
Detect classes or structs that do not publicly inherit from std::enable_shared_from_this, because unintended behavior will otherwise occur when calling shared_from_this.

Consider the following code:

#include <memory>

// private inheritance
class BadExample : std::enable_shared_from_this<BadExample> {

// ``shared_from_this``` unintended behaviour
// `libstdc++` implementation returns uninitialized ``weak_ptr``
    BadExample* foo() { return shared_from_this().get(); }
    void bar() { return; }

void using_not_public() {
    auto bad_example = std::make_shared<BadExample>();
    auto* b_ex = bad_example->foo();

Using libstdc++ implementation, shared_from_this will throw std::bad_weak_ptr. When using_not_public() is called, this code will crash without exception handling.