clang-tools 19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# ===- - ClangTidy Diff Checker -----------*- python -*--===#
5# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
6# See for license information.
7# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9# ===-----------------------------------------------------------------------===#
12ClangTidy Diff Checker
15This script reads input from a unified diff, runs clang-tidy on all changed
16files and outputs clang-tidy warnings in changed lines only. This is useful to
17detect clang-tidy regressions in the lines touched by a specific patch.
18Example usage for git/svn users:
20 git diff -U0 HEAD^ | -p1
21 svn diff --diff-cmd=diff -x-U0 | \
22 -fix -checks=-*,modernize-use-override
26import argparse
27import glob
28import json
29import multiprocessing
30import os
31import re
32import shutil
33import subprocess
34import sys
35import tempfile
36import threading
37import traceback
40 import yaml
41except ImportError:
42 yaml = None
44is_py2 = sys.version[0] == "2"
46if is_py2:
47 import Queue as queue
49 import queue as queue
52def run_tidy(task_queue, lock, timeout, failed_files):
53 watchdog = None
54 while True:
55 command = task_queue.get()
56 try:
57 proc = subprocess.Popen(
58 command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
59 )
61 if timeout is not None:
62 watchdog = threading.Timer(timeout, proc.kill)
63 watchdog.start()
65 stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
66 if proc.returncode != 0:
67 if proc.returncode < 0:
68 msg = "Terminated by signal %d : %s\n" % (
69 -proc.returncode,
70 " ".join(command),
71 )
72 stderr += msg.encode("utf-8")
73 failed_files.append(command)
75 with lock:
76 sys.stdout.write(stdout.decode("utf-8") + "\n")
77 sys.stdout.flush()
78 if stderr:
79 sys.stderr.write(stderr.decode("utf-8") + "\n")
80 sys.stderr.flush()
81 except Exception as e:
82 with lock:
83 sys.stderr.write("Failed: " + str(e) + ": ".join(command) + "\n")
84 finally:
85 with lock:
86 if not (timeout is None or watchdog is None):
87 if not watchdog.is_alive():
88 sys.stderr.write(
89 "Terminated by timeout: " + " ".join(command) + "\n"
90 )
91 watchdog.cancel()
92 task_queue.task_done()
95def start_workers(max_tasks, tidy_caller, arguments):
96 for _ in range(max_tasks):
97 t = threading.Thread(target=tidy_caller, args=arguments)
98 t.daemon = True
99 t.start()
102def merge_replacement_files(tmpdir, mergefile):
103 """Merge all replacement files in a directory into a single file"""
104 # The fixes suggested by clang-tidy >= 4.0.0 are given under
105 # the top level key 'Diagnostics' in the output yaml files
106 mergekey = "Diagnostics"
107 merged = []
108 for replacefile in glob.iglob(os.path.join(tmpdir, "*.yaml")):
109 content = yaml.safe_load(open(replacefile, "r"))
110 if not content:
111 continue # Skip empty files.
112 merged.extend(content.get(mergekey, []))
114 if merged:
115 # MainSourceFile: The key is required by the definition inside
116 # include/clang/Tooling/ReplacementsYaml.h, but the value
117 # is actually never used inside clang-apply-replacements,
118 # so we set it to '' here.
119 output = {"MainSourceFile": "", mergekey: merged}
120 with open(mergefile, "w") as out:
121 yaml.safe_dump(output, out)
122 else:
123 # Empty the file:
124 open(mergefile, "w").close()
127def main():
128 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
129 description="Run clang-tidy against changed files, and "
130 "output diagnostics only for modified "
131 "lines."
132 )
133 parser.add_argument(
134 "-clang-tidy-binary",
135 metavar="PATH",
136 default="clang-tidy",
137 help="path to clang-tidy binary",
138 )
139 parser.add_argument(
140 "-p",
141 metavar="NUM",
142 default=0,
143 help="strip the smallest prefix containing P slashes",
144 )
145 parser.add_argument(
146 "-regex",
147 metavar="PATTERN",
148 default=None,
149 help="custom pattern selecting file paths to check "
150 "(case sensitive, overrides -iregex)",
151 )
152 parser.add_argument(
153 "-iregex",
154 metavar="PATTERN",
155 default=r".*\.(cpp|cc|c\+\+|cxx|c|cl|h|hpp|m|mm|inc)",
156 help="custom pattern selecting file paths to check "
157 "(case insensitive, overridden by -regex)",
158 )
159 parser.add_argument(
160 "-j",
161 type=int,
162 default=1,
163 help="number of tidy instances to be run in parallel.",
164 )
165 parser.add_argument(
166 "-timeout", type=int, default=None, help="timeout per each file in seconds."
167 )
168 parser.add_argument(
169 "-fix", action="store_true", default=False, help="apply suggested fixes"
170 )
171 parser.add_argument(
172 "-checks",
173 help="checks filter, when not specified, use clang-tidy " "default",
174 default="",
175 )
176 parser.add_argument(
177 "-config-file",
178 dest="config_file",
179 help="Specify the path of .clang-tidy or custom config file",
180 default="",
181 )
182 parser.add_argument("-use-color", action="store_true", help="Use colors in output")
183 parser.add_argument(
184 "-path", dest="build_path", help="Path used to read a compile command database."
185 )
186 if yaml:
187 parser.add_argument(
188 "-export-fixes",
189 metavar="FILE_OR_DIRECTORY",
190 dest="export_fixes",
191 help="A directory or a yaml file to store suggested fixes in, "
192 "which can be applied with clang-apply-replacements. If the "
193 "parameter is a directory, the fixes of each compilation unit are "
194 "stored in individual yaml files in the directory.",
195 )
196 else:
197 parser.add_argument(
198 "-export-fixes",
199 metavar="DIRECTORY",
200 dest="export_fixes",
201 help="A directory to store suggested fixes in, which can be applied "
202 "with clang-apply-replacements. The fixes of each compilation unit are "
203 "stored in individual yaml files in the directory.",
204 )
205 parser.add_argument(
206 "-extra-arg",
207 dest="extra_arg",
208 action="append",
209 default=[],
210 help="Additional argument to append to the compiler " "command line.",
211 )
212 parser.add_argument(
213 "-extra-arg-before",
214 dest="extra_arg_before",
215 action="append",
216 default=[],
217 help="Additional argument to prepend to the compiler " "command line.",
218 )
219 parser.add_argument(
220 "-quiet",
221 action="store_true",
222 default=False,
223 help="Run clang-tidy in quiet mode",
224 )
225 parser.add_argument(
226 "-load",
227 dest="plugins",
228 action="append",
229 default=[],
230 help="Load the specified plugin in clang-tidy.",
231 )
233 clang_tidy_args = []
234 argv = sys.argv[1:]
235 if "--" in argv:
236 clang_tidy_args.extend(argv[argv.index("--") :])
237 argv = argv[: argv.index("--")]
239 args = parser.parse_args(argv)
241 # Extract changed lines for each file.
242 filename = None
243 lines_by_file = {}
244 for line in sys.stdin:
245 match ='^\+\+\+\ "?(.*?/){%s}([^ \t\n"]*)' % args.p, line)
246 if match:
247 filename =
248 if filename is None:
249 continue
251 if args.regex is not None:
252 if not re.match("^%s$" % args.regex, filename):
253 continue
254 else:
255 if not re.match("^%s$" % args.iregex, filename, re.IGNORECASE):
256 continue
258 match ="^@@.*\+(\d+)(,(\d+))?", line)
259 if match:
260 start_line = int(
261 line_count = 1
262 if
263 line_count = int(
264 if line_count == 0:
265 continue
266 end_line = start_line + line_count - 1
267 lines_by_file.setdefault(filename, []).append([start_line, end_line])
269 if not any(lines_by_file):
270 print("No relevant changes found.")
271 sys.exit(0)
273 max_task_count = args.j
274 if max_task_count == 0:
275 max_task_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
276 max_task_count = min(len(lines_by_file), max_task_count)
278 combine_fixes = False
279 export_fixes_dir = None
280 delete_fixes_dir = False
281 if args.export_fixes is not None:
282 # if a directory is given, create it if it does not exist
283 if args.export_fixes.endswith(os.path.sep) and not os.path.isdir(
284 args.export_fixes
285 ):
286 os.makedirs(args.export_fixes)
288 if not os.path.isdir(args.export_fixes):
289 if not yaml:
290 raise RuntimeError(
291 "Cannot combine fixes in one yaml file. Either install PyYAML or specify an output directory."
292 )
294 combine_fixes = True
296 if os.path.isdir(args.export_fixes):
297 export_fixes_dir = args.export_fixes
299 if combine_fixes:
300 export_fixes_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
301 delete_fixes_dir = True
303 # Tasks for clang-tidy.
304 task_queue = queue.Queue(max_task_count)
305 # A lock for console output.
306 lock = threading.Lock()
308 # List of files with a non-zero return code.
309 failed_files = []
311 # Run a pool of clang-tidy workers.
313 max_task_count, run_tidy, (task_queue, lock, args.timeout, failed_files)
314 )
316 # Form the common args list.
317 common_clang_tidy_args = []
318 if args.fix:
319 common_clang_tidy_args.append("-fix")
320 if args.checks != "":
321 common_clang_tidy_args.append("-checks=" + args.checks)
322 if args.config_file != "":
323 common_clang_tidy_args.append("-config-file=" + args.config_file)
324 if args.quiet:
325 common_clang_tidy_args.append("-quiet")
326 if args.build_path is not None:
327 common_clang_tidy_args.append("-p=%s" % args.build_path)
328 if args.use_color:
329 common_clang_tidy_args.append("--use-color")
330 for arg in args.extra_arg:
331 common_clang_tidy_args.append("-extra-arg=%s" % arg)
332 for arg in args.extra_arg_before:
333 common_clang_tidy_args.append("-extra-arg-before=%s" % arg)
334 for plugin in args.plugins:
335 common_clang_tidy_args.append("-load=%s" % plugin)
337 for name in lines_by_file:
338 line_filter_json = json.dumps(
339 [{"name": name, "lines": lines_by_file[name]}], separators=(",", ":")
340 )
342 # Run clang-tidy on files containing changes.
343 command = [args.clang_tidy_binary]
344 command.append("-line-filter=" + line_filter_json)
345 if args.export_fixes is not None:
346 # Get a temporary file. We immediately close the handle so clang-tidy can
347 # overwrite it.
348 (handle, tmp_name) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".yaml", dir=export_fixes_dir)
349 os.close(handle)
350 command.append("-export-fixes=" + tmp_name)
351 command.extend(common_clang_tidy_args)
352 command.append(name)
353 command.extend(clang_tidy_args)
355 task_queue.put(command)
357 # Application return code
358 return_code = 0
360 # Wait for all threads to be done.
361 task_queue.join()
362 # Application return code
363 return_code = 0
364 if failed_files:
365 return_code = 1
367 if combine_fixes:
368 print("Writing fixes to " + args.export_fixes + " ...")
369 try:
370 merge_replacement_files(export_fixes_dir, args.export_fixes)
371 except:
372 sys.stderr.write("Error exporting fixes.\n")
373 traceback.print_exc()
374 return_code = 1
376 if delete_fixes_dir:
377 shutil.rmtree(export_fixes_dir)
378 sys.exit(return_code)
381if __name__ == "__main__":
382 main()
def merge_replacement_files(tmpdir, mergefile)
def start_workers(max_tasks, tidy_caller, arguments)
def run_tidy(task_queue, lock, timeout, failed_files)