class | AlteraModule |
class | IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck |
| Finds ID-dependent variables and fields used within loops, and warns of their usage. More...
class | KernelNameRestrictionCheck |
| Finds kernel files and include directives whose filename is kernel.cl , Verilog.cl , or VHDL.cl . More...
class | SingleWorkItemBarrierCheck |
| Detects OpenCL kernel functions that call a barrier but do not call an ID-function function. More...
class | StructPackAlignCheck |
| Finds structs that are inefficiently packed or aligned, and recommends packing and/or aligning of said structs as needed. More...
class | UnrollLoopsCheck |
| Finds inner loops that have not been unrolled, as well as fully unrolled loops with unknown loop bounds or a large number of iterations. More...