class | AccessControl |
struct | APIIgnoresList |
| A type that provides access to a new line separated list of symbol names to ignore when extracting API information. More...
struct | APIRecord |
| The base representation of an API record. Holds common symbol information. More...
class | APISet |
| APISet holds the set of API records collected from given inputs. More...
class | APISetVisitor |
| The base interface of visitors for API information, the interface and usage is almost identical to RecurisveASTVistor. More...
struct | ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord |
struct | ClassTemplateRecord |
struct | ClassTemplateSpecializationRecord |
struct | ConceptRecord |
struct | CXXClassRecord |
struct | CXXConstructorRecord |
struct | CXXDestructorRecord |
struct | CXXFieldRecord |
struct | CXXFieldTemplateRecord |
struct | CXXInstanceMethodRecord |
struct | CXXMethodRecord |
struct | CXXMethodTemplateRecord |
struct | CXXMethodTemplateSpecializationRecord |
struct | CXXStaticMethodRecord |
class | DeclarationFragments |
| DeclarationFragments is a vector of tagged important parts of a symbol's declaration. More...
class | DeclarationFragmentsBuilder |
| A factory class to build DeclarationFragments for different kinds of Decl. More...
struct | EnumConstantRecord |
| This holds information associated with enum constants. More...
struct | EnumRecord |
| This holds information associated with enums. More...
struct | ExtendedModule |
| A representation of the contents of a given module symbol graph. More...
class | ExtractAPIVisitor |
| The RecursiveASTVisitor to traverse symbol declarations and collect API information. More...
struct | FromRecordContextCastInfoWrapper |
struct | FromRecordContextCastInfoWrapper< ToTy, true > |
class | FunctionSignature |
| Store function signature information with DeclarationFragments of the return type and parameters. More...
struct | GlobalFunctionRecord |
| This holds information associated with global functions. More...
struct | GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord |
struct | GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecializationRecord |
struct | GlobalVariableRecord |
| This holds information associated with global functions. More...
struct | GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord |
struct | GlobalVariableTemplateRecord |
struct | GlobalVariableTemplateSpecializationRecord |
struct | IgnoresFileNotFound |
struct | MacroDefinitionRecord |
| This holds information associated with macro definitions. More...
struct | NamespaceRecord |
struct | ObjCCategoryRecord |
| This holds information associated with Objective-C categories. More...
struct | ObjCClassMethodRecord |
struct | ObjCClassPropertyRecord |
struct | ObjCContainerRecord |
| The base representation of an Objective-C container record. More...
struct | ObjCInstanceMethodRecord |
struct | ObjCInstancePropertyRecord |
struct | ObjCInstanceVariableRecord |
| This holds information associated with Objective-C instance variables. More...
struct | ObjCInterfaceRecord |
| This holds information associated with Objective-C interfaces/classes. More...
struct | ObjCMethodRecord |
| This holds information associated with Objective-C methods. More...
struct | ObjCPropertyRecord |
| This holds information associated with Objective-C properties. More...
struct | ObjCProtocolRecord |
| This holds information associated with Objective-C protocols. More...
class | RecordContext |
| Base class used for specific record types that have children records this is analogous to the DeclContext for the AST. More...
struct | RecordFieldRecord |
| This holds information associated with struct or union fields fields. More...
struct | RecordRecord |
| This holds information associated with structs and unions. More...
struct | StaticFieldRecord |
struct | StructFieldRecord |
struct | StructRecord |
class | SymbolGraphSerializer |
| The visitor that organizes API information in the Symbol Graph format. More...
struct | SymbolGraphSerializerOption |
| Common options to customize the visitor output. More...
struct | SymbolReference |
| sources. More...
struct | TagRecord |
class | Template |
struct | ToRecordContextCastInfoWrapper |
struct | ToRecordContextCastInfoWrapper< FromTy, true > |
struct | TypedefRecord |
| This holds information associated with typedefs. More...
struct | TypedefUnderlyingTypeResolver |
struct | UnionFieldRecord |
struct | UnionRecord |