clang-tools 19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# ===- - Parallel clang-tidy runner --------*- python -*--===#
5# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
6# See for license information.
7# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9# ===-----------------------------------------------------------------------===#
10# FIXME: Integrate with
14Parallel clang-tidy runner
17Runs clang-tidy over all files in a compilation database. Requires clang-tidy
18and clang-apply-replacements in $PATH.
20Example invocations.
21- Run clang-tidy on all files in the current working directory with a default
22 set of checks and show warnings in the cpp files and all project headers.
23 $PWD
25- Fix all header guards.
26 -fix -checks=-*,llvm-header-guard
28- Fix all header guards included from clang-tidy and header guards
29 for clang-tidy headers.
30 -fix -checks=-*,llvm-header-guard extra/clang-tidy \
31 -header-filter=extra/clang-tidy
33Compilation database setup:
37from __future__ import print_function
39import argparse
40import glob
41import json
42import multiprocessing
43import os
44import queue
45import re
46import shutil
47import subprocess
48import sys
49import tempfile
50import threading
51import traceback
54 import yaml
55except ImportError:
56 yaml = None
59def strtobool(val):
60 """Convert a string representation of truth to a bool following LLVM's CLI argument parsing."""
62 val = val.lower()
63 if val in ["", "true", "1"]:
64 return True
65 elif val in ["false", "0"]:
66 return False
68 # Return ArgumentTypeError so that argparse does not substitute its own error message
69 raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
70 "'{}' is invalid value for boolean argument! Try 0 or 1.".format(val)
71 )
75 """Adjusts the directory until a compilation database is found."""
76 result = os.path.realpath("./")
77 while not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(result, path)):
78 parent = os.path.dirname(result)
79 if result == parent:
80 print("Error: could not find compilation database.")
81 sys.exit(1)
82 result = parent
83 return result
86def make_absolute(f, directory):
87 if os.path.isabs(f):
88 return f
89 return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(directory, f))
93 f,
94 clang_tidy_binary,
95 checks,
96 tmpdir,
97 build_path,
98 header_filter,
99 allow_enabling_alpha_checkers,
100 extra_arg,
101 extra_arg_before,
102 quiet,
103 config_file_path,
104 config,
105 line_filter,
106 use_color,
107 plugins,
108 warnings_as_errors,
110 """Gets a command line for clang-tidy."""
111 start = [clang_tidy_binary]
112 if allow_enabling_alpha_checkers:
113 start.append("-allow-enabling-analyzer-alpha-checkers")
114 if header_filter is not None:
115 start.append("-header-filter=" + header_filter)
116 if line_filter is not None:
117 start.append("-line-filter=" + line_filter)
118 if use_color is not None:
119 if use_color:
120 start.append("--use-color")
121 else:
122 start.append("--use-color=false")
123 if checks:
124 start.append("-checks=" + checks)
125 if tmpdir is not None:
126 start.append("-export-fixes")
127 # Get a temporary file. We immediately close the handle so clang-tidy can
128 # overwrite it.
129 (handle, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".yaml", dir=tmpdir)
130 os.close(handle)
131 start.append(name)
132 for arg in extra_arg:
133 start.append("-extra-arg=%s" % arg)
134 for arg in extra_arg_before:
135 start.append("-extra-arg-before=%s" % arg)
136 start.append("-p=" + build_path)
137 if quiet:
138 start.append("-quiet")
139 if config_file_path:
140 start.append("--config-file=" + config_file_path)
141 elif config:
142 start.append("-config=" + config)
143 for plugin in plugins:
144 start.append("-load=" + plugin)
145 if warnings_as_errors:
146 start.append("--warnings-as-errors=" + warnings_as_errors)
147 start.append(f)
148 return start
151def merge_replacement_files(tmpdir, mergefile):
152 """Merge all replacement files in a directory into a single file"""
153 # The fixes suggested by clang-tidy >= 4.0.0 are given under
154 # the top level key 'Diagnostics' in the output yaml files
155 mergekey = "Diagnostics"
156 merged = []
157 for replacefile in glob.iglob(os.path.join(tmpdir, "*.yaml")):
158 content = yaml.safe_load(open(replacefile, "r"))
159 if not content:
160 continue # Skip empty files.
161 merged.extend(content.get(mergekey, []))
163 if merged:
164 # MainSourceFile: The key is required by the definition inside
165 # include/clang/Tooling/ReplacementsYaml.h, but the value
166 # is actually never used inside clang-apply-replacements,
167 # so we set it to '' here.
168 output = {"MainSourceFile": "", mergekey: merged}
169 with open(mergefile, "w") as out:
170 yaml.safe_dump(output, out)
171 else:
172 # Empty the file:
173 open(mergefile, "w").close()
176def find_binary(arg, name, build_path):
177 """Get the path for a binary or exit"""
178 if arg:
179 if shutil.which(arg):
180 return arg
181 else:
182 raise SystemExit(
183 "error: passed binary '{}' was not found or is not executable".format(
184 arg
185 )
186 )
188 built_path = os.path.join(build_path, "bin", name)
189 binary = shutil.which(name) or shutil.which(built_path)
190 if binary:
191 return binary
192 else:
193 raise SystemExit(
194 "error: failed to find {} in $PATH or at {}".format(name, built_path)
195 )
198def apply_fixes(args, clang_apply_replacements_binary, tmpdir):
199 """Calls clang-apply-fixes on a given directory."""
200 invocation = [clang_apply_replacements_binary]
201 invocation.append("-ignore-insert-conflict")
202 if args.format:
203 invocation.append("-format")
204 if
205 invocation.append("-style=" +
206 invocation.append(tmpdir)
210def run_tidy(args, clang_tidy_binary, tmpdir, build_path, queue, lock, failed_files):
211 """Takes filenames out of queue and runs clang-tidy on them."""
212 while True:
213 name = queue.get()
214 invocation = get_tidy_invocation(
215 name,
216 clang_tidy_binary,
217 args.checks,
218 tmpdir,
219 build_path,
220 args.header_filter,
221 args.allow_enabling_alpha_checkers,
222 args.extra_arg,
223 args.extra_arg_before,
224 args.quiet,
225 args.config_file,
226 args.config,
227 args.line_filter,
228 args.use_color,
229 args.plugins,
230 args.warnings_as_errors,
231 )
233 proc = subprocess.Popen(
234 invocation, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
235 )
236 output, err = proc.communicate()
237 if proc.returncode != 0:
238 if proc.returncode < 0:
239 msg = "%s: terminated by signal %d\n" % (name, -proc.returncode)
240 err += msg.encode("utf-8")
241 failed_files.append(name)
242 with lock:
243 sys.stdout.write(" ".join(invocation) + "\n" + output.decode("utf-8"))
244 if len(err) > 0:
245 sys.stdout.flush()
246 sys.stderr.write(err.decode("utf-8"))
247 queue.task_done()
250def main():
251 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
252 description="Runs clang-tidy over all files "
253 "in a compilation database. Requires "
254 "clang-tidy and clang-apply-replacements in "
255 "$PATH or in your build directory."
256 )
257 parser.add_argument(
258 "-allow-enabling-alpha-checkers",
259 action="store_true",
260 help="allow alpha checkers from clang-analyzer.",
261 )
262 parser.add_argument(
263 "-clang-tidy-binary", metavar="PATH", help="path to clang-tidy binary"
264 )
265 parser.add_argument(
266 "-clang-apply-replacements-binary",
267 metavar="PATH",
268 help="path to clang-apply-replacements binary",
269 )
270 parser.add_argument(
271 "-checks",
272 default=None,
273 help="checks filter, when not specified, use clang-tidy default",
274 )
275 config_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
276 config_group.add_argument(
277 "-config",
278 default=None,
279 help="Specifies a configuration in YAML/JSON format: "
280 " -config=\"{Checks: '*', "
281 ' CheckOptions: {x: y}}" '
282 "When the value is empty, clang-tidy will "
283 "attempt to find a file named .clang-tidy for "
284 "each source file in its parent directories.",
285 )
286 config_group.add_argument(
287 "-config-file",
288 default=None,
289 help="Specify the path of .clang-tidy or custom config "
290 "file: e.g. -config-file=/some/path/myTidyConfigFile. "
291 "This option internally works exactly the same way as "
292 "-config option after reading specified config file. "
293 "Use either -config-file or -config, not both.",
294 )
295 parser.add_argument(
296 "-header-filter",
297 default=None,
298 help="regular expression matching the names of the "
299 "headers to output diagnostics from. Diagnostics from "
300 "the main file of each translation unit are always "
301 "displayed.",
302 )
303 parser.add_argument(
304 "-source-filter",
305 default=None,
306 help="Regular expression matching the names of the "
307 "source files from compilation database to output "
308 "diagnostics from.",
309 )
310 parser.add_argument(
311 "-line-filter",
312 default=None,
313 help="List of files with line ranges to filter the warnings.",
314 )
315 if yaml:
316 parser.add_argument(
317 "-export-fixes",
318 metavar="file_or_directory",
319 dest="export_fixes",
320 help="A directory or a yaml file to store suggested fixes in, "
321 "which can be applied with clang-apply-replacements. If the "
322 "parameter is a directory, the fixes of each compilation unit are "
323 "stored in individual yaml files in the directory.",
324 )
325 else:
326 parser.add_argument(
327 "-export-fixes",
328 metavar="directory",
329 dest="export_fixes",
330 help="A directory to store suggested fixes in, which can be applied "
331 "with clang-apply-replacements. The fixes of each compilation unit are "
332 "stored in individual yaml files in the directory.",
333 )
334 parser.add_argument(
335 "-j",
336 type=int,
337 default=0,
338 help="number of tidy instances to be run in parallel.",
339 )
340 parser.add_argument(
341 "files", nargs="*", default=[".*"], help="files to be processed (regex on path)"
342 )
343 parser.add_argument("-fix", action="store_true", help="apply fix-its")
344 parser.add_argument(
345 "-format", action="store_true", help="Reformat code after applying fixes"
346 )
347 parser.add_argument(
348 "-style",
349 default="file",
350 help="The style of reformat code after applying fixes",
351 )
352 parser.add_argument(
353 "-use-color",
354 type=strtobool,
355 nargs="?",
356 const=True,
357 help="Use colors in diagnostics, overriding clang-tidy's"
358 " default behavior. This option overrides the 'UseColor"
359 "' option in .clang-tidy file, if any.",
360 )
361 parser.add_argument(
362 "-p", dest="build_path", help="Path used to read a compile command database."
363 )
364 parser.add_argument(
365 "-extra-arg",
366 dest="extra_arg",
367 action="append",
368 default=[],
369 help="Additional argument to append to the compiler command line.",
370 )
371 parser.add_argument(
372 "-extra-arg-before",
373 dest="extra_arg_before",
374 action="append",
375 default=[],
376 help="Additional argument to prepend to the compiler command line.",
377 )
378 parser.add_argument(
379 "-quiet", action="store_true", help="Run clang-tidy in quiet mode"
380 )
381 parser.add_argument(
382 "-load",
383 dest="plugins",
384 action="append",
385 default=[],
386 help="Load the specified plugin in clang-tidy.",
387 )
388 parser.add_argument(
389 "-warnings-as-errors",
390 default=None,
391 help="Upgrades warnings to errors. Same format as '-checks'",
392 )
393 args = parser.parse_args()
395 db_path = "compile_commands.json"
397 if args.build_path is not None:
398 build_path = args.build_path
399 else:
400 # Find our database
401 build_path = find_compilation_database(db_path)
403 clang_tidy_binary = find_binary(args.clang_tidy_binary, "clang-tidy", build_path)
405 if args.fix:
406 clang_apply_replacements_binary = find_binary(
407 args.clang_apply_replacements_binary, "clang-apply-replacements", build_path
408 )
410 combine_fixes = False
411 export_fixes_dir = None
412 delete_fixes_dir = False
413 if args.export_fixes is not None:
414 # if a directory is given, create it if it does not exist
415 if args.export_fixes.endswith(os.path.sep) and not os.path.isdir(
416 args.export_fixes
417 ):
418 os.makedirs(args.export_fixes)
420 if not os.path.isdir(args.export_fixes):
421 if not yaml:
422 raise RuntimeError(
423 "Cannot combine fixes in one yaml file. Either install PyYAML or specify an output directory."
424 )
426 combine_fixes = True
428 if os.path.isdir(args.export_fixes):
429 export_fixes_dir = args.export_fixes
431 if export_fixes_dir is None and (args.fix or combine_fixes):
432 export_fixes_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
433 delete_fixes_dir = True
435 try:
436 invocation = get_tidy_invocation(
437 "",
438 clang_tidy_binary,
439 args.checks,
440 None,
441 build_path,
442 args.header_filter,
443 args.allow_enabling_alpha_checkers,
444 args.extra_arg,
445 args.extra_arg_before,
446 args.quiet,
447 args.config_file,
448 args.config,
449 args.line_filter,
450 args.use_color,
451 args.plugins,
452 args.warnings_as_errors,
453 )
454 invocation.append("-list-checks")
455 invocation.append("-")
456 if args.quiet:
457 # Even with -quiet we still want to check if we can call clang-tidy.
458 with open(os.devnull, "w") as dev_null:
459 subprocess.check_call(invocation, stdout=dev_null)
460 else:
461 subprocess.check_call(invocation)
462 except:
463 print("Unable to run clang-tidy.", file=sys.stderr)
464 sys.exit(1)
466 # Load the database and extract all files.
467 database = json.load(open(os.path.join(build_path, db_path)))
468 files = set(
469 [make_absolute(entry["file"], entry["directory"]) for entry in database]
470 )
472 # Filter source files from compilation database.
473 if args.source_filter:
474 try:
475 source_filter_re = re.compile(args.source_filter)
476 except:
477 print(
478 "Error: unable to compile regex from arg -source-filter:",
479 file=sys.stderr,
480 )
481 traceback.print_exc()
482 sys.exit(1)
483 files = {f for f in files if source_filter_re.match(f)}
485 max_task = args.j
486 if max_task == 0:
487 max_task = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
489 # Build up a big regexy filter from all command line arguments.
490 file_name_re = re.compile("|".join(args.files))
492 return_code = 0
493 try:
494 # Spin up a bunch of tidy-launching threads.
495 task_queue = queue.Queue(max_task)
496 # List of files with a non-zero return code.
497 failed_files = []
498 lock = threading.Lock()
499 for _ in range(max_task):
500 t = threading.Thread(
501 target=run_tidy,
502 args=(
503 args,
504 clang_tidy_binary,
505 export_fixes_dir,
506 build_path,
507 task_queue,
508 lock,
509 failed_files,
510 ),
511 )
512 t.daemon = True
513 t.start()
515 # Fill the queue with files.
516 for name in files:
517 if
518 task_queue.put(name)
520 # Wait for all threads to be done.
521 task_queue.join()
522 if len(failed_files):
523 return_code = 1
525 except KeyboardInterrupt:
526 # This is a sad hack. Unfortunately subprocess goes
527 # bonkers with ctrl-c and we start forking merrily.
528 print("\nCtrl-C detected, goodbye.")
529 if delete_fixes_dir:
530 shutil.rmtree(export_fixes_dir)
531 os.kill(0, 9)
533 if combine_fixes:
534 print("Writing fixes to " + args.export_fixes + " ...")
535 try:
536 merge_replacement_files(export_fixes_dir, args.export_fixes)
537 except:
538 print("Error exporting fixes.\n", file=sys.stderr)
539 traceback.print_exc()
540 return_code = 1
542 if args.fix:
543 print("Applying fixes ...")
544 try:
545 apply_fixes(args, clang_apply_replacements_binary, export_fixes_dir)
546 except:
547 print("Error applying fixes.\n", file=sys.stderr)
548 traceback.print_exc()
549 return_code = 1
551 if delete_fixes_dir:
552 shutil.rmtree(export_fixes_dir)
553 sys.exit(return_code)
556if __name__ == "__main__":
557 main()
def make_absolute(f, directory)
def apply_fixes(args, clang_apply_replacements_binary, tmpdir)
def strtobool(val)
def run_tidy(args, clang_tidy_binary, tmpdir, build_path, queue, lock, failed_files)
def find_compilation_database(path)
def get_tidy_invocation(f, clang_tidy_binary, checks, tmpdir, build_path, header_filter, allow_enabling_alpha_checkers, extra_arg, extra_arg_before, quiet, config_file_path, config, line_filter, use_color, plugins, warnings_as_errors)
def merge_replacement_files(tmpdir, mergefile)
def find_binary(arg, name, build_path)