizer, llvm::vfs::FileSystem &FS)
 Helper function that expands response files in command line.
CompilerInvocationnewInvocation (DiagnosticsEngine *Diagnostics, ArrayRef< const char * > CC1Args, const char *const BinaryName)
 Creates a CompilerInvocation.
CharSourceRange maybeExtendRange (CharSourceRange Range, tok::TokenKind Terminator, ASTContext &Context)
 Extends Range to include the token Terminator, if it immediately follows the end of the range.
template<typename T >
CharSourceRange getExtendedRange (const T &Node, tok::TokenKind Next, ASTContext &Context)
 Returns the source range spanning the node, extended to include Next, if it immediately follows Node.
CharSourceRange getAssociatedRange (const Decl &D, ASTContext &Context)
 Returns the logical source range of the node extended to include associated comments and whitespace before and after the node, and associated terminators.
StringRef getText (CharSourceRange Range, const ASTContext &Context)
 Returns the source-code text in the specified range.
template<typename T >
StringRef getText (const T &Node, const ASTContext &Context)
 Returns the source-code text corresponding to Node.
template<typename T >
StringRef getExtendedText (const T &Node, tok::TokenKind Next, ASTContext &Context)
 Returns the source text of the node, extended to include Next, if it immediately follows the node.
llvm::Error validateEditRange (const CharSourceRange &Range, const SourceManager &SM)
 Determines whether Range is one that can be edited by a rewrite; generally, one that starts and ends within a particular file.
llvm::Error validateRange (const CharSourceRange &Range, const SourceManager &SM, bool AllowSystemHeaders)
 Determines whether Range is one that can be read from.
std::optional< CharSourceRangegetFileRangeForEdit (const CharSourceRange &EditRange, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts, bool IncludeMacroExpansion=true)
 Attempts to resolve the given range to one that can be edited by a rewrite; generally, one that starts and ends within a particular file.
std::optional< CharSourceRangegetFileRangeForEdit (const CharSourceRange &EditRange, const ASTContext &Context, bool IncludeMacroExpansion=true)
std::optional< CharSourceRangegetFileRange (const CharSourceRange &EditRange, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts, bool IncludeMacroExpansion)
 Attempts to resolve the given range to one that starts and ends in a particular file.
std::optional< CharSourceRangegetFileRange (const CharSourceRange &EditRange, const ASTContext &Context, bool IncludeMacroExpansion)
llvm::cl::opt< std::string > Filter ("filter", llvm::cl::desc("Only process files that match this filter. " "This flag only applies to all-TUs."), llvm::cl::init(".*"))
llvm::cl::opt< unsignedExecutorConcurrency ("execute-concurrency", llvm::cl::desc("The number of threads used to process all files in " "parallel. Set to 0 for hardware concurrency. " "This flag only applies to all-TUs."), llvm::cl::init(0))
static ToolExecutorPluginRegistry::Add< AllTUsToolExecutorPluginX ("all-TUs", "Runs FrontendActions on all TUs in the compilation database. " "Tool results are stored in memory.")
static StringRef getDriverMode (const CommandLineArguments &Args)
llvm::cl::opt< std::string > ExecutorName ("executor", llvm::cl::desc("The name of the executor to use."), llvm::cl::init("standalone"))
static void convertChangesToFileReplacements (ArrayRef< AtomicChange > AtomicChanges, std::map< std::string, tooling::Replacements > *FileToReplaces)
 Takes each atomic change and inserts its replacements into the set of replacements that belong to the appropriate file.
static Replacement replaceStmtWithText (SourceManager &Sources, const Stmt &From, StringRef Text)
static Replacement replaceStmtWithStmt (SourceManager &Sources, const Stmt &From, const Stmt &To)
static llvm::Error make_string_error (const llvm::Twine &Message)
static ArgumentsAdjuster getDefaultArgumentsAdjusters ()
static ToolExecutorPluginRegistry::Add< StandaloneToolExecutorPluginX ("standalone", "Runs FrontendActions on a set of files provided " "via positional arguments.")
Code analysis utilities.

Ignores implicit object-construction expressions in addition to the normal implicit expressions that are ignored.

const ExprreallyIgnoreImplicit (const Expr &E)
bool mayEverNeedParens (const Expr &E)
 Determines whether printing this expression in any expression requires parentheses to preserve its meaning.
bool needParensBeforeDotOrArrow (const Expr &E)
 Determines whether printing this expression to the left of a dot or arrow operator requires a parentheses to preserve its meaning.
bool needParensAfterUnaryOperator (const Expr &E)
 Determines whether printing this expression to the right of a unary operator requires a parentheses to preserve its meaning.
bool isKnownPointerLikeType (QualType Ty, ASTContext &Context)


llvm::cl::opt< unsignedExecutorConcurrency
llvm::cl::opt< std::string > Filter
llvm::cl::opt< std::string > ExecutorName
volatile int AllTUsToolExecutorAnchorSource = 0
volatile int JSONAnchorSource = 0
static int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED JSONAnchorDest = JSONAnchorSource
volatile int StandaloneToolExecutorAnchorSource = 0
static int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED StandaloneToolExecutorAnchorDest
static int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED AllTUsToolExecutorAnchorDest

Basic code-string generation utilities.

enum class  PLTClass : bool { Value , Pointer }
 Specifies how to classify pointer-like types – like values or like pointers – with regard to generating member-access syntax. More...
std::optional< std::string > buildParens (const Expr &E, const ASTContext &Context)
 Builds source for an expression, adding parens if needed for unambiguous parsing.
std::optional< std::string > buildDereference (const Expr &E, const ASTContext &Context)
 Builds idiomatic source for the dereferencing of E: prefix with * but simplify when it already begins with &.
std::optional< std::string > buildAddressOf (const Expr &E, const ASTContext &Context)
 Builds idiomatic source for taking the address of E: prefix with & but simplify when it already begins with *.
std::optional< std::string > buildDot (const Expr &E, const ASTContext &Context)
 Adds a dot to the end of the given expression, but adds parentheses when needed by the syntax, and simplifies to -> when possible, e.g.:
std::optional< std::string > buildArrow (const Expr &E, const ASTContext &Context)
 Adds an arrow to the end of the given expression, but adds parentheses when needed by the syntax, and simplifies to .
std::optional< std::string > buildAccess (const Expr &E, ASTContext &Context, PLTClass Classification=PLTClass::Pointer)
 Adds an appropriate access operator (.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ArgumentsAdjuster

using clang::tooling::ArgumentsAdjuster = typedef std::function<CommandLineArguments( const CommandLineArguments &, StringRef Filename)>

A prototype of a command line adjuster.

Command line argument adjuster is responsible for command line arguments modification before the arguments are used to run a frontend action.

Definition at line 35 of file ArgumentsAdjusters.h.

◆ AtomicChanges

using clang::tooling::AtomicChanges = typedef std::vector<AtomicChange>

Definition at line 154 of file AtomicChange.h.

◆ CommandLineArguments

using clang::tooling::CommandLineArguments = typedef std::vector<std::string>

A sequence of command line arguments.

Definition at line 29 of file ArgumentsAdjusters.h.

◆ CompilationDatabasePluginRegistry

Definition at line 39 of file CompilationDatabasePluginRegistry.h.

◆ FileContentMappings

using clang::tooling::FileContentMappings = typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >

The first part of the pair is the filename, the second part the file-content.

Definition at line 171 of file Tooling.h.

◆ RefactoringActionRules

using clang::tooling::RefactoringActionRules = typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RefactoringActionRule> >

A set of refactoring action rules that should have unique initiation requirements.

Definition at line 44 of file RefactoringActionRules.h.

◆ SymbolOccurrences

Definition at line 86 of file SymbolOccurrences.h.

◆ ToolExecutorPluginRegistry

Definition at line 18 of file ToolExecutorPluginRegistry.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ArgumentInsertPosition


Definition at line 50 of file ArgumentsAdjusters.h.

◆ IncludeDirective


Definition at line 48 of file HeaderIncludes.h.

◆ JSONCommandLineSyntax

A JSON based compilation database.

JSON compilation database files must contain a list of JSON objects which provide the command lines in the attributes 'directory', 'command', 'arguments' and 'file': [ { "directory": "<working directory of the compile>", "command": "<compile command line>", "file": "<path to source file>" }, { "directory": "<working directory of the compile>", "arguments": ["<raw>", "<command>" "<line>" "<parameters>"], "file": "<path to source file>" }, ... ] Each object entry defines one compile action. The specified file is considered to be the main source file for the translation unit.

'command' is a full command line that will be unescaped.

'arguments' is a list of command line arguments that will not be unescaped.

JSON compilation databases can for example be generated in CMake projects by setting the flag -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS.


Definition at line 60 of file JSONCompilationDatabase.h.

◆ PLTClass

enum class clang::tooling::PLTClass : bool

Specifies how to classify pointer-like types – like values or like pointers – with regard to generating member-access syntax.


Definition at line 97 of file SourceCodeBuilders.h.

◆ replacement_error


Definition at line 145 of file Replacement.h.

◆ SourceSelectionKind


A node that's not selected.


A node that's considered to be selected because the whole selection range is inside of its source range.


A node that's considered to be selected because the start of the selection range is inside its source range.


A node that's considered to be selected because the end of the selection range is inside its source range.


A node that's considered to be selected because the node is entirely in the selection range.

Definition at line 26 of file ASTSelection.h.

Function Documentation

◆ addExpandedResponseFiles()

void clang::tooling::addExpandedResponseFiles ( std::vector< std::string > &  CommandLine,
llvm::StringRef  WorkingDir,
llvm::cl::TokenizerCallback  Tokenizer,
llvm::vfs::FileSystem &  FS 

Helper function that expands response files in command line.

Definition at line 308 of file Tooling.cpp.

◆ addTargetAndModeForProgramName()

void clang::tooling::addTargetAndModeForProgramName ( std::vector< std::string > &  CommandLine,
StringRef  InvokedAs 

Changes CommandLine to contain implicit flags that would have been defined had the compiler driver been invoked through the path InvokedAs.

For example, when called with InvokedAs set to i686-linux-android-g++, the arguments '-target', 'i686-linux-android,–driver-mode=g++` will be inserted after the first argument in CommandLine.

This function will not add new -target or --driver-mode flags if they are already present in CommandLine (even if they have different settings than would have been inserted).

llvm::InitializeAllTargets() has been called.
CommandLinethe command line used to invoke the compiler driver or Clang tool, including the path to the executable as CommandLine[0].
InvokedAsthe path to the driver used to infer implicit flags.
This will not set CommandLine[0] to InvokedAs. The tooling infrastructure expects that CommandLine[0] is a tool path relative to which the builtin headers can be found.

Definition at line 271 of file Tooling.cpp.

References clang::driver::getDriverOptTable(), and clang::driver::ToolChain::getTargetAndModeFromProgramName().

◆ applyAllReplacements() [1/2]

bool clang::tooling::applyAllReplacements ( const Replacements Replaces,
Rewriter Rewrite 

Apply all replacements in Replaces to the Rewriter Rewrite.

Replacement applications happen independently of the success of other applications.

true if all replacements apply. false otherwise.

Definition at line 568 of file Replacement.cpp.

References E, clang::tooling::Replacements::rbegin(), clang::tooling::Replacements::rend(), and clang::Rewrite.

Referenced by clang::tooling::RefactoringTool::applyAllReplacements(), applyAtomicChanges(), and formatAndApplyAllReplacements().

◆ applyAllReplacements() [2/2]

llvm::Expected< std::string > clang::tooling::applyAllReplacements ( StringRef  Code,
const Replacements Replaces 

Applies all replacements in Replaces to Code.

This completely ignores the path stored in each replacement. If all replacements are applied successfully, this returns the code with replacements applied; otherwise, an llvm::Error carrying llvm::StringError is returned (the Error message can be converted to string using llvm::toString() and 'std::error_codein theError` should be ignored).

Definition at line 580 of file Replacement.cpp.

References clang::tooling::Replacement::apply(), clang::SrcMgr::C_User, clang::SourceManager::createFileID(), E, clang::tooling::Replacements::empty(), clang::FileManager::getOptionalFileRef(), ID, clang::tooling::Replacements::rbegin(), clang::tooling::Replacements::rend(), and clang::Rewrite.

◆ applyAtomicChanges()

llvm::Expected< std::string > clang::tooling::applyAtomicChanges ( llvm::StringRef  FilePath,
llvm::StringRef  Code,
llvm::ArrayRef< AtomicChange Changes,
const ApplyChangesSpec Spec 

Applies all AtomicChanges in Changes to the Code.

This completely ignores the file path in each change and replaces them with FilePath, i.e. callers are responsible for ensuring all changes are for the same file.

The changed code if all changes are applied successfully; otherwise, an llvm::Error carrying llvm::StringError is returned (the Error message can be converted to string with llvm::toString() and the error_code should be ignored).

Definition at line 301 of file AtomicChange.cpp.

References clang::tooling::Replacements::add(), applyAllReplacements(), clang::tooling::ApplyChangesSpec::Cleanup, clang::format::cleanupAroundReplacements(), clang::format::FormatStyle::ColumnLimit, clang::tooling::ApplyChangesSpec::Format, clang::tooling::Replacements::getAffectedRanges(), make_string_error(), clang::tooling::Replacements::merge(), clang::format::reformat(), clang::format::sortIncludes(), and clang::tooling::ApplyChangesSpec::Style.

◆ buildAccess()

std::optional< std::string > clang::tooling::buildAccess ( const Expr E,
ASTContext Context,
PLTClass  Classification = PLTClass::Pointer 

Adds an appropriate access operator (.

, -> or nothing, in the case of implicit this) to the end of the given expression. Adds parentheses when needed by the syntax and simplifies when possible. If PLTypeClass is Pointer, for known pointer-like types (see isKnownPointerLikeType), treats operator-> and operator* like the built-in -> and * operators.

x becomes x-> or x., depending on E's type a+b becomes (a+b)-> or (a+b)., depending on E's type &a becomes a. *a becomes a->

Definition at line 213 of file SourceCodeBuilders.cpp.

References buildAccessForPointer(), buildAccessForValue(), E, clang::Expr::getType(), clang::Expr::IgnoreImplicitAsWritten(), clang::Type::isAnyPointerType(), clang::Expr::isImplicitCXXThis(), maybeGetOperatorObjectArg(), and treatLikePointer().

◆ buildAddressOf()

std::optional< std::string > clang::tooling::buildAddressOf ( const Expr E,
const ASTContext Context 

Builds idiomatic source for taking the address of E: prefix with & but simplify when it already begins with *.

empty string on failure.

Definition at line 106 of file SourceCodeBuilders.cpp.

References E, getText(), clang::Expr::isImplicitCXXThis(), needParensAfterUnaryOperator(), and Text.

◆ buildArrow()

std::optional< std::string > clang::tooling::buildArrow ( const Expr E,
const ASTContext Context 

Adds an arrow to the end of the given expression, but adds parentheses when needed by the syntax, and simplifies to .

when possible, e.g.:

x becomes x-> &a becomes a. a+b becomes (a+b)->

DEPRECATED. Use buildAccess.

Definition at line 185 of file SourceCodeBuilders.cpp.

References buildAccessForPointer(), and E.

◆ buildASTFromCode()

std::unique_ptr< ASTUnit > clang::tooling::buildASTFromCode ( StringRef  Code,
StringRef  FileName = "",
std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations PCHContainerOps = std::make_shared<PCHContainerOperations>() 

Builds an AST for 'Code'.

CodeC++ code.
FileNameThe file name which 'Code' will be mapped as.
PCHContainerOpsThe PCHContainerOperations for loading and creating clang modules.
The resulting AST or null if an error occurred.

Definition at line 682 of file Tooling.cpp.

References buildASTFromCodeWithArgs(), and clang::FileName.

◆ buildASTFromCodeWithArgs()

std::unique_ptr< ASTUnit > clang::tooling::buildASTFromCodeWithArgs ( StringRef  Code,
const std::vector< std::string > &  Args,
StringRef  FileName = "",
StringRef  ToolName = "clang-tool",
std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations PCHContainerOps = std::make_shared<PCHContainerOperations>(),
ArgumentsAdjuster  Adjuster = getClangStripDependencyFileAdjuster(),
const FileContentMappings VirtualMappedFiles = FileContentMappings(),
DiagnosticConsumer DiagConsumer = nullptr 

Builds an AST for 'Code' with additional flags.

CodeC++ code.
ArgsAdditional flags to pass on.
FileNameThe file name which 'Code' will be mapped as.
ToolNameThe name of the binary running the tool. Standard library header paths will be resolved relative to this.
PCHContainerOpsThe PCHContainerOperations for loading and creating clang modules.
AdjusterA function to filter the command line arguments as specified.
The resulting AST or null if an error occurred.

Definition at line 688 of file Tooling.cpp.

References clang::FileName, getSyntaxOnlyToolArgs(), clang::tooling::ToolInvocation::run(), and clang::tooling::ToolInvocation::setDiagnosticConsumer().

Referenced by buildASTFromCode().

◆ buildDereference()

std::optional< std::string > clang::tooling::buildDereference ( const Expr E,
const ASTContext Context 

Builds idiomatic source for the dereferencing of E: prefix with * but simplify when it already begins with &.

empty string on failure.

Definition at line 86 of file SourceCodeBuilders.cpp.

References E, getText(), needParensAfterUnaryOperator(), and Text.

◆ buildDot()

std::optional< std::string > clang::tooling::buildDot ( const Expr E,
const ASTContext Context 

Adds a dot to the end of the given expression, but adds parentheses when needed by the syntax, and simplifies to -> when possible, e.g.:

x becomes x. *a becomes a-> a+b becomes (a+b).

DEPRECATED. Use buildAccess.

Definition at line 180 of file SourceCodeBuilders.cpp.

References buildAccessForValue(), and E.

◆ buildParens()

std::optional< std::string > clang::tooling::buildParens ( const Expr E,
const ASTContext Context 

Builds source for an expression, adding parens if needed for unambiguous parsing.

Definition at line 75 of file SourceCodeBuilders.cpp.

References E, getText(), mayEverNeedParens(), and Text.

◆ calculateRangesAfterReplacements()

std::vector< Range > clang::tooling::calculateRangesAfterReplacements ( const Replacements Replaces,
const std::vector< Range > &  Ranges 

Calculates the new ranges after Replaces are applied.

These include both the original Ranges and the affected ranges of Replaces in the new code.

Replacements must be for the same file.
The new ranges after Replaces are applied. The new ranges will be sorted and non-overlapping.

Definition at line 511 of file Replacement.cpp.

References clang::tooling::Replacements::add(), clang::tooling::Replacements::begin(), combineAndSortRanges(), clang::tooling::Replacements::empty(), clang::tooling::Replacements::getAffectedRanges(), clang::tooling::Replacement::getLength(), clang::tooling::Replacement::getOffset(), and clang::tooling::Replacements::merge().

◆ codeContainsImports()

bool clang::tooling::codeContainsImports ( llvm::StringRef  Code)

This scans the given source code to see if it contains #import(s).

Definition at line 83 of file HeaderAnalysis.cpp.

References clang::Line.

Referenced by isSelfContainedHeader().

◆ combineAdjusters()

ArgumentsAdjuster clang::tooling::combineAdjusters ( ArgumentsAdjuster  First,
ArgumentsAdjuster  Second 

Gets an argument adjuster which adjusts the arguments in sequence with the First adjuster and then with the Second one.

Definition at line 142 of file ArgumentsAdjusters.cpp.

References clang::File, and clang::First.

Referenced by clang::tooling::ClangTool::appendArgumentsAdjuster(), and getDefaultArgumentsAdjusters().

◆ convertChangesToFileReplacements()

static void clang::tooling::convertChangesToFileReplacements ( ArrayRef< AtomicChange AtomicChanges,
std::map< std::string, tooling::Replacements > *  FileToReplaces 

Takes each atomic change and inserts its replacements into the set of replacements that belong to the appropriate file.

Definition at line 145 of file RenamingAction.cpp.

References clang::CharSourceRange::getCharRange(), clang::tooling::SymbolName::getNamePieces(), clang::tooling::AtomicChange::replace(), and SM.

◆ createExecutorFromCommandLineArgs()

llvm::Expected< std::unique_ptr< ToolExecutor > > clang::tooling::createExecutorFromCommandLineArgs ( int argc,
const char **  argv,
llvm::cl::OptionCategory &  Category,
const char *  Overview = nullptr 

This creates a ToolExecutor that is in the global registry based on commandline arguments.

This picks the right executor based on the --executor option. This parses the commandline arguments with CommonOptionsParser, so caller does not need to parse again.

By default, this creates a StandaloneToolExecutor ("standalone") if --executor is not provided.

Definition at line 88 of file Execution.cpp.

References Category, and clang::tooling::internal::createExecutorFromCommandLineArgsImpl().

◆ createRefactoringActionRule()

template<typename RuleType , typename... RequirementTypes>
std::unique_ptr< RefactoringActionRule > clang::tooling::createRefactoringActionRule ( const RequirementTypes &...  Requirements)

Creates a new refactoring action rule that constructs and invokes the RuleType rule when all of the requirements are satisfied.

This function takes in a list of values whose type derives from RefactoringActionRuleRequirement. These values describe the initiation requirements that have to be satisfied by the refactoring engine before the provided action rule can be constructed and invoked. The engine verifies that the requirements are satisfied by evaluating them (using the 'evaluate' member function) and checking that the results don't contain any errors. Once all requirements are satisfied, the provided refactoring rule is constructed by passing in the values returned by the requirements' evaluate functions as arguments to the constructor. The rule is then invoked immediately after construction.

The separation of requirements, their evaluation and the invocation of the refactoring action rule allows the refactoring clients to:

  • Disable refactoring action rules whose requirements are not supported.
  • Gather the set of options and define a command-line / visual interface that allows users to input these options without ever invoking the action.

Definition at line 118 of file RefactoringActionRulesInternal.h.

◆ createRefactoringActions()

std::vector< std::unique_ptr< RefactoringAction > > clang::tooling::createRefactoringActions ( )

Returns the list of all the available refactoring actions.

Definition at line 98 of file RefactoringActions.cpp.

◆ createRefactoringOption()

template<typename OptionType >
std::shared_ptr< OptionType > clang::tooling::createRefactoringOption ( )

Constructs a refactoring option of the given type.

The ownership of options is shared among requirements that use it because one option can be used by multiple rules in a refactoring action.

Definition at line 54 of file RefactoringOption.h.

◆ createRenameAtomicChanges()

std::vector< tooling::AtomicChange > clang::tooling::createRenameAtomicChanges ( llvm::ArrayRef< std::string >  USRs,
llvm::StringRef  NewName,
Decl TranslationUnitDecl 

Create atomic changes for renaming all symbol references which are identified by the USRs set to a given new name.

USRsThe set containing USRs of a particular old symbol.
NewNameThe new name to replace old symbol name.
TranslationUnitDeclThe translation unit declaration.
Atomic changes for renaming.

Definition at line 529 of file USRLocFinder.cpp.

References clang::TranslationUnitDecl::getASTContext(), clang::ASTContext::getLangOpts(), clang::ASTContext::getSourceManager(), clang::Lexer::getSourceText(), clang::CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(), clang::tooling::AtomicChange::replace(), replaceNestedName(), SM, and Text.

◆ createRenameReplacements()

Expected< std::vector< AtomicChange > > clang::tooling::createRenameReplacements ( const SymbolOccurrences Occurrences,
const SourceManager SM,
const SymbolName NewName 

Returns source replacements that correspond to the rename of the given symbol occurrences.

Definition at line 122 of file RenamingAction.cpp.

◆ ExecutorConcurrency()

llvm::cl::opt< unsigned > clang::tooling::ExecutorConcurrency ( "execute-concurrency"  ,
llvm::cl::desc("The number of threads used to process all files in " "parallel. Set to 0 for hardware concurrency. " "This flag only applies to all-TUs.")  ,

◆ ExecutorName()

llvm::cl::opt< std::string > clang::tooling::ExecutorName ( "executor"  ,
llvm::cl::desc("The name of the executor to use.")  ,

◆ expandResponseFiles()

std::unique_ptr< CompilationDatabase > clang::tooling::expandResponseFiles ( std::unique_ptr< CompilationDatabase Base,
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem >  FS 

Returns a wrapped CompilationDatabase that will expand all rsp(response) files on commandline returned by underlying database.

Definition at line 67 of file ExpandResponseFilesCompilationDatabase.cpp.

◆ Filter()

llvm::cl::opt< std::string > clang::tooling::Filter ( "filter"  ,
llvm::cl::desc("Only process files that match this filter. " "This flag only applies to all-TUs.")  ,

◆ findSelectedASTNodes()

std::optional< SelectedASTNode > clang::tooling::findSelectedASTNodes ( const ASTContext Context,
SourceRange  SelectionRange 

Traverses the given ASTContext and creates a tree of selected AST nodes.

std::nullopt if no nodes are selected in the AST, or a selected AST node that corresponds to the TranslationUnitDecl otherwise.

Definition at line 183 of file ASTSelection.cpp.

References clang::SourceRange::getBegin(), clang::SourceRange::getEnd(), clang::SourceManager::getFileID(), clang::ASTContext::getSourceManager(), clang::ASTContext::getTranslationUnitDecl(), clang::SourceLocation::isPairOfFileLocations(), and clang::SourceRange::isValid().

Referenced by clang::tooling::ASTSelectionRequirement::evaluate().

◆ formatAndApplyAllReplacements()

bool clang::tooling::formatAndApplyAllReplacements ( const std::map< std::string, Replacements > &  FileToReplaces,
Rewriter Rewrite,
StringRef  Style = "file" 

Groups Replaces by the file path and applies each group of Replacements on the related file in Rewriter.

In addition to applying given Replacements, this function also formats the changed code.

Replacements must be conflict-free.

FileToReplaces will be deduplicated with groupReplacementsByFile before application.

Replacement applications happen independently of the success of other applications.

[in]FileToReplacesReplacements (grouped by files) to apply.
[in]RewriteThe Rewritter to apply replacements on.
[in]StyleThe style name used for reformatting. See getStyle in "include/clang/Format/Format.h" for all possible style forms.
true if all replacements applied and formatted. false otherwise.

Definition at line 69 of file Refactoring.cpp.

References applyAllReplacements(), clang::SrcMgr::C_User, clang::format::formatReplacements(), clang::FileManager::getFileRef(), clang::format::getStyle(), groupReplacementsByFile(), ID, clang::Result, clang::Rewrite, and SM.

◆ getAbsolutePath() [1/2]

llvm::Expected< std::string > clang::tooling::getAbsolutePath ( llvm::vfs::FileSystem &  FS,
StringRef  File 

An overload of getAbsolutePath that works over the provided FS.

Definition at line 254 of file Tooling.cpp.

References clang::File.

◆ getAbsolutePath() [2/2]

std::string clang::tooling::getAbsolutePath ( StringRef  File)

Returns the absolute path of File, by prepending it with the current directory if File is not absolute.

Otherwise returns File. If 'File' starts with "./", the returned path will not contain the "./". Otherwise, the returned path will contain the literal path-concatenation of the current directory and File.

The difference to llvm::sys::fs::make_absolute is the canonicalization this does by removing "./" and computing native paths.

FileEither an absolute or relative path.

Definition at line 267 of file Tooling.cpp.

References clang::File, and getAbsolutePath().

Referenced by clang::tooling::CompilationDatabase::autoDetectFromDirectory(), clang::tooling::CompilationDatabase::autoDetectFromSource(), getAbsolutePath(), and clang::tooling::ClangTool::run().

◆ getAssociatedRange()

CharSourceRange clang::tooling::getAssociatedRange ( const Decl D,
ASTContext Context 

Returns the logical source range of the node extended to include associated comments and whitespace before and after the node, and associated terminators.

The returned range consists of file locations, if valid file locations can be found for the associated content; otherwise, an invalid range is returned.

Note that parsing comments is disabled by default. In order to select a range containing associated comments, you may need to invoke the tool with -fparse-all-comments.

Definition at line 412 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References atOrBeforeSeparation(), clang::Decl::attrs(), clang::Decl::getASTContext(), clang::Decl::getEndLoc(), getEntityEndLoc(), clang::ASTContext::getLangOpts(), clang::Attr::getLocation(), clang::ASTContext::getRawCommentForDeclNoCache(), clang::ASTContext::getSourceManager(), clang::Decl::getSourceRange(), getTerminators(), clang::CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(), clang::Invalid, clang::SourceLocation::isInvalid(), clang::Lexer::makeFileCharRange(), skipWhitespaceAndNewline(), SM, and clang::T.

◆ getCanonicalSymbolDeclaration()

const NamedDecl * clang::tooling::getCanonicalSymbolDeclaration ( const NamedDecl FoundDecl)

Returns the canonical declaration that best represents a symbol that can be renamed.

The following canonicalization rules are currently used:

  • A constructor is canonicalized to its class.
  • A destructor is canonicalized to its class.

Definition at line 41 of file USRFindingAction.cpp.

Referenced by clang::tooling::RenameOccurrences::initiate().

◆ getCC1Arguments()

const llvm::opt::ArgStringList * clang::tooling::getCC1Arguments ( DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics,
driver::Compilation Compilation 

Retrieves the flags of the -cc1 job in Compilation that has only source files as its inputs.

Returns nullptr if there are no such jobs or multiple of them. Note that offloading jobs are ignored.

Definition at line 133 of file Tooling.cpp.

References Cmd, clang::driver::Compilation::getJobs(), ignoreExtraCC1Commands(), clang::driver::JobList::Print(), and clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Report().

Referenced by clang::tooling::ToolInvocation::run().

◆ getClangStripDependencyFileAdjuster()

ArgumentsAdjuster clang::tooling::getClangStripDependencyFileAdjuster ( )

Gets an argument adjuster which removes dependency-file related command line arguments.

Definition at line 90 of file ArgumentsAdjusters.cpp.

References getDriverMode().

Referenced by clang::tooling::ClangTool::ClangTool(), getDefaultArgumentsAdjusters(), and runToolOnCodeWithArgs().

◆ getClangStripOutputAdjuster()

ArgumentsAdjuster clang::tooling::getClangStripOutputAdjuster ( )

Gets an argument adjuster which removes output-related command line arguments.

Definition at line 72 of file ArgumentsAdjusters.cpp.

Referenced by clang::tooling::ClangTool::ClangTool(), and getDefaultArgumentsAdjusters().

◆ getClangSyntaxOnlyAdjuster()

ArgumentsAdjuster clang::tooling::getClangSyntaxOnlyAdjuster ( )

Gets an argument adjuster that converts input command line arguments to the "syntax check only" variant.

Add -fsyntax-only option and drop options that triggers output generation.

Definition at line 35 of file ArgumentsAdjusters.cpp.

References getInsertArgumentAdjuster().

Referenced by clang::tooling::ClangTool::ClangTool(), and getDefaultArgumentsAdjusters().

◆ getDefaultArgumentsAdjusters()

static ArgumentsAdjuster clang::tooling::getDefaultArgumentsAdjusters ( )

◆ getDriverMode()

static StringRef clang::tooling::getDriverMode ( const CommandLineArguments Args)

Definition at line 24 of file ArgumentsAdjusters.cpp.

Referenced by getClangStripDependencyFileAdjuster().

◆ getExtendedRange()

template<typename T >
CharSourceRange clang::tooling::getExtendedRange ( const T Node,
tok::TokenKind  Next,
ASTContext Context 

Returns the source range spanning the node, extended to include Next, if it immediately follows Node.

Otherwise, returns the normal range of Node. See comments on getExtendedText() for examples.

Definition at line 34 of file SourceCode.h.

References clang::CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(), maybeExtendRange(), and Node.

Referenced by getExtendedText(), clang::transformer::node(), and clang::transformer::statement().

◆ getExtendedText()

template<typename T >
StringRef clang::tooling::getExtendedText ( const T Node,
tok::TokenKind  Next,
ASTContext Context 

Returns the source text of the node, extended to include Next, if it immediately follows the node.

Otherwise, returns the text of just Node.

For example, given statements S1 and S2 below:

// S1:
if (!x) return foo();
// S2:
if (!x) { return 3; }


getText(S1, Context) = "if (!x) return foo()"
getExtendedText(S1, tok::TokenKind::semi, Context)
= "if (!x) return foo();"
getExtendedText(*S1.getThen(), tok::TokenKind::semi, Context)
= "return foo();"
getExtendedText(*S2.getThen(), tok::TokenKind::semi, Context)
= getText(S2, Context) = "{ return 3; }"
StringRef getExtendedText(const T &Node, tok::TokenKind Next, ASTContext &Context)
Returns the source text of the node, extended to include Next, if it immediately follows the node.
Definition: SourceCode.h:84
StringRef getText(CharSourceRange Range, const ASTContext &Context)
Returns the source-code text in the specified range.
Definition: SourceCode.cpp:31

Definition at line 84 of file SourceCode.h.

References getExtendedRange(), getText(), and Node.

◆ getFileRange() [1/2]

std::optional< CharSourceRange > clang::tooling::getFileRange ( const CharSourceRange EditRange,
const ASTContext Context,
bool  IncludeMacroExpansion 

Definition at line 137 of file SourceCode.h.

References getFileRange().

◆ getFileRange() [2/2]

std::optional< CharSourceRange > clang::tooling::getFileRange ( const CharSourceRange EditRange,
const SourceManager SM,
const LangOptions LangOpts,
bool  IncludeMacroExpansion 

Attempts to resolve the given range to one that starts and ends in a particular file.

If IncludeMacroExpansion is true, a limited set of cases involving source locations in macro expansions is supported. For example, if we're looking to get the range of the int literal 3, and we have the following definition: #define DO_NOTHING(x) x foo(DO_NOTHING(3)) the returned range will hold the source text DO_NOTHING(3).

Definition at line 185 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References getRange(), Range, SM, and validateRange().

Referenced by getFileRange().

◆ getFileRangeForEdit() [1/2]

std::optional< CharSourceRange > clang::tooling::getFileRangeForEdit ( const CharSourceRange EditRange,
const ASTContext Context,
bool  IncludeMacroExpansion = true 

Definition at line 117 of file SourceCode.h.

References getFileRangeForEdit().

◆ getFileRangeForEdit() [2/2]

std::optional< CharSourceRange > clang::tooling::getFileRangeForEdit ( const CharSourceRange EditRange,
const SourceManager SM,
const LangOptions LangOpts,
bool  IncludeMacroExpansion = true 

Attempts to resolve the given range to one that can be edited by a rewrite; generally, one that starts and ends within a particular file.

If a value is returned, it satisfies validateEditRange.

If IncludeMacroExpansion is true, a limited set of cases involving source locations in macro expansions is supported. For example, if we're looking to rewrite the int literal 3 to 6, and we have the following definition: #define DO_NOTHING(x) x then foo(DO_NOTHING(3)) will be rewritten to foo(6)

Definition at line 174 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References getRange(), Range, SM, and validateEditRange().

Referenced by getFileRangeForEdit(), clang::transformer::detail::getRuleMatchLoc(), and translateEdits().

◆ getInsertArgumentAdjuster() [1/2]

ArgumentsAdjuster clang::tooling::getInsertArgumentAdjuster ( const char *  Extra,
ArgumentInsertPosition  Pos = ArgumentInsertPosition::END 

Gets an argument adjuster which inserts an Extra argument in the specified position.

Definition at line 137 of file ArgumentsAdjusters.cpp.

References getInsertArgumentAdjuster().

◆ getInsertArgumentAdjuster() [2/2]

ArgumentsAdjuster clang::tooling::getInsertArgumentAdjuster ( const CommandLineArguments Extra,
ArgumentInsertPosition  Pos 

Gets an argument adjuster which inserts Extra arguments in the specified position.

Definition at line 119 of file ArgumentsAdjusters.cpp.

References END.

Referenced by getClangSyntaxOnlyAdjuster(), getInsertArgumentAdjuster(), and injectResourceDir().

◆ getNamedDeclAt()

const NamedDecl * clang::tooling::getNamedDeclAt ( const ASTContext Context,
const SourceLocation  Point 

Definition at line 77 of file USRFinder.cpp.

References clang::SourceLocation::isValid(), and SM.

Referenced by clang::tooling::RenameOccurrences::initiate().

◆ getNamedDeclFor()

const NamedDecl * clang::tooling::getNamedDeclFor ( const ASTContext Context,
const std::string &  Name 

Definition at line 128 of file USRFinder.cpp.

Referenced by clang::tooling::QualifiedRenameRule::initiate().

◆ getOccurrencesOfUSRs()

SymbolOccurrences clang::tooling::getOccurrencesOfUSRs ( ArrayRef< std::string >  USRs,
StringRef  PrevName,
Decl Decl 

Finds the symbol occurrences for the symbol that's identified by the given USR set.

SymbolOccurrences that can be converted to AtomicChanges when renaming.

Definition at line 521 of file USRLocFinder.cpp.

References clang::Decl::getASTContext().

◆ getStripPluginsAdjuster()

ArgumentsAdjuster clang::tooling::getStripPluginsAdjuster ( )

Gets an argument adjuster which strips plugin related command line arguments.

Definition at line 153 of file ArgumentsAdjusters.cpp.

References E.

◆ getText() [1/2]

StringRef clang::tooling::getText ( CharSourceRange  Range,
const ASTContext Context 

◆ getText() [2/2]

template<typename T >
StringRef clang::tooling::getText ( const T Node,
const ASTContext Context 

Returns the source-code text corresponding to Node.

Definition at line 56 of file SourceCode.h.

References getText(), clang::CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(), and Node.

◆ getUSRForDecl()

std::string clang::tooling::getUSRForDecl ( const Decl Decl)

Definition at line 135 of file USRFinder.cpp.

References clang::index::generateUSRForDecl().

◆ getUSRsForDeclaration()

std::vector< std::string > clang::tooling::getUSRsForDeclaration ( const NamedDecl ND,
ASTContext Context 

Returns the set of USRs that correspond to the given declaration.

Definition at line 217 of file USRFindingAction.cpp.

◆ groupReplacementsByFile()

std::map< std::string, Replacements > clang::tooling::groupReplacementsByFile ( FileManager FileMgr,
const std::map< std::string, Replacements > &  FileToReplaces 

If there are multiple <File, Replacements> pairs with the same file entry, we only keep one pair and discard the rest.

If a file does not exist, its corresponding replacements will be ignored.

Definition at line 612 of file Replacement.cpp.

References clang::FileManager::getFile().

Referenced by clang::tooling::RefactoringTool::applyAllReplacements(), and formatAndApplyAllReplacements().

◆ inferMissingCompileCommands()

std::unique_ptr< CompilationDatabase > clang::tooling::inferMissingCompileCommands ( std::unique_ptr< CompilationDatabase Inner)

Returns a wrapped CompilationDatabase that defers to the provided one, but getCompileCommands() will infer commands for unknown files.

The return value of getAllFiles() or getAllCompileCommands() is unchanged. See InterpolatingCompilationDatabase.cpp for details on heuristics.

Definition at line 538 of file InterpolatingCompilationDatabase.cpp.

◆ inferTargetAndDriverMode()

std::unique_ptr< CompilationDatabase > clang::tooling::inferTargetAndDriverMode ( std::unique_ptr< CompilationDatabase Base)

Returns a wrapped CompilationDatabase that will add -target and -mode flags to commandline when they can be deduced from argv[0] of commandline returned by underlying database.

Definition at line 52 of file GuessTargetAndModeCompilationDatabase.cpp.

◆ isKnownPointerLikeType()

bool clang::tooling::isKnownPointerLikeType ( QualType  Ty,
ASTContext Context 

◆ isSelfContainedHeader()

bool clang::tooling::isSelfContainedHeader ( FileEntryRef  FE,
const SourceManager SM,
const HeaderSearch HeaderInfo 

Returns true if the given physical file is a self-contained header.

A header is considered self-contained if This function can be expensive as it may scan the source code to find out dont-include-me pattern heuristically.

Definition at line 69 of file HeaderAnalysis.cpp.

References codeContainsImports(), clang::HeaderSearch::hasFileBeenImported(), clang::HeaderSearch::isFileMultipleIncludeGuarded(), and SM.

◆ make_string_error()

static llvm::Error clang::tooling::make_string_error ( const llvm::Twine &  Message)

◆ maybeExtendRange()

CharSourceRange clang::tooling::maybeExtendRange ( CharSourceRange  Range,
tok::TokenKind  Terminator,
ASTContext Context 

◆ mayEverNeedParens()

bool clang::tooling::mayEverNeedParens ( const Expr E)

Determines whether printing this expression in any expression requires parentheses to preserve its meaning.

This analyses is necessarily conservative because it lacks information about the target context.

Definition at line 32 of file SourceCodeBuilders.cpp.

References E, and reallyIgnoreImplicit().

Referenced by buildParens(), and needParensBeforeDotOrArrow().

◆ needParensAfterUnaryOperator()

bool clang::tooling::needParensAfterUnaryOperator ( const Expr E)

Determines whether printing this expression to the right of a unary operator requires a parentheses to preserve its meaning.

Definition at line 52 of file SourceCodeBuilders.cpp.

References E, and reallyIgnoreImplicit().

Referenced by buildAddressOf(), and buildDereference().

◆ needParensBeforeDotOrArrow()

bool clang::tooling::needParensBeforeDotOrArrow ( const Expr E)

Determines whether printing this expression to the left of a dot or arrow operator requires a parentheses to preserve its meaning.

Given that dot/arrow are (effectively) the highest precedence, this is equivalent to asking whether it ever needs parens.

Definition at line 39 of file SourceCodeBuilders.h.

References E, and mayEverNeedParens().

Referenced by buildAccessForPointer(), and buildAccessForValue().

◆ newFrontendActionFactory() [1/2]

template<typename T >
std::unique_ptr< FrontendActionFactory > clang::tooling::newFrontendActionFactory ( )

Returns a new FrontendActionFactory for a given type.

T must derive from clang::FrontendAction.

Example: std::unique_ptr<FrontendActionFactory> Factory = newFrontendActionFactory<clang::SyntaxOnlyAction>();

Definition at line 400 of file Tooling.h.

◆ newFrontendActionFactory() [2/2]

template<typename FactoryT >
std::unique_ptr< FrontendActionFactory > clang::tooling::newFrontendActionFactory ( FactoryT *  ConsumerFactory,
SourceFileCallbacks Callbacks = nullptr 

Returns a new FrontendActionFactory for any type that provides an implementation of newASTConsumer().

FactoryT must implement: ASTConsumer *newASTConsumer().

Example: struct ProvidesASTConsumers { std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTConsumer> newASTConsumer(); } Factory; std::unique_ptr<FrontendActionFactory> FactoryAdapter( newFrontendActionFactory(&Factory));

Definition at line 413 of file Tooling.h.

References clang::tooling::SourceFileCallbacks::handleBeginSource(), and clang::tooling::SourceFileCallbacks::handleEndSource().

◆ newInvocation()

CompilerInvocation * clang::tooling::newInvocation ( DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics,
ArrayRef< const char * >  CC1Args,
const char *const  BinaryName 

◆ operator!=()

bool clang::tooling::operator!= ( const Replacement LHS,
const Replacement RHS 

Definition at line 205 of file Replacement.h.

◆ operator<()

bool clang::tooling::operator< ( const Replacement LHS,
const Replacement RHS 

◆ operator==()

bool clang::tooling::operator== ( const Replacement LHS,
const Replacement RHS 

◆ parseIWYUPragma()

std::optional< StringRef > clang::tooling::parseIWYUPragma ( const char *  Text)

If Text begins an Include-What-You-Use directive, returns it.

Given "// IWYU pragma: keep", returns "keep". Input is a null-terminated char* as provided by SM.getCharacterData(). (This should not be StringRef as we do not want to scan for its length). For multi-line comments, we return only the first line.

Definition at line 95 of file HeaderAnalysis.cpp.

References Text.

◆ reallyIgnoreImplicit()

const Expr * clang::tooling::reallyIgnoreImplicit ( const Expr E)

◆ replaceNestedName()

std::string clang::tooling::replaceNestedName ( const NestedNameSpecifier Use,
SourceLocation  UseLoc,
const DeclContext UseContext,
const NamedDecl FromDecl,
StringRef  ReplacementString 

Emulate a lookup to replace one nested name specifier with another using as few additional namespace qualifications as possible.

This does not perform a full C++ lookup so ADL will not work.

UseThe nested name to be replaced.
UseLocThe location of name to be replaced.
UseContextThe context in which the nested name is contained. This will be used to minimize namespace qualifications.
FromDeclThe declaration to which the nested name points.
ReplacementStringThe replacement nested name. Must be fully qualified including a leading "::".
The new name to be inserted in place of the current nested name.

Definition at line 185 of file Lookup.cpp.

References disambiguateSpellingInScope(), FromDecl, getBestNamespaceSubstr(), clang::Decl::getDeclContext(), isFullyQualified(), and usingFromDifferentCanonicalNamespace().

Referenced by createRenameAtomicChanges().

◆ replaceStmtWithStmt()

static Replacement clang::tooling::replaceStmtWithStmt ( SourceManager Sources,
const Stmt From,
const Stmt To 

◆ replaceStmtWithText()

static Replacement clang::tooling::replaceStmtWithText ( SourceManager Sources,
const Stmt From,
StringRef  Text 

◆ runToolOnCode()

bool clang::tooling::runToolOnCode ( std::unique_ptr< FrontendAction ToolAction,
const Twine &  Code,
const Twine &  FileName = "",
std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations PCHContainerOps = std::make_shared<PCHContainerOperations>() 

Runs (and deletes) the tool on 'Code' with the -fsyntax-only flag.

ToolActionThe action to run over the code.
CodeC++ code.
FileNameThe file name which 'Code' will be mapped as.
PCHContainerOpsThe PCHContainerOperations for loading and creating clang modules.
- True if 'ToolAction' was successfully executed.

Definition at line 183 of file Tooling.cpp.

References clang::FileName, and runToolOnCodeWithArgs().

◆ runToolOnCodeWithArgs() [1/2]

bool clang::tooling::runToolOnCodeWithArgs ( std::unique_ptr< FrontendAction ToolAction,
const Twine &  Code,
const std::vector< std::string > &  Args,
const Twine &  FileName = "",
const Twine &  ToolName = "clang-tool",
std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations PCHContainerOps = std::make_shared<PCHContainerOperations>(),
const FileContentMappings VirtualMappedFiles = FileContentMappings() 

Runs (and deletes) the tool on 'Code' with the -fsyntax-only flag and with additional other flags.

ToolActionThe action to run over the code.
CodeC++ code.
ArgsAdditional flags to pass on.
FileNameThe file name which 'Code' will be mapped as.
ToolNameThe name of the binary running the tool. Standard library header paths will be resolved relative to this.
PCHContainerOpsThe PCHContainerOperations for loading and creating clang modules.
- True if 'ToolAction' was successfully executed.

Definition at line 227 of file Tooling.cpp.

References clang::FileName, and runToolOnCodeWithArgs().

Referenced by runToolOnCode(), and runToolOnCodeWithArgs().

◆ runToolOnCodeWithArgs() [2/2]

bool clang::tooling::runToolOnCodeWithArgs ( std::unique_ptr< FrontendAction ToolAction,
const Twine &  Code,
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< llvm::vfs::FileSystem >  VFS,
const std::vector< std::string > &  Args,
const Twine &  FileName = "",
const Twine &  ToolName = "clang-tool",
std::shared_ptr< PCHContainerOperations PCHContainerOps = std::make_shared<PCHContainerOperations>() 

◆ selectFirstFix()

const llvm::StringMap< Replacements > * clang::tooling::selectFirstFix ( const Diagnostic D)

Get the first fix to apply for this diagnostic.

nullptr if no fixes are attached to the diagnostic.

Definition at line 60 of file Diagnostic.cpp.

References D, and Iter.

◆ transferCompileCommand()

tooling::CompileCommand clang::tooling::transferCompileCommand ( tooling::CompileCommand  Cmd,
StringRef  Filename 

Transforms a compile command so that it applies the same configuration to a different file.

Most args are left intact, but tweaks may be needed to certain flags (-x, -std etc).

The output command will always end in {"--", Filename}.

Definition at line 542 of file InterpolatingCompilationDatabase.cpp.

References Cmd, and Filename.

◆ validateEditRange()

llvm::Error clang::tooling::validateEditRange ( const CharSourceRange Range,
const SourceManager SM 

Determines whether Range is one that can be edited by a rewrite; generally, one that starts and ends within a particular file.

Definition at line 84 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References SM, and validateRange().

Referenced by getFileRangeForEdit().

◆ validateRange()

llvm::Error clang::tooling::validateRange ( const CharSourceRange Range,
const SourceManager SM,
bool  AllowSystemHeaders 

Determines whether Range is one that can be read from.

If AllowSystemHeaders is false, a range that falls within a system header fails validation.

Definition at line 53 of file SourceCode.cpp.

References SM.

Referenced by getFileRange(), and validateEditRange().

◆ X() [1/2]

static ToolExecutorPluginRegistry::Add< AllTUsToolExecutorPlugin > clang::tooling::X ( "all-TUs"  ,
"Runs FrontendActions on all TUs in the compilation database. " "Tool results are stored in memory."   

◆ X() [2/2]

static ToolExecutorPluginRegistry::Add< StandaloneToolExecutorPlugin > clang::tooling::X ( "standalone"  ,
"Runs FrontendActions on a set of files provided " "via positional arguments."   

Variable Documentation

◆ AllTUsToolExecutorAnchorDest

int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED clang::tooling::AllTUsToolExecutorAnchorDest
Initial value:

Definition at line 101 of file Execution.cpp.

◆ AllTUsToolExecutorAnchorSource

volatile int clang::tooling::AllTUsToolExecutorAnchorSource = 0

Definition at line 177 of file AllTUsExecution.cpp.

◆ ExecutorConcurrency

llvm::cl::opt<unsigned> clang::tooling::ExecutorConcurrency

◆ ExecutorName

llvm::cl::opt<std::string> clang::tooling::ExecutorName

◆ Filter

llvm::cl::opt<std::string> clang::tooling::Filter

◆ JSONAnchorDest

int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED clang::tooling::JSONAnchorDest = JSONAnchorSource

Definition at line 413 of file CompilationDatabase.cpp.

◆ JSONAnchorSource

volatile int clang::tooling::JSONAnchorSource = 0

Definition at line 187 of file JSONCompilationDatabase.cpp.

◆ StandaloneToolExecutorAnchorDest

int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED clang::tooling::StandaloneToolExecutorAnchorDest
Initial value:

Definition at line 99 of file Execution.cpp.

◆ StandaloneToolExecutorAnchorSource

volatile int clang::tooling::StandaloneToolExecutorAnchorSource = 0

Definition at line 89 of file StandaloneExecution.cpp.