clang 20.0.0git
This is the complete list of members for clang::SemaObjC, including all inherited members.
ACR_error enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
ACR_okay enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
ACR_unbridged enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnAtEnd(Scope *S, SourceRange AtEnd, ArrayRef< Decl * > allMethods={}, ArrayRef< DeclGroupPtrTy > allTUVars={}) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnClassMessage(Scope *S, ParsedType Receiver, Selector Sel, SourceLocation LBracLoc, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, SourceLocation RBracLoc, MultiExprArg Args) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnClassPropertyRefExpr(const IdentifierInfo &receiverName, const IdentifierInfo &propertyName, SourceLocation receiverNameLoc, SourceLocation propertyNameLoc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnCompatibilityAlias(SourceLocation AtCompatibilityAliasLoc, IdentifierInfo *AliasName, SourceLocation AliasLocation, IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SourceLocation ClassLocation) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnDefs(Scope *S, Decl *TagD, SourceLocation DeclStart, const IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &Decls) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnFinishObjCImplementation(Decl *ObjCImpDecl, ArrayRef< Decl * > Decls) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnForwardClassDeclaration(SourceLocation Loc, IdentifierInfo **IdentList, SourceLocation *IdentLocs, ArrayRef< ObjCTypeParamList * > TypeParamLists, unsigned NumElts) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnForwardProtocolDeclaration(SourceLocation AtProtoclLoc, ArrayRef< IdentifierLocPair > IdentList, const ParsedAttributesView &attrList) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnInstanceMessage(Scope *S, Expr *Receiver, Selector Sel, SourceLocation LBracLoc, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, SourceLocation RBracLoc, MultiExprArg Args) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnIvar(Scope *S, SourceLocation DeclStart, Declarator &D, Expr *BitWidth, tok::ObjCKeywordKind visibility) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnMethodDeclaration(Scope *S, SourceLocation BeginLoc, SourceLocation EndLoc, tok::TokenKind MethodType, ObjCDeclSpec &ReturnQT, ParsedType ReturnType, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, Selector Sel, ParmVarDecl **ArgInfo, DeclaratorChunk::ParamInfo *CParamInfo, unsigned CNumArgs, const ParsedAttributesView &AttrList, tok::ObjCKeywordKind MethodImplKind, bool isVariadic, bool MethodDefinition) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnMethodParmDeclaration(Scope *S, ObjCArgInfo &ArgInfo, int ParamIndex, bool MethodDefinition) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCAtCatchStmt(SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation RParen, Decl *Parm, Stmt *Body) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCAtFinallyStmt(SourceLocation AtLoc, Stmt *Body) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCAtSynchronizedOperand(SourceLocation atLoc, Expr *operand) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCAtSynchronizedStmt(SourceLocation AtLoc, Expr *SynchExpr, Stmt *SynchBody) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCAtThrowStmt(SourceLocation AtLoc, Expr *Throw, Scope *CurScope) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCAtTryStmt(SourceLocation AtLoc, Stmt *Try, MultiStmtArg Catch, Stmt *Finally) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt(SourceLocation AtLoc, Stmt *Body) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCAvailabilityCheckExpr(llvm::ArrayRef< AvailabilitySpec > AvailSpecs, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation RParen) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCBoolLiteral(SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation ValueLoc, bool Value) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCBoolLiteral(SourceLocation OpLoc, tok::TokenKind Kind) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCBridgedCast(Scope *S, SourceLocation LParenLoc, ObjCBridgeCastKind Kind, SourceLocation BridgeKeywordLoc, ParsedType Type, SourceLocation RParenLoc, Expr *SubExpr) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCContainerFinishDefinition() | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCContainerStartDefinition(ObjCContainerDecl *IDecl) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCExceptionDecl(Scope *S, Declarator &D) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCForCollectionStmt(SourceLocation ForColLoc, Stmt *First, Expr *collection, SourceLocation RParenLoc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCInstanceType(SourceLocation Loc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
actOnObjCProtocolQualifierType(SourceLocation lAngleLoc, ArrayRef< Decl * > protocols, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > protocolLocs, SourceLocation rAngleLoc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCReenterContainerContext(ObjCContainerDecl *ObjCCtx) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnObjCTemporaryExitContainerContext(ObjCContainerDecl *ObjCCtx) | clang::SemaObjC | |
actOnObjCTypeArgsAndProtocolQualifiers(Scope *S, SourceLocation Loc, ParsedType BaseType, SourceLocation TypeArgsLAngleLoc, ArrayRef< ParsedType > TypeArgs, SourceLocation TypeArgsRAngleLoc, SourceLocation ProtocolLAngleLoc, ArrayRef< Decl * > Protocols, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > ProtocolLocs, SourceLocation ProtocolRAngleLoc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
actOnObjCTypeArgsOrProtocolQualifiers(Scope *S, ParsedType baseType, SourceLocation lAngleLoc, ArrayRef< IdentifierInfo * > identifiers, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > identifierLocs, SourceLocation rAngleLoc, SourceLocation &typeArgsLAngleLoc, SmallVectorImpl< ParsedType > &typeArgs, SourceLocation &typeArgsRAngleLoc, SourceLocation &protocolLAngleLoc, SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &protocols, SourceLocation &protocolRAngleLoc, bool warnOnIncompleteProtocols) | clang::SemaObjC | |
actOnObjCTypeParam(Scope *S, ObjCTypeParamVariance variance, SourceLocation varianceLoc, unsigned index, IdentifierInfo *paramName, SourceLocation paramLoc, SourceLocation colonLoc, ParsedType typeBound) | clang::SemaObjC | |
actOnObjCTypeParamList(Scope *S, SourceLocation lAngleLoc, ArrayRef< Decl * > typeParams, SourceLocation rAngleLoc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnProperty(Scope *S, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, FieldDeclarator &FD, ObjCDeclSpec &ODS, Selector GetterSel, Selector SetterSel, tok::ObjCKeywordKind MethodImplKind, DeclContext *lexicalDC=nullptr) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnPropertyImplDecl(Scope *S, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation PropertyLoc, bool ImplKind, IdentifierInfo *PropertyId, IdentifierInfo *PropertyIvar, SourceLocation PropertyIvarLoc, ObjCPropertyQueryKind QueryKind) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnStartCategoryImplementation(SourceLocation AtCatImplLoc, const IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SourceLocation ClassLoc, const IdentifierInfo *CatName, SourceLocation CatLoc, const ParsedAttributesView &AttrList) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnStartCategoryInterface(SourceLocation AtInterfaceLoc, const IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SourceLocation ClassLoc, ObjCTypeParamList *typeParamList, const IdentifierInfo *CategoryName, SourceLocation CategoryLoc, Decl *const *ProtoRefs, unsigned NumProtoRefs, const SourceLocation *ProtoLocs, SourceLocation EndProtoLoc, const ParsedAttributesView &AttrList) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnStartClassImplementation(SourceLocation AtClassImplLoc, const IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SourceLocation ClassLoc, const IdentifierInfo *SuperClassname, SourceLocation SuperClassLoc, const ParsedAttributesView &AttrList) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnStartClassInterface(Scope *S, SourceLocation AtInterfaceLoc, IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SourceLocation ClassLoc, ObjCTypeParamList *typeParamList, IdentifierInfo *SuperName, SourceLocation SuperLoc, ArrayRef< ParsedType > SuperTypeArgs, SourceRange SuperTypeArgsRange, Decl *const *ProtoRefs, unsigned NumProtoRefs, const SourceLocation *ProtoLocs, SourceLocation EndProtoLoc, const ParsedAttributesView &AttrList, SkipBodyInfo *SkipBody) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnStartOfObjCMethodDef(Scope *S, Decl *D) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnStartProtocolInterface(SourceLocation AtProtoInterfaceLoc, IdentifierInfo *ProtocolName, SourceLocation ProtocolLoc, Decl *const *ProtoRefNames, unsigned NumProtoRefs, const SourceLocation *ProtoLocs, SourceLocation EndProtoLoc, const ParsedAttributesView &AttrList, SkipBodyInfo *SkipBody) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnSuperClassOfClassInterface(Scope *S, SourceLocation AtInterfaceLoc, ObjCInterfaceDecl *IDecl, IdentifierInfo *ClassName, SourceLocation ClassLoc, IdentifierInfo *SuperName, SourceLocation SuperLoc, ArrayRef< ParsedType > SuperTypeArgs, SourceRange SuperTypeArgsRange) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnSuperMessage(Scope *S, SourceLocation SuperLoc, Selector Sel, SourceLocation LBracLoc, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, SourceLocation RBracLoc, MultiExprArg Args) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ActOnTypedefedProtocols(SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &ProtocolRefs, SmallVectorImpl< SourceLocation > &ProtocolLocs, IdentifierInfo *SuperName, SourceLocation SuperLoc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
AddAnyMethodToGlobalPool(Decl *D) | clang::SemaObjC | |
AddCFAuditedAttribute(Decl *D) | clang::SemaObjC | |
AddFactoryMethodToGlobalPool(ObjCMethodDecl *Method, bool impl=false) | clang::SemaObjC | inline |
AddInstanceMethodToGlobalPool(ObjCMethodDecl *Method, bool impl=false) | clang::SemaObjC | inline |
addMethodToGlobalList(ObjCMethodList *List, ObjCMethodDecl *Method) | clang::SemaObjC | |
AddXConsumedAttr(Decl *D, const AttributeCommonInfo &CI, Sema::RetainOwnershipKind K, bool IsTemplateInstantiation) | clang::SemaObjC | |
AdjustParameterTypeForObjCAutoRefCount(QualType T, SourceLocation NameLoc, TypeSourceInfo *TSInfo) | clang::SemaObjC | |
adornBoolConversionDiagWithTernaryFixit(Expr *SourceExpr, const Sema::SemaDiagnosticBuilder &Builder) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ARCConversionResult enum name | clang::SemaObjC | |
AreMultipleMethodsInGlobalPool(Selector Sel, ObjCMethodDecl *BestMethod, SourceRange R, bool receiverIdOrClass, SmallVectorImpl< ObjCMethodDecl * > &Methods) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ArrayWithObjectsMethod | clang::SemaObjC | |
AtomicPropertySetterGetterRules(ObjCImplDecl *IMPDecl, ObjCInterfaceDecl *IDecl) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildClassMessage(TypeSourceInfo *ReceiverTypeInfo, QualType ReceiverType, SourceLocation SuperLoc, Selector Sel, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, SourceLocation LBracLoc, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, SourceLocation RBracLoc, MultiExprArg Args, bool isImplicit=false) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildClassMessageImplicit(QualType ReceiverType, bool isSuperReceiver, SourceLocation Loc, Selector Sel, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, MultiExprArg Args) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildInstanceMessage(Expr *Receiver, QualType ReceiverType, SourceLocation SuperLoc, Selector Sel, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, SourceLocation LBracLoc, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, SourceLocation RBracLoc, MultiExprArg Args, bool isImplicit=false) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildInstanceMessageImplicit(Expr *Receiver, QualType ReceiverType, SourceLocation Loc, Selector Sel, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, MultiExprArg Args) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildIvarRefExpr(Scope *S, SourceLocation Loc, ObjCIvarDecl *IV) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildObjCArrayLiteral(SourceRange SR, MultiExprArg Elements) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildObjCAtThrowStmt(SourceLocation AtLoc, Expr *Throw) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildObjCBoxedExpr(SourceRange SR, Expr *ValueExpr) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildObjCBridgedCast(SourceLocation LParenLoc, ObjCBridgeCastKind Kind, SourceLocation BridgeKeywordLoc, TypeSourceInfo *TSInfo, Expr *SubExpr) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildObjCDictionaryLiteral(SourceRange SR, MutableArrayRef< ObjCDictionaryElement > Elements) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildObjCEncodeExpression(SourceLocation AtLoc, TypeSourceInfo *EncodedTypeInfo, SourceLocation RParenLoc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildObjCExceptionDecl(TypeSourceInfo *TInfo, QualType ExceptionType, SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceLocation IdLoc, const IdentifierInfo *Id, bool Invalid=false) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildObjCNumericLiteral(SourceLocation AtLoc, Expr *Number) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildObjCObjectType(QualType BaseType, SourceLocation Loc, SourceLocation TypeArgsLAngleLoc, ArrayRef< TypeSourceInfo * > TypeArgs, SourceLocation TypeArgsRAngleLoc, SourceLocation ProtocolLAngleLoc, ArrayRef< ObjCProtocolDecl * > Protocols, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > ProtocolLocs, SourceLocation ProtocolRAngleLoc, bool FailOnError, bool Rebuilding) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildObjCStringLiteral(SourceLocation AtLoc, StringLiteral *S) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildObjCSubscriptExpression(SourceLocation RB, Expr *BaseExpr, Expr *IndexExpr, ObjCMethodDecl *getterMethod, ObjCMethodDecl *setterMethod) | clang::SemaObjC | |
BuildObjCTypeParamType(const ObjCTypeParamDecl *Decl, SourceLocation ProtocolLAngleLoc, ArrayRef< ObjCProtocolDecl * > Protocols, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > ProtocolLocs, SourceLocation ProtocolRAngleLoc, bool FailOnError=false) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CFError | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckARCMethodDecl(ObjCMethodDecl *method) | clang::SemaObjC | |
checkArrayLiteral(QualType TargetType, ObjCArrayLiteral *ArrayLiteral) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckCategoryVsClassMethodMatches(ObjCCategoryImplDecl *CatIMP) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckConflictingOverridingMethod(ObjCMethodDecl *Method, ObjCMethodDecl *Overridden, bool IsProtocolMethodDecl) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckConversionToObjCLiteral(QualType DstType, Expr *&SrcExpr, bool Diagnose=true) | clang::SemaObjC | |
checkDictionaryLiteral(QualType TargetType, ObjCDictionaryLiteral *DictionaryLiteral) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckForwardProtocolDeclarationForCircularDependency(IdentifierInfo *PName, SourceLocation &PLoc, SourceLocation PrevLoc, const ObjCList< ObjCProtocolDecl > &PList) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckImplementationIvars(ObjCImplementationDecl *ImpDecl, ObjCIvarDecl **Fields, unsigned nIvars, SourceLocation Loc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
checkInitMethod(ObjCMethodDecl *method, QualType receiverTypeIfCall) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckLiteralKind(Expr *FromE) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckMessageArgumentTypes(const Expr *Receiver, QualType ReceiverType, MultiExprArg Args, Selector Sel, ArrayRef< SourceLocation > SelectorLocs, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, bool isClassMessage, bool isSuperMessage, SourceLocation lbrac, SourceLocation rbrac, SourceRange RecRange, QualType &ReturnType, ExprValueKind &VK) | clang::SemaObjC | |
checkNSReturnsRetainedReturnType(SourceLocation loc, QualType type) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCARCUnavailableWeakConversion(QualType castType, QualType ExprType) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCBridgeRelatedCast(QualType castType, Expr *castExpr) | clang::SemaObjC | |
checkObjCBridgeRelatedComponents(SourceLocation Loc, QualType DestType, QualType SrcType, ObjCInterfaceDecl *&RelatedClass, ObjCMethodDecl *&ClassMethod, ObjCMethodDecl *&InstanceMethod, TypedefNameDecl *&TDNDecl, bool CfToNs, bool Diagnose=true) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCBridgeRelatedConversions(SourceLocation Loc, QualType DestType, QualType SrcType, Expr *&SrcExpr, bool Diagnose=true) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCCircularContainer(ObjCMessageExpr *Message) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCConversion(SourceRange castRange, QualType castType, Expr *&op, CheckedConversionKind CCK, bool Diagnose=true, bool DiagnoseCFAudited=false, BinaryOperatorKind Opc=BO_PtrMemD) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCDeclScope(Decl *D) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCForCollectionOperand(SourceLocation forLoc, Expr *collection) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCMethodCall(ObjCMethodDecl *Method, SourceLocation loc, ArrayRef< const Expr * > Args) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCMethodDirectOverrides(ObjCMethodDecl *method, ObjCMethodDecl *overridden) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCMethodOverride(ObjCMethodDecl *NewMethod, const ObjCMethodDecl *Overridden) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCMethodOverrides(ObjCMethodDecl *ObjCMethod, ObjCInterfaceDecl *CurrentClass, ResultTypeCompatibilityKind RTC) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCPropertyAttributes(Decl *PropertyPtrTy, SourceLocation Loc, unsigned &Attributes, bool propertyInPrimaryClass) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckObjCString(Expr *Arg) | clang::SemaObjC | |
checkRetainCycles(ObjCMessageExpr *msg) | clang::SemaObjC | |
checkRetainCycles(Expr *receiver, Expr *argument) | clang::SemaObjC | |
checkRetainCycles(VarDecl *Var, Expr *Init) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckSubscriptingKind(Expr *FromE) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckTollFreeBridgeCast(QualType castType, Expr *castExpr) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CheckTollFreeBridgeStaticCast(QualType castType, Expr *castExpr, CastKind &Kind) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CollectIvarsToConstructOrDestruct(ObjCInterfaceDecl *OI, SmallVectorImpl< ObjCIvarDecl * > &Ivars) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CollectMultipleMethodsInGlobalPool(Selector Sel, SmallVectorImpl< ObjCMethodDecl * > &Methods, bool InstanceFirst, bool CheckTheOther, const ObjCObjectType *TypeBound=nullptr) | clang::SemaObjC | |
CreatePropertyDecl(Scope *S, ObjCContainerDecl *CDecl, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, FieldDeclarator &FD, Selector GetterSel, SourceLocation GetterNameLoc, Selector SetterSel, SourceLocation SetterNameLoc, const bool isReadWrite, const unsigned Attributes, const unsigned AttributesAsWritten, QualType T, TypeSourceInfo *TSI, tok::ObjCKeywordKind MethodImplKind, DeclContext *lexicalDC=nullptr) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DeclGroupPtrTy typedef | clang::SemaObjC | |
DefaultSynthesizeProperties(Scope *S, ObjCImplDecl *IMPDecl, ObjCInterfaceDecl *IDecl, SourceLocation AtEnd) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DefaultSynthesizeProperties(Scope *S, Decl *D, SourceLocation AtEnd) | clang::SemaObjC | |
Diag(SourceLocation Loc, unsigned DiagID, bool DeferHint=false) | clang::SemaBase | |
Diag(SourceLocation Loc, const PartialDiagnostic &PD, bool DeferHint=false) | clang::SemaBase | |
diagnoseARCUnbridgedCast(Expr *e) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DiagnoseClassExtensionDupMethods(ObjCCategoryDecl *CAT, ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DiagnoseCStringFormatDirectiveInCFAPI(const NamedDecl *FDecl, Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DiagnoseDuplicateIvars(ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID, ObjCInterfaceDecl *SID) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DiagnoseMissingDesignatedInitOverrides(const ObjCImplementationDecl *ImplD, const ObjCInterfaceDecl *IFD) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DiagnoseMultipleMethodInGlobalPool(SmallVectorImpl< ObjCMethodDecl * > &Methods, Selector Sel, SourceRange R, bool receiverIdOrClass) | clang::SemaObjC | |
diagnoseNullResettableSynthesizedSetters(const ObjCImplDecl *impDecl) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DiagnoseOwningPropertyGetterSynthesis(const ObjCImplementationDecl *D) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DiagnosePropertyAccessorMismatch(ObjCPropertyDecl *PD, ObjCMethodDecl *Getter, SourceLocation Loc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DiagnosePropertyMismatch(ObjCPropertyDecl *Property, ObjCPropertyDecl *SuperProperty, const IdentifierInfo *Name, bool OverridingProtocolProperty) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DiagnoseTypeArgsAndProtocols(IdentifierInfo *ProtocolId, SourceLocation ProtocolLoc, IdentifierInfo *TypeArgId, SourceLocation TypeArgLoc, bool SelectProtocolFirst=false) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DiagnoseUnimplementedProperties(Scope *S, ObjCImplDecl *IMPDecl, ObjCContainerDecl *CDecl, bool SynthesizeProperties) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DiagnoseUnusedBackingIvarInAccessor(Scope *S, const ObjCImplementationDecl *ImplD) | clang::SemaObjC | |
DiagnoseUseOfUnimplementedSelectors() | clang::SemaObjC | |
DictionaryWithObjectsMethod | clang::SemaObjC | |
EmitRelatedResultTypeNote(const Expr *E) | clang::SemaObjC | |
EmitRelatedResultTypeNoteForReturn(QualType destType) | clang::SemaObjC | |
FindCompositeObjCPointerType(ExprResult &LHS, ExprResult &RHS, SourceLocation QuestionLoc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
FindProtocolDeclaration(bool WarnOnDeclarations, bool ForObjCContainer, ArrayRef< IdentifierLocPair > ProtocolId, SmallVectorImpl< Decl * > &Protocols) | clang::SemaObjC | |
FinishObjCForCollectionStmt(Stmt *ForCollection, Stmt *Body) | clang::SemaObjC | |
getASTContext() const | clang::SemaBase | |
getCurObjCLexicalContext() const | clang::SemaObjC | |
getDiagnostics() const | clang::SemaBase | |
GetFormatNSStringIdx(const FormatAttr *Format, unsigned &Idx) | clang::SemaObjC | |
GetIvarBackingPropertyAccessor(const ObjCMethodDecl *Method, const ObjCPropertyDecl *&PDecl) const | clang::SemaObjC | |
getLangOpts() const | clang::SemaBase | |
getMessageSendResultType(const Expr *Receiver, QualType ReceiverType, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, bool isClassMessage, bool isSuperMessage) | clang::SemaObjC | |
getNSErrorIdent() | clang::SemaObjC | |
getObjCContainerKind() const | clang::SemaObjC | |
getObjCDeclContext() const | clang::SemaObjC | |
getObjCInterfaceDecl(const IdentifierInfo *&Id, SourceLocation IdLoc, bool TypoCorrection=false) | clang::SemaObjC | |
getObjCMessageKind(Scope *S, IdentifierInfo *Name, SourceLocation NameLoc, bool IsSuper, bool HasTrailingDot, ParsedType &ReceiverType) | clang::SemaObjC | |
GlobalMethodPool typedef | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleBlocksAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleBoxable(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleBridgeAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleBridgeMutableAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleBridgeRelatedAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleDesignatedInitializer(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleDirectAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleDirectMembersAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
HandleExprPropertyRefExpr(const ObjCObjectPointerType *OPT, Expr *BaseExpr, SourceLocation OpLoc, DeclarationName MemberName, SourceLocation MemberLoc, SourceLocation SuperLoc, QualType SuperType, bool Super) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleExternallyRetainedAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleIBOutlet(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleIBOutletCollection(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleIndependentClass(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleMethodFamilyAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleNSErrorDomain(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &Attr) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleNSObject(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleOwnershipAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handlePreciseLifetimeAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
HandlePropertyInClassExtension(Scope *S, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, FieldDeclarator &FD, Selector GetterSel, SourceLocation GetterNameLoc, Selector SetterSel, SourceLocation SetterNameLoc, const bool isReadWrite, unsigned &Attributes, const unsigned AttributesAsWritten, QualType T, TypeSourceInfo *TSI, tok::ObjCKeywordKind MethodImplKind) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleRequiresSuperAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &Attrs) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleReturnsInnerPointerAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &Attrs) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleRuntimeName(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleSuppresProtocolAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
handleXReturnsXRetainedAttr(Decl *D, const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ImplMethodsVsClassMethods(Scope *S, ObjCImplDecl *IMPDecl, ObjCContainerDecl *IDecl, bool IncompleteImpl=false) | clang::SemaObjC | |
inferObjCARCLifetime(ValueDecl *decl) | clang::SemaObjC | |
isCFError(RecordDecl *D) | clang::SemaObjC | |
isCFStringType(QualType T) | clang::SemaObjC | |
isKnownName(StringRef name) | clang::SemaObjC | |
isNSStringType(QualType T, bool AllowNSAttributedString=false) | clang::SemaObjC | |
isObjCMethodDecl(Decl *D) | clang::SemaObjC | inline |
isObjCWritebackConversion(QualType FromType, QualType ToType, QualType &ConvertedType) | clang::SemaObjC | |
isSelfExpr(Expr *RExpr) | clang::SemaObjC | |
isSelfExpr(Expr *RExpr, const ObjCMethodDecl *Method) | clang::SemaObjC | |
isSignedCharBool(QualType Ty) | clang::SemaObjC | |
isValidOSObjectOutParameter(const Decl *D) | clang::SemaObjC | |
IvarBacksCurrentMethodAccessor(ObjCInterfaceDecl *IFace, ObjCMethodDecl *Method, ObjCIvarDecl *IV) | clang::SemaObjC | |
LK_Array enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
LK_Block enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
LK_Boxed enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
LK_Dictionary enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
LK_None enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
LK_Numeric enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
LK_String enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
LookupFactoryMethodInGlobalPool(Selector Sel, SourceRange R, bool receiverIdOrClass=false) | clang::SemaObjC | inline |
LookupImplementedMethodInGlobalPool(Selector Sel) | clang::SemaObjC | |
LookupInObjCMethod(LookupResult &LookUp, Scope *S, IdentifierInfo *II, bool AllowBuiltinCreation=false) | clang::SemaObjC | |
LookupInstanceMethodInGlobalPool(Selector Sel, SourceRange R, bool receiverIdOrClass=false) | clang::SemaObjC | inline |
LookupIvarInObjCMethod(LookupResult &Lookup, Scope *S, IdentifierInfo *II) | clang::SemaObjC | |
LookupMethodInObjectType(Selector Sel, QualType Ty, bool IsInstance) | clang::SemaObjC | |
LookupMethodInQualifiedType(Selector Sel, const ObjCObjectPointerType *OPT, bool IsInstance) | clang::SemaObjC | |
LookupProtocol(IdentifierInfo *II, SourceLocation IdLoc, RedeclarationKind Redecl=RedeclarationKind::NotForRedeclaration) | clang::SemaObjC | |
MatchAllMethodDeclarations(const SelectorSet &InsMap, const SelectorSet &ClsMap, SelectorSet &InsMapSeen, SelectorSet &ClsMapSeen, ObjCImplDecl *IMPDecl, ObjCContainerDecl *IDecl, bool &IncompleteImpl, bool ImmediateClass, bool WarnCategoryMethodImpl=false) | clang::SemaObjC | |
MatchTwoMethodDeclarations(const ObjCMethodDecl *Method, const ObjCMethodDecl *PrevMethod, MethodMatchStrategy strategy=MMS_strict) | clang::SemaObjC | |
MethodMatchStrategy enum name | clang::SemaObjC | |
MethodPool | clang::SemaObjC | |
MMS_loose enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
MMS_strict enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
NSAPIObj | clang::SemaObjC | |
NSArrayDecl | clang::SemaObjC | |
NSDictionaryDecl | clang::SemaObjC | |
NSNumberDecl | clang::SemaObjC | |
NSNumberLiteralMethods | clang::SemaObjC | |
NSNumberPointer | clang::SemaObjC | |
NSStringDecl | clang::SemaObjC | |
NSStringPointer | clang::SemaObjC | |
NSValueDecl | clang::SemaObjC | |
NSValuePointer | clang::SemaObjC | |
ObjCClassMessage enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
ObjCContainerKind enum name | clang::SemaObjC | |
ObjCInstanceMessage enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
ObjCLiteralKind enum name | clang::SemaObjC | |
ObjCMessageKind enum name | clang::SemaObjC | |
ObjCSpecialMethodKind enum name | clang::SemaObjC | |
ObjCSubscriptKind enum name | clang::SemaObjC | |
ObjCSuperMessage enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OCK_Category enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OCK_CategoryImplementation enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OCK_ClassExtension enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OCK_Implementation enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OCK_Interface enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OCK_None enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OCK_Protocol enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OS_Array enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OS_Dictionary enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OS_Error enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OSMK_Alloc enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OSMK_Copy enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OSMK_New enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OSMK_None enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OSMK_NonRetainingInit enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
OSMK_RetainingInit enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
parsedAttrToRetainOwnershipKind(const ParsedAttr &AL) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ParseObjCEncodeExpression(SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation EncodeLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, ParsedType Ty, SourceLocation RParenLoc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ParseObjCProtocolExpression(IdentifierInfo *ProtocolName, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation ProtoLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, SourceLocation ProtoIdLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ParseObjCSelectorExpression(Selector Sel, SourceLocation AtLoc, SourceLocation SelLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc, SourceLocation RParenLoc, bool WarnMultipleSelectors) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ParseObjCStringLiteral(SourceLocation *AtLocs, ArrayRef< Expr * > Strings) | clang::SemaObjC | |
PDiag(unsigned DiagID=0) | clang::SemaBase | |
popObjCTypeParamList(Scope *S, ObjCTypeParamList *typeParamList) | clang::SemaObjC | |
PrepareCastToObjCObjectPointer(ExprResult &E) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ProcessPropertyDecl(ObjCPropertyDecl *property) | clang::SemaObjC | |
QIDNSCopying | clang::SemaObjC | |
ReadMethodPool(Selector Sel) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ReferencedSelectors | clang::SemaObjC | |
RespondsToSelectorSel | clang::SemaObjC | |
ResultTypeCompatibilityKind enum name | clang::SemaObjC | |
RTC_Compatible enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
RTC_Incompatible enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
RTC_Unknown enum value | clang::SemaObjC | |
SelectorSet typedef | clang::SemaObjC | |
SelectorsForTypoCorrection(Selector Sel, QualType ObjectType=QualType()) | clang::SemaObjC | |
SemaBase(Sema &S) | clang::SemaBase | |
SemaObjC(Sema &S) | clang::SemaObjC | |
SemaRef | clang::SemaBase | |
SetIvarInitializers(ObjCImplementationDecl *ObjCImplementation) | clang::SemaObjC | |
StringWithUTF8StringMethod | clang::SemaObjC | |
stripARCUnbridgedCast(Expr *e) | clang::SemaObjC | |
tryCaptureObjCSelf(SourceLocation Loc) | clang::SemaObjC | |
updateOutOfDateSelector(Selector Sel) | clang::SemaObjC | |
ValueWithBytesObjCTypeMethod | clang::SemaObjC | |
WarnConflictingTypedMethods(ObjCMethodDecl *Method, ObjCMethodDecl *MethodDecl, bool IsProtocolMethodDecl) | clang::SemaObjC | |
WarnExactTypedMethods(ObjCMethodDecl *Method, ObjCMethodDecl *MethodDecl, bool IsProtocolMethodDecl) | clang::SemaObjC |